* Gap Data
* Copyright (C) 2009 John Pritchard
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
package gap.data;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Key;
import com.google.appengine.api.memcache.MemcacheService;
import com.google.appengine.api.memcache.Expiration;
* Application cloud system mutex based on the memcache increment
* operation.
* <h3>Reentrant</h3>
* <p> Each lock instance operates as if it is a unique representative
* of the current thread (or an "accepted child"). Therefore using
* this class requires the maintenance of this agreement between
* instances and callers.</p>
* <p> A static "Get" function is provided to get a reference to any
* existing lock in the request-response thread.</p>
* <p> The implementation employs a dead reckoning algorithm over
* Memcache, and depends on the simple usage pattern. A lock instance
* object is created or accepted and its enter/accept and exit methods
* called. </p>
* <p> Other usage will not perform as desired. For example, creating
* a lock instance in order to test another instance in the same
* thread would function as if in another thread.</p>
* <h3>Lock child</h3>
* <p> Employ the {@link Lock#Accept Lock.Accept} static function to
* create a lock, and the {@link #accept accept} instance method to
* enter the lock. </p>
* <p> This pattern implements the execution path leaf consumer of
* locking, as for example in the {@link Store} class. The Store
* class is an execution path leaf as the bottom of the execution path
* -- calling only the AppEngine DataStore and Memcache APIs (aside
* from the data bean methods). </p>
* <p> There are many possible applications of locking in the
* Application and Framework outside of or external to the Store
* class. From calling execution branches external to Store, a Lock
* Parent may be entered within the scope of the Store. In order to
* avoid deadlocks, the Store should not simply create a lock to
* protect its algorithms from races -- rather it should accept a
* lock. </p>
* <h3>Lock parent</h3>
* <p> Employ a constructor and "enter" method pattern to create a
* lock that must never be found in the scope of an entered lock.
* </p>
* <p> The enter method will throw a deadlock warning exception when
* this requirement is violated. Normal coverage testing will reveal
* these application design conflicts. </p>
* @author jdp
public final class Lock
extends Object
implements java.io.Serializable,
* Version two changes key format from version one.
private final static long serialVersionUID = 2L;
private final static MemcacheService.SetPolicy IFNOT = MemcacheService.SetPolicy.ADD_ONLY_IF_NOT_PRESENT;
* Lifespan of Lock object in Memcache is protecting some minutes,
* so it's more than some minutes.
private final static Expiration EXP = Expiration.byDeltaMillis( (int)(1*Hours));
* Entry timeout is request timeout (30 seconds) minus two seconds
* (normal request processing time).
private final static long ENTER = ((30-2)*Seconds);
private final static long TOF = 33L;
private final static Long COND = 0L;
private final static Long INC = 1L;
private final static Long DEC = -1L;
public final static String Prefix = "lock://";
* Thrown by enter on thread interrupt. Caller should return
* immediately from the current thread.
public final static class InterruptedException
extends java.lang.RuntimeException
public InterruptedException(java.lang.InterruptedException exc){
* Requesting a lock within a lock
public final static class DeadlockWarning
extends java.lang.RuntimeException
public final String existing, requesting;
public DeadlockWarning(Lock existing, Lock requesting){
private DeadlockWarning(String existing, String requesting){
super(String.format("Requesting lock '%s' within lock '%s'",requesting,existing));
this.existing = existing;
this.requesting = requesting;
private final static ThreadLocal<Lock> TL = new ThreadLocal<Lock>();
private static boolean Enter(Lock lock){
Lock test = Lock.TL.get();
if (test == lock)
return true;
else if (null == test){
return true;
throw new DeadlockWarning(test,lock);
private static void Exit(){
* @return Current lock for this thread
public static Lock Get(){
return Lock.TL.get();
* @return This thread has entered a lock
public static boolean In(){
return (null != Lock.TL.get());
* @return This thread has not entered a lock
public static boolean Not(){
return (null == Lock.TL.get());
* Get or create a lock. An existing lock is returned when found,
* otherwise a new lock is created from the argument key. This
* logic assumes that any existing lock is semantically
* appropriate to the user (e.g. parent of argument key).
* The returned lock should have the accept and exit methods
* employed in place of the enter and exit methods. The returned
* lock will not exit a pre-existing lock.
public static Lock Accept(Key key){
Lock accept = Lock.TL.get();
if (null != accept)
return new Lock(accept);
return new Lock(key);
public static Lock Accept(Kind kind){
Lock accept = Lock.TL.get();
if (null != accept)
return new Lock(accept);
return new Lock(kind);
public final String string;
public final int hashCode;
public final boolean child;
private transient Long entry;
public Lock(Key key){
public Lock(Kind kind){
public Lock(String guid){
if (null != guid && 0 < guid.length()){
if (guid.startsWith(Lock.Prefix))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unintended application '%s'",guid));
this.string = Lock.Prefix+guid;
this.hashCode = gap.data.Hash.Djb32(this.string);
this.child = false;
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
* Create a child that will not touch the MC atom
private Lock(Lock accept){
this.string = accept.string;
this.hashCode = accept.hashCode;
this.child = true;
this.entry = accept.entry;
* Enter this lock or accept
* @return Success gaining mutex access
public boolean accept(){
if (Lock.In())
return true;
return this.enter();
* Enter using a default lock request timeout.
* Default lock request timeout is request timeout (30 seconds)
* minus two seconds (normal request processing time).
* @return Success gaining mutex access
public boolean enter(){
if (null == this.entry){
try {
return this.enter(ENTER);
catch (java.lang.InterruptedException exc){
throw new Lock.InterruptedException(exc);
return this.entered();
public boolean enter(long timeout)
throws java.lang.InterruptedException
if (this.child)
return this.entered();
else {
final long end = (System.currentTimeMillis()+timeout);
final MemcacheService mc = Store.C.Get();
do {
if (this.test(mc))
return Lock.Enter(this);
else {
long waitfor = (timeout / TOF);
if (0 < waitfor)
while (System.currentTimeMillis() < end);
return false;
public void exit(){
if (!this.child){
MemcacheService mc = Store.C.Get();
if (null != mc)
private void exit(MemcacheService mc){
if (null != this.entry){
try {
finally {
this.entry = null;
private boolean entered(){
Long entry = this.entry;
return (null != entry && INC == entry);
private boolean test(MemcacheService mc){
if (null != mc){
this.entry = mc.increment(this.string,INC);
if (null == this.entry){
this.entry = mc.increment(this.string,INC);
if (this.entered())
return true;
else {
return false;
throw new IllegalStateException("Memcache service not available.");
public int hashCode(){
return this.hashCode;
public String toString(){
return this.string;
public boolean equals(Object that){
if (this == that)
return true;
else if (null == that)
return false;
return this.string.equals(that.toString());