Package net.sf.saxon.functions

Source Code of net.sf.saxon.functions.SystemProperty

package net.sf.saxon.functions;
import net.sf.saxon.Configuration;
import net.sf.saxon.Version;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.Expression;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.ExpressionVisitor;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.StringLiteral;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContext;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import net.sf.saxon.value.StringValue;

* Implementation of the XSLT system-property() function

public class SystemProperty extends SystemFunction {

    private NamespaceResolver nsContext;
    private StructuredQName propertyName;
    private transient boolean checked = false;
        // the second time checkArguments is called, it's a global check so the static context is inaccurate

    public void checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor visitor) throws XPathException {
        if (checked) return;
        checked = true;
        if (argument[0] instanceof StringLiteral) {
            try {
                propertyName = StructuredQName.fromLexicalQName(
            } catch (XPathException e) {
                String code = e.getErrorCodeLocalPart();
                if (code==null || code.equals("FOCA0002") || code.equals("FONS0004")) {
                    throw e;
            // Don't actually read the system property yet, it might be different at run-time
        } else {
            // we need to save the namespace context
            nsContext = visitor.getStaticContext().getNamespaceResolver();

     * preEvaluate: this method performs compile-time evaluation for properties in the XSLT namespace only
     * @param visitor an expression visitor

    public Expression preEvaluate(ExpressionVisitor visitor) throws XPathException {
        if (propertyName != null && NamespaceConstant.XSLT.equals(propertyName.getNamespaceURI())) {
            return new StringLiteral(
                    getProperty(NamespaceConstant.XSLT, propertyName.getLocalName(), visitor.getConfiguration()));
        } else {
           return this;

    * Evaluate the function at run-time

    public Item evaluateItem(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {

        StructuredQName qName = propertyName;
        if (qName == null) {
            CharSequence name = argument[0].evaluateItem(context).getStringValueCS();
            try {
                qName = StructuredQName.fromLexicalQName(name,
            } catch (XPathException err) {
                 dynamicError("Invalid system property name. " + err.getMessage(), "XTDE1390", context);
                 return null;
        return new StringValue(getProperty(
                qName.getNamespaceURI(), qName.getLocalName(), context.getConfiguration()));

     * Here's the real code:
     * @param uri the namespace URI of the system property name
     * @param local the local part of the system property name
     * @param config the Saxon configuration
     * @return the value of the corresponding system property

    public static String getProperty(String uri, String local, Configuration config) {
        if (uri.equals(NamespaceConstant.XSLT)) {
            if (local.equals("version")) {
                return Version.getXSLVersionString();
            } else if (local.equals("vendor")) {
                return Version.getProductTitle();
            } else if (local.equals("vendor-url")) {
                return Version.getWebSiteAddress();
            } else if (local.equals("product-name")) {
                return Version.getProductName();
            } else if (local.equals("product-version")) {
                return config.isLicensedFeature(Configuration.LicenseFeature.SCHEMA_AWARE_XSLT) ?
                        Version.getProductVariantAndVersion(config) :
            } else if (local.equals("is-schema-aware")) {
                return config.isLicensedFeature(Configuration.LicenseFeature.SCHEMA_AWARE_XSLT) ? "yes" : "no";
            } else if (local.equals("supports-serialization")) {
                return "yes";
            } else if (local.equals("supports-backwards-compatibility")) {
                return "yes";
            } else if (local.equals("supports-namespace-axis")) {  // Erratum E14
                return "yes";
            return "";

        } else if (uri.length() == 0 && config.isAllowExternalFunctions()) {
          String val = System.getProperty(local);
          return val==null ? "" : val;
      } else {
        return "";


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// See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is: all this file.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael H. Kay.
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// Contributor(s): none.

Related Classes of net.sf.saxon.functions.SystemProperty

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