* @(#)$$Id: XQTSTestBase.java 1322 2006-11-02 11:59:58Z yui $$
* Copyright 2006-2008 Makoto YUI
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Contributors:
* Makoto YUI - initial implementation
package xqts;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.*;
import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.validation.Schema;
import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory;
import javax.xml.xpath.*;
import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.Diff;
import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLUnit;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.ComparisonFailure;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import xbird.util.collections.SoftHashMap;
import xbird.util.io.IOUtils;
import xbird.util.lang.PrintUtils;
import xbird.util.xml.*;
import xbird.util.xml.XMLUtils;
import xbird.xquery.*;
import xbird.xquery.dm.instance.DocumentTableModel;
import xbird.xquery.dm.instance.DocumentTableModel.DTMDocument;
import xbird.xquery.dm.ser.SAXSerializer;
import xbird.xquery.dm.ser.Serializer;
import xbird.xquery.dm.value.Item;
import xbird.xquery.dm.value.Sequence;
import xbird.xquery.dm.value.literal.XString;
import xbird.xquery.dm.value.sequence.NodeSequence;
import xbird.xquery.dm.value.xsi.DateTimeValue;
import xbird.xquery.expr.var.Variable;
import xbird.xquery.meta.DynamicContext;
import xbird.xquery.meta.StaticContext;
import xbird.xquery.misc.*;
import xbird.xquery.misc.QNameTable.QualifiedName;
import xbird.xquery.type.xs.DateType;
* <DIV lang="en"></DIV>
* <DIV lang="ja"></DIV>
* @author Makoto YUI (yuin405+xbird@gmail.com)
* @link http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/xml/jaxp1-3/#Reuse_Parser_Instance
* @link http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/javax/xml/xpath/XPath.html
public class XQTSTestBase {
private static final boolean generateReport = System.getProperty("xqts.report_on") != null;
private static Map<String, DTMDocument> _docCache = new SoftHashMap<String, DTMDocument>();
private static Map<String, Document> _expectedDocumentCache = new SoftHashMap<String, Document>();
private static Map<String, String> _expectedResultStrCache = new WeakHashMap<String, String>();
public static final String CATALONG_URI_PREFIX = "ns";
public static final String CATALONG_URI = "http://www.w3.org/2005/02/query-test-XQTSCatalog";
private static final String SAX_PARSER_FACTORY = "javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory";
public static final Properties XQTS_PROP = new Properties();
public static final Document catalog;
public static final String xqtsVersion;
private static final String xqtsDir;
private static final String xqtsReportFile;
private static final File xqtsQueryPath;
private static final File xqtsResultPath;
private static final DocumentBuilderFactory dbf;
private static final boolean ispect;
private static final boolean doPrint;
static {// load XQTS test properties
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't load xqts.properties.", e);
System.setProperty(SAX_PARSER_FACTORY, XQTS_PROP.getProperty(SAX_PARSER_FACTORY)); // workaround for a xerces bug
xqtsDir = XQTS_PROP.getProperty("xqts_dir");
xqtsReportFile = XQTS_PROP.getProperty("xqts.report.destfile");
File schemaFile = new File(xqtsDir, "XQTSCatalog.xsd");
dbf = getDocumentBuilderFactory(schemaFile);
catalog = buildDocument(xqtsDir + "/XQTSCatalog.xml");
// show XQTS version
XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
try {
xqtsVersion = xpath.evaluate("/*[local-name()='test-suite']/@version", catalog);
String queryRelPath = xpath.evaluate("/*[local-name()='test-suite']/@XQueryQueryOffsetPath", catalog);
xqtsQueryPath = new File(xqtsDir, queryRelPath);
String resRelPath = xpath.evaluate("/*[local-name()='test-suite']/@ResultOffsetPath", catalog);
