Package org.dmd.dms.meta

Source Code of org.dmd.dms.meta.MetaGenerator

//  dark-matter-data
//  Copyright (c) 2010 dark-matter-data committers
//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
//  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
//  Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
//  option) any later version.
//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
//  more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
//  with this program; if not, see <>.
//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
package org.dmd.dms.meta;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.dmd.dmc.DmcValueException;
import org.dmd.dmc.rules.DmcRuleExceptionSet;
import org.dmd.dmc.util.DmcUncheckedObject;
import org.dmd.dmc.util.NamedStringArray;
import org.dmd.dms.types.EnumValue;
import org.dmd.dms.util.DmoCompactSchemaFormatter;
import org.dmd.dms.util.GenUtility;
import org.dmd.dms.util.RuleFormatter;
import org.dmd.util.FileUpdateManager;
import org.dmd.util.codegen.ImportManager;
import org.dmd.util.exceptions.DebugInfo;
import org.dmd.util.exceptions.ResultException;
import org.dmd.util.formatting.PrintfFormat;
import org.dmd.util.parsing.DmcUncheckedOIFHandlerIF;
import org.dmd.util.parsing.DmcUncheckedOIFParser;

* The MetaGenerator class is used to bootstrap the entire Dark Matter Objects
* mechanism by generating the initial schema definition mechanism classes from
* a standard Data Model Schema (DMS) description.
public class MetaGenerator implements DmcUncheckedOIFHandlerIF {

  // Offset to the source directory for the meta generator
  private final static String METADIR = "/src/org/dmd/dms/meta";

  // Offset to the source directory for the meta generator
  // private final static String GENDIR = "/src/org/dmd/dms/generated";

  // Offset to the source directory for dark matter wrappers
  private final static String DMWDIR = "/src/org/dmd/dms/generated/dmw";

  // Offset to the source directory for dark matter wrappers
  private final static String ENUMDIR = "/src/org/dmd/dms/generated/enums";

  // Offset to the Dark Matter Object generation directory
  private final static String DMODIR = "/src/org/dmd/dms/generated/dmo";

  // Offset to the generated types
  private final static String TYPEDIR = "/src/org/dmd/dms/generated/types";

  // Offset to the rule generation directory
  private final static String RULESDIR = "/src/org/dmd/dms/generated/rulesdmo";

  // Offset to the gdo source directory
  private final static String DMSDIR = "/src/org/dmd/dms";

//  private final static int META_BASE_ID = -500000;
  private final static int META_BASE_ID = 0;

  private final static int META_ID_RANGE = 200;

  private StringBuffer LGPL;

  // All definitions of the metaschema
  TreeMap<String, DmcUncheckedObject> allDefs;

  // Type definitions
  TreeMap<String, DmcUncheckedObject> typeDefs;

  // Enumeration definitions
  TreeMap<String, DmcUncheckedObject> enumDefs;

  // Attribute definitions
  TreeMap<String, DmcUncheckedObject> attributeDefs;

  // Class definitions
  TreeMap<String, DmcUncheckedObject> classDefs;

  // Complex type definitions
  TreeMap<String, DmcUncheckedObject> complexTypeDefs;

  // Attribute Validator Definitions
  TreeMap<String, DmcUncheckedObject> avDefs;

  // Object Validator Definitions
  TreeMap<String, DmcUncheckedObject> ovDefs;

  // Rule definitions
  TreeMap<String, DmcUncheckedObject> ruleDefs;

  // Rule category definitions
  TreeMap<String, DmcUncheckedObject> ruleCategoryDefs;

  // Rule instances
  ArrayList<DmcUncheckedObject> ruleInstances;

  // Some of the definitions have to be defined in a particular order, so
  // we maintain the order in which they appear in the Dmd file.
  ArrayList<String> origOrderClasses;
  ArrayList<String> origOrderAttrs;
  ArrayList<String> origOrderTypes;
  ArrayList<String> origOrderEnums;
  ArrayList<String> origOrderComplexTypes;
  ArrayList<String> origOrderAVDs;
  ArrayList<String> origOrderOVDs;
  ArrayList<String> origOrderRules;
  ArrayList<String> origOrderCategories;

  // Handle to the source directory name
  String sourceDir;

  DmcUncheckedOIFParser parser;

  public MetaGenerator() {
    allDefs = new TreeMap<String, DmcUncheckedObject>();
    typeDefs = new TreeMap<String, DmcUncheckedObject>();
    enumDefs = new TreeMap<String, DmcUncheckedObject>();
    attributeDefs = new TreeMap<String, DmcUncheckedObject>();
    classDefs = new TreeMap<String, DmcUncheckedObject>();
    complexTypeDefs = new TreeMap<String, DmcUncheckedObject>();
    avDefs = new TreeMap<String, DmcUncheckedObject>();
    ovDefs = new TreeMap<String, DmcUncheckedObject>();
    ruleDefs = new TreeMap<String, DmcUncheckedObject>();
    ruleCategoryDefs = new TreeMap<String, DmcUncheckedObject>();

    ruleInstances = new ArrayList<DmcUncheckedObject>();

    origOrderClasses = new ArrayList<String>();
    origOrderAttrs = new ArrayList<String>();
    origOrderTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
    origOrderEnums = new ArrayList<String>();
    origOrderComplexTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
    origOrderAVDs = new ArrayList<String>();
    origOrderOVDs = new ArrayList<String>();
    origOrderRules = new ArrayList<String>();
    origOrderCategories = new ArrayList<String>();

    parser = new DmcUncheckedOIFParser(this);

  public void run(String[] args) throws DmcValueException, DmcRuleExceptionSet {

    try {

      File curr = new File(".");
      sourceDir = curr.getCanonicalPath() + METADIR;

      // Read the license header
      LGPL = new StringBuffer();
      LineNumberReader in = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(sourceDir
          + "/LGPL.txt"));
      String str;
      while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) {
        LGPL.append(str + "\n");

      parser.parseFile(sourceDir + "/metaSchema.dms");


      dumpTypeIterables(curr.getCanonicalPath() + DMWDIR);


      dumpDerivedTypes(curr.getCanonicalPath() + TYPEDIR);

      Iterator<DmcUncheckedObject> enums = enumDefs.values().iterator();
      while (enums.hasNext()) {
        dumpEnumClass(curr.getCanonicalPath() + ENUMDIR,;

      dumpDmcTypes(curr.getCanonicalPath() + TYPEDIR);

      dumpComplexTypes(curr.getCanonicalPath() + TYPEDIR);

      dumpDMOClasses(curr.getCanonicalPath() + DMODIR);

      // DmoAttributeSchemaFormatter asf = new
      // DmoAttributeSchemaFormatter(System.out);
      // asf.dumpSchema("meta", "org.dmd.dms", attributeDefs, typeDefs,
      // curr.getCanonicalPath() + DMODIR);
      DmoCompactSchemaFormatter csf = new DmoCompactSchemaFormatter(
      csf.dumpSchema("meta", "org.dmd.dms", classDefs, attributeDefs,
          typeDefs, ruleInstances, curr.getCanonicalPath() + DMODIR,

      // DmoValidatorCollectionFormatter vcf = new
      // DmoValidatorCollectionFormatter(System.out);
      // vcf.dumpSchema("meta", "org.dmd.dms", avDefs, ovDefs,
      // curr.getCanonicalPath() + DMODIR);

      RuleFormatter rf = new RuleFormatter(System.out);
      rf.dumpRuleCategoryInterfaces("meta", "org.dmd.dms", ruleCategoryDefs, curr.getCanonicalPath() + RULESDIR);
//      rf.dumpBaseImplementations("meta", "org.dmd.dms", ruleDefs, ruleCategoryDefs, curr.getCanonicalPath() + RULESDIR);

      dumpDMWClasses(curr.getCanonicalPath() + DMWDIR);

//      dumpMetaSchema(curr.getCanonicalPath() + DMSDIR);

      dumpMetaSchemaNew(curr.getCanonicalPath() + DMSDIR);


    } catch (IOException e) {
    } catch (ResultException ex) {
  void dumpMetaSchemaNew(String od) throws IOException, ResultException {
    BufferedWriter out = null;
    ImportManager    imports = new ImportManager();
    imports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.DmcValueException", "To handle potential value exceptions.");
    imports.addImport("org.dmd.dms.generated.dmo.*", "Access to meta schema DMOs");

    // out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(od + "/"));
    out = FileUpdateManager.instance().getWriter(od, "");

//    // Strip the nameAttribute from all name types so that we don't cause
//    // problems
//    // when loading the meta schema
//    for (DmcUncheckedObject type : typeDefs.values()) {
//      type.rem("nameAttributeDef");
//      type.rem("filterAttributeDef");
//    }

    out.write("package org.dmd.dms;\n\n");

    out.write(imports.getFormattedImports() + "\n\n");
    out.write("  * This class creates the basic definitions that allow for the definition of schemas.\n");
    out.write("  * Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    out.write("  */\n");

    out.write("abstract public class MetaSchemaAG extends SchemaDefinition {\n");

    out.write("    public MetaSchemaAG() throws DmcValueException {\n\n");
    out.write("        super(\"meta\");\n\n");
    out.write("        // We only ever want to initialize the schema once, so check\n");
    out.write("        // to see if we've initialized the first class definition\n");

    out.write("        if (_metaSchema == null){\n");

    out.write("            _metaSchema = this;\n");
    out.write("            staticRefName = new String(\"MetaSchema._\");\n\n");
    out.write("            this.setDescription(\"The meta schema defines the elements used to define schemas.\");\n");

