package net.sf.saxon.value;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.Err;
import net.sf.saxon.sort.StringCollator;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.StaticContext;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.StaticProperty;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContext;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.NoDynamicContextException;
import net.sf.saxon.type.*;
* The AtomicValue class corresponds to the concept of an atomic value in the
* XPath 2.0 data model. Atomic values belong to one of the 19 primitive types
* defined in XML Schema; or they are of type xs:untypedAtomic; or they are
* "external objects", representing a Saxon extension to the XPath 2.0 type system.
* <p/>
* The AtomicValue class contains some methods that are suitable for applications
* to use, and many others that are designed for internal use by Saxon itself.
* These have not been fully classified. At present, therefore, none of the methods on this
* class should be considered to be part of the public Saxon API.
* <p/>
* @author Michael H. Kay
public abstract class AtomicValue extends Value implements Item, GroundedValue, ConversionResult {
protected AtomicType typeLabel;
* Set the type label on this atomic value. Note that this modifies the value, so it must only called
* if the caller is confident that the value is not shared. In other cases,
* use {@link #copyAsSubType(net.sf.saxon.type.AtomicType)}
* @param type the type label to be set
public void setTypeLabel(AtomicType type) {
typeLabel = type;
* Get a Comparable value that implements the XML Schema ordering comparison semantics for this value.
* An implementation must be provided for all atomic types.
* <p/>
* <p>In the case of data types that are partially ordered, the returned Comparable extends the standard
* semantics of the compareTo() method by returning the value {@link #INDETERMINATE_ORDERING} when there
* is no defined order relationship between two given values. This value is also returned when two values
* of different types are compared.</p>
* @return a Comparable that follows XML Schema comparison rules
public abstract Comparable getSchemaComparable();
* Get an object value that implements the XPath equality and ordering comparison semantics for this value.
* If the ordered parameter is set to true, the result will be a Comparable and will support a compareTo()
* method with the semantics of the XPath lt/gt operator, provided that the other operand is also obtained
* using the getXPathComparable() method. In all cases the result will support equals() and hashCode() methods
* that support the semantics of the XPath eq operator, again provided that the other operand is also obtained
* using the getXPathComparable() method. A context argument is supplied for use in cases where the comparison
* semantics are context-sensitive, for example where they depend on the implicit timezone or the default
* collation.
* @param ordered true if an ordered comparison is required. In this case the result is null if the
* type is unordered; in other cases the returned value will be a Comparable.
* @param collator the collation to be used when comparing strings
* @param context the XPath dynamic evaluation context, used in cases where the comparison is context
* sensitive
* @return an Object whose equals() and hashCode() methods implement the XPath comparison semantics
* with respect to this atomic value. If ordered is specified, the result will either be null if
* no ordering is defined, or will be a Comparable
* @throws NoDynamicContextException if the comparison depends on dynamic context information that
* is not available, for example implicit timezone
public abstract Object getXPathComparable(boolean ordered, StringCollator collator, XPathContext context)
throws NoDynamicContextException;
* The equals() methods on atomic values is defined to follow the semantics of eq when applied
* to two atomic values. When the other operand is not an atomic value, the result is undefined
* (may be false, may be an exception). When the other operand is an atomic value that cannot be
* compared with this one, the method must throw a ClassCastException.
* <p>The hashCode() method is consistent with equals().</p>
* @param o the other value
* @return true if the other operand is an atomic value and the two values are equal as defined
* by the XPath eq operator
public abstract boolean equals(Object o);
* Determine whether two atomic values are identical, as determined by XML Schema rules. This is a stronger
* test than equality (even schema-equality); for example two dateTime values are not identical unless
* they are in the same timezone.
* <p>Note that even this check ignores the type annotation of the value. The integer 3 and the short 3
* are considered identical, even though they are not fully interchangeable. "Identical" means the
* same point in the value space, regardless of type annotation.</p>
* <p>NaN is identical to itself.</p>
* @param v the other value to be compared with this one
* @return true if the two values are identical, false otherwise.
public boolean isIdentical(Value v) {
// default implementation
return getSchemaComparable().equals(v.getSchemaComparable());
* Get the value of the item as a CharSequence. This is in some cases more efficient than
* the version of the method that returns a String.
public final CharSequence getStringValueCS() {
CharSequence cs = getPrimitiveStringValue();
try {
return typeLabel.postprocess(cs);
} catch (XPathException err) {
// Ignore any XPath errors that occur during postprocessing
return cs;
* Process the instruction, without returning any tail calls
* @param context The dynamic context, giving access to the current node,
* the current variables, etc.
public void process(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
context.getReceiver().append(this, 0, NodeInfo.ALL_NAMESPACES);
* Get the n'th item in the sequence (starting from 0). This is defined for all
* Values, but its real benefits come for a sequence Value stored extensionally
* (or for a MemoClosure, once all the values have been read)
* @param n position of the required item, counting from zero.
