* Copyright 2004-2010 the Seasar Foundation and the Others.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
* governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.slim3.datastore;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.AsyncDatastoreService;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Entity;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Key;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.KeyFactory;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Transaction;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Query.FilterOperator;
* A class to lock a target entity.
* @author higa
* @since 1.0.0
public class Lock {
* The kind of lock entity.
public static final String KIND = "slim3.Lock";
* The globalTransactionKey property name.
public static final String GLOBAL_TRANSACTION_KEY_PROPERTY =
* The timestamp property name.
public static final String TIMESTAMP_PROPERTY = "timestampType";
* The timeout.
protected static final long TIMEOUT = 30 * 1000;
* The asynchronous datastore service.
protected AsyncDatastoreService ds;
* The key.
protected Key key;
* The root key.
protected Key rootKey;
* The time-stamp.
protected long timestamp;
* The global transaction key.
protected Key globalTransactionKey;
* Creates a key for lock.
* @param rootKey
* the root key
* @return a key
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the targetKey parameter is null
public static Key createKey(Key rootKey) throws NullPointerException {
if (rootKey == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("The target key must not be null.");
if (rootKey.getParent() != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The key("
+ rootKey
+ ") must be a root.");
return KeyFactory.createKey(rootKey, KIND, 1);
* Converts the entity to a {@link Lock}.
* @param ds
* the asynchronous datastore service
* @param entity
* an entity
* @return a {@link Lock}
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the ds parameter is null or if the entity property is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the kind of the entity is not slim3.Lock
public static Lock toLock(AsyncDatastoreService ds, Entity entity)
throws NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException {
if (entity == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"The entity parameter must not be null.");
if (!KIND.equals(entity.getKind())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The kind("
+ entity.getKind()
+ ") of the entity("
+ entity.getKey()
+ ") must be "
+ ".");
Key globalTransactionKey =
Long timestamp = (Long) entity.getProperty(TIMESTAMP_PROPERTY);
return new Lock(
* Returns a {@link Lock} specified by the key. Returns null if no entity is
* found.
* @param ds
* the asynchronous datastore service
* @param tx
* the transaction
* @param key
* the key
* @return a {@link Lock} specified by the key
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the ds parameter is null
public static Lock getOrNull(AsyncDatastoreService ds, Transaction tx,
Key key) throws NullPointerException {
Entity entity = DatastoreUtil.getOrNull(ds, tx, key);
if (entity == null) {
return null;
return toLock(ds, entity);
* Returns keys specified by the global transaction key.
* @param ds
* the asynchronous datastore service
* @param globalTransactionKey
* the global transaction key
* @return a list of keys
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the ds parameter is null or if the globalTransactionKey
* parameter is null
public static List<Key> getKeys(AsyncDatastoreService ds,
Key globalTransactionKey) throws NullPointerException {
if (ds == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("The ds parameter must not be null.");
if (globalTransactionKey == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"The globalTransactionKey parameter must not be null.");
return new EntityQuery(ds, KIND).filter(
* Deletes entities specified by the global transaction key in transaction.
* @param ds
* the asynchronous datastore service
* @param globalTransactionKey
* the global transaction key
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the ds parameter is null or if the globalTransactionKey
* parameter is null
public static void deleteInTx(AsyncDatastoreService ds,
Key globalTransactionKey) throws NullPointerException {
if (ds == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("The ds parameter must not be null.");
if (globalTransactionKey == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"The globalTransactionKey parameter must not be null.");
for (Key key : getKeys(ds, globalTransactionKey)) {
deleteInTx(ds, globalTransactionKey, key);
* Deletes the locks from the datastore in transaction.
* @param ds
* the asynchronous datastore service
* @param globalTransactionKey
* the global transaction key
* @param locks
* the locks
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the ds parameter is null or if the globalTransactionKey
* parameter is null or if the locks parameter is null
public static void deleteInTx(AsyncDatastoreService ds,
Key globalTransactionKey, Iterable<Lock> locks)
throws NullPointerException {
if (ds == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("The ds parameter must not be null.");
if (globalTransactionKey == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"The globalTransactionKey parameter must not be null.");
if (locks == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"The locks parameter must not be null.");
for (Lock lock : locks) {
deleteInTx(ds, globalTransactionKey, lock.key);
* Deletes an entity specified by the key in transaction.
