Package com.dyuproject.openid

Source Code of com.dyuproject.openid.RelyingParty

//Copyright 2007-2008 David Yu
//Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
//you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
//You may obtain a copy of the License at
//Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
//distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
//See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
//limitations under the License.

package com.dyuproject.openid;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import com.dyuproject.openid.Discovery.UserCache;
import com.dyuproject.openid.Identifier.Resolver;
import com.dyuproject.openid.Identifier.ResolverCollection;
import com.dyuproject.openid.manager.HttpSessionUserManager;
import com.dyuproject.util.ClassLoaderUtil;
import com.dyuproject.util.http.HttpConnector;
import com.dyuproject.util.http.SimpleHttpConnector;
import com.dyuproject.util.http.UrlEncodedParameterMap;

* Relying party which discovers, associates and verifies the authentication of a user.
* An implementation of RelyingParty.Listener will enable you to listen to events
* during a user's authentication lifecycle.
* <blockquote>
* <pre>
*   OpenIdUser user =;
*   if(user==null)
*   {               
*       if(RelyingParty.isAuthResponse(request))
*       {
*           // authentication timeout                   
*           response.sendRedirect(request.getRequestURI());
*       }
*       else
*       {
*           // set error msg if the openid_identifier is not resolved.
*           if(request.getParameter(_relyingParty.getIdentifierParameter())!=null)
*               request.setAttribute(OpenIdServletFilter.ERROR_MSG_ATTR, errorMsg);
*           // new user
*           request.getRequestDispatcher("/login.jsp").forward(request, response);
*       }
*       return;
*   }
*   if(user.isAuthenticated())
*   {
*       // user already authenticated
*       request.getRequestDispatcher("/home.jsp").forward(request, response);
*       return;
*   }
*   if(user.isAssociated() && RelyingParty.isAuthResponse(request))
*   {
*       // verify authentication
*       if(_relyingParty.verifyAuth(user, request, response))
*       {
*           // authenticated                   
*          // redirect to home to remove the query params instead of doing:
*           // request.setAttribute("user", user); request.getRequestDispatcher("/home.jsp").forward(request, response);
*           response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/home/");
*       }
*       else
*       {
*           // failed verification
*           request.getRequestDispatcher("/login.jsp").forward(request, response);
*       }
*       return;
*   }
*   StringBuffer url = request.getRequestURL();
*   String trustRoot = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("/", 9));
*   String realm = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf("/"));
*   String returnTo = url.toString();           
*   if(_relyingParty.associateAndAuthenticate(user, request, response, trustRoot, realm, returnTo))
*   {
*       // successful association
*       return;
*   }
* </pre>
* </blockquote>
* @author David Yu
* @created Sep 21, 2008

public final class RelyingParty
     * The default resource path ("" from classpath).
    public static final String DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PATH = "";
     * "openid_identifier"
    public static final String DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER_PARAMETER = "openid_identifier";
    static final boolean DEFAULT_AUTOMATIC_REDIRECT = true;
    private static RelyingParty __instance = null;
     * Gets the default instance configured from the properties file found in the
     * {@link #DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PATH default resource path}.
     * If its not found, a new instance will be created (using the default constructor of
     * the RelyingParty) and set as the default instance.
    public static RelyingParty getInstance()
        RelyingParty instance = __instance;
                instance = __instance;
                    URL resource = getResource(DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PATH);
                        // default setting
                        __instance = instance = new RelyingParty();
                            __instance = instance = newInstance(resource);
                        catch(IOException e)
                            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        return instance;
     * Creates a new instance from the specified {@code resourceLoc} in the classpath, which
     * will be parsed/loaded to a {@link Properties}.
    public static RelyingParty newInstance(String resourceLoc)
        URL resource = getResource(resourceLoc);
            throw new RuntimeException(resourceLoc + " not found in the classpath.");
            return newInstance(resource);
        catch(IOException e)
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
     * Creates a new instance from the specified URL {@code resource}, which will be 
     * parsed/loaded to a {@link Properties}.
    public static RelyingParty newInstance(URL resource) throws IOException
        return newInstance(resource.openStream());
     * Creates a new instance from the specified InputStream {@code in}, which will be
     * parsed/loaded to a {@link Properties}.
    public static RelyingParty newInstance(InputStream in) throws IOException
        Properties props = new Properties();
        return newInstance(props);
     * Creates a new instance configured from the given {@code properties}.
    public static RelyingParty newInstance(Properties properties)
        // discovery
        String discoveryParam = properties.getProperty("openid.discovery");
        Discovery discovery = discoveryParam==null ? new DefaultDiscovery() :