    // Set the prefix for the generated output directory and the generated
    // package prefixes
    out.write("            this.setSchemaPackage(\"org.dmd.dms\");\n");
    out.write("            this.setDmwPackage(\"org.dmd.dms\");\n");

    out.write("            this.setSchemaBaseID(" + META_BASE_ID + ");\n");
    out.write("            this.setSchemaIDRange(" + META_ID_RANGE + ");\n");

    out.write("            initClasses();\n");
    out.write("            initAttributes();\n");
    out.write("            initTypes();\n");
    out.write("            initEnums();\n");
    out.write("            initRuleCategories();\n");
    out.write("            initComplexTypes();\n");
    out.write("        }\n");
    out.write("    }\n");
   * This dumps the static definition of the various definitions.
   * @param out
   * @throws IOException 
  void dumpStaticDefinitions(BufferedWriter out) throws IOException {
    out.write("    public static SchemaDefinition    _metaSchema;\n\n");

    out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow()
        + "\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderClasses.size(); i++) {
      out.write("    public static ClassDefinition     _" + origOrderClasses.get(i) + ";\n");

    out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow()
        + "\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderEnums.size(); i++)
      out.write("    public static EnumDefinition      _" + origOrderEnums.get(i) + ";\n");

    out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow()
        + "\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderTypes.size(); i++){
      DmcUncheckedObject td = typeDefs.get(origOrderTypes.get(i));
      String internallyGenerated = td.getSV("internallyGenerated");
      if (internallyGenerated != null)
//      if (origOrderTypes.get(i).endsWith("REF"))
      out.write("    public static TypeDefinition      _" + origOrderTypes.get(i) + ";\n");

    out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow()
        + "\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderAttrs.size(); i++)
      out.write("    public static AttributeDefinition _" + origOrderAttrs.get(i) + ";\n");

    out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow()
        + "\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderComplexTypes.size(); i++)
      out.write("    public static ComplexTypeDefinition _" + origOrderComplexTypes.get(i) + ";\n");

    out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow()
        + "\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderCategories.size(); i++)
      out.write("    public static RuleCategory        _" + origOrderCategories.get(i) + ";\n");

    out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderRules.size(); i++)
      out.write("    public static RuleDefinition      _" + origOrderRules.get(i) + ";\n");
  void dumpInitClasses(BufferedWriter out) throws IOException {
    out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    out.write("    private void initClasses() throws DmcValueException {\n\n");
    for(String cn : origOrderClasses){
      DmcUncheckedObject classDef = classDefs.get(cn);
      String name = classDef.getSV("name");
      String dmoName = "_" + name + "OBJ";
      out.write("        ClassDefinitionDMO " + dmoName + " = new ClassDefinitionDMO();\n");
      out.write("        _" + name + " = new ClassDefinition(" + dmoName + ",MetaDMSAG.__" + name + ");\n");
      dumpAttrValues("        ", dmoName, classDef, out);
      out.write("        _" + name + ".setDefinedIn(this);\n");
      out.write("        addClassDefList(_" + name + ");\n");
    out.write("    }\n");
  void dumpInitAttributes(BufferedWriter out) throws IOException {
    out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    out.write("    private void initAttributes() throws DmcValueException {\n\n");
    for (DmcUncheckedObject attrDef: attributeDefs.values()) {
      String name = attrDef.getSV("name");
      String dmoName = "_" + name + "OBJ";
      out.write("        AttributeDefinitionDMO " + dmoName + " = new AttributeDefinitionDMO();\n");
      out.write("        _" + name + " = new AttributeDefinition(" + dmoName + ");\n");
      dumpAttrValues("        ", dmoName, attrDef, out);
      out.write("        _" + name + ".setDefinedIn(this);\n");
      out.write("        addAttributeDefList(_" + name + ");\n");
    out.write("    }\n");
  void dumpInitTypes(BufferedWriter out) throws IOException {
    out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    out.write("    private void initTypes() throws DmcValueException {\n\n");
    for (DmcUncheckedObject typeDef: typeDefs.values()) {
      String internallyGenerated = typeDef.getSV("internallyGenerated");
      if (internallyGenerated != null)
      String name = typeDef.getSV("name");
      String dmoName = "_" + name + "OBJ";
      out.write("        TypeDefinitionDMO " + dmoName + " = new TypeDefinitionDMO();\n");
      out.write("        _" + name + " = new TypeDefinition(" + dmoName + ");\n");
      dumpAttrValues("        ", dmoName, typeDef, out);
      out.write("        _" + name + ".setDefinedIn(this);\n");
      out.write("        addTypeDefList(_" + name + ");\n");
    out.write("    }\n");
  void dumpInitEnums(BufferedWriter out) throws IOException {
    out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    out.write("    private void initEnums() throws DmcValueException {\n\n");
    for (DmcUncheckedObject enumDef: enumDefs.values()) {
      String name = enumDef.getSV("name");
      String dmoName = "_" + name + "OBJ";
      out.write("        EnumDefinitionDMO " + dmoName + " = new EnumDefinitionDMO();\n");
      out.write("        _" + name + " = new EnumDefinition(" + dmoName + ");\n");
      dumpAttrValues("        ", dmoName, enumDef, out);
      out.write("        _" + name + ".setDefinedIn(this);\n");
      out.write("        addEnumDefList(_" + name + ");\n");
    out.write("    }\n");
  void dumpInitRuleCategories(BufferedWriter out) throws IOException {
    out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    out.write("    private void initRuleCategories() throws DmcValueException {\n\n");
    for (DmcUncheckedObject catDef: ruleCategoryDefs.values()) {
      String name = catDef.getSV("name");
      String dmoName = "_" + name + "OBJ";
      out.write("        RuleCategoryDMO " + dmoName + " = new RuleCategoryDMO();\n");
      out.write("        _" + name + " = new RuleCategory(" + dmoName + ");\n");
      dumpAttrValues("        ", dmoName, catDef, out);
      out.write("        _" + name + ".setDefinedIn(this);\n");
      out.write("        addRuleCategoryList(_" + name + ");\n");
    out.write("    }\n");
  void dumpInitComplexTypes(BufferedWriter out) throws IOException {
    out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    out.write("    private void initComplexTypes() throws DmcValueException {\n\n");
    for (DmcUncheckedObject ctypeDef: complexTypeDefs.values()) {
      String name = ctypeDef.getSV("name");
      String dmoName = "_" + name + "OBJ";
      out.write("        ComplexTypeDefinitionDMO " + dmoName + " = new ComplexTypeDefinitionDMO();\n");
      out.write("        _" + name + " = new ComplexTypeDefinition(" + dmoName + ");\n");
      dumpAttrValues("        ", dmoName, ctypeDef, out);
      out.write("        _" + name + ".setDefinedIn(this);\n");
      out.write("        addComplexTypeDefList(_" + name + ");\n");
    out.write("    }\n");
  void dumpAttrValues(String prefix, String dmoName, DmcUncheckedObject obj, BufferedWriter out) throws IOException{
    Iterator<String> names = obj.getAttributeNames();
    if (names == null)
      String         an       =;
      String        anCapped  = GenUtility.capTheName(an);
      DmcUncheckedObject  attrDef   = attributeDefs.get(an);
      String        valueType  = attrDef.getSV("valueType");
      boolean        sv      = true;
      if ( (valueType != null) && (valueType.equals("MULTI")) )
        sv = false;
      if (sv){
        if (an.equals("description")){
          String fixed = obj.getSV(an).replaceAll("\n", "\\\\n");
          out.write(prefix + dmoName + ".set" + anCapped + "(\"" + fixed + "\");\n");
          out.write(prefix + dmoName + ".set" + anCapped + "(\"" + obj.getSV(an) + "\");\n");
        NamedStringArray values = obj.get(an);
        for(String value: values){
          out.write(prefix + dmoName + ".add" + anCapped + "(\"" + value + "\");\n");

  void dumpComplexTypes(String typedir) throws ResultException, IOException {
    for (DmcUncheckedObject typedef : complexTypeDefs.values()) {
      dumpComplexType(typedir, typedef);

  void dumpDerivedTypes(String typedir) throws ResultException, IOException {
    for (DmcUncheckedObject typedef : typeDefs.values()) {
      String genericArgs = typedef.getSV("genericArgs");
      String keyClass = typedef.getSV("keyClass");
      String keyImport = typedef.getSV("keyImport");

      if (genericArgs == null)
        genericArgs = "";

      String nt = typedef.getSV("isNameType");
      String ft = typedef.getSV("isFilterType");
      boolean nameType = false;
      boolean filterType = false;

      if (nt != null)
        nameType = true;

      if (ft != null)
        filterType = true;

      if (typedef.getSV("isEnumType") != null) {
        String tmp = typedef.getSV("name");
        int refPos = tmp.indexOf("REF");
        String tn = tmp.substring(0, refPos);
        // dmotypedir basePackage baseTypeImport typeName
        // primitiveImport nameAttrImport nameAttr nameAttrID generic
        // isRef isNameType, isFilterType fileHeader progress
        GenUtility.dumpSVType(typedir, "org.dmd.dms", null, tn,
            "org.dmd.dms.generated.enums." + tn, null, null, null,
            genericArgs, false, nameType, false, LGPL.toString(),
        GenUtility.dumpMVType(typedir, "org.dmd.dms", null, tn,
            "org.dmd.dms.generated.enums." + tn, null, null,
            genericArgs, false, LGPL.toString(), System.out);
        GenUtility.dumpSETType(typedir, "org.dmd.dms", null, tn,
            "org.dmd.dms.generated.enums." + tn, null, null,
            genericArgs, false, LGPL.toString(), System.out);

        if (keyClass != null)
          GenUtility.dumpMAPType(typedir, "org.dmd.dms", null, tn,
              "org.dmd.dms.generated.enums." + tn, null, null,
              genericArgs, keyClass, keyImport, LGPL.toString(),
      } else if (typedef.getSV("isRefType") != null) {
        String tn = typedef.getSV("originalClass") + "REF";

        // dmotypedir basePackage baseTypeImport typeName
        // primitiveImport nameAttrImport nameAttr nameAttrID generic
        // isRef isNameType isFilterType fileHeader progress
        GenUtility.dumpSVType(typedir, "org.dmd.dms", null, tn, null,
            "org.dmd.dmc.types.StringName", "StringName", null,
            genericArgs, true, nameType, false, LGPL.toString(),
        GenUtility.dumpMVType(typedir, "org.dmd.dms", null, tn, null,
            "org.dmd.dmc.types.StringName", "StringName",
            genericArgs, true, LGPL.toString(), System.out);
        GenUtility.dumpSETType(typedir, "org.dmd.dms", null, tn, null,
            "org.dmd.dmc.types.StringName", "StringName",
            genericArgs, true, LGPL.toString(), System.out);
        if (keyClass != null)
          GenUtility.dumpMAPType(typedir, "org.dmd.dms", null, tn,
              null, "org.dmd.dmc.types.StringName", "StringName",
              genericArgs, keyClass, keyImport, LGPL.toString(),
      } else {
        // dmotypedir basePackage baseTypeImport typeName
        // primitiveImport nameAttrImport nameAttr generic isRef
        // isNameType fileHeader progress
        // GenUtility.dumpSVType( typedir, "org.dmd.dms",
        // typedef.getSV("typeClassName"), typedef.getSV("name"),
        // typedef.getSV("primitiveType"), null, null, genericArgs,
        // false, nameType, LGPL.toString(), System.out);
        // GenUtility.dumpMVType( typedir, "org.dmd.dms",
        // typedef.getSV("typeClassName"), typedef.getSV("name"),
        // typedef.getSV("primitiveType"), null, null, genericArgs,
        // false, LGPL.toString(), System.out);
        // GenUtility.dumpSETType( typedir, "org.dmd.dms",
        // typedef.getSV("typeClassName"), typedef.getSV("name"),
        // typedef.getSV("primitiveType"), null, null, genericArgs,
        // false, LGPL.toString(), System.out);
        String nameAttrID = null;
        String isNameType = typedef.getSV("isNameType");
        String isFilterType = typedef.getSV("isFilterType");

        if (isNameType != null) {
          String nameAttributeDef = typedef.getSV("nameAttributeDef");
          DmcUncheckedObject attrDef = attributeDefs
          nameAttrID = attrDef.getSV("dmdID");

