Copyright (C) 2010 Petri Tuononen
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package player;
import general.Board;
import general.Move;
import general.Piece;
import java.util.*;
* @author Petri Tuononen
* @since 7/1/2010
public class PlayerAI extends Player {
//global variables
private Board board;
private Move move;
* Constructor
* @param side
public PlayerAI(Board board, Move move, int side) {
this.board = board;
this.move = move;
* Get all squares pieces are allowed to move.
* First arraylist contains row numbers and second contains
* column numbers.
* @param side
* @return ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>
public ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> getAllSquaresPossibleToMove(int side) {
ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> allSquaresPossibleToMove = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
//get all pieces from black or white
ArrayList<Piece> allPiecesFromOneSide = board.getPiecesFromOneSide(side);
ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> moves = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
ArrayList<Integer> x = new ArrayList<Integer>(), y = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (Piece ownPiece : allPiecesFromOneSide) {
//all squares piece can move to
moves = move.possiblePieceMoves(ownPiece, false);
return allSquaresPossibleToMove;
* Returns two arraylists of piece notations and where they can move.
* @param side
* @return ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>
public ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> getAllSquaresPossibleToMoveAndPiece(int side) {
ArrayList<String> ownPieces = new ArrayList<String>(), squares = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> allSquaresPossibleToMove = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
//get all pieces from black or white
ArrayList<Piece> allPiecesFromOneSide = board.getPiecesFromOneSide(side);
ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> moves = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
int xL, yL;
ListIterator<Integer> xList, yList;
ArrayList<Integer> x = new ArrayList<Integer>(), y = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (Piece ownPiece : allPiecesFromOneSide) {
//all squares piece can move to
moves = move.possiblePieceMoves(ownPiece, false);
x = moves.get(0); //list of row numbers
y = moves.get(1); //list of column numbers
xList = x.listIterator(); //row iterator
yList = y.listIterator(); //column iterator
while (xList.hasNext() && yList.hasNext()) { //while lists have coordinates
xL = xList.next(); //x coordinate on the board
yL = yList.next(); //y coordinate on the board
String squareNotation = board.coordinatesToNotation(xL, yL);
ownPieces.add(board.coordinatesToNotation(ownPiece.getRow(), ownPiece.getCol()));
return allSquaresPossibleToMove;
* Get all enemy pieces that can be captured. Returns an arraylist containing two arraylists.
* First arraylist indicates own piece that can capture and second arraylist enemy piece to capture.
* @param side
* @return ArrayList<ArrayList<Piece>>
public ArrayList<ArrayList<Piece>> getPiecesPossibleToCapture(int side, boolean kingCapture) {
ArrayList<Piece> ownPieces = new ArrayList<Piece>(), enemyPieces = new ArrayList<Piece>();
ArrayList<ArrayList<Piece>> ownAndEnemyPieces = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Piece>>();
//get all pieces from black or white
ArrayList<Piece> allPiecesFromOneSide = board.getPiecesFromOneSide(side);
ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> moves = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
ArrayList<Integer> x, y;
ListIterator<Integer> xList, yList;
int xL, yL, enemySide;
for (Piece ownPiece : allPiecesFromOneSide) {
//all squares piece can move to
moves = move.possiblePieceMoves(ownPiece, kingCapture);
x = moves.get(0); //list of row numbers
y = moves.get(1); //list of column numbers
xList = x.listIterator(); //row iterator
yList = y.listIterator(); //column iterator
if (side==0) {
} else {
while (xList.hasNext() && yList.hasNext()) { //while lists have coordinates
//listIterator next() method doesn't work inside if statement -> assign to variables
xL = xList.next(); //x coordinate on the board
yL = yList.next(); //y coordinate on the board
//check if an enemy piece is found from the square
if (move.isPieceOnSquare(xL, yL, enemySide)) {
//add enemy piece to arraylist
enemyPieces.add(board.getPiece(xL, yL, enemySide));
//add own piece to arraylist
return ownAndEnemyPieces;
* Prints a list of which own piece can capture enemy piece.
