package net.sf.saxon.expr;
import net.sf.saxon.Configuration;
import net.sf.saxon.instruct.ApplyTemplates;
import net.sf.saxon.instruct.Choose;
import net.sf.saxon.instruct.Template;
import net.sf.saxon.pattern.NodeTest;
import net.sf.saxon.sort.DocumentSorter;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.RuleTarget;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import net.sf.saxon.type.ItemType;
import net.sf.saxon.type.TypeHierarchy;
import net.sf.saxon.value.Closure;
import net.sf.saxon.value.MemoClosure;
import net.sf.saxon.value.SequenceExtent;
import net.sf.saxon.value.Value;
import java.util.Iterator;
* This class performs optimizations that vary between different versions of the Saxon product.
* The optimizer is obtained from the Saxon Configuration. This class is the version used in Saxon-B,
* which in most cases does no optimization at all: the methods are provided so that they can be
* overridden in Saxon-EE.
public class Optimizer implements Serializable {
public static final int NO_OPTIMIZATION = 0;
public static final int FULL_OPTIMIZATION = 10;
protected Configuration config;
private int optimizationLevel = FULL_OPTIMIZATION;
* Create an Optimizer.
* @param config the Saxon configuration
public Optimizer(Configuration config) {
this.config = config;
* Get the Saxon configuration object
* @return the configuration
public Configuration getConfiguration() {
return config;
* Set the optimization level
* @param level the optimization level, between 0 (no optimization) and 10 (full optimization).
* Currently all values greater than zero have the same effect as full optimization
public void setOptimizationLevel(int level) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Optimization level");
optimizationLevel = level;
* Get the optimization level
* @return the optimization level, between 0 (no optimization) and 10 (full optimization).
* Currently all values greater than zero have the same effect as full optimization
public int getOptimizationLevel() {
return optimizationLevel;
* Create a GeneralComparison expression
* @param p0 the first operand
* @param op the operator
* @param p1 the second operand
* @param backwardsCompatible true if XPath 1.0 backwards compatibility is in force
* @return the constructed expression
public BinaryExpression makeGeneralComparison(Expression p0, int op, Expression p1, boolean backwardsCompatible) {
if (backwardsCompatible) {
return new GeneralComparison10(p0, op, p1);
} else {
return new GeneralComparison(p0, op, p1);
* Attempt to optimize a copy operation. Return null if no optimization is possible.
* @param select the expression that selects the items to be copied
* @return null if no optimization is possible, or an expression that does an optimized
* copy of these items otherwise
public Expression optimizeCopy(Expression select) throws XPathException {
final TypeHierarchy th = config.getTypeHierarchy();
if (select.getItemType(th).isAtomicType()) {
return select;
return null;
* Make a Closure, given the expected reference count
* @param expression the expression to be evaluated
* @param ref the (nominal) number of times the value of the expression is required
* @param context the XPath dynamic evaluation context
* @return the constructed Closure
public Value makeClosure(Expression expression, int ref, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
if (ref == 1) {
return new Closure();
} else {
return new MemoClosure();
* Make a SequenceExtent, given the expected reference count
* @param expression the expression to be evaluated
* @param ref the (nominal) number of times the value of the expression is required
* @param context the XPath dynamic evaluation context
* @return the constructed Closure
public ValueRepresentation makeSequenceExtent(Expression expression, int ref, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
return SequenceExtent.makeSequenceExtent(expression.iterate(context));
* Examine a path expression to see whether it can be replaced by a call on the key() function;
* if so, generate an appropriate key definition and return the call on key(). If not, return null.
* @param pathExp The path expression to be converted.
* @param visitor The expression visitor
* @return the optimized expression, or null if no optimization is possible
public Expression convertPathExpressionToKey(PathExpression pathExp, ExpressionVisitor visitor)
throws XPathException {
return null;
* Try converting a filter expression to a call on the key function. Return the supplied
* expression unchanged if not possible
* @param f the filter expression to be converted
* @param visitor the expression visitor, which must be currently visiting the filter expression f
* @param indexFirstOperand true if the first operand of the filter comparison is to be indexed;
* false if it is the second operand
* @return the optimized expression, or the unchanged expression f if no optimization is possible
public Expression tryIndexedFilter(FilterExpression f, ExpressionVisitor visitor, boolean indexFirstOperand) {
return f;
* Convert a path expression such as a/b/c[predicate] into a filter expression
* of the form (a/b/c)[predicate]. This is possible whenever the predicate is non-positional.
* The conversion is useful in the case where the path expression appears inside a loop,
* where the predicate depends on the loop variable but a/b/c does not.
* @param pathExp the path expression to be converted
* @param th the type hierarchy cache
* @return the resulting filterexpression if conversion is possible, or null if not
public FilterExpression convertToFilterExpression(PathExpression pathExp, TypeHierarchy th)
throws XPathException {
return null;
* Test whether a filter predicate is indexable.
