* Copyright (C) 2006 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.checkout.sample.protocol;
import com.google.checkout.sample.util.StringUtil;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.AlternateTaxRule;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.AlternateTaxTable;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.AnyType;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.CartExpiration;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.CheckoutShoppingCart;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.DefaultTaxRule;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.DefaultTaxTable;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.FlatRateShipping;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.Item;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.MerchantCalculatedShipping;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.MerchantCalculations;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.MerchantCheckoutFlowSupport;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.Money;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.Pickup;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.ShippingRestrictions;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.ShoppingCart;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.TaxTables;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.USCountryArea;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.USStateArea;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.USZipArea;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.AlternateTaxTable.AlternateTaxRulesType;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.CheckoutShoppingCart.CheckoutFlowSupportType;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.DefaultTaxTable.TaxRulesType;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.MerchantCheckoutFlowSupport.ShippingMethodsType;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.ShippingRestrictions.AllowedAreasType;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.ShippingRestrictions.ExcludedAreasType;
import com.google.checkout.schema._2.ShoppingCart.ItemsType;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
* The <b>CheckoutCartBuilder</b> class contains methods that create the
* JAXB objects needed to construct Checkout API requests.
* @version 1.0 beta
public class CheckoutCartBuilder extends AbstractProtocolBuilder {
private static CheckoutCartBuilder _builder;
public static final String USAREA_CONTINENTAL_48 = "CONTINENTAL_48";
public static final String USAREA_FULL_50_STATES = "FULL_50_STATES";
public static final String USAREA_ALL = "ALL";
private CheckoutCartBuilder() throws JAXBException, ProtocolException {
public synchronized static CheckoutCartBuilder getInstance()
throws ProtocolException {
try {
if (_builder == null) {
_builder = new CheckoutCartBuilder();
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx);
return _builder;
* The <b>createShoppingItem</b> method creates an Item object, which contains
* the information that would be contained within a single <item> XML
* block in a Checkout API request.
* @param itemName Required. The name of the item.
* @param itemDesc Required. A description of the item.
* @param quantity Required. The number of units of the item included in
* the order.
* @param unitPrice Required. The numeric cost of the item.
* @param currency Optional. The three-letter ISO 4217 currency code
* associated with the numeric cost of the item. At this time, Google
* Checkout only supports U.S. dollars (USD).
* @param taxTableSelector Optional. The name of the alternate tax table
* that should be used to calculate tax for the item.
* @param privateItemData Optional. Proprietary information about an item
* in an order. The value must be well formed XML with a single root tag.
* @return {@see Item} object
public Item createShoppingItem(String itemName, String itemDesc,
int quantity, float unitPrice, String currency,
String taxTableSelector, Element privateItemData)
throws ProtocolException {
try {
Money money = createMoney(unitPrice, currency);
Item item = _objectFact.createItem();
if (taxTableSelector != null) {
if (privateItemData != null) {
AnyType anyType = _objectFact.createAnyType();
return item;
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>createShoppingCart</b> method constructs a ShoppingCart object,
* which is comprised of a list of {@see Item} objects as well as a
* {@see CartExpiration} date. This method must be called after you have
* called the
* {@see #createShoppingItem(String, String, int, float, String, String, Element)}
* method for each item in the order.
* @param itemList Required. A list of all of the items in the order.
* @param cartExpire Optional. The date that the shopping cart expires. If
* you specify a value for this parameter, Google Checkout will reject the
* shopping cart if the user submits the cart after the specified date. If
* you do not specify a value for this parameter, the cart will not expire.
* @param merchantPrivateData Optional. Proprietary information about an
* order. The parameter value must be well formed XML with a single root tag.
* @return ShoppingCart object
* @throws ProtocolException if itemList is null
public ShoppingCart createShoppingCart(List itemList, Date cartExpire,
Element merchantPrivateData)
throws ProtocolException {
if (itemList == null) {
throw new ProtocolException("itemList cannot be null");
try {
// Create the <items> tag and add each item in the list to the cart
ShoppingCart cart = _objectFact.createShoppingCart();
ItemsType items = _objectFact.createShoppingCartItemsType();
List item_list = items.getItem();
for (int i = 0; i < itemList.size(); i++) {
// Add the expiration date if one is provided
if (cartExpire != null) {
GregorianCalendar gCal = new GregorianCalendar();
CartExpiration cartExpiry = _objectFact.createCartExpiration();
// Add merchantPrivateData if it is provided
if (merchantPrivateData != null) {
AnyType anyType = _objectFact.createAnyType();
return cart;
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>createCheckoutShoppingCart</b> method constructs and returns a DOM
* object containing all of the items and checkout-related information for an
* order.
