package net.sf.saxon.expr;
import net.sf.saxon.Configuration;
import net.sf.saxon.Controller;
import net.sf.saxon.event.ParseOptions;
import net.sf.saxon.pattern.AnyNodeTest;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.SaxonErrorCode;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import net.sf.saxon.type.AnyItemType;
import net.sf.saxon.type.BuiltInAtomicType;
import net.sf.saxon.type.ExternalObjectType;
import net.sf.saxon.type.ItemType;
import net.sf.saxon.value.*;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;
* This class together with its embedded subclasses handles conversion from Java values to XPath values.
* The general principle is to allocate a specific JPConverter at compile time wherever possible. If there
* is insufficient type information to make this feasible, a general-purpose JPConverter is allocated, which
* in turn allocates a more specific converter at run-time to do the actual work.
public abstract class JPConverter implements Serializable {
private static HashMap<Class, JPConverter> map = new HashMap<Class, JPConverter>();
static {
map.put(SequenceIterator.class, new FromSequenceIterator());
map.put(ValueRepresentation.class, FromValueRepresentation.INSTANCE);
map.put(String.class, FromString.INSTANCE);
map.put(Boolean.class, FromBoolean.INSTANCE);
map.put(boolean.class, FromBoolean.INSTANCE);
map.put(Double.class, FromDouble.INSTANCE);
map.put(double.class, FromDouble.INSTANCE);
map.put(Float.class, FromFloat.INSTANCE);
map.put(float.class, FromFloat.INSTANCE);
map.put(BigDecimal.class, FromBigDecimal.INSTANCE);
map.put(BigInteger.class, FromBigInteger.INSTANCE);
map.put(Long.class, FromLong.INSTANCE);
map.put(long.class, FromLong.INSTANCE);
map.put(Integer.class, FromInt.INSTANCE);
map.put(int.class, FromInt.INSTANCE);
map.put(Short.class, FromShort.INSTANCE);
map.put(short.class, FromShort.INSTANCE);
map.put(Byte.class, FromByte.INSTANCE);
map.put(byte.class, FromByte.INSTANCE);
map.put(Character.class, FromCharacter.INSTANCE);
map.put(char.class, FromCharacter.INSTANCE);
//map.put(QName.class, new FromQName());
map.put(URI.class, FromURI.INSTANCE);
map.put(URL.class, FromURI.INSTANCE);
map.put(Date.class, FromDate.INSTANCE);
//map.put(Source.class, FromSource.INSTANCE);
map.put(long[].class, FromLongArray.INSTANCE);
map.put(int[].class, FromIntArray.INSTANCE);
map.put(short[].class, FromShortArray.INSTANCE);
map.put(byte[].class, FromByteArray.INSTANCE);
map.put(char[].class, FromCharArray.INSTANCE);
map.put(double[].class, FromDoubleArray.INSTANCE);
map.put(float[].class, FromFloatArray.INSTANCE);
map.put(boolean[].class, FromBooleanArray.INSTANCE);
map.put(Collection.class, FromCollection.INSTANCE);
//map.put(Object.class, FromExternalObject.INSTANCE);
* Allocate a Java-to-XPath converter for a given class of Java objects
* @param javaClass the class of the Java object to be converted (this may be the static type
* or the dynamic type, depending when the converter is allocated)
* @param config the Saxon Configuration
* @return a suitable converter
public static JPConverter allocate(Class javaClass, Configuration config) {
JPConverter c = map.get(javaClass);
if (c != null) {
return c;
if (javaClass.getName().equals("javax.xml.namespace.QName")) {
return FromQName.INSTANCE;
if (NodeInfo.class.isAssignableFrom(javaClass)) {
return new FromValueRepresentation(AnyNodeTest.getInstance(), StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_ONE);
if (Source.class.isAssignableFrom(javaClass) && !(DOMSource.class.isAssignableFrom(javaClass))) {
return FromSource.INSTANCE;
for (Iterator<Class> iter = map.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Class k =;
if (k.isAssignableFrom(javaClass)) {
return map.get(k);
List<ExternalObjectModel> externalObjectModels = config.getExternalObjectModels();
for (int m=0; m<externalObjectModels.size(); m++) {
ExternalObjectModel model = externalObjectModels.get(m);
JPConverter converter = model.getJPConverter(javaClass);
if (converter != null) {
return converter;
if (javaClass.isArray()) {
Class itemClass = javaClass.getComponentType();
return new FromObjectArray(allocate(itemClass, config));
return new WrapExternalObject(new ExternalObjectType(javaClass, config));
* Convert a Java object to an equivalent XPath value
* @param object the java object to be converted
* @param context the XPath dynamic evaluation context
* @return the XPath value resulting from the conversion
* @throws XPathException if the conversion is not possible or if it fails
public abstract ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException;
* Get the item type of the XPath value that will result from the conversion
* @return the XPath item type
public abstract ItemType getItemType();
* Get the cardinality of the XPath value that will result from the conversion
* @return the cardinality of the result
public int getCardinality() {
// default implementation
return StaticProperty.EXACTLY_ONE;
* Generate a Java expression (as text) that can be used to implement this conversion when compiling
* a query
* @param var the Java variable that will hold the Java value to be converted
* @param compiler provides callback services
* @return a Java expression (as text) that implements the conversion. The result of the Java
* expression must be of type ValueRepresentation, and if the cardinality of the converter is
* exactly one then it must be of type Item.
