package net.sf.saxon.trans;
import net.sf.saxon.Configuration;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.Optimizer;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContext;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContextMajor;
import net.sf.saxon.instruct.Template;
import net.sf.saxon.pattern.*;
import net.sf.saxon.sort.GenericSorter;
import net.sf.saxon.sort.IntHashMap;
import net.sf.saxon.sort.IntIterator;
import net.sf.saxon.sort.Sortable;
import net.sf.saxon.trace.ExpressionPresenter;
import net.sf.saxon.trace.Location;
import net.sf.saxon.type.Type;
import net.sf.saxon.value.Whitespace;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* A Mode is a collection of rules; the selection of a rule to apply to a given element
* is determined by a Pattern.
* @author Michael H. Kay
public class Mode implements Serializable {
// TODO:PERF the data structure does not cater well for a stylesheet making heavy use of
// match="schema-element(X)". We should probably expand the substitution group.
public static final int DEFAULT_MODE = -1;
public static final int NAMED_MODE = -3;
public static final int STRIPPER_MODE = -4;
public static final StructuredQName ALL_MODES =
new StructuredQName("saxon", NamespaceConstant.SAXON, "_omniMode");
public static final StructuredQName DEFAULT_MODE_NAME =
new StructuredQName("saxon", NamespaceConstant.SAXON, "_defaultMode");
private Rule genericNodeRuleChain = null;
private Rule documentRuleChain = null;
private Rule textRuleChain = null;
private Rule commentRuleChain = null;
private Rule processingInstructionRuleChain = null;
private Rule namespaceRuleChain = null;
private Rule unnamedElementRuleChain = null;
private Rule unnamedAttributeRuleChain = null;
private IntHashMap<Rule> namedElementRuleChains = new IntHashMap<Rule>(32);
private IntHashMap<Rule> namedAttributeRuleChains = new IntHashMap<Rule>(8);
private Rule mostRecentRule;
private boolean isDefault;
private boolean streamable;
private boolean isStripper;
private boolean hasRules = false;
private StructuredQName modeName;
private int stackFrameSlotsNeeded = 0;
private int recoveryPolicy = Configuration.RECOVER_WITH_WARNINGS; // since 9.2 fixed at compile time
* Default constructor - creates a Mode containing no rules
* @param usage one of {@link #DEFAULT_MODE}, {@link #NAMED_MODE}, {@link #STRIPPER_MODE}
* @param modeName the name of the mode
public Mode(int usage, StructuredQName modeName) {
isDefault = (usage == DEFAULT_MODE);
isStripper = (usage == STRIPPER_MODE);
this.modeName = modeName;
* Construct a new Mode, copying the contents of an existing Mode
* @param omniMode the existing mode. May be null, in which case it is not copied
* @param modeName the name of the new mode to be created
public Mode(Mode omniMode, StructuredQName modeName) {
isDefault = false;
isStripper = false;
this.modeName = modeName;
if (omniMode != null) {
documentRuleChain =
omniMode.documentRuleChain==null ? null : new Rule(omniMode.documentRuleChain);
textRuleChain =
omniMode.textRuleChain==null ? null : new Rule(omniMode.textRuleChain);
commentRuleChain =
omniMode.commentRuleChain==null ? null : new Rule(omniMode.commentRuleChain);
processingInstructionRuleChain =
omniMode.processingInstructionRuleChain==null ? null : new Rule(omniMode.processingInstructionRuleChain);
namespaceRuleChain =
omniMode.namespaceRuleChain==null ? null : new Rule(omniMode.namespaceRuleChain);
unnamedElementRuleChain =
omniMode.unnamedElementRuleChain==null ? null : new Rule(omniMode.unnamedElementRuleChain);
unnamedAttributeRuleChain =
omniMode.unnamedAttributeRuleChain==null ? null : new Rule(omniMode.unnamedAttributeRuleChain);
namedElementRuleChains = new IntHashMap(omniMode.namedElementRuleChains.size());
IntIterator ii = omniMode.namedElementRuleChains.keyIterator();
while (ii.hasNext()) {
int fp =;
Rule r = omniMode.namedElementRuleChains.get(fp);
namedElementRuleChains.put(fp, new Rule(r));
ii = omniMode.namedAttributeRuleChains.keyIterator();
while (ii.hasNext()) {
int fp =;
Rule r = omniMode.namedAttributeRuleChains.get(fp);
namedAttributeRuleChains.put(fp, new Rule(r));
mostRecentRule = omniMode.mostRecentRule;
* Determine if this is the default mode
* @return true if this is the default (unnamed) mode
public boolean isDefaultMode() {
return isDefault;
* Get the name of the mode (for diagnostics only)
* @return the mode name. Null for the default (unnamed) mode
public StructuredQName getModeName() {
return modeName;
* Ask whether there are any template rules in this mode
* (a mode could exist merely because it is referenced in apply-templates)
* @return true if no template rules exist in this mode
public boolean isEmpty() {
return !hasRules;
* Set the policy for handling recoverable errrors. Note that for some errors the decision can be
* made at run-time, but for the "ambiguous template match" error, the decision is (since 9.2)
* fixed at compile time.