        if (isFilterType != null) {
          String filterAttributeDef = typedef
          DmcUncheckedObject attrDef = attributeDefs
          nameAttrID = attrDef.getSV("dmdID");
        // dmotypedir basePackage baseTypeImport typeName dmcTypeImport
        // nameAttrImport nameAttr nameAttrID generic isRef isNameType
        // isFilterType fileHeader progress
        GenUtility.dumpSVType(typedir, "org.dmd.dms",
            typedef.getSV("primitiveType"), typedef.getSV("name"),
            typedef.getSV("typeClassName"), null, null, nameAttrID,
            genericArgs, false, nameType, filterType,
            LGPL.toString(), System.out);
        GenUtility.dumpMVType(typedir, "org.dmd.dms",
            typedef.getSV("primitiveType"), typedef.getSV("name"),
            typedef.getSV("typeClassName"), null, null,
            genericArgs, false, LGPL.toString(), System.out);
        GenUtility.dumpSETType(typedir, "org.dmd.dms",
            typedef.getSV("primitiveType"), typedef.getSV("name"),
            typedef.getSV("typeClassName"), null, null,
            genericArgs, false, LGPL.toString(), System.out);

        if (keyClass != null)
          GenUtility.dumpMAPType(typedir, "org.dmd.dms",
              typedef.getSV("primitiveType"), null, null,
              genericArgs, keyClass, keyImport, LGPL.toString(),

  void dumpTypeIterables(String dmwdir) throws ResultException, IOException {
    for (DmcUncheckedObject typedef : typeDefs.values()) {
      String tn = typedef.getSV("name");
      String ti = typedef.getSV("primitiveType");
      String genericArgs = typedef.getSV("genericArgs");
      GenUtility.dumpIterable(dmwdir, "org.dmd.dms", ti, tn, genericArgs,
          LGPL.toString(), System.out);

  public void handleObject(DmcUncheckedObject obj, String infile, int lineNumber) throws ResultException {
    String objClass = obj.classes.get(0);
    String name;
    obj.addValue("file", "metaSchema.dms");
    obj.addValue("lineNumber", lineNumber + "");

    name = obj.getSV("name");

    if (name == null) {
      if (classDefs.get(objClass) != null) {
        DebugInfo.debug("HAVE A RULE INSTANCE");
      } else {
        ResultException ex = new ResultException("No name for object: "
            + objClass);
        throw (ex);

    if (objClass.equals("TypeDefinition")) {
      typeDefs.put(name, obj);
    } else if (objClass.equals("EnumDefinition")) {
      enumDefs.put(name, obj);
    } else if (objClass.equals("AttributeDefinition")) {
      attributeDefs.put(name, obj);

      String designatedNameAttribute = obj
      String designatedFilterAttribute = obj
      if (designatedNameAttribute != null) {
        String type = obj.getSV("type");

        DmcUncheckedObject typeDef = typeDefs.get(type);

        typeDef.addValue("nameAttributeDef", name);

        // DebugInfo.debug("\n" + typeDef.toOIF(15));
      if (designatedFilterAttribute != null) {
        String type = obj.getSV("type");

        DmcUncheckedObject typeDef = typeDefs.get(type);

        typeDef.addValue("filterAttributeDef", name);

        // DebugInfo.debug("\n" + typeDef.toOIF(15));
    } else if (objClass.equals("ClassDefinition")) {
      classDefs.put(name, obj);
    } else if (objClass.equals("ComplexTypeDefinition")) {
      complexTypeDefs.put(name, obj);
    } else if (objClass.equals("AttributeValidatorDefinition")) {
      avDefs.put(name, obj);
    } else if (objClass.equals("ObjectValidatorDefinition")) {
      ovDefs.put(name, obj);
    } else if (objClass.equals("RuleDefinition")) {
      ruleDefs.put(name, obj);
    } else if (objClass.equals("RuleCategory")) {
      ruleCategoryDefs.put(name, obj);
    } else {
      ResultException ex = new ResultException(
          "Unknown definition type: " + objClass);

    allDefs.put(name, obj);


  void createClassDefForRuleDef(DmcUncheckedObject uco)
      throws ResultException {
    ArrayList<String> objClasses = new ArrayList<String>();
    DmcUncheckedObject classDef = new DmcUncheckedObject(objClasses, 0);

    String name = GenUtility.capTheName(uco.getSV("name"));
    String isExtensible = uco.getSV("isExtensible");
    String ctype = "STRUCTURAL";

    if (isExtensible != null) {
      ctype = "EXTENSIBLE";

    classDef.addValue("name", name + "Data");
    classDef.addValue("classType", ctype);
    classDef.addValue("derivedFrom", "RuleData");
    classDef.addValue("dmdID", uco.getSV("dmdID"));
    classDef.addValue("dmoImport", "org.dmd.dms.generated.dmo." + name
        + "DataDMO");
    classDef.addValue("javaClass", "org.dmd.dms.generated.dmo." + name
        + "DataDMO");
    classDef.addValue("internallyGenerated", "true");
    classDef.addValue("ruleDefinition", name);
    classDef.addValue("must", "ruleTitle");
    classDef.addValue("may", "description");

    NamedStringArray must = uco.get("must");
    if (must != null) {
      for (String attr : must) {
        classDef.addValue("must", attr);

    NamedStringArray may = uco.get("may");
    if (may != null) {
      for (String attr : may) {
        classDef.addValue("may", attr);

    classDefs.put(name + "Data", classDef);
    origOrderClasses.add(name + "Data");


  void createInternalTypesForComplexTypes() throws ResultException {
    Iterator<DmcUncheckedObject> ite = complexTypeDefs.values().iterator();
    while (ite.hasNext()) {
      DmcUncheckedObject complexTypeDef =;
      String cn = complexTypeDef.getSV("name");
      String tn = cn;

      ArrayList<String> objClasses = new ArrayList<String>();
      DmcUncheckedObject typeDef = new DmcUncheckedObject(objClasses, 0);
      typeDef.addValue("name", cn);
          "org.dmd.dms.generated.types.DmcType" + cn);
      typeDef.addValue("primitiveType", "org.dmd.dms.generated.types."
          + cn);
      typeDef.addValue("internallyGenerated", "true");
          "This is an internally generated type to represent complex type "
              + cn + ".");

      typeDefs.put(tn, typeDef);


   * In order to allow for references to our classes, we create
   * TypeDefinitions for each ClassDefinition.
  void createInternalReferenceTypes() throws ResultException {
    Iterator<DmcUncheckedObject> it = classDefs.values().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      DmcUncheckedObject classDef =;

      String cn = classDef.getSV("name");
      String isNamedBy = classDef.getSV("isNamedBy");
      String tn = null;
      DmcUncheckedObject typeDef = null;

      if (isNamedBy == null) {

      } else {
        tn = cn + "REF";
        ArrayList<String> objClasses = new ArrayList<String>();
        typeDef = new DmcUncheckedObject(objClasses, 0);
        typeDef.addValue("name", cn + "REF");
            "org.dmd.dms.generated.types.DmcType" + cn + "REF");
        typeDef.addValue("internallyGenerated", "true");
        typeDef.addValue("isRefType", "true");
            "This is an internally generated type to allow references to "
                + cn + " objects.");
        typeDef.addValue("originalClass", cn);

        typeDefs.put(tn, typeDef);

    Iterator<DmcUncheckedObject> ite = enumDefs.values().iterator();
    while (ite.hasNext()) {
      DmcUncheckedObject enumDef =;
      String cn = enumDef.getSV("name");
      String tn = cn + "REF";

      ArrayList<String> objClasses = new ArrayList<String>();
      DmcUncheckedObject typeDef = new DmcUncheckedObject(objClasses, 0);
      typeDef.addValue("name", cn + "REF");
      typeDef.addValue("enumName", cn);
          "org.dmd.dms.generated.types.DmcType" + cn);
      typeDef.addValue("primitiveType", "org.dmd.dms.generated.enums."
          + cn);
      typeDef.addValue("internallyGenerated", "true");
      // Need to know if it's an enum type so that we can set values
      // properly later
      typeDef.addValue("isEnumType", "true");
          "This is an internally generated type to allow references to "
              + cn + " objects.");

      typeDefs.put(tn, typeDef);

   * This method dumps a Java enum for the specified type definition.
   * @param od
   *            The output directory.
   * @param enumObj
   *            The enumeration definition object.
   * @throws IOException
   *             If we have problems dumping to the file.
   * @throws ResultException
   * @throws DmcValueException
  private void dumpEnumClass(String od, DmcUncheckedObject enumObj)
      throws IOException, ResultException, DmcValueException {
    NamedStringArray al = null;
    BufferedWriter enumClassDef = null;
    TreeMap<Integer, EnumValue> byId = new TreeMap<Integer, EnumValue>();
    TreeMap<String, EnumValue> byName = new TreeMap<String, EnumValue>();

    String cp = "org.dmd.dms";
    String cn = enumObj.getSV("name");

    // Get the enumValues attribute
    if ((al = enumObj.get("enumValue")) == null) {
      System.out.println("Couldn't get enumValues from:\n" + enumObj);

    for (String enumValName : al) {
      EnumValue ev = new EnumValue(enumValName);

      if (byId.get(ev.getId()) != null) {
        ResultException ex = new ResultException();
        ex.addError("Duplicate enum id: " + ev.getId());
        throw (ex);
      byId.put(ev.getId(), ev);

      if (byName.get(ev.getName()) != null) {
        ResultException ex = new ResultException();
        ex.addError("Duplicate enum name: " + ev.getName());
        throw (ex);
      byName.put(ev.getName(), ev);

    // DebugInfo.debug("Generating: " + od + File.separator + cn + ".java");

    // enumClassDef = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(od + File.separator
    // + cn + ".java"));
    enumClassDef = FileUpdateManager.instance().getWriter(od, cn + ".java");

    enumClassDef.write("package " + cp + ".generated.enums;\n\n");

    enumClassDef.write("import java.util.*;\n\n");

    enumClassDef.write("/**\n * The " + cn + " enumeration.\n");
        .write(" * This code was auto-generated by the createmeta utility and shouldn't be alterred\n");
    enumClassDef.write(" * manually.\n");
    enumClassDef.write(" * Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow()
        + "\n");
    enumClassDef.write(" */\n");
    enumClassDef.write("public enum " + cn + "\n{\n");

    Iterator<EnumValue> enumit = byId.values().iterator();
    while (enumit.hasNext()) {
      EnumValue ev =;

      enumClassDef.write("    /**\n");
      this.dumpCodeComment(ev.getDescription(), enumClassDef, "     * ");
      enumClassDef.write("     */\n");

      enumClassDef.write("    " + ev.getName() + "(" + ev.getId() + ")");
      if (enumit.hasNext())

        .write("    // Maps our integer value to the enumeration value\n");
    enumClassDef.write("    private static final Map<Integer," + cn
        + "> lookup = new HashMap<Integer," + cn + ">();\n\n");

    enumClassDef.write("    static {\n");
    enumClassDef.write("        for(" + cn + " s : EnumSet.allOf(" + cn
        + ".class))\n");
    enumClassDef.write("            lookup.put(s.intValue(), s);\n");
    enumClassDef.write("    }\n\n");

        .write("    // Maps our enumeration (string) value to the enumeration value\n");
    enumClassDef.write("    private static final Map<String," + cn
        + "> lookupString = new HashMap<String, " + cn + ">();\n\n");

    enumClassDef.write("    static {\n");
    enumClassDef.write("        for(" + cn + " s : EnumSet.allOf(" + cn
        + ".class))\n");
    enumClassDef.write("            lookupString.put(, s);\n");
    enumClassDef.write("    }\n\n");

