* This notice shall not be removed.
* See the "LICENSE.txt" file found in the root folder
* for the full license governing this code.
* Nathan Tippy 7/4/12
package com.collective2.signalEntry.adapter;
import com.collective2.signalEntry.*;
import com.collective2.signalEntry.adapter.dynamicSimulator.order.Order;
import com.collective2.signalEntry.adapter.dynamicSimulator.order.OrderProcessor;
import com.collective2.signalEntry.adapter.dynamicSimulator.order.OrderProcessorMarket;
import com.collective2.signalEntry.adapter.dynamicSimulator.quantity.QuantityComputable;
import com.collective2.signalEntry.adapter.simulationXML.*;
import com.collective2.signalEntry.implementation.Request;
import com.collective2.signalEntry.implementation.SignalAction;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLEventReader;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import java.util.*;
import static com.collective2.signalEntry.C2Element.*;
* Simulated response adapter for running tests without actually hitting
* collective2. The responses are not related to what is sent but they are good
* enough for a minimal test.
* For a real client side simulator this class should be extended. The
* SimulatedResponse* Classes can be used to simulate the return XML so the
* simulator does not have to worry about any of those details.
public class StaticSimulationAdapter implements C2EntryServiceAdapter {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StaticSimulationAdapter.class);
public IterableXMLEventReader transmit(Request request) {
XMLEventReader xmlEventReader;
switch (request.command()) {
case Signal:
// return fixed values a real simulator could do better here
// but, this is good enough for the unit tests
xmlEventReader = new SimulatedResponseSignal(10344682, "Order 10344682 accepted for immediate processing.");
case GetBuyPower:
// return fixed values a real simulator could do better here
// but, this is good enough for the unit tests
xmlEventReader = new SimulatedResponseGetBuyPower("OK", 1136058468l, 68300.00d);
case AddToOCAGroup:
// return fixed values a real simulator could do better here
// but, this is good enough for the unit tests
xmlEventReader = new SimulatedResponseAddToOCAGroup("OK", "Order 12345 now added to ocagroup 9876");
case AllSystems:
// return fixed values a real simulator could do better here
// but, this is good enough for the unit tests
xmlEventReader = new SimulatedResponseAllSystems("OK", "", 123, 456);
case Cancel:
// return fixed values a real simulator could do better here
// but, this is good enough for the unit tests
xmlEventReader = new SimulatedResponseCancel("OK");
case CancelAllPending:
// return fixed values a real simulator could do better here
// but, this is good enough for the unit tests
xmlEventReader = new SimulatedResponseCancelAllPending("OK");
case CloseAllPositions:
// return fixed values a real simulator could do better here
// but, this is good enough for the unit tests
xmlEventReader = new SimulatedResponseCloseAllPositions("OK");
case FlushPendingSignals:
// return fixed values a real simulator could do better here
// but, this is good enough for the unit tests
xmlEventReader = new SimulatedResponseFlushPendingSignals("OK");
case AllSignals:
// return fixed values a real simulator could do better here
// but, this is good enough for the unit tests
Map<Integer, List<Integer>> allPendingSignals = new HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>();
List<Integer> pendingSignalList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
allPendingSignals.put(1235, pendingSignalList);
xmlEventReader = new SimulatedResponseGetAllSignals("OK", allPendingSignals);
case GetSystemEquity:
// return fixed values a real simulator could do better here
// but, this is good enough for the unit tests
xmlEventReader = new SimulatedResponseGetSystemEquity("OK", 1342299909l, 8755.68d);
case GetSystemHypothetical:
// return fixed values a real simulator could do better here
// but, this is good enough for the unit tests
List<Map<C2Element,Object>> data = new ArrayList<Map<C2Element,Object>>();
String[] systemArray = request.get(Parameter.Systems).toString().split("\\.");
for(String sys:systemArray) {
Integer sid = Integer.parseInt(sys);
Map<C2Element,Object> map = new EnumMap<C2Element, Object>(C2Element.class);
map.put(ElementSystemId, sid);
map.put(ElementSystemName, "hello");
map.put(ElementTotalEquityAvail, 100.23d);
map.put(ElementCash, 42.3d);
map.put(ElementEquity, 2000.4d);
map.put(ElementMarginUsed, 432d);
xmlEventReader = new SimulatedResponseGetSystemHypothetical(data);
case NewComment:
// return fixed values a real simulator could do better here
// but, this is good enough for the unit tests
xmlEventReader = new SimulatedResponseNewComment("OK: Order 29148580 comment created", 29148580, "");
case PositionStatus:
// return fixed values a real simulator could do better here
// but, this is good enough for the unit tests
xmlEventReader = new SimulatedResponsePositionStatus("OK", System.currentTimeMillis(), "EURUSD", 4);
case RequestOCAId:
// return fixed values a real simulator could do better here
// but, this is good enough for the unit tests
xmlEventReader = new SimulatedResponseRequestOCAId(17195788, "You may use the ocaid above when adding new signals.");
case Reverse:
// return fixed values a real simulator could do better here
// but, this is good enough for the unit tests
xmlEventReader = new SimulatedResponseReverse("OK");
case SendSubscriberBroadcast:
// return fixed values a real simulator could do better here
// but, this is good enough for the unit tests
xmlEventReader = new SimulatedResponseSendSubscriberBroadcast("OK");
case SetMinBuyPower:
// return fixed values a real simulator could do better here
// but, this is good enough for the unit tests
xmlEventReader = new SimulatedResponseSetMinBuyPower("OK");
case SignalStatus:
// return fixed values a real simulator could do better here
// but, this is good enough for the unit tests
SignalAction action = null;
QuantityComputable quantityComputable = null;
long cancelAtMs = Long.MAX_VALUE;
Duration timeInForce = null;
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
OrderProcessor processor = new OrderProcessorMarket(time,"WWW");
Order conditionalUpon = null;
Order order = new Order(null, (Integer)request.get(Parameter.SignalId), Instrument.Stock, "WWW", action, quantityComputable, cancelAtMs, timeInForce, processor, conditionalUpon);
Related showRelated = null;
String systemName ="Velocity Forex System";
xmlEventReader = new SimulatedResponseSignalStatus(systemName, false, showRelated, order);
throw new C2ServiceException("Unsupported command :" + request, false);
try {
return new IterableXMLEventReader(xmlEventReader);
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
logger.warn("Bad XML produced by simulator, should never happen.", e);
throw new C2ServiceException(e,false);