package net.sf.saxon;
import net.sf.saxon.charcode.CharacterSetFactory;
import net.sf.saxon.event.*;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.*;
import net.sf.saxon.functions.*;
import net.sf.saxon.instruct.*;
import net.sf.saxon.number.Numberer;
import net.sf.saxon.number.Numberer_en;
import net.sf.saxon.query.ModuleURIResolver;
import net.sf.saxon.query.StandardModuleURIResolver;
import net.sf.saxon.query.StaticQueryContext;
import net.sf.saxon.sort.CollationURIResolver;
import net.sf.saxon.sort.StandardCollationURIResolver;
import net.sf.saxon.sort.StringCollator;
import net.sf.saxon.sxpath.IndependentContext;
import net.sf.saxon.trace.TraceListener;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.*;
import net.sf.saxon.type.*;
import net.sf.saxon.value.SequenceType;
import net.sf.saxon.value.Whitespace;
import net.sf.saxon.evpull.PullEventSource;
import org.xml.sax.*;
import org.xml.sax.ext.DefaultHandler2;
import org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler;
import javax.xml.transform.*;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Collection;
* This class holds details of user-selected configuration options for a set of transformations
* and/or queries. When running XSLT, the preferred way of setting configuration options is via
* the JAXP TransformerFactory interface, but the Configuration object provides a finer
* level of control. As yet there is no standard API for XQuery, so the only way of setting
* Configuration information is to use the methods on this class directly.
* <p/>
* <p>As well as holding configuration settings, this class acts as a factory for classes
* providing service in particular areas: error handling, URI resolution, and the like. Some
* of these services are chosen on the basis of the current platform (Java or .NET), some vary
* depending whether the environment is schema-aware or not.</p>
* <p/>
* <p>The <code>Configuration</code> provides access to a {@link NamePool} which is used to manage
* all the names used in stylesheets, queries, schemas, and source and documents: the NamePool
* allocates integer codes to these names allowing efficient storage and comparison. Normally
* there will be a one-to-one relationship between a <code>NamePool</code> and a <code>Configuration</code>.
* It is possible, however, for several <code>Configuration</code> objects to share the same
* <code>NamePool</code>. Until Saxon 8.9, by default all <code>Configuration</code> objects
* shared a single <code>NamePool</code> unless configured otherwise; this changed in 8.9 so that
* the default is to allocate a new <code>NamePool</code> for each <code>Configuration</code>.</p>
* <p/>
* <p>The <code>Configuration</code> establishes the scope within which node identity is managed.
* Every document belongs to a <code>Configuration</code>, and every node has a distinct identity
* within that <code>Configuration</code>. In consequence, it is not possible for any query or
* transformation to manipulate multiple documents unless they all belong to the same
* <code>Configuration</code>.</p>
* <p/>
* <p>Saxon-EE has a subclass of the <code>Configuration</code> class which provides the additional
* services needed for schema-aware processing. The {@link com.saxonica.config.EnterpriseConfiguration}
* also holds a cache of loaded schema components used for compiling schema-aware transformations
* and queries, and for validating instance documents.</p>
* <p/>
* <p>Since Saxon 8.4, the JavaDoc documentation for Saxon attempts to identify interfaces
* that are considered stable, and will only be changed in a backwards-incompatible way
* if there is an overriding reason to do so. These interfaces and methods are labelled
* with the JavaDoc "since" tag. The value 8.n indicates a method in this category that
* was introduced in Saxon version 8.n: or in the case of 8.4, that was present in Saxon 8.4
* and possibly in earlier releases. (In some cases, these methods have been unchanged for
* a long time.) Methods without a "since" tag, although public, are provided for internal
* use or for use by advanced users, and are subject to change from one release to the next.
* The presence of a "since" tag on a class or interface indicates that there are one or more
* methods in the class that are considered stable; it does not mean that all methods are
* stable.
* @since 8.4
public class Configuration implements Serializable, SourceResolver {
private static Platform platform;
public static Class<Configuration> configurationClass;
private transient Object apiProcessor = null;
private transient URIResolver uriResolver;
private StandardURIResolver systemURIResolver = new StandardURIResolver(this);
private int xmlVersion = XML10;
protected int xsdVersion = XSD10;
private boolean tracing = false;
private boolean traceOptimizations = false;
private transient TraceListener traceListener = null;
private String traceListenerClass = null;
private IntegratedFunctionLibrary integratedFunctionLibrary = new IntegratedFunctionLibrary();
protected VendorFunctionLibrary vendorFunctionLibrary;
private CollationURIResolver collationResolver = new StandardCollationURIResolver();
private String defaultCollection = null;
private CollationMap collationMap = new CollationMap(this);
private CollectionURIResolver collectionResolver = new StandardCollectionURIResolver();
private ModuleURIResolver moduleURIResolver = null;
private ModuleURIResolver standardModuleURIResolver = StandardModuleURIResolver.getInstance();
private SchemaURIResolver schemaURIResolver = null;
private transient SourceResolver sourceResolver = this;
private String sourceParserClass;
private String styleParserClass;
private boolean preferJaxpParser = true;
private boolean timing = false;
private boolean allowExternalFunctions = true;
private boolean traceExternalFunctions = false;
private boolean useTypedValueCache = true;
private boolean lazyConstructionMode = false;
private boolean allowMultiThreading = false;
private boolean preEvaluateDocFunction = false;
private boolean useDisableOutputEscaping = false;
private NamePool namePool = new NamePool();
private DocumentNumberAllocator documentNumberAllocator = new DocumentNumberAllocator();
private DocumentPool globalDocumentPool = new DocumentPool();
private transient XPathContext conversionContext = null;
private transient TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy;
private int hostLanguage = XSLT;
private boolean validationWarnings = false;
private boolean retainDTDattributeTypes = false;
private ParseOptions defaultParseOptions = new ParseOptions();
private transient Debugger debugger = null;
protected Optimizer optimizer = null;
protected int optimizationLevel = Optimizer.FULL_OPTIMIZATION;
private transient DynamicLoader dynamicLoader = new DynamicLoader();
protected transient StyleNodeFactory styleNodeFactory = null;
private SerializerFactory serializerFactory = new SerializerFactory();
private Properties defaultSerializationProperties = new Properties();
private transient CharacterSetFactory characterSetFactory;
private String defaultLanguage = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage();
private String defaultCountry = Locale.getDefault().getCountry();
private transient LocalizerFactory localizerFactory;
private CompilerInfo defaultXsltCompilerInfo = new CompilerInfo();
private transient StaticQueryContext defaultStaticQueryContext;
//private int implicitTimezone;
private transient List<XMLReader> sourceParserPool = new ArrayList<XMLReader>(5);
private transient List<XMLReader> styleParserPool = new ArrayList<XMLReader>(5);
private List<ExternalObjectModel> externalObjectModels = new ArrayList<ExternalObjectModel>(4);
private int domLevel = 3;
* Constant indicating that the processor should take the recovery action
* when a recoverable error occurs, with no warning message.
public static final int RECOVER_SILENTLY = 0;
* Constant indicating that the processor should produce a warning
* when a recoverable error occurs, and should then take the recovery
* action and continue.
public static final int RECOVER_WITH_WARNINGS = 1;
* Constant indicating that when a recoverable error occurs, the
* processor should not attempt to take the defined recovery action,
* but should terminate with an error.
public static final int DO_NOT_RECOVER = 2;
* Constant indicating the XML Version 1.0
public static final int XML10 = 10;
* Constant indicating the XML Version 1.1
public static final int XML11 = 11;
* Constant indicating that the host language is XSLT
public static final int XSLT = 50;
* Constant indicating that the host language is XQuery
public static final int XQUERY = 51;
* Constant indicating that the "host language" is XML Schema
public static final int XML_SCHEMA = 52;
* Constant indicating that the host language is Java: that is, this is a free-standing
* Java application with no XSLT or XQuery content
public static final int JAVA_APPLICATION = 53;
* Constant indicating that the host language is XPATH itself - that is, a free-standing XPath environment
public static final int XPATH = 54;
* Language versions for XML Schema
public static int XSD10 = 10;
public static int XSD11 = 11;
static {
try {
String sConfigFile = "";
InputStream in = Configuration.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(sConfigFile);
if (in == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot read file");
Properties props = new Properties();
String platformClassName = props.getProperty("platform");
if (platformClassName == null) {
platformClassName = "";
ClassLoader loader = null;
try {
loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
} catch (Exception err) {
System.err.println("Failed to getContextClassLoader() - continuing");
Class platformClass;
if (loader != null) {
try {
platformClass = loader.loadClass(platformClassName);
} catch (Exception ex) {
platformClass = Class.forName(platformClassName);
} else {
platformClass = Class.forName(platformClassName);
platform = (Platform)platformClass.newInstance();
String configClassName = props.getProperty("config");
if (configClassName == null) {
configClassName = "net.sf.saxon.Configuration";
Class configClass;
if (loader != null) {
try {
configClass = loader.loadClass(configClassName);
} catch (Exception ex) {
configClass = Class.forName(configClassName);
} else {
configClass = Class.forName(configClassName);
configurationClass = (Class<Configuration>)configClass;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load configuration defined in", e);
* Factory method to construct a Configuration object by reading a configuration file.
* Requires Saxon-PE or Saxon-EE
* @param source Source object containing the configuration file
* @return the resulting Configuration
public static Configuration readConfiguration(Source source) throws XPathException {
try {
Class readerClass = Class.forName("com.saxonica.config.ConfigurationReader");
IConfigurationReader reader = (IConfigurationReader)readerClass.newInstance();
return reader.makeConfiguration(source);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new XPathException("Could not locate ConfigurationReader: needs Saxon-PE or Saxon-EE");
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new XPathException(e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new XPathException(e);
* Create a non-schema-aware configuration object with default settings for all options.
* @since 8.4
public Configuration() {
* Factory method to create a Configuration, of the class specified in the
* properties file: that is, the type of Configuration appropriate to the edition of the software
* being used. This method does not check that the Configuration is licensed.
* @return a Configuration object of the class appropriate to the Saxon edition in use.
* @since 9.2
public static Configuration newConfiguration() {
//System.err.println("New configuration: " + configurationClass.getName());
try {
return configurationClass.newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot instantiate a Configuration", e);
* Factory method to create a Configuration. The resulting configuration will be an enterprise Configuration if
* Saxon-EE is installed and if a license is available; otherwise it will be a basic configuration.
* Note that the license might not permit all processing options.
* @param classLoader - the class loader to be used. If null, the context class loader for the current
* thread is used.
* @param className - the name of the schema aware configuration class. Defaults to
* "com.saxonica.EnterpriseConfiguration" if null is supplied. This allows an assembly
* qualified name to be supplied under .NET. The class, once instantiated, must be an instance
* of Configuration, but there is nothing that requires it to
* be schema-aware.
* @return an EnterpriseConfiguration object if Saxon-EE can be loaded and a valid license is
* installed; otherwise, a non-schema-aware configuration object
* @deprecated since 9.2: use newConfiguration() instead
* @since 9.0
public static Configuration makeConfiguration(ClassLoader classLoader, String className) {
if (className == null) {
className = configurationClass.getClass().getName();
try {
Class theClass;
ClassLoader loader = classLoader;
if (loader == null) {
try {
loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
} catch (Exception err) {
System.err.println("Failed to getContextClassLoader() - continuing");
if (loader != null) {
try {
theClass = loader.loadClass(className);
} catch (Exception ex) {
theClass = Class.forName(className);
} else {
theClass = Class.forName(className);
Configuration c = (Configuration)theClass.newInstance();
if (c.isLicensed()) {
return c;
} else {
return new Configuration();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
return new Configuration();
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
return new Configuration();
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
return new Configuration();
protected void init() {
// Get the implicit timezone from the current system clock
//GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
//int tzmsecs = (calendar.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) + calendar.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET));
//implicitTimezone = tzmsecs / 60000;
* Static method to instantiate a professional or enterprise configuration.
* <p>On the .NET platform, this method should not be called unless it is known that the assembly
* saxon9sa.dll has already been loaded. This can be achieved by an appropriate call on Assembly.Load():
* for an example, see the C# Configuration.cs class in the Saxon.Api namespace.</p>
* <p>This method fails if Saxon-EE cannot be loaded, but it does not fail if there is no license
* available. In that case it returns a schema-aware configuration object, but any attempt to use
* schema-aware processing will fail.
* @param classLoader - the class loader to be used. If null, the context class loader for the current
* thread is used.
* @param className - the name of the configuration class. Defaults to
* "com.saxonica.config.ProfessionalConfiguration" if null is supplied. This allows an assembly
* qualified name to be supplied under .NET. The class, once instantiated, must be an instance
* of Configuration.
* @return the new EnterpriseConfiguration
* @throws RuntimeException if the Saxon-EE product cannot be loaded
* @since 9.2 (renamed from makeSchemaAwareConfiguration)
public static Configuration makeLicensedConfiguration(ClassLoader classLoader, String className)
throws RuntimeException {
if (className == null) {
className = "com.saxonica.config.ProfessionalConfiguration";
try {
Class theClass;
ClassLoader loader = classLoader;
if (loader == null) {
try {
loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
} catch (Exception err) {
System.err.println("Failed to getContextClassLoader() - continuing");
if (loader != null) {
try {
theClass = loader.loadClass(className);
} catch (Exception ex) {
theClass = Class.forName(className);
} else {
theClass = Class.forName(className);
return (Configuration)theClass.newInstance();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Make an enterprise configuration
* @param loader the class loader (or null)
* @param className the name of the configuration class (or null)
* @deprecated since 9.2. Use {@link #makeLicensedConfiguration} instead.
public static Configuration makeSchemaAwareConfiguration(ClassLoader loader, String className) {
return makeLicensedConfiguration(loader, className);
* Get the edition code identifying this configuration: "HE", "PE" or "EE"
public String getEditionCode() {
return "HE";
* Copy an existing Configuration to create a new Configuration.