* @return the n'th item in the sequence, where the first item in the sequence is
* numbered zero. If n is negative or >= the length of the sequence, returns null.
public final Item itemAt(int n) {
return (n == 0 ? this : null);
* Determine the data type of the items in the expression, if possible
* @param th The TypeHierarchy. Can be null if the target is an AtomicValue,
* except in the case where it is an external ObjectValue.
* @return for the default implementation: AnyItemType (not known)
public ItemType getItemType(TypeHierarchy th) {
return typeLabel;
* Determine the data type of the value. This
* delivers the same answer as {@link #getItemType}, except in the case of external objects
* (instances of {@link ObjectValue}, where the method may deliver a less specific type.
* @return for the default implementation: AnyItemType (not known)
public AtomicType getTypeLabel() {
return typeLabel;
* Determine the primitive type of the value. This delivers the same answer as
* getItemType().getPrimitiveItemType(). The primitive types are
* the 19 primitive types of XML Schema, plus xs:integer, xs:dayTimeDuration and xs:yearMonthDuration,
* and xs:untypedAtomic. For external objects, the result is xs:anyAtomicType.
* @return the primitive type
public abstract BuiltInAtomicType getPrimitiveType();
* Determine the static cardinality
* @return code identifying the cardinality
* @see net.sf.saxon.value.Cardinality
public final int getCardinality() {
return StaticProperty.EXACTLY_ONE;
* Convert the value to a given type. The result of the conversion will be an
* atomic value of the required type. This method works only where the target
* type is a built-in type.
* @param schemaType the required atomic type. This must not be a namespace-sensitive type such as
* @param context the XPath dynamic context
* @return the result of the conversion, if conversion was possible. This
* will always be an instance of the class corresponding to the type
* of value requested
* @throws XPathException if conversion is not allowed for this
* required type, or if the particular value cannot be converted
public final AtomicValue convert(AtomicType schemaType, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
// Note this method is used from XQuery compiled code
return convert(schemaType, true, context).asAtomic();
* Convert a value to either (a) another primitive type, or (b) another built-in type derived
* from the current primitive type, with control over how validation is
* handled.
* @param requiredType the required atomic type. This must either be a primitive type, or a built-in
* type derived from the same primitive type as this atomic value.
* @param validate true if validation is required. If set to false, the caller guarantees that
* the value is valid for the target data type, and that further validation
* is therefore not required.
* Note that a validation failure may be reported even if validation was not requested.
* @param context The conversion context to be used. This is required at present only when converting to
* xs:Name or similar types: it determines the NameChecker to be used.
* @return the result of the conversion, if successful. If unsuccessful, the value returned
* will be a ValidationFailure. The caller must check for this condition. No exception is thrown, instead
* the exception information will be encapsulated within the ValidationFailure.
protected abstract ConversionResult convertPrimitive(
BuiltInAtomicType requiredType, boolean validate, XPathContext context);
* Convert the value to a given type. The result of the conversion will be
* an atomic value of the required type. This method works where the target
* type is a built-in atomic type and also where it is a user-defined atomic
* type.
* @param targetType the type to which the value is to be converted. This must not be a namespace-sensitive type
* such as QName or NOTATION.
* @param validate true if validation is required, false if the caller already knows that the
* value is valid
* @param context provides access to conversion context
* @return the value after conversion if successful; or a {@link ValidationFailure} if conversion failed. The
* caller must check for this condition. Validation may fail even if validation was not requested.
public final ConversionResult convert(AtomicType targetType, boolean validate, XPathContext context) {
if (targetType.isPrimitiveType()) {
return convertPrimitive((BuiltInAtomicType)targetType, validate, context);
} else if (targetType.isAbstract()) {
return new ValidationFailure("Cannot convert to an abstract type");
} else if (targetType.isExternalType()) {
return new ValidationFailure("Cannot convert to an external type");
} else {
BuiltInAtomicType primitiveType = (BuiltInAtomicType)targetType.getPrimitiveItemType();
ConversionResult cr = convertPrimitive(primitiveType, validate, context);
if (cr instanceof ValidationFailure) {
return cr;
CharSequence lexicalValue;
if (primitiveType.getFingerprint() == StandardNames.XS_STRING) {
int whitespaceAction = targetType.getWhitespaceAction(
context == null ? null : context.getConfiguration().getTypeHierarchy());
CharSequence cs = Whitespace.applyWhitespaceNormalization(
whitespaceAction, ((StringValue)cr).getStringValueCS());
cr = new StringValue(cs);
lexicalValue = cs;
} else {
lexicalValue = getCanonicalLexicalRepresentation();
ValidationFailure vf = targetType.validate((AtomicValue)cr, lexicalValue,
(context == null ? Name10Checker.getInstance() : context.getConfiguration().getNameChecker()));
if (vf != null) {
return vf;
return ((AtomicValue)cr).copyAsSubType(targetType);
* Create a copy of this atomic value, with a different type label
* @param typeLabel the type label of the new copy. The caller is responsible for checking that
* the value actually conforms to this type.