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot compile converter " + getClass().getName());
public static class FromSequenceIterator extends JPConverter {
public static FromSequenceIterator INSTANCE = new FromSequenceIterator();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
return SequenceExtent.makeSequenceExtent((SequenceIterator)object);
public ItemType getItemType() {
return AnyItemType.getInstance();
public int getCardinality() {
return StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_MORE;
public static class FromValueRepresentation extends JPConverter {
public static FromValueRepresentation INSTANCE =
new FromValueRepresentation(AnyItemType.getInstance(), StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_MORE);
private ItemType resultType;
private int cardinality;
public FromValueRepresentation(ItemType resultType, int cardinality) {
this.resultType = resultType;
this.cardinality = cardinality;
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
return (object instanceof Closure ?
Value.asValue(SequenceExtent.makeSequenceExtent(((Closure)object).iterate())) :
public ItemType getItemType() {
return resultType;
public int getCardinality() {
return cardinality;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return var;
public static class FromString extends JPConverter {
public static FromString INSTANCE = new FromString();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
return new StringValue((String)object);
public ItemType getItemType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.STRING;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "new StringValue(" + var + ")";
public static class FromBoolean extends JPConverter {
public static FromBoolean INSTANCE = new FromBoolean();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
return BooleanValue.get(((Boolean)object).booleanValue());
public ItemType getItemType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.BOOLEAN;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "BooleanValue.get(" + var + ")";
public static class FromDouble extends JPConverter {
public static FromDouble INSTANCE = new FromDouble();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
return new DoubleValue(((Double)object).doubleValue());
public ItemType getItemType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.DOUBLE;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "new DoubleValue(" + var + ")";
public static class FromFloat extends JPConverter {
public static FromFloat INSTANCE = new FromFloat();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
return new FloatValue(((Float)object).floatValue());
public ItemType getItemType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.FLOAT;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "new FloatValue(" + var + ")";
public static class FromBigDecimal extends JPConverter {
public static FromBigDecimal INSTANCE = new FromBigDecimal();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
return new DecimalValue((BigDecimal)object);
public ItemType getItemType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.DECIMAL;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "new DecimalValue(" + var + ")";
public static class FromBigInteger extends JPConverter {
public static FromBigInteger INSTANCE = new FromBigInteger();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
return IntegerValue.makeIntegerValue((BigInteger)object);
public ItemType getItemType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.INTEGER;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "IntegerValue.makeIntegerValue(" + var + ")";
public static class FromLong extends JPConverter {
public static FromLong INSTANCE = new FromLong();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
return new Int64Value(((Long)object).longValue());
public ItemType getItemType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.INTEGER;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "new Int64Value(" + var + ")";
public static class FromInt extends JPConverter {
public static FromInt INSTANCE = new FromInt();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
return new Int64Value(((Integer)object).intValue());
public ItemType getItemType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.INTEGER;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "new Int64Value(" + var + ")";
public static class FromShort extends JPConverter {
public static FromShort INSTANCE = new FromShort();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
return new Int64Value(((Short)object).intValue());
public ItemType getItemType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.INTEGER;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "new Int64Value(" + var + ")";
public static class FromByte extends JPConverter {
public static FromByte INSTANCE = new FromByte();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
return new Int64Value(((Byte)object).intValue());
public ItemType getItemType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.INTEGER;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "new Int64Value(" + var + ")";
public static class FromCharacter extends JPConverter {
public static FromCharacter INSTANCE = new FromCharacter();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
return new StringValue(object.toString());
public ItemType getItemType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.STRING;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "new StringValue(" + var + ".toString())";