        // association
        String associationParam = properties.getProperty("openid.association");
        Association association = associationParam==null ? new DiffieHellmanAssociation() :
        // http connector
        String httpConnectorParam = properties.getProperty("openid.httpconnector");
        HttpConnector httpConnector = httpConnectorParam==null ? new SimpleHttpConnector() :
        // user manager
        String managerParam = properties.getProperty("openid.user.manager");
        OpenIdUserManager manager = managerParam == null ? new HttpSessionUserManager() :
        // openid user cache
        String userCacheParam = properties.getProperty("openid.user.cache");
        UserCache userCache = userCacheParam==null ? new IdentifierSelectUserCache() :
        // openid automatic redirect
        // when the user is redirected to his provider and he somehow navigates away from his
        // provider and returns to your site ... the relying party will do an automatic redirect
        // back to his provider for authentication (if set to true)
        String automaticRedirectParam = properties.getProperty("openid.automatic_redirect");
        boolean automaticRedirect = automaticRedirectParam==null ? DEFAULT_AUTOMATIC_REDIRECT :
        // auth redirection
        String authRedirectionParam = properties.getProperty("openid.authredirection");
        AuthRedirection authRedirection = authRedirectionParam==null ? new SimpleRedirection() :
        // identifier parameter (default is openid_identifier)
        String identifierParameter = properties.getProperty("openid.identifier.parameter",
        String identifierAsServerParam = properties.getProperty("openid.identifier_as_server");
        boolean identifierAsServer = "true".equals(identifierAsServerParam);
        RelyingParty relyingParty = new RelyingParty(
                new OpenIdContext(discovery, association, httpConnector),
                manager, userCache, automaticRedirect, identifierAsServer,
                authRedirection, identifierParameter);
        // relying party listeners
        String listenersParam = properties.getProperty("openid.relyingparty.listeners");
            StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(listenersParam, ",;");
        // openid identifier resolvers
        String resolversParam = properties.getProperty("openid.identifier.resolvers");
            StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(resolversParam, ",;");
        return relyingParty;
    static URL getResource(String resource)
        return ClassLoaderUtil.getResource(resource, RelyingParty.class);
    static Object newObjectInstance(String className)
            return ClassLoaderUtil.newInstance(className, RelyingParty.class);
        catch(Exception e)
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
     * Copies all the request parameters into a Map<String,String> object.
    public static Map<String,String> getAuthParameters(HttpServletRequest request)
        Map<String,String> params = new HashMap<String,String>();
        Enumeration<String> names = (Enumeration<String>)request.getParameterNames();
            String name = names.nextElement();
            params.put(name, request.getParameter(name));
        return params;
     * Returns true if we have a positive response from the OpenID provider.
     * If the user {@link OpenIdUser#isAssociated() is associated}
     * and we have an auth response, then we can
     * {@link #verifyAuth(OpenIdUser, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) verify} the user.
    public static boolean isAuthResponse(HttpServletRequest request)
        return Constants.Mode.ID_RES.equals(request.getParameter(Constants.OPENID_MODE));
     * Returns true if the user has cancelled the authentication on his openid provider.
    public static boolean isAuthCancel(HttpServletRequest request)
        return Constants.Mode.CANCEL.equals(request.getParameter(Constants.OPENID_MODE));
     * Gets the UrlEncodedParameterMap filled with the openid parameters that is used to
     * redirect the user to his openid provider.
    public static UrlEncodedParameterMap getAuthUrlMap(OpenIdUser user, String trustRoot,
            String realm, String returnTo)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("claimed_id of user has not been verified.");
        UrlEncodedParameterMap map = new UrlEncodedParameterMap(user.getOpenIdServer());
        String identity = user.getOpenIdDelegate();
            identity = user.getClaimedId();
        map.put(Constants.OPENID_NS, Constants.DEFAULT_NS);
        map.put(Constants.OPENID_MODE, Constants.Mode.CHECKID_SETUP);
        map.put(Constants.OPENID_TRUST_ROOT, trustRoot);
        map.put(Constants.OPENID_REALM, realm);
        map.put(Constants.OPENID_RETURN_TO, returnTo);
        map.put(Constants.OPENID_ASSOC_HANDLE, user.getAssocHandle());
        map.put(Constants.OPENID_IDENTITY, identity);
        map.put(Constants.OPENID_CLAIMED_ID, identity);
        return map;
     * Gets the StringBuilder filled with the openid parameters that is used to
     * redirect the user to his openid provider.
    public static StringBuilder getAuthUrlBuffer(OpenIdUser user, String trustRoot, String realm,
            String returnTo)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("claimed_id of user has not been verified.");   
        String identity = user.getOpenIdDelegate();
            identity = user.getClaimedId();
        StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder().append(user.getOpenIdServer());       
        char separator = user.getOpenIdServer().indexOf('?')==-1 ? '?' : '&';
        return buffer;
     * Gets the string url with the openid parameters that is used to
     * redirect the user to his openid provider.
    public static String getAuthUrlString(OpenIdUser user, String trustRoot, String realm,
            String returnTo)
        return getAuthUrlBuffer(user, trustRoot, realm, returnTo).toString();
    private final OpenIdContext _context;
    private final OpenIdUserManager _manager;
    private final UserCache _userCache;   
    private final boolean _automaticRedirect;
    private final boolean _identifierAsServer;
    private final AuthRedirection _authRedirection;
    private final String _identifierParameter;
    private final ListenerCollection _listener = new ListenerCollection();
    private final ResolverCollection _resolver = new ResolverCollection();
    public RelyingParty()
    public RelyingParty(boolean automaticRedirect)
        this(new OpenIdContext(new DefaultDiscovery(), new DiffieHellmanAssociation(),
                new SimpleHttpConnector()), new HttpSessionUserManager(), automaticRedirect);