* e.g. a8, a2 (black rook can capture white pawn)
* @param side
public void printPiecesToCaptureAsNotation(int side) {
ArrayList<ArrayList<Piece>> pieces = getPiecesPossibleToCapture(side, false);
ArrayList<Piece> ownPieces = pieces.get(0);
ArrayList<Piece> enemyPieces = pieces.get(1);
ListIterator<Piece> ownList = ownPieces.listIterator();
ListIterator<Piece> enemyList = enemyPieces.listIterator();
Piece ownPiece, enemyPiece;
while (ownList.hasNext() && enemyList.hasNext()) {
ownPiece = ownList.next();
enemyPiece = enemyList.next();
System.out.print(board.coordinatesToNotation(ownPiece.getRow(), ownPiece.getCol()));
System.out.print(", ");
System.out.println(board.coordinatesToNotation(enemyPiece.getRow(), enemyPiece.getCol()));
* Returns an array that contains two cells which first cell
* contains own piece that can be capture highest value enemy piece
* and second cell contains highest value enemy piece.
* @param side
* @return Piece[]
public Piece[] highestValuePieceAbleToCapture(int side) {
Piece[] highestValuePiece = new Piece[2];
ArrayList<ArrayList<Piece>> pieces = getPiecesPossibleToCapture(side, false);
ArrayList<Piece> ownPieces = pieces.get(0);
ArrayList<Piece> enemyPieces = pieces.get(1);
ListIterator<Piece> ownList = ownPieces.listIterator();
ListIterator<Piece> enemyList = enemyPieces.listIterator();
Piece ownPiece, enemyPiece;
int highestValue = 0, tempValue = 0;
while (ownList.hasNext() && enemyList.hasNext()) {
ownPiece = ownList.next();
enemyPiece = enemyList.next();
tempValue = enemyPiece.getValue();
if (tempValue > highestValue) {
highestValue = tempValue;
highestValuePiece[0] = ownPiece;
highestValuePiece[1] = enemyPiece;
return highestValuePiece;
* Returns an array of enemy pieces that can be captured in
* value descending order.
* @param side
* @return ArrayList<ArrayList<Piece>>
public ArrayList<ArrayList<Piece>> piecesAbleToCaptureInValueDescOrder(int side) {
//get all pieces the selected player is able to capture
ArrayList<ArrayList<Piece>> pieces = getPiecesPossibleToCapture(side, false);
ArrayList<ArrayList<Piece>> piecesNewOrder = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Piece>>();
ArrayList<Piece> ownPieces = pieces.get(0); //get own pieces
ArrayList<Piece> enemyPieces = pieces.get(1); //get enemy pieces
//convert arraylist into an array
Piece[] newEnemyOrder = new Piece[enemyPieces.size()];
for (int i=0; i < newEnemyOrder.length; i++) {
newEnemyOrder[i] = enemyPieces.get(i);
//order by ascending piece value
sortPieceArray(newEnemyOrder, newEnemyOrder.length);
//reverse order array -> descending order by piece value
List<Piece> list = Arrays.asList(newEnemyOrder);
newEnemyOrder = (Piece[]) list.toArray();
//convert own piece arraylist into an array
Piece[] origOwnOrder = new Piece[ownPieces.size()];
//convert enemy piece arraylist into an array
Piece[] origEnemyOrder = new Piece[enemyPieces.size()];
Piece[] newOwnOrder = new Piece[newEnemyOrder.length];
for (int i=0; i<newEnemyOrder.length; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<origEnemyOrder.length; j++) {
//find same piece from original order of enemy pieces
if (newEnemyOrder[i]==origEnemyOrder[j]) {
//copy own piece to same order as newly ordered enemy pieces
newOwnOrder[i] = origOwnOrder[j];
ArrayList<Piece> newOwn = new ArrayList<Piece>(Arrays.asList(newOwnOrder));
ArrayList<Piece> newEnemy = new ArrayList<Piece>(Arrays.asList(newEnemyOrder));
piecesNewOrder.add(newOwn); //own pieces on new order
piecesNewOrder.add(newEnemy); //enemy pieces on new order
return piecesNewOrder;
* Check if player's King is in checkmate.