* @param cart Required. A ShoppingCart object. Also see:
* {@see #createShoppingCart(List, Date)}
* @param checkoutFlowSupport - Required. Information used in the checkout
* process, including tax tables and available shipping methods. Also see
* the <code>createMerchantSupport</code> method
* @throws ProtocolException if cart is null or checkoutFlowSupport is null
public Document createCheckoutCart(ShoppingCart cart,
MerchantCheckoutFlowSupport checkoutFlowSupport)
throws ProtocolException {
if (cart == null) {
throw new ProtocolException("both cart and flow support cannot be null");
try {
CheckoutFlowSupportType flowSupport
= _objectFact.createCheckoutShoppingCartCheckoutFlowSupportType();
CheckoutShoppingCart chkoutCart = _objectFact.createCheckoutShoppingCartElement();
return convertToDOM(chkoutCart);
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>createMerchantSupport</b> method constructs a
* MerchantCheckoutFlowSupport object, which contains the information that
* would be contained within the <merchant-checkout-flow-support>
* XML block in a Checkout API request.
* @param methods Optional. A list of options for shipping the order. These
* options can be either flat-rate shipping options, merchant-calculated
* shipping options or in-store pickup. Also see the
* <code>createFlatShippingMethod</code>,
* <code>createMerchantCalculatedMethod</code> and
* <code>createPickupMethod</code> methods.
* @param defaultTaxTable Required. This parameter contains a DefaultTaxTable
* object, which specifies the default tax rules to apply to the order.
* Also see the <code>createDefaultTaxTable</code> methods in this class
* for creating tax tables for country, state and zip code areas.
* @param alterTaxTableList Optional. This parameter contains a list of
* AlternateTaxTable objects, which specify alternate tax rules to apply to
* certain types of items. Also see the <code>createAlternateTaxTable</code>
* methods in this class creating alternate tax tables for country, state and
* zip code areas.
* @param couponInfo Optional. This parameter contains a MerchantCalculations
* object, which contains the information that would be contained within the
* <merchant-calculations> XML block of a Checkout API request. This
* information includes an indication of whether the merchant accepts coupons
* and/or gift certificates and, if so, the URL to which Google Checkout
* should send the <merchant-calculation-callback> request. Also see
* {@see #createMerchantCalculations(boolean, boolean, String)}
* @param editCartUrl Optional. A URL that the customer could click to
* edit her shopping cart.
* @param continueShoppingUrl Optional. A URL that the customer could
* click to postpone the checkout process and continue shopping.
public MerchantCheckoutFlowSupport createMerchantSupport(
ShippingMethodsType methods, DefaultTaxTable defaultTaxTable,
List alterTaxTableList, MerchantCalculations couponInfo,
String editCartUrl, String continueShoppingUrl) throws ProtocolException {
try {
TaxTables.AlternateTaxTablesType aTables
= _objectFact.createTaxTablesAlternateTaxTablesType();
List aTaxList = aTables.getAlternateTaxTable();
if (alterTaxTableList != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < alterTaxTableList.size(); i++) {
TaxTables taxTables = _objectFact.createTaxTables();
MerchantCheckoutFlowSupport mChkoutSupport
= _objectFact.createMerchantCheckoutFlowSupport();
return mChkoutSupport;
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>createAllowedAreasByStates</b> method is a wrapper method that calls
* the <code>createAllowedAreaByList</code> private method to set the list of
* states where a shipping method is available. This list will be incorporated
* into the shipping restrictions for a shipping method. Also see the
* <code>createShippingRestrictions</code> method.
* @param states Required. This parameter contains a list of two-letter U.S.
* state abbreviations. Also see {@see #createStateArea(String)}
* @throws ProtocolException if state list given is null
public AllowedAreasType createAllowedAreasByStates(List states)
throws ProtocolException {
if (states == null) {
throw new ProtocolException("states list cannot be null");
return createAllowedAreaByList(states);
* The <b>createAllowedAreasByZips</b> method is a wrapper method that
* calls the <code>createAllowedAreaByList)</code> private method to set the
* list of zip codes where a shipping method is available. This list will be
* incorporated into the shipping restrictions for a shipping method. Also
* see the <code>createShippingRestrictions</code> method.