* This is a shallow copy. The new Configuration will share all the option settings of the old;
* it will also share the same NamePool, and the same DocumentNumberAllocator. If this configuration
* is schema-aware then the new one will also be schema-aware, and will share the same Schema manager
* and so on. (So any schema component loaded into one configuration will affect both).
* <p>This method may replace a ProfessionalConfiguration by an EnterpriseConfiguration
* according to what is found in the installed license.</p>
* <p>Note that creating a new EnterpriseConfiguration using this method can be significantly cheaper
* than creating one from scratch, because it avoids the need to verify the Saxon-EE license key if this
* has already been done.</p>
* @return a shallow copy of this Configuration
public Configuration copy() {
Configuration c = new Configuration();
return c;
protected void copyTo(Configuration c) {
c.uriResolver = uriResolver;
c.systemURIResolver = systemURIResolver;
//c.listener = listener;
c.xmlVersion = xmlVersion;
//c.treeModel = treeModel;
//c.lineNumbering = lineNumbering;
c.tracing = tracing;
c.traceOptimizations = traceOptimizations;
c.traceListener = traceListener;
c.integratedFunctionLibrary = (IntegratedFunctionLibrary)integratedFunctionLibrary.copy();
c.vendorFunctionLibrary = vendorFunctionLibrary;
c.collectionResolver = collectionResolver;
c.defaultCollection = defaultCollection;
c.collationResolver = collationResolver;
c.collationMap = new CollationMap(collationMap);
if (localizerFactory != null) {
c.localizerFactory = localizerFactory.copy();
c.moduleURIResolver = moduleURIResolver;
c.standardModuleURIResolver = standardModuleURIResolver;
c.schemaURIResolver = schemaURIResolver;
c.sourceResolver = sourceResolver;
c.sourceParserClass = sourceParserClass;
c.styleParserClass = styleParserClass;
//c.outputURIResolver = outputURIResolver;
c.timing = timing;
c.defaultXsltCompilerInfo = new CompilerInfo(defaultXsltCompilerInfo);
c.defaultStaticQueryContext = new StaticQueryContext(getDefaultStaticQueryContext());
c.allowExternalFunctions = allowExternalFunctions;
c.lazyConstructionMode = lazyConstructionMode;
c.allowMultiThreading = allowMultiThreading;
c.preEvaluateDocFunction = preEvaluateDocFunction;
c.namePool = namePool;
c.documentNumberAllocator = documentNumberAllocator;
c.conversionContext = conversionContext;
c.typeHierarchy = typeHierarchy;
c.hostLanguage = hostLanguage;
c.defaultParseOptions = new ParseOptions(defaultParseOptions);
c.validationWarnings = validationWarnings;
c.retainDTDattributeTypes = retainDTDattributeTypes;
c.debugger = debugger;
c.optimizer = optimizer;
c.serializerFactory = serializerFactory;
c.characterSetFactory = characterSetFactory;
c.dynamicLoader = dynamicLoader;
c.sourceParserPool = sourceParserPool;
c.externalObjectModels = externalObjectModels;
c.domLevel = domLevel;
* Save the Processor object that owns this Configuration in the relevant API.
* @param processor This can be any object, but it is actually used to hold one of the
* following:
* <ul>
* <li>When using the Java s9api interface, the <code>net.sf.saxon.s9api.Processor</code></li>
* <li>When using the .NET interface, the <code>Saxon.Api.Processor</code></li>
* <li>When using the JAXP transformation interface, the JAXP <code>TransformerFactory</code></li>
* <li>When using the JAXP XPath interface, the JAXP <code>XPathFactory</code></li>
* <li>When using the JAXP Schema interface, the JAXP <code>SchemaFactory</code></li>
* <li>When using XQJ, the <code>XQDataSource</code></li>
* </ul>
* @since 9.2
public void setProcessor(Object processor) {
this.apiProcessor = processor;
* Get the Processor object that created this Configuration in the relevant API.
* <p>The main purpose of this interface is to allow extension functions called from
* a stylesheet or query to get access to the originating processor. This is particularly
* useful when methods are static as there is then limited scope for passing data from the
* calling application to the code of the extension function.</p>
* @return the processor that was supplied to the {@link #setProcessor(Object)} method, or null
* if this method has not been called. In practice this property is used to hold one of the
* following:
* <ul>
* <li>When using the Java s9api interface, the <code>net.sf.saxon.s9api.Processor</code></li>
* <li>When using the .NET interface, the <code>Saxon.Api.Processor</code></li>
* <li>When using the JAXP transformation interface, the JAXP <code>TransformerFactory</code></li>
* <li>When using the JAXP XPath interface, the JAXP <code>XPathFactory</code></li>
* <li>When using the JAXP Schema interface, the JAXP <code>SchemaFactory</code></li>
* <li>When using XQJ, the <code>XQDataSource</code></li>
* </ul>
* @since 9.2
public Object getProcessor() {
return apiProcessor;
* Get a message used to identify this product when a transformation is run using the -t option
* @return A string containing both the product name and the product
* version
* @since 8.4
public String getProductTitle() {
return "Saxon-" + getEditionCode() + " " + Version.getProductVersion() + platform.getPlatformSuffix() + " from Saxonica";
* Determine if the functionality available in this configuration is licensed.
* @return true for Saxon-HE, since all Saxon-HE functionality is always available
* @since 9.2
public boolean isLicensed() {
return true;
* Determine if a particular feature is licensed.
* @param feature the feature in question, identified by a constant in class {@link LicenseFeature}
public boolean isLicensedFeature(int feature) {
return false;
* Determine if the configuration is schema-aware, for the given host language
* @param language the required host language: XSLT, XQUERY, or XML_SCHEMA
* @return true if the configuration is schema-aware
* @since 8.4
* @deprecated since 9.2: use isLicensedFeature() instead
public boolean isSchemaAware(int language) {
return false;
// changing this to true will do no good!
* Display a message about the license status
public void displayLicenseMessage() {
* Get the host language used in this configuration. The typical values
* are XSLT and XQUERY. The values XML_SCHEMA and JAVA_APPLICATION may also
* be encountered.
* <p/>
* This method is problematic because it is possible to run multiple transformations
* or queries within the same configuration. The method is therefore best avoided.
* Instead, use {@link net.sf.saxon.expr.Container#getHostLanguage}.
* Internally its only use is in deciding (in Saxon-EE only) which error listener to
* use by default at compile time, and since the standard XSLT and XQuery listeners have
* no differences when used for static errors, the choice is immaterial.
* @return Configuration.XSLT or Configuration.XQUERY
public int getHostLanguage() {
return hostLanguage;
* Set the host language used in this configuration. The possible values
* are XSLT and XQUERY.
* @param hostLanguage Configuration.XSLT or Configuration.XQUERY
public void setHostLanguage(int hostLanguage) {
this.hostLanguage = hostLanguage;
* Get the Platform to be used for platform-dependent methods
* @return the platform to be used
public static Platform getPlatform() {
return platform;
* Set the DynamicLoader to be used. By default an instance of {@link DynamicLoader} is used
* for all dynamic loading of Java classes. This method allows the actions of the standard
* DynamicLoader to be overridden
* @param dynamicLoader the DynamicLoader to be used by this Configuration
public void setDynamicLoader(DynamicLoader dynamicLoader) {
this.dynamicLoader = dynamicLoader;
* Get the DynamicLoader used by this Configuration. By default the standard system-supplied
* dynamic loader is returned.
* @return the DynamicLoader in use - either a user-supplied DynamicLoader, or the standard one
* supplied by the system.
public DynamicLoader getDynamicLoader() {
return dynamicLoader;
* Load a class using the class name provided.
* Note that the method does not check that the object is of the right class.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use only. The call is delegated to the
* <code>DynamicLoader</code>, which may be overridden by a user-defined <code>DynamicLoader</code>.
* @param className A string containing the name of the
* class, for example "com.microstar.sax.LarkDriver"
* @param tracing true if diagnostic tracing is required
* @param classLoader The ClassLoader to be used to load the class, or null to
* use the ClassLoader selected by the DynamicLoader.
* @return an instance of the class named, or null if it is not
* loadable.
* @throws XPathException if the class cannot be loaded.
public Class getClass(String className, boolean tracing, ClassLoader classLoader) throws XPathException {
return dynamicLoader.getClass(className, tracing, classLoader);
* Instantiate a class using the class name provided.
* Note that the method does not check that the object is of the right class.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use only. The call is delegated to the
* <code>DynamicLoader</code>, which may be overridden by a user-defined <code>DynamicLoader</code>.
* <p/>
* Diagnostic output is produced if the option "isTiming" is set (corresponding to the -t option on
* the command line).
* @param className A string containing the name of the
* class, for example "com.microstar.sax.LarkDriver"
* @param classLoader The ClassLoader to be used to load the class, or null to
* use the ClassLoader selected by the DynamicLoader.
* @return an instance of the class named, or null if it is not
* loadable.
* @throws XPathException if the class cannot be loaded.
public Object getInstance(String className, ClassLoader classLoader) throws XPathException {
return dynamicLoader.getInstance(className, isTiming(), classLoader);
* Get the URIResolver used in this configuration
* @return the URIResolver. If no URIResolver has been set explicitly, the
* default URIResolver is used.
* @since 8.4
public URIResolver getURIResolver() {
if (uriResolver == null) {
return systemURIResolver;
return uriResolver;
* Set the URIResolver to be used in this configuration. This will be used to
* resolve the URIs used statically (e.g. by xsl:include) and also the URIs used
* dynamically by functions such as document() and doc(). Note that the URIResolver
* does not resolve the URI in the sense of RFC 2396 (which is also the sense in which
* the resolve-uri() function uses the term): rather it dereferences an absolute URI
* to obtain an actual resource, which is returned as a Source object.
* @param resolver The URIResolver to be used.
* @since 8.4
public void setURIResolver(URIResolver resolver) {
uriResolver = resolver;
if (resolver instanceof StandardURIResolver) {
* Set the URIResolver to a URI resolver that allows query parameters after the URI,
* and in the case of Saxon-EE, that inteprets the file extension .ptree
public void setParameterizedURIResolver() {
* Get the system-defined URI Resolver. This is used when the user-defined URI resolver
* returns null as the result of the resolve() method
* @return the system-defined URI resolver
public StandardURIResolver getSystemURIResolver() {
return systemURIResolver;
* Create an instance of a URIResolver with a specified class name.
* Note that this method does not register the URIResolver with this Configuration.
* @param className The fully-qualified name of the URIResolver class
* @return The newly created URIResolver
* @throws TransformerException if the requested class does not
* implement the javax.xml.transform.URIResolver interface
public URIResolver makeURIResolver(String className) throws TransformerException {
Object obj = dynamicLoader.getInstance(className, null);
if (obj instanceof StandardURIResolver) {
if (obj instanceof URIResolver) {
return (URIResolver)obj;
throw new XPathException("Class " + className + " is not a URIResolver");
* Get the ErrorListener used in this configuration. If no ErrorListener
* has been supplied explicitly, the default ErrorListener is used.
* @return the ErrorListener.
* @since 8.4
public ErrorListener getErrorListener() {
ErrorListener listener = defaultParseOptions.getErrorListener();
if (listener == null) {
listener = new StandardErrorListener();
return listener;
* Set the ErrorListener to be used in this configuration. The ErrorListener
* is informed of all static and dynamic errors detected, and can decide whether
* run-time warnings are to be treated as fatal.
* @param listener the ErrorListener to be used
* @since 8.4
public void setErrorListener(ErrorListener listener) {
* Report a fatal error
* @param err the exception to be reported
public void reportFatalError(XPathException err) {
if (!err.hasBeenReported()) {
try {
} catch (TransformerException e) {
* Set whether multithreading optimizations are allowed
* @param multithreading true if multithreading optimizations area allowed
public void setMultiThreading(boolean multithreading) {
allowMultiThreading = multithreading;
* Determine whether multithreading optimizations are allowed
* @return true if multithreading optimizations are allowed
public boolean isMultiThreading() {
return allowMultiThreading;
* Set the XML version to be used by default for validating characters and names.
* Note that source documents specifying xml version="1.0" or "1.1" are accepted
* regardless of this setting. The effect of this switch is to change the validation
* rules for types such as Name and NCName, to change the meaning of \i and \c in
* regular expressions, and to determine whether the serializer allows XML 1.1 documents
* to be constructed.
* @param version one of the constants XML10 or XML11
* @since 8.6
public void setXMLVersion(int version) {
xmlVersion = version;
* Get the XML version to be used by default for validating characters and names
* @return one of the constants {@link #XML10} or {@link #XML11}
* @since 8.6
public int getXMLVersion() {
return xmlVersion;
* Get the parsing and document building options defined in this configuration
* @return the parsing and document building options. Note that any changes to this
* ParseOptions object will be reflected back in the Configuration; if changes are to be made
* locally, the caller should create a copy.