* @param policy the recovery policy to be used. The options are {@link Configuration#RECOVER_SILENTLY},
* {@link Configuration#RECOVER_WITH_WARNINGS}, or {@link Configuration#DO_NOT_RECOVER}.
public void setRecoveryPolicy(int policy) {
recoveryPolicy = policy;
* Get the policy for handling recoverable errors. Note that for some errors the decision can be
* made at run-time, but for the "ambiguous template match" error, the decision is (since 9.2)
* fixed at compile time.
* @return the current policy.
public int getRecoveryPolicy() {
return recoveryPolicy;
* Say that this mode is (or is not) streamable
* @param streamable true if this mode is a streamable mode
public void setStreamable(boolean streamable) throws XPathException {
this.streamable = streamable;
* Ask whether this mode is streamable
* @return true if this mode is streamable
public boolean isStreamable() {
return streamable;
* Add a rule to the Mode.
* @param pattern a Pattern
* @param action the Object to return from getRule() when the supplied node matches this Pattern
* @param precedence the import precedence of the rule
* @param priority the explicit or implicit priority of the rule
* @param explicitMode true if adding a template rule for a specific (default or named) mode;
* false if adding a rule because it applies to all modes
public void addRule(Pattern pattern, RuleTarget action, int precedence, double priority, boolean explicitMode) {
if (explicitMode) {
hasRules = true;
// Ignore a pattern that will never match, e.g. "@comment"
if (pattern.getNodeTest() instanceof EmptySequenceTest) {
// for fast lookup, we maintain one list for each element name for patterns that can only
// match elements of a given name, one list for each node type for patterns that can only
// match one kind of non-element node, and one generic list.
// Each list is sorted in precedence/priority order so we find the highest-priority rule first
// This logic is designed to ensure that when a UnionPattern contains multiple branches
// with the same priority, next-match doesn't select the same template twice (override20_047)
int sequence;
if (mostRecentRule == null) {
sequence = 0;
} else if (action == mostRecentRule.getAction()) {
sequence = mostRecentRule.getSequence();
} else {
sequence = mostRecentRule.getSequence() + 1;
Rule newRule = new Rule(pattern, action, precedence, priority, sequence);
if (pattern instanceof NodeTestPattern) {
NodeTest test = pattern.getNodeTest();
if (test instanceof AnyNodeTest) {
} else if (test instanceof NodeKindTest) {
} else if (test instanceof NameTest) {
int kind = test.getPrimitiveType();
if (kind == Type.ELEMENT || kind == Type.ATTRIBUTE) {
mostRecentRule = newRule;
int kind = pattern.getNodeKind();
switch (kind) {
case Type.ELEMENT: {
int fp = pattern.getFingerprint();
if (fp == -1) {
unnamedElementRuleChain = addRuleToList(newRule, unnamedElementRuleChain);
} else {
Rule chain = namedElementRuleChains.get(fp);
namedElementRuleChains.put(fp, addRuleToList(newRule, chain));
case Type.ATTRIBUTE: {
int fp = pattern.getFingerprint();
if (fp == -1) {
unnamedAttributeRuleChain = addRuleToList(newRule, unnamedAttributeRuleChain);
} else {
Rule chain = namedAttributeRuleChains.get(fp);
namedAttributeRuleChains.put(fp, addRuleToList(newRule, chain));
case Type.NODE:
genericNodeRuleChain = addRuleToList(newRule, genericNodeRuleChain);
case Type.DOCUMENT:
documentRuleChain = addRuleToList(newRule, documentRuleChain);
case Type.TEXT:
textRuleChain = addRuleToList(newRule, textRuleChain);
case Type.COMMENT:
commentRuleChain = addRuleToList(newRule, commentRuleChain);
processingInstructionRuleChain = addRuleToList(newRule, processingInstructionRuleChain);
case Type.NAMESPACE:
namespaceRuleChain = addRuleToList(newRule, namespaceRuleChain);
* Insert a new rule into this list before others of the same precedence/priority
* @param newRule the new rule to be added into the list