* @param zips Required. This parameter contains a list of U.S. zip codes
* or zip code patterns. Also see {@see #createZipArea(String)}
* @throws ProtocolException if zips list is null
public AllowedAreasType createAllowedAreasByZips(List zips)
throws ProtocolException {
if (zips == null) {
throw new ProtocolException("zip list cannot be null");
return createAllowedAreaByList(zips);
* The <b>createAllowedAreasByList</b> method sets the list of states or zip
* codes where a shipping method is available. This list will be incorporated
* into the shipping restrictions for a shipping method. This method is
* called by either the createAllowedAreasByStates() or the
* createAllowedAreasByZips() method.
* @param List Required. This parameter contains a list of U.S. two-letter
* state abbreviations, U.S. zip codes or zip code patterns.
* @return AllowedAreas object
private AllowedAreasType createAllowedAreaByList(List areas)
throws ProtocolException {
try {
AllowedAreasType allowedAreas
= _objectFact.createShippingRestrictionsAllowedAreasType();
List allowedList = allowedAreas.getUsStateAreaOrUsZipAreaOrUsCountryArea();
for (int i = 0; i < areas.size(); i++) {
return allowedAreas;
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>createAllowedAreasByCountryArea</b> method adds a U.S. country area
* to an AllowedAreasType object, which identifies country regions, states
* and zip codes where a shipping method is available.
* @param biggerArea Required. This parameter identifies the U.S. country
* area where a shipping option is available. Valid values for this parameter
* @throws ProtocolException if biggerArea is null
public AllowedAreasType createAllowedAreasByCountryArea(String biggerArea)
throws ProtocolException {
if (biggerArea == null) {
throw new ProtocolException("biggerArea cannot be null");
} else {
if (!biggerArea.equals(USAREA_ALL)
|| !biggerArea.equals(USAREA_CONTINENTAL_48)
|| !biggerArea.equals(USAREA_FULL_50_STATES)) {
throw new ProtocolException("biggerArea not valid; Must be one of " +
try {
AllowedAreasType allowedAreas
= _objectFact.createShippingRestrictionsAllowedAreasType();
List allowedList = allowedAreas.getUsStateAreaOrUsZipAreaOrUsCountryArea();
USCountryArea countryArea = _objectFact.createUSCountryArea();
return allowedAreas;
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>createExcludedAreasByStates</b> method is a wrapper method that calls
* the <code>createExcludedAreaByList</code> private method to set the list
* of states where a shipping method is not available. This list will be
* incorporated into the shipping restrictions for a shipping method. Also
* see the <code>createShippingRestrictions</code> method.
* @param states Required. A list of two-letter U.S. state abbreviations.
* Also see {@see #createStateArea(String)}
* @throws ProtocolException if state list given is null
public ExcludedAreasType createExcludedAreasByStates(List states)
throws ProtocolException {
if (states == null) {
throw new ProtocolException("states cannot be null");
return createExcludedAreaByList(states);
* The <b>createExcludedAreasByZips</b> method is a wrapper method that calls
* the <code>createExcludedAreaByList</code> private method to set the list
* of zip codes where a shipping method is not available. This list will
* be incorporated into the shipping restrictions for a shipping method.
* Also see the <code>createShippingRestriction</code> method.
* @param zips Required. This parameter contains a list of U.S. zip codes
* or zip code patterns. Also see {@see #createZipArea(String)}
* @throws ProtocolException if zips list is null
public ExcludedAreasType createExcludedAreasByZips(List zips)
throws ProtocolException {
if (zips == null) {
throw new ProtocolException("zips cannot be null");
return createExcludedAreaByList(zips);
* The <b>createExcludedAreasByList</b> method sets the list of states or zip
* codes where a shipping method is not available. This list will be
* incorporated into the shipping restrictions for a shipping method. This
* method is called by either the createExcludedAreasByStates() or the
* createExcludedAreasByZips() method.
* @param List Required. This parameter contains a list of U.S. two-letter
* state abbreviations, U.S. zip codes or zip code patterns.