        .write("    // Our current value as an int - normally, this isn't available in an enum\n");
    enumClassDef.write("    private int ival;\n\n");

    enumClassDef.write("    /**\n");
        .write("     * This private constructor allows us to access our int value when required.\n");
    enumClassDef.write("     */\n");
    enumClassDef.write("    private " + cn + "(int i){\n");
    enumClassDef.write("        ival = i;\n");
    enumClassDef.write("    }\n\n");

    enumClassDef.write("    /**\n");
        .write("     * Returns the value of this enum value as an int.\n");
    enumClassDef.write("     */\n");
    enumClassDef.write("    public int intValue(){\n");
    enumClassDef.write("        return(ival);\n");
    enumClassDef.write("    }\n\n");

    enumClassDef.write("    /**\n");
        .write("     * Returns the enum value of the specified int or null if it's not valid.\n");
    enumClassDef.write("     */\n");
    enumClassDef.write("    public static " + cn + " get(int code) {\n");
    enumClassDef.write("        return(lookup.get(code));\n");
    enumClassDef.write("    }\n\n");

    enumClassDef.write("    /**\n");
        .write("     * Returns a value for this enum or throws an exception if the String value isn't\n");
    enumClassDef.write("     * a valid member of this enum.\n");
    enumClassDef.write("     */\n");
    enumClassDef.write("    public static " + cn + " get(String str) {\n");
    enumClassDef.write("        return(lookupString.get(str));\n");
    enumClassDef.write("    }\n\n");


   * This function dumps the description of a class as a code comment. Long
   * lines are folded to 75 characters.
   * @param comment
   *            The comment to be written
   * @out The place to write the output
   * @indent A string that is written at the beginning of each line to indent
   *         it
  private void dumpCodeComment(String comment, BufferedWriter out,
      String indent) {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    int offset;

    try {
      while (sb.length() > 75) {
        offset = 74;
        // Move back until we find a space
        while (sb.charAt(offset) != ' ') {

        for (int i = 0; i < offset; i++) {
        // The subString(int,int) method seems to be missing
        // out.write(" * " + sb.subString(start,offset) + "\n");
        sb.delete(0, offset + 1);
      out.write(indent + sb + "\n");
    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.out.println("IO Error:\n" + e);

  void dumpMetaSchema(String od) throws IOException, ResultException {
    BufferedWriter out = null;
    PrintfFormat pf = null;

    // out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(od + "/"));
    out = FileUpdateManager.instance().getWriter(od, "");

    // Strip the nameAttribute from all name types so that we don't cause
    // problems
    // when loading the meta schema
    for (DmcUncheckedObject type : typeDefs.values()) {

    out.write("package org.dmd.dms;\n\n");

    out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcValueException;\n");
    out.write("import org.dmd.dms.generated.enums.*;\n");


    out.write("  * This class creates the basic definitions that allow for the definition of schemas.\n");
    out.write("  * Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    out.write("  */\n");

    out.write("abstract public class MetaSchemaAG extends SchemaDefinition {\n");

    out.write("    public static SchemaDefinition    _metaSchema;\n\n");

    out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow()
        + "\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderClasses.size(); i++) {
      out.write("    public static ClassDefinition     _"
          + origOrderClasses.get(i) + ";\n");

    out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow()
        + "\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderEnums.size(); i++)
      out.write("    public static EnumDefinition      _"
          + origOrderEnums.get(i) + ";\n");

    out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow()
        + "\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderTypes.size(); i++)
      out.write("    public static TypeDefinition      _"
          + origOrderTypes.get(i) + ";\n");

    out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow()
        + "\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderAttrs.size(); i++)
      out.write("    public static AttributeDefinition _"
          + origOrderAttrs.get(i) + ";\n");

    out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow()
        + "\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderCategories.size(); i++)
      out.write("    public static RuleCategory        _"
          + origOrderCategories.get(i) + ";\n");

    out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow()
        + "\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderRules.size(); i++)
      out.write("    public static RuleDefinition      _"
          + origOrderRules.get(i) + ";\n");

    out.write("    public MetaSchemaAG() throws DmcValueException {\n\n");
    // out.write("        super(\"metaSchema\");\n\n");
    // DebugInfo.debug("META SCHEMA NAME CHANGE!!!!");
    out.write("        super(\"meta\");\n\n");
    out.write("        staticRefName = new String(\"MetaSchema._\");\n\n");

    pf = new PrintfFormat("%-28s");

    out.write("        // We only ever want to initialize the schema once, so check\n");
    out.write("        // to see if we've initialized the first class definition\n");

    out.write("        if (_metaSchema == null){\n");

    out.write("            try{\n");

    out.write("            _metaSchema = this;\n");

    out.write("            // Create the class definitions\n");
    out.write("            // Generated from: "
        + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderClasses.size(); i++) {
      String defn = origOrderClasses.get(i);
      out.write("            _" + pf.sprintf(defn));
      out.write("= new ClassDefinition(\"" + defn + "\");\n");

    out.write("            // Create the enum definitions\n");
    out.write("            // Generated from: "
        + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderEnums.size(); i++) {
      String defn = origOrderEnums.get(i);
      out.write("            _" + pf.sprintf(defn));
      out.write("= new EnumDefinition(\"" + defn + "\");\n");

    out.write("            // Create the type definitions\n");
    out.write("            // Generated from: "
        + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderTypes.size(); i++) {
      String defn = origOrderTypes.get(i);

      String predefname = origOrderTypes.get(i);
      if (predefname.indexOf("Enum") != -1) {
        if (predefname.equals("EnumValue")
            || predefname.equals("EnumDefinitionREF")) {

        } else
          predefname = predefname.replace("REF", "");
        // predefname = origOrderTypes.get(i) + "REF";

      DmcUncheckedObject typeObj = typeDefs.get(defn);
      String typeClassName = typeObj.getSV("typeClassName");
      String wrapperClassName = typeObj.getSV("wrapperClassName");
      out.write("            _" + pf.sprintf(defn));
      if (wrapperClassName == null)
        out.write("= new TypeDefinition(\"" + predefname + "\", "
            + typeClassName + ".class);\n");
        out.write("= new TypeDefinition(\"" + predefname + "\", "
            + typeClassName + ".class, " + wrapperClassName
            + ".class);\n");

    out.write("            // Create the attribute definitions\n");
    out.write("            // Generated from: "
        + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderAttrs.size(); i++) {
      String attrName = origOrderAttrs.get(i);
      String mediatorName = null;

      DmcUncheckedObject attrDef = attributeDefs.get(attrName);
      String typeName = attrDef.getSV("type");
      DmcUncheckedObject typeDef = typeDefs.get(typeName);

      // If we couldn't find the type by its name, it's because its a
      // reference
      // to a class or enum, and the actual TypeDefinition name will be
      // _<ClassName>Reference
      if (typeDef == null) {
        mediatorName = typeName + "REF";
      } else {
        mediatorName = typeName;

      out.write("            _" + pf.sprintf(attrName));
      out.write("= new AttributeDefinition(\"" + attrName + "\", _"
          + mediatorName + ");\n");

    out.write("            // Create the rule category definitions\n");
    out.write("            // Generated from: "
        + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderCategories.size(); i++) {
      String defn = origOrderCategories.get(i);
      out.write("            _" + pf.sprintf(defn));
      out.write("= new RuleCategory(\"" + defn + "\");\n");

    out.write("            // Create the rule definitions\n");
    out.write("            // Generated from: "
        + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderRules.size(); i++) {
      String defn = origOrderRules.get(i);
      out.write("            _" + pf.sprintf(defn));
      out.write("= new RuleDefinition(\"" + defn + "\");\n");

    // Set the attribute values on all objects
    out.write("            // Set attribute values on all objects\n");
    out.write("            // Generated from: "
        + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");

    setAttributeValues(out, typeDefs, pf);

    setAttributeValues(out, enumDefs, pf);

    setAttributeValues(out, attributeDefs, pf);

    setAttributeValues(out, classDefs, pf);

    setAttributeValues(out, ruleCategoryDefs, pf);

    setAttributeValues(out, ruleDefs, pf);

    out.write("        // Add the definitions to the schema object\n");
    out.write("        // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow()
        + "\n");
    // Set class, type and attribute definition lists of this schema
    // definition
    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderClasses.size(); i++)
      out.write("            this.addClassDefList(_"
          + origOrderClasses.get(i) + ");\n");

    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderEnums.size(); i++)
      out.write("            this.addEnumDefList(_"
          + origOrderEnums.get(i) + ");\n");

    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderTypes.size(); i++)
      out.write("            this.addTypeDefList(_"
          + origOrderTypes.get(i) + ");\n");

    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderAttrs.size(); i++)
      out.write("            this.addAttributeDefList(_"
          + origOrderAttrs.get(i) + ");\n");

    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderCategories.size(); i++)
      out.write("            this.addRuleCategoryList(_"
          + origOrderCategories.get(i) + ");\n");

    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderRules.size(); i++)
      out.write("            this.addRuleDefinitionList(_"
          + origOrderRules.get(i) + ");\n");

    // Set the schema instances' name and description
    // DebugInfo.debug("META SCHEMA NAME CHANGE!!!!");
    // out.write("            this.setName(\"metaSchema\");\n");
    out.write("            this.setName(\"meta\");\n");
    out.write("            this.setDescription(\"The meta schema defines the elements used to define schemas.\");\n");

    // Set the prefix for the generated output directory and the generated
    // package prefixes
    out.write("            this.setSchemaPackage(\"org.dmd.dms\");\n");
    out.write("            this.setDmwPackage(\"org.dmd.dms\");\n");

    out.write("            this.setSchemaBaseID(" + META_BASE_ID + ");\n");
    out.write("            this.setSchemaIDRange(" + META_ID_RANGE + ");\n");

    // Set the construction class of this valid object instance
    // out.write("            this.addObjectClass(_SchemaDefinition);\n");

    out.write("            }\n");
    out.write("            catch(Exception ex){\n");
    out.write("                ex.printStackTrace();\n");
    out.write("            }\n");

    out.write("        }\n\n");

    out.write("    }\n\n");



  private void setAttributeValues(BufferedWriter out,
      TreeMap<String, DmcUncheckedObject> objects, PrintfFormat pf)
      throws IOException, ResultException {
    String attrName = null;
    String objName = null;
    DmcUncheckedObject attrDef = null;
    String typeName = null;
    DmcUncheckedObject typeDef = null;
    boolean multiValued = false;
    boolean isReference = false;
    boolean isEnumType = false;

    Iterator<DmcUncheckedObject> it = objects.values().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      DmcUncheckedObject obj =;
      objName = obj.getSV("name");

      // // trickiness here to handle the fact that the actual rule
      // definition object
      // // has to be called RuleDEF since Rule is the name of the class
      // definition that
      // // is created to represent the Rule instance.
      // if (obj.getConstructionClass().equals("RuleDefinition")){
      // objName = objName + "DEF";
      // }

