// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// dark-matter-data
// Copyright (c) 2010 dark-matter-data committers
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
// option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
// with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html>.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
package org.dmd.util.parsing;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.LineNumberReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import org.dmd.util.exceptions.ResultException;
* The ConfigFinder utility recursively hunts through the source directories of the
* current set of Eclipse projects your have on your build path, as well as any JAR
* files that end with a specific suffix (e.g. *DMSchema.jar) and finds configuration
* files that end with a specific suffix e.g. .dms .dmg etc.
* <P>
* Add the suffixes you're looking for by calling addSuffix(). You must provide at
* least one suffix, or the findConfigs() method will fail.
* <P>
* The ConfigFinder also understands the convention of versioning your configuration
* files by storing them in subfolders named v<#>dot<#>. For instance, for a versioned
* schema you might have schema/v0dot1, schema/v1dot23, schema/v11dot3dot1 which would
* represent schemas at version 0.1, 1.23 and 11.3.1 respectively.
* <P>
* NOTE: as indicated, the finder assumes that you're working in an Eclipse environment
* where you have a directory structure like: project/bin project/src. The finder will
* see the project/bin on the java.class.path and then try to find the src directory in
* the same location.
* <P>
* If your development environment doesn't conform to this arrangement, you can derive
* your own class, or, manually specify the source directories to search by priming the
* ConfigFinder with calls to addSourceDirectory().
public class ConfigFinder {
// The source paths that we're going to search
ArrayList<String> sourceDirs;
// The suffixes that we're going to check for
ArrayList<String> suffixes;
ArrayList<String> jarPrefixes;
// The individual configs that we've found
ArrayList<ConfigLocation> configs;
// These are the class paths we searched
ArrayList<String> classPaths;
// The configs grouped into versions
TreeMap<String,ConfigVersion> versions;
String fsep;
// The preferences file we attempt to read
String prefName;
boolean prefsAvailable;
// The length of the longest schema name we found
int longest;
boolean debug;
public ConfigFinder(){
* Constructs a new ConfigFinder that will search the specified folders for
* configurations.
* @param srcdirs source directories that have been specified on the commandline.
public ConfigFinder(Iterator<String> srcdirs){
prefsAvailable = true;
public void debug(boolean db){
debug = db;
void debugMessage(String message){
if (debug)
void init(){
sourceDirs = new ArrayList<String>();
suffixes = new ArrayList<String>();
jarPrefixes = new ArrayList<String>();
configs = new ArrayList<ConfigLocation>();
versions = new TreeMap<String, ConfigVersion>();
fsep = File.separator;
prefsAvailable = false;
classPaths = new ArrayList<String>();
* @return The name of the file where additional source paths are indicated.
public String getPrefName(){
* Adds a suffix to hunt for. Generally of the form ".xxx".
* @param s the suffix to hunt for.
public void addSuffix(String s){
* Adds a jar prefix to hunt for. Any jar starting with the specified prefix will be
* searched for configuration files.
* @param e the JAR prefix to hunt for.
public void addJarPrefix(String e){
* Adds a source directory root to the set of paths that the finder will
* traverse in search of schemas.
* @param dir The source directory.
public void addSourceDirectory(String dir){
* Scans the class path (and an additional source directories) for files
* ending with the suffixes you've specified.
* @throws ResultException
* @throws IOException
public void findConfigs() throws ResultException, IOException {
debugMessage("Finding configs:\n\n" + getSearchInfo() + "\n");
if (suffixes.size() == 0){
ResultException ex = new ResultException("You must specify at least one suffix to hunt for using the addSuffix() method");
for(String d : sourceDirs)
findConfigsRecursive(new File(d));
debugMessage("Config search complete: " + getSearchInfo() + "\n");
* Returns the versions of the specified config. If the config is specified in
* a file named stuff.xxx, the config name will be "stuff" (without the
* .xxx file extension).
* @param cn The config name.
* @return The ConfigVersion for the specified configuration.
public ConfigVersion getConfig(String cn){
public TreeMap<String,ConfigVersion> getVersions(){
* @return An iterator over all the configs we found.
public Iterator<ConfigLocation> getLocations(){
* @return the length of the longest config name.
public int getLongestName(){
* Returns a description of where we searched for your config files.
* @return A string indicating the source paths and class paths searched as well as the
* suffixes and JAR endings we used.
public String getSearchInfo(){
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (prefName == null)
sb.append("Source directory preferences from -srcdir option:\n");
sb.append("Source directory preferences: " + prefName + "\n");
if (prefsAvailable){
for(String f : sourceDirs){
sb.append(" " + f + "\n");
sb.append("No preferences specified");
sb.append("Checked the following locations on your class path:\n");
for(String c : classPaths){
sb.append(" " + c + "\n");
if (jarPrefixes.size() > 0){
sb.append(" Checked JARs with the following prefixs:\n");
for(String j : jarPrefixes){
sb.append(" " + j + "\n");
sb.append("For config files with the following suffixs:\n");
for(String s : suffixes){
sb.append(" " + s + "\n");
* This method will check to see if the user has created a sourcedirs.txt
* in user_home/.darkmatter
void loadPreferences(){
String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home");
File darkMatterFolder = new File(userHome + fsep + ".darkmatter");
debugMessage("loadPreferences() - " + userHome + fsep + ".darkmatter");
// Create the preferences folder if it doesn't exist
if (!darkMatterFolder.exists()){
prefName = userHome + fsep + ".darkmatter" + fsep + "sourcedirs.txt";
File prefFile = new File(prefName);
if (prefFile.exists()){
prefsAvailable = true;
try {
LineNumberReader in = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(prefName));
String str;
while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) {
String line = str.trim();
if (line.startsWith("//"))
// if (line.endsWith(".jar"))
// jarPrefixes.add(line);
// else
} catch (IOException e) {
* Recursively descends through the directory structure looking for files
* that end with any of the suffixes that have been specified.