* @since 9.2
public ParseOptions getParseOptions() {
return defaultParseOptions;
* Get a class that can be used to check names against the selected XML version
* @return a class that can be used for name checking
* @since 8.6
public NameChecker getNameChecker() {
//noinspection RedundantCast
return (xmlVersion == XML10 ?
(NameChecker)Name10Checker.getInstance() :
* Get the version of XML Schema to be used
* @return {@link #XSD10} or {@link #XSD11}
* @since 9.2
public int getXsdVersion() {
return xsdVersion;
* Get an XPathContext object with sufficient capability to perform comparisons and conversions
* @return a dynamic context for performing conversions
public XPathContext getConversionContext() {
if (conversionContext == null) {
conversionContext = new EarlyEvaluationContext(this, new CollationMap(this));
return conversionContext;
* Get the Tree Model used by this Configuration. This is either
* {@link Builder#LINKED_TREE}, {@link Builder#TINY_TREE}, or {@link Builder#TINY_TREE_CONDENSED}.
* The default is <code>Builder.TINY_TREE</code>.
* @return the selected Tree Model
* @since 8.4 (Condensed tinytree added in 9.2)
public int getTreeModel() {
return defaultParseOptions.getModel().getSymbolicValue();
* Set the Tree Model used by this Configuration. This is either
* {@link Builder#LINKED_TREE} or {@link Builder#TINY_TREE}, or {@link Builder#TINY_TREE_CONDENSED}.
* The default is <code>Builder.TINY_TREE</code>.
* @param treeModel the integer constant representing the selected Tree Model
* @since 8.4 (Condensed tinytree added in 9.2)
public void setTreeModel(int treeModel) {
* Ask whether the typed value cache should be used for the TinyTree
* @return true (the default) if the cache should be used, false otherwise
public boolean useTypedValueCache() {
return useTypedValueCache;
* Determine whether source documents will maintain line numbers, for the
* benefit of the saxon:line-number() extension function as well as run-time
* tracing.
* @return true if line numbers are maintained in source documents
* @since 8.4
public boolean isLineNumbering() {
return defaultParseOptions.isLineNumbering();
* Determine whether source documents will maintain line numbers, for the
* benefit of the saxon:line-number() extension function as well as run-time
* tracing.
* @param lineNumbering true if line numbers are maintained in source documents
* @since 8.4
public void setLineNumbering(boolean lineNumbering) {
* Set whether or not source documents (including stylesheets and schemas) are have
* XInclude processing applied to them, or not. Default is false.
* @param state true if XInclude elements are to be expanded, false if not
* @since 8.9
public void setXIncludeAware(boolean state) {
* Test whether or not source documents (including stylesheets and schemas) are to have
* XInclude processing applied to them, or not
* @return true if XInclude elements are to be expanded, false if not
* @since 8.9
public boolean isXIncludeAware() {
return defaultParseOptions.isXIncludeAware();
* Get the TraceListener used for run-time tracing of instruction execution.
* @return the TraceListener that was set using {@link #getTraceListener()} if set.
* Otherwise, returns null.
* @since 8.4. Modified in 9.1.
public TraceListener getTraceListener() {
return traceListener;
* Get or create the TraceListener used for run-time tracing of instruction execution.
* @return If a TraceListener has been set using {@link #setTraceListener(net.sf.saxon.trace.TraceListener)},
* returns that TraceListener. Otherwise, if a TraceListener class has been set using
* {@link #setTraceListenerClass(String)}, returns a newly created instance of that class.
* Otherwise, returns null.
* @throws XPathException if the supplied TraceListenerClass cannot be instantiated as an instance
* of TraceListener
* @since 9.1.
public TraceListener makeTraceListener() throws XPathException {
if (traceListener != null) {
return traceListener;
} else if (traceListenerClass != null) {
try {
return makeTraceListener(traceListenerClass);
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new XPathException(e);
} else {
return null;
* Set the TraceListener to be used for run-time tracing of instruction execution.
* <p/>
* <p>Note: this method should not be used if the Configuration is multithreading. In that situation,
* use {@link #setCompileWithTracing(boolean)} to force stylesheets and queries to be compiled
* with trace code enabled, and use {@link Controller#addTraceListener(net.sf.saxon.trace.TraceListener)} to
* supply a TraceListener at run time.</p>
* @param traceListener The TraceListener to be used.
* @since 8.4
public void setTraceListener(TraceListener traceListener) {
this.traceListener = traceListener;
* Set the name of the trace listener class to be used for run-time tracing of instruction
* execution. A new instance of this class will be created for each query or transformation
* that requires tracing. The class must be an instance of {@link TraceListener}.
* @param className the name of the trace listener class
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the class cannot be instantiated or does not implement
* TraceListener
* @since 9.1
public void setTraceListenerClass(String className) {
try {
} catch (XPathException err) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(className + ": " + err.getMessage());
this.traceListenerClass = className;
* Get the name of the trace listener class to be used for run-time tracing of instruction
* execution. A new instance of this class will be created for each query or transformation
* that requires tracing. The class must be an instance of {@link TraceListener}.
* @return the name of the trace listener class, or null if no trace listener class
* has been nominated.
* @since 9.1
public String getTraceListenerClass() {
return traceListenerClass;
* Determine whether compile-time generation of trace code was requested
* @return true if compile-time generation of code was requested
* @since 8.8
public boolean isCompileWithTracing() {
return tracing;
* Request compile-time generation of trace code (or not)
* @param trace true if compile-time generation of trace code is required
* @since 8.8
public void setCompileWithTracing(boolean trace) {
tracing = trace;
* Set optimizer tracing on or off
* @param trace set to true to switch optimizer tracing on, false to switch it off
public void setOptimizerTracing(boolean trace) {
traceOptimizations = trace;
* Test whether optimizer tracing is on or off
* @return true if optimizer tracing is switched on
public boolean isOptimizerTracing() {
return traceOptimizations;
* Create an instance of a TraceListener with a specified class name
* @param className The fully qualified class name of the TraceListener to
* be constructed
* @return the newly constructed TraceListener
* @throws net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException
* if the requested class does not
* implement the net.sf.saxon.trace.TraceListener interface
public TraceListener makeTraceListener(String className)
throws XPathException {
Object obj = dynamicLoader.getInstance(className, null);
if (obj instanceof TraceListener) {
return (TraceListener)obj;
throw new XPathException("Class " + className + " is not a TraceListener");
* Register an extension function that is to be made available in all queries, stylesheets, and
* XPath expressions compiled under thie Configuration. This method
* incorporates an extension function implemented as an instance of
* {@link net.sf.saxon.functions.ExtensionFunctionCall}, using an arbitrary name and namespace.
* @param function the class that implements the extension function. This must be a class that extends
* {@link net.sf.saxon.functions.ExtensionFunctionCall}, and it must have a public zero-argument
* constructor
* @throws XPathException if the class cannot be instantiated or does not extend
* {@link net.sf.saxon.functions.ExtensionFunctionCall}
* @since 9.2
public void registerExtensionFunction(ExtensionFunctionDefinition function) throws XPathException {
try {
} catch (Exception err) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(err);
* Get the IntegratedFunction library containing integrated extension functions
* @return the IntegratedFunctionLibrary
* @since 9.2
public IntegratedFunctionLibrary getIntegratedFunctionLibrary() {
return integratedFunctionLibrary;
* Get the FunctionLibrary used to bind calls on Saxon-defined extension functions.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use only.
* @return the FunctionLibrary used for extension functions in the Saxon library.
public VendorFunctionLibrary getVendorFunctionLibrary() {
if (vendorFunctionLibrary == null) {
vendorFunctionLibrary = new VendorFunctionLibrary();
return vendorFunctionLibrary;
* Add the registered extension binders to a function library.
* This method is intended primarily for internal use
public void addExtensionBinders(FunctionLibraryList list) {
// no action in this class
* Make a UserFunction object.
* This method is for internal use.
* @param memoFunction true if the function is to be a memo function, This option is ignored
* in Saxon-HE.
public UserFunction newUserFunction(boolean memoFunction) {
return new UserFunction();
* Set a CollationURIResolver to be used to resolve collation URIs (that is,
* to take a URI identifying a collation, and return the corresponding collation).
* Note that Saxon attempts first to resolve a collation URI using the resolver
* registered with the Controller; if that returns null, it tries again using the
* resolver registered with the Configuration.
* <p/>
* Note that it is undefined whether collation URIs are resolved at compile time
* or at run-time. It is therefore inadvisable to change the CollationURIResolver after
* compiling a query or stylesheet and before running it.
* @param resolver the collation URI resolver to be used. This replaces any collation
* URI resolver previously registered.
* @since 8.5
public void setCollationURIResolver(CollationURIResolver resolver) {
collationResolver = resolver;
* Get the collation URI resolver associated with this configuration. This will
* return the CollationURIResolver previously set using the {@link #setCollationURIResolver}
* method; if this has not been called, it returns the system-defined collation URI resolver
* @return the registered CollationURIResolver
* @since 8.5
public CollationURIResolver getCollationURIResolver() {
return collationResolver;
* Get the collation map, which can be used to register named collations (and a default collation)
* at the Configuration level. Any collations registered in this collation map apply to all
* queries, stylesheets, and Xpath expressions compiled under this collation. The effective
* contents of the collation map are the contents at the time the query or stylesheet is compiled.
public CollationMap getCollationMap() {
return collationMap;
* Set the default collection.
* <p>If no default collection URI is specified, then a request for the default collection
* is handled by calling the registered collection URI resolver with an argument of null.</p>
* @param uri the URI of the default collection. Calling the collection() function
* with no arguments is equivalent to calling collection() with this URI as an argument.
* The URI will be dereferenced by passing it to the registered CollectionURIResolver
* @since 9.2
public void setDefaultCollection(String uri) {
defaultCollection = uri;
* Get the URI of the default collection. Returns null if no default collection URI has
* been registered.
* @return the default collection URI. This is dereferenced in the same way as a normal
* collection URI (via the CollectionURIResolver) to return a sequence of nodes
* @since 9.2
public String getDefaultCollection() {
return defaultCollection;
* Set a CollectionURIResolver to be used to resolve collection URIs (that is,
* the URI supplied in a call to the collection() function).
* <p/>
* Collection URIs are always resolved at run-time, using the CollectionURIResolver
* in force at the time the collection() function is called.
* @param resolver the collection URI resolver to be used. This replaces any collection
* URI resolver previously registered.
* @since 8.5
public void setCollectionURIResolver(CollectionURIResolver resolver) {
collectionResolver = resolver;
* Get the collection URI resolver associated with this configuration. This will
* return the CollectionURIResolver previously set using the {@link #setCollectionURIResolver}
* method; if this has not been called, it returns the system-defined collection URI resolver
* @return the registered CollationURIResolver
* @since 8.5
public CollectionURIResolver getCollectionURIResolver() {
return collectionResolver;
* Set the localizer factory to be used
* @param factory the LocalizerFactory
* @since 9.2
public void setLocalizerFactory(LocalizerFactory factory) {
this.localizerFactory = factory;
* Get the localizer factory in use
* @return the LocalizerFactory, if any. If none has been set, returns null.
* @since 9.2
public LocalizerFactory getLocalizerFactory() {
return localizerFactory;
* Set the default language to be used for number and date formatting when no language is specified.
* If none is set explicitly, the default Locale for the Java Virtual Machine is used.
* @param language the default language to be used, as an ISO code for example "en" or "fr-CA"
* @since 9.2
public void setDefaultLanguage(String language) {
defaultLanguage = language;
* Get the default language. Unless an explicit default is set, this will be the language
* of the default Locale for the Java Virtual Machine
* @return the default language
* @since 9.2
public String getDefaultLanguage() {
return defaultLanguage;
* Set the default country to be used for number and date formatting when no country is specified.
* If none is set explicitly, the default Locale for the Java Virtual Machine is used.
* @param country the default country to be used, as an ISO code for example "US" or "GB"
* @since 9.2
public void setDefaultCountry(String country) {
defaultCountry = country;
* Get the default country to be used for number and date formatting when no country is specified.
* If none is set explicitly, the default Locale for the Java Virtual Machine is used.
* @return the default country to be used, as an ISO code for example "US" or "GB"
* @since 9.2
public String getDefaultCountry() {
return defaultCountry;
* Load a Numberer class for a given language and check it is OK.
* This method is provided primarily for internal use.
* @param language the language for which a Numberer is required. May be null,
* indicating default language
* @param country the country for which a Numberer is required. May be null,
* indicating default country
* @return a suitable numberer. If no specific numberer is available
* for the language, the default numberer (normally English) is used.
public Numberer makeNumberer(String language, String country) {
if (localizerFactory == null) {
return new Numberer_en();
} else {
Numberer numberer = localizerFactory.getNumberer(language, country);
if (numberer == null) {
numberer = new Numberer_en();
return numberer;
* Set a user-defined ModuleURIResolver for resolving URIs used in "import module"
* declarations in an XQuery prolog.
* This acts as the default value for the ModuleURIResolver in the StaticQueryContext, and may be
* overridden by a more specific ModuleURIResolver nominated as part of the StaticQueryContext.
* @param resolver the URI resolver for XQuery modules
public void setModuleURIResolver(ModuleURIResolver resolver) {
moduleURIResolver = resolver;
* Create and register an instance of a ModuleURIResolver with a specified class name.
