package net.sf.saxon.expr;
import net.sf.saxon.Configuration;
import net.sf.saxon.functions.Doc;
import net.sf.saxon.functions.Document;
import net.sf.saxon.functions.SystemFunction;
import net.sf.saxon.functions.ResolveURI;
import net.sf.saxon.pattern.AnyNodeTest;
import net.sf.saxon.pattern.NodeKindTest;
import net.sf.saxon.query.StaticQueryContext;
import net.sf.saxon.query.XQueryExpression;
import net.sf.saxon.sxpath.XPathEvaluator;
import net.sf.saxon.sxpath.XPathExpression;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import java.util.*;
* A PathMap is a description of all the paths followed by an expression.
* It is a set of trees. Each tree contains as its root an expression that selects
* nodes without any dependency on the context. The arcs in the tree are axis steps.
* So the expression doc('a.xml')/a[b=2]/c has a single root (the call on doc()), with
* a single arc representing child::a, this leads to a node which has two further arcs
* representing child::b and child::c. Because element b is atomized, there will also be
* an arc for the step descendant::text() indicating the requirement to access the text
* nodes of the element.
* <p>The current implementation works only for XPath 2.0 expressions (for example, constructs
* like xsl:for-each-group are not handled.)</p>
* <p>This class, together with the overloaded method
* {@link Expression#addToPathMap(PathMap, net.sf.saxon.expr.PathMap.PathMapNodeSet)} can be
* seen as an implementation of the static path analysis algorithm given in section 4 of
* <a href="">A. Marian and J. Simeon,
* Projecting XML Documents, VLDB 2003</a>.</p>
public class PathMap {
private List<PathMapRoot> pathMapRoots = new ArrayList<PathMapRoot>();
private HashMap<Binding, PathMapNodeSet> pathsForVariables =
new HashMap<Binding, PathMapNodeSet>(); // a map from a variable Binding to a PathMapNodeSet
* A node in the path map. A node holds a set of arcs, each representing a link to another
* node in the path map.
public static class PathMapNode {
List<PathMapArc> arcs;
private boolean returnable;
private boolean atomized;
private boolean hasUnknownDependencies;
* Create a node in the PathMap (initially with no arcs)
private PathMapNode() {
arcs = new ArrayList<PathMapArc>();
* Create a new arc
* @param step the AxisExpression representing this step
* @return the newly-constructed target of the new arc
public PathMapNode createArc(AxisExpression step) {
for (int i=0; i<arcs.size(); i++) {
PathMapArc a = arcs.get(i);
if (a.getStep().equals(step)) {
return a.getTarget();
PathMapNode target = new PathMapNode();
PathMapArc arc = new PathMapArc(step, target);
return target;
* Create a new arc to an existing target
* @param step the AxisExpression representing this step
* @param target the target node of the new arc
public void createArc(AxisExpression step, PathMapNode target) {
for (int i=0; i<arcs.size(); i++) {
PathMapArc a = arcs.get(i);
if (a.getStep().equals(step) && a.getTarget() == target) {
// TODO: if it's a different target, then merge the two targets into one. XMark Q8
a.getTarget().setReturnable(a.getTarget().isReturnable() || target.isReturnable());
if (target.isAtomized()) {
PathMapArc arc = new PathMapArc(step, target);
* Get the arcs emanating from this node in the PathMap
* @return the arcs, each representing an AxisStep. The order of arcs in the array is undefined.
public PathMapArc[] getArcs() {
return arcs.toArray(new PathMapArc[arcs.size()]);
* Indicate that the node represents a value that is returnable as the result of the
* supplied expression, rather than merely a node that is visited en route
* @param returnable true if the node represents a final result of the expression
public void setReturnable(boolean returnable) {
this.returnable = returnable;
* Ask whether the node represents a value that is returnable as the result of the
* supplied expression, rather than merely a node that is visited en route
* @return true if the node represents a final result of the expression
public boolean isReturnable() {
return returnable;
* Indicate that the typed value or string value of the node reached by this path
* will be used.
public void setAtomized() {
this.atomized = true;
* Ask whether the typed value (or string value) of the node reached by this path
* will be required.
