package org.newdawn.fizzy;
import org.jbox2d.collision.shapes.PolygonShape;
import org.jbox2d.common.Transform;
import org.jbox2d.common.Vec2;
public class Polygon extends PolygonBasedShape {
private PolygonShape shape;
* Create a new polygon shape
public Polygon() {
* Create a new polygon shape
* @param density
* The density of the polygon
public Polygon(float density) {
* Create a new polygon shape
* @param density
* The density of the polygon
* @param resitution
* The resitution of the polygon
public Polygon(float density, float resitution) {
this(density, resitution, DEFAULT_FRICTION);
* Create a new polygon shape
* @param density
* The density of the polygon
* @param restitution
* The resitution of the polygon
* @param friction
* The friction of the polygon
public Polygon(float density, float restitution, float friction) {
def.shape = shape = new PolygonShape();
def.density = density;
def.restitution = restitution;
def.friction = friction;
* Set all the points on the polygon.
* @param points points in CCW order (as usual)
public void setPoints(Vec2[] points){
shape.set(points, points.length);
* Get the number of points in the shape
* @return The number of points in the shape
public int getPointCount() {
return shape.getVertexCount();
* Get the x coordinate of the point at the given index
* @param i
* The index of the point to retrieve
* @return The x coordinate of the point
public float getPointX(int i) {
return shape.getVertex(i).x;
* Get the y coordinate of the point at the given index
* @param i
* The index of the point to retrieve
* @return The y coordinate of the point
public float getPointY(int i) {
return shape.getVertex(i).y;
* Move the rectangle away from the center of it's potential body. The rectangle will still
* be positioned based on it's center but will be offset from the body's center by the given
* value, and rotated by the angle given.
* @param x The horizontal axis offset
* @param y The vertical axis offset
* @param angle
* @return This rectangle for chaining operations
public PolygonBasedShape setOffset(float x, float y, float angle) {
xoffset = x;
yoffset = y;
angleOffset = angle;
return this;
protected void applyOffset(float x, float y, float angle) {
final Transform xf = new Transform();
xf.position.set(new Vec2(x, y));
// Transform vertices and normals.
for (int i = 0; i < shape.getVertexCount(); ++i) {
Vec2 vertex = shape.getVertex(i);
// TODO Max: not sure this is right -- none of the examples test it. Probably?
Transform.mulTransToOut(xf, vertex, vertex);