* This will be used for resolving URIs in XQuery "import module" declarations, unless
* a more specific ModuleURIResolver has been nominated as part of the StaticQueryContext.
* @param className The fully-qualified name of the LocationHintResolver class
* @throws TransformerException if the requested class does not
* implement the net.sf.saxon.LocationHintResolver interface
public void setModuleURIResolver(String className) throws TransformerException {
Object obj = dynamicLoader.getInstance(className, null);
if (obj instanceof ModuleURIResolver) {
} else {
throw new XPathException("Class " + className + " is not a ModuleURIResolver");
* Get the user-defined ModuleURIResolver for resolving URIs used in "import module"
* declarations in the XQuery prolog; returns null if none has been explicitly set.
* @return the resolver for Module URIs
public ModuleURIResolver getModuleURIResolver() {
return moduleURIResolver;
* Get the standard system-defined ModuleURIResolver for resolving URIs used in "import module"
* declarations in the XQuery prolog.
* @return the standard system-defined ModuleURIResolver for resolving URIs
public ModuleURIResolver getStandardModuleURIResolver() {
return standardModuleURIResolver;
* Set a user-defined SchemaURIResolver for resolving URIs used in "import schema"
* declarations.
* @param resolver the URI resolver used for import schema declarations
public void setSchemaURIResolver(SchemaURIResolver resolver) {
schemaURIResolver = resolver;
* Get the user-defined SchemaURIResolver for resolving URIs used in "import schema"
* declarations; if none has been explicitly set, returns null.
* @return the user-defined SchemaURIResolver for resolving URIs
public SchemaURIResolver getSchemaURIResolver() {
return schemaURIResolver;
* Get the default options for XSLT compilation
* @return the default options for XSLT compilation. The CompilerInfo object will reflect any options
* set using other methods available for this Configuration object
public CompilerInfo getDefaultXsltCompilerInfo() {
return defaultXsltCompilerInfo;
* Get the default options for XQuery compilation
public StaticQueryContext getDefaultStaticQueryContext() {
if (defaultStaticQueryContext == null) {
defaultStaticQueryContext = new StaticQueryContext(this, true);
return defaultStaticQueryContext;
* Determine how recoverable run-time errors are to be handled. This applies
* only if the standard ErrorListener is used.
* @return the current recovery policy. The options are {@link #RECOVER_SILENTLY},
* @since 8.4
public int getRecoveryPolicy() {
return defaultXsltCompilerInfo.getRecoveryPolicy();
* Determine how recoverable run-time errors are to be handled. This applies
* only if the standard ErrorListener is used. The recovery policy applies to
* errors classified in the XSLT 2.0 specification as recoverable dynamic errors,
* but only in those cases where Saxon provides a choice over how the error is handled:
* in some cases, Saxon makes the decision itself.
* @param recoveryPolicy the recovery policy to be used. The options are {@link #RECOVER_SILENTLY},
* @since 8.4
public void setRecoveryPolicy(int recoveryPolicy) {
* Get the name of the class that will be instantiated to create a MessageEmitter,
* to process the output of xsl:message instructions in XSLT.
* @return the full class name of the message emitter class.
* @since 8.4
public String getMessageEmitterClass() {
return defaultXsltCompilerInfo.getMessageReceiverClassName();
* Set the name of the class that will be instantiated to
* to process the output of xsl:message instructions in XSLT.
* @param messageReceiverClassName the full class name of the message receiver. This
* must implement net.sf.saxon.event.Receiver.
* @since 8.4
public void setMessageEmitterClass(String messageReceiverClassName) {
* Get the name of the class that will be instantiated to create an XML parser
* for parsing source documents (for example, documents loaded using the document()
* or doc() functions).
* <p/>
* This method is retained in Saxon for backwards compatibility, but the preferred way
* of choosing an XML parser is to use JAXP interfaces, for example by supplying a
* JAXP Source object initialized with an appropriate implementation of org.xml.sax.XMLReader.
* @return the fully qualified name of the XML parser class
public String getSourceParserClass() {
return sourceParserClass;
* Set the name of the class that will be instantiated to create an XML parser
* for parsing source documents (for example, documents loaded using the document()
* or doc() functions).
* <p/>
* This method is retained in Saxon for backwards compatibility, but the preferred way
* of choosing an XML parser is to use JAXP interfaces, for example by supplying a
* JAXP Source object initialized with an appropriate implementation of org.xml.sax.XMLReader.
* @param sourceParserClass the fully qualified name of the XML parser class. This must implement
* the SAX2 XMLReader interface.
public void setSourceParserClass(String sourceParserClass) {
this.sourceParserClass = sourceParserClass;
* Get the name of the class that will be instantiated to create an XML parser
* for parsing stylesheet modules.
* <p/>
* This method is retained in Saxon for backwards compatibility, but the preferred way
* of choosing an XML parser is to use JAXP interfaces, for example by supplying a
* JAXP Source object initialized with an appropriate implementation of org.xml.sax.XMLReader.
* @return the fully qualified name of the XML parser class
public String getStyleParserClass() {
return styleParserClass;
* Set the name of the class that will be instantiated to create an XML parser
* for parsing stylesheet modules.
* <p/>
* This method is retained in Saxon for backwards compatibility, but the preferred way
* of choosing an XML parser is to use JAXP interfaces, for example by supplying a
* JAXP Source object initialized with an appropriate implementation of org.xml.sax.XMLReader.
* @param parser the fully qualified name of the XML parser class
public void setStyleParserClass(String parser) {
this.styleParserClass = parser;
* Get the OutputURIResolver that will be used to resolve URIs used in the
* href attribute of the xsl:result-document instruction.
* @return the OutputURIResolver. If none has been supplied explicitly, the
* default OutputURIResolver is returned.
* @since 8.4
public OutputURIResolver getOutputURIResolver() {
return defaultXsltCompilerInfo.getOutputURIResolver();
* Set the OutputURIResolver that will be used to resolve URIs used in the
* href attribute of the xsl:result-document instruction.
* @param outputURIResolver the OutputURIResolver to be used.
* @since 8.4
public void setOutputURIResolver(OutputURIResolver outputURIResolver) {
* Set a custom SerializerFactory. This will be used to create a serializer for a given
* set of output properties and result destination.
* @param factory a custom SerializerFactory
* @since 8.8
public void setSerializerFactory(SerializerFactory factory) {
serializerFactory = factory;
* Get the SerializerFactory. This returns the standard built-in SerializerFactory, unless
* a custom SerializerFactory has been registered.
* @return the SerializerFactory in use
* @since 8.8
public SerializerFactory getSerializerFactory() {
return serializerFactory;
* Get the CharacterSetFactory. Note: at present this cannot be changed.
* @return the CharacterSetFactory in use.
* @since 9.2
public CharacterSetFactory getCharacterSetFactory() {
if (characterSetFactory == null) {
characterSetFactory = new CharacterSetFactory();
return characterSetFactory;
* Set the default serialization properties
* @param props the default properties
public void setDefaultSerializationProperties(Properties props) {
defaultSerializationProperties = props;
* Get the default serialization properties
* @return the default properties
public Properties getDefaultSerializationProperties() {
return defaultSerializationProperties;
* Determine whether brief progress messages and timing information will be output
* to System.err.
* <p/>
* This method is provided largely for internal use. Progress messages are normally
* controlled directly from the command line interfaces, and are not normally used when
* driving Saxon from the Java API.
* @return true if these messages are to be output.
public boolean isTiming() {
return timing;
* Determine whether brief progress messages and timing information will be output
* to System.err.
* <p/>
* This method is provided largely for internal use. Progress messages are normally
* controlled directly from the command line interfaces, and are not normally used when
* @param timing true if these messages are to be output.
public void setTiming(boolean timing) {
this.timing = timing;
* Determine whether a warning is to be output when running against a stylesheet labelled
* as version="1.0". The XSLT specification requires such a warning unless the user disables it.
* @return true if these messages are to be output.
* @since 8.4
public boolean isVersionWarning() {
return defaultXsltCompilerInfo.isVersionWarning();
* Determine whether a warning is to be output when running against a stylesheet labelled
* as version="1.0". The XSLT specification requires such a warning unless the user disables it.
* @param warn true if these messages are to be output.
* @since 8.4
public void setVersionWarning(boolean warn) {
* Determine whether calls to external Java functions are permitted.
* @return true if such calls are permitted.
* @since 8.4
public boolean isAllowExternalFunctions() {
return allowExternalFunctions;
* Determine whether calls to external Java functions are permitted. Allowing
* external function calls is potentially a security risk if the stylesheet or
* Query is untrusted, as it allows arbitrary Java methods to be invoked, which can
* examine or modify the contents of filestore and other resources on the machine
* where the query/stylesheet is executed.
* <p/>
* <p>Setting the value to false disallows all of the following:</p>
* <p/>
* <ul>
* <li>Calls to Java extension functions</li>
* <li>Use of the XSLT system-property() function to access Java system properties</li>
* <li>Use of a relative URI in the <code>xsl:result-document</code> instruction</li>
* <li>Calls to XSLT extension instructions</li>
* </ul>
* <p/>
* <p>Note that this option does not disable use of the <code>doc()</code> function or similar
* functions to access the filestore of the machine where the transformation or query is running.
* That should be done using a user-supplied <code>URIResolver</code></p>
* @param allowExternalFunctions true if external function calls are to be
* permitted.
* @since 8.4
public void setAllowExternalFunctions(boolean allowExternalFunctions) {
this.allowExternalFunctions = allowExternalFunctions;
* Determine whether calls on external functions are to be traced for diagnostic
* purposes.
* @return true if tracing is enabled for calls to external Java functions
public boolean isTraceExternalFunctions() {
return traceExternalFunctions;
* Say whether attribute types obtained from a DTD are to be used to set type annotations
* on the resulting nodes.
* @param useTypes set to true if DTD types are to be taken into account
* @deprecated since 9.2 This feature was dropped from the final XDM specification and will be dropped in a future
* Saxon release. Use an XSD schema to define the attribute types instead.
* @since 8.4
public void setRetainDTDAttributeTypes(boolean useTypes) throws TransformerFactoryConfigurationError {
if (useTypes && !isLicensedFeature(LicenseFeature.SCHEMA_VALIDATION)) {
throw new TransformerFactoryConfigurationError(
"Retaining DTD attribute types requires the schema-aware product");
retainDTDattributeTypes = useTypes;
* Ask whether attribute types obtained from a DTD are to be used to set type annotations
* on the resulting nodes
* @return true if DTD types are to be taken into account
* @since 8.4
public boolean isRetainDTDAttributeTypes() {
return retainDTDattributeTypes;
* Determine whether calls on external functions are to be traced for diagnostic
* purposes.
* @param traceExternalFunctions true if tracing is to be enabled
* for calls to external Java functions
public void setTraceExternalFunctions(boolean traceExternalFunctions) {
this.traceExternalFunctions = traceExternalFunctions;
* Determine whether the XML parser for source documents will be asked to perform
* validation of source documents
* @return true if DTD validation is requested.
* @since 8.4
public boolean isValidation() {
return defaultParseOptions.getDTDValidationMode() == Validation.STRICT ||
defaultParseOptions.getDTDValidationMode() == Validation.LAX;
* Determine whether the XML parser for source documents will be asked to perform
* DTD validation of source documents
* @param validation true if DTD validation is to be requested.
* @since 8.4
public void setValidation(boolean validation) {
defaultParseOptions.setDTDValidationMode(validation ? Validation.STRICT : Validation.STRIP);
* Create a document projector for a given path map. Document projection is available only
* in Saxon-EE, so the Saxon-B version of this method throws an exception
* @param map the path map used to control document projection
* @return a push filter that implements document projection
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this is not a schema-aware configuration, or
* if no Saxon-EE license is available
public ProxyReceiver makeDocumentProjector(PathMap.PathMapRoot map) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Document projection requires a schema-aware Configuration");
* Ask whether source documents (supplied as a StreamSource or SAXSource)
* should be subjected to schema validation, and if so, in what validation mode
* @return the schema validation mode previously set using setSchemaValidationMode(),
* or the default mode {@link Validation#STRIP} otherwise.
public int getSchemaValidationMode() {
return defaultParseOptions.getSchemaValidationMode();
* Say whether source documents (supplied as a StreamSource or SAXSource)
* should be subjected to schema validation, and if so, in what validation mode.
* This value may be overridden at the level of a Controller for an individual transformation or query.
* @param validationMode the validation (or construction) mode to be used for source documents.
* One of {@link Validation#STRIP}, {@link Validation#PRESERVE}, {@link Validation#STRICT},
* {@link Validation#LAX}
* @since 8.4
public void setSchemaValidationMode(int validationMode) {
switch (validationMode) {
case Validation.STRIP:
case Validation.PRESERVE:
case Validation.LAX:
case Validation.STRICT:
if (!isLicensedFeature(LicenseFeature.SCHEMA_VALIDATION)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported validation mode " + validationMode);
* Indicate whether schema validation failures on result documents are to be treated
* as fatal errors or as warnings.
* @param warn true if schema validation failures are to be treated as warnings; false if they
* are to be treated as fatal errors.
* @since 8.4
public void setValidationWarnings(boolean warn) {
validationWarnings = warn;
* Determine whether schema validation failures on result documents are to be treated
* as fatal errors or as warnings.
