package play.modules.crudsiena;
import java.util.List;
import play.exceptions.UnexpectedException;
import net.sf.oval.Validator;
import net.sf.oval.configuration.annotation.AbstractAnnotationCheck;
import net.sf.oval.context.FieldContext;
import net.sf.oval.context.OValContext;
import net.sf.oval.exception.OValException;
import siena.Model;
import siena.Query;
* @author spreiter301 (original code and contributor)
* @author mandubian (just integrated code into module)
* Oval Check associated to CrudUnique annotation.
* CrudUniqueCheck verifies the annotated Siena entity field is unique
public class CrudUniqueCheck extends AbstractAnnotationCheck<CrudUnique> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4615916626718372468L;
public static final String mes = "validation.unique";
private CrudUnique unique;
public void configure(CrudUnique unique) {
this.unique = unique;
public boolean isSatisfied(Object validatedObject, Object value, OValContext context, Validator validator) throws OValException {
if(value == null) {
// return true in case we want to field to be nullable
return true;
if(validatedObject instanceof Model) {
Model ss = (Model) validatedObject;
try {
if (context != null) {
if (context instanceof FieldContext) {
FieldContext ctx = (FieldContext) context;
String fieldName = ctx.getField().getName();
Query<? extends Object> all = Model.all(validatedObject.getClass());
List<? extends Object> fetched = all.filter(fieldName, value).fetch();
if(fetched.size() == 0) return true;
Object sskey = SienaUtils.findKey(ss);
if(sskey == null) {
// new object => value already in database
return false;
} else {
// existing object
// check if we can find the id inside the fetched objects
for(Object o : fetched) {
Model s = (Model) o;
Object skey = SienaUtils.findKey(s);
if(skey!=null && skey.equals(sskey)) return true;
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new UnexpectedException(e);
return false;