* @return ExcludedAreasType object
private ExcludedAreasType createExcludedAreaByList(List areas)
throws ProtocolException {
try {
ExcludedAreasType excludedAreas
= _objectFact.createShippingRestrictionsExcludedAreasType();
List excludedList
= excludedAreas.getUsStateAreaOrUsZipAreaOrUsCountryArea();
for (int i = 0; i < areas.size(); i++) {
return excludedAreas;
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>createExcludedAreasByCountryArea</b> method adds a U.S. country area
* to an ExcludedAreasType object, which identifies country regions, states and
* zip codes where a shipping method is not available.
* @param biggerArea Required. This parameter identifies the U.S. country
* area where a shipping option is not available. Valid values for this
* parameter are CONTINENTAL_48, FULL_50_STATES and ALL.
* @throws ProtocolException if biggerArea is null
public ExcludedAreasType createExcludedAreasByCountryArea(String biggerArea)
throws ProtocolException {
if (biggerArea == null) {
throw new ProtocolException("biggerArea cannot be null");
} else {
if (!biggerArea.equals(USAREA_ALL)
|| !biggerArea.equals(USAREA_CONTINENTAL_48)
|| !biggerArea.equals(USAREA_FULL_50_STATES)) {
throw new ProtocolException("biggerArea not valid; Must be one of " +
try {
ExcludedAreasType excludedAreas
= _objectFact.createShippingRestrictionsExcludedAreasType();
List allowedList = excludedAreas.getUsStateAreaOrUsZipAreaOrUsCountryArea();
USCountryArea countryArea = _objectFact.createUSCountryArea();
return excludedAreas;
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>createShippingRestrictions</b> method creates a
* ShippingRestrictions object, which is comprised of an AllowedAreasType
* object and an ExcludedAreasType object. The ShippingRestrictions object
* is then used to create either a FlatRateShipping object or a
* MerchantCalculatedShipping object.
* @param allowedAreas Optional. An AllowedAreasType object.
* @param excludedAreas Optional. An ExcludedAreasType object.
public ShippingRestrictions createShippingRestrictions(
AllowedAreasType allowedAreas, ExcludedAreasType excludedAreas)
throws ProtocolException {
try {
ShippingRestrictions restrict = _objectFact.createShippingRestrictions();
return restrict;
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>addShippingMethod</b> method adds a FlatRateShipping,
* MerchantCalculatedShipping or Pickup object to the list of
* shipping methods available for an order and then returns that list.
* @param shippingMethod Required. An object that represents the
* shipping method to be added.
* @return list of {@see FlatRateShipping}, {@see MerchantCalculatedShipping},
* {@see Pickup}
private ShippingMethodsType addShippingMethod(Object shippingMethod)
throws JAXBException {
ShippingMethodsType methods
= _objectFact.createMerchantCheckoutFlowSupportShippingMethodsType();
List methodList
= methods.getFlatRateShippingOrMerchantCalculatedShippingOrPickup();
return methods;
* The <b>createFlatRateShipping</b> method creates a {@see FlatRateShipping}
* object, which contains information about a shipping method that is
* available for the order, and adds that object to the list of the order's
* shipping options.
* @param shippingName Required. A string that can be used to identify a
* particular shipping option, such as "UPS Ground"
* @param shippingCost Required. The numeric cost of the shipping option.
* @param shipRestrictions Optional. A {@see ShippingRestrictions} object,
* which identifies the areas where a shipping option is either available
* or unavailable.
* @return ShippingMethodsType object
public ShippingMethodsType createFlatRateShipping(String shippingName,
float shippingCost, ShippingRestrictions shipRestrictions)
throws ProtocolException {
return createFlatRateShipping(shippingName, shippingCost, null,
* The <b>createFlatRateShipping</b> method creates a {@see FlatRateShipping}
* object, which contains information about a shipping method that is
* available for the order, and adds that object to the list of the order's
* shipping options.
* @param shippingName Required. A string that can be used to identify a
* particular shipping option, such as "UPS Ground"
* @param shippingCost Required. The numeric cost of the shipping option.
* @param currency A three-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
* @param shipRestrictions Optional. A ShippingRestrictions object, which
* identifies the areas where a shipping option is either available or
* unavailable.