* @return true if validation errors are to be treated as warnings (that is, the
* validation failure is reported but processing continues as normal); false
* if validation errors are fatal.
* @since 8.4
public boolean isValidationWarnings() {
return validationWarnings;
* Indicate whether attributes that have a fixed or default value are to be expanded when
* generating a final result tree. By default (and for conformance with the W3C specifications)
* it is required that fixed and default values should be expanded. However, there are use cases
* for example when generating XHTML when this serves no useful purpose and merely bloats the output.
* <p/>
* <p>This option can be overridden at the level of a PipelineConfiguration</p>
* @param expand true if fixed and default values are to be expanded as required by the W3C
* specifications; false if this action is to be disabled. Note that this only affects the validation
* of final result trees; it is not possible to suppress expansion of fixed or default values on input
* documents, as this would make the type annotations on input nodes unsound.
* @since 9.0
public void setExpandAttributeDefaults(boolean expand) {
* Determine whether elements and attributes that have a fixed or default value are to be expanded.
* This option applies both to DTD-defined attribute defaults and to schema-defined defaults for
* elements and attributes. If an XML parser is used that does not report whether defaults have
* been used, this option is ignored.
* <p/>
* * <p>This option can be overridden at the level of a PipelineConfiguration</p>
* @return true if elements and attributes that have a fixed or default value are to be expanded,
* false if defaults are not to be expanded. The default value is true. Note that the setting "false"
* is potentially non-conformant with the W3C specifications.
* @since 9.0
public boolean isExpandAttributeDefaults() {
return defaultParseOptions.isExpandAttributeDefaults();
* Get the target namepool to be used for stylesheets/queries and for source documents.
* @return the target name pool. If no NamePool has been specified explicitly, the
* default NamePool is returned.
* @since 8.4
public NamePool getNamePool() {
return namePool;
* Set the NamePool to be used for stylesheets/queries and for source documents.
* <p/>
* <p> Using this method allows several Configurations to share the same NamePool. This
* was the normal default arrangement until Saxon 8.9, which changed the default so
* that each Configuration uses its own NamePool.</p>
* <p/>
* <p>Sharing a NamePool creates a potential bottleneck, since changes to the namepool are
* synchronized.</p>
* @param targetNamePool The NamePool to be used.
* @since 8.4
public void setNamePool(NamePool targetNamePool) {
namePool = targetNamePool;
* Get the TypeHierarchy: a cache holding type information
* @return the type hierarchy cache
public final TypeHierarchy getTypeHierarchy() {
if (typeHierarchy == null) {
typeHierarchy = new TypeHierarchy(this);
return typeHierarchy;
* Get the document number allocator.
* <p/>
* The document number allocator is used to allocate a unique number to each document built under this
* configuration. The document number forms the basis of all tests for node identity; it is therefore essential
* that when two documents are accessed in the same XPath expression, they have distinct document numbers.
* Normally this is ensured by building them under the same Configuration. Using this method together with
* {@link #setDocumentNumberAllocator}, however, it is possible to have two different Configurations that share
* a single DocumentNumberAllocator
* @return the current DocumentNumberAllocator
* @since 9.0
public DocumentNumberAllocator getDocumentNumberAllocator() {
return documentNumberAllocator;
* Set the document number allocator.
* <p/>
* The document number allocator is used to allocate a unique number to each document built under this
* configuration. The document number forms the basis of all tests for node identity; it is therefore essential
* that when two documents are accessed in the same XPath expression, they have distinct document numbers.
* Normally this is ensured by building them under the same Configuration. Using this method together with
* {@link #getDocumentNumberAllocator}, however, it is possible to have two different Configurations that share
* a single DocumentNumberAllocator</p>
* <p>This method is for advanced applications only. Misuse of the method can cause problems with node identity.
* The method should not be used except while initializing a Configuration, and it should be used only to
* arrange for two different configurations to share the same DocumentNumberAllocators. In this case they
* should also share the same NamePool.
* @param allocator the DocumentNumberAllocator to be used
* @since 9.0
public void setDocumentNumberAllocator(DocumentNumberAllocator allocator) {
documentNumberAllocator = allocator;
* Determine whether two Configurations are compatible. When queries, transformations, and path expressions
* are run, all the Configurations used to build the documents and to compile the queries and stylesheets
* must be compatible. Two Configurations are compatible if they share the same NamePool and the same
* DocumentNumberAllocator.
* @param other the other Configuration to be compared with this one
* @return true if the two configurations are compatible
public boolean isCompatible(Configuration other) {
return namePool == other.namePool && documentNumberAllocator == other.documentNumberAllocator;
* Get the global document pool. This is used for documents preloaded during query or stylesheet
* compilation. The user application can preload documents into the global pool, where they will be found
* if any query or stylesheet requests the specified document using the doc() or document() function.
* @return the global document pool
* @since 9.1
public DocumentPool getGlobalDocumentPool() {
return globalDocumentPool;
* Determine whether whitespace-only text nodes are to be stripped unconditionally
* from source documents.
* @return true if all whitespace-only text nodes are stripped.
* @since 8.4
public boolean isStripsAllWhiteSpace() {
return defaultParseOptions.getStripSpace() == Whitespace.ALL;
* Determine whether whitespace-only text nodes are to be stripped unconditionally
* from source documents.
* @param stripsAllWhiteSpace if all whitespace-only text nodes are to be stripped.
* @since 8.4
public void setStripsAllWhiteSpace(boolean stripsAllWhiteSpace) {
if (stripsAllWhiteSpace) {
* Set which kinds of whitespace-only text node should be stripped.
* @param kind the kind of whitespace-only text node that should be stripped when building
* a source tree. One of {@link Whitespace#NONE} (none), {@link Whitespace#ALL} (all),
* or {@link Whitespace#IGNORABLE} (element-content whitespace as defined in a DTD or schema)
public void setStripsWhiteSpace(int kind) {
* Set which kinds of whitespace-only text node should be stripped.
* @return kind the kind of whitespace-only text node that should be stripped when building
* a source tree. One of {@link Whitespace#NONE} (none), {@link Whitespace#ALL} (all),
* or {@link Whitespace#IGNORABLE} (element-content whitespace as defined in a DTD or schema)
public int getStripsWhiteSpace() {
return defaultParseOptions.getStripSpace();
* Get a parser for source documents. The parser is allocated from a pool if any are available
* from the pool: the client should ideally return the parser to the pool after use, so that it
* can be reused.
* <p/>
* This method is intended primarily for internal use.
* @return a parser, in which the namespace properties must be set as follows:
* namespaces=true; namespace-prefixes=false. The DTD validation feature of the parser will be set
* on or off depending on the {@link #setValidation(boolean)} setting.
public synchronized XMLReader getSourceParser() throws TransformerFactoryConfigurationError {
if (sourceParserPool == null) {
sourceParserPool = new ArrayList<XMLReader>(10);
if (!sourceParserPool.isEmpty()) {
int n = sourceParserPool.size() - 1;
XMLReader parser = sourceParserPool.get(n);
return parser;
XMLReader parser;
if (getSourceParserClass() != null) {
parser = makeParser(getSourceParserClass());
} else {
parser = loadParser();
if (timing) {
try {
} catch (XPathException err) {
throw new TransformerFactoryConfigurationError(err);
if (isValidation()) {
try {
parser.setFeature("", true);
} catch (SAXException err) {
throw new TransformerFactoryConfigurationError("The XML parser does not support validation");
return parser;
* Report the parser details to System.err
* @param reader the parser
private void reportParserDetails(XMLReader reader) {
String name = reader.getClass().getName();
// if (name.equals("")) {
// name += " version " +;
// }
System.err.println("Using parser " + name);
* Return a source parser to the pool, for reuse
* @param parser The parser: the caller must not supply a parser that was obtained by any
* mechanism other than calling the getSourceParser() method.
public synchronized void reuseSourceParser(XMLReader parser) {
if (sourceParserPool == null) {
sourceParserPool = new ArrayList<XMLReader>(10);
try {
// give things back to the garbage collecter
// Unfortunately setting the lexical handler to null doesn't work on Xerces, because
// it tests "value instanceof LexicalHandler". So we set it to a lexical handler that
// holds no references
parser.setProperty("", dummyLexicalHandler);
} catch (Exception err) {
* Get a parser by instantiating the SAXParserFactory
* @return the parser (XMLReader)
private XMLReader loadParser() {
return platform.loadParser();
* Get the parser for stylesheet documents. This parser is also used for schema documents.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use only.
* @return an XML parser (a SAX2 parser) that can be used for stylesheets and schema documents
public synchronized XMLReader getStyleParser() throws TransformerFactoryConfigurationError {
if (styleParserPool == null) {
styleParserPool = new ArrayList<XMLReader>(10);
if (!styleParserPool.isEmpty()) {
int n = styleParserPool.size() - 1;
XMLReader parser = styleParserPool.get(n);
return parser;
XMLReader parser;
if (getStyleParserClass() != null) {
parser = makeParser(getStyleParserClass());
} else {
parser = loadParser();
try {
parser.setFeature("", true);
parser.setFeature("", false);
} catch (SAXNotRecognizedException e) {
throw new TransformerFactoryConfigurationError(e);
} catch (SAXNotSupportedException e) {
throw new TransformerFactoryConfigurationError(e);
return parser;
private static LexicalHandler dummyLexicalHandler = new DefaultHandler2();
* Return a stylesheet (or schema) parser to the pool, for reuse
* @param parser The parser: the caller must not supply a parser that was obtained by any
* mechanism other than calling the getStyleParser() method.
public synchronized void reuseStyleParser(XMLReader parser) {
if (styleParserPool == null) {
styleParserPool = new ArrayList<XMLReader>(10);
try {
// give things back to the garbage collecter
// Unfortunately setting the lexical handler to null doesn't work on Xerces, because
// it tests "value instanceof LexicalHandler". Instead we set the lexical handler to one
// that holds no references
parser.setProperty("", dummyLexicalHandler);
} catch (Exception err) {
* Simple interface to load a schema document
* @param absoluteURI the absolute URI of the location of the schema document
public void loadSchema(String absoluteURI) throws SchemaException {
readSchema(makePipelineConfiguration(), "", absoluteURI, null);
* Read a schema from a given schema location
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use.
* @param pipe the PipelineConfiguration
* @param baseURI the base URI of the instruction requesting the reading of the schema
* @param schemaLocation the location of the schema to be read
* @param expected The expected targetNamespace of the schema being read.
* @return the target namespace of the schema; null if there is no expectation
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException when called in the non-schema-aware version of the product
public String readSchema(PipelineConfiguration pipe, String baseURI, String schemaLocation, String expected)
throws SchemaException {
return null;
* Read schemas from a list of schema locations.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use.
* @param pipe the pipeline configuration
* @param baseURI the base URI against which the schema locations are to be resolved
* @param schemaLocations the relative URIs specified as schema locations
* @param expected the namespace URI which is expected as the target namespace of the loaded schema
public void readMultipleSchemas(PipelineConfiguration pipe, String baseURI, Collection schemaLocations, String expected)
throws SchemaException {
* Read an inline schema from a stylesheet.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use.
* @param root the xs:schema element in the stylesheet
* @param expected the target namespace expected; null if there is no
* expectation.
* @param errorListener The destination for error messages. May be null, in which case
* the errorListener registered with this Configuration is used.
* @return the actual target namespace of the schema
public String readInlineSchema(NodeInfo root, String expected, ErrorListener errorListener)
throws SchemaException {
return null;
* Throw an error indicating that a request cannot be satisfied because it requires
* the schema-aware edition of Saxon
private void needEnterpriseEdition() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"You need the Enterprise Edition of Saxon for this operation");
* Load a schema, which will be available for use by all subsequent operations using
* this Configuration. Any errors will be notified to the ErrorListener associated with
* this Configuration.
* @param schemaSource the JAXP Source object identifying the schema document to be loaded
* @throws SchemaException if the schema cannot be read or parsed or if it is invalid
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the configuration is not schema-aware
* @since 8.4
public void addSchemaSource(Source schemaSource) throws SchemaException {
addSchemaSource(schemaSource, getErrorListener());
* Load a schema, which will be available for use by all subsequent operations using
* this EnterpriseConfiguration.
* @param schemaSource the JAXP Source object identifying the schema document to be loaded
* @param errorListener the ErrorListener to be notified of any errors in the schema.
* @throws SchemaException if the schema cannot be read or parsed or if it is invalid
public void addSchemaSource(Source schemaSource, ErrorListener errorListener) throws SchemaException {
* Determine whether the Configuration contains a cached schema for a given target namespace
* @param targetNamespace the target namespace of the schema being sought (supply "" for the
* unnamed namespace)
* @return true if the schema for this namespace is available, false if not.
public boolean isSchemaAvailable(String targetNamespace) {
return false;
* Get the set of namespaces of imported schemas
* @return a Set whose members are the namespaces of all schemas in the schema cache, as
* String objects
public Set getImportedNamespaces() {
return Collections.EMPTY_SET;
* Mark a schema namespace as being sealed. This is done when components from this namespace
* are first used for validating a source document or compiling a source document or query. Once
* a namespace has been sealed, it is not permitted to change the schema components in that namespace
* by redefining them, deriving new types by extension, or adding to their substitution groups.
* @param namespace the namespace URI of the components to be sealed
public void sealNamespace(String namespace) {
* Get the set of complex types that have been defined as extensions of a given type.
