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import gnu.io.SerialPort;
import gnu.io.CommPortIdentifier;
import gnu.io.CommDriver;
import com.serotonin.modbus4j.exception.ModbusInitException;
import com.serotonin.modbus4j.exception.ErrorResponseException;
import com.serotonin.modbus4j.exception.ModbusTransportException;
import com.serotonin.modbus4j.code.RegisterRange;
import com.serotonin.modbus4j.code.DataType;
import com.serotonin.modbus4j.ModbusMaster;
import com.serotonin.modbus4j.locator.NumericLocator;
import it.freedomotic.Modbus.gateways.ModbusMasterGateway;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
* @author gpt
public class ModbusTest {
public ModbusTest() {
public static void setUpClass() throws Exception {
public static void tearDownClass() throws Exception {
// public SerialConnectionProvider setUp() {
// Properties config = new Properties();
// config.setProperty("hello-message", "$>9000PXD3#"); //hello message defined by pmix15 comm protocol
// config.setProperty("hello-reply", "$<9000VP"); //expected reply to hello-message starts with this string
// config.setProperty("polling-message", "$>9000RQCE#"); //$>9000RQcs# forces read data using this string
// return new SerialConnectionProvider(config);
// }
// public SerialConnectionProvider setUp2() {
// Properties config = new Properties();
// config.setProperty("port", "/dev/ttyUSB0"); //name of the serial port
// config.setProperty("polling-message", "$>9000RQCE#"); //$>9000RQcs# forces read data using this string
// return new SerialConnectionProvider(config);
// }
* Test of read method, of class SerialConnectionProvider.
public void testRead() {
System.out.println("\nTesting read method from modbus");
//Config config = new Config();
// config.setProperty("port", "/dev/ttyUSB10");
// config.setProperty("baudrate",String.valueOf(19200));
// config.setProperty("data-bits",String.valueOf(SerialPort.DATABITS_8));
// config.setProperty("parity", String.valueOf(SerialPort.PARITY_EVEN));
// config.setProperty("stop-bits", String.valueOf(SerialPort.STOPBITS_1));
ModbusMaster master = ModbusMasterGateway.getInstance();
try {
NumericLocator bl = new NumericLocator(1, RegisterRange.HOLDING_REGISTER, 266, DataType.TWO_BYTE_INT_UNSIGNED);
} catch (ModbusTransportException ex) {
} catch (ErrorResponseException ex) {
} catch (ModbusInitException ex) {
} finally {
assertEquals(1, 1);
// sudo socat pty,link=/dev/ttyUSB10,waitslave,ignoreeof tcp: &
// chown user /dev/ttyUSB10
// sudo socat tcp-l:54321,reuseaddr,fork file:/dev/ttyUSB0,nonblock,waitlock=/var/run/ttyUSB0.lock
* Test of write method.
public void testWrite() {
ModbusMaster master = ModbusMasterGateway.getInstance();
int value1 = 235;
int value = 0;
try {
NumericLocator bl = new NumericLocator(1, RegisterRange.HOLDING_REGISTER, 771, DataType.TWO_BYTE_INT_UNSIGNED);
master.setValue(bl, value1);
value = (Integer) master.getValue(bl);
} catch (ModbusTransportException ex) {
} catch (ErrorResponseException ex) {
} catch (ModbusInitException ex) {
} finally {
assertEquals(value, value1);