xqtsResultPath = new File(xqtsDir, resRelPath);
} catch (XPathExpressionException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't get XQTS version.");
ispect = Boolean.parseBoolean(XQTS_PROP.getProperty("xqts.enable_inspect"));
doPrint = (System.getProperty("xqts.disable_printing") != null) ? false
: !Boolean.parseBoolean(XQTS_PROP.getProperty("xqts.disable_printing"));
System.out.println("Run XQuery-Test-Suite(XQTS) version " + xqtsVersion + "\n");
DocumentBuilderFactory ctrlDbf = XMLUnit.getControlDocumentBuilderFactory();
DocumentBuilderFactory testDbf = XMLUnit.getTestDocumentBuilderFactory();
public XQTSTestBase() {}
public XQTSTestBase(String testName, String targetXQTSVersion) {
assert (xqtsVersion.equals(targetXQTSVersion)) : "version mismatch! expected version: "
+ xqtsVersion + ", target version: " + targetXQTSVersion;
protected static int countTests(String testPath) throws XPathExpressionException {
final XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
NamespaceBinder resolver = new NamespaceBinder();
resolver.declarePrefix(CATALONG_URI_PREFIX, CATALONG_URI);
final String count = "count(" + testPath + ")";
XPathExpression expr = xpath.compile(count);
final Double d = (Double) expr.evaluate(catalog, XPathConstants.NUMBER);
return d.intValue();
public void invokeTest(String testPath) throws Exception {
XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
NamespaceBinder resolver = new NamespaceBinder();
resolver.declarePrefix(CATALONG_URI_PREFIX, CATALONG_URI);
NodeList rs = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate(testPath, catalog, XPathConstants.NODESET);
final int rslen = rs.getLength();
for(int i = 0; i < rslen; i++) {
final StaticContext statEnv = new StaticContext();
Node testCase = rs.item(i);
final String testName = xpath.evaluate("./@name", testCase);
final String testFilePath = xpath.evaluate("./@FilePath", testCase);
final String queryFileName = xpath.evaluate("./*[local-name()='query']/@name", testCase);
File queryFile = new File(xqtsQueryPath, testFilePath + queryFileName + ".xq");
final URI baseUri = new File(xqtsQueryPath, testFilePath).toURI();
XQueryModule xqmod = new XQueryModule();
{// ((//*:test-group)//*:test-case)/*:module
NodeList moduleNodes = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("./*[local-name()='module']", testCase, XPathConstants.NODESET);
final int modcount = moduleNodes.getLength();
if(modcount > 0) {
ModuleManager moduleManager = statEnv.getModuleManager();
SimpleModuleResolver modResolver = new SimpleModuleResolver();
for(int j = 0; j < modcount; j++) {
Node moduleNode = moduleNodes.item(j);
String moduleId = moduleNode.getTextContent();
String moduleFileStr = xpath.evaluate("/*[local-name()='test-suite']/*[local-name()='sources']/*[local-name()='module']/@FileName[../@ID='"
+ moduleId + "']", catalog);
File moduleFile = new File(xqtsDir, moduleFileStr + ".xq");
String physical = moduleFile.toURI().toString();
String logical = xpath.evaluate("./@namespace", moduleNode);
modResolver.addMappingRule(logical, physical);
{// ((//*:test-group)//*:test-case)/*:input-file
NodeList vars1 = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("./*[local-name()='input-file']/@variable", testCase, XPathConstants.NODESET);
loadVariables(vars1, testCase, xqmod, statEnv, xpath, false);
{ // ((//*:test-group)//*:test-case)/*:input-URI
NodeList vars2 = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("./*[local-name()='input-URI']/@variable", testCase, XPathConstants.NODESET);
loadVariables(vars2, testCase, xqmod, statEnv, xpath, true);
{// ((//*:test-group)//*:test-case)/*:defaultCollection
String colId = xpath.evaluate("./*[local-name()='defaultCollection']/text()", testCase);
if(colId != null) {
