package mindnotes.client.ui;
import mindnotes.shared.model.NodeLocation;
* NodeLayout is responsible for computing desired positions of nodes in a node
* tree based on their relations.
* @author dominik
public class NodeLayout {
public static class LayoutPosition {
public LayoutTreeElement parent;
public int index;
public NodeLocation location;
public LayoutPosition() {
public LayoutPosition(LayoutTreeElement parent, int index,
NodeLocation location) {
this.parent = parent;
this.index = index;
this.location = location;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + index;
result = prime * result
+ ((location == null) ? 0 : location.hashCode());
result = prime * result
+ ((parent == null) ? 0 : parent.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
LayoutPosition other = (LayoutPosition) obj;
if (index != other.index)
return false;
if (location != other.location)
return false;
if (parent == null) {
if (other.parent != null)
return false;
} else if (!parent.equals(other.parent))
return false;
return true;
* Some margins for the layout; TODO make this configurable someday
private static final int HORIZONTAL_MARGIN = 48;
private static final int VERTICAL_MARGIN = 32;
* Layout works from bottom to top; layout mechanism for each element works
* as a function:
* F: {Element Bounds of this element, Branch Bounds of every child} ->
* {relative position of every child, Branch Bounds of this element}
* The doLayout() method is called recursively for every child; childless
* elements return data immediately.
* @see LayoutTreeElement for definitions of branch bounds and element
* bounds.
* @param element
public static void doLayout(LayoutTreeElement element) {
if (element.isLayoutValid()) {
return; // nothing changed, nothing to do;
// there are two groups of elements: one on the left, one on the right
// go through the list of children and find out:
// maximum width on the left and right
// total height on left and right
Box elementBounds = element.getElementBounds();
int wLeft = 0, wRight = 0, hLeft = 0, hRight = 0;
for (LayoutTreeElement child : element.getLayoutChildren()) {
// recursive call to let the child layout itself
Box b = child.getBranchBounds();
if (child.getLocation() == NodeLocation.LEFT) {
// right now, the child will be vertically shifted from the
// desired location, because we don't know the height
// of all elements
elementBounds.x - HORIZONTAL_MARGIN - b.x - b.w, hLeft
- child.getBranchBounds().y);
wLeft = Math.max(wLeft, b.w);
hLeft += b.h + VERTICAL_MARGIN;
if (child.getLocation() == NodeLocation.RIGHT) {
// see comment above
child.setOffset(elementBounds.x + elementBounds.w
+ HORIZONTAL_MARGIN - child.getBranchBounds().x, hRight
- child.getBranchBounds().y);
wRight = Math.max(wRight, b.w);
hRight += b.h + VERTICAL_MARGIN;
if (hRight > 0)
if (hLeft > 0)
// now, while traversing, we'll adjust the vertical position of
// children.
// the offset is set so that vertical center of parent element is at the
// same height as center of all children brought together;
int shiftLeft = elementBounds.y + (elementBounds.h / 2) - hLeft / 2;
int shiftRight = elementBounds.y + (elementBounds.h / 2) - hRight / 2;
for (LayoutTreeElement child : element.getLayoutChildren()) {
if (child.getLocation() == NodeLocation.LEFT) {
child.setOffset(child.getOffsetX(), child.getOffsetY()
+ shiftLeft);
if (child.getLocation() == NodeLocation.RIGHT) {
child.setOffset(child.getOffsetX(), child.getOffsetY()
+ shiftRight);
// determine this element's branch bounding box
int eycenter = elementBounds.y + elementBounds.h / 2;
int top = Math.min(eycenter - Math.max(hLeft, hRight) / 2,
int bottom = Math.max(eycenter + Math.max(hLeft, hRight) / 2,
elementBounds.y + elementBounds.h);
int left = elementBounds.x
- (wLeft == 0 ? 0 : HORIZONTAL_MARGIN + wLeft);
int right = elementBounds.x + elementBounds.w
+ (wRight == 0 ? 0 : HORIZONTAL_MARGIN + wRight);
Box bounds = new Box(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
public static LayoutPosition findClosestInsertPosition(
LayoutTreeElement root, int px, int py) {
Box b = root.getElementBounds();
boolean right = px >= (b.x + b.w / 2);
// mouse location
NodeLocation ml = right ? NodeLocation.RIGHT : NodeLocation.LEFT;
boolean up = py < (b.y + b.h / 2);
boolean isRoot = root.getLocation() == NodeLocation.ROOT;
if (root.getLayoutChildren().isEmpty()) {
if (isRoot) {
return new LayoutPosition(root, 0, ml);
} else {
if (ml == root.getLocation()) {
// we are deeper into the leaves - propose adding a child
return new LayoutPosition(root, 0, ml);
} else {
// we are facing the parent - propose adding a sibling
int index = root.getLayoutParent().getLayoutChildren()
return new LayoutPosition(root.getLayoutParent(), index
+ (up ? 0 : 1), root.getLocation());
} else {
if (ml == root.getLocation() || isRoot) {
// we are facing the parent - ask child to decide
LayoutTreeElement lastChild = null;
for (LayoutTreeElement child : root.getLayoutChildren()) {
if (isRoot && ml != child.getLocation())
Box cb = child.getBranchBounds();
if (py - child.getOffsetY() < cb.y + cb.h) {
return findClosestInsertPosition(child,
px - child.getOffsetX(),
py - child.getOffsetY());
lastChild = child;
if (lastChild != null) {
return findClosestInsertPosition(lastChild,
px - lastChild.getOffsetX(),
py - lastChild.getOffsetY());
} else {
// we are on childless side of root node; suggest adding
return new LayoutPosition(root, 0, ml);
} else {
// we are facing the parent - propose adding a sibling
int index = root.getLayoutParent().getLayoutChildren()
return new LayoutPosition(root.getLayoutParent(), index
+ (up ? 0 : 1), root.getLocation());