* @param list the Rule at the head of the list, or null if the list is empty
* @return the new head of the list (which might be the old head, or the new rule if it
* was inserted at the start)
private Rule addRuleToList(Rule newRule, Rule list) {
if (list == null) {
return newRule;
int precedence = newRule.getPrecedence();
double priority = newRule.getPriority();
Rule rule = list;
Rule prev = null;
while (rule != null) {
if ((rule.getPrecedence() < precedence) ||
(rule.getPrecedence() == precedence && rule.getPriority() <= priority)) {
if (prev == null) {
return newRule;
} else {
} else {
prev = rule;
rule = rule.getNext();
if (rule == null) {
return list;
* Specify how many slots for local variables are required by a particular pattern
* @param slots the number of slots needed
public void allocatePatternSlots(int slots) {
stackFrameSlotsNeeded = Math.max(stackFrameSlotsNeeded, slots);
* Make a new XPath context for evaluating patterns if there is any possibility that the
* pattern uses local variables
* @param context The existing XPath context
* @return a new XPath context (or the existing context if no new context was created)
private XPathContext makeNewContext(XPathContext context) {
context = context.newContext();
return context;
* Get the rule corresponding to a given Node, by finding the best Pattern match.
* @param node the NodeInfo referring to the node to be matched
* @param context the XPath dynamic evaluation context
* @return the best matching rule, if any (otherwise null).
public Rule getRule(NodeInfo node, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
// If there are match patterns in the stylesheet that use local variables, we need to allocate
// a new stack frame for evaluating the match patterns. We base this on the match pattern with
// the highest number of range variables, so we can reuse the same stack frame for all rules
// that we test against. If no patterns use range variables, we don't bother allocating a new
// stack frame.
// Note, this method isn't functionally necessary; we could call the 3-argument version
// with a filter that always returns true. But this is the common path for apply-templates,
// and we want to squeeze every drop of performance from it.
if (stackFrameSlotsNeeded > 0) {
context = makeNewContext(context);
// search the specific list for this node type / node name
Rule unnamedNodeChain;
Rule bestRule = null;
switch (node.getNodeKind()) {
case Type.DOCUMENT:
unnamedNodeChain = documentRuleChain;
case Type.ELEMENT: {
unnamedNodeChain = unnamedElementRuleChain;
Rule namedNodeChain = namedElementRuleChains.get(node.getFingerprint());
if (namedNodeChain != null) {
bestRule = searchRuleChain(node, context, null, namedNodeChain);
case Type.ATTRIBUTE: {
unnamedNodeChain = unnamedAttributeRuleChain;
Rule namedNodeChain = namedAttributeRuleChains.get(node.getFingerprint());
if (namedNodeChain != null) {
bestRule = searchRuleChain(node, context, null, namedNodeChain);
case Type.TEXT:
unnamedNodeChain = textRuleChain;
case Type.COMMENT:
unnamedNodeChain = commentRuleChain;
unnamedNodeChain = processingInstructionRuleChain;
case Type.NAMESPACE:
unnamedNodeChain = namespaceRuleChain;
throw new AssertionError("Unknown node kind");
// search the list for unnamed nodes of a particular kind
if (unnamedNodeChain != null) {
bestRule = searchRuleChain(node, context, bestRule, unnamedNodeChain);
// Search the list for rules for nodes of unknown node kind
if (genericNodeRuleChain != null) {
bestRule = searchRuleChain(node, context, bestRule, genericNodeRuleChain);
return bestRule;
* Search a chain of rules
* @param node the node being matched
* @param context XPath dynamic context
* @param bestRule the best rule so far in terms of precedence and priority (may be null)
* @param head the rule at the head of the chain to be searched
* @return the best match rule found in the chain, or the previous best rule, or null