* @return ShippingMethodsType object
public ShippingMethodsType createFlatRateShipping(String shippingName,
float shippingCost, String currency, ShippingRestrictions shipRestrictions)
throws ProtocolException {
try {
FlatRateShipping flatRate = _objectFact.createFlatRateShipping();
flatRate.setPrice(createMoney(shippingCost, currency));
return addShippingMethod(flatRate);
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>createMerchantCalculatedShipping</b> method creates a
* {@see MerchantCalculatedShipping} object, which contains information about
* a shipping method that is available for the order, and adds that object
* to the list of the order's shipping options.
* @param shippingName Required. A string that can be used to identify a
* particular shipping option, such as "UPS Ground"
* @param shippingCost Required. The numeric cost of the shipping option.
* This value will only be used if the <merchant-calculation-callback>
* request fails.
* @param shipRestrictions Optional. A ShippingRestrictions object, which
* identifies the areas where a shipping option is either available or
* unavailable.
* @return ShippingMethodsType object
public ShippingMethodsType createMerchantShipping(String shippingName,
float shippingCost, ShippingRestrictions shipRestrictions)
throws ProtocolException {
return createMerchantShipping(shippingName, shippingCost, null,
* The <b>createMerchantCalculatedShipping</b> method creates a
* {@see MerchantCalculatedShipping} object, which contains information about
* a shipping method that is available for the order, and adds that object
* to the list of the order's shipping options.
* @param shippingName Required. A string that can be used to identify a
* particular shipping option, such as "UPS Ground"
* @param shippingCost Required. The numeric cost of the shipping option.
* This value will only be used if the <merchant-calculation-callback>
* request fails.
* @param currency A three-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
* @param shipRestrictions Optional. A ShippingRestrictions object, which
* identifies the areas where a shipping option is either available or
* unavailable.
* @return ShippingMethodsType object
public ShippingMethodsType createMerchantShipping(String shippingName,
float shippingCost, String currency, ShippingRestrictions shipRestrictions)
throws ProtocolException {
try {
MerchantCalculatedShipping merchantCal
= _objectFact.createMerchantCalculatedShipping();
merchantCal.setPrice(createMoney(shippingCost, currency));
return addShippingMethod(merchantCal);
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>createPickup</b> method creates a {@see Pickup} object, which
* contains information about a shipping method that is available for the
* order, and adds that object to the list of the order's shipping options.
* @param shippingName Required. A string that can be used to identify the
* shipping option, such as "Instore Pickup"
* @param shippingCost Required. The numeric cost of the shipping/handling
* option.
* @return ShippingMethodsType object
public ShippingMethodsType createPickup(String shippingName, float shippingCost)
throws ProtocolException {
return createPickup(shippingName, shippingCost, null);
* The <b>createPickup</b> method creates a {@see Pickup} object, which
* contains information about a shipping method that is available for the
* order, and adds that object to the list of the order's shipping options.
* @param shippingName Required. A string that can be used to identify the
* shipping option, such as "Instore Pickup"
* @param shippingCost Required. The numeric cost of the shipping/handling
* option.
* @param currency A three-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
* @return ShippingMethodsType object
public ShippingMethodsType createPickup(String shippingName,
float shippingCost, String currency) throws ProtocolException {
try {
Pickup pickup = _objectFact.createPickup();
pickup.setPrice(createMoney(shippingCost, currency));
return addShippingMethod(pickup);
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>createStateArea</b> method creates a {@see USStateArea} object
* @param state Required. A two-letter U.S. state abbreviation
* @throws ProtocolException if no state is provided
* @return {@see USStateArea} object
public USStateArea createStateArea(String state)
throws ProtocolException {
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(state)) {
throw new ProtocolException("invalid state: " + state);
try {
USStateArea stateArea = _objectFact.createUSStateArea();
return stateArea;
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>createZipArea</b> method creates a {@see USZipArea} object
* @param zip Required. A five-digit U.S. zip code or a zip code pattern
* @throws ProtocolException if no zip code or zip code pattern is provided
* @return {@see USZipArea} object
public USZipArea createZipArea(String zip)
throws ProtocolException {
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(zip)) {
throw new ProtocolException("invalid zip: " + zip);
try {
USZipArea zipArea = _objectFact.createUSZipArea();
return zipArea;
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>createCountryArea</b> method creates a {@see USCountryArea} object
* @param usArea Required. A U.S. country area. Valid values are
* @return {@see USCountryArea} object
* @throws ProtocolException if no USArea is provided
public USCountryArea createCountryArea(String usArea)
throws ProtocolException {
if (usArea == null) {
throw new ProtocolException("invalid USArea: " + usArea);
} else {
if (!usArea.equals(USAREA_ALL)
|| !usArea.equals(USAREA_CONTINENTAL_48)
|| !usArea.equals(USAREA_FULL_50_STATES)) {
throw new ProtocolException("biggerArea not valid; Must be one of " +
try {
USCountryArea countryArea = _objectFact.createUSCountryArea();
return countryArea;
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>createDefaultTaxRule</b> method constructs a DefaultTaxRule object,
* which contains information about a default rule that will be used to
* calculate taxes for an order. This method creates a default tax rule
* for a U.S. state. After creating all of the default tax rules for an
* order, call the createDefaultTaxTable method.
