package net.sf.saxon.xqj;
import javax.xml.xquery.XQException;
* This class represents the common ability of many XQJ classes to be closed. Note that closing an object
* serves no useful purpose in the Saxon implementation; this complex machinery is provided merely to satisfy
* the XQJ interface, which is designed to accommodate a client-server implementation.
public abstract class Closable {
private Closable container = null;
private boolean closed = false;
* Set the container of this closable object. Closing the container causes this object to be
* treated as closed itself
* @param container the container of this closable object
public final void setClosableContainer(Closable container) {
this.container = container;
* Close this object
public final void close() {
closed = true;
* Ask whether this object has been closed.
* @return true if either the object itself or its container has been closed
public final boolean isClosed() {
if (container != null && container.isClosed()) {
return closed;
* Check whether this object has been closed (either directly, or by closing its container)
* @throws XQException if the object has been closed
final void checkNotClosed() throws XQException {
if (isClosed()) {
throw new XQException("The XQJ object has been closed");
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