      Iterator<String> attributeNames = obj.getAttributeNames();
      while (attributeNames.hasNext()) {
        NamedStringArray attr = obj.get(;
        attrName = attr.getName();
        if (attrName == null) {
          DebugInfo.debug("Attr name null");
        attrDef = attributeDefs.get(attrName);
        multiValued = false;
        isReference = false;
        isEnumType = false;

        if (attrDef == null) {
          ResultException ex = new ResultException();
          ex.addError("Unknown attribute: " + attrName);
          throw (ex);

        // MULTIVALUED 1
        if (attrDef.getSV("valueType") != null)
          multiValued = true;

        typeName = attrDef.getSV("type");
        typeDef = typeDefs.get(typeName);

        if (typeDef == null) {
          // If this is null, we need to look for an internally
          // generated Reference type
          typeDef = typeDefs.get(typeName + "REF");
          isReference = true;

          if (typeDef.getSV("isEnumType") != null)
            isEnumType = true;

        StringBuffer attrNameCapped = new StringBuffer();

        if (attrName.equals("type")) {
          // The type attribute has to be handled slightly differently
          // than most attributes
          // to adjust for the fact that we create those internal
          // Reference types to handle
          // references to definitions.
          isReference = false;
          isEnumType = false;
          typeName = obj.getSV("type");
          typeDef = typeDefs.get(typeName);

          if (typeDef == null) {
            // If this is null, we need to look for an internally
            // generated Reference type
            typeDef = typeDefs.get(typeName + "REF");
            isReference = true;

            if (typeDef.getSV("isEnumType") != null)
              isEnumType = true;

          out.write("            _" + pf.sprintf(objName));


          if (isReference) {
            out.write("_" + obj.getSV(attrName) + "REF);\n");
          } else {
            out.write("_" + obj.getSV(attrName) + ");\n");
        } else {
          if (multiValued) {

            for (String attrVal : attr) {
              out.write("            _" + pf.sprintf(objName));
              out.write(".add" + attrNameCapped + "(");

              if (isReference) {
                if (isEnumType)
                  out.write(typeName + "." + attrVal + ");\n");
                  out.write("_" + attrVal + ");\n");
              } else {
                out.write("\"" + attrVal + "\");\n");
          } else {
            out.write("            _" + pf.sprintf(objName));
            out.write(".set" + attrNameCapped + "(");

            if (isReference) {
              if (isEnumType)
                out.write(typeName + "." + obj.getSV(attrName)
                    + ");\n");
                out.write("_" + obj.getSV(attrName) + ");\n");
            } else {
              String value = obj.getSV(attrName);

              if (attrName.equals("name")) {
                String val = obj.getSV(attrName);
                if (val.endsWith("EnumREF")) {
                  // DebugInfo.debug("Enum name: " + val);
                  value = val.replaceFirst("REF", "");
                  // DebugInfo.debug("value = " + value);

              out.write("\"" + value + "\");\n");

      out.write("            _" + pf.sprintf(objName));


  private void dumpDMWClasses(String dmwdir) throws ResultException {
    DmcUncheckedObject go;
    DmcUncheckedObject attrObj;
    NamedStringArray must;
    NamedStringArray may;
    ArrayList<String> atlist;
    String currAttr;
    String cn;
    String classType;
    String baseClass;
    String derivedFrom;
    String isNamedBy;

    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderClasses.size(); i++) {
      go = (DmcUncheckedObject) classDefs.get(origOrderClasses.get(i));

      derivedFrom = go.getSV("derivedFrom");
      isNamedBy = go.getSV("isNamedBy");

      // System.out.println("*** Formatting class definition for: " +
      // origOrderClasses.get(i));

      if ((cn = go.getSV("name")) == null) {
        System.out.println("Couldn't get name for class definition:\n"
            + go);
      } else {
        try {

          // BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new
          // FileWriter(dmwdir + File.separator + cn + ""));
          BufferedWriter out = FileUpdateManager.instance()
              .getWriter(dmwdir, cn + "");

          out.write("package org.dmd.dms.generated.dmw;\n\n");

          out.write("import java.util.*;\n\n");

          out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.types.*;\n");
          out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.*;\n");
          // if (derivedFrom == null){
          out.write("import org.dmd.dmw.*;\n");
          // }

          if (cn.equals("EnumDefinition")) {
            out.write("import org.dmd.dms.types.*;\n");
          out.write("import org.dmd.dms.generated.dmo.*;\n");
          out.write("import org.dmd.dms.generated.enums.*;\n");
          out.write("import org.dmd.dms.generated.types.*;\n");
          out.write("import org.dmd.util.exceptions.*;\n");
          out.write("import org.dmd.dms.*;\n");

          if (cn.equals("ActionTriggerInfo")) {
            // this is a complete friggin' hack!
            out.write("import org.dmd.dms.extended.ActionTriggerInfo;\n");


          dumpCodeComment(go.getSV("description"), out, " * ");

          out.write(" * @author Auto Generated\n");
          out.write(" * Generated from: "
              + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
          out.write(" */\n");

          // See if we're derived from anything. If not, just use
          // DmwWrapper as the base class
          // If we're named, use DmwNamedObjectWrapper.
          if (derivedFrom == null) {
            baseClass = "DmwWrapper";

            if (isNamedBy != null)
              baseClass = "DmwNamedObjectWrapper";
          } else {
            // Otherwise, we look up the derived from class and use
            // its javaClass
            // as the base class
            DmcUncheckedObject bc = classDefs.get(derivedFrom);

            if (bc == null) {
              ResultException ex = new ResultException();
              ex.addError("Unknown base class: " + derivedFrom
                  + " for class: " + cn);
              throw (ex);
            baseClass = bc.getSV("javaClass");

          classType = go.getSV("classType");

          if (classType.equals("ABSTRACT"))
            out.write("public abstract class " + cn
                + "DMW extends " + baseClass + " {\n\n");
            out.write("public class " + cn + "DMW extends "
                + baseClass + " {\n\n");

          out.write("    private " + cn + "DMO mycore;\n\n");

          // All dark matter wrappers have to have a standard
          // constructor that takes no
          // arguments and constructs the appropriate DMO for the
          // wrapper.
          out.write("    protected " + cn + "DMW() {\n");
          out.write("        super(new " + cn + "DMO());\n");
          out.write("        mycore = (" + cn + "DMO) core;\n");
          out.write("        mycore.setContainer(this);\n");
          out.write("    }\n\n");

          out.write("    protected " + cn + "DMW(DmcObject obj) {\n");
          out.write("        super(obj);\n");
          out.write("        mycore = (" + cn + "DMO) core;\n");
          out.write("        mycore.setContainer(this);\n");
          out.write("    }\n\n");

          out.write("    protected " + cn
              + "DMW(DmcObject obj, ClassDefinition cd) {\n");
          out.write("        super(obj,cd);\n");
          out.write("        mycore = (" + cn + "DMO) core;\n");
          out.write("        mycore.setContainer(this);\n");
          out.write("    }\n\n");

          out.write("    public  " + cn + "DMO getDMO() {\n");
          out.write("        return(mycore);\n");
          out.write("    }\n\n");

          // out.write("    @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n");
          // out.write("    @Override\n");
          // out.write("    protected ArrayList getAuxDataHolder() {\n");
          // out.write("        return(new ArrayList<" + cn +
          // ">());\n");
          // out.write("    }\n\n");

          // NOTE: tricky bit here, for all derived classes of
          // DmsDefinition (but not for DmsDefinition itself)
          // we provide constructors that takes the name of the
          // definition so that the metaname
          // in org.dmd.dms.DmsDefinition gets a value. See
          // DmsDefinition for more info.
          if ((derivedFrom != null)
              && derivedFrom.equals("DmsDefinition")) {
            out.write("    protected " + cn
                + "DMW(ClassDefinition cd) {\n");
            out.write("        super(cd);\n");
            out.write("    }\n\n");

            out.write("    protected " + cn
                + "DMW(String mn) throws DmcValueException {\n");
            out.write("        super(new " + cn + "DMO());\n");
            out.write("        mycore = (" + cn + "DMO) core;\n");
            out.write("        mycore.setContainer(this);\n");
            out.write("        mycore.setName(mn);\n");
            out.write("        metaname = mn;\n");
            out.write("    }\n\n");

          // Gather the attributes together
          must = go.get("must");
          may = go.get("may");
          atlist = new ArrayList<String>();

          if (must != null) {
            for (String attrName : must)

          if (may != null) {
            for (String attrName : may)

          // Write the attribute access functions
          for (int j = 0; j < atlist.size(); j++) {
            currAttr = ((String) atlist.get(j)).trim();

            out.write("    /**\n");

            if ((attrObj = (DmcUncheckedObject) attributeDefs
                .get(currAttr.trim())) == null) {
                  .println("Missing attribute definition for: "
                      + currAttr.trim()
                      + " in class definition: " + cn);

            // MULTIVALUED 2
            String multiValued = attrObj.getSV("valueType");

            dumpCodeComment(attrObj.getSV("description"), out,
                "     * ");

            if (multiValued != null) {
              dumpMVAccessFunction(out, currAttr, false, cn
                  + "DMO");
            } else {
              out.write("     */\n");
              dumpSVAccessFunction(out, currAttr, false, cn
                  + "DMO");


          if (isNamedBy != null) {
            String nameType = "StringName";
            if (cn.equals("RuleData"))
              nameType = "RuleName";

            out.write("    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n");
            out.write("    // DmcNamedObjectIF implementation\n");
            out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n\n");
            out.write("    /**\n");
            out.write("     * @return The name of this object from the "
                + isNamedBy + " attribute.\n");
            out.write("     */\n");

            out.write("    public " + nameType
                + " getObjectName(){\n");
            out.write("        return(mycore.getObjectName());\n");
            out.write("    }\n\n");
            out.write("    /**\n");
            out.write("     * @return The " + isNamedBy
                + " attribute.\n");
            out.write("     */\n");

            out.write("    public DmcAttribute<?> getObjectNameAttribute(){\n");
            out.write("        return(mycore.getObjectNameAttribute());\n");
            out.write("    }\n\n");



          if (isNamedBy != null) {
            GenUtility.dumpIterableREF(dmwdir, "org.dmd.dms", cn,
                true, "org.dmd.dms", LGPL.toString(),

        } catch (IOException e) {
          System.out.println("IO Error:\n" + e);

  private void dumpDMOClasses(String od) throws ResultException {
    DmcUncheckedObject go;
    DmcUncheckedObject attrObj;
    ArrayList<String> atlist;
    String currAttr;
    String cn;
    String baseClass;
    String derivedFrom;
    String isNamedBy;
    boolean isDmsDefinition = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderClasses.size(); i++) {
      go = (DmcUncheckedObject) classDefs.get(origOrderClasses.get(i));

      TreeSet<String> must = new TreeSet<String>();
      TreeSet<String> may = new TreeSet<String>();

      derivedFrom = go.getSV("derivedFrom");
      isNamedBy = go.getSV("isNamedBy");

      // System.out.println("*** Formatting DMO for: " +
      // origOrderClasses.get(i));

      if ((cn = go.getSV("name")) == null) {
        System.out.println("Couldn't get name for class definition:\n"
            + go);
      } else {
        try {

          // BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(od
          // + File.separator + cn + ""));
          BufferedWriter out = FileUpdateManager.instance()
              .getWriter(od, cn + "");

          out.write("package org.dmd.dms.generated.dmo;\n\n");

          ImportManager imports = new ImportManager();

              "Serializable marker interface");
          imports.addImport("java.util.*", "Attribute info support");

          // out.write("import;\n\n");
          // out.write("import java.util.*;\n\n");

          boolean needBasicTypes = getAllMustAndMay(go, must, may);

          // HACK HACK HACK
          if (!cn.equals("DmwWrapper")) {
            // Only include if the type of an attribute has a
            // primitive type specified
            if (needBasicTypes)
                  "Basic type access");
            // out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.types.*;\n");
          if (cn.endsWith("RuleData")) {
            // if (needBasicTypes)
                "Basic type access");

          imports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.*", "Dark matter core");
          // imports.addImport("org.dmd.dms.generated.dmo.MetaVCAG",
          // "Old validation framework - obsolete");

          // out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.*;\n");
          // out.write("import org.dmd.dms.generated.dmo.MetaVCAG;\n");

          if (cn.equals("EnumDefinition")) {
            imports.addImport("org.dmd.dms.types.*", "Enum support");
            // out.write("import org.dmd.dms.types.*;\n");

              "Generated type access");

          // out.write("import org.dmd.dms.generated.types.*;\n");

          if (hasAnyEnumAttributes(go)) {
                "Has enum attributes");
            // out.write("import org.dmd.dms.generated.enums.*;\n");

          out.write(imports.getFormattedImports() + "\n");



          dumpCodeComment(go.getSV("description"), out, " * ");

          out.write(" * @author Auto Generated\n");
          out.write(" * Generated from: "
              + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
          out.write(" */\n");


          if (derivedFrom == null) {
            if (isNamedBy == null) {
              baseClass = "DmcObject implements Serializable";
            } else {
              baseClass = "DmcObject implements DmcNamedObjectIF, Serializable";
          } else {
            // Otherwise, we look up the derived from class and use
            // its javaClass
            // as the base class
            DmcUncheckedObject bc = classDefs.get(derivedFrom);

            if (bc == null) {
              ResultException ex = new ResultException();
              ex.addError("Unknown base class: " + derivedFrom
                  + " for class: " + cn);
              throw (ex);

            baseClass = bc.getSV("dmoImport")
                + " implements Serializable ";

          out.write("public class " + cn + "DMO extends " + baseClass
              + " {\n\n");

          // Gather the attributes together
          // Moved this up so that we could scan the attributes to see
          // if we needed primitive type import
          // getAllMustAndMay(go, must, may);

          atlist = new ArrayList<String>();

          if (must != null) {
            for (String attrName : must)

          if (may != null) {
            for (String attrName : may)


          // Dump the DmcAttributeInfo that provides hints for
          // serialization/deserialization
          out.write("    static Map<Integer,DmcAttributeInfo> _ImAp;\n\n");
          out.write("    static Map<String ,DmcAttributeInfo> _SmAp;\n\n");

          // out.write("    static Map<Integer,HashMap<String,DmcAttributeValidator>> _AvDmAp;\n\n");
          // out.write("    static Map<String ,DmcObjectValidator> _OvDmAp;\n\n");

          out.write("    static {\n");
          out.write("        _ImAp = new HashMap<Integer,DmcAttributeInfo>();\n");

          for (String n : atlist) {
            out.write("        _ImAp.put(MetaDMSAG.__" + n
                + ".id,MetaDMSAG.__" + n + ");\n");


          out.write("        _SmAp = new HashMap<String ,DmcAttributeInfo>();\n");

          for (String n : atlist) {
            out.write("        _SmAp.put(MetaDMSAG.__" + n
                + ".name,MetaDMSAG.__" + n + ");\n");

          // Validators

          // out.write("\n");
          // out.write("        _AvDmAp = new HashMap<Integer,HashMap<String,DmcAttributeValidator>>();\n\n");
          // out.write("        _OvDmAp = new HashMap<String ,DmcObjectValidator>();\n");
          // out.write("        _OvDmAp.put(MetaVCAG.__AttributeSetValidator.getName(),MetaVCAG.__AttributeSetValidator);\n");

          out.write("    }\n");


          // Dump the constructors

          out.write("    public " + cn + "DMO(){\n");
          out.write("        super(\"" + cn + "\");\n");
          out.write("    }\n\n");

          out.write("    public " + cn + "DMO(String oc){\n");
          out.write("        super(oc);\n");
          out.write("    }\n\n");

          out.write("    public Map<Integer,DmcAttributeInfo> getIdToAttrInfo(){\n");
          out.write("        return(_ImAp);\n");
          out.write("    }\n\n");

          out.write("    public Map<String,DmcAttributeInfo> getStringToAttrInfo(){\n");
          out.write("        return(_SmAp);\n");
          out.write("    }\n\n");

          // out.write("    protected Map<Integer,HashMap<String,DmcAttributeValidator>> getAttributeValidators(){\n");
          // out.write("        return(_AvDmAp);\n");
          // out.write("    }\n\n");
          // out.write("    protected Map<String,DmcObjectValidator> getObjectValidators(){\n");
          // out.write("        return(_OvDmAp);\n");
          // out.write("    }\n\n");

          out.write("    @Override\n");
          out.write("    public " + cn + "DMO getNew(){\n");
          out.write("        " + cn + "DMO rc = new " + cn
              + "DMO();\n");
          out.write("        return(rc);\n");
          out.write("    }\n\n");

          out.write("    @Override\n");
          out.write("    public " + cn
              + "DMO getSlice(DmcSliceInfo info){\n");
          out.write("        " + cn + "DMO rc = new " + cn
              + "DMO();\n");
          out.write("        populateSlice(rc,info);\n");
          out.write("        return(rc);\n");
          out.write("    }\n\n");

          if (isDmsDefinition) {
            out.write("     public String getConstructionClassName(){\n");
            out.write("         return(\"" + cn + "\");\n");
            out.write("     }\n\n");

          // Write the attribute access functions
          for (int j = 0; j < atlist.size(); j++) {
            currAttr = ((String) atlist.get(j)).trim();

            out.write("    /**\n");

            if ((attrObj = (DmcUncheckedObject) attributeDefs
                .get(currAttr.trim())) == null) {
                  .println("Missing attribute definition for: "
                      + currAttr.trim()
                      + " in class definition: " + cn);

            // MULTIVALUED 5
            String multiValued = attrObj.getSV("valueType");

            dumpCodeComment(attrObj.getSV("description"), out,
                "     * ");

            if (multiValued != null) {
              dumpMVAccessFunction(out, currAttr, true, cn
                  + "DMO");
            } else {
              out.write("     */\n");
              dumpSVAccessFunction(out, currAttr, true, cn
                  + "DMO");


          if (isNamedBy != null) {
            String nameType = "StringName";

            if (cn.equals("RuleData"))
              nameType = "RuleName";

            out.write("    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n");
            out.write("    // DmcNamedObjectIF implementation\n");
            out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n\n");
            out.write("    /**\n");
            out.write("     * @return The name of this object from the "
                + isNamedBy + " attribute.\n");
            out.write("     */\n");
            out.write("    @Override\n");
            out.write("    public " + nameType + " getObjectName(){\n");
            out.write("        DmcType" + nameType + " attr = (DmcType" + nameType + ") get(MetaDMSAG.__" + isNamedBy + ");\n");
            out.write("        if (attr == null)\n");
            out.write("            return(null);\n");
            out.write("        return(attr.getSV());\n");
            out.write("    }\n\n");
            out.write("    /**\n");
            out.write("     * @return The " + isNamedBy + " attribute.\n");
            out.write("     */\n");

//            out.write("    @Override\n");
//            out.write("    public DmcType" + nameType + " getObjectNameAttribute(){\n");
//            out.write("        DmcType" + nameType + " attr = (DmcType" + nameType + ") get(MetaDMSAG.__" + isNamedBy + ");\n");
//            out.write("        if (attr == null)\n");
//            out.write("            return(null);\n");
//            out.write("        return(attr);\n");
//            out.write("    }\n\n");

            out.write("    @Override\n");
            out.write("    public DmcAttribute<?> getObjectNameAttribute(){\n");
            out.write("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = (DmcType" + nameType + ") get(MetaDMSAG.__" + isNamedBy + ");\n");
//            out.write("        if (attr == null)\n");
//            out.write("            return(null);\n");
            out.write("        return(attr);\n");
            out.write("    }\n\n");


        } catch (IOException e) {
          System.out.println("IO Error:\n" + e);

  public boolean getAllMustAndMay(DmcUncheckedObject uco,
      TreeSet<String> must, TreeSet<String> may) throws ResultException {
    String derivedFrom = uco.getSV("derivedFrom");
    boolean needPrimitiveTypeImport = false;

    if (derivedFrom != null) {
      DmcUncheckedObject base = classDefs.get(derivedFrom);
      getAllMustAndMay(base, must, may);

    NamedStringArray mustAttr = uco.get("must");
    if (mustAttr != null) {
      for (String name : mustAttr) {

        DmcUncheckedObject attrDef = attributeDefs.get(name);
        String attrType = attrDef.getSV("type");
        DmcUncheckedObject typeDef = typeDefs.get(attrType);

        // If this is an object reference, the type won't be in types -
        // skip it
        if (typeDef == null)

        String primitiveType = typeDef.getSV("primitiveType");

        if (primitiveType != null) {
          if (primitiveType.startsWith("org.dmd.dmc.types"))
            needPrimitiveTypeImport = true;

    NamedStringArray mayAttr = uco.get("may");
    if (mayAttr != null) {
      for (String name : mayAttr) {

        DmcUncheckedObject attrDef = attributeDefs.get(name);
        String attrType = attrDef.getSV("type");
        DmcUncheckedObject typeDef = typeDefs.get(attrType);

        // If this is an object reference, the type won't be in types -
        // skip it
        if (typeDef == null)

        String primitiveType = typeDef.getSV("primitiveType");

        if (primitiveType != null) {
          if (primitiveType.startsWith("org.dmd.dmc.types"))
            needPrimitiveTypeImport = true;

    return (needPrimitiveTypeImport);

   * @param out
   * @param n
   *            attribute name
   * @param ID
   *            ID
   * @param t
   *            type name
   * @param mv
   *            valueType
   * @param opt
   *            optional
   * @throws ResultException
   * @throws IOException
  // void writeAttributeInfo(BufferedWriter out, String n, String ID, String
  // t, String mv, String opt) throws IOException {
  // out.write("    public final static DmcAttributeInfo __" + n +
  // " = new DmcAttributeInfo(");
  // out.write("\"" + n + "\",");
  // out.write(ID + ",");
  // out.write("\"" + t + "\",");
  // if (mv == null)
  // out.write("ValueTypeEnum.SINGLE,");
  // else
  // out.write("ValueTypeEnum.MULTI,");
  // out.write("DataTypeEnum.PERSISTENT");
  // out.write(");\n");
  // }