* @param taxState Required. This parameter identifies the state where
* a tax rule should be applied. Also see {@see #createStateArea(String)}
* @param taxRate Required. This parameter identifies the tax rate that
* should be assessed. The value should be a non-negative decimal value
* between 0 and 1.
* @param isShippingTaxable Required. This parameter contains a Boolean
* value indicating whether tax is applied to the shipping cost
* @return {@see DefaultTaxRule} object
public DefaultTaxRule createDefaultTaxRule(USStateArea taxState,
float taxRate, boolean isShippingTaxable) throws ProtocolException {
try {
DefaultTaxRule.TaxAreaType taxArea
= _objectFact.createDefaultTaxRuleTaxAreaType();
return createDefaultTaxRule(taxArea, taxRate, isShippingTaxable);
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>createDefaultTaxRule</b> method constructs a DefaultTaxRule object,
* which contains information about a default rule that will be used to
* calculate taxes for an order. This method creates a default tax rule
* for a U.S. zip code or zip code pattern. After creating all of the
* default tax rules for an order, call the createDefaultTaxTable method.
* @param taxZip Required. This parameter identifies the zip code or set of
* zip codes (using a zip code pattern) where a tax rule should be applied.
* Also see {@see #createZipArea(String)}
* @param taxRate Required. This parameter identifies the tax rate that
* should be assessed. The value should be a non-negative decimal value
* between 0 and 1.
* @param isShippingTaxable Required. This parameter contains a Boolean
* value indicating whether tax is applied to the shipping cost
* @return {@see DefaultTaxRule} object
public DefaultTaxRule createDefaultTaxRule(USZipArea taxZip, float taxRate,
boolean isShippingTaxable) throws ProtocolException {
try {
DefaultTaxRule.TaxAreaType taxArea
= _objectFact.createDefaultTaxRuleTaxAreaType();
return createDefaultTaxRule(taxArea, taxRate, isShippingTaxable);
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>createDefaultTaxRule</b> method constructs a DefaultTaxRule object,
* which contains information about a default rule that will be used to
* calculate taxes for an order. This method creates a default tax rule
* for a U.S. country area. After creating all of the default tax rules
* for an order, call the createDefaultTaxTable method.
* @param taxCountryArea Required. This parameter identifies the country
* area where a tax rule should be applied. Also see
* {@see #createCountryArea(String)}
* @param taxRate Required. This parameter identifies the tax rate that
* should be assessed. The value should be a non-negative decimal value
* between 0 and 1.
* @param isShippingTaxable Required. This parameter contains a Boolean
* value indicating whether tax is applied to the shipping cost
* @return {@see DefaultTaxRule} object
public DefaultTaxRule createDefaultTaxRule(USCountryArea taxCountryArea,
float taxRate, boolean isShippingTaxable) throws ProtocolException {
try {
DefaultTaxRule.TaxAreaType taxArea
= _objectFact.createDefaultTaxRuleTaxAreaType();
return createDefaultTaxRule(taxArea, taxRate, isShippingTaxable);
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* This method creates and returns a DefaultTaxRule object to one of the
* other three createDefaultTaxRule() methods. This method handles all
* tax areas (country area, state, zip).
* @param DefaultTaxRule.TaxArea Required. This parameter identifies the
* country area, state or zip code where a tax rule should be applied.
* @param taxRate Required. This parameter identifies the tax rate that
* should be assessed. The value should be a non-negative decimal value
* between 0 and 1.