* @param player
* @return boolean
public boolean isCheckmate(Player player) {
//check if King is under attack
//check if there's safe square to move
ArrayList<ArrayList<Piece>> pieces = getPiecesPossibleToCapture(player.getEnemySide(), true);
ArrayList<Piece> piecesAbleToCapture = pieces.get(1);
ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> kingMoves = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
//check if King is found from the list of pieces enemy is able to capture
for (Piece p : piecesAbleToCapture) {
if (p.getType()==1) {
kingMoves = move.possiblePieceMoves(p, false);
if (!kingMoves.isEmpty()) {
ArrayList<Integer> x = kingMoves.get(0);
ArrayList<Integer> y = kingMoves.get(1);
ListIterator<Integer> xList, yList;
xList = x.listIterator(); //row iterator
yList = y.listIterator(); //column iterator
if (!x.isEmpty()) {
while (xList.hasNext()) {
//if there's safe square for the King to move
if (isSquareSafe(xList.next(), yList.next(), player)) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
* Sorts an array of Piece objects in ascending order by value.
* @param list
* @param length
public void sortPieceArray(Piece[] list, int length) {
int outOfOrder, location;
Piece temp;
//from second until the end of the array
for(outOfOrder = 1; outOfOrder < length; outOfOrder++) {
//if out of order, move to the right place
if(list[outOfOrder].getValue() < list[outOfOrder - 1].getValue()) {
temp = list[outOfOrder];
location = outOfOrder;
do { //move down the array until correct place is found
list[location] = list[location-1];
while (location > 0 && list[location-1].getValue() > temp.getValue());
list[location] = temp;
* Prints the highest value piece that can be captured and piece that can capture it.
* Printed in notation format so that first comes own piece then separated by
* comma the enemy piece.
* @param side
public void printHighestValuePieceAbleToCapture(int side) {
Piece[] p = highestValuePieceAbleToCapture(side);
try {
Piece ownP = p[0];
Piece enemyP = p[1];
System.out.print(board.coordinatesToNotation(ownP.getRow(), ownP.getCol()));
System.out.print(", ");
System.out.println(board.coordinatesToNotation(enemyP.getRow(), enemyP.getCol()));
} catch(NullPointerException e){
* Performs the best possible move in different situations.
public void doBestMove(Player player) {
* check first that own pieces are not in danger
* if they are, move highest value piece to a safe spot
//get an array containing enemy piece and the highest value piece it can capture
Piece[] highestValPiece = highestValuePieceAbleToCapture(player.getEnemySide());
if (highestValPiece[0] != null) { //if there's piece in danger
} else {
* if own pieces are not in danger, check if it's possible
* to capture pieces starting from the highest value piece.
* if there's no piece to capture, advance piece normally.
* If piece in danger move to a safe square.
* @param player
public void defense(Player player) {
//get an array containing enemy piece and the highest value piece it can capture
Piece[] highestValPiece = highestValuePieceAbleToCapture(player.getEnemySide());
//get the highest value piece that enemy can capture
Piece pieceInDanger = highestValPiece[1];
//find possible squares where piece can move
ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> possibleMoves = move.possiblePieceMoves(pieceInDanger, false);
ArrayList<Integer> possibleMovesX = possibleMoves.get(0); //get x coordinates
ArrayList<Integer> possibleMovesY = possibleMoves.get(1); //get y coordinates
//find possible squares enemy pieces can move
ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> possibleEnemyMoves = getAllSquaresPossibleToMove(player.getEnemySide());
ArrayList<Integer> possibleEnemyMovesX = possibleEnemyMoves.get(0); //get x coordinates
ArrayList<Integer> possibleEnemyMovesY = possibleEnemyMoves.get(1); //get y coordinates
//find a square own piece can move safely
* compare possible own piece movements to enemy piece movements to find
* a safe square.
ListIterator<Integer> pmxList, pmyList; //iterators for possible own piece moves
pmxList = possibleMovesX.listIterator(); //row iterator
pmyList = possibleMovesY.listIterator(); //column iterator
//convert arraylist of enemy x movement coordinates into an array
int[] pexArray = new int[possibleEnemyMovesX.size()];
for (int i=0; i < pexArray.length; i++) {
pexArray[i] = possibleEnemyMovesX.get(i).intValue();
//convert arraylist of enemy y movement coordinates into an array
int[] peyArray = new int[possibleEnemyMovesY.size()];
for (int i=0; i < peyArray.length; i++) {
peyArray[i] = possibleEnemyMovesY.get(i).intValue();
int pmx=0, pmy=0, pex, pey;
boolean match = true;
//check possible own piece moves until safe square is found or possible moves run out
while (pmxList.hasNext() && pmyList.hasNext() && match) {
match = false; //reset to false
//get next own piece move
pmx = pmxList.next();
pmy = pmyList.next();
enemy: for (int i=0; i<pexArray.length; i++) {
//get enemy piece move
pex = pexArray[i];
pey = peyArray[i];
//if match found no need to check other enemy moves
if (pmx==pex && pmy==pey) {
match = true;
break enemy;
//if none of the enemy moves match -> move own piece to that square
if (!match) {
move.doMove(player, board.coordinatesToNotation(pieceInDanger.getRow(),
pieceInDanger.getCol()), board.coordinatesToNotation(pmx, pmy));
} else if (match) {
* if the piece can't be safed by moving it to a safe square
* try to trade a less valuable piece.