public static class FromQName extends JPConverter {
public static FromQName INSTANCE = new FromQName();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
javax.xml.namespace.QName qn = (javax.xml.namespace.QName)object;
// Note JDK 1.5 dependency
return new QNameValue(qn.getPrefix(), qn.getNamespaceURI(), qn.getLocalPart());
//return Value.makeQNameValue(object, context.getConfiguration());
public ItemType getItemType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.QNAME;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "new QNameValue(" + var + ".getPrefix(), " + var + ".getNamespaceURI(), " + var + ".getLocalPart())";
public static class FromURI extends JPConverter {
// also used for URL
public static FromURI INSTANCE = new FromURI();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
return new AnyURIValue(object.toString());
public ItemType getItemType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.ANY_URI;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "new AnyURIValue(" + var + ".toString())";
public static class FromDate extends JPConverter {
public static FromDate INSTANCE = new FromDate();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
return DateTimeValue.fromJavaDate((Date)object);
public ItemType getItemType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.DATE_TIME;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "DateTimeValue.fromJavaDate(" + var + ")";
public static class WrapExternalObject extends JPConverter {
public static WrapExternalObject INSTANCE = new WrapExternalObject(BuiltInAtomicType.ANY_ATOMIC);
private ItemType resultType;
public WrapExternalObject(ItemType resultType) {
this.resultType = resultType;
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
return new ObjectValue(object);
public ItemType getItemType() {
return resultType;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "new ObjectValue(" + var + ")";
public static class FromCollection extends JPConverter {
public static FromCollection INSTANCE = new FromCollection();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
Item[] array = new Item[((Collection)object).size()];
int a = 0;
for (Iterator i=((Collection)object).iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Object obj =;
JPConverter itemConverter = allocate(obj.getClass(), context.getConfiguration());
try {
Item item = Value.asItem(itemConverter.convert(obj, context));
if (item != null) {
array[a++] = item;
} catch (XPathException e) {
throw new XPathException(
"Returned Collection contains an object that cannot be converted to an Item ("
+ obj.getClass() + "): " + e.getMessage(),
return new SequenceExtent(array, 0, a);
public ItemType getItemType() {
return AnyItemType.getInstance();
* Get the cardinality of the XPath value that will result from the conversion
* @return the cardinality of the result
public int getCardinality() {
return StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_MORE;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "JPConverter.FromCollection.INSTANCE.convert("
+ var + ", " + compiler.getContextVariableName() + ")";
public static class FromSource extends JPConverter {
public static FromSource INSTANCE = new FromSource();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
ParseOptions options = new ParseOptions();
Controller controller = context.getController();
if (controller != null) {
return context.getConfiguration().buildDocument((Source)object, options);
public ItemType getItemType() {
return AnyNodeTest.getInstance();
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return compiler.getContextVariableName() + ".getConfiguration().buildDocument(" + var + ")";
public static class FromLongArray extends JPConverter {
public static FromLongArray INSTANCE = new FromLongArray();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
Item[] array = new Item[((long[])object).length];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
array[i] = Int64Value.makeDerived(((long[])object)[i], BuiltInAtomicType.LONG);
return new SequenceExtent(array);
public ItemType getItemType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.LONG;
public int getCardinality() {
return StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_MORE;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "JPConverter.FromLongArray.INSTANCE.convert("
+ var + ", " + compiler.getContextVariableName() + ")";
public static class FromIntArray extends JPConverter {
public static FromIntArray INSTANCE = new FromIntArray();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
Item[] array = new Item[((int[])object).length];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
array[i] = Int64Value.makeDerived(((int[])object)[i], BuiltInAtomicType.INT);
return new SequenceExtent(array);
public ItemType getItemType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.INT;
public int getCardinality() {
return StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_MORE;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "JPConverter.FromIntArray.INSTANCE.convert("
+ var + ", " + compiler.getContextVariableName() + ")";
public static class FromShortArray extends JPConverter {
public static FromShortArray INSTANCE = new FromShortArray();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
Item[] array = new Item[((short[])object).length];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
array[i] = Int64Value.makeDerived(((short[])object)[i], BuiltInAtomicType.SHORT);
return new SequenceExtent(array);