    public RelyingParty(OpenIdContext context, OpenIdUserManager manager)
        this(context, manager, DEFAULT_AUTOMATIC_REDIRECT);
    public RelyingParty(OpenIdUserManager manager, UserCache userCache)
        this(new OpenIdContext(new DefaultDiscovery(), new DiffieHellmanAssociation(),
                new SimpleHttpConnector()), manager, DEFAULT_AUTOMATIC_REDIRECT);
    public RelyingParty(OpenIdContext context, OpenIdUserManager manager, boolean automaticRedirect)
        this(context, manager, new IdentifierSelectUserCache(), automaticRedirect);
    public RelyingParty(OpenIdContext context, OpenIdUserManager manager, UserCache userCache,
            boolean automaticRedirect)
        this(context, manager, userCache, automaticRedirect, false, new SimpleRedirection(),
    public RelyingParty(OpenIdContext context, OpenIdUserManager manager, UserCache userCache,
            boolean automaticRedirect, boolean identifierAsServer,
            AuthRedirection authRedirection, String identifierParameter)
        _context = context;
        _manager = manager;       
        _userCache = userCache;
        _automaticRedirect = automaticRedirect;
        _identifierAsServer = identifierAsServer;
        _authRedirection = authRedirection;
        _identifierParameter = identifierParameter;       
     * Gets the {@link OpenIdUser} {@link OpenIdUserManager manager}.
    public OpenIdUserManager getOpenIdUserManager()
        return _manager;
     * Gets the {@link OpenIdContext}.
    public OpenIdContext getOpenIdContext()
        return _context;
     * Gets the identifier parameter - default is "openid_identifier".
    public String getIdentifierParameter()
        return _identifierParameter;
     * Checks whether the relying party should automatically redirect the user if he
     * navigates back to the relying party's site.
    public boolean isAutomaticRedirect()
        return _automaticRedirect;
     * Gets the auth redirection scheme.
    public AuthRedirection getAuthRedirection()
        return _authRedirection;