NodeList list = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("/*[local-name()='test-suite']/*[local-name()='sources']/*[local-name()='collection'][@ID='"
+ colId + "']/*[local-name()='input-document']/text()", catalog, XPathConstants.NODESET);
final int listlen = list.getLength();
if(listlen > 0) {
final Map<String, DTMDocument> defaultCollectionMap = new HashMap<String, DTMDocument>(listlen);
for(int j = 0; j < listlen; j++) {
String name = list.item(j).getTextContent();
String docName = name + ".xml";
DTMDocument testDataDoc = _docCache.get(name);
if(testDataDoc == null) {
File testDataFile = new File(xqtsDir, docName);
DocumentTableModel dtm = new DocumentTableModel(false);
dtm.loadDocument(new FileInputStream(testDataFile));
testDataDoc = dtm.documentNode();
_docCache.put(name, testDataDoc);
defaultCollectionMap.put(docName, testDataDoc);
// import namespace decl
Map<String, String> nsmap = testDataDoc.documentTable().getDeclaredNamespaces();
NamespaceBinder nsResolver = statEnv.getStaticalyKnownNamespaces();
Sequence<? extends Item> contextItem = null;
{// ((//*:test-group)//*:test-case)/*:contextItem
String contextItemRef = xpath.evaluate("./*[local-name()='contextItem']/text()", testCase);
if(contextItemRef != null && contextItemRef.length() > 0) {
String contextItemFileRef = xpath.evaluate("/*[local-name()='test-suite']/*[local-name()='sources']/*[local-name()='source']/@FileName[../@ID='"
+ contextItemRef + "']", catalog);
DTMDocument contextItemDoc = _docCache.get(contextItemRef);
if(contextItemDoc == null) {
File contextItemFile = new File(xqtsDir, contextItemFileRef);
DocumentTableModel dtm = new DocumentTableModel(false);
dtm.loadDocument(new FileInputStream(contextItemFile));
contextItemDoc = dtm.documentNode();
_docCache.put(contextItemRef, contextItemDoc);
contextItem = contextItemDoc;
{// ((//*:test-group)//*:test-case)/*:input-query
String inputVarName = xpath.evaluate("./*[local-name()='input-query']/@variable", testCase);
if(inputVarName != null && inputVarName.length() > 0) {
String dateData = xpath.evaluate("./*[local-name()='input-query']/@date", testCase);
assert (dateData != null) : dateData;
QualifiedName varName = QNameTable.instantiate(XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX, inputVarName);
Variable var = new Variable.GlobalVariable(varName, null);
var.setResult(new DateTimeValue(dateData, DateType.DATE));
xqmod.putVariable(varName, var);
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// #1 execute
final String resString;
final String query = IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream(queryFile), "UTF-8");
if(doPrint) {
println("Query: ");
final NodeList expectedErrors = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("./*[local-name()='expected-error']", testCase, XPathConstants.NODESET);
XQueryProcessor proc = new XQueryProcessor(xqmod);
if(contextItem != null) {
final StringWriter res_sw = new StringWriter();
try {
XQueryModule mod = proc.parse(query, baseUri);
Sequence result = proc.execute(mod);
SAXWriter saxwriter = new SAXWriter(res_sw, SAXWriter.DEFAULT_ENCODING);
Serializer ser = new SAXSerializer(saxwriter, res_sw);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
final int errors = expectedErrors.getLength();
if(errors == 0) {
final Node expectedOutputs = (Node) xpath.evaluate("./*[local-name()='output-file'][last()]", testCase, XPathConstants.NODE);
assert (expectedOutputs != null);
final Element output = (Element) expectedOutputs;
final String expFileName = output.getTextContent();
final File testFileDir = new File(xqtsResultPath, testFilePath);
String expectedResult = _expectedResultStrCache.get(expFileName);
if(expectedResult == null) {
File expected = new File(testFileDir, expFileName);
expectedResult = IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream(expected));