* @return true if the typed value or string value of the node is required
public boolean isAtomized() {
return atomized;
* Indicate that the path has unknown dependencies, typically because a node reached
* by the path is supplied as an argument to a user-defined function
public void setHasUnknownDependencies() {
hasUnknownDependencies = true;
* Ask whether the path has unknown dependencies, typically because a node reached
* by the path is supplied as an argument to a user-defined function
* @return true if the path has unknown dependencies
public boolean hasUnknownDependencies() {
return hasUnknownDependencies;
* A root node in the path map. A root node represents either (a) a subexpression that is the first step in
* a path expression, or (b) a subexpression that is not the first step in a path, but which returns nodes
* (for example, a call on the doc() function).
public static class PathMapRoot extends PathMapNode {
private Expression rootExpression;
private boolean isDownwardsOnly;
* Create a PathMapRoot
* @param root the expression at the root of a path
private PathMapRoot(Expression root) {
this.rootExpression = root;
* Get the root expression
* @return the expression at the root of the path
public Expression getRootExpression() {
return rootExpression;
* An arc joining two nodes in the path map. The arc has a target (destination) node, and is
* labelled with an AxisExpression representing a step in a path expression
public static class PathMapArc {
private PathMapNode target;
private AxisExpression step;
* Create a PathMapArc
* @param step the axis step, represented by an AxisExpression
* @param target the node reached by following this arc
private PathMapArc(AxisExpression step, PathMapNode target) {
this.step = step; = target;
* Get the AxisExpression associated with this arc
* @return the AxisExpression
public AxisExpression getStep() {
return step;
* Get the target node representing the destination of this arc
* @return the target node
public PathMapNode getTarget() {
return target;
* A (mutable) set of nodes in the path map
public static class PathMapNodeSet extends HashSet {
* Create an initially-empty set of path map nodes
public PathMapNodeSet() {}
* Create a set of path map nodes that initially contains a single node
* @param singleton the single node to act as the initial content
public PathMapNodeSet(PathMapNode singleton) {
* Create an arc from each node in this node set to a corresponding newly-created
* target node
* @param step the AxisExpression defining the transition
* @return the set of new target nodes
public PathMapNodeSet createArc(AxisExpression step) {
PathMapNodeSet targetSet = new PathMapNodeSet();
for (Iterator it=iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
PathMapNode node = (PathMapNode);
return targetSet;
* Combine two node sets into one
* @param nodes the set of nodes to be added to this set
public void addNodeSet(PathMapNodeSet nodes) {
if (nodes != null) {
for (Iterator it=nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
PathMapNode node = (PathMapNode);
* Set the atomized property on all nodes in this nodeset
public void setAtomized() {
for (Iterator it=iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
PathMapNode node = (PathMapNode);
* Indicate that all the descendants of the nodes in this nodeset are required
public void addDescendants() {
for (Iterator it=iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
PathMapNode node = (PathMapNode);
AxisExpression down = new AxisExpression(Axis.DESCENDANT, AnyNodeTest.getInstance());
* Indicate that all the nodes have unknown dependencies
public void setHasUnknownDependencies() {
for (Iterator it=iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
PathMapNode node = (PathMapNode);
* Create the PathMap for an expression
* @param exp the expression whose PathMap is required
public PathMap(Expression exp) {
PathMapNodeSet finalNodes = exp.addToPathMap(this, null);
if (finalNodes != null) {
for (Iterator iter = finalNodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
PathMapNode node = (PathMapNode);
* Make a new root node in the path map. However, if there is already a root for the same
* expression, the existing root for that expression is returned.
* @param exp the expression represented by this root node
* @return the new root node
public PathMapRoot makeNewRoot(Expression exp) {
for (int i=0; i<pathMapRoots.size(); i++) {
PathMapRoot r = pathMapRoots.get(i);
if (exp.equals(r.getRootExpression())) {
return r;
PathMapRoot root = new PathMapRoot(exp);
return root;
* Get all the root expressions from the path map
* @return an array containing the root expressions
public PathMapRoot[] getPathMapRoots() {
return pathMapRoots.toArray(new PathMapRoot[pathMapRoots.size()]);
* Register the path used when evaluating a given variable binding
* @param binding the variable binding
* @param nodeset the set of PathMap nodes reachable when evaluating that variable
public void registerPathForVariable(Binding binding, PathMapNodeSet nodeset) {
pathsForVariables.put(binding, nodeset);
* Get the path used when evaluating a given variable binding
* @param binding the variable binding
* @return the set of PathMap nodes reachable when evaluating that variable
public PathMapNodeSet getPathForVariable(Binding binding) {
return pathsForVariables.get(binding);
* Get the path map root for the context document
* @return the path map root for the context document if there is one, or null if none is found.
* @throws IllegalStateException if there is more than one path map root for the context document
public PathMapRoot getContextRoot() {
//System.err.println("BEFORE REDUCTION:");
PathMap.PathMapRoot[] roots = getPathMapRoots();
PathMapRoot contextRoot = null;
for (int r=0; r<roots.length; r++) {
PathMap.PathMapRoot newRoot = reduceToDownwardsAxes(roots[r]);
if (newRoot.getRootExpression() instanceof RootExpression) {
if (contextRoot != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("More than one context document root found in path map");
} else {
contextRoot = newRoot;
//System.err.println("AFTER REDUCTION:");
return contextRoot;
* Get the path map root for a call on the doc() or document() function with a given literal argument
* @param requiredUri the literal argument we are looking for
* @return the path map root for the specified document if there is one, or null if none is found.