     * Gets the user cache.
    public UserCache getUserCache()
        return _userCache;

     * Return the current user,
     * either an already authenticated one,
     * or the one just discovered from the
     * <i>openid.identifier.parameter</i>
     * (= "openid_identifier" by default).<br>
     * Returns <code>null</code> if the {@link Constants#OPENID_MODE} associated
     * with the request is set to {@link Constants.Mode#CANCEL}
     * (in order to login under a different id),
     * or if the authentification is timed out.<br>
     * If returned user is <code>null</code>
     * and {@link #isAuthResponse(HttpServletRequest)} is <code>true</code>
     * then we have an authentication timeout.
     * @param request HttpServletRequest
     * @return user OpenIdUser
    public OpenIdUser discover(HttpServletRequest request)
    throws Exception
        OpenIdUser user = (OpenIdUser)request.getAttribute(OpenIdUser.ATTR_NAME);
            user = _manager.getUser(request);
            String id = null;
                    _listener.onAccess(user, request);
                    request.setAttribute(OpenIdUser.ATTR_NAME, user);
                    return user;
                        String mode = request.getParameter(Constants.OPENID_MODE);
                            return _automaticRedirect ? user : null;
                        return Constants.Mode.CANCEL.equals(mode) ? null : user;
                    return user;
                else if((id=id.trim()).length()!=0)
                    Identifier identifier = Identifier.getIdentifier(id, _resolver, _context);
                            // new user or ... the user cancels authentication
                            // and provides a different openid identifier
                            return discover(identifier, request);
            else if((id=request.getParameter(_identifierParameter))!=null && (id=id.trim()).length()!=0)
                Identifier identifier = Identifier.getIdentifier(id, _resolver, _context);
                    return discover(identifier, request);
        return user;
    protected OpenIdUser discover(Identifier identifier, HttpServletRequest request)
    throws Exception
        OpenIdUser user = _userCache.get(identifier.getUrl(), true);
                user = _context.getDiscovery().discover(identifier, _context);
            catch(IOException e)
                    throw e;
                    return null;
                user = new OpenIdUser(identifier.getId(), YadisDiscovery.IDENTIFIER_SELECT,
                        identifier.getUrl(), null);

            _userCache.put(identifier.getUrl(), user);
        _listener.onDiscovery(user, request);
        request.setAttribute(OpenIdUser.ATTR_NAME, user);  
        return user;
     * Returns true if the user has succeeded authentication on his openid provider;
     * The {@link OpenIdUser} is persisted if successful.
    public boolean verifyAuth(OpenIdUser user, HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception
        if(_context.getAssociation().verifyAuth(user, getAuthParameters(request), _context))
            _listener.onAuthenticate(user, request);
            _manager.saveUser(user, request, response);
            return true;
        return false;
     * Returns true if the user is successfully associated with his openid provider;
     * The {@link OpenIdUser} is persisted if successful.
    public boolean associate(OpenIdUser user, HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception
        if(_context.getAssociation().associate(user, _context))
            _manager.saveUser(user, request, response);
            return true;
        return false;

