package jaron.pde;
import jaron.components.Signal;
import jaron.gui.Colors;
import jaron.gui.Panel;
import processing.core.PApplet;
* The <code>Servo</code> class provides a virtual servo for the Processing
* Development Environment (PDE).<br>
* By extending the <code>Signal</code> class it can hook into the
* <code>EventListener</code> mechanism and thus receive and send numeric
* values.<br>
* Reversing the servo's direction is done by swapping the high and the low signal
* values.<br>
* <br>
* This is a Processing Development Development application that demonstrates
* the usage of the <code>Servo</code>.
* <pre>
import jaron.gui.*;
import jaron.pde.*;
// PDE GUI defaults
static final String kWindowTitle = "UAV Playground - Servos";
static final int kWindowWidth = 360;
static final int kWindowHeight = 325;
static final int kFrameRate = 30;
// These are all the components that are used for this application
Joystick stickRight;
Joystick stickLeft;
Servo servoRudder;
Servo servoThrottle;
Servo servoElevator;
Servo servoAileron;
// The PDE setup method
void setup() {
// Setup the PDE display panel
size(kWindowWidth, kWindowHeight);
if (frame != null) frame.setTitle(kWindowTitle);
// Setup the PDE graphics options
// Setup the left stick (throttle and rudder)
stickLeft = new Joystick(this, "Rudder", "Throttle", 15, 160);
// Set bandwidth for throttle (FG uses 0-1)
stickLeft.setBandwidthY(0, 1);
// The throttle has no spring
// Setup the right stick (elevator and aileron)
stickRight = new Joystick(this, "Aileron", "Elevator", 195, 160);
// Setup the servos
servoRudder = new Servo(this, "Rudder", 15, 15);
servoThrottle = new Servo(this, "Throttle", 110, 15);
servoThrottle.setBandwidth(0, 1);
servoAileron = new Servo(this, "Aileron", 195, 15);
servoElevator = new Servo(this, "Elevator", 290, 15);
// The servos are listening to the sticks
// The PDE draw method
void draw() {
// The PDE mouseDragged method
void mouseDragged() {
stickRight.mouseDragged(mouseX, mouseY);
stickLeft.mouseDragged(mouseX, mouseY);
// The PDE mousePressed method
void mousePressed() {
stickRight.mousePressed(mouseX, mouseY);
stickLeft.mousePressed(mouseX, mouseY);
// The PDE mouseReleased method
void mouseReleased() {
stickRight.mouseReleased(mouseX, mouseY);
stickLeft.mouseReleased(mouseX, mouseY);
// The PDE mouseMoved method
void mouseMoved() {
stickRight.mouseMoved(mouseX, mouseY);
stickLeft.mouseMoved(mouseX, mouseY);
} * </pre>
* @author jarontec gmail com
* @version 1.2
* @since 1.0
public class Servo extends Signal {
private PApplet applet;
private String label = "";
private int maxDeflection = 120; // max. degrees from full left to full right
private Panel panel;
* Creates a new <code>Servo</code> object for the Processing Development
* Environment (PDE).
* @param applet a reference to the PDE applet that provides the drawing environment
* @param label the label that is displayed at the bottom
* @param left the component's position from the left
* @param top the component's position from top
* @param height the component's height
* @param width the component's width
public Servo(PApplet applet, String label, int left, int top, int width, int height) {
this.applet = applet;
panel = new Panel(left, top, width, height);
panel.setLabelBottomHeight((2 * Fonts.LINE_HEIGHT) + Fonts.LINE_SPACING);
* Creates a new <code>Servo</code> object for the Processing Development
* Environment (PDE).
* @param applet a reference to the PDE applet that provides the drawing environment
* @param left the component's position from the left
* @param top the component's position from top
* @param height the component's height
* @param width the component's width
public Servo(PApplet applet, int left, int top, int width, int height) {
this(applet, "", left, top, width, height);
* Creates a new <code>Servo</code> object for the Processing Development
* Environment (PDE).
* @param applet a reference to the PDE applet that provides the drawing environment
* @param label the label that is displayed at the bottom
* @param left the component's position from the left
* @param top the component's position from top
public Servo(PApplet applet, String label, int left, int top) {
this(applet, label, left, top, 55, 120);
* Creates a new <code>Servo</code> object for the Processing Development
* Environment (PDE).
* @param applet a reference to the PDE applet that provides the drawing environment
* @param left the component's position from the left
* @param top the component's position from top
public Servo(PApplet applet, int left, int top) {
this(applet, left, top, 55, 120);
* Draws the servo to the screen. This method should usually be called from the
* <code>draw</code> method of the Processing Development Environment. This
* ensures that the servo is updated periodically.
public void draw() {
// initialize the graphics environment
// servo case
applet.rect(panel.frame.getLeft(), panel.frame.getTop(), panel.frame.getWidth(), panel.frame.getHeight());
// calculate servo horn deflection in radian degree
double radius = Math.min(panel.content.getWidth(), panel.content.getHeight()) / 2;
double midPos = getLow() + (getBandwidth() / 2);
double value = (getValue() - midPos);
double maxSignal = (getBandwidth()/2);
double angle = Math.toRadians((maxDeflection / 2) * value / maxSignal);
// servo horn rotated by the current deflection
applet.translate((float )(panel.content.getLeft() + radius), (float )(panel.content.getTop() + radius));
applet.rotate((float )angle);
applet.ellipse(0, 0, (float)(radius * 2.3d), (float )(radius * 2.3d));
applet.ellipse(0, 0, (float)(radius / 2.5d), (float)(radius / 2.5d));
applet.ellipse(0, (float)(-radius * 0.8d), (float)(radius / 5), (float)(radius / 5));
applet.ellipse((float)(radius * 0.8d), 0, (float)(radius / 5), (float)(radius / 5));
applet.ellipse(0, (float)(radius * 0.8d), (float)(radius / 5), (float)(radius / 5));
applet.ellipse((float)(-radius * 0.8d), 0, (float)(radius / 5), (float)(radius / 5));
// draw the bottom label
applet.translate(panel.labelBottom.getLeft(), panel.labelBottom.getTop());
// draw the label's frame
applet.rect(0, 0, panel.labelBottom.getWidth(), panel.labelBottom.getHeight());
// draw the label's text
applet.textFont(Fonts.getFontBold(applet), Fonts.FONT_SIZE);
applet.text(label, panel.labelBottom.getWidth() - Fonts.LINE_SPACING, Fonts.LINE_HEIGHT);
// draw the labesl's value
applet.textFont(Fonts.getFontPlain(applet), Fonts.FONT_SIZE);
applet.text(String.format("%1.3f", getValue()), panel.labelBottom.getWidth() - Fonts.LINE_SPACING, 2 * Fonts.LINE_HEIGHT);
// restore the graphics environment
* Sets the servos's label that is displayed at the bottom the servo.
* @param label a <code>String</code> describing the servos's functionality in short
public void setLabel(String label) {
this.label = label;
* Sets the maximum deflection of the servo in degrees. The default value is 120 degrees
* for full left to full right deflection.
* @param maxDeflection maximum deflection in degrees
public void setMaxDeflection(int maxDeflection) {
this.maxDeflection = maxDeflection;