* @param filter the predicate expression
* @return 0 if not indexable; +1 if the predicate is in the form expression=value; -1 if it is in
* the form value=expression
public int isIndexableFilter(Expression filter) {
return 0;
* Create an indexed value
* @param iter the iterator that delivers the sequence of values to be indexed
* @return the indexed value
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException: this method should not be called in Saxon-B
public ValueRepresentation makeIndexedValue(SequenceIterator iter) throws XPathException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Indexing requires Saxon-EE");
* Determine whether it is possible to rearrange an expression so that all references to a given
* variable are replaced by a reference to ".". This is true of there are no references to the variable
* within a filter predicate or on the rhs of a "/" operator.
* @param exp the expression in question
* @param binding an array of bindings defining range variables; the method tests that there are no
* references to any of these variables within a predicate or on the rhs of "/"
* @return true if the variable reference can be replaced
public boolean isVariableReplaceableByDot(Expression exp, Binding[] binding) {
// TODO: the fact that a variable reference appears inside a predicate (etc) shouldn't stop us
// rewriting a where clause as a predicate. We just have to bind a new variable:
// for $x in P where abc[n = $x/m] ==> for $x in P[let $z := . return abc[n = $z/m]
// We could probably do this in all cases and then let $z be optimized away where appropriate
if (exp instanceof ContextSwitchingExpression) {
Expression start = ((ContextSwitchingExpression)exp).getControllingExpression();
Expression step = ((ContextSwitchingExpression)exp).getControlledExpression();
return isVariableReplaceableByDot(start, binding) &&
!ExpressionTool.dependsOnVariable(step, binding);
} else {
Iterator iter = exp.iterateSubExpressions();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Expression sub = (Expression);
if (!isVariableReplaceableByDot(sub, binding)) {
return false;
return true;
* Make a conditional document sorter. This optimization is attempted
* when a DocumentSorter is wrapped around a path expression
* @param sorter the document sorter
* @param path the path expression
* @return the original sorter unchanged when no optimization is possible, which is always the
* case in Saxon-B
public Expression makeConditionalDocumentSorter(DocumentSorter sorter, PathExpression path) {
return sorter;
* Replace a function call by the body of the function, assuming all conditions for inlining
* the function are satisfied
* @param functionCall the functionCall expression
* @param visitor the expression visitor
* @param contextItemType the context item type
* @return either the original expression unchanged, or an expression that consists of the inlined
* function body, with all function parameters bound as required. In Saxon-B, function inlining is
* not supported, so the original functionCall is always returned unchanged
public Expression tryInlineFunctionCall(
UserFunctionCall functionCall, ExpressionVisitor visitor, ItemType contextItemType) {
return functionCall;
* Identify expressions within a function or template body that can be promoted to be
* evaluated as global variables.
* @param body the body of the template or function
* @param visitor the expression visitor
* @param notTopLevel if true, only promote the children of the supplied body expression, not the
* entire expression
* @return the expression after subexpressions have been promoted to global variables
public Expression promoteExpressionsToGlobal(Expression body, ExpressionVisitor visitor, boolean notTopLevel)
throws XPathException {
return body;
* Try to convert a Choose expression into a switch
* @param choose the Choose expression
* @param env the static context
* @return the result of optimizing this (the original expression if no optimization was possible)
public Expression trySwitch(Choose choose, StaticContext env) {
return choose;
* Extract subexpressions from the body of a function that can be evaluated
* as global variables
* @param body the body of the function
* @return a reference to the new global variable if a variable has been created, or null if not
public Expression extractGlobalVariables(Expression body, ExpressionVisitor visitor)
throws XPathException {
return null;
* Make a streaming applyTemplates instruction. Supported in Saxon-EE only
* @param inst the unoptimized applyTemplates instruction
public Expression makeStreamingApplyTemplates(ApplyTemplates inst) throws XPathException {
return inst;
* Generate the inversion of the expression comprising the body of a template rules.
* Supported in Saxon-EE only
* @param template the template to be inverted
* @param nodeTest the static item type of the context node of the template
public RuleTarget makeInversion(Template template, NodeTest nodeTest) throws XPathException {
return null;
* Trace optimization actions
* @param message the message to be displayed
* @param exp the expression after being rewritten
public void trace(String message, Expression exp) {
if (getConfiguration().isOptimizerTracing()) {
System.err.println("OPT ======================================");
System.err.println("OPT : At line " + exp.getLineNumber() + " of " + exp.getSystemId());
System.err.println("OPT : " + message);
System.err.println("OPT ====== Expression after rewrite ======");
System.err.println("\nOPT ======================================");
* Trace optimization actions
* @param message the message to be displayed
public void trace(String message) {
if (getConfiguration().isOptimizerTracing()) {
System.err.println("OPT ======================================");
System.err.println("OPT : " + message);
System.err.println("OPT ======================================");
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// See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is: all this file.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael H. Kay.
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