     * Returns true if the user is successfully associated and redirected to his 
     * openid provider for authentication;
     * The {@link OpenIdUser} is persisted if successful.
    public boolean associateAndAuthenticate(OpenIdUser user, HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response, String trustRoot, String realm,
            String returnTo) throws Exception
        return _context.getAssociation().associate(user, _context) && authenticate(user, request,
                response, trustRoot, realm, returnTo);
    public boolean authenticate(OpenIdUser user, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
            String trustRoot, String realm, String returnTo) throws IOException
        UrlEncodedParameterMap params = getAuthUrlMap(user, trustRoot, realm, returnTo);
        _listener.onPreAuthenticate(user, request, params);
        _manager.saveUser(user, request, response);       
        _authRedirection.redirect(params, request, response);
        return true;
     * Invalidates/terminates the openid session of the user associated with the given
     * {@code request};  To logout an authenticated user, you invoke this method.
    public boolean invalidate(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws IOException
        return _manager.invalidate(request, response);
     * Adds a custom listener.
    public RelyingParty addListener(Listener listener)
        return this;
     * Adds a custom resolver.
    public RelyingParty addResolver(Resolver resolver)
        return this;
     * Enables users to get notified on certain points of the openid authentication lifecycle.
    public interface Listener
        // the authentication process (in order)
         * Callback that gets called upon successful discovery.
        public void onDiscovery(OpenIdUser user, HttpServletRequest request);
         * Callback that gets called before the user is redirected to this provider for
         * authentication.
        public void onPreAuthenticate(OpenIdUser user, HttpServletRequest request,
                UrlEncodedParameterMap params);       
         * Callback that gets called when the user has been redirected back to the
         * relying party's site and his authentication has been successfully verified.
        public void onAuthenticate(OpenIdUser user, HttpServletRequest request);
         * Callback that gets called everytime an authenticated user accesses protected pages
         * from the relying party's site.
         * This could be used as a counter for page views.
        public void onAccess(OpenIdUser user, HttpServletRequest request);
     * A collection of listeners that wraps an array to delegate the methods from
     * the relying party {@link Listener listener}.
    public static final class ListenerCollection implements Listener

        private Listener[] _listeners = new Listener[]{};
         * Adds a listener.
        public ListenerCollection addListener(Listener listener)
            if(listener==null || indexOf(listener)!=-1)
                return this;
                Listener[] oldListeners = _listeners;
                Listener[] listeners = new Listener[oldListeners.length+1];
                System.arraycopy(oldListeners, 0, listeners, 0, oldListeners.length);
                listeners[oldListeners.length] = listener;
                _listeners = listeners;
            return this;
         * Gets the index of the listener on the wrapped array.
        public int indexOf(Listener listener)
                Listener[] listeners = _listeners;
                for(int i=0; i<listeners.length; i++)
                        return i;
            return -1;

        public void onDiscovery(OpenIdUser user, HttpServletRequest request)
            Listener[] listeners = _listeners;
            for(int i=0,len=listeners.length; i<len; i++)
                listeners[i].onDiscovery(user, request);   
        public void onPreAuthenticate(OpenIdUser user, HttpServletRequest request,
                UrlEncodedParameterMap params)
            Listener[] listeners = _listeners;
            for(int i=0,len=listeners.length; i<len; i++)
                listeners[i].onPreAuthenticate(user, request, params);
        public void onAuthenticate(OpenIdUser user, HttpServletRequest request)
            Listener[] listeners = _listeners;
            for(int i=0,len=listeners.length; i<len; i++)
                listeners[i].onAuthenticate(user, request);
        public void onAccess(OpenIdUser user, HttpServletRequest request)
            Listener[] listeners = _listeners;
            for(int i=0,len=listeners.length; i<len; i++)
                listeners[i].onAccess(user, request);


Related Classes of com.dyuproject.openid.RelyingParty

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