package jaron.flightgear;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import javax.swing.event.EventListenerList;
import jaron.gps.Direction;
import jaron.gps.Latitude;
import jaron.gps.Longitude;
import jaron.gps.NMEAListener;
import jaron.gps.Trackpoint;
import jaron.gps.TrackpointListener;
* The <code>FlightGearNMEAReceiver</code> class provides a TCP/IP connection to the
* FlightGear flight simulator (FG) via the FG NMEA output interface.<br>
* <code>FlightGearNMEAReceiver</code> runs as a thread and by instantiating it
* waits for the incoming connection from FG (at port {@value DEFAULT_PORT} by default).<br>
* The instantiating has to be done before FG starts up, else FG reports a
* connection error and terminates.<br>
* Be aware that running FG and a Java application that uses the
* <code>FlightGearNMEAReceiver</code> needs a computer with sufficient performance.
* The consequence of a lack of performance is, that some of the data sent by FG
* could be lost because of timing issues. In this case you could run FG and the
* Java application on two different machines via a network connection.<br>
* <br>
* Have a look at the {@link jaron.uavsim.UAVsim}. example on how to use the
* <code>FlightGearNMEAReceiver</code>
* @author jarontec gmail com
* @version 1.2
* @since 1.1
public class FlightGearNMEAReceiver extends Thread {
* The default update frequency of the <code>FlightGearNMEAReceiver</code>
public static final float DEFAULT_UPDATE_FREQUENCY = 1f;
* The default port that is used for the incoming connection. At the moment
* this is port 5557 but this could change in the future.
public static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 5557;
private float updateFrequency = DEFAULT_UPDATE_FREQUENCY;
private ServerSocket server = null;
private Socket client = null;
private Boolean debug = false;
private EventListenerList trackpathListeners = new EventListenerList();
private EventListenerList nmeaListeners = new EventListenerList();
* Creates a new <code>FlightGearNMEAReceiver</code> and starts a <code>Thread</code>
* that listens for incoming connections.
* @param port the port the receiver listens to
public FlightGearNMEAReceiver(int port) {
// start the socket server who waits for the connecting client
try {
server = new ServerSocket(port); // from now on the server listens to incomming connections
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("IOException in FlightGearNMEAReceiver(): IOException: " + e.getMessage());
* Creates a new <code>FlightGearNMEAReceiver</code> and starts a <code>Thread</code>
* that listens for incoming connections. It listens on the default port
* <code>DEFAULT_PORT</code>.
* @see FlightGearNMEAReceiver#DEFAULT_PORT
public FlightGearNMEAReceiver() {
* Adds a listener to the <code>EventListener</code> mechanism. So whenever
* a set of NMEA data is received, the listener will be informed about
* that.
* @param listener the listener to be added
public void addNMEAListener(NMEAListener listener) {
// from now on the listener listens to NMEA data changes
nmeaListeners.add(NMEAListener.class, listener);
* Adds a listener to the <code>EventListener</code> mechanism. So whenever
* a trackpoint is added to the trackpath, the listener will be informed about
* that event.
* @param listener the listener to be added
public void addTrackpointListener(TrackpointListener listener) {
// from now on the listener listens to trackpoint changes
trackpathListeners.add(TrackpointListener.class, listener);
* Disconnects the connection to the client.
private void disconnectClient() {
try {
if (client != null) {
if (debug) System.out.println("FlightGearNMEAReceiver::disconnectClient(): Client is disconnected.");
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("IOException in FlightGearNMEAReceiver::disconnectClient(): " + e.getMessage());
finally {
client = null;
* Notifies all the listeners that added themselves to the <code>EventListener</code>
* mechanism about the received NMEA data.
* @param trackpoint the new trackpoint
protected synchronized void notifyTrackpointListeners(Trackpoint trackpoint) {
for (TrackpointListener l : trackpathListeners.getListeners(TrackpointListener.class))
* Notifies all the listeners that added themselves to the <code>EventListener</code>
* mechanism about the new NMEA data that was received.
* @param trackpoint the new trackpoint
protected synchronized void notifyNMEAListeners(HashMap<String, String> nmea) {
for (NMEAListener l : nmeaListeners.getListeners(NMEAListener.class))
* Sets the update frequency for the <code>FlightGearNMEAReceiver</code>.
* The default update frequency is set to {@value DEFAULT_UPDATE_FREQUENCY}Hz.
* @param updateFrequency the new frequency in Hz
public void setUpdateFrequency(float updateFrequency) {
this.updateFrequency = updateFrequency;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Thread#run()
public void run() {
while(true) {
try {
// check if there is a client connected to our server
if (client != null) {
if (debug) System.out.println("FlightGearNMEAReceiver::run(): Connection to client established, waiting for data");
BufferedReader is = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(client.getInputStream()));
String s = new String();
Trackpoint trackpoint = new Trackpoint();
HashMap<String, String> nmea = new HashMap<String, String>();
// FlightGear sends a stream of $GPRMC, $GPGGA and $GPGSA NMEA data (in that order)
// this data is parsed and converted to a Trackpoint object
// after that the Trackpoint object is sent to the EventListeners
while ((s = is.readLine()) != null) {
String[] params = s.split(",");
if(params[0].equals("$GPRMC")) {
nmea = new HashMap<String, String>();
nmea.put("GPRMC", s);
trackpoint.setLatitude(new Latitude(params[3], Direction.fromValue( params[4])));
trackpoint.setLongitude(new Longitude(params[5], Direction.fromValue( params[6])));
String time = params[1];
String date = params[9];
Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
cal.set(Calendar.HOUR, Integer.parseInt(time.substring(0, 2)));
cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, Integer.parseInt(time.substring(2, 4)));
cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, Integer.parseInt(time.substring(4, 6)));
cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, Integer.parseInt(date.substring(0, 2)));
cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, Integer.parseInt(date.substring(2, 4)));
cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, Integer.parseInt(date.substring(4, 6)));
else if(params[0].equals("$GPGGA")) {
nmea.put("GPGGA", s);
// $GPGSA implies the end of the NMEA data sequence
else if(params[0].equals("$GPGSA")) {
nmea.put("GPGSA", s);
// FlightGear sends junk data at initialization and this is filtered out here
if (trackpoint.getLatitude().getDegrees() != 0) {
if (debug) System.out.println("FlightGearNMEAReceiver::run(): Data received");
// if no client is connected then check if there is a client waiting for a connection
else if (server != null) {
if (debug) System.out.println("FlightGearNMEAReceiver::run(): Waiting for client");
client = server.accept(); // waits until a connection is established
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("IOException in FlightGearNMEAReceiver::run(): IOException: " + e.getMessage());
try { sleep((long )(1000 / updateFrequency)); } catch(InterruptedException e) {}
* Sets the debugging flag which determines if the debugging informations should
* be printed to the console. This is for debugging purpose only.
* @param debug set to <code>true</code> if additional debugging information
* should be printed
public void setDebug(Boolean debug) {
this.debug = debug;
* Shuts this receiver down and disconnects the client.
public void shutDown() {
if (debug) System.out.println("FlightGearNMEAReceiver::shutDown(): Receiver is shut down.");