* This example class demonstrates how to use the <b></b> API to start following another
* Buzz user.
* @author roberto.estivill
public class FollowUser
* The consumer application key for OAuth.
private static String consumerKey;
* The consumer application secret for OAuth.
private static String consumerSecret;
* User account to be used.<br/>
* If @me, the authentication will be executed with the user that is logged in on the browser.
public static String userId;
* User id of the user to be followed
public static String userIdToFollow;
* Example main method
* @param program arguments.<br/>
* <ul>
* <li>Consumer Key</li>
* <li>Consumer Secret</li>
* <li>User Id</li>
* <li>User Id to follow</li>
* </ul>
* @throws BuzzIOException if any IO error occurs ( networking ).
* @throws BuzzAuthenticationException if any OAuth error occurs
* @throws IOException if an error ocurrs getting the verification code from the console.
public static void main( String[] args )
throws BuzzIOException, BuzzAuthenticationException, IOException
* Check for arguments
if ( args.length != 4 )
System.err.println( "Missing arguments." );
System.exit( 0 );
* Assign arguments
consumerKey = args[0];
consumerSecret = args[1];
userId = args[2];
userIdToFollow = args[3];
* Create a new instance of the API
Buzz buzz = new Buzz();
* Get the url to authenticated the user. <br/>
* The user has to grant access to this application, to manage Buzz Content.
String verificationUrl = buzz.getAuthenticationUrl( Buzz.BUZZ_SCOPE_WRITE, consumerKey, consumerSecret );
* Redirect the user to the verificationUrl and read the verification code. <br/>
* The new application should implement a similar method in order to get the verification
* code from the google authentication website.<br/>
* For development, we are lunching a browser locally and manually pasting the verification
* code in the example console.
String verificationCode = ExampleUtils.getVerificationCode( verificationUrl );
* Set the verificationCode (A.K.A. access token) to the API to be used on the request
* signature, for authenticated requests.
buzz.setAccessToken( verificationCode );
* Execute API method to start following another user.
buzz.follow( userId, userIdToFollow );
* Print results
System.out.println( "Now following " + userIdToFollow );