_expectedResultStrCache.put(expFileName, expectedResult);
if(doPrint) {
println("Expected Result: ");
final String compareForm = output.getAttribute("compare");
final String errmsg;
if("Ignore".equals(compareForm)) {
errmsg = "Unexpected exception: \n" + PrintUtils.getMessage(ex);
String smallerrmsg = "Unexpected exception: "
+ PrintUtils.prettyPrintStackTrace(ex);
reportTestResult(testName, "fail", smallerrmsg);
} else if("Inspect".equals(compareForm)) {
errmsg = "Inspectection is required, got exception: \n"
+ PrintUtils.prettyPrintStackTrace(ex);
String smallerrmsg = "Inspectection is required, got exception: "
+ PrintUtils.getOneLineMessage(ex);
reportTestResult(testName, "not tested", smallerrmsg);
} else {
errmsg = (expectedResult == null) ? "No result"
: ('\'' + expectedResult + '\'')
+ " is expected, but caused following exception: \n"
+ PrintUtils.prettyPrintStackTrace(ex);
String smallerrmsg = (expectedResult == null) ? "No result"
: ('\'' + expectedResult + '\'')
+ " is expected, but caused following exception: "
+ PrintUtils.getOneLineMessage(ex);
reportTestResult(testName, "fail", smallerrmsg);
} else {
String errMsg = ex.getMessage();
if(errMsg == null) {
errMsg = PrintUtils.getOneLineMessage(ex);
final int lastei = errors - 1;
for(int ei = 0; ei < errors; ei++) {
final String expectedError = expectedErrors.item(ei).getTextContent();
final boolean contain = (errMsg == null) ? false
: errMsg.contains(expectedError);
if(contain) {
reportTestResult(testName, "pass", null);
} else {
final String msg = "Expected-error: " + expectedError
+ ", Actual Error: " + errMsg;
if(!(ex instanceof XQueryException || ex instanceof XQRTException)) {
reportTestResult(testName, "fail", msg);
} else {
if(ei == lastei) {
final String passmsg = "Expected-error: "
+ expectedError + ", Actual Error: "
+ getErrCode(ex);
reportTestResult(testName, "fail", passmsg);
resString = res_sw.toString();
if(doPrint) {
println("\nActual Result: ");
final int errors = expectedErrors.getLength();
if(errors > 0) {
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(256);
for(int ei = 0; ei < errors; ei++) {
if(ei != 0) {
buf.append(" or ");
final String expectedError = expectedErrors.item(ei).getTextContent();
buf.append(" is expected, but was ..\n");
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// #2 probe
NodeList expectedOutputs = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("./*[local-name()='output-file']", testCase, XPathConstants.NODESET);
final int expectedOuts = expectedOutputs.getLength();
if(expectedOuts == 0) {
Assert.fail("Expected condition is not found in '" + testName + '\'');
final File testFileDir = new File(xqtsResultPath, testFilePath);
final int lastoi = expectedOuts - 1;
for(int oi = 0; oi <= lastoi; oi++) {
final Element output = (Element) expectedOutputs.item(oi);
final String expFileName = output.getTextContent();
String expectedStr = _expectedResultStrCache.get(expFileName);
if(expectedStr == null) {
File expected = new File(testFileDir, expFileName);
expectedStr = IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream(expected), "UTF-8");
_expectedResultStrCache.put(expFileName, expectedStr);
if(doPrint) {
println("Expected Result (" + expFileName + "): ");
final String compareForm = output.getAttribute("compare");
if("XML".equals(compareForm)) {
Diff diff = new Diff(expectedStr, resString);
if(diff.similar()) {
reportTestResult(testName, "pass", null);
} else {
if(oi == lastoi) {
String errmsg = diff.toString();
reportTestResult(testName, "fail", errmsg);
} else if("Fragment".equals(compareForm)) {
Document expectedDoc = _expectedDocumentCache.get(expFileName);
if(expectedDoc == null) {
expectedDoc = buildFragment(expectedStr);
_expectedDocumentCache.put(expFileName, expectedDoc);
String actual = "<doc>" + resString + "</doc>";
