Package org.dmd.util

Source Code of org.dmd.util.DmcTraceableInputStream

//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  dark-matter-data
//  Copyright (c) 2010 dark-matter-data committers
//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
//  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
//  Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
//  option) any later version.
//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
//  more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
//  with this program; if not, see <>.
//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
package org.dmd.util;


import org.dmd.dmc.DmcAttribute;
import org.dmd.dmc.DmcAttributeInfo;
import org.dmd.dmc.DmcFilter;
import org.dmd.dmc.DmcInputStreamIF;
import org.dmd.dmc.DmcObject;
import org.dmd.dmc.DmcObjectName;
import org.dmd.dmc.DmcOmni;
import org.dmd.dmc.types.DmcTypeNamedObjectREF;
import org.dmd.dms.ClassDefinition;
import org.dmd.dmw.DmwWrapper;
import org.dmd.dms.SchemaManager;
import org.dmd.dms.generated.types.ClassDefinitionREF;
import org.dmd.util.exceptions.DebugInfo;
import org.dmd.util.formatting.PrintfFormat;

public class DmcTraceableInputStream implements DmcInputStreamIF {

  SchemaManager  schema;
  DataInputStream  dis;
  boolean        calledFrom;
  PrintfFormat    format;

  public DmcTraceableInputStream(InputStream is, SchemaManager sm, boolean cf, int padding){
    dis     = new DataInputStream(is);
    schema     = sm;
    calledFrom   = cf;
    format     = new PrintfFormat("%-" + padding + "s");
  public DmcAttribute<?> getAttributeInstance(DmcAttributeInfo ai) throws Exception {

//  @Override
//  public DmcObject getDMOInstance(String cn) throws Exception {
//    DmcObject rc = null;
//    ClassDefinition cd = schema.isClass(cn);
//    if (cd == null){
//      throw(new IllegalStateException("Unknown class: " + cn));
//    }
//    // Tricky stuff: we always try to instantiate the wrapper for the object so that
//    // we can support the DMW environment i.e. the DMO will have a handle to its
//    // container. If something goes wrong, we fall back to directly instantiating
//    // the DMO.
//    DmwWrapper wrapper = null;
//    try {
//      wrapper = cd.newInstance();
//    }
//    catch(Exception ex){
//      // Just fall back to instantiating the DMO
//    }
//    if (wrapper == null){
////      DebugInfo.debug("Couldn't get the wrapper");
//      rc = cd.newDMOInstance();
//    }
//    else{
//      rc = wrapper.getDmcObject();
////      DebugInfo.debug("Got the wrapper");
////      if (rc.getContainer() == null)
////        DebugInfo.debug("Container is null");
////      else
////        DebugInfo.debug("Container is ok");
//    }
//    return(rc);
//  }

  public DmcAttribute<?> getAttributeInstance(Integer id) throws Exception {

  public void resolveReferences(DmcTypeNamedObjectREF<?,?> attr) throws Exception {

  public int available() throws Exception {

  public int readAttributeCount() throws Exception {
    int rc = dis.readShort();
    if (calledFrom)
      System.out.print(format.sprintf(DebugInfo.getShortWhereWeWereCalledFrom()) + " ");
    System.out.println(" # attr: " + rc);

  public int readAttributeID() throws Exception {
    int id = dis.readShort();
//    DmcAttributeInfo ai = schema.getAttributeInfo(id);
    DmcAttributeInfo ai = DmcOmni.instance().getInfo(id);
    if (calledFrom)
      System.out.print(format.sprintf(DebugInfo.getShortWhereWeWereCalledFrom()) + " ");
    if (ai == null)
      System.out.println(" attrid: " + id + "  ???");
      System.out.println(" attrid: " + + "  " +;

  public boolean readBoolean() throws Exception {
    boolean rc = dis.readBoolean();
    if (calledFrom)
      System.out.print(format.sprintf(DebugInfo.getShortWhereWeWereCalledFrom()) + " ");
    System.out.println("boolean: " + rc);

  public byte readByte() throws Exception {
    byte rc = dis.readByte();
    if (calledFrom)
      System.out.print(format.sprintf(DebugInfo.getShortWhereWeWereCalledFrom()) + " ");
    System.out.println("   byte: " + rc);