* @throws XPathException
private Rule searchRuleChain(NodeInfo node, XPathContext context, Rule bestRule, Rule head) throws XPathException {
while (head != null) {
if (bestRule != null) {
int rank = head.compareRank(bestRule);
if (rank < 0) {
// if we already have a match, and the precedence or priority of this
// rule is lower, quit the search
} else if (rank == 0) {
// this rule has the same precedence and priority as the matching rule already found
if (head.isAlwaysMatches() || head.getPattern().matches(node, context)) {
reportAmbiguity(node, bestRule, head, context);
// choose whichever one comes last (assuming the error wasn't fatal)
bestRule = (bestRule.getSequence() > head.getSequence() ? bestRule : head);
} else {
// keep searching other rules of the same precedence and priority
} else {
// this rule has higher rank than the matching rule already found
if (head.isAlwaysMatches() || head.getPattern().matches(node, context)) {
bestRule = head;
} else if (head.isAlwaysMatches() || head.getPattern().matches(node, context)) {
bestRule = head;
if (recoveryPolicy == Configuration.RECOVER_SILENTLY) {
break; // choose the first match; rules within a chain are in order of rank
head = head.getNext();
return bestRule;
* Get the rule corresponding to a given Node, by finding the best Pattern match.
* @param node the NodeInfo referring to the node to be matched
* @param context the XPath dynamic evaluation context
* @return the best matching rule, if any (otherwise null).
public Rule getRule(NodeInfo node, XPathContext context, RuleFilter filter) throws XPathException {
// If there are match patterns in the stylesheet that use local variables, we need to allocate
// a new stack frame for evaluating the match patterns. We base this on the match pattern with
// the highest number of range variables, so we can reuse the same stack frame for all rules
// that we test against. If no patterns use range variables, we don't bother allocating a new
// stack frame.
if (stackFrameSlotsNeeded > 0) {
context = makeNewContext(context);
// search the specific list for this node type / node name
Rule bestRule = null;
Rule unnamedNodeChain;
switch (node.getNodeKind()) {
case Type.DOCUMENT:
unnamedNodeChain = documentRuleChain;
case Type.ELEMENT: {
unnamedNodeChain = unnamedElementRuleChain;
Rule namedNodeChain = namedElementRuleChains.get(node.getFingerprint());
bestRule = searchRuleChain(node, context, null, namedNodeChain, filter);
case Type.ATTRIBUTE: {
unnamedNodeChain = unnamedAttributeRuleChain;
Rule namedNodeChain = namedAttributeRuleChains.get(node.getFingerprint());
bestRule = searchRuleChain(node, context, null, namedNodeChain, filter);
case Type.TEXT:
unnamedNodeChain = textRuleChain;
case Type.COMMENT:
unnamedNodeChain = commentRuleChain;
unnamedNodeChain = processingInstructionRuleChain;
case Type.NAMESPACE:
unnamedNodeChain = namespaceRuleChain;
throw new AssertionError("Unknown node kind");
// Search the list for unnamed nodes of a particular kind
bestRule = searchRuleChain(node, context, bestRule, unnamedNodeChain, filter);
// Search the list for rules for nodes of unknown node kind
return searchRuleChain(node, context, bestRule, genericNodeRuleChain, filter);
* Search a chain of rules
* @param node the node being matched
* @param context XPath dynamic context
* @param bestRule the best rule so far in terms of precedence and priority (may be null)
* @param head the rule at the head of the chain to be searched
* @return the best match rule found in the chain, or the previous best rule, or null
* @throws XPathException
private Rule searchRuleChain(NodeInfo node, XPathContext context,
Rule bestRule, Rule head, RuleFilter filter) throws XPathException {
while (head != null) {
if (filter.testRule(head)) {
if (bestRule != null) {
int rank = head.compareRank(bestRule);
if (rank < 0) {
// if we already have a match, and the precedence or priority of this
