package structures;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Random;
import main.Initializable;
import main.InitializationException;
import main.Main;
public class Mitral implements Initializable
private ArrayList<Column> columnsAffected;
private HashMap<Granule, Double> granulesAffected;
private boolean initialized = false;
private int parentColumnIndex = -1;
private double mitralToGranuleWeight = 1.00;
* Makes empty Mitral cell with default MTG Weight = 1.00
public Mitral()
mitralToGranuleWeight = 1.00;
* Makes Mitral cell with MTG weight drawn from distribution
* @param g - Gaussian from which weight is taken
public Mitral(util.Gaussian g)
this.mitralToGranuleWeight = g.getRandomValue();
* Makes Mitral cell with specified MTG weight
* @param mtgweight - the MTG weight
public Mitral(double mtgweight)
this.mitralToGranuleWeight = mtgweight;
* Chooses how many columns to affect in the network
* Bounded from 0 to XX.XX% of the number of columns in the network
* @param n - the network environment the columns exist in
private void chooseColumnsToAffect(Network n)
//Choose X% of columns to affect
Random r = new Random();
//TODO Variable connectivity dependent on network variable
int numToAffect = (int) Math.floor(n.getNumCols()*n.getMitralToColumnConnectivity());
columnsAffected = new ArrayList<Column>(numToAffect);
ArrayList<Integer> chosenIndexes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
//Choose columns which to affect (exclude self)
for (int x = numToAffect; x > 0; x--)
int indexChosen;
indexChosen = r.nextInt(n.getNumCols());
}while(chosenIndexes.contains(indexChosen) || indexChosen == this.parentColumnIndex);
System.out.print("\nMitral cell "+this.toString()+" affects columns:");
for(int a : chosenIndexes)
System.out.print(" "+a+" ");
if (Main.LOG_WRITER != null)
Main.attemptWriteToLog("Mitral cell "+this.toString()+" affects columns:");
for(int a : chosenIndexes)
Main.attemptWriteToLog(" "+a+" ");
public ArrayList<Column> getColumnsAffected()
return this.columnsAffected;
public double getToGranuleWeight(Granule g)
Double d = this.granulesAffected.get(g);
if (d == null)
return 0.0;
return d;
* Determines effect this MitralCell has on Granules in other Columns
* @param n
private void setMitralToGranuleWeights(Network n)
this.granulesAffected = new HashMap<Granule, Double>(this.columnsAffected.size());
this.mitralToGranuleWeight = n.getMitralToGranuleWeights().getRandomValue();
for (Column c : this.columnsAffected)
for (Granule g : c.getGranules())
//MitralToGranuleWeight is internal field, default 1.00
double weight = mitralToGranuleWeight;
this.granulesAffected.put(g, weight);
System.out.println("\t"+this.toString()+" weight to "+g.stringRepresentation+" is "+weight);
if (Main.LOG_WRITER != null)
Main.attemptWriteToLog(("\t"+this.toString()+" weight to "+g.stringRepresentation+" is "+weight));
* Initializes mitral cell connections, weights
* In order:
* - Chooses columns which are to be affected by this mitral cell
* - Sets the weights for connections to granule cells
* @param network - the Network wherein this mitral cell lives
* */
public void initialize(Object network) throws InitializationException
Network n;
if(network instanceof Network)
n = (Network) network;
throw new InitializationException("Paramater not of type Network: Aborting Mitral initialization");
//Choose which columns to affect
//Choose granule weights
initialized = true;
public void setParentIndex(int n)
this.parentColumnIndex = n;
public String toString()
return this.parentColumnIndex+"-M";
public boolean isInitialized()
return this.initialized;