* @throws IllegalStateException if there is more than one path map root for the specified document
public PathMapRoot getRootForDocument(String requiredUri) {
//System.err.println("BEFORE REDUCTION:");
PathMap.PathMapRoot[] roots = getPathMapRoots();
PathMapRoot requiredRoot = null;
for (int r=0; r<roots.length; r++) {
PathMap.PathMapRoot newRoot = reduceToDownwardsAxes(roots[r]);
Expression exp = newRoot.getRootExpression();
String baseUri = null;
if (exp instanceof Doc) {
baseUri = ((Doc)exp).getStaticBaseURI();
} else if (exp instanceof Document) {
baseUri = ((Document)exp).getStaticBaseURI();
Expression arg = ((SystemFunction)exp).getArguments()[0];
String suppliedUri = null;
if (arg instanceof Literal) {
try {
String argValue = ((Literal)arg).getValue().getStringValue();
if (baseUri == null) {
if (new URI(argValue).isAbsolute()) {
suppliedUri = argValue;
} else {
suppliedUri = null;
} else {
suppliedUri = ResolveURI.makeAbsolute(argValue, baseUri).toString();
} catch (URISyntaxException err) {
suppliedUri = null;
} catch (XPathException err) {
suppliedUri = null;
if (requiredUri.equals(suppliedUri)) {
if (requiredRoot != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("More than one document root found in path map for " + requiredUri);
} else {
requiredRoot = newRoot;
//System.err.println("AFTER REDUCTION:");
return requiredRoot;
* Given a PathMapRoot, simplify the tree rooted at this node so that
* it only contains downwards selections: specifically, so that the only axes
* used are child, attribute, namespace, and descendant. If the root expression
* is a ContextItemExpression (that is, the path can start at any node) then it is rebased
* to start at a root node, which means in effect that a path such as a/b/c is treated
* as //a/b/c.
* @param root the root of the path to be simplified
* @return the path map root after converting the tree to use downwards axes only
public PathMapRoot reduceToDownwardsAxes(PathMapRoot root) {
// If the path is rooted at an arbitrary context node, we rebase it to be rooted at the
// document root. This involves changing the root to a RootExpression, and changing the axis
// for initial steps from child to descendant where necessary
if (root.isDownwardsOnly) {
return root;
PathMapRoot newRoot = root;
if (root.getRootExpression() instanceof ContextItemExpression) {
RootExpression slash = new RootExpression();
newRoot = makeNewRoot(slash);
for (int i=root.arcs.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
PathMapArc arc = root.arcs.get(i);
byte axis = arc.getStep().getAxis();
switch (axis) {
case Axis.ATTRIBUTE:
case Axis.NAMESPACE: {
AxisExpression newStep = new AxisExpression(Axis.DESCENDANT, NodeKindTest.ELEMENT);
PathMapNode newTarget = new PathMapNode();
newRoot.createArc(newStep, newTarget);
default: {
AxisExpression newStep = new AxisExpression(
Axis.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF, arc.getStep().getNodeTest());
newRoot.createArc(newStep, arc.getTarget());
for (int i=0; i<pathMapRoots.size(); i++) {
if (pathMapRoots.get(i) == root) {
pathMapRoots.remove(i); break;
// Now process the tree of paths recursively, rewriting all axes in terms of downwards
// selections, if necessary as downward selections from the root
Stack<PathMapNode> nodeStack = new Stack<PathMapNode>();
reduceToDownwardsAxes(newRoot, nodeStack);
newRoot.isDownwardsOnly = true;
return newRoot;
* Supporting method for {@link #reduceToDownwardsAxes(net.sf.saxon.expr.PathMap.PathMapRoot)}
* @param root the root of the path being simplified
* @param nodeStack the sequence of nodes by which the current node in the path map was reached.
* The node at the bottom of the stack is the root.
