* Copyright (c) 2009 Anatoly Kondratyev (anatoly.kondratyev@googlemail.com)
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* Contributors:
* Anatoly Kondratyev (anatoly.kondratyev@googlemail.com)
package imp.parser;
import imp.parser.antlr.HaxeLexer;
import imp.utils.SourcePositionLocator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.antlr.runtime.ANTLRStringStream;
import org.antlr.runtime.CommonToken;
import org.antlr.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.imp.language.Language;
import org.eclipse.imp.language.LanguageRegistry;
import org.eclipse.imp.model.ISourceProject;
import org.eclipse.imp.parser.IMessageHandler;
import org.eclipse.imp.parser.IParseController;
import org.eclipse.imp.parser.ISourcePositionLocator;
import org.eclipse.imp.parser.SimpleAnnotationTypeInfo;
import org.eclipse.imp.services.IAnnotationTypeInfo;
import org.eclipse.imp.services.ILanguageSyntaxProperties;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion;
import tree.HaxeTree;
import tree.Module;
import tree.utils.ErrorProvider;
import tree.utils.Linker;
import tree.utils.Printer;
import workspace.Activator;
import workspace.WorkspaceUtils;
import workspace.elements.HaxeProject;
* NOTE: This version of the Parse Controller is for use when the Parse
* Controller and corresponding Node Locator are generated separately from a
* corresponding set of LPG grammar templates and possibly in the absence of the
* lexer, parser, and AST-related types that would be generated from those
* templates. It is assumed that either a) the Controller will be used with a
* suitable set of lexer, parser, and AST-related types that are provided by
* some means other than LPG, or b) the Controller will be used with a set of
* lexer, parser, and AST types that have been, or will be, separately generated
* based on LPG. In order to enable this version of the Parse Controller to
* compile, dummy lexer, parser, and AST-related types have been included as
* member types in the Controller. These types are not operational and are
* merely placeholders for types that would support a functioning
* implementation. Apart from the inclusion of these dummy types, this
* representation of the Parse Controller is the same as that used with LPG.
* @author Stan Sutton (suttons@us.ibm.com)
* @since May 1, 2007 Addition of marker types
* @since May 10, 2007 Conversion IProject -> ISourceProject
* @since May 15, 2007 Addition of dummy types
* @author of currently this version is Anatoly Kondratyev
* (anatoly.kondratyev@googlemail.com)
public class HaxeParseController implements IParseController {
/** The current ast. */
private HaxeTree currentAST = new HaxeTree();
/** The token stream. */
private CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream();
* The language of the source being parsed by this IParseController.
protected Language fLanguage = LanguageRegistry
* The project containing the source being parsed by this IParseController.
* May be null if the source isn't actually part of an Eclipse project
* (e.g., a random bit of source text living outside the workspace).
protected ISourceProject fProject;
* The path to the file containing the source being parsed by this.
* {@link IParseController}.
protected IPath fFilePath;
* The {@link IMessageHandler} to which parser/compiler messages are
* directed.
protected IMessageHandler handler;
/** The source position locator. */
private ISourcePositionLocator fSourcePositionLocator;
public IAnnotationTypeInfo getAnnotationTypeInfo() {
return new SimpleAnnotationTypeInfo();
public Object getCurrentAst() {
return currentAST;
public Language getLanguage() {
return fLanguage;
public IPath getPath() {
return fFilePath;
public ISourceProject getProject() {
return fProject;
public ISourcePositionLocator getSourcePositionLocator() {
if (fSourcePositionLocator == null) {
fSourcePositionLocator = new SourcePositionLocator(this);
return fSourcePositionLocator;
public ILanguageSyntaxProperties getSyntaxProperties() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public Iterator getTokenIterator(final IRegion region) {
InnerCommonTokenIterator commonTokenIterator = new InnerCommonTokenIterator(
tokenStream, region);
return commonTokenIterator;
* Gets the token stream.
* @return the token stream
public CommonTokenStream getTokenStream() {
return this.tokenStream;
* The Class InnerCommonTokenIterator.
* @author Anatoly Kondratyev
private class InnerCommonTokenIterator implements Iterator<Object> {
/** The common tokens. */
private ArrayList<CommonToken> commonTokens = new ArrayList<CommonToken>();
/** The current token number. */
private int currentTokenNumber = -1;
/** The begin. */
private int begin = 0;
/** The end. */
private int end = 0;
* Instantiates a new inner common token iterator.
* @param commonTokenStream
* the common token stream
* @param region
* the region
public InnerCommonTokenIterator(
final CommonTokenStream commonTokenStream, final IRegion region) {
this.commonTokens = (ArrayList<CommonToken>) commonTokenStream
this.begin = region.getOffset();
this.end = region.getOffset() + region.getLength();
public boolean hasNext() {
if (this.currentTokenNumber + 1 >= this.commonTokens.size()) {
return false;
} else if (this.commonTokens.get(this.currentTokenNumber + 1)
.getStartIndex() < this.end) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public Object next() {
return this.commonTokens.get(this.currentTokenNumber);
public void remove() {
public void initialize(final IPath filePath, final ISourceProject project,
final IMessageHandler handler) {
this.fProject = project;
this.fFilePath = filePath;
this.handler = handler;
* Do parse.
* @param contents
* the contents
private void doParse(final String contents) {
HaxeLexer lexer = new HaxeLexer(new ANTLRStringStream(contents));
tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
System.out.print("Parsing file...");
currentAST = new HaxeTree();
currentAST = WorkspaceUtils.parseFileContents(tokenStream);
if (handler != null)
} catch (RecognitionException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public Object parse(final String input, final IProgressMonitor monitor)
currentAST = null;
if (input.isEmpty())
return currentAST;
return currentAST;
private void link()
HaxeProject project = Activator.getProjectManager().getProject(fProject.getName());
Linker linker = new Linker(project);
if (currentAST instanceof Module)
private void updateProjectInfo()
private void showErrors()
ErrorProvider eProvider = new ErrorProvider();
private void printAST()
Printer printer = new Printer();