public ItemType getItemType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.SHORT;
public int getCardinality() {
return StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_MORE;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "JPConverter.FromShortArray.INSTANCE.convert("
+ var + ", " + compiler.getContextVariableName() + ")";
public static class FromByteArray extends JPConverter {
public static FromByteArray INSTANCE = new FromByteArray();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
Item[] array = new Item[((byte[])object).length];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
array[i] = Int64Value.makeDerived(255 & (int)((byte[])object)[i], BuiltInAtomicType.BYTE);
return new SequenceExtent(array);
public ItemType getItemType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.BYTE;
public int getCardinality() {
return StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_MORE;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "JPConverter.FromByteArray.INSTANCE.convert("
+ var + ", " + compiler.getContextVariableName() + ")";
public static class FromCharArray extends JPConverter {
public static FromCharArray INSTANCE = new FromCharArray();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
return StringValue.makeStringValue(new String((char[])object));
public ItemType getItemType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.STRING;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "StringValue.makeStringValue(new String((char[])" + var + "))";
public static class FromDoubleArray extends JPConverter {
public static FromDoubleArray INSTANCE = new FromDoubleArray();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
Item[] array = new Item[((double[])object).length];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
array[i] = new DoubleValue(((double[])object)[i]);
return new SequenceExtent(array);
public ItemType getItemType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.DOUBLE;
public int getCardinality() {
return StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_MORE;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "JPConverter.FromDoubleArray.INSTANCE.convert("
+ var + ", " + compiler.getContextVariableName() + ")";
public static class FromFloatArray extends JPConverter {
public static FromFloatArray INSTANCE = new FromFloatArray();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
Item[] array = new Item[((float[])object).length];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
array[i] = new DoubleValue(((float[])object)[i]);
return new SequenceExtent(array);
public ItemType getItemType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.FLOAT;
public int getCardinality() {
return StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_MORE;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "JPConverter.FromFloatArray.INSTANCE.convert("
+ var + ", " + compiler.getContextVariableName() + ")";
public static class FromBooleanArray extends JPConverter {
public static FromBooleanArray INSTANCE = new FromBooleanArray();
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
Item[] array = new Item[((boolean[])object).length];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
array[i] = BooleanValue.get(((boolean[])object)[i]);
return new SequenceExtent(array);
public ItemType getItemType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.BOOLEAN;
public int getCardinality() {
return StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_MORE;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "JPConverter.FromBooleanArray.INSTANCE.convert("
+ var + ", " + compiler.getContextVariableName() + ")";
public static class FromObjectArray extends JPConverter {
private JPConverter itemConverter;
public FromObjectArray(JPConverter itemConverter) {
this.itemConverter = itemConverter;
public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
Object[] arrayObject = (Object[])object;
Item[] newArray = new Item[arrayObject.length];
int a = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arrayObject.length; i++){
try {
Item newItem = Value.asItem(itemConverter.convert(arrayObject[i], context));
if (newItem != null) {
newArray[a++] = newItem;
} catch (XPathException e) {
throw new XPathException(
"Returned array contains an object that cannot be converted to an Item (" +
arrayObject[i].getClass() + "): " + e.getMessage(),
return new SequenceExtent(newArray, 0, a);
public ItemType getItemType() {
return itemConverter.getItemType();
public int getCardinality() {
return StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_MORE;
public String compile(String var, CodeGeneratorService compiler) {
return "JPConverter.FromObjectArray.INSTANCE.convert("
+ var + ", " + compiler.getContextVariableName() + ")";
// public static class General extends JPConverter {
// public static General INSTANCE = new General();
// public ValueRepresentation convert(Object object, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
// // fall back to old code
// return Value.convertToBestFit(object, context.getConfiguration());
// }
// public ItemType getItemType() {
// return AnyItemType.getInstance();
// }
// }
// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
// License at
// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
// WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
// See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is: all this file
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael H. Kay.
// Contributor(s):