* Note that we do not seal the schema namespace, so this list is not necessarily final; we must
* assume that new extensions of built-in simple types can be added at any time
* @param type the type whose extensions are required
public Iterator getExtensionsOfType(SchemaType type) {
return Collections.EMPTY_SET.iterator();
* Import a precompiled Schema Component Model from a given Source. The schema components derived from this schema
* document are added to the cache of schema components maintained by this SchemaManager
* @param source the XML file containing the schema component model, as generated by a previous call on
* {@link #exportComponents}
public void importComponents(Source source) throws XPathException {
* Export a precompiled Schema Component Model containing all the components (except built-in components)
* that have been loaded into this Processor.
* @param out the destination to recieve the precompiled Schema Component Model in the form of an
* XML document
public void exportComponents(Receiver out) throws XPathException {
* Get a global element declaration.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use.
* @param fingerprint the NamePool fingerprint of the name of the required
* element declaration
* @return the element declaration whose name matches the given
* fingerprint, or null if no element declaration with this name has
* been registered.
public SchemaDeclaration getElementDeclaration(int fingerprint) {
return null;
* Get a global attribute declaration.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use
* @param fingerprint the namepool fingerprint of the required attribute
* declaration
* @return the attribute declaration whose name matches the given
* fingerprint, or null if no element declaration with this name has
* been registered.
public SchemaDeclaration getAttributeDeclaration(int fingerprint) {
return null;
* Get the top-level schema type definition with a given fingerprint.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use and for use by advanced
* applications. (The SchemaType object returned cannot yet be considered
* a stable API, and may be superseded when a JAXP API for schema information
* is defined.)
* @param fingerprint the fingerprint of the schema type
* @return the schema type , or null if there is none
* with this name.
public SchemaType getSchemaType(int fingerprint) {
if (fingerprint < 1023) {
return BuiltInType.getSchemaType(fingerprint);
return getExternalObjectType(fingerprint);
* Get the external object type corresponding to a fingerprint if it is indeed an external object
* type, otherwise return null
* @param fingerprint the name of the type
* @return the external object type it the name is in the JAVA_TYPE namespace, otherwise null.
protected ExternalObjectType getExternalObjectType(int fingerprint) {
if (getNamePool().getURI(fingerprint).equals(NamespaceConstant.JAVA_TYPE)) {
try {
Class namedClass = dynamicLoader.getClass(getNamePool().getLocalName(fingerprint), false, null);
if (namedClass == null) {
return null;
return new ExternalObjectType(namedClass, this);
} catch (XPathException err) {
return null;
return null;
* Check that a type is validly derived from another type, following the rules for the Schema Component
* Constraint "Is Type Derivation OK (Simple)" (3.14.6) or "Is Type Derivation OK (Complex)" (3.4.6) as
* appropriate.
* @param derived the derived type
* @param base the base type; the algorithm tests whether derivation from this type is permitted
* @param block the derivations that are blocked by the relevant element declaration
* @throws SchemaException if the derivation is not allowed
public void checkTypeDerivationIsOK(SchemaType derived, SchemaType base, int block)
throws SchemaException, ValidationException {
// no action. Although the method can be used to check built-in types, it is never
// needed in the non-schema-aware product
* Get a document-level validator to add to a Receiver pipeline.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use.
* @param receiver The receiver to which events should be sent after validation
* @param systemId the base URI of the document being validated
* @param validationMode for example Validation.STRICT or Validation.STRIP. The integer may
* also have the bit Validation.VALIDATE_OUTPUT set, indicating that the strean being validated
* is to be treated as a final output stream (which means multiple errors can be reported)
* @param stripSpace options for space stripping
* @param schemaType The type against which the outermost element of the document must be validated
* (null if there is no constraint)
* @param topLevelElementName the namepool name code of the required top-level element in the instance
* document, or -1 if there is no specific element required
* @return A Receiver to which events can be sent for validation
public Receiver getDocumentValidator(Receiver receiver,
String systemId,
int validationMode,
int stripSpace,
SchemaType schemaType,
int topLevelElementName) {
// non-schema-aware version
return receiver;
* Get a Receiver that can be used to validate an element, and that passes the validated
* element on to a target receiver. If validation is not supported, the returned receiver
* will be the target receiver.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use.
* @param receiver the target receiver tp receive the validated element
* @param nameCode the nameCode of the element to be validated. This must correspond to the
* name of an element declaration in a loaded schema
* @param locationId current location in the stylesheet or query
* @param schemaType the schema type (typically a complex type) against which the element is to
* be validated
* @param validation The validation mode, for example Validation.STRICT or Validation.LAX
* @return The target receiver, indicating that with this configuration, no validation
* is performed.
public SequenceReceiver getElementValidator(SequenceReceiver receiver,
int nameCode,
int locationId,
SchemaType schemaType,
int validation)
throws XPathException {
return receiver;
* Validate an attribute value.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use.
* @param nameCode the name of the attribute
* @param value the value of the attribute as a string
* @param validation STRICT or LAX
* @return the type annotation to apply to the attribute node
* @throws ValidationException if the value is invalid
public int validateAttribute(int nameCode, CharSequence value, int validation)
throws ValidationException {
return StandardNames.XS_UNTYPED_ATOMIC;
* Add to a pipeline a receiver that strips all type annotations. This
* has a null implementation in the Saxon-B product, because type annotations
* can never arise.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use.
* @param destination the Receiver that events will be written to after whitespace stripping
* @return the Receiver to which events should be sent for stripping
public Receiver getAnnotationStripper(Receiver destination) {
return destination;
* Create a new SAX XMLReader object using the class name provided. <br>
* <p/>
* The named class must exist and must implement the
* org.xml.sax.XMLReader or Parser interface. <br>
* <p/>
* This method returns an instance of the parser named.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use.
* @param className A string containing the name of the
* SAX parser class, for example "com.microstar.sax.LarkDriver"
* @return an instance of the Parser class named, or null if it is not
* loadable or is not a Parser.
public XMLReader makeParser(String className)
throws TransformerFactoryConfigurationError {
Object obj;
try {
obj = dynamicLoader.getInstance(className, null);
} catch (XPathException err) {
throw new TransformerFactoryConfigurationError(err);
if (obj instanceof XMLReader) {
return (XMLReader)obj;
throw new TransformerFactoryConfigurationError("Class " + className +
" is not a SAX2 XMLReader");
* Get a locale given a language code in XML format.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use.
* @param lang the language code
* @return the Java locale
public static Locale getLocale(String lang) {
int hyphen = lang.indexOf("-");
String language, country;
if (hyphen < 1) {
language = lang;
country = "";
} else {
language = lang.substring(1, hyphen);
country = lang.substring(hyphen + 1);
return new Locale(language, country);
* Set the debugger to be used.
* <p/>
* This method is provided for advanced users only, and is subject to change.
* @param debugger the debugger to be used.
public void setDebugger(Debugger debugger) {
this.debugger = debugger;
* Get the debugger in use. This will be null if no debugger has been registered.
* <p/>
* This method is provided for advanced users only, and is subject to change.
* @return the debugger in use, or null if none is in use
public Debugger getDebugger() {
return debugger;
* Factory method to create a SlotManager.
* <p/>
* This method is provided for advanced users only, and is subject to change.
* @return a SlotManager (which is a skeletal stack frame representing the mapping of variable
* names to slots on the stack frame)
public SlotManager makeSlotManager() {
if (debugger == null) {
return new SlotManager();
} else {
return debugger.makeSlotManager();
* Create a streaming transformer
* @param context the initial XPath context
* @param mode the initial mode, which must be a streaming mode
* @return a Receiver to which the streamed input document will be pushed
public Receiver makeStreamingTransformer(XPathContext context, Mode mode) {
// Streaming is only available in Saxon-EE
return null;
* Factory method to get an Optimizer.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use only.
* @return the optimizer used in this configuration
public Optimizer getOptimizer() {
if (optimizer == null) {
optimizer = new Optimizer(this);
return optimizer;
* Factory method to get the StyleNodeFactory, used for constructing elements
* in a stylesheet document
* @return the StyleNodeFactory used in this Configuration
public StyleNodeFactory getStyleNodeFactory() {
if (styleNodeFactory == null) {
styleNodeFactory = new StyleNodeFactory(this);
return styleNodeFactory;
* Load a named collator class and check it is OK.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use only.
* @param className the name of the collator class
* @return a StringCollator to implement a collation
public StringCollator makeCollator(String className) throws XPathException {
Object handler = dynamicLoader.getInstance(className, null);
if (handler instanceof StringCollator) {
return (StringCollator)handler;
} else {
throw new XPathException("Failed to load collation class " + className +
": it is not an instance of net.sf.saxon.sort.StringCollator");
* Set lazy construction mode on or off. In lazy construction mode, element constructors
* are not evaluated until the content of the tree is required. Lazy construction mode
* is currently experimental and is therefore off by default.
* @param lazy true to switch lazy construction mode on, false to switch it off.
public void setLazyConstructionMode(boolean lazy) {
lazyConstructionMode = lazy;
* Determine whether lazy construction mode is on or off. In lazy construction mode, element constructors
* are not evaluated until the content of the tree is required. Lazy construction mode
* is currently experimental and is therefore off by default.
* @return true if lazy construction mode is enabled
public boolean isLazyConstructionMode() {
return lazyConstructionMode;
* Register an external object model with this Configuration.
* @param model The external object model.
* This can either be one of the system-supplied external
* object models for JDOM, XOM, or DOM, or a user-supplied external object model.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for advanced users only, and is subject to change.
public void registerExternalObjectModel(ExternalObjectModel model) {
if (externalObjectModels == null) {
externalObjectModels = new ArrayList<ExternalObjectModel>(4);
if (!externalObjectModels.contains(model)) {
* Get the external object model with a given URI, if registered
* @param uri the identifying URI of the required external object model
* @return the requested external object model if available, or null otherwise
public ExternalObjectModel getExternalObjectModel(String uri) {
for (int m=0; m<externalObjectModels.size(); m++) {
ExternalObjectModel model = externalObjectModels.get(m);
if (model.getIdentifyingURI().equals(uri)) {
return model;
return null;
* Get the external object model that recognizes a particular class of node, if available
* @param nodeClass the class of the Node object in the external object model
* @return the requested external object model if available, or null otherwise
public ExternalObjectModel getExternalObjectModel(Class nodeClass) {
for (int m=0; m<externalObjectModels.size(); m++) {
ExternalObjectModel model = externalObjectModels.get(m);
PJConverter converter = model.getPJConverter(nodeClass);
if (converter != null) {
return model;
return null;
* Get all the registered external object models.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use only.
* @return a list of external object models supported. The members of the list are of
* type {@link ExternalObjectModel}
public List<ExternalObjectModel> getExternalObjectModels() {
return externalObjectModels;
* Get a NodeInfo corresponding to a DOM or other external Node,
* either by wrapping or unwrapping the external Node.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use.
* @param source A Source representing the wrapped or unwrapped external Node. This will typically
* be a DOMSource, but it may be a similar Source recognized by some other registered external
* object model.
* @return If the Source is a DOMSource and the underlying node is a wrapper around a Saxon NodeInfo,
* returns the wrapped Saxon NodeInfo. If the Source is a DOMSource and the undelying node is not such a wrapper,
* returns a new Saxon NodeInfo that wraps the DOM Node. If the Source is any other kind of source, it
* is offered to each registered external object model for similar treatment. The result is the
* NodeInfo object obtained by wrapping or unwrapping the supplied external node.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the source object is not of a recognized class. This method does
* <emph>not</emph> call the registered {@link SourceResolver to resolve the Source}.
public NodeInfo unravel(Source source) {
List<ExternalObjectModel> externalObjectModels = getExternalObjectModels();
for (int m = 0; m < externalObjectModels.size(); m++) {
ExternalObjectModel model = externalObjectModels.get(m);
NodeInfo node = model.unravel(source, this);
if (node != null) {
if (node.getConfiguration() != this) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Externally supplied Node belongs to the wrong Configuration");
return node;
if (source instanceof NodeInfo) {
if (((NodeInfo)source).getConfiguration() != this) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Externally supplied NodeInfo belongs to the wrong Configuration");
return (NodeInfo)source;
if (source instanceof DOMSource) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("When a DOMSource is used, saxon9-dom.jar must be on the classpath");
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A source of class " +
source.getClass() + " is not recognized by any registered object model");
* Set the level of DOM interface to be used
* @param level the DOM level. Must be 2 or 3. By default Saxon assumes that DOM level 3 is available;
* this parameter can be set to the value 2 to indicate that Saxon should not use methods unless they
* are available in DOM level 2. From Saxon 9.2, this switch remains available, but the use of
* DOM level 2 is untested and unsupported.
public void setDOMLevel(int level) {
if (!(level == 2 || level == 3)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("DOM Level must be 2 or 3");
domLevel = level;
* Get the level of DOM interface to be used
* @return the DOM level. Always 2 or 3.
public int getDOMLevel() {
return domLevel;
* Get a new StaticQueryContext (which is also the factory class for creating a query parser)
* @return a new StaticQueryContext
public StaticQueryContext newStaticQueryContext() {
return new StaticQueryContext(this, false);
* Get a new Pending Update List
* @return the new Pending Update List
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if called when using Saxon-B
public PendingUpdateList newPendingUpdateList() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("XQuery update is supported only in Saxon-EE");
* Make a PipelineConfiguration from the properties of this Configuration
* @return a new PipelineConfiguration
* @since 8.4
public PipelineConfiguration makePipelineConfiguration() {
PipelineConfiguration pipe = new PipelineConfiguration();
pipe.setParseOptions(new ParseOptions(defaultParseOptions));
return pipe;
* Get the configuration, given the context. This is provided as a static method to make it accessible
* as an extension function.
