
Source Code of

import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import net.sf.saxon.type.Type;

* An axis, that is a direction of navigation in the document structure.

public final class Axis  {

     * Constant representing the ancestor axis

    public static final byte ANCESTOR           = 0;
    /** Constant representing the ancestor-or-self axis
    public static final byte ANCESTOR_OR_SELF   = 1;
    /** Constant representing the attribute axis
    public static final byte ATTRIBUTE          = 2;
    /** Constant representing the child axis
    public static final byte CHILD              = 3;
    /** Constant representing the descendant axis
    public static final byte DESCENDANT         = 4;
    /** Constant representing the descendant-or-self axis
    public static final byte DESCENDANT_OR_SELF = 5;
    /** Constant representing the following axis
    public static final byte FOLLOWING          = 6;
    /** Constant representing the following-sibling axis
    public static final byte FOLLOWING_SIBLING  = 7;
    /** Constant representing the namespace axis
    public static final byte NAMESPACE          = 8;
    /** Constant representing the parent axis
    public static final byte PARENT             = 9;
    /** Constant representing the preceding axis
    public static final byte PRECEDING          = 10;
    /** Constant representing the preceding-sibling axis
    public static final byte PRECEDING_SIBLING  = 11;
    /** Constant representing the self axis
    public static final byte SELF               = 12;

    // preceding-or-ancestor axis gives all preceding nodes including ancestors,
    // in reverse document order

    /** Constant representing the preceding-or-ancestor axis. This axis is used internally by the xsl:number implementation, it returns the union of the preceding axis and the ancestor axis.
    public static final byte PRECEDING_OR_ANCESTOR = 13;

     * Table indicating the principal node type of each axis

    public static final short[] principalNodeType =
        Type.ELEMENT,       // ANCESTOR
        Type.ELEMENT,       // ANCESTOR_OR_SELF;
        Type.ATTRIBUTE,     // ATTRIBUTE;
        Type.ELEMENT,       // CHILD;
        Type.ELEMENT,       // DESCENDANT;
        Type.ELEMENT,       // DESCENDANT_OR_SELF;
        Type.ELEMENT,       // FOLLOWING;
        Type.ELEMENT,       // FOLLOWING_SIBLING;
        Type.NAMESPACE,     // NAMESPACE;
        Type.ELEMENT,       // PARENT;
        Type.ELEMENT,       // PRECEDING;
        Type.ELEMENT,       // PRECEDING_SIBLING;
        Type.ELEMENT,       // SELF;

     * Table indicating for each axis whether it is in forwards document order

    public static final boolean[] isForwards =
        false,          // ANCESTOR
        false,          // ANCESTOR_OR_SELF;
        true,           // ATTRIBUTE;
        true,           // CHILD;
        true,           // DESCENDANT;
        true,           // DESCENDANT_OR_SELF;
        true,           // FOLLOWING;
        true,           // FOLLOWING_SIBLING;
        true,           // NAMESPACE;
        true,           // PARENT;
        false,          // PRECEDING;
        false,          // PRECEDING_SIBLING;
        true,           // SELF;
        false,          // PRECEDING_OR_ANCESTOR;

     * Table indicating for each axis whether it is in reverse document order

//    public static final boolean[] isReverse =
//    {
//        true,           // ANCESTOR
//        true,           // ANCESTOR_OR_SELF;
//        false,          // ATTRIBUTE;
//        false,          // CHILD;
//        false,          // DESCENDANT;
//        false,          // DESCENDANT_OR_SELF;
//        false,          // FOLLOWING;
//        false,          // FOLLOWING_SIBLING;
//        false,          // NAMESPACE;
//        true,           // PARENT;
//        true,           // PRECEDING;
//        true,           // PRECEDING_SIBLING;
//        true,           // SELF;
//        true,           // PRECEDING_OR_ANCESTOR;
//    };

     * Table indicating for each axis whether it is a peer axis. An axis is a peer
     * axis if no node on the axis is an ancestor of another node on the axis.

    public static final boolean[] isPeerAxis =
        false,          // ANCESTOR
        false,          // ANCESTOR_OR_SELF;
        true,           // ATTRIBUTE;
        true,           // CHILD;
        false,          // DESCENDANT;
        false,          // DESCENDANT_OR_SELF;
        false,          // FOLLOWING;
        true,           // FOLLOWING_SIBLING;
        true,           // NAMESPACE;
        true,           // PARENT;
        false,          // PRECEDING;
        true,           // PRECEDING_SIBLING;
        true,           // SELF;
        false,          // PRECEDING_OR_ANCESTOR;

     * Table indicating for each axis whether it is contained within the subtree
     * rooted at the origin node.

    public static final boolean[] isSubtreeAxis =
        false,          // ANCESTOR
        false,          // ANCESTOR_OR_SELF;
        true,           // ATTRIBUTE;
        true,           // CHILD;
        true,           // DESCENDANT;
        true,           // DESCENDANT_OR_SELF;
        false,          // FOLLOWING;
        false,          // FOLLOWING_SIBLING;
        true,           // NAMESPACE;
        false,          // PARENT;
        false,          // PRECEDING;
        false,          // PRECEDING_SIBLING;
        true,           // SELF;
        false,          // PRECEDING_OR_ANCESTOR;