* @param d The directory to search.
* @throws ResultException
* @throws IOException
void findConfigsRecursive(File dir) throws ResultException, IOException {
if (dir.exists()){
String[] files = dir.list();
for(String f : files){
for (String suffix : suffixes){
// DebugInfo.debug("Checking suffix: " + suffix + " against " + f);
if (f.endsWith(suffix)){
if (f.startsWith("meta"))
ConfigLocation newLocation = new ConfigLocation(f, dir.getCanonicalPath(), suffix);
if (newLocation.getConfigName().length() > longest)
longest = newLocation.getConfigName().length();
String fullname = dir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + f;
File curr = new File(fullname);
if (curr.isDirectory())
ResultException ex = new ResultException();
ex.addError("Specified source directory doesn't exist: " + dir.getCanonicalPath());
* Attempts to add the new location. If the version clashes with an existing version,
* we pitch an exception.
* @param cl The new location.
* @throws ResultException
void addConfig(ConfigLocation cl) throws ResultException {
// DebugInfo.debug("*** Adding config: " + cl.getConfigName());
ConfigVersion cv = versions.get(cl.getConfigName());
if (cv == null){
cv = new ConfigVersion();
versions.put(cl.getConfigName(), cv);
ConfigLocation existing = cv.getLatestVersion();
if (!cl.getConfigParentDirectory().equals(existing.getConfigParentDirectory())){
System.out.println("\nClashing config names: " + cl.configName);
System.out.println(" " + existing.getConfigParentDirectory());
System.out.println(" " + cl.getConfigParentDirectory() + "\n");
// Just add that puppy
// DebugInfo.debug("Found config\n\n" + cl.toString());
debugMessage("found config: " + cl.getConfigName());
// /**
// * @return A listing of the schemas we've found.
// */
// public String getSchemaListing(){
// StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
// for(ConfigLocation dsl : configs.values()){
// sb.append(dsl.getConfigName() + " -- " + dsl.getDirectory() + "\n");
// }
// return(sb.toString());
// }
* This method checks the current class path for /bin directories (that, in Eclipse,
* give us a hint as to where the /src directories are) and JAR files whose names end
* with a JAR ending you've specified. Such JARs are assumed to contain files with .xxx
* file extensions. This mechanism allows you to easily import configs defined elsewhere,
* in other projects you have open or exported in JARs from other sources.
* @throws IOException
* @throws ResultException
void findConfigsOnClassPath() throws IOException, ResultException {
// String[] paths = System.getProperty("java.class.path").split(";");
String[] paths = System.getProperty("java.class.path").split(File.pathSeparator);
for(String f : paths){
debugMessage(" checking: " + f);
if ((jarPrefixes.size() > 0) && f.endsWith(".jar")){
debugMessage("\n we have a jar - adding to classPaths");
for(String jarPrefix : jarPrefixes){
debugMessage(" checking against prefix: " + jarPrefix);
String jarName = "";
int lastSlash = f.lastIndexOf(File.separator);
if (lastSlash != -1)
jarName = f.substring(lastSlash+1);
debugMessage(" jar name: " + jarName);
if (jarName.startsWith(jarPrefix)){
debugMessage("findConfigsOnClassPath() - jar starts with prefix " + f);
// We have a JAR of interest - an example might look like:
// file:F:\AASoftDev\workspace\dark-matter-data\extjars\exampleDMSchema.jar
JarFile jar = new JarFile(f);
for (Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jar.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements();)
String jarEntry = ((JarEntry)entries.nextElement()).getName();
for(String suffix : suffixes){
if (jarEntry.endsWith(suffix)){
// The jarEntry might appear as follows: /com/example/schema/example.dms
lastSlash = jarEntry.lastIndexOf("/");
String schemaName = jarEntry.substring(lastSlash+1);
String path = jarEntry.substring(0,lastSlash);
debugMessage(" jarEntry ends with suffix " + jarEntry);
// DebugInfo.debug(f);
// DebugInfo.debug(jarEntry);
ConfigLocation newLocation = new ConfigLocation(f, schemaName, path, suffix);
if (newLocation.getConfigName().length() > longest)
longest = newLocation.getConfigName().length();
else if (f.endsWith(File.separator + "bin")){
// NOTE: we no longer add this stuff because we're generally going to run as a tool out of a jar
// and need to be explicitly told where to look for config files. Leaving this stuff in could
// cause problems with clashing configs.
// // We may have a project's bin directory here, which would mean that
// // the src should be in a parallel directory
// int lastSlash = f.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar);
// String prefix = f.substring(0,lastSlash);
// File src = new File(prefix + File.separator + "src");
// if (src.exists()){
// findConfigsRecursive(src);
// }