* @param context the XPath dynamic context
* @return the Saxon Configuration for a given XPath dynamic context
public static Configuration getConfiguration(XPathContext context) {
return context.getConfiguration();
* Get the type of function items (values representing a function that can be
* used as an argument to higher-order functions)
// public AtomicType getFunctionItemType() {
// throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Higher-order functions require Saxon-EE");
// }
* Supply a SourceResolver. This is used for handling unknown implementations of the
* {@link javax.xml.transform.Source} interface: a user-supplied SourceResolver can handle
* such Source objects and translate them to a kind of Source that Saxon understands.
* @param resolver the source resolver.
public void setSourceResolver(SourceResolver resolver) {
sourceResolver = resolver;
* Get the current SourceResolver. If none has been supplied, a system-defined SourceResolver
* is returned.
* @return the current SourceResolver
public SourceResolver getSourceResolver() {
return sourceResolver;
* Resolve a Source.
* @param source A source object, typically the source supplied as the first
* argument to {@link javax.xml.transform.Transformer#transform(javax.xml.transform.Source, javax.xml.transform.Result)}
* or similar methods.
* @param config The Configuration. This provides the SourceResolver with access to
* configuration information; it also allows the SourceResolver to invoke the
* resolveSource() method on the Configuration object as a fallback implementation.
* @return a source object that Saxon knows how to process. This must be an instance of one
* of the classes StreamSource, SAXSource, DOMSource, {@link net.sf.saxon.AugmentedSource},
* {@link},
* or {@link net.sf.saxon.pull.PullSource}. Return null if the Source object is not
* recognized
* @throws XPathException if the Source object is recognized but cannot be processed
public Source resolveSource(Source source, Configuration config) throws XPathException {
if (source instanceof AugmentedSource) {
return source;
if (source instanceof StreamSource) {
return source;
if (source instanceof SAXSource) {
return source;
if (source instanceof DOMSource) {
return source;
if (source instanceof NodeInfo) {
return source;
if (source instanceof PullEventSource) {
return source;
return null;
* Build a document tree, using options set on this Configuration and on the supplied source
* object. Options set on the source object override options set in the Configuration. The Source
* object must be one of the kinds of source recognized by Saxon, or a source that can be resolved
* using the registered {@link SourceResolver}.
* @param source the Source to be used. This may be an {@link AugmentedSource}, allowing options
* to be specified for the way in which this document will be built. If an AugmentedSource
* is supplied then options set in the AugmentedSource take precendence over options
* set in the Configuration.
* <p>From Saxon 9.2, this method always creates a new tree, it never wraps or returns
* an existing tree.</p>
* @return the document node of the constructed document
* @throws XPathException if any errors occur during document parsing or validation. Detailed
* errors occurring during schema validation will be written to the ErrorListener associated
* with the AugmentedSource, if supplied, or with the Configuration otherwise.
* @since 8.9. Modified in 9.0 to avoid copying a supplied document where this is not
* necessary. Modified in 9.2 so that this interface always constructs a new tree; it never
* wraps an existing document, even if an AugmentedSource that requests wrapping is supplied.
public DocumentInfo buildDocument(Source source) throws XPathException {
if (source == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("source");
// Resolve user-defined implementations of Source
source = resolveSource(source, this); // TODO the called buildDocument() does this again redundantly
if (source == null) {
throw new XPathException("Unknown source class");
ParseOptions options;
Source underlyingSource = source;
if (source instanceof AugmentedSource) {
options = ((AugmentedSource)source).getParseOptions();
underlyingSource = ((AugmentedSource)source).getContainedSource();
} else {
options = new ParseOptions();
source = underlyingSource;
return buildDocument(source, options);
* Build a document, using specified options for parsing and building. This method always
* constructs a new tree, it never wraps an existing document (regardless of anything in
* the parseOptions)
* @param source the source of the document to be constructed. If this is an
* AugmentedSource, then any parser options contained in the AugmentedSource take precedence
* over options specified in the parseOptions argument.
* @param parseOptions options for parsing and constructing the document. Any options that
* are not explicitly set in parseOptions default first to the values supplied in the source
* argument if it is an AugmentedSource, and then to the values set in this Configuration.
* The supplied parseOptions object is not modified.
* @return the document node of the constructed document
* @throws XPathException if parsing fails, or if the Source represents a node other than
* a document node
* @since 9.2
public DocumentInfo buildDocument(Source source, ParseOptions parseOptions) throws XPathException {
if (source == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("source");
ParseOptions options = new ParseOptions(parseOptions);
// Resolve user-defined implementations of Source
source = resolveSource(source, this);
if (source == null) {
throw new XPathException("Unknown source class");
// Create a pipeline configuration
PipelineConfiguration pipe = makePipelineConfiguration();
if (source instanceof AugmentedSource) {
// Create an appropriate Builder
TreeModel treeModel = options.getModel();
// Decide whether line numbering is in use
boolean lineNumbering = options.isLineNumbering();
Builder b1 = treeModel.makeBuilder();
Builder b = b1;
new Sender(pipe).send(source, b, options);
// Get the constructed document
NodeInfo newdoc = b.getCurrentRoot();
if (!(newdoc instanceof DocumentInfo)) {
throw new XPathException("Source object represents a node other than a document node");
// Reset the builder, detaching it from the constructed document
// If requested, close the input stream
if (parseOptions.isPleaseCloseAfterUse()) {
// Return the constructed document
return (DocumentInfo)newdoc;
* Load a named output emitter or SAX2 ContentHandler and check it is OK.
* @param clarkName the QName of the user-supplied ContentHandler (requested as a prefixed
* value of the method attribute in xsl:output, or anywhere that serialization parameters
* are allowed), encoded in Clark format as {uri}local
* @param controller the Controller. Allows a local class loader to be used.
* @return a Receiver (despite the name, it is not required to be an Emitter)
public Receiver makeEmitter(String clarkName, Controller controller) throws XPathException {
int brace = clarkName.indexOf('}');
String localName = clarkName.substring(brace + 1);
int colon = localName.indexOf(':');
String className = localName.substring(colon + 1);
Object handler;
try {
handler = dynamicLoader.getInstance(className, controller.getClassLoader());
} catch (XPathException e) {
throw new XPathException("Cannot create user-supplied output method. " + e.getMessage(),
if (handler instanceof Receiver) {
return (Receiver)handler;
} else if (handler instanceof ContentHandler) {
ContentHandlerProxy emitter = new ContentHandlerProxy();
return emitter;
} else {
throw new XPathException("Output method " + className +
" is neither a Receiver nor a SAX2 ContentHandler");
* Make an "unconstructed" (that is, lazily-constructed) element node
* @param instr the instruction that creates the element
* @param context the dynamic evaluation context
* @return the lazily constructed element node
public NodeInfo makeUnconstructedElement(ElementCreator instr, XPathContext context)
throws XPathException {
throw new XPathException("Lazy element construction requires Saxon-PE");
* Make an "unconstructed" (that is, lazily-constructed) document node
* @param instr the instruction that creates the document node
* @param context the dynamic evaluation context
* @return the lazily constructed document node
public NodeInfo makeUnconstructedDocument(DocumentInstr instr, XPathContext context)
throws XPathException {
throw new XPathException("Lazy document construction requires Saxon-PE");
* Set a property of the configuration. This method underpins the setAttribute() method of the
* TransformerFactory implementation, and is provided
* to enable setting of Configuration properties using URIs without instantiating a TransformerFactory:
* specifically, this may be useful when running XQuery, and it is also used by the Validator API
* @param name the URI identifying the property to be set. See the class {@link FeatureKeys} for
* constants representing the property names that can be set.
* @param value the value of the property
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the property name is not recognized or if the value is not
* a valid value for the named property
public void setConfigurationProperty(String name, Object value) {
if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.ALLOW_EXTERNAL_FUNCTIONS)) {
boolean b = requireBoolean(name, value);
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.COLLATION_URI_RESOLVER)) {
if (!(value instanceof CollationURIResolver)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"COLLATION_URI_RESOLVER value must be an instance of net.sf.saxon.sort.CollationURIResolver");
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.COLLATION_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS)) {
(CollationURIResolver)instantiateClassName(name, value, CollationURIResolver.class));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.COLLECTION_URI_RESOLVER)) {
if (!(value instanceof CollectionURIResolver)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"COLLECTION_URI_RESOLVER value must be an instance of net.sf.saxon.CollectionURIResolver");
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.COLLECTION_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS)) {
(CollectionURIResolver)instantiateClassName(name, value, CollectionURIResolver.class));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.COMPILE_WITH_TRACING)) {
boolean b = requireBoolean("COMPILE_WITH_TRACING", value);
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.DEFAULT_COLLATION)) {
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.DEFAULT_COLLECTION)) {
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.DEFAULT_COUNTRY)) {
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE)) {
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.DTD_VALIDATION)) {
boolean b = requireBoolean(name, value);
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.DTD_VALIDATION_RECOVERABLE)) {
boolean b = requireBoolean(name, value);
if (b) {
} else {
defaultParseOptions.setDTDValidationMode(isValidation() ? Validation.STRICT : Validation.SKIP);
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.ERROR_LISTENER_CLASS)) {
setErrorListener((ErrorListener)instantiateClassName(name, value, ErrorListener.class));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.EXPAND_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULTS)) {
boolean b = requireBoolean(name, value);
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.LAZY_CONSTRUCTION_MODE)) {
boolean b = requireBoolean(name, value);
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.LINE_NUMBERING)) {
boolean b = requireBoolean(name, value);
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.MESSAGE_EMITTER_CLASS)) {
if (!(value instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("MESSAGE_EMITTER_CLASS class must be a String");
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.MODULE_URI_RESOLVER)) {
if (!(value instanceof ModuleURIResolver)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"MODULE_URI_RESOLVER value must be an instance of net.sf.saxon.query.ModuleURIResolver");
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.MODULE_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS)) {
(ModuleURIResolver)instantiateClassName(name, value, ModuleURIResolver.class));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.NAME_POOL)) {
if (!(value instanceof NamePool)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("NAME_POOL value must be an instance of");
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL)) {
if (!(value instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL value must be string");
try {
optimizationLevel = Integer.parseInt((String)value);
if (optimizationLevel < Optimizer.NO_OPTIMIZATION || optimizationLevel > Optimizer.FULL_OPTIMIZATION) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL must be in the range " +
Optimizer.NO_OPTIMIZATION + " to " + Optimizer.FULL_OPTIMIZATION);
if (optimizer != null) {
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL value must be a number represented as a string");
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.OUTPUT_URI_RESOLVER)) {
if (!(value instanceof OutputURIResolver)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"OUTPUT_URI_RESOLVER value must be an instance of net.sf.saxon.OutputURIResolver");
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.OUTPUT_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS)) {
(OutputURIResolver)instantiateClassName(name, value, OutputURIResolver.class));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.PRE_EVALUATE_DOC_FUNCTION)) {
preEvaluateDocFunction = requireBoolean("PRE_EVALUATE_DOC_FUNCTION", value);
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.PREFER_JAXP_PARSER)) {
preferJaxpParser = requireBoolean("PREFER_JAXP_PARSER", value);
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.RECOGNIZE_URI_QUERY_PARAMETERS)) {
boolean b = requireBoolean(name, value);
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.RECOVERY_POLICY)) {
if (!(value instanceof Integer)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("RECOVERY_POLICY value must be an Integer");
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.RECOVERY_POLICY_NAME)) {
if (!(value instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("RECOVERY_POLICY_NAME value must be a String");
int rval;
if (value.equals("recoverSilently")) {
} else if (value.equals("recoverWithWarnings")) {
} else if (value.equals("doNotRecover")) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unrecognized value of RECOVERY_POLICY_NAME = '" + value +
"': must be 'recoverSilently', 'recoverWithWarnings', or 'doNotRecover'");
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.SERIALIZER_FACTORY_CLASS)) {
(SerializerFactory)instantiateClassName(name, value, OutputURIResolver.class));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.SCHEMA_URI_RESOLVER)) {
if (!(value instanceof SchemaURIResolver)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"SCHEMA_URI_RESOLVER value must be an instance of net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaURIResolver");
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.SCHEMA_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS)) {
(SchemaURIResolver)instantiateClassName(name, value, SchemaURIResolver.class));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.SCHEMA_VALIDATION)) {
if (!(value instanceof Integer)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("SCHEMA_VALIDATION must be an integer");
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.SCHEMA_VALIDATION_MODE)) {
if (!(value instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("SCHEMA_VALIDATION_MODE must be a string");
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.SOURCE_PARSER_CLASS)) {
if (!(value instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("SOURCE_PARSER_CLASS class must be a String");
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.SOURCE_RESOLVER_CLASS)) {
(SourceResolver)instantiateClassName(name, value, SourceResolver.class));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.STRIP_WHITESPACE)) {
if (!(value instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("STRIP_WHITESPACE must be a string");
int ival;
if (value.equals("all")) {
ival = Whitespace.ALL;
} else if (value.equals("none")) {
ival = Whitespace.NONE;
} else if (value.equals("ignorable")) {
ival = Whitespace.IGNORABLE;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unrecognized value STRIP_WHITESPACE = '" + value +
"': must be 'all', 'none', or 'ignorable'");
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.STYLE_PARSER_CLASS)) {
if (!(value instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("STYLE_PARSER_CLASS class must be a String");
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.TIMING)) {