* if that doesn't work capture highest value enemy piece.
// if (pieceInDanger.getType()!=6) { //only worth trading if piece is not pawn
// } else {
// attack(player);
// }
* Tries to capture highest value enemy piece.
* Tries to capture second highest and so on if piece that
* tries capturing would be lost in trade to a less valuable piece.
* If no piece can be captured move normally.
* @param player
public void attack(Player player) {
* get all pieces that can be captured by current player.
* first arraylist contains own pieces that can capture.
* second arraylist contains enemy pieces.
* lists are enemy piece value descending order.
boolean moveDone = false;
ArrayList<ArrayList<Piece>> piecesAbleToCapture = piecesAbleToCaptureInValueDescOrder(player.getSide());
ArrayList<Piece> ownPieceArray = piecesAbleToCapture.get(0); //own pieces that can capture
ArrayList<Piece> enemyPieceArray = piecesAbleToCapture.get(1); //pieces that can be captured
ListIterator<Piece> ownList, enemyList; //iterators
ownList = ownPieceArray.listIterator();
enemyList = enemyPieceArray.listIterator();
if (!ownPieceArray.isEmpty()) { //no pieces to capture
//while pieces left and suitable move not found
while (ownList.hasNext() && enemyList.hasNext() && !moveDone) {
Piece ownPiece = ownList.next(); //own piece
Piece enemyPiece = enemyList.next(); //piece to capture
* before making move, check that own piece can't be captured during next move
* or at least the captured enemy piece is more valuable
//temporarily make target square empty
board.removePiece(enemyPiece.getRow(), enemyPiece.getCol()); //remove piece from the square
//get all squares enemy can move during the next turn (now including the square
//where enemy's piece was located)
ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> possibleEnemyMoves = getAllSquaresPossibleToMove(player.getEnemySide());
//place the removed piece on board
ArrayList<Integer> possibleEnemyMovesX = possibleEnemyMoves.get(0); //get x coordinates
ArrayList<Integer> possibleEnemyMovesY = possibleEnemyMoves.get(1); //get y coordinates
//convert arraylist of enemy x movement coordinates into an array
int[] pexArray = new int[possibleEnemyMovesX.size()];
for (int i=0; i < pexArray.length; i++) {
pexArray[i] = possibleEnemyMovesX.get(i).intValue();
//convert arraylist of enemy y movement coordinates into an array
int[] peyArray = new int[possibleEnemyMovesY.size()];
for (int i=0; i < peyArray.length; i++) {
peyArray[i] = possibleEnemyMovesY.get(i).intValue();
//check if enemy can do counter attack on next move
boolean capturedNextRound = false;
comp: for (int i=0; i<pexArray.length; i++) {
if (enemyPiece.getRow()==pexArray[i] && enemyPiece.getCol()==peyArray[i]) {
capturedNextRound = true;
break comp;
//check is enemy piece is more valuable
boolean enemyMoreValuable = false;
//if enemy piece is at least as valuable as own piece
if (enemyPiece.getValue() >= ownPiece.getValue()) {
enemyMoreValuable = true;
* do move if enemy can't counter attack during next move or it can but
* traded piece is less valuable
if (!capturedNextRound || (capturedNextRound && enemyMoreValuable)) {
move.doMove(player, board.coordinatesToNotation(ownPiece.getRow(),
ownPiece.getCol()), board.coordinatesToNotation(enemyPiece.getRow(),
} else {
} else { //no pieces to capture, no own pieces in danger either
* if there's no possibility to capture move some piece to a safe spot.