   * This method dumps a single valued attribute getter.
   * @param out
   *            Our output writer.
   * @param attrname
   *            The name of the attribute for which we're dumping the access
   *            function.
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws ResultException
  void dumpSVAccessFunction(BufferedWriter out, String attrname, boolean DMO,
      String dmoClass) throws IOException, ResultException {
    DmcUncheckedObject attributeDef = attributeDefs.get(attrname);
    String typeName = attributeDef.getSV("type");
    boolean isObjREF = false;

    if (typeName == null) {
      ResultException ex = new ResultException();
      ex.addError("No type specified for attribute: " + attrname);
      throw (ex);

    DmcUncheckedObject typeDef = typeDefs.get(typeName);

    // If we can't find this as a type def, look for it as an enum def
    if (typeDef == null) {
      typeDef = enumDefs.get(typeName);

    // Or, look for it as a class - it may be a reference
    if (typeDef == null) {
      typeDef = classDefs.get(typeName);
      if (typeDef != null)
      isObjREF = true;

    if (typeDef == null) {
      ResultException ex = new ResultException();
      ex.addError("Unknown type: " + typeName + " for attribute: "
          + attrname);
      throw (ex);

    String typeClassName = typeDef.getSV("typeClassName");
    String attrType = "DmcType" + typeName;

    if (isObjREF)
      attrType = attrType + "REF";

    if (typeClassName != null) {
      int lastPeriod = typeClassName.lastIndexOf('.');
      if (lastPeriod != -1) {
        attrType = typeClassName.substring(lastPeriod + 1);

    attrType = attrType + "SV";

    StringBuffer functionName = new StringBuffer();
        .setCharAt(0, Character.toUpperCase(functionName.charAt(0)));

    if (DMO) {
      out.write("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      if (isObjREF)
        out.write("    public " + typeName + "REF get" + functionName
            + "(){\n");
        out.write("    public " + typeName + " get" + functionName
            + "(){\n");

      out.write("        " + attrType + " attr = (" + attrType
          + ") get(MetaDMSAG.__" + attrname + ");\n");
      out.write("        if (attr == null)\n");

      String nullReturnValue = typeDef.getSV("nullReturnValue");

      String attrNulReturnValue = attributeDef.getSV("nullReturnValue");

      if (attrNulReturnValue != null)
        nullReturnValue = attrNulReturnValue;

      if (nullReturnValue == null)
        out.write("            return(null);\n");
        out.write("            return(" + nullReturnValue + ");\n");

      out.write("        return(attr.getSV());\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");
      String preserveNewlines = attributeDef.getSV("preserveNewlines");

      if (preserveNewlines != null){
        out.write("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        out.write("    public " + typeName + " get" + functionName + "WithNewlines(){\n");
        out.write("        " + attrType + " attr = (" + attrType
            + ") get(MetaDMSAG.__" + attrname + ");\n");
        out.write("        if (attr == null)\n");
        if (attrNulReturnValue != null)
          nullReturnValue = attrNulReturnValue;
        if (nullReturnValue == null)
          out.write("            return(null);\n");
          out.write("            return(" + nullReturnValue + ");\n");
        out.write("        return(attr.getSV().replaceAll(\"\\\\\\\\n\",\"\\\\\\n\"));\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

    } else {
      out.write("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      if (isObjREF) {
        out.write("    public " + typeName + " get" + functionName
            + "(){\n");
        out.write("        " + attrType + " attr = (" + attrType
            + ") mycore.get(MetaDMSAG.__" + attrname + ");\n");

        out.write("        if (attr == null)\n");
        out.write("            return(null);\n");

        out.write("        " + typeName
            + "DMO obj = attr.getSV().getObject();\n");
        out.write("        return((" + typeName
            + ")obj.getContainer());\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");
      } else {
        out.write("    public " + typeName + " get" + functionName
            + "(){\n");
        out.write("        return(mycore.get" + functionName + "());\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");
        String preserveNewlines = attributeDef.getSV("preserveNewlines");

        if (preserveNewlines != null){
          out.write("    public " + typeName + " get" + functionName + "WithNewlines(){\n");
          out.write("        return(mycore.get" + functionName + "WithNewlines());\n");
          out.write("    }\n\n");

    if (DMO) {
      out.write("    /**\n");
      out.write("     * Sets " + attrname + " to the specified value.\n");
      out.write("     * @param value A value compatible with " + attrType
          + "\n");
      out.write("     */\n");
      out.write("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      // out.write("    @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n");
      out.write("    public void set" + functionName
          + "(Object value) throws DmcValueException {\n");
      out.write("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = get(MetaDMSAG.__"
          + attrname + ");\n");
      out.write("        if (attr == null)\n");
      out.write("            attr = new " + attrType + "(MetaDMSAG.__"
          + attrname + ");\n");
      out.write("        \n");
      out.write("        attr.set(value);\n");
      out.write("        set(MetaDMSAG.__" + attrname + ",attr);\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");
    } else {
      if (isObjREF) {
        out.write("    /**\n");
        out.write("     * Sets " + attrname
            + " to the specified value.\n");
        out.write("     * @param value A value compatible with "
            + typeName + "\n");
        out.write("     */\n");
        out.write("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        out.write("    public void set" + functionName + "(" + typeName
            + " value) throws DmcValueException {\n");
        out.write("        mycore.set" + functionName
            + "(value.getDmcObject());\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");
      } else {
        out.write("    /**\n");
        out.write("     * Sets " + attrname
            + " to the specified value.\n");
        out.write("     * @param value A value compatible with "
            + attrType + "\n");
        out.write("     */\n");
        out.write("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        out.write("    public void set" + functionName
            + "(Object value) throws DmcValueException {\n");
        out.write("        mycore.set" + functionName + "(value);\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

  void dumpMVAccessFunction(BufferedWriter out, String attrname, boolean DMO,
      String dmoClass) throws IOException, ResultException {
    DmcUncheckedObject attributeDef = attributeDefs.get(attrname);
    String typeName = attributeDef.getSV("type");
    boolean isObjREF = false;

    if (typeName == null) {
      ResultException ex = new ResultException();
      ex.addError("No type specified for attribute: " + attrname);
      throw (ex);

    DmcUncheckedObject typeDef = typeDefs.get(typeName);

    // If we can't find this as a type def, look for it as an enum def
    if (typeDef == null) {
      typeDef = enumDefs.get(typeName);

    // Or, look for it as a class - it may be a reference
    if (typeDef == null) {
      typeDef = classDefs.get(typeName);
      if (typeDef != null)
        isObjREF = true;

    if (typeDef == null) {
      ResultException ex = new ResultException();
      ex.addError("Unknown type: " + typeName + " for attribute: "
          + attrname);
      throw (ex);

    String attrType = "DmcType" + typeName;

    if (isObjREF)
      attrType = attrType + "REF";

    attrType = attrType + "MV";

    // DebugInfo.debug("attrType: " + attrType);
    // attrType = attrType + "MV";

    StringBuffer functionName = new StringBuffer();
        .setCharAt(0, Character.toUpperCase(functionName.charAt(0)));

    if (DMO) {
      if (isObjREF) {
        out.write("     * @return An Iterator of " + typeName
            + "DMO objects.\n");
        out.write("     */\n");
        out.write("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        out.write("    public Iterator<" + typeName + "REF> get"
            + functionName + "(){\n");
      } else {
        out.write("     * @return An Iterator of " + typeName
            + " objects.\n");
        out.write("     */\n");
        out.write("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        out.write("    public Iterator<" + typeName + "> get"
            + functionName + "(){\n");
      out.write("        " + attrType + " attr = (" + attrType
          + ") get(MetaDMSAG.__" + attrname + ");\n");
      out.write("        if (attr == null)\n");
      out.write("            return(null);\n");
      out.write("        return(attr.getMV());\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");
    } else {
      if (isObjREF) {
        out.write("     * @return An Iterator of " + typeName
            + " objects.\n");
        out.write("     */\n");
        // out.write("    @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n");
        out.write("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        out.write("    public " + typeName + "IterableDMW get"
            + functionName + "(){\n");
        // out.write("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = (" + attrType +
        // ") mycore.get(MetaDMSAG.__" + attrname + ");\n");
        out.write("        " + attrType + " attr = (" + attrType
            + ") mycore.get(MetaDMSAG.__" + attrname + ");\n");
        out.write("        if (attr == null)\n");
        out.write("            return(" + typeName
            + "IterableDMW.emptyList);\n");
        out.write("        return(new " + typeName
            + "IterableDMW(attr.getMV()));\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");
      } else {
        out.write("     * @return An Iterator of " + typeName
            + " objects.\n");
        out.write("     */\n");
        out.write("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        out.write("    public Iterator<" + typeName + "> get"
            + functionName + "(){\n");
        out.write("        " + attrType + " attr = (" + attrType
            + ") mycore.get(MetaDMSAG.__" + attrname + ");\n");
        out.write("        if (attr == null)\n");
        out.write("            return(null);\n");
        out.write("        return(attr.getMV());\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

    if (DMO) {
      out.write("    /**\n");
      out.write("     * Adds another " + attrname + " value.\n");
      out.write("     * @param value A value compatible with " + attrType
          + "\n");
      out.write("     */\n");
      // out.write("    @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n");
      out.write("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      out.write("    public DmcAttribute<?> add" + functionName
          + "(Object value) throws DmcValueException {\n");
      out.write("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = get(MetaDMSAG.__"
          + attrname + ");\n");
      out.write("        if (attr == null)\n");
      out.write("            attr = new " + attrType + "(MetaDMSAG.__"
          + attrname + ");\n");
      out.write("        \n");
      out.write("        attr.add(value);\n");
      out.write("        add(MetaDMSAG.__" + attrname + ",attr);\n");
      out.write("        return(attr);\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");
    } else {
      if (isObjREF) {
        out.write("    /**\n");
        out.write("     * Adds another " + attrname + " value.\n");
        out.write("     * @param value A value compatible with "
            + typeName + "\n");
        out.write("     */\n");
        // out.write("    @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n");
        out.write("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        out.write("    public DmcAttribute<?> add" + functionName + "("
            + typeName + " value) throws DmcValueException {\n");
        out.write("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = mycore.add"
            + functionName + "(value.getDmcObject());\n");
        out.write("        return(attr);\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");
      } else {
        out.write("    /**\n");
        out.write("     * Adds another " + attrname + " value.\n");
        out.write("     * @param value A value compatible with "
            + attrType + "\n");
        out.write("     */\n");
        // out.write("    @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n");
        out.write("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        out.write("    public DmcAttribute<?> add" + functionName
            + "(Object value) throws DmcValueException {\n");
        out.write("        return(mycore.add" + functionName
            + "(value));\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

      out.write("    /**\n");
      out.write("     * Returns the number of " + attrname + " values.\n");
      out.write("     */\n");
      // out.write("    @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n");
      out.write("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      out.write("    public int get" + functionName + "Size(){\n");
      out.write("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = mycore.get(MetaDMSAG.__"
          + attrname + ");\n");
      out.write("        if (attr == null)\n");
      out.write("            return(0);\n");
      out.write("        return(attr.getMVSize());\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");



