Package com.sun.ejb.containers

Source Code of com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBContextImpl

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package com.sun.ejb.containers;

import com.sun.appserv.connectors.internal.api.ResourceHandle;
import com.sun.ejb.ComponentContext;
import com.sun.ejb.Container;
import com.sun.ejb.EjbInvocation;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EjbDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.RoleReference;
import com.sun.enterprise.transaction.api.JavaEETransaction;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.LocalStringManagerImpl;
import org.glassfish.api.invocation.ComponentInvocation;

import com.sun.enterprise.container.common.spi.JCDIService;

import javax.ejb.*;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.transaction.Status;
import javax.transaction.Transaction;
import javax.transaction.TransactionManager;
import javax.transaction.UserTransaction;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

* Implementation of javax.ejb.EJBContext for the J2EE Reference Implementation.

public abstract class EJBContextImpl
    implements EJBContext, ComponentContext,
    private static final Logger _logger =


    private static LocalStringManagerImpl localStrings =
        new LocalStringManagerImpl(EJBContextImpl.class);
    private Object ejb;
    // These are all transient to prevent serialization during passivation
    // Note: all these will be initialized to default values during
    // deserialization.
    transient protected BaseContainer container;
    transient protected Transaction transaction = null;
    transient private Context initialContext = null;
    transient private ArrayList resources;
    transient private int concInvokeCount = 0;
    // the EJBObject's client-side RMI stub
    transient protected EJBObject ejbStub=null;
    transient protected EJBObjectImpl ejbObjectImpl;

    transient protected EJBObjectImpl ejbRemoteBusinessObjectImpl;

    transient protected EJBLocalObjectImpl ejbLocalObjectImpl;
    transient protected EJBLocalObjectImpl ejbLocalBusinessObjectImpl;
    transient protected EJBLocalObjectImpl optionalEjbLocalBusinessObjectImpl;
    transient private long lastTimeUsed;
    transient protected BeanState state;
    // true if the bean exposes a RemoteHome/Remote view 
    // (not 3.0 business view)
    protected boolean isRemoteInterfaceSupported;

    // true if the bean exposes a LocalHome/Localview
    // (not 3.0 business view)
    protected boolean isLocalInterfaceSupported;

    // can't/doesn't set the context to DESTROYED until after calling ejbRemove
    // but it needs a way to know if bean is being removed.  Standardizing
    // on the DESTROYED state doesn't help, since often times the container
    // can't/doesn't set the context to DESTROYED until after calling ejbRemove
    transient protected boolean inEjbRemove;
    private Object[]    interceptorInstances;

    // TODO how to handle this for passivated SFSBs?
    transient protected JCDIService.JCDIInjectionContext jcdiInjectionContext;
    EJBContextImpl(Object ejb, BaseContainer container) {
        this.ejb = ejb;
        this.container = container;
        state = BeanState.CREATED;
        inEjbRemove = false;

        isRemoteInterfaceSupported = container.isRemoteInterfaceSupported();
        isLocalInterfaceSupported  = container.isLocalInterfaceSupported();
    public Transaction getTransaction() {
        return transaction;
    public void setTransaction(Transaction tr) {
        transaction = tr;
    void setEJBStub(EJBObject ejbStub) {
        this.ejbStub = ejbStub;
    void setEJBLocalObjectImpl(EJBLocalObjectImpl localObjectImpl) {
        this.ejbLocalObjectImpl = localObjectImpl;

    void setEJBLocalBusinessObjectImpl(EJBLocalObjectImpl localBusObjectImpl) {
        this.ejbLocalBusinessObjectImpl = localBusObjectImpl;

    void setOptionalEJBLocalBusinessObjectImpl(EJBLocalObjectImpl optionalLocalBusObjectImpl) {
        this.optionalEjbLocalBusinessObjectImpl = optionalLocalBusObjectImpl;

    void setEJBObjectImpl(EJBObjectImpl ejbo) {
        this.ejbObjectImpl = ejbo;
    EJBObjectImpl getEJBObjectImpl() {
        return ejbObjectImpl;
    void setEJBRemoteBusinessObjectImpl(EJBObjectImpl ejbo) {
        this.ejbRemoteBusinessObjectImpl = ejbo;

    EJBObjectImpl getEJBRemoteBusinessObjectImpl() {
        return this.ejbRemoteBusinessObjectImpl;

    EJBLocalObjectImpl getEJBLocalObjectImpl() {
        return ejbLocalObjectImpl;

    EJBLocalObjectImpl getEJBLocalBusinessObjectImpl() {
        return ejbLocalBusinessObjectImpl;

    EJBLocalObjectImpl getOptionalEJBLocalBusinessObjectImpl() {
        return optionalEjbLocalBusinessObjectImpl;
    void setContainer(BaseContainer container) {
        this.container = container;
    void setState(BeanState s) {
        state = s;

    boolean isTimedObject() {
        return container.isTimedObject();

