Package org.glassfish.weld.ejb

Source Code of org.glassfish.weld.ejb.EjbDescriptorImpl

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package org.glassfish.weld.ejb;

import org.jboss.weld.ejb.spi.BusinessInterfaceDescriptor;
import org.jboss.weld.ejb.SessionBeanInterceptor;

import javax.ejb.Local;
import javax.ejb.Remote;
import javax.interceptor.InvocationContext;

import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.*;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;

public class EjbDescriptorImpl<T> implements org.jboss.weld.ejb.spi.EjbDescriptor<T>

    private EjbDescriptor ejbDesc;

    public EjbDescriptorImpl(EjbDescriptor e) {
        ejbDesc = e;

        // Before handling application-level interceptors that are defined using 299 metadata,
        // add the CDI impl-specific system-level interceptor that needs to be registered for ALL
        // EJB components.  At runtime, this sets up the appropriate request context for invocations that
        // do not originate via the web tier.  This interceptor must be registered *before*
        // any application-level interceptors in the chain, so add it in the framework interceptor
        // category within the ejb descriptor.
        EjbInterceptor systemLevelCDIInterceptor = createSystemLevelCDIInterceptor();

    public String getEjbName() {
        return ejbDesc.getName();

    public EjbDescriptor getEjbDescriptor() {
        return ejbDesc;

    public Class<T> getBeanClass() {
        Class beanClassType = null;
      try {

            beanClassType =

        } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e);

        return beanClassType;

    * Gets the local business interfaces of the EJB
    * @return An iterator over the local business interfaces
    public Collection<BusinessInterfaceDescriptor<?>> getLocalBusinessInterfaces() {
        Set<BusinessInterfaceDescriptor<?>> localBusIntfs = new HashSet<BusinessInterfaceDescriptor<?>>();

        if( ejbDesc.getType().equals(EjbSessionDescriptor.TYPE) ) {

            EjbSessionDescriptor sessionDesc = (EjbSessionDescriptor) ejbDesc;
            Set<String> localNames = sessionDesc.getLocalBusinessClassNames();

            // Add superinterfaces that are also marked as Local
            Set<String> extraNames = new HashSet<String>();
            for(String local : localNames) {
                try {
                    Class localClass = sessionDesc.getEjbBundleDescriptor().getClassLoader().loadClass(local);
                    addIfLocal(localClass.getInterfaces(), extraNames);
                } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(e);


            // Include the no-interface Local view
            if( sessionDesc.isLocalBean() ) {

            for(String local : localNames) {
                try {

                    Class localClass = sessionDesc.getEjbBundleDescriptor().getClassLoader().loadClass(local);
                    BusinessInterfaceDescriptor busIntfDesc =
                            new BusinessInterfaceDescriptorImpl(localClass);

                } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(e);
        return localBusIntfs;
    * Get the remove methods of the EJB
    * @return An iterator over the remove methods
    public Collection<Method> getRemoveMethods() {
        Set<Method> removeMethods = new HashSet<Method>();

        if( ejbDesc.getType().equals(EjbSessionDescriptor.TYPE) ) {
            EjbSessionDescriptor sessionDesc = (EjbSessionDescriptor) ejbDesc;
            if( sessionDesc.isStateful() && sessionDesc.hasRemoveMethods() ) {

                for(EjbRemovalInfo next : sessionDesc.getAllRemovalInfo()) {

                    MethodDescriptor mDesc = next.getRemoveMethod();
                    Method m = mDesc.getMethod(ejbDesc);
                    if( m == null ) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Can't resolve remove method " +
                        mDesc + " For EJB " + sessionDesc.getName());



       return removeMethods;


    * Indicates if the bean is stateless
    * @return True if stateless, false otherwise
    public boolean isStateless() {
      return (ejbDesc.getType().equals(EjbSessionDescriptor.TYPE) &&
               ((EjbSessionDescriptor) ejbDesc).isStateless());

    * Indicates if the bean is a EJB 3.1 Singleton
    * @return True if the bean is a singleton, false otherwise
    public boolean isSingleton() {
       return (ejbDesc.getType().equals(EjbSessionDescriptor.TYPE) &&
               ((EjbSessionDescriptor) ejbDesc).isSingleton());

