Package net.sf.saxon.sxpath

Source Code of net.sf.saxon.sxpath.XPathDynamicContext

package net.sf.saxon.sxpath;

import net.sf.saxon.expr.TypeChecker;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContext;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContextMajor;
import net.sf.saxon.instruct.SlotManager;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.SaxonErrorCode;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import net.sf.saxon.value.SequenceType;
import net.sf.saxon.value.Value;

import javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.URIResolver;

* This object represents the dynamic XPath execution context for use in the free-standing Saxon XPath API.
* The dynamic context holds the context item and the values of external variables used by the XPath expression.
* <p>This object is always created via the method
* {@link net.sf.saxon.sxpath.XPathExpression#createDynamicContext(}</p>
public class XPathDynamicContext {

    private XPathContextMajor contextObject;
    private SlotManager stackFrameMap;

    protected XPathDynamicContext(XPathContextMajor contextObject, SlotManager stackFrameMap) {
        this.contextObject = contextObject;
        this.stackFrameMap = stackFrameMap;

     * Set the context item to a node derived from a supplied Source object. This may be
     * any implementation of the Source interface recognized by Saxon. Note that the
     * Saxon {@link NodeInfo} interface, representing a node in a tree, is one such
     * implementation; others include {@link},
     * {@link javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource}, and {@link javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource}
     * @param source The source object representing the node that will be used as the context item
     * @throws XPathException if a failure occurs reading or parsing a Source object to build an input tree,
     * or if the source is a document that was built under the wrong configuration

    public void setContextNode(Source source) throws XPathException {
        NodeInfo origin;
        if (source instanceof NodeInfo) {
            origin = (NodeInfo)source;
            if (!origin.getConfiguration().isCompatible(contextObject.getConfiguration())) {
                throw new XPathException(
                        "Supplied node must be built using the same or a compatible Configuration",
        } else {
            origin = contextObject.getConfiguration().buildDocument(source);

     * Set the context item for evaluation of the XPath Expression
     * @param item the context item
     * @throws XPathException if the node is in a document that was built under the wrong configuration

    public void setContextItem(Item item) throws XPathException {
        if (item instanceof NodeInfo) {
            if (!((NodeInfo)item).getConfiguration().isCompatible(contextObject.getConfiguration())) {
                throw new XPathException(
                        "Supplied node must be built using the same or a compatible Configuration",
        UnfailingIterator iter = SingletonIterator.makeIterator(item);;

     * Get the context item
     * @return the context item if there is one, or null otherwise

    public Item getContextItem() {
        return contextObject.getContextItem();

     * Set the value of an external variable used within the XPath expression
     * @param variable the object representing the variable, as returned by the
     * {@link net.sf.saxon.sxpath.XPathEvaluator#declareVariable(String, String)} method.
     * Note that setting the value of a variable does not modify the {@link XPathVariable}
     * object itself, which means that this method is thread-safe.
     * @param value The value of the variable.
     * @throws XPathException if the supplied value does not conform to the required type of the
     * variable; or if the supplied value contains a node that does not belong to this Configuration
     * (or another Configuration that shares the same namePool)

    public void setVariable(XPathVariable variable, ValueRepresentation value) throws XPathException {
        SequenceType requiredType = variable.getRequiredType();
        if (requiredType != SequenceType.ANY_SEQUENCE) {
            XPathException err = TypeChecker.testConformance(value, requiredType, contextObject);
            if (err != null) {
                throw err;
        SequenceIterator iter = Value.asIterator(value);
        while (true) {
            Item item =;
            if (item == null) {
            if (item instanceof NodeInfo) {
                if (!((NodeInfo)item).getConfiguration().isCompatible(contextObject.getConfiguration())) {
                    throw new XPathException(
                            "Supplied node must be built using the same or a compatible Configuration",
        int slot = variable.getLocalSlotNumber();
        StructuredQName expectedName = (slot >= stackFrameMap.getNumberOfVariables() ? null :
        if (!variable.getVariableQName().equals(expectedName)) {
            throw new XPathException(
                    "Supplied XPathVariable is bound to the wrong slot: perhaps it was created using a different static context");
        contextObject.setLocalVariable(slot, value);

     * Set an object that will be used to resolve URIs used in
     * document(), etc.
     * @param resolver An object that implements the URIResolver interface, or
     *      null.
     * @since 9.2

    public void setURIResolver(URIResolver resolver) {

     * Get the URI resolver.
     * @return the user-supplied URI resolver if there is one, or null otherwise.
     * @since 9.2

    public URIResolver getURIResolver() {
        return contextObject.getController().getURIResolver();

     * Set the error listener.
     * @param listener the ErrorListener to be used
     * @since 9.2

    public void setErrorListener(ErrorListener listener) {

     * Get the error listener.
     * @return the ErrorListener in use
     * @since 9.2

    public ErrorListener getErrorListener() {
        return contextObject.getController().getErrorListener();

     * For system use: get the wrapped XPathContext object
     * @return the underlying XPathContext object

    public XPathContext getXPathContextObject() {
        return contextObject;

     * Check that all external variables have been given a value
     * @param stackFrameMap describes the stack frame
     * @param numberOfExternals the number of variables that need to be supplied
     * @throws XPathException if required variables have not been given a value

    protected void checkExternalVariables(SlotManager stackFrameMap, int numberOfExternals) throws XPathException {
        ValueRepresentation[] stack = contextObject.getStackFrame().getStackFrameValues();
        for (int i=0; i<numberOfExternals; i++) {
            if (stack[i] == null) {
                StructuredQName qname = (StructuredQName)stackFrameMap.getVariableMap().get(i);
                throw new XPathException("No value has been supplied for variable $" + qname.getDisplayName());

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// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
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// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
// WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
// See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is: all this file
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael H. Kay.
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Related Classes of net.sf.saxon.sxpath.XPathDynamicContext

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