* @param isShippingTaxable Required. This parameter contains a Boolean
* value indicating whether tax is applied to the shipping cost
* @return {@see DefaultTaxRule} object
private DefaultTaxRule createDefaultTaxRule(DefaultTaxRule.TaxAreaType taxArea,
float taxRate, boolean isShippingTaxable) throws JAXBException {
DefaultTaxRule taxRule = _objectFact.createDefaultTaxRule();
return taxRule;
* The <b>addDefaultTaxRule</b> method adds a {@see DefaultTaxRule} to an
* existing {@see DefaultTaxTable}.
* @param taxTable This parameter contains the DefaultTaxTable to which
* the DefaultTaxRule should be added.
* @param rule This parameter contains the DefaultTaxRule that should be
* added to the DefaultTaxTable
* @return DefaultTaxTable object
public DefaultTaxTable addDefaultTaxRule(DefaultTaxTable taxTable,
DefaultTaxRule rule) throws ProtocolException {
DefaultTaxTable returnTaxTable = taxTable;
try {
if (returnTaxTable == null) {
returnTaxTable = _objectFact.createDefaultTaxTable();
TaxRulesType taxRules = _objectFact.createDefaultTaxTableTaxRulesType();
List taxRuleList = taxRules.getDefaultTaxRule();
if (!taxRuleList.contains(rule) && rule != null) {
return returnTaxTable;
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>createDefaultTaxTable</b> method constructs an object that contains
* a list of DefaultTaxRule objects.
* @param ruleList Required. The list of {@see DefaultTaxRule} objects that
* apply to the order.
* @return DefaultTaxTable object
* @throws ProtocolException if the ruleList parameter is null.
public DefaultTaxTable createDefaultTaxTable(List ruleList)
throws ProtocolException {
if (ruleList == null) {
throw new ProtocolException("ruleList cannot be null");
try {
TaxRulesType taxRules = _objectFact.createDefaultTaxTableTaxRulesType();
List taxRuleList = taxRules.getDefaultTaxRule();
for (int i = 0; i < ruleList.size(); i++) {
DefaultTaxTable taxTable = _objectFact.createDefaultTaxTable();
return taxTable;
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>createMerchantCalculations</b> method constructs a MerchantCalculations
* object, object, which contains the information that would be contained
* within the <merchant-calculations> XML block of a Checkout API
* request. This information includes an indication of whether the merchant
* accepts coupons and/or gift certificates and, if so, the URL to which
* Google Checkout should send the <merchant-calculation-callback>.
* @param acceptCoupon Required. This value should be set to true if
* Google Checkout should allow the customer to enter merchant coupon codes
* @param acceptGiftCerts Required. This value should be set to true if
* Google Checkout should allow the customer to enter gift certificate codes
* @param merchantCalculateUrl Required. The URL to which Google Checkout
* should send <merchant-calculation-callback> requests.
public MerchantCalculations createMerchantCalculations(boolean acceptCoupon,
boolean acceptGiftCerts, String merchantCalculateUrl)
throws ProtocolException {
try {
MerchantCalculations mCal = _objectFact.createMerchantCalculations();
return mCal;
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>createAlternateTaxRule</b> method constructs an AlternateTaxRule
* object, which contains information about a rule that will be used to
* calculate taxes for particular types of items in an order. This method
* creates an alternate tax rule for a U.S. state.
* @param taxState Required. This parameter identifies the state where
* the tax rule could be applied. Also see {@see #createStateArea(String)}
* @param taxRate Required. This parameter identifies the tax rate that
* should be assessed. The value should be a non-negative decimal value
* between 0 and 1.
* @return {@see AlternateTaxRule} object
public AlternateTaxRule createAlternateTaxRule(USStateArea state,
float taxRate)
throws ProtocolException {
try {
AlternateTaxRule.TaxAreaType taxArea
= _objectFact.createAlternateTaxRuleTaxAreaType();
return createAlternateTaxRule(taxArea, taxRate);
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>createAlternateTaxRule</b> method constructs an AlternateTaxRule
* object, which contains information about an alternate rule that will be
* used to calculate taxes for particular types of items in an order. This
* method creates an alternate tax rule for a U.S. zip code or zip code
* pattern.
* @param taxZip Required. This parameter identifies the zip code or set of
* zip codes (using a zip code pattern) where a tax rule could be applied.
