package xscript.runtime;
import xscript.runtime.clazz.XClass;
import xscript.runtime.clazz.XField;
import xscript.runtime.genericclass.XGenericClass;
import xscript.runtime.method.XMethod;
* some checks for several things
* @author XOR
public final class XChecks {
* no object of this class should be created
private XChecks(){
throw new InstantiationError();
* checks if an class can be superclass of an other class
* @param xClass the class whitch will extand the other class
* @param superClass the superclass
public static void checkSuperClass(XClass xClass, XClass superClass) {
checkAccess(xClass, superClass);
int modifier = superClass.getModifier();
throw new XRuntimeException("%s can't extend final class %s", xClass, superClass);
* checks if an class can access an other class
* @param xClass the class that want to access the other class
* @param xClass2 the class that should be accessed
public static void checkAccess(XClass xClass, XClass xClass2){
throw new XRuntimeException("%s has a diferent VM than %s", xClass, xClass2);
int modifier = xClass2.getModifier();
XClass checkClass1 = xClass;
checkClass1 = checkClass1.getOuterClass();
XClass checkClass2 = xClass2;
checkClass2 = checkClass2.getOuterClass();
boolean sameOuterClass = checkClass1==checkClass2;
throw new XRuntimeException("%s can't access %s", xClass, xClass2);
}else if(XModifier.isProtected(modifier)){
if(!sameOuterClass && xClass.canCastTo(xClass2) && xClass.getPackage()!=xClass2.getPackage()){
throw new XRuntimeException("%s can't access %s", xClass, xClass2);
}else if(!XModifier.isPublic(modifier)){
if(!sameOuterClass && xClass.getPackage()!=xClass2.getPackage()){
throw new XRuntimeException("%s can't access %s", xClass, xClass2);
* checks if there are only allowed mofifier used
* @param xClass the class who whats to check
* @param modifier the mofifiers to check
* @param okModifier the modifiers which are allowed
public static void checkModifier(XClass xClass, int modifier, int okModifier){
final int ACCESS = XModifier.PUBLIC | XModifier.PRIVATE | XModifier.PROTECTED;
int notOkModifier = ~okModifier & modifier;
throw new XRuntimeException("Illegal modifier %s in %s, only allowed %s", XModifier.toString(notOkModifier), xClass, XModifier.toString(okModifier));
throw new XRuntimeException("Only one of %s visible modifier is allowed in %s", XModifier.toString(okModifier & ACCESS), xClass);
if(XModifier.isAbstract(modifier) && XModifier.isFinal(modifier)){
throw new XRuntimeException("Only abstract or final is allowd, but not both together in %s", xClass);
if(XModifier.isAbstract(modifier) && XModifier.isNative(modifier)){
throw new XRuntimeException("Only abstract or native is allowd, but not both together in %s", xClass);
public static void checkCast(XGenericClass xClass, XGenericClass to) {
throw new XRuntimeException("Can't cast %s to %s", xClass, to);
public static void checkAccess(XClass xClass, XField field) {
XClass xClass2 = field.getDeclaringClass();
throw new XRuntimeException("%s has a diferent VM than %s", xClass, xClass2);
int modifier = xClass2.getModifier();
int fModifier = field.getModifier();
XClass checkClass1 = xClass;
checkClass1 = checkClass1.getOuterClass();
XClass checkClass2 = xClass2;
checkClass2 = checkClass2.getOuterClass();
boolean sameOuterClass = checkClass1==checkClass2;
if(XModifier.isPrivate(modifier) || XModifier.isPrivate(fModifier)){
throw new XRuntimeException("%s can't access %s", xClass, field);
}else if(XModifier.isProtected(modifier) || XModifier.isProtected(fModifier)){
if(!sameOuterClass && xClass.canCastTo(xClass2) && xClass.getPackage()!=xClass2.getPackage()){
throw new XRuntimeException("%s can't access %s", xClass, field);
}else if(!XModifier.isPublic(modifier) || !XModifier.isPublic(fModifier)){
if(!sameOuterClass && xClass.getPackage()!=xClass2.getPackage()){
throw new XRuntimeException("%s can't access %s", xClass, field);
public static void checkAccess(XClass xClass, XMethod method) {
XClass xClass2 = method.getDeclaringClass();
throw new XRuntimeException("%s has a diferent VM than %s", xClass, xClass2);
int modifier = xClass2.getModifier();
int fModifier = method.getModifier();
XClass checkClass1 = xClass;
checkClass1 = checkClass1.getOuterClass();
XClass checkClass2 = xClass2;
checkClass2 = checkClass2.getOuterClass();
boolean sameOuterClass = checkClass1==checkClass2;
if(XModifier.isPrivate(modifier) || XModifier.isPrivate(fModifier)){
throw new XRuntimeException("%s can't access %s", xClass, method);
}else if(XModifier.isProtected(modifier) || XModifier.isProtected(fModifier)){
if(!sameOuterClass && xClass.canCastTo(xClass2) && xClass.getPackage()!=xClass2.getPackage()){
throw new XRuntimeException("%s can't access %s", xClass, method);
}else if(!XModifier.isPublic(modifier) || !XModifier.isPublic(fModifier)){
if(!sameOuterClass && xClass.getPackage()!=xClass2.getPackage()){
throw new XRuntimeException("%s can't access %s", xClass, method);