package xscript.runtime.threads;
import xscript.runtime.XModifier;
import xscript.runtime.XRuntimeException;
import xscript.runtime.clazz.XPrimitive;
import xscript.runtime.genericclass.XGenericClass;
import xscript.runtime.instruction.XInstruction;
import xscript.runtime.method.XMethod;
import xscript.runtime.object.XObject;
public class XMethodExecutor implements XGenericMethodProvider {
private XMethodExecutor parent;
private XGenericClass declaringClass;
private XMethod method;
private XGenericClass[] generics;
private int stackPointer;
private long[] stack;
private byte[] stackType;
private long[] local;
private long ret;
private int programPointer;
public XMethodExecutor(XMethodExecutor parent, XMethod method, XGenericClass[] generics, long[] params) {
this.parent = parent;
this.method = method;
throw new XRuntimeException("Can't run native method %s", method);
this.generics = generics;
throw new XRuntimeException("Can't create a generic method %s without generic params, need %s generic params", method, method.getGenericParams());
}else if(generics.length!=method.getGenericParams()){
throw new XRuntimeException("Can't create a generic method %s with %s generic params, need %s generic params", method, generics.length, method.getGenericParams());
int pl = params.length;
XObject _this = method.getDeclaringClass().getVirtualMachine().getObjectProvider().getObject(params[0]);
declaringClass = _this.getXClass();
throw new XRuntimeException("Wrong number of arguments got %s but need %s", method.getParamCount(), pl);
stack = new long[method.getMaxStackSize()];
stackType = new byte[method.getMaxStackSize()];
local = new long[method.getMaxLocalSize()];
public XGenericClass getGeneric(int genericID) {
return generics[genericID];
public XGenericClass getDeclaringClass(){
return declaringClass;
public long[] getReturn(){
long[] l = new long[2];
l[0] = ret;
l[1] = method.getReturnTypePrimitive();
return l;
public long[] pop(){
throw new XRuntimeException("Stack underflow");
long[] l = new long[2];
l[0] = stack[--stackPointer];
l[1] = stackType[stackPointer];
return l;
public long pop(int primitiveID) {
long[] l = pop();
throw new XRuntimeException("Can't cast %s to %s", XPrimitive.getName((int) l[1]), XPrimitive.getName(primitiveID));
return l[0];
public long oPop(){
return pop(XPrimitive.OBJECT);
public long lPop(){
return pop(XPrimitive.LONG);
public int iPop() {
return (int) pop(XPrimitive.INT);
public short sPop() {
return (short) pop(XPrimitive.SHORT);
public byte bPop() {
return (byte) pop(XPrimitive.BYTE);
public boolean zPop() {
return pop(XPrimitive.BOOL)!=0;
public char cPop() {
return (char) pop(XPrimitive.CHAR);
public float fPop() {
return Float.intBitsToFloat((int)pop(XPrimitive.FLOAT));
public double dPop() {
return Double.longBitsToDouble(pop(XPrimitive.DOUBLE));
public void push(long value, int type) {
throw new XRuntimeException("Stack overflow");
stackType[stackPointer] = (byte) type;
stack[stackPointer++] = value;
public void oPush(long value) {
push(value, XPrimitive.OBJECT);
public void lPush(long value) {
push(value, XPrimitive.LONG);
public void iPush(int value) {
push(value, XPrimitive.INT);
public void sPush(short value) {
push(value, XPrimitive.SHORT);
public void bPush(byte value) {
push(value, XPrimitive.BYTE);
public void zPush(boolean value) {
push(value?-1:0, XPrimitive.BOOL);
public void cPush(char value) {
push(value, XPrimitive.CHAR);
public void fPush(float value) {
push(Float.floatToIntBits(value), XPrimitive.FLOAT);
public void dPush(double value) {
push(Double.doubleToLongBits(value), XPrimitive.DOUBLE);
public long getLocal(int local) {
if(local<0 || local>=this.local.length)
throw new XRuntimeException("Local out of bounds %s", local);
return this.local[local];
public void setLocal(int local, long value) {
if(local<0 || local>=this.local.length)
throw new XRuntimeException("Local out of bounds %s", local);
this.local[local] = value;
public void setReturn(long value){
ret = value;
public void setProgramPointer(int programPointer){
this.programPointer = programPointer;
public XInstruction getNextInstruction(){
return method.getInstruction(programPointer++);
public void markVisible(){
XObject obj = method.getDeclaringClass().getVirtualMachine().getObjectProvider().getObject(ret);
for(int i=0; i<stackPointer; i++){
if(stackType[i] == XPrimitive.OBJECT){
XObject obj = method.getDeclaringClass().getVirtualMachine().getObjectProvider().getObject(stack[i]);
public XMethodExecutor getParent() {
return parent;
public XMethod getMethod() {
return method;
public boolean jumpToExceptionHandlePoint(XGenericClass xClass, long exception) {
programPointer = method.getExceptionHandlePoint(programPointer, xClass, declaringClass, this);
return false;
stack[0] = exception;
stackType[0] = XPrimitive.OBJECT;
stackPointer = 1;
return true;
public XGenericClass getLocalType(int local) {
return null;
public void ret(long value) {
ret = value;
programPointer = Integer.MAX_VALUE;