* Also see {@see #createZipArea(String)}
* @param taxRate Required. This parameter identifies the tax rate that
* should be assessed. The value should be a non-negative decimal value
* between 0 and 1.
* @return {@see AlternateTaxRule} object
public AlternateTaxRule createAlternateTaxRule(USZipArea zip,
float taxRate) throws ProtocolException {
try {
AlternateTaxRule.TaxAreaType taxArea
= _objectFact.createAlternateTaxRuleTaxAreaType();
return createAlternateTaxRule(taxArea, taxRate);
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>createAlternateTaxRule</b> method constructs an AlternateTaxRule
* object, which contains information about an alternate rule that will be
* used to calculate taxes for an order. This method creates an alternate
* tax rule for a U.S. country area.
* @param taxCountryArea Required. This parameter identifies the country
* area where a tax rule could be applied. Also see
* {@see #createCountryArea(String)}
* @param taxRate Required. This parameter identifies the tax rate that
* should be assessed. The value should be a non-negative decimal value
* between 0 and 1.
* @return {@see AlternateTaxRule} object
public AlternateTaxRule createAlternateTaxRule(USCountryArea area,
float taxRate) throws ProtocolException {
try {
AlternateTaxRule.TaxAreaType taxArea
= _objectFact.createAlternateTaxRuleTaxAreaType();
return createAlternateTaxRule(taxArea, taxRate);
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* This method creates and returns an AlternateTaxRule object to one of the
* other three createAlternateTaxRule() methods. This method handles all
* tax areas (country area, state, zip).
* @param AlternateTaxRule.TaxArea Required. This parameter identifies the
* country area, state or zip code where a tax rule could be applied.
* @param taxRate Required. This parameter identifies the tax rate that
* should be assessed. The value should be a non-negative decimal value
* between 0 and 1.
* @return {@see DefaultTaxRule} object
private AlternateTaxRule createAlternateTaxRule(
AlternateTaxRule.TaxAreaType taxArea, float taxRate)
throws JAXBException {
AlternateTaxRule aTaxRule = _objectFact.createAlternateTaxRule();
return aTaxRule;
* The <b>addAlternateTaxRule</b> method adds an {@see AlternateTaxRule} to an
* existing {@see AlternateTaxTable}.
* @param taxTable This parameter contains the AlternateTaxTable to which
* the AlternateTaxRule should be added.
* @param rule This parameter contains the AlternateTaxRule that should be
* added to the AlternateTaxTable
* @return AlternateTaxTable object
public AlternateTaxTable addAlternateTaxRule(AlternateTaxTable taxTable,
AlternateTaxRule rule) throws ProtocolException {
try {
AlternateTaxTable returnTaxTable = taxTable;
if (returnTaxTable == null) {
returnTaxTable = _objectFact.createAlternateTaxTable();
AlternateTaxRulesType aRules
= _objectFact.createAlternateTaxTableAlternateTaxRulesType();
List taxRuleList = aRules.getAlternateTaxRule();
if (!taxRuleList.contains(rule) && rule != null) {
return returnTaxTable;
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());
* The <b>createAlternateTaxTable</b> method constructs an object that
* contains a list of AlternateTaxRule objects. The
* {@see AlternateTaxTable} is identified by a unique name, such as
* "food" or "services"
* @param rules Required. The list of {@see AlternateTaxRule} objects that
* apply to the order.
* @param taxTableName Required. A name that identifies the set of tax rules.
* @param isTaxRulesStandAlone Required. A Boolean value that indicates how
* taxes should be calculated if there is no matching {@see AlternateTaxRule}
* for the country area, state or zip code where the customer is located.
* @return AlternateTaxTable object
* @throws ProtocolException if the rules parameter is null.
public AlternateTaxTable createAlternateTaxTable(List rules,
String taxTableName, boolean isTaxRulesStandAlone)
throws ProtocolException {
if (rules == null) {
throw new ProtocolException("rules cannot be null");
try {
AlternateTaxRulesType taxRules
= _objectFact.createAlternateTaxTableAlternateTaxRulesType();
List ruleList = taxRules.getAlternateTaxRule();
for (int i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) {
AlternateTaxTable aTaxTable = _objectFact.createAlternateTaxTable();
return aTaxTable;
} catch (JAXBException jaxbEx) {
throw new ProtocolException(jaxbEx.getMessage());