* @param ds
* the asynchronous datastore service
* @param globalTransactionKey
* the global transaction key
* @param key
* the key
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the ds parameter is null or if the globalTransactionKey
* parameter is null or if the key parameter is null
protected static void deleteInTx(AsyncDatastoreService ds,
Key globalTransactionKey, Key key) throws NullPointerException {
if (ds == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("The ds parameter must not be null.");
if (globalTransactionKey == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"The globalTransactionKey parameter must not be null.");
if (key == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"The key parameter must not be null.");
Transaction tx = DatastoreUtil.beginTransaction(ds);
try {
Lock lock = getOrNull(ds, tx, key);
if (lock != null
&& globalTransactionKey.equals(lock.globalTransactionKey)) {
DatastoreUtil.delete(ds, tx, key);
} finally {
if (tx.isActive()) {
* Deletes entities specified by the global transaction key without
* transaction.
* @param ds
* the asynchronous datastore service
* @param globalTransactionKey
* the global transaction key
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the ds parameter is null or if the globalTransactionKey
* parameter is null
public static void deleteWithoutTx(AsyncDatastoreService ds,
Key globalTransactionKey) throws NullPointerException {
DatastoreUtil.delete(ds, null, getKeys(ds, globalTransactionKey));
* Deletes the locks without transaction.
* @param ds
* the asynchronous datastore service
* @param locks
* the locks
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the ds parameter is null or if the locks parameter is null
public static void deleteWithoutTx(AsyncDatastoreService ds,
Iterable<Lock> locks) throws NullPointerException {
if (ds == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("The ds parameter must not be null.");
if (locks == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"The locks parameter must not be null.");
List<Key> keys = new ArrayList<Key>();
for (Lock lock : locks) {
if (keys.isEmpty()) {
DatastoreUtil.delete(ds, null, keys);
* Verifies lock specified by the root key and returns entities specified by
* the keys as map.
* @param ds
* the asynchronous datastore service
* @param tx
* the transaction
* @param rootKey
* the root key
* @param keys
* the keys
* @return an entity
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the ds parameter is null or if the tx parameter is null or
* if the rootKey parameter is null or if the keys parameter is
* null
* @throws ConcurrentModificationException
* if locking the entity group failed
public static Map<Key, Entity> verifyAndGetAsMap(AsyncDatastoreService ds,
Transaction tx, Key rootKey, Collection<Key> keys)
throws NullPointerException, ConcurrentModificationException {
if (ds == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("The ds parameter must not be null.");
if (tx == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("The tx parameter must not be null.");
if (rootKey == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"The rootKey parameter must not be null.");
if (keys == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"The keys parameter must not be null.");
Key lockKey = createKey(rootKey);
List<Key> keyList = new ArrayList<Key>(keys.size() + 1);
Map<Key, Entity> map = DatastoreUtil.getAsMap(ds, tx, keyList);
if (map.containsKey(lockKey)) {
throw createConcurrentModificationException(rootKey);
return map;
* Creates a {@link ConcurrentModificationException}.
* @param rootKey
* the root key
* @return a {@link ConcurrentModificationException}
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the cause parameter is null
protected static ConcurrentModificationException createConcurrentModificationException(
Key rootKey) throws NullPointerException {
if (rootKey == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"The rootKey parameter must not be null.");
return new ConcurrentModificationException("Locking the entity group("
+ rootKey
+ ") failed.");
* Creates a {@link ConcurrentModificationException}.
