package jaron.pde;
import jaron.components.Signal;
import jaron.gui.Colors;
import jaron.gui.Panel;
import processing.core.PApplet;
import processing.core.PGraphics;
* The <code>ArtificialHorizon</code> class provides a virtual horizon like device for
* the Processing Development Environment.<br>
* It has two inputs for elevator and aileron deflection and two inputs for
* pitch and roll angle. It usually gets the values for these inputs by another
* object or objects through the <code>EventListener</code> mechanism.<br>
* Reversing the effective direction for elevator, aileron, pitch and roll is done by
* swapping the high and the low values of the corresponding signals.<br>
* <br>
* Have a look at the example of the {@link jaron.uavsim.UAVsim} for the usage of the
* <code>ArtificialHorizon</code>.
* @author jarontec gmail com
* @version 1.2
* @since 1.0
public class ArtificialHorizon extends Panel {
private static int COLOR_GROUND = Colors.BROWN;
private static int COLOR_SKY = Colors.BLUE_LIGHT;
private static int COLOR_PLANE = Colors.BLACK;
private static int COLOR_INDICATOR = Colors.RED;
private PApplet applet;
private Signal roll;
private Signal pitch;
private Signal elevator;
private Signal aileron;
private int maxDeflection = 120; // for elevator and aileron (from low to high signal)
private Boolean debug = false;
* Creates a new <code>ArtificialHorizon</code> object for the Processing Development
* Environment (PDE) at a certain position and with a certain width and height.
* @param applet a reference to the PDE applet that provides the drawing environment
* @param left the component's position from the left
* @param top the component's position from top
* @param height the component's height
* @param width the component's width
public ArtificialHorizon(PApplet applet, int left, int top, int width, int height) {
super(left, top, width, height);
this.applet = applet;
roll = new Signal();
pitch = new Signal();
elevator = new Signal();
aileron = new Signal();
* Creates a new <code>ArtificialHorizon</code> object for the Processing Development
* Environment (PDE) at a certain position.
* @param applet a reference to the PDE applet that provides the drawing environment
* @param left the component's position from the left
* @param top the component's position from top
public ArtificialHorizon(PApplet applet, int left, int top) {
this(applet, left, top, 150, 150);
* Draws the artificial horizon to the screen. This method should usually be called
* from the <code>draw</code> method of the Processing Development Environment. This
* ensures that the horizon is updated periodically.
public void draw() {
// prepare for 'clipping' (drawing into an offline graphics port)
PGraphics pg = applet.createGraphics((int )content.getWidth(), (int )content.getHeight(), PApplet.JAVA2D);
// get the current angles for pitch and roll and convert them to radian degrees
double pitchAngle = Math.toRadians(pitch.getValue());
double rollAngle = Math.toRadians(roll.getValue());
// get the current values for elevator and aileron and convert them to angles (according to the maximum deflection for the flaps)
double maxFlapDefelction = maxDeflection / 2; // max deflection in one direction
double midElevator = elevator.getLow() + (elevator.getBandwidth() / 2);
double elevatorVlaue = (elevator.getValue() - midElevator);
double maxElevatorSignal = (elevator.getBandwidth()/2);
double elevatorAngle = Math.toRadians(maxFlapDefelction * elevatorVlaue / maxElevatorSignal);
double midAileron = aileron.getLow() + (aileron.getBandwidth() / 2);
double aileronVlaue = (aileron.getValue() - midAileron);
double maxAileronSignal = (aileron.getBandwidth()/2);
double aileronAngle = Math.toRadians(maxFlapDefelction * aileronVlaue / maxAileronSignal);
// initialize the graphics environment
// draw the horizon
double radius = (content.getHeight() / 2);
pg.translate(0, (float )radius);
// draw the ground (background)
pg.rect(0, (float )-radius, content.getWidth(), content.getHeight());
// draw the sky (pitch input)
if (Math.cos(pitchAngle) > 0) {
pg.rect(0, (float )(Math.sin(pitchAngle) * radius), content.getWidth(), -content.getHeight());
else {
pg.rect(0, (float )-(Math.sin(pitchAngle) * radius), content.getWidth(), content.getHeight());
// draw the indicator (elevator and aileron input)
double elevatorOffset = Math.sin(elevatorAngle) * radius;
int wingLength = content.getWidth() / 4;
int rudderHeight = wingLength / 2;
int indicatorOversize = wingLength / 4;
int fuselageRadius = wingLength / 3;
pg.translate(content.getWidth() / 2, content.getHeight() / 2 + (float )elevatorOffset);
pg.rotate((float )aileronAngle);
pg.line(-wingLength - indicatorOversize, 0, wingLength + indicatorOversize, 0);
pg.line(0, 0, 0, - (rudderHeight + indicatorOversize));
pg.ellipse(0, 0, fuselageRadius, fuselageRadius);
// draw the airplane (roll input)
pg.translate(content.getWidth() / 2, content.getHeight() / 2);
pg.rotate((float )rollAngle);
pg.line(-wingLength, 0, wingLength, 0);
pg.line(0, 0, 0, - rudderHeight);
pg.ellipse(0, 0, fuselageRadius, fuselageRadius);
// do the 'clipping' (copy the offline graphics port into the applet's graphics port)
applet.image(pg, content.getLeft(), content.getTop());
// draw a frame around the whole component
applet.rect(frame.getLeft(), frame.getTop(), frame.getWidth(), frame.getHeight());
if (debug) System.out.println("ArtificialHorizon::draw(): Roll = " + roll.getValue() + ", Pitch = " + pitch.getValue());
* Returns a reference to a <code>Signal</code> object containing a value that
* represents the current deflection of the aileron.<br>
* The default bandwidth of the signal is +-1 and can be changed through the
* <code>setHigh</code> and <code>setLow</code> methods of the Signal class.
* @return a <code>Signal</code> object containing the current aileron value
* @see Signal
public Signal getAileron() {
return aileron;
* Returns a reference to a <code>Signal</code> object containing a value that
* represents the current deflection of the elevator.<br>
* The default bandwidth of the signal is +-1 and can be changed through the
* <code>setHigh</code> and <code>setLow</code> methods of the Signal class.
* @return a <code>Signal</code> object containing the current elevator value
* @see Signal
public Signal getElevator() {
return elevator;
* Returns a reference to a <code>Signal</code> object containing a value that
* represents the current pitch angle in degrees (not radians).<br>
* @return a <code>Signal</code> object containing the current pitch angle
* @see Signal
public Signal getPitch() {
return pitch;
* Returns a reference to a <code>Signal</code> object containing a value that
* represents the current roll angle in degrees (not radians).<br>
* @return a <code>Signal</code> object containing the current roll angle
* @see Signal
public Signal getRoll() {
return roll;
* Sets the debugging flag which determines if the debugging informations should
* be printed to the console. This is for debugging purpose only.
* @param debug set to <code>true</code> if additional debugging information
* should be printed
public void setDebug(Boolean debug) {
this.debug = debug;
* Sets the maximum deflection that is used for the conversion of the aileron/elevator
* values into degrees. The default value is 120 degrees for full left to full right
* deflection.
* @param maxDeflection maximum deflection in degrees
public void setMaxDeflection(int maxDeflection) {
this.maxDeflection = maxDeflection;