Document actualDoc = buildDocument(new ByteArrayInputStream(actual.getBytes("UTF-8")));
Diff diff = new Diff(expectedDoc, actualDoc);
if(diff.similar()) {
reportTestResult(testName, "pass", null);
} else {
if(oi == lastoi) {
String errmsg = diff.toString();
reportTestResult(testName, "fail", errmsg);
} else if("Text".equals(compareForm)) {
if(expectedStr.equals(resString)) {
reportTestResult(testName, "pass", null);
} else {
Document expectedDoc = _expectedDocumentCache.get(expFileName);
if(expectedDoc == null) {
expectedDoc = buildFragment(expectedStr);
_expectedDocumentCache.put(expFileName, expectedDoc);
String actual = "<doc>" + XMLUtils.escapeXML(resString) + "</doc>";
Document actualDoc = buildDocument(new ByteArrayInputStream(actual.getBytes("UTF-8")));
Diff diff = new Diff(expectedDoc, actualDoc);
if(diff.identical()) {
reportTestResult(testName, "pass", null);
} else {
if(oi == lastoi) {
String errmsg = new ComparisonFailure("[Text comparison]", expectedStr, resString).getMessage();
reportTestResult(testName, "fail", errmsg);
Assert.assertEquals("[Text comparison]", expectedStr, resString);
} else if("Ignore".equals(compareForm)) {
// no comparison needs to be applied; the result is always true
// if the implementation successfully executes the test case.
reportTestResult(testName, "pass", null);
} else if("Inspect".equals(compareForm)) {
System.err.println("#" + i + " Inspection is required");
Document expectedDoc = _expectedDocumentCache.get(expFileName);
if(expectedDoc == null) {
expectedDoc = buildFragment(expectedStr);
_expectedDocumentCache.put(expFileName, expectedDoc);
String actual = "<doc>" + resString + "</doc>";
Document actualDoc = buildDocument(new ByteArrayInputStream(actual.getBytes("UTF-8")));
Diff diff = new Diff(expectedDoc, actualDoc);
if(diff.similar()) {
reportTestResult(testName, "pass", null);
} else {
if(oi == lastoi) {
reportTestResult(testName, "not tested", "Inspectection is required");
if(ispect && !diff.similar()) {
if(oi == lastoi) {
Assert.fail("Inspectection is required: \n" + diff.toString());
} else {
String errmsg = "[BUG] could'nt compare in " + compareForm;
reportTestResult(testName, "fail", errmsg);
throw new IllegalStateException(errmsg);
private static void loadVariables(NodeList vars, Node testCase, XQueryModule xqmod, StaticContext statEnv, XPath xpath, boolean fromUri)
throws XPathExpressionException, FileNotFoundException, XQueryException {
final int vlen = vars.getLength();
for(int j = 0; j < vlen; j++) {
final String varNameStr = vars.item(j).getNodeValue();
if(varNameStr != null) {
final String testDataId;
if(fromUri) {
testDataId = xpath.evaluate("./*[local-name()='input-URI'][" + (j + 1)
+ "]/text()", testCase);
} else {
testDataId = xpath.evaluate("./*[local-name()='input-file'][" + (j + 1)
+ "]/text()", testCase);
String testFileRelDir = xpath.evaluate("/*[local-name()='test-suite']/*[local-name()='sources']/*[local-name()='source']/@FileName[../@ID='"
+ testDataId + "']", catalog);
if(testFileRelDir != null) {
if(fromUri) {
File testDataFile = new File(xqtsDir, testFileRelDir);
String dest = testDataFile.toURI().toString();
QualifiedName varName = QNameTable.instantiate(XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX, varNameStr);
Variable var = new Variable.GlobalVariable(varName, null);
var.setResult(new XString(dest));
xqmod.putVariable(varName, var);
} else {
DTMDocument testDataDoc = _docCache.get(testDataId);
if(testDataDoc == null) {
File testDataFile = new File(xqtsDir, testFileRelDir);
// load test data
DocumentTableModel dtm = new DocumentTableModel(false);
dtm.loadDocument(new FileInputStream(testDataFile));
testDataDoc = dtm.documentNode();
_docCache.put(testDataId, testDataDoc);
// import namespace decl