* @param rootKey
* the root key
* @param cause
* the cause
* @return a {@link ConcurrentModificationException}
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the rootKey parameter is null or if the cause parameter is
* null
protected static ConcurrentModificationException createConcurrentModificationException(
Key rootKey, Throwable cause) throws NullPointerException {
if (rootKey == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"The rootKey parameter must not be null.");
if (cause == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"The cause parameter must not be null.");
ConcurrentModificationException cme =
new ConcurrentModificationException("Locking the entity group("
+ rootKey
+ ") failed.");
return cme;
* Constructor.
* @param ds
* the asynchronous datastore service
* @param globalTransactionKey
* the global transaction key
* @param rootKey
* the root key
* @param timestamp
* the time-stamp
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the ds parameter is null or if the rootKey parameter is
* null or if the timestamp parameter is null or if the
* globalTransactionKey parameter is null
public Lock(AsyncDatastoreService ds, Key globalTransactionKey,
Key rootKey, Long timestamp) throws NullPointerException {
if (ds == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("The ds parameter must not be null.");
if (globalTransactionKey == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"The globalTranactionKey parameter must not be null.");
if (rootKey == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"The rootKey parameter must not be null.");
if (timestamp == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"The timestamp parameter must not be null.");
this.ds = ds;
this.globalTransactionKey = globalTransactionKey;
this.key = createKey(rootKey);
this.rootKey = rootKey;
this.timestamp = timestamp;
* Converts this instance to an entity.
* @return an entity
public Entity toEntity() {
Entity entity = new Entity(key);
entity.setProperty(TIMESTAMP_PROPERTY, timestamp);
return entity;
* Locks the entity group.
* @throws ConcurrentModificationException
* if locking the entity failed
public void lock() throws ConcurrentModificationException {
Transaction tx = DatastoreUtil.beginTransaction(ds);
try {
Lock other = getOrNull(ds, tx, key);
if (other != null) {
DatastoreUtil.put(ds, tx, toEntity());
} finally {
if (tx.isActive()) {
* Locks the entity group and returns entities specified by the target keys.
* @param targetKeys
* the target keys
* @return an entity specified by the target keys
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the targetKeys parameter is null
* @throws ConcurrentModificationException
* if locking the entity failed
public Map<Key, Entity> lockAndGetAsMap(Collection<Key> targetKeys)
throws NullPointerException, ConcurrentModificationException {
Map<Key, Entity> map = null;
Transaction tx = DatastoreUtil.beginTransaction(ds);
try {
List<Key> keyList = new ArrayList<Key>(targetKeys.size() + 1);
map = DatastoreUtil.getAsMap(ds, tx, keyList);
Entity otherEntity = map.remove(key);
if (otherEntity != null) {
Lock other = toLock(ds, otherEntity);
DatastoreUtil.put(ds, tx, toEntity());
return map;
} finally {
if (tx.isActive()) {
* Verifies the other {@link Lock}.
* @param other
* the other {@link Lock}
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the other parameter is null
* @throws ConcurrentModificationException
* if the entity group is locked by the other one
protected void verify(Lock other) throws NullPointerException,
ConcurrentModificationException {
if (other == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"The other parameter must not be null.");
if (globalTransactionKey.equals(other.globalTransactionKey)) {
if (timestamp <= other.getTimestamp() + TIMEOUT) {
throw createConcurrentModificationException(rootKey);
Transaction tx = DatastoreUtil.beginTransaction(ds);
try {
GlobalTransaction gtx =
GlobalTransaction.getOrNull(ds, tx, other.globalTransactionKey);
if (gtx != null) {
if (gtx.valid) {
throw createConcurrentModificationException(rootKey);
gtx = new GlobalTransaction(ds, other.globalTransactionKey, false);
GlobalTransaction.put(ds, tx, gtx);
} catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) {
throw createConcurrentModificationException(rootKey, e);
} finally {
if (tx.isActive()) {
* Returns the global transaction key.
* @return the global transaction key
public Key getGlobalTransactionKey() {
return globalTransactionKey;
* Returns the key.
* @return the key
public Key getKey() {
return key;
* Returns the root key.
* @return the root key
public Key getRootKey() {
return rootKey;
* Returns the time-stamp.
* @return the time-stamp
public long getTimestamp() {
return timestamp;