    BeanState getState() {
        return state;
    void setInEjbRemove(boolean beingRemoved) {
        inEjbRemove = beingRemoved;
    boolean isInEjbRemove() {
        return inEjbRemove;

    void setJCDIInjectionContext(JCDIService.JCDIInjectionContext ctx) {
        jcdiInjectionContext = ctx;

    JCDIService.JCDIInjectionContext getJCDIInjectionContext() {
        return jcdiInjectionContext;

     * Returns true if this context has NOT progressed past its initial
     * state.  The point at which this happens is container-specific.
    boolean isUnitialized() {
        return (state == EJBContextImpl.BeanState.CREATED);

    public long getLastTimeUsed() {
        return lastTimeUsed;
    void touch() {
        lastTimeUsed = System.currentTimeMillis();
    The following are implementations of ComponentContext methods.
    public Object getEJB() {
        return ejb;
    public Container getContainer() {
        return container;
     * Register a resource opened by the EJB instance
     * associated with this Context.
    public void registerResource(ResourceHandle h) {
        if ( resources == null )
            resources = new ArrayList();
     * Unregister a resource from this Context.
    public void unregisterResource(ResourceHandle h) {
        if ( resources == null )
            resources = new ArrayList();

     * Get all the resources associated with the context
    public List getResourceList() {
        if (resources == null)
            resources = new ArrayList(0);
        return resources;
     * Get the number of concurrent invocations on this bean
     * (could happen with re-entrant bean).
     * Used by TM.
    public int getConcurrentInvokeCount() {
        return concInvokeCount;
     * Increment the number of concurrent invocations on this bean
     * (could happen with re-entrant bean).
     * Used by TM.
    public synchronized void incrementConcurrentInvokeCount() {
     * Decrement the number of concurrent invocations on this bean
     * (could happen with re-entrant bean).
     * Used by TM.
    public synchronized void decrementConcurrentInvokeCount() {
    The following are implementations of EJBContext methods.
     * This is a SessionContext/EntityContext method.
    public EJBObject getEJBObject()
        throws IllegalStateException
        if (ejbStub == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("EJBObject not available");

        return ejbStub;
     * This is a SessionContext/EntityContext method.
    public EJBLocalObject getEJBLocalObject()
        throws IllegalStateException
        if ( ejbLocalObjectImpl == null ) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("EJBLocalObject not available");
        // Have to convert EJBLocalObjectImpl to the client-view of
        // EJBLocalObject
        return (EJBLocalObject) ejbLocalObjectImpl.getClientObject();
    public EJBHome getEJBHome() {
        if (! isRemoteInterfaceSupported) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("EJBHome not available");

        return container.getEJBHomeStub();
    public EJBLocalHome getEJBLocalHome() {
        if (! isLocalInterfaceSupported) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("EJBLocalHome not available");

        return container.getEJBLocalHome();
    public Properties getEnvironment() {
        // This is deprecated, see EJB2.0 section 20.6.
        return container.getEnvironmentProperties();
     * @deprecated
    public Identity getCallerIdentity() {
        // This method is deprecated.
        // see EJB2.0 section 21.2.5
        throw new RuntimeException(
        "getCallerIdentity() is deprecated, please use getCallerPrincipal().");

    public Object lookup(String name) {
        Object o = null;

        if( name == null ) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument is null");
        try {
            if( initialContext == null ) {
                initialContext = new InitialContext();
            // if name starts with java: use it as is.  Otherwise, treat it
            // as relative to the private component namespace.
            String lookupString = name.startsWith("java:") ?
                    name : "java:comp/env/" + name;

            o = initialContext.lookup(lookupString);
        } catch(Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
        return o;
    public Principal getCallerPrincipal() {

        checkAccessToCallerSecurity(); sm = container.getSecurityManager();

        return sm.getCallerPrincipal();

     * @return Returns the contextMetaData.
    public Map<String, Object> getContextData() {
        Map<String, Object> contextData = (Map<String, Object>) Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
        ComponentInvocation inv = EjbContainerUtilImpl.getInstance().getCurrentInvocation();
        if ( inv instanceof EjbInvocation ) {
            EjbInvocation ejbInv = (EjbInvocation) inv;
            contextData = ejbInv.getContextData();         
        return contextData;
     * @deprecated
    public boolean isCallerInRole(Identity identity) {
        // THis method is deprecated.
        // This implementation is as in EJB2.0 section 21.2.5
        return isCallerInRole(identity.getName());
    public boolean isCallerInRole(String roleRef) {
        if ( roleRef == null )
            throw new IllegalStateException("Argument is null");