private void reduceToDownwardsAxes(PathMapRoot root, Stack<PathMapNode> nodeStack) {
//PathMapArc lastArc = (PathMapArc)arcStack.peek();
//byte lastAxis = lastArc.getStep().getAxis();
PathMapNode node = nodeStack.peek();
if (node.hasUnknownDependencies()) {
for (int i=0; i<node.arcs.size(); i++) {
reduceToDownwardsAxes(root, nodeStack);
for (int i=node.arcs.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
PathMapArc thisArc = node.arcs.get(i);
AxisExpression axisStep = thisArc.getStep();
PathMapNode grandParent =
(nodeStack.size() < 2 ? null : nodeStack.get(nodeStack.size()-2));
byte lastAxis = -1;
if (grandParent != null) {
for (Iterator<PathMapArc> iter = grandParent.arcs.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
PathMapArc arc = (;
if (arc.getTarget() == node) {
lastAxis = arc.getStep().getAxis();
switch (axisStep.getAxis()) {
if (axisStep.getNodeTest() == NodeKindTest.DOCUMENT) {
// This is typically an absolute path expression appearing within a predicate
for (Iterator<PathMapArc> iter = thisArc.getTarget().arcs.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
} else {
// fall through
case Axis.ANCESTOR:
case Axis.FOLLOWING:
case Axis.PRECEDING: {
// replace the axis by a downwards axis from the root
if (axisStep.getAxis() != Axis.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF) {
AxisExpression newStep = new AxisExpression(Axis.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF, axisStep.getNodeTest());
root.createArc(newStep, thisArc.getTarget());
case Axis.ATTRIBUTE:
case Axis.CHILD:
case Axis.NAMESPACE:
// no action
if (grandParent != null) {
AxisExpression newStep = new AxisExpression(lastAxis, axisStep.getNodeTest());
grandParent.createArc(newStep, thisArc.getTarget());
} else {
AxisExpression newStep = new AxisExpression(Axis.CHILD, axisStep.getNodeTest());
root.createArc(newStep, thisArc.getTarget());
case Axis.PARENT: {
if (lastAxis == Axis.CHILD || lastAxis == Axis.ATTRIBUTE || lastAxis == Axis.NAMESPACE) {
// ignore the parent step - it leads to somewhere we have already been.
// But it might become a returned node
if (node.isReturnable()) {
// any paths after the parent step need to be attached to the grandparent
PathMapNode target = thisArc.getTarget();
for (int a=0; a<target.arcs.size(); a++) {
} else if (lastAxis == Axis.DESCENDANT) {
AxisExpression newStep = new AxisExpression(Axis.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF, axisStep.getNodeTest());
if (thisArc.getTarget().arcs.isEmpty()) {
} else {
grandParent.createArc(newStep, thisArc.getTarget());
} else {
// don't try to be precise about a/b/../../c
AxisExpression newStep = new AxisExpression(Axis.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF, axisStep.getNodeTest());
if (thisArc.getTarget().arcs.isEmpty()) {
} else {
root.createArc(newStep, thisArc.getTarget());
case Axis.SELF: {
// This step can't take us anywhere we haven't been, so delete it
* Display a printed representation of the path map
* @param out the output stream to which the output will be written
public void diagnosticDump(PrintStream out) {
for (int i=0; i<pathMapRoots.size(); i++) {
out.println("\nROOT EXPRESSION " + i);
PathMapRoot mapRoot = pathMapRoots.get(i);
if (mapRoot.hasUnknownDependencies()) {
out.println(" -- has unknown dependencies --");
Expression exp = mapRoot.rootExpression;
out.println("\nTREE FOR EXPRESSION " + i);
showArcs(out, mapRoot, 2);
* Internal helper method called by diagnosticDump, to show the arcs emanating from a node.
* Each arc is shown as a representation of the axis step, followed optionally by "@" if the
* node reached by the arc is atomized, followed optionally by "#" if the
* node reached by the arc is a final returnable node.
* @param out the output stream
* @param node the node in the path map whose arcs are to be displayed
* @param indent the indentation level in the output
private void showArcs(PrintStream out, PathMapNode node, int indent) {
String pad = " ".substring(0, indent);
List<PathMapArc> arcs = node.arcs;
for (int i=0; i<arcs.size(); i++) {
PathMapArc arc = (arcs.get(i));
out.println(pad + arc.step +
( ? " @" : "") +
( ? " #" : "") +
( ? " ...??" : ""));
showArcs(out,, indent+2);
* Main method for testing
* @param args Takes one argument, the XPath expression to be analyzed
* @throws Exception
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Configuration config = new Configuration();
Expression exp;
if (args[0].equals("xpath")) {
XPathEvaluator xpath = new XPathEvaluator(config);
XPathExpression xpexp = xpath.createExpression(args[1]);
exp = xpexp.getInternalExpression();
} else if (args[0].equals("xquery")) {
StaticQueryContext sqc = config.newStaticQueryContext();
sqc.setBaseURI(new File(args[1]).toURI().toString());
XQueryExpression xqe = sqc.compileQuery(new FileReader(args[1]));
exp = xqe.getExpression();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("first argument must be xpath or xquery");
PathMap initialPath = new PathMap(exp);
PathMapRoot[] roots = initialPath.getPathMapRoots();
for (int i=0; i<roots.length; i++) {
System.err.println("AFTER REDUCTION:");
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// See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is: all this file
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael H. Kay.
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