Map<String, String> nsmap = testDataDoc.documentTable().getDeclaredNamespaces();
NamespaceBinder nsResolver = statEnv.getStaticalyKnownNamespaces();
// reserve variable
QualifiedName varName = QNameTable.instantiate(XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX, varNameStr);
Variable var = new Variable.GlobalVariable(varName, null);
xqmod.putVariable(varName, var);
} else {
NodeList list = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("/*[local-name()='test-suite']/*[local-name()='sources']/*[local-name()='collection'][@ID='"
+ testDataId + "']/*[local-name()='input-document']/text()", catalog, XPathConstants.NODESET);
final int listlen = list.getLength();
if(listlen > 0) {
final NodeSequence<DTMDocument> ret = new NodeSequence<DTMDocument>(new DynamicContext(statEnv));
for(int i = 0; i < listlen; i++) {
String name = list.item(i).getTextContent();
DTMDocument testDataDoc = _docCache.get(name);
if(testDataDoc == null) {
File testDataFile = new File(xqtsDir, name + ".xml");
DocumentTableModel dtm = new DocumentTableModel(false);
dtm.loadDocument(new FileInputStream(testDataFile));
testDataDoc = dtm.documentNode();
_docCache.put(testDataId, testDataDoc);
// import namespace decl
Map<String, String> nsmap = testDataDoc.documentTable().getDeclaredNamespaces();
NamespaceBinder nsResolver = statEnv.getStaticalyKnownNamespaces();
// reserve variable
QualifiedName varName = QNameTable.instantiate(XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX, varNameStr);
Variable var = new Variable.GlobalVariable(varName, null);
xqmod.putVariable(varName, var);
private static final String getErrCode(Throwable ex) {
final String s;
if(ex instanceof XQueryException) {
s = ((XQueryException) ex).getErrCode();
} else if(ex instanceof XQRTException) {
s = ((XQRTException) ex).getErrCode();
} else {
s = ex.getClass().getSimpleName();
final int ptr = s.indexOf('\n');
if(ptr > 0) {
return s.substring(0, ptr - 1);
return s;
private void reportTestResult(final String name, final String result, final String comment)
throws URISyntaxException, IOException {
if(!generateReport) {
assert (name != null);
assert (result != null);
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(256);
buf.append("<test-case name=\"");
buf.append("\" result=\"");
if(comment != null && comment.length() > 0 && !"fail".equals(result)) {
buf.append("\" comment=\"");
final String line = buf.toString();
File file = new File(xqtsReportFile);
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file, true);
Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(os, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
private static Document buildDocument(String path) {
final File file = new File(path);
try {
return buildDocument(new FileInputStream(file));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
private static Document buildDocument(InputStream is) {
final Document doc;
try {
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
doc = db.parse(is);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("buildDocument failed", e);
return doc;
private static Document buildFragment(String frag) {
String input = "<doc>" + frag + "</doc>";
final Document doc;
try {
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
doc = db.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes("UTF-8")));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("buildDocument failed", e);
return doc;
private static final DocumentBuilderFactory getDocumentBuilderFactory(File schemaFile) {
final DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
SchemaFactory sf = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
final Schema schema;
try {
schema = sf.newSchema(schemaFile);
} catch (SAXException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
return dbf;
private static void println(String msg) {