        EjbDescriptor ejbd = container.getEjbDescriptor();
        RoleReference rr = ejbd.getRoleReferenceByName(roleRef);
        if ( rr == null ) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                "No mapping available for role reference " + roleRef);
       sm = container.getSecurityManager();
      return sm.isCallerInRole(roleRef);
     * Overridden in containers that allow access to isCallerInRole() and
     * getCallerPrincipal()
    protected void checkAccessToCallerSecurity()
        throws IllegalStateException
        throw new IllegalStateException("Operation not allowed");
    public UserTransaction getUserTransaction()
        throws IllegalStateException
        throw new IllegalStateException("Operation not allowed");
    public void setRollbackOnly()
        throws IllegalStateException
        if (state == BeanState.CREATED)
            throw new IllegalStateException("EJB not in READY state");
        // EJB2.0 section 7.5.2: only EJBs with container managed transactions
        // can use this method.
        if ( container.isBeanManagedTx() )
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Illegal operation for bean-managed transactions");
        TransactionManager tm = EjbContainerUtilImpl.getInstance().getTransactionManager();
        try {
            if ( tm.getStatus() == Status.STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION ) {
                // EJB might be in a non-business method (for SessionBeans)
                // or afterCompletion.
                // OR this was a NotSupported/Never/Supports
                // EJB which was invoked without a global transaction.
                // In that case the JDBC connection would have autoCommit=true
                // so the container doesnt have to do anything.
                throw new IllegalStateException("No transaction context.");

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            IllegalStateException illEx = new IllegalStateException(ex.toString());
            throw illEx;
    public boolean getRollbackOnly()
        throws IllegalStateException
        if (state == BeanState.CREATED)
            throw new IllegalStateException("EJB not in READY state");
        // EJB2.0 section 7.5.2: only EJBs with container managed transactions
        // can use this method.
        if ( container.isBeanManagedTx() )
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Illegal operation for bean-managed transactions");
        TransactionManager tm = EjbContainerUtilImpl.getInstance().getTransactionManager();
        try {
            int status = tm.getStatus();
            if ( status == Status.STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION ) {
                // EJB which was invoked without a global transaction.
                throw new IllegalStateException("No transaction context.");

            if ( status == Status.STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK
            || status == Status.STATUS_ROLLEDBACK
            || status == Status.STATUS_ROLLING_BACK )
                return true;
                return false;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            _logger.log(Level.FINE, "Exception in method getRollbackOnly()",
            IllegalStateException illEx = new IllegalStateException(ex.toString());
            throw illEx;

    protected void doGetSetRollbackTxAttrCheck() {

        ComponentInvocation inv =
        if ( inv instanceof EjbInvocation ) {
            EjbInvocation ejbInv = (EjbInvocation) inv;

            if( ejbInv.invocationInfo != null ) {
                switch(ejbInv.invocationInfo.txAttr) {
                    case Container.TX_NOT_SUPPORTED :
                    case Container.TX_SUPPORTS :
                    case Container.TX_NEVER :
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal tx attribute");

    The following are EJBContextImpl-specific methods.
    void setInterceptorInstances(Object[] instances) {
        this.interceptorInstances = instances;
    public Object[] getInterceptorInstances() {
        return this.interceptorInstances;
     * The EJB spec makes a distinction between access to the TimerService
     * object itself (via EJBContext.getTimerService) and access to the
     * methods on TimerService, Timer, and TimerHandle.  The latter case
     * is covered by this check.  It is overridden in the applicable concrete
     * context impl subclasses.
    public void checkTimerServiceMethodAccess()
        throws IllegalStateException
        throw new IllegalStateException("EJB Timer Service method calls " +
        "cannot be called in this context");
    // Throw exception if EJB is in ejbActivate/Passivate
    protected void checkActivatePassivate()
        throws IllegalStateException
        if( inActivatePassivate() ) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Operation not allowed.");
    protected boolean inActivatePassivate() {
        return inActivatePassivate(EjbContainerUtilImpl.getInstance().getCurrentInvocation());

    protected boolean inActivatePassivate(ComponentInvocation inv) {
        boolean inActivatePassivate = false;
        if ( inv instanceof EjbInvocation) {
            Method currentMethod = ((EjbInvocation)inv).method;
            inActivatePassivate  = (currentMethod != null)
                ? (currentMethod.getName().equals("ejbActivate") ||
                : false;
        return inActivatePassivate;
     * Called after this context is freed up.
    void deleteAllReferences() {
        ejb = null;
        container = null;
        transaction = null;
        resources = null;
        ejbStub = null;
        ejbObjectImpl = null;
        ejbRemoteBusinessObjectImpl = null;
        ejbLocalObjectImpl = null;
        ejbLocalBusinessObjectImpl = null;

Related Classes of com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBContextImpl

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