* check that enemy can't move to selected square on next round.
* @param x
* @param y
* @param player
* @return boolean
public boolean isSquareSafe(int x, int y, Player player) {
//get all moves enemy side can do
ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> possibleEnemyMoves = getAllSquaresPossibleToMove(player.getEnemySide());
ArrayList<Integer> possibleEnemyMovesX = possibleEnemyMoves.get(0); //get x coordinates
ArrayList<Integer> possibleEnemyMovesY = possibleEnemyMoves.get(1); //get y coordinates
ListIterator<Integer> pexIter = possibleEnemyMovesX.listIterator(); //x iterator
ListIterator<Integer> peyIter = possibleEnemyMovesY.listIterator(); //y iterator
//look for a matching move
while (pexIter.hasNext() && peyIter.hasNext()) {
if(pexIter.next()==x && peyIter.next()==y) { //match found
return false; //not a safe square as enemy piece can move there
return true;
* Advance piece.
* @param player
public void advance(Player player) {
/* get own pieces that can move
* put pieces in random order
* choose first piece from the list
* get all moves piece can do
* put moves in random order
* select first move
* check that square is safe
* try to find advancing piece
* if found -> move piece, else put safe move in reserve
* if no safe moves -> get next piece from the list
* loop until advancing piece move is found or if no pieces
* with advancing move, get the latest move in reserve
//get all own pieces
ArrayList<Piece> allPiecesFromOneSide = board.getPiecesFromOneSide(player.getSide());
//put list of pieces in a random order
int amountOfPieces = allPiecesFromOneSide.size();
int piecesChecked = 0;
boolean advancingMove = false;
Piece reservePiece = new Piece(), lastHope = new Piece();
int reserveX=0, reserveY=0, lastHopeX=0, lastHopeY=0;
Piece p;
ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> moves;
ArrayList<Integer> xList, yList, moveCheckOrder;
int moveAmount;
int moveLoc;
boolean moveDone = false;
//until advancing move is found or no pieces left to check
while (!advancingMove && piecesChecked<amountOfPieces) {
//get a piece
p = allPiecesFromOneSide.get(piecesChecked);
//get all possible moves that piece can do
moves = move.possiblePieceMoves(p, false);
xList = moves.get(0); //x coordinates
yList = moves.get(1); //y coordinates
moveAmount = xList.size(); //amount of moves
moveLoc = 0; //move index in list
//create order to check moves
moveCheckOrder = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i=0; i<moveAmount; i++) {
//randomize order in which moves are checked
int counter = 0;
if (moveAmount>0) { //if there's moves at all
//save first move as a reserve/last chance move
lastHope = p;
int firstMove = moveCheckOrder.get(0);
//while advancing move not found and still moves left
while (!advancingMove && counter<moveAmount) {
moveLoc = moveCheckOrder.get(counter); //get next move
//check if move is safe (enemy can't attack during next move)
if (isSquareSafe(xList.get(moveLoc), yList.get(moveLoc), player)) {
//best move is to advance/go forward: white -vertical, black +vertical
if(player.getSide()==0) { //if white side
//if advancing move
if(xList.get(moveLoc)<p.getRow()) {
else { //black side
//if advancing move
if(xList.get(moveLoc)>p.getRow()) {
//if not found a safe piece which can move forward
//put piece in reserve because at least it's safe
if(!advancingMove) {
if (advancingMove) { //advancing move found
move.doMove(player, board.coordinatesToNotation(p.getRow(),
p.getCol()), board.coordinatesToNotation(xList.get(moveLoc),
if (!advancingMove) { //advancing move not found so use safe move in reserve
move.doMove(player, board.coordinatesToNotation(reservePiece.getRow(),
reservePiece.getCol()), board.coordinatesToNotation(reserveX,
//if no piece can advance
if (!moveDone) {
//move last piece that has at least one legal move
move.doMove(player, board.coordinatesToNotation(lastHope.getRow(),
lastHope.getCol()), board.coordinatesToNotation(lastHopeX,
//skip turn
//add skip turn to history of moves
// HistoryOfMoves history = move.getHistoryOfMoves(); //get current history
// if(player.getSide()==0) {
// history.addWhiteMove("0", "0");
// } else {
// history.addBlackMove("0", "0");
// }
// move.setHistoryOfMoves(history); //set updated history