     * Table giving the name of each axis as used in XPath, for example "ancestor-or-self"

    public static final String[] axisName =
        "ancestor",             // ANCESTOR
        "ancestor-or-self",     // ANCESTOR_OR_SELF;
        "attribute",            // ATTRIBUTE;
        "child",                // CHILD;
        "descendant",           // DESCENDANT;
        "descendant-or-self",   // DESCENDANT_OR_SELF;
        "following",            // FOLLOWING;
        "following-sibling",    // FOLLOWING_SIBLING;
        "namespace",            // NAMESPACE;
        "parent",               // PARENT;
        "preceding",            // PRECEDING;
        "preceding-sibling",    // PRECEDING_SIBLING;
        "self",                 // SELF;
        "preceding-or-ancestor",// PRECEDING_OR_ANCESTOR;

     * Table giving the name of each axis as used in a generated Java program, for example "ANCESTOR_OR_SELF"

    public static final String[] axisJavaName =
        "ANCESTOR",             // ANCESTOR
        "ATTRIBUTE",            // ATTRIBUTE;
        "CHILD",                // CHILD;
        "DESCENDANT",           // DESCENDANT;
        "FOLLOWING",            // FOLLOWING;
        "NAMESPACE",            // NAMESPACE;
        "PARENT",               // PARENT;
        "PRECEDING",            // PRECEDING;
        "SELF",                 // SELF;

     * The class is never instantiated

    private Axis() {

     * Resolve an axis name into a symbolic constant representing the axis
     * @param name
     * @throws XPathException
     * @return integer value representing the named axis

    public static byte getAxisNumber(String name) throws XPathException {
        if (name.equals("ancestor"))                return ANCESTOR;
        if (name.equals("ancestor-or-self"))        return ANCESTOR_OR_SELF;
        if (name.equals("attribute"))               return ATTRIBUTE;
        if (name.equals("child"))                   return CHILD;
        if (name.equals("descendant"))              return DESCENDANT;
        if (name.equals("descendant-or-self"))      return DESCENDANT_OR_SELF;
        if (name.equals("following"))               return FOLLOWING;
        if (name.equals("following-sibling"))       return FOLLOWING_SIBLING;
        if (name.equals("namespace"))               return NAMESPACE;
        if (name.equals("parent"))                  return PARENT;
        if (name.equals("preceding"))               return PRECEDING;
        if (name.equals("preceding-sibling"))       return PRECEDING_SIBLING;
        if (name.equals("self"))                    return SELF;
        // preceding-or-ancestor cannot be used in an XPath expression
        throw new XPathException("Unknown axis name: " + name);

     * The following table indicates the combinations of axis and node-kind that always
     * return an empty result.

    private static final int DOC = 1<<Type.DOCUMENT;
    private static final int ELE = 1<<Type.ELEMENT;
    private static final int ATT = 1<<Type.ATTRIBUTE;
    private static final int TEX = 1<<Type.TEXT;
    private static final int PIN = 1<<Type.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION;
    private static final int COM = 1<<Type.COMMENT;
    private static final int NAM = 1<<Type.NAMESPACE;

    private static int[] voidAxisTable = {
         DOC,                       // ANCESTOR
         0,                         // ANCESTOR_OR_SELF;
         ATT|TEX|PIN|COM|NAM,       // CHILD;
         ATT|TEX|PIN|COM|NAM,       // DESCENDANT;
         0,                         // DESCENDANT_OR_SELF;
         DOC,                       // FOLLOWING;
         DOC|ATT|NAM,               // FOLLOWING_SIBLING;
         DOC,                       // PARENT;
         DOC,                       // PRECEDING;
         DOC|ATT|NAM,               // PRECEDING_SIBLING;
         0,                         // SELF;

     * Ask whether a given axis can contain any nodes when starting at the specified node kind.
     * For example, the attribute axis when starting at an attribute node will always be empty
     * @param axis the axis, for example {@link Axis#ATTRIBUTE}
     * @param nodeKind the node kind of the origin node, for example {@link Type#ATTRIBUTE}
     * @return true if no nodes will ever appear on the specified axis when starting at the specified
     * node kind.

    public static boolean isAlwaysEmpty(int axis, int nodeKind) {
        return (voidAxisTable[axis] & (1<<nodeKind)) != 0;

     * The following table indicates the kinds of node found on each axis

    private static int[] nodeKindTable = {
             DOC|ELE,                       // ANCESTOR
             ATT,                           // ATTRIBUTE;
             ELE|TEX|PIN|COM,               // CHILD;
             ELE|TEX|PIN|COM,               // DESCENDANT;
             ELE|TEX|PIN|COM,               // FOLLOWING;
             ELE|TEX|PIN|COM,               // FOLLOWING_SIBLING;
             NAM,                           // NAMESPACE;
             DOC|ELE,                       // PARENT;
             DOC|ELE|TEX|PIN|COM,           // PRECEDING;
             ELE|TEX|PIN|COM,               // PRECEDING_SIBLING;
             DOC|ELE|ATT|TEX|PIN|COM|NAM,   // SELF;

     * Determine whether a given kind of node can be found on a given axis. For example,
     * the attribute axis will never contain any element nodes.
     * @param axis the axis, for example {@link Axis#ATTRIBUTE}
     * @param nodeKind the node kind of the origin node, for example {@link Type#ELEMENT}
     * @return true if the given kind of node can appear on the specified axis

    public static boolean containsNodeKind(int axis, int nodeKind) {
        return (nodeKindTable[axis] & (1<<nodeKind)) != 0;


    // a list for any future cut-and-pasting...

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