package net.sf.saxon.functions;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContext;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import net.sf.saxon.value.AtomicValue;
import net.sf.saxon.value.NumericValue;
* The XPath 2.0 insert-before() function
public class Insert extends SystemFunction {
* Evaluate the function to return an iteration of selected nodes.
public SequenceIterator iterate(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
SequenceIterator seq = argument[0].iterate(context);
AtomicValue n0 = (AtomicValue)argument[1].evaluateItem(context);
NumericValue n = (NumericValue)n0;
int pos = (int)n.longValue();
SequenceIterator ins = argument[2].iterate(context);
return new InsertIterator(seq, ins, pos);
public static class InsertIterator implements SequenceIterator {
private SequenceIterator base;
private SequenceIterator insert;
private int insertPosition;
private int position = 0;
private Item current = null;
private boolean inserting = false;
public InsertIterator(SequenceIterator base, SequenceIterator insert, int insertPosition) {
this.base = base;
this.insert = insert;
this.insertPosition = (insertPosition<1 ? 1 : insertPosition);
this.inserting = (insertPosition==1);
public Item next() throws XPathException {
Item nextItem;
if (inserting) {
nextItem =;
if (nextItem == null) {
inserting = false;
nextItem =;
} else {
if (position == insertPosition-1) {
nextItem =;
if (nextItem == null) {
nextItem =;
} else {
inserting = true;
} else {
nextItem =;
if (nextItem==null && position < insertPosition-1) {
inserting = true;
nextItem =;
if (nextItem == null) {
current = null;
position = -1;
return null;
} else {
current = nextItem;
return current;
public Item current() {
return current;
public int position() {
return position;
public void close() {
public SequenceIterator getAnother() throws XPathException {
return new InsertIterator( base.getAnother(),
* Get properties of this iterator, as a bit-significant integer.
* @return the properties of this iterator. This will be some combination of
* properties such as {@link #GROUNDED}, {@link #LAST_POSITION_FINDER},
* and {@link #LOOKAHEAD}. It is always
* acceptable to return the value zero, indicating that there are no known special properties.
* It is acceptable for the properties of the iterator to change depending on its state.
public int getProperties() {
return 0;
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