// rule is lower, quit the search
} else if (rank == 0) {
// this rule has the same precedence and priority as the matching rule already found
if (head.isAlwaysMatches() || head.getPattern().matches(node, context)) {
reportAmbiguity(node, bestRule, head, context);
// choose whichever one comes last (assuming the error wasn't fatal)
bestRule = (bestRule.getSequence() > head.getSequence() ? bestRule : head);
} else {
// keep searching other rules of the same precedence and priority
} else {
// this rule has higher rank than the matching rule already found
if (head.isAlwaysMatches() || head.getPattern().matches(node, context)) {
bestRule = head;
} else if (head.isAlwaysMatches() || head.getPattern().matches(node, context)) {
bestRule = head;
if (recoveryPolicy == Configuration.RECOVER_SILENTLY) {
break; // choose the first match; rules within a chain are in order of rank
head = head.getNext();
return bestRule;
* Get the rule corresponding to a given Node, by finding the best Pattern match, subject to a minimum
* and maximum precedence. (This supports xsl:apply-imports)
* @param node the NodeInfo referring to the node to be matched
* @param min the minimum import precedence
* @param max the maximum import precedence
* @param context the XPath dynamic evaluation context
* @return the Rule registered for that node, if any (otherwise null).
public Rule getRule(NodeInfo node, final int min, final int max, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
RuleFilter filter = new RuleFilter() {
public boolean testRule(Rule r) {
int p = r.getPrecedence();
return p >= min && p <= max;
return getRule(node, context, filter);
* Get the rule corresponding to a given Node, by finding the next-best Pattern match
* after the specified object.
* @param node the NodeInfo referring to the node to be matched
* @param currentRule the current rule; we are looking for the next match after the current rule
* @param context the XPath dynamic evaluation context
* @return the object (e.g. a NodeHandler) registered for that element, if any (otherwise null).
public Rule getNextMatchRule(NodeInfo node, final Rule currentRule, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
RuleFilter filter = new RuleFilter() {
public boolean testRule(Rule r) {
int comp = r.compareRank(currentRule);
return comp < 0 || (comp == 0 && r.getSequence() < currentRule.getSequence());
return getRule(node, context, filter);
* Report an ambiguity, that is, the situation where two rules of the same
* precedence and priority match the same node
* @param node The node that matches two or more rules
* @param r1 The first rule that the node matches
* @param r2 The second rule that the node matches
* @param c The controller for the transformation
private void reportAmbiguity(NodeInfo node, Rule r1, Rule r2, XPathContext c)
throws XPathException {
// don't report an error if the conflict is between two branches of the same Union pattern
if (r1.getAction() == r2.getAction()) {
String path;
String errorCode = "XTRE0540";
if (isStripper) {
// don't report an error if the conflict is between strip-space and strip-space, or
// preserve-space and preserve-space
if (r1.getAction().equals(r2.getAction())) {
errorCode = "XTRE0270";
path = "xsl:strip-space";
} else {
path = Navigator.getPath(node);
Pattern pat1 = r1.getPattern();
Pattern pat2 = r2.getPattern();
XPathException err = new XPathException("Ambiguous rule match for " + path + '\n' +
"Matches both \"" + showPattern(pat1) + "\" on line " + pat1.getLineNumber() + " of " + pat1.getSystemId() +
"\nand \"" + showPattern(pat2) + "\" on line " + pat2.getLineNumber() + " of " + pat2.getSystemId());
private static String showPattern(Pattern p) {
// Complex patterns can be laid out with lots of whitespace, which looks messy in the error message
return Whitespace.collapseWhitespace(p.toString()).toString();
* Walk over all the rules, applying a specified action to each one.