    * Indicates if the EJB is stateful
    * @return True if the bean is stateful, false otherwise
    public boolean isStateful() {
        return (ejbDesc.getType().equals(EjbSessionDescriptor.TYPE) &&
               ((EjbSessionDescriptor) ejbDesc).isStateful());

    * Indicates if the EJB is and MDB
    * @return True if the bean is an MDB, false otherwise
    public boolean isMessageDriven() {
      return (ejbDesc.getType().equals(EjbMessageBeanDescriptor.TYPE));

    /*  enabled for debugging
    public int hashCode() {
        return getEjbName().hashCode();

    public boolean equals(Object o) {

        boolean equal = false;

        if( (o != null) && (o instanceof EjbDescriptorImpl) ) {

            equal = getEjbName().equals( ((EjbDescriptorImpl)o).getEjbName() );


        return equal;


    private void addIfLocal(Class[] interfaces, Set<String> names) {
        for(Class next : interfaces) {
            if( next.getAnnotation(Local.class) != null ) {
            addIfLocal(next.getInterfaces(), names);
    private void addIfRemote(Class[] interfaces, Set<String> names) {
        for(Class next : interfaces) {
            if( next.getAnnotation(Remote.class) != null ) {
            addIfRemote(next.getInterfaces(), names);

    private EjbInterceptor createSystemLevelCDIInterceptor() {

        EjbInterceptor interceptor = new EjbInterceptor();

        Class interceptorClass = SessionBeanInterceptor.class;

        String interceptorName = interceptorClass.getName();


        // @@@ SessionBeanInterceptor.class no longer has @AroundInvoke annotation so
        // we have to look for method explicitly.
        try {
            Method aroundInvokeMethod = interceptorClass.getMethod("aroundInvoke", InvocationContext.class);

            if( aroundInvokeMethod != null ) {
                LifecycleCallbackDescriptor aroundInvokeDesc = new LifecycleCallbackDescriptor();

                // TODO BUG -- Existing SessionBeanInterceptor does not define an @AroundTimeout method.
                // Until that's fixed, work around it by adding the method marked @AroundInvoke as an
                // @AroundTimeout.
                LifecycleCallbackDescriptor aroundTimeoutDesc = new LifecycleCallbackDescriptor();
        } catch(NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find weld EJB interceptor aroundInvoke method");

        return interceptor;


    private Method getMethodForMethodAnnotation(Class c, String annotationClassName) {
        for(Method m : c.getDeclaredMethods()) {
            for(Annotation next : m.getDeclaredAnnotations()) {

                if( next.annotationType().getName().equals(annotationClassName)) {
                    return m;
        return null;

    public Collection<BusinessInterfaceDescriptor<?>> getRemoteBusinessInterfaces() {
        Set<BusinessInterfaceDescriptor<?>> remoteBusIntfs = new HashSet<BusinessInterfaceDescriptor<?>>();

        if( ejbDesc.getType().equals(EjbSessionDescriptor.TYPE) ) {

            EjbSessionDescriptor sessionDesc = (EjbSessionDescriptor) ejbDesc;
            Set<String> remoteNames = sessionDesc.getRemoteBusinessClassNames();

            // Add superinterfaces that are also marked as Local
            Set<String> extraNames = new HashSet<String>();
            for(String local : remoteNames) {
                try {
                    Class remoteClass = sessionDesc.getEjbBundleDescriptor().getClassLoader().loadClass(local);
                    addIfRemote(remoteClass.getInterfaces(), extraNames);
                } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(e);


            // Include the no-interface Local view
            if( sessionDesc.isLocalBean() ) {

            for(String remote : remoteNames) {
                try {

                    Class remoteClass = sessionDesc.getEjbBundleDescriptor().getClassLoader().loadClass(remote);
                    BusinessInterfaceDescriptor busIntfDesc =
                            new BusinessInterfaceDescriptorImpl(remoteClass);

                } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(e);
        return remoteBusIntfs;
    public String toString(){
        return ejbDesc.getEjbClassName();

Related Classes of org.glassfish.weld.ejb.EjbDescriptorImpl

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