  public int readBytes(byte[] b) throws Exception {
    int rc =;
    if (calledFrom)
      System.out.print(format.sprintf(DebugInfo.getShortWhereWeWereCalledFrom()) + " ");
    System.out.println("  bytes: " + rc + " (bytes not actually shown)");

  public char readChar() throws Exception {
    char rc = dis.readChar();
    if (calledFrom)
      System.out.print(format.sprintf(DebugInfo.getShortWhereWeWereCalledFrom()) + " ");
    System.out.println("   char: " + rc);

  public double readDouble() throws Exception {
    double rc = dis.readDouble();
    if (calledFrom)
      System.out.print(format.sprintf(DebugInfo.getShortWhereWeWereCalledFrom()) + " ");
    System.out.println(" double: " + rc);

  public float readFloat() throws Exception {
    float rc = dis.readFloat();
    if (calledFrom)
      System.out.print(format.sprintf(DebugInfo.getShortWhereWeWereCalledFrom()) + " ");
    System.out.println(" float: " + rc);

  public int readInt() throws Exception {
    int rc = dis.readInt();
    if (calledFrom)
      System.out.print(format.sprintf(DebugInfo.getShortWhereWeWereCalledFrom()) + " ");
    System.out.println("    int: " + rc);

  public long readLong() throws Exception {
    long rc = dis.readLong();
    if (calledFrom)
      System.out.print(format.sprintf(DebugInfo.getShortWhereWeWereCalledFrom()) + " ");
    System.out.println("   long: " + rc);

  public int readValueCount() throws Exception {
    int rc = dis.readShort();
    if (calledFrom)
      System.out.print(format.sprintf(DebugInfo.getShortWhereWeWereCalledFrom()) + " ");
    System.out.println(" # vals: " + rc);

  public short readShort() throws Exception {
    short rc = dis.readShort();
    if (calledFrom)
      System.out.print(format.sprintf(DebugInfo.getShortWhereWeWereCalledFrom()) + " ");
    System.out.println("  short: " + rc);

  public String readUTF() throws Exception {
    String rc = dis.readUTF();
    if (calledFrom)
      System.out.print(format.sprintf(DebugInfo.getShortWhereWeWereCalledFrom()) + " ");
    System.out.println("    utf: " + rc);

  public DmcAttribute<?> getAttributeInstance() throws Exception {
    int id = dis.readShort();
    DmcAttribute<?> rc = getAttributeInstance(id);
    if (calledFrom)
      System.out.print(format.sprintf(DebugInfo.getShortWhereWeWereCalledFrom()) + " ");
    System.out.println(" attrid: " + id + "  " + rc.getAttributeInfo().name + "  " + rc.getClass().getName());

  public DmcObjectName getNameValueInstance() throws Exception {
    int id = dis.readShort();
    DmcObjectName rc = schema.getNameValueInstance(id);
    if (calledFrom)
      System.out.print(format.sprintf(DebugInfo.getShortWhereWeWereCalledFrom()) + " ");
    System.out.println(" attrid: " + id + "  name value:  " + rc.getClass().getName());

  public DmcFilter getFilterValueInstance() throws Exception {
    DebugInfo.debug("NOT IMPLEMENTED YET");
    return null;

  public DmcObject getDMOInstance(DmcInputStreamIF dis) throws Exception {
    DmcObject rc = null;
    // READ: the number of classes in the objectClass
    int classCount = dis.readInt();
    // READ: the construction class ID
    int classID = dis.readInt();
    // Try to find the class in the schema
    ClassDefinition cd = schema.isClass(classID);
    if (cd == null)
      throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown class ID: " + classID + " ensure that you have loaded the required schemas.");
    // Tricky stuff: we always try to instantiate the wrapper for the object so that
    // we can support the DMW environment i.e. the DMO will have a handle to its
    // container. If something goes wrong, we fall back to directly instantiating
    // the DMO.
    DmwWrapper wrapper = null;
    try {
      wrapper = cd.newInstance();
    catch(Exception ex){
      // Just fall back to instantiating the DMO
    if (wrapper == null)
      rc = cd.newDMOInstance();
      rc = wrapper.getDmcObject();
    // Add the auxiliary classes if they exist
    if (classCount > 1){
      for(int i=1; i<classCount; i++){
        classID = dis.readInt();
        cd = schema.isClass(classID);
        rc.addAux(new ClassDefinitionREF(cd.getDMO()));


Related Classes of org.dmd.util.DmcTraceableInputStream

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