* @param action an action that is to be applied to all the rules in this Mode
public void processRules(RuleAction action) throws XPathException {
processRuleChain(documentRuleChain, action);
processRuleChain(unnamedElementRuleChain, action);
IntIterator ii = namedElementRuleChains.keyIterator();
while (ii.hasNext()) {
Rule r = namedElementRuleChains.get(;
processRuleChain(r, action);
processRuleChain(unnamedAttributeRuleChain, action);
ii = namedAttributeRuleChains.keyIterator();
while (ii.hasNext()) {
Rule r = namedAttributeRuleChains.get(;
processRuleChain(r, action);
processRuleChain(textRuleChain, action);
processRuleChain(commentRuleChain, action);
processRuleChain(processingInstructionRuleChain, action);
processRuleChain(namespaceRuleChain, action);
processRuleChain(genericNodeRuleChain, action);
private void processRuleChain(Rule r, RuleAction action) throws XPathException {
while (r != null) {
r = r.getNext();
* For a streamable mode, invert all the templates to generate streamable code
public void invertStreamableTemplates(final Optimizer opt) throws XPathException {
if (streamable) {
RuleAction action = new RuleAction() {
public void processRule(Rule r) throws XPathException {
NodeTest test = r.getPattern().getNodeTest();
int kind = test.getPrimitiveType();
if (kind == Type.DOCUMENT || kind == Type.ELEMENT) {
Template t = (Template)r.getAction();
RuleTarget inverse = opt.makeInversion(t, test);
* Explain all template rules in this mode by showing their
* expression tree represented in XML.
* @param presenter used to display the expression tree
public void explainTemplateRules(final ExpressionPresenter presenter) {
RuleAction action = new RuleAction() {
public void processRule(Rule r) {
RuleTarget t = r.getAction();
int s = presenter.startElement("templateRule");
presenter.emitAttribute("match", r.getPattern().toString());
presenter.emitAttribute("precedence", r.getPrecedence()+"");
presenter.emitAttribute("priority", r.getPriority()+"");
// if (t instanceof Template) {
// presenter.emitAttribute("line", ((Template)t).getLineNumber()+"");
// presenter.emitAttribute("module", ((Template)t).getSystemId());
// if (((Template)t).getBody() != null) {
// ((Template)t).getBody().explain(presenter);
// }
// }
int e = presenter.endElement();
if (s != e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"tree unbalanced in template at line " +
(t instanceof Template ?
(((Template)t).getLineNumber() + " of " + ((Template)t).getSystemId()) : ""));
try {
} catch (XPathException err) {
// can't happen, and doesn't matter if it does
* Compute a rank for each rule, as a combination of the precedence and priority, to allow
* rapid comparison.
public void computeRankings() throws XPathException {
final RuleSorter sorter = new RuleSorter();
RuleAction addToSorter = new RuleAction() {
public void processRule(Rule r) {
// add all the rules in this Mode to the sorter
// now allocate ranks to all the modes
* Supporting class used at compile time to sort all the rules into precedence/priority
* order and allocate a rank to each one, so that at run-time, comparing two rules to see
* which has higher precedence/priority is a simple integer subtraction.
private static class RuleSorter implements Sortable {
public ArrayList<Rule> rules = new ArrayList<Rule>(100);
public void addRule(Rule rule) {
public int compare(int a, int b) {
return rules.get(a).compareComputedRank(rules.get(b));
public void swap(int a, int b) {
Rule temp = rules.get(a);
rules.set(a, rules.get(b));
rules.set(b, temp);
public void allocateRanks() {
GenericSorter.quickSort(0, rules.size(), this);
int rank = 0;
for (int i=0; i<rules.size(); i++) {
if ( i> 0 && rules.get(i-1).compareComputedRank(rules.get(i)) != 0) {
* Interface for helper classes used to filter a chain of rules
private interface RuleFilter {
* Test a rule to see whether it should be included
* @param r the rule to be tested
* @return true if the rule qualifies
public boolean testRule(Rule r);
* Interface for helper classes used to process all the rules in the Mode
private interface RuleAction {
* Process a given rule
* @param r the rule to be processed
public void processRule(Rule r) throws XPathException;
// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
// License at
// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
// WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
// See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is: all this file.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael H. Kay.
// Portions created by (your name) are Copyright (C) (your legal entity). All Rights Reserved.
// Contributor(s): none.