Package com.sun.enterprise.admin.remote

Source Code of com.sun.enterprise.admin.remote.ServerRemoteRestAdminCommand

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package com.sun.enterprise.admin.remote;

import com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.AuthenticationInfo;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Domain;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.SecureAdmin;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.SecureAdminInternalUser;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.glassfish.api.admin.CommandException;
import org.glassfish.api.admin.ServerEnvironment;
import org.glassfish.hk2.api.ServiceLocator;

* RemoteRestAdminCommand which is sent from a server (DAS or instance).
* <p>
* This class identifies the origin as a server (as opposed to a true
* admin client) for server-to-server authentication.
* @author Tim Quinn
public class ServerRemoteRestAdminCommand extends RemoteRestAdminCommand {

    private final static String SSL_SOCKET_PROTOCOL = "TLS";

    private ServiceLocator habitat;

    private SecureAdmin secureAdmin;

    private ServerEnvironment serverEnv;

    private SSLUtils _sslUtils = null;
    private DomainScopedPasswordAliasStore domainPasswordAliasStore = null;

    public ServerRemoteRestAdminCommand(ServiceLocator habitat, String name, String host, int port,
            boolean secure, String user, String password, Logger logger)
            throws CommandException {
        super(name, host, port, secure, "admin", "", logger);
        super.setOmitCache(true); //todo: [mmar] Remove after implementation CLI->ReST done

    private synchronized void completeInit(final ServiceLocator habitat) {
        this.habitat = habitat;
        final Domain domain = habitat.getService(Domain.class);
        secureAdmin = domain.getSecureAdmin();
        serverEnv = habitat.getService(ServerEnvironment.class); = SecureAdmin.Util.isEnabled(secureAdmin);
        domainPasswordAliasStore = habitat.getService(DomainScopedPasswordAliasStore.class);

    protected synchronized SSLContext getSslContext() {
         * Always use secure communication to another server process.
         * Return a connector address that uses a cert to authenticate this
         * process as a client only if a cert, rather than an admin username
         * and password, is used for process-to-process authentication.
        try {
            final String certAlias = SecureAdmin.Util.isUsingUsernamePasswordAuth(secureAdmin) ?
                    null : getCertAlias();
            return sslUtils().getAdminSSLContext(certAlias, SSL_SOCKET_PROTOCOL);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

    protected synchronized AuthenticationInfo authenticationInfo() {
        AuthenticationInfo result = null;
        if (SecureAdmin.Util.isUsingUsernamePasswordAuth(secureAdmin)) {
            final SecureAdminInternalUser secureAdminInternalUser = SecureAdmin.Util.secureAdminInternalUser(secureAdmin);
            if (secureAdminInternalUser != null) {
                try {
                    result = new AuthenticationInfo(secureAdminInternalUser.getUsername(),
                            new String(domainPasswordAliasStore.
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(ex);
        return result;
     * Adds the admin indicator header to the request so. Do this whether
     * secure admin is enabled or not, because the indicator is unique among
     * domains to help make sure only processes in the same domain talk to
     * each other.
     * @param urlConnection
    protected synchronized Invocation.Builder addAdditionalHeaders(final Invocation.Builder request) {
        final String indicatorValue = SecureAdmin.Util.configuredAdminIndicator(secureAdmin);
        if (indicatorValue != null) {
            return request.header(SecureAdmin.Util.ADMIN_INDICATOR_HEADER_NAME, indicatorValue);
        return request;

    private synchronized String getCertAlias() {
        return (serverEnv.isDas() ? SecureAdmin.Util.DASAlias(secureAdmin) :

    private synchronized SSLUtils sslUtils() {
        if (_sslUtils == null) {
            _sslUtils = habitat.getService(SSLUtils.class);
        return _sslUtils;

Related Classes of com.sun.enterprise.admin.remote.ServerRemoteRestAdminCommand

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