setTiming(requireBoolean(name, value));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.TRACE_EXTERNAL_FUNCTIONS)) {
setTraceExternalFunctions(requireBoolean(name, value));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.TRACE_OPTIMIZER_DECISIONS)) {
setOptimizerTracing(requireBoolean(name, value));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.TRACE_LISTENER)) {
if (!(value instanceof TraceListener)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("TRACE_LISTENER is of wrong class");
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.TRACE_LISTENER_CLASS)) {
if (!(value instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("TRACE_LISTENER_CLASS must be a string");
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.TREE_MODEL)) {
if (!(value instanceof Integer)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tree model must be an Integer");
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.TREE_MODEL_NAME)) {
if (!(value instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("TREE_MODEL_NAME must be a string");
if (value.equals("tinyTree")) {
} else if (value.equals("tinyTreeCondensed")) {
} else if (value.equals("linkedTree")) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unrecognized value TREE_MODEL_NAME = '" + value +
"': must be linkedTree|tinyTree|tinyTreeCondensed");
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.URI_RESOLVER_CLASS)) {
(URIResolver)instantiateClassName(name, value, URIResolver.class));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.USE_PI_DISABLE_OUTPUT_ESCAPING)) {
useDisableOutputEscaping = requireBoolean(name, value);
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.USE_TYPED_VALUE_CACHE)) {
useTypedValueCache = requireBoolean(name, value);
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.USE_XSI_SCHEMA_LOCATION)) {
defaultParseOptions.setUseXsiSchemaLocation(requireBoolean(name, value));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.VALIDATION_WARNINGS)) {
setValidationWarnings(requireBoolean(name, value));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.VERSION_WARNING)) {
setVersionWarning(requireBoolean(name, value));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XINCLUDE)) {
setXIncludeAware(requireBoolean(name, value));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_ALLOW_UPDATE)) {
getDefaultStaticQueryContext().setUpdatingEnabled(requireBoolean(name, value));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_CONSTRUCTION_MODE)) {
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAMESPACE)) {
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_DEFAULT_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE)) {
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_EMPTY_LEAST)) {
getDefaultStaticQueryContext().setEmptyLeast(requireBoolean(name, value));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_INHERIT_NAMESPACES)) {
getDefaultStaticQueryContext().setInheritNamespaces(requireBoolean(name, value));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_PRESERVE_BOUNDARY_SPACE)) {
getDefaultStaticQueryContext().setPreserveBoundarySpace(requireBoolean(name, value));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_PRESERVE_NAMESPACES)) {
getDefaultStaticQueryContext().setPreserveNamespaces(requireBoolean(name, value));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_REQUIRED_CONTEXT_ITEM_TYPE)) {
ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser();
try {
SequenceType type = parser.parseSequenceType(value.toString(), new IndependentContext(this));
// TODO: disallow occurrence indicator
} catch (XPathException err) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(err);
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_SCHEMA_AWARE)) {
getDefaultStaticQueryContext().getExecutable().setSchemaAware(requireBoolean(name, value));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_STATIC_ERROR_LISTENER_CLASS)) {
(ErrorListener)instantiateClassName(name, value, ErrorListener.class));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_VERSION)) {
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XML_VERSION) || name.equals("")) {
// spelling mistake retained for backwards compatibility with 8.9 and earlier
if (!(value instanceof String && (value.equals("1.0") || value.equals("1.1")))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"XML_VERSION value must be \"1.0\" or \"1.1\" as a String");
setXMLVersion((value.equals("1.0") ? XML10 : XML11));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XSD_VERSION)) {
if (!(value instanceof String && (value.equals("1.0") || value.equals("1.1")))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"XSD_VERSION value must be \"1.0\" or \"1.1\" as a String");
xsdVersion = ((value.equals("1.0") ? XSD10 : XSD11));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XSLT_SCHEMA_AWARE)) {
defaultXsltCompilerInfo.setSchemaAware(requireBoolean(name, value));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XSLT_STATIC_ERROR_LISTENER_CLASS)) {
(ErrorListener)instantiateClassName(name, value, ErrorListener.class));
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XSLT_STATIC_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS)) {
(URIResolver)instantiateClassName(name, value, URIResolver.class));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown configuration option " + name);
private boolean requireBoolean(String propertyName, Object value) {
if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return ((Boolean)value).booleanValue();
} else if (value instanceof String) {
if ("true".equals(value) || "on".equals(value)) {
return true;
} else if ("false".equals(value) || "off".equals(value)) {
return false;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(propertyName + " must be 'true' or 'false'");
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(propertyName + " must be a boolean");
protected Object instantiateClassName(String propertyName, Object value, Class requiredClass) {
if (!(value instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
propertyName + " must be a String");
try {
Object obj = getInstance((String)value, null);
if (!requiredClass.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error in " + propertyName +
": Class " + value + " does not implement " + requiredClass.getName());
return obj;
} catch (XPathException err) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot instantiate COLLECTION_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS. " + err.getMessage());
* Get a property of the configuration
* @param name the name of the required property. See the class {@link FeatureKeys} for
* constants representing the property names that can be requested.
* @return the value of the property
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if the property is not one that Saxon recognizes.
public Object getConfigurationProperty(String name) {
if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.ALLOW_EXTERNAL_FUNCTIONS)) {
return Boolean.valueOf(isAllowExternalFunctions());
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.COLLATION_URI_RESOLVER)) {
return getCollationURIResolver();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.COLLATION_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS)) {
return getCollationURIResolver().getClass().getName();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.COLLECTION_URI_RESOLVER)) {
return getCollectionURIResolver();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.COLLECTION_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS)) {
return getCollectionURIResolver().getClass().getName();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.COMPILE_WITH_TRACING)) {
return Boolean.valueOf(isCompileWithTracing());
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.DEFAULT_COLLATION)) {
return getCollationMap().getDefaultCollationName();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.DEFAULT_COLLECTION)) {
return getDefaultCollection();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.DEFAULT_COUNTRY)) {
return getDefaultCountry();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE)) {
return getDefaultLanguage();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.DTD_VALIDATION)) {
return Boolean.valueOf(isValidation());
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.DTD_VALIDATION_RECOVERABLE)) {
return Boolean.valueOf(defaultParseOptions.getDTDValidationMode() == Validation.LAX);
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.ERROR_LISTENER_CLASS)) {
return getErrorListener().getClass().getName();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.EXPAND_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULTS)) {
return Boolean.valueOf(isExpandAttributeDefaults());
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.LINE_NUMBERING)) {
return Boolean.valueOf(isLineNumbering());
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.MESSAGE_EMITTER_CLASS)) {
return getMessageEmitterClass();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.MODULE_URI_RESOLVER)) {
return getModuleURIResolver();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.MODULE_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS)) {
return getModuleURIResolver().getClass().getName();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.NAME_POOL)) {
return getNamePool();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL)) {
return "" + optimizationLevel;
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.OUTPUT_URI_RESOLVER)) {
return getOutputURIResolver();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.OUTPUT_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS)) {
return getOutputURIResolver().getClass().getName();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.PRE_EVALUATE_DOC_FUNCTION)) {
return Boolean.valueOf(preEvaluateDocFunction);
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.PREFER_JAXP_PARSER)) {
return Boolean.valueOf(preferJaxpParser);
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.RECOGNIZE_URI_QUERY_PARAMETERS)) {
return Boolean.valueOf(getSystemURIResolver().queryParametersAreRecognized());
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.RECOVERY_POLICY)) {
return new Integer(getRecoveryPolicy());
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.RECOVERY_POLICY_NAME)) {
switch (getRecoveryPolicy()) {
case RECOVER_SILENTLY: return "recoverSilently";
case RECOVER_WITH_WARNINGS: return "recoverWithWarnings";
case DO_NOT_RECOVER: return "doNotRecover";
default: return null;
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.SCHEMA_URI_RESOLVER)) {
return getSchemaURIResolver();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.SCHEMA_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS)) {
return getSchemaURIResolver().getClass().getName();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.SCHEMA_VALIDATION)) {
return new Integer(getSchemaValidationMode());
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.SCHEMA_VALIDATION_MODE)) {
return Validation.toString(getSchemaValidationMode());
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.SERIALIZER_FACTORY_CLASS)) {
return getSerializerFactory().getClass().getName();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.SOURCE_PARSER_CLASS)) {
return getSourceParserClass();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.SOURCE_RESOLVER_CLASS)) {
return getSourceResolver().getClass().getName();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.STRIP_WHITESPACE)) {
int s = getStripsWhiteSpace();
if (s == Whitespace.ALL) {
return "all";
} else if (s == Whitespace.IGNORABLE) {
return "ignorable";
} else {
return "none";
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.STYLE_PARSER_CLASS)) {
return getStyleParserClass();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.TIMING)) {
return Boolean.valueOf(isTiming());
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.TRACE_LISTENER)) {
return traceListener;
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.TRACE_LISTENER_CLASS)) {
return traceListenerClass;
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.TRACE_EXTERNAL_FUNCTIONS)) {
return Boolean.valueOf(isTraceExternalFunctions());
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.TRACE_OPTIMIZER_DECISIONS)) {
return Boolean.valueOf(isOptimizerTracing());
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.TREE_MODEL)) {
return new Integer(getTreeModel());
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.TREE_MODEL_NAME)) {
switch (getTreeModel()) {
case Builder.TINY_TREE:
return "tinyTree";
return "tinyTreeCondensed";
case Builder.LINKED_TREE:
return "linkedTree";
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.URI_RESOLVER_CLASS)) {
return getURIResolver().getClass().getName();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.USE_PI_DISABLE_OUTPUT_ESCAPING)) {
return Boolean.valueOf(useDisableOutputEscaping);
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.USE_TYPED_VALUE_CACHE)) {
return Boolean.valueOf(useTypedValueCache);
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.USE_XSI_SCHEMA_LOCATION)) {
return Boolean.valueOf(defaultParseOptions.isUseXsiSchemaLocation());
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.VALIDATION_WARNINGS)) {
return Boolean.valueOf(isValidationWarnings());
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.VERSION_WARNING)) {
return Boolean.valueOf(isVersionWarning());
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XINCLUDE)) {
return Boolean.valueOf(isXIncludeAware());
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XML_VERSION)) {
// Spelling mistake retained for backwards compatibility with 8.9 and earlier
return (getXMLVersion() == XML10 ? "1.0" : "1.1");
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_ALLOW_UPDATE)) {
return getDefaultStaticQueryContext().isUpdatingEnabled();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_CONSTRUCTION_MODE)) {
return getDefaultStaticQueryContext().getConstructionMode();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAMESPACE)) {
return getDefaultStaticQueryContext().getDefaultElementNamespace();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_DEFAULT_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE)) {
return getDefaultStaticQueryContext().getDefaultFunctionNamespace();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_EMPTY_LEAST)) {
return getDefaultStaticQueryContext().isEmptyLeast();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_INHERIT_NAMESPACES)) {
return getDefaultStaticQueryContext().isInheritNamespaces();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_PRESERVE_BOUNDARY_SPACE)) {
return getDefaultStaticQueryContext().isPreserveBoundarySpace();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_PRESERVE_NAMESPACES)) {
return getDefaultStaticQueryContext().isPreserveNamespaces();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_REQUIRED_CONTEXT_ITEM_TYPE)) {
return getDefaultStaticQueryContext().getRequiredContextItemType();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_SCHEMA_AWARE)) {
return getDefaultStaticQueryContext().getExecutable().isSchemaAware();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_STATIC_ERROR_LISTENER_CLASS)) {
return getDefaultStaticQueryContext().getErrorListener().getClass().getName();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XQUERY_VERSION)) {
return getDefaultStaticQueryContext().getLanguageVersion();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XSD_VERSION)) {
return (xsdVersion == XSD10 ? "1.0" : "1.1");
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XSLT_SCHEMA_AWARE)) {
return Boolean.valueOf(defaultXsltCompilerInfo.isSchemaAware());
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XSLT_STATIC_ERROR_LISTENER_CLASS)) {
return getDefaultXsltCompilerInfo().getErrorListener().getClass().getName();
} else if (name.equals(FeatureKeys.XSLT_STATIC_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS)) {
return getDefaultXsltCompilerInfo().getURIResolver().getClass().getName();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown attribute " + name);
public static class LicenseFeature {
public static final int SCHEMA_VALIDATION = 1;
public static final int SCHEMA_AWARE_XSLT = 2;
public static final int SCHEMA_AWARE_XQUERY = 3;
public static final int XOM_MODEL = 4;
public static final int JDOM_MODEL = 5;
public static final int DOM4J_MODEL = 6;
public static final int SAXON_EXTENSION_FUNCTIONS = 7;
public static final int SAXON_EXTENSION_INSTRUCTIONS = 8;
public static final int COLLATIONS = 9;
// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
// License at
// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
// WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
// See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is: all this file.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael H. Kay.
// Portions created by (your name) are Copyright (C) (your legal entity). All Rights Reserved.
// Contributor(s): none.