* @return the copied value
public abstract AtomicValue copyAsSubType(AtomicType typeLabel);
* Test whether the value is the double/float value NaN
* @return true if the value is float NaN or double NaN; otherwise false
public boolean isNaN() {
return false;
* Get the length of the sequence
* @return always 1 for an atomic value
public final int getLength() {
return 1;
* Iterate over the (single) item in the sequence
* @return a SequenceIterator that iterates over the single item in this
* value
public final SequenceIterator iterate() {
return SingletonIterator.makeIterator(this);
* Convert the value to a string, using the serialization rules.
* For atomic values this is the same as a cast; for sequence values
* it gives a space-separated list. This method is refined for AtomicValues
* so that it never throws an Exception.
public final String getStringValue() {
return getStringValueCS().toString();
* Convert the value to a string, using the serialization rules for the primitive type.
* This is the result of conversion to a string except that postprocessing defined by the
* saxon:preprocess facet is not (yet) applied.
* @return the value converted to a string according to the rules for the primitive type
protected abstract CharSequence getPrimitiveStringValue();
* Get the typed value of this item
* @return the typed value of the expression (which is this value)
public final SequenceIterator getTypedValue() {
return SingletonIterator.makeIterator(this);
* Get the effective boolean value of the value
* @return true, unless the value is boolean false, numeric zero, or
* zero-length string
public boolean effectiveBooleanValue() throws XPathException {
XPathException err = new XPathException("Effective boolean value is not defined for an atomic value of type " +
throw err;
// unless otherwise specified in a subclass
* Method to extract components of a value. Implemented by some subclasses,
* but defined at this level for convenience
* @param component identifies the required component, as a constant defined in class
* {@link net.sf.saxon.functions.Component}, for example {@link net.sf.saxon.functions.Component#HOURS}
* @return the value of the requested component of this value
public AtomicValue getComponent(int component) throws XPathException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Data type does not support component extraction");
* Check statically that the results of the expression are capable of constructing the content
* of a given schema type.
* @param parentType The schema type
* @param env the static context
* @param whole true if this atomic value accounts for the entire content of the containing node
* @throws net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException
* if the expression doesn't match the required content type
public void checkPermittedContents(SchemaType parentType, StaticContext env, boolean whole) throws XPathException {
if (whole) {
SimpleType stype = null;
if (parentType instanceof SimpleType) {
stype = (SimpleType)parentType;
} else if (parentType instanceof ComplexType && ((ComplexType)parentType).isSimpleContent()) {
stype = ((ComplexType)parentType).getSimpleContentType();
if (stype != null && !stype.isNamespaceSensitive()) {
// Can't validate namespace-sensitive content statically
ValidationFailure err = stype.validateContent(
getStringValueCS(), null, env.getConfiguration().getNameChecker());
if (err != null) {
throw err.makeException();
if (parentType instanceof ComplexType &&
!((ComplexType)parentType).isSimpleContent() &&
!((ComplexType)parentType).isMixedContent() &&
!Whitespace.isWhite(getStringValueCS())) {
XPathException err = new XPathException("Complex type " + parentType.getDescription() +
" does not allow text content " +
throw err;
* Calling this method on a ConversionResult returns the AtomicValue that results
* from the conversion if the conversion was successful, and throws a ValidationException
* explaining the conversion error otherwise.
* <p/>
* <p>Use this method if you are calling a conversion method that returns a ConversionResult,
* and if you want to throw an exception if the conversion fails.</p>
* @return the atomic value that results from the conversion if the conversion was successful
public AtomicValue asAtomic() {
return this;
* Get a subsequence of the value
* @param start the index of the first item to be included in the result, counting from zero.
* A negative value is taken as zero. If the value is beyond the end of the sequence, an empty
* sequence is returned
* @param length the number of items to be included in the result. Specify Integer.MAX_VALUE to
* get the subsequence up to the end of the base sequence. If the value is negative, an empty sequence
* is returned. If the value goes off the end of the sequence, the result returns items up to the end
* of the sequence
* @return the required subsequence. If min is
public GroundedValue subsequence(int start, int length) {
if (start <= 0 && start + length > 0) {
return this;
} else {
return EmptySequence.getInstance();
* Get string value. In general toString() for an atomic value displays the value as it would be
* written in XPath: that is, as a literal if available, or as a call on a constructor function
* otherwise.
public String toString() {
return typeLabel.toString() + " (\"" + getStringValueCS() + "\")";
// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.0 (the "License");
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// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
// WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
// See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is: all this file.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael H. Kay.
// Portions created by (your name) are Copyright (C) (your legal entity). All Rights Reserved.
// Contributor(s): none.