* StartupFrameBackend.java
* Team qq 2011
package com.google.code.timetrail.presenter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import com.google.code.timetrail.backend.Control;
import com.google.code.timetrail.backend.Doctor;
import com.google.code.timetrail.backend.Engineer;
import com.google.code.timetrail.backend.Entrepreneur;
import com.google.code.timetrail.backend.Inventory;
import com.google.code.timetrail.backend.Nutritionist;
import com.google.code.timetrail.backend.Person;
* @author jake.gibel@gmail.com
* @version 1.0.0
public class StartupFrameBackend {
* the Game information
private final Control gameControl;
* a List of the names of the other players in your party
private final List<String> additionalPlayers;
* The number of times you have attempted to add a player
private int addButtonCount;
* the previously added additional player
private String addedPlayer;
* The profession you had selected
private String selectedProfession;
* The player's name
private String playerName;
* The instance of the player
private Person player;
* The Instance of the player's inventory
private Inventory playerInv;
* the index that the player selected for profession
private int selectedProfessionIndex;
* Creates a new StartupFrameBackend
* @param gameControl the game's Control instance
public StartupFrameBackend(Control gameControl){
this.gameControl = gameControl;
additionalPlayers = new ArrayList<String>();
selectedProfessionIndex = -1;
* @return the Text that goes in TitleLabel
public String getTitleLabel() {
return "Time Trail \n";
* @return the text that goes in the EnterNameLabel
public String getEnterNameLabel() {
return "Enter Name:";
* @return The default player name
public String getDefaultPlayerName() {
return "";
* @return the text that goes in AddMembersLabel
public String getAddMembersLabel() {
return "Enter Name of additional Party members:";
* @return The text that goes into the AddButton
public String getAddButtonText() {
return "Add Player";
* This is the button count for the pressing add button
private static final int BUTTONCOUNT = 4;
* press the add button, OptionPane shows up and it adds it if
* there's less than four already added
public void pressAddButton() {
addedPlayer = null;
if(addButtonCount < BUTTONCOUNT){
final JFrame frame = null;
final String s = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
"Enter Name of additional Party member",
if ((s != null) && (s.length() > 0)) {
addedPlayer = s;
* @return the previously added player
public String getAddedPlayer() {
return addedPlayer;
* @return if the player name is valid
public boolean canAddPlayer(){
return addedPlayer != null && !addedPlayer.isEmpty();
//Following Constant Names are great whoever made these pro edits sure doesn't
//need to re-evaluate their naming practices
* The selection zero for the professional value
private static final int SELECTIONZERO = 0;
* The selection one for the professional value
private static final int SELECTIONONE = 1;
* The selection two for the professional value
private static final int SELECTIONTWO = 2;
* The selection three for the professional value
private static final int SELECTIONTHREE = 3;
* changes the selected profession to the index
* @param selectedIndex the index that is selected for Profession
public void professionValueChanged(int selectedIndex) {
this.selectedProfessionIndex = selectedIndex;
if(selectedIndex == SELECTIONZERO){
selectedProfession = "Engineer";
} else if(selectedIndex == SELECTIONONE){
selectedProfession = "Nutritionist";
} else if(selectedIndex == SELECTIONTWO){
selectedProfession = "Doctor";
} else if(selectedIndex == SELECTIONTHREE){
selectedProfession = "Entrepreneur";
* @return An array of possible Professions
public String[] getProfessionValues() {
return new String[] {"Engineer", "Nutritionist", "Doctor", "Entrepreneur"};
* @return The text of the ProfessionLabel
public String getProfessionLabelText() {
return "Choose Profession:";
* @return the text that is in the next button
public String getNextButtonText() {
return "Next >>";
* Sets the player's name to a String
* @param text the new player's name
public void setNameText(String text) {
playerName = text;
* determine if all information is complete, then sets the
* gameControl's data to these values if possible
* @return true if all required information on the frame
public boolean canPressNextButton() {
final JFrame frame = null;
if(playerName.equals("") || playerName == null || selectedProfessionIndex == -1){
"Please fill in all required information.",
"Some fields were left empty",
return false;
} else {
player = new Engineer();
} else if(selectedProfession.equals("Nutritionist")){
player = new Nutritionist();
} else if(selectedProfession.equals("Doctor")){
player = new Doctor();
} else if(selectedProfession.equals("Entrepreneur")){
player = new Entrepreneur();
final List<Person> members = new ArrayList<Person>();
playerInv = new Inventory();
for(int i = 0; i < additionalPlayers.size(); i++){
members.add(new Person(additionalPlayers.get(i)));
return true;
* @return String representation of the StartupFrameBackend
public String toString(){
return "StartupFrameBackend";