   * We automatically generate DmcAttribute classes for our enumerations and
   * class definitions.
   * @param od
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws ResultException
  private void dumpDmcTypes(String od) throws IOException, ResultException {
    DmcUncheckedObject go;
    String cn;

    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderClasses.size(); i++) {
      go = (DmcUncheckedObject) classDefs.get(origOrderClasses.get(i));

      // System.out.prdumpEnumClintln("*** Formatting DmcAttribute for: "
      // + origOrderClasses.get(i));

      if ((cn = go.getSV("name")) == null) {
        System.out.println("Couldn't get name for class definition:\n"
            + go);
      } else {
        // We only generate the type ref for objects that are named -
        // otherwise,
        // we just dump the DmcType for the object
        if (go.getSV("isNamedBy") == null) {

        BufferedWriter out = null;

        // out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(od + "/DmcType" + cn
        // + ""));
        out = FileUpdateManager.instance().getWriter(od,
            "DmcType" + cn + "");

        out.write("package org.dmd.dms.generated.types;\n\n");

        out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcAttributeInfo;\n");
        out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcValueException;\n");
        out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcObjectName;\n");
        out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcOutputStreamIF;\n");
        out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcInputStreamIF;\n");
        out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.types.DmcTypeNamedObjectREF;\n");
        out.write("import org.dmd.dms.generated.dmo.*;\n");
        out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.types.StringName;\n");

        out.write("/**\n * The DmcType" + cn + "REF class.\n");
        out.write(" * This code was auto-generated by the createmeta utility and shouldn't be alterred\n");
        out.write(" * manually.\n");
        out.write(" * Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow()
            + "\n");
        out.write(" */\n");

        out.write("abstract public class DmcType" + cn
            + "REF extends DmcTypeNamedObjectREF<" + cn
            + "REF, StringName> implements Serializable {\n\n");

        out.write("    /**\n");
        out.write("     * Default constructor.\n");
        out.write("     */\n");
        out.write("    public DmcType" + cn + "REF(){\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

        out.write("    /**\n");
        out.write("     * Default constructor.\n");
        out.write("     */\n");
        out.write("    public DmcType" + cn
            + "REF(DmcAttributeInfo ai){\n");
        out.write("        super(ai);\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

        out.write("    /**\n");
        out.write("     * Checks that we have a " + cn + "REF or " + cn
            + "DMO.\n");
        out.write("     */\n");
        out.write("    public "
            + cn
            + "REF typeCheck(Object value) throws DmcValueException {\n");
        out.write("        " + cn + "REF rc = null;\n");
        out.write("        if (value instanceof " + cn + "REF)\n");
        out.write("            rc = (" + cn + "REF)value;\n");
        out.write("        else if (value instanceof " + cn + "DMO)\n");
        out.write("            rc = new " + cn + "REF((" + cn
            + "DMO)value);\n");
        out.write("        else if (value instanceof DmcObjectName){\n");
        out.write("            rc = new " + cn + "REF();\n");
        out.write("            rc.setName((DmcObjectName)value);\n");
        out.write("        }\n");
        out.write("        else if (value instanceof String){\n");
        out.write("            rc = new " + cn + "REF();\n");
        out.write("            rc.setName(new StringName((String)value));\n");
        out.write("        }\n");
        out.write("        else\n");
        out.write("            throw(new DmcValueException(\"Object of class:\" + value.getClass().getName() + \" passed where a "
            + cn + "REF/DMO or DmcObjectName expected.\"));\n");
        out.write("        return(rc);\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

        out.write("    @Override\n");
        out.write("    protected " + cn + "REF " + "getNewHelper(){\n");
        out.write("        return( new " + cn + "REF());\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

        out.write("    @Override\n");
        out.write("    protected StringName " + "getNewName(){\n");
        out.write("        return( new StringName());\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

        out.write("    @Override\n");
        out.write("    protected String getDMOClassName(){\n");
        out.write("        return( " + cn + "DMO.class.getName());\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

        out.write("    @Override\n");
        out.write("    protected boolean isDMO(Object value){\n");
        out.write("        if (value instanceof " + cn + "DMO)\n");
        out.write("            return(true);\n");
        out.write("        return(false);\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

        out.write("    /**\n");
        out.write("     * Returns a clone of a value associated with this type.\n");
        out.write("     */\n");
        out.write("    @Override\n");
        out.write("    public " + cn + "REF cloneValue(" + cn
            + "REF val){\n");
        out.write("        " + cn + "REF rc = new " + cn
            + "REF(val);\n");
        out.write("        return(rc);\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

        out.write("    @Override\n");
        out.write("    public void serializeValue(DmcOutputStreamIF dos, "
            + cn + "REF value) throws Exception {\n");
        out.write("        value.serializeIt(dos);\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

        out.write("    @Override\n");
        out.write("    public "
            + cn
            + "REF deserializeValue(DmcInputStreamIF dis) throws Exception {\n");
        out.write("        " + cn + "REF rc = new " + cn + "REF();\n");
        out.write("        rc.deserializeIt(dis);\n");
        out.write("        return(rc);\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");



        // Generate the reference container

        String nameType = "StringName";
        if (cn.equals("RuleData"))
          nameType = "RuleName";

        // out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(od + File.separator +
        // cn + ""));
        out = FileUpdateManager.instance().getWriter(od,
            cn + "");

        out.write("package org.dmd.dms.generated.types;\n\n");

        out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcAttribute;\n");
        // out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcAttributeInfo;\n");
        out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcValueException;\n");
        out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcObjectName;\n");
        out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcOutputStreamIF;\n");
        out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcInputStreamIF;\n");
        out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcNamedObjectNontransportableREF;\n");
        out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.types.DmcType" + nameType + ";\n");
        out.write("import org.dmd.dms.generated.dmo.*;\n");
        // out.write("import org.dmd.dms.generated.enums.ValueTypeEnum;\n");
        // out.write("import org.dmd.dms.generated.enums.DataTypeEnum;\n");
        if (cn.equals("ClassDefinition")) {
          out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcOmni;\n");
          out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcClassInfo;\n");

        out.write("/**\n * The " + cn + "REF class.\n");
        out.write(" * This code was auto-generated by the createmeta utility and shouldn't be alterred\n");
        out.write(" * manually.\n");
        out.write(" * Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow()
            + "\n");
        out.write(" */\n");

        out.write("public class " + cn
            + "REF extends DmcNamedObjectNontransportableREF<" + cn
            + "DMO> implements Serializable {\n\n");

        // writeAttributeInfo(out, "name", "2", "StringName", null,
        // "false");
        // out.write("\n");

        if (cn.equals("ClassDefinition")) {
          out.write("    transient DmcClassInfo info;\n\n");

        out.write("    DmcType" + nameType + " myName;\n\n");

        out.write("    /**\n");
        out.write("     * Default constructor.\n");
        out.write("     */\n");
        out.write("    public " + cn + "REF(){\n");
        out.write("        myName = null;\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

        out.write("    /**\n");
        out.write("     * Copy constructor.\n");
        out.write("     */\n");
        out.write("    public " + cn + "REF(" + cn + "REF original){\n");
        out.write("        myName = original.myName;\n");
        out.write("        object = original.object;\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

        out.write("    /**\n");
        out.write("     * Wrapper constructor.\n");
        out.write("     */\n");
        out.write("    public " + cn + "REF(" + cn + "DMO dmo){\n");
        out.write("        myName = (DmcType" + nameType + ") dmo.getObjectNameAttribute();\n");
        out.write("        object = dmo;\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

        out.write("    /**\n");
        out.write("     * Sets our object.\n");
        out.write("     */\n");
        out.write("    @Override\n");
        out.write("    public void setObject(" + cn + "DMO o){\n");
        out.write("        object = o;\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

        out.write("    /**\n");
        out.write("     * Clones this reference.\n");
        out.write("     */\n");

        out.write("    public " + cn + "REF cloneMe(){\n");
        out.write("        " + cn + "REF rc = new " + cn + "REF();\n");
        out.write("        rc.myName = myName;\n");
        out.write("        rc.object = object;\n");
        out.write("        return(rc);\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

        out.write("    @Override\n");
        out.write("    public void setName(DmcObjectName n) throws DmcValueException {\n");
        out.write("        if (myName == null);\n");
        out.write("            myName = new  DmcType" + nameType
            + "SV(MetaDMSAG.__name);\n");
        out.write("        myName.set(n);\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

        out.write("    @Override\n");
        out.write("    public DmcAttribute<?> getObjectNameAttribute(){\n");
        out.write("         return(myName);\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

        out.write("    @Override\n");
        out.write("    public DmcObjectName getObjectName(){\n");
        out.write("         return(myName.getSV());\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

        out.write("    public void serializeIt(DmcOutputStreamIF dos) throws Exception {\n");
        out.write("         myName.serializeIt(dos);\n");
        out.write("         // the object goes nowhere\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

        out.write("    public void deserializeIt(DmcInputStreamIF dis) throws Exception {\n");
        out.write("        myName = (DmcType" + nameType
            + ") dis.getAttributeInstance();\n");
        out.write("        myName.deserializeIt(dis);\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

        if (cn.equals("ClassDefinition")) {
          out.write("    public DmcClassInfo getClassInfo() {\n");
          out.write("        if (info == null){\n");
          out.write("            if (myName == null)\n");
          out.write("                throw(new IllegalStateException(\"No name set for a ClassDefinitionREF\"));\n");
          out.write("            info = DmcOmni.instance().getClassInfo(myName.getSV().getNameString());\n");
          out.write("            if (info == null)\n");
          out.write("                throw(new IllegalStateException(\"Unable to retrive class info for class: \" + myName.getSV().getNameString() + \" ensure that you have loaded the DmcOmni with the appropriate schemas.\"));\n");
          out.write("        }\n");
          out.write("        return(info);\n");
          out.write("    }\n\n");



    for (int i = 0; i < origOrderEnums.size(); i++) {
      go = (DmcUncheckedObject) enumDefs.get(origOrderEnums.get(i));

      // System.out.println("*** Formatting mediator for: " +
      // origOrderEnums.get(i));

      if ((cn = go.getSV("name")) == null) {
        System.out.println("Couldn't get name for enum definition:\n"
            + go);
      } else {
        dumpDmcType(od, cn, true);


  void dumpDmcType(String od, String cn, boolean supportsString)
      throws IOException {

    // BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(od +
    // "/DmcType" + cn + ".java"));
    BufferedWriter out = FileUpdateManager.instance().getWriter(od,
        "DmcType" + cn + ".java");

    out.write("package org.dmd.dms.generated.types;\n\n");

    out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcInputStreamIF;\n");
    out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcOutputStreamIF;\n");

    out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcAttribute;\n");
    out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcAttributeInfo;\n");
    out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcValueException;\n");

    if (supportsString)
      out.write("import org.dmd.dms.generated.enums.*;\n\n");
      out.write("import org.dmd.dms.*;\n\n");


    out.write("/**\n * The DmcType" + cn + " class.\n");
    out.write(" * This code was auto-generated by the createmeta utility and shouldn't be alterred\n");
    out.write(" * manually.\n");
    out.write(" * Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    out.write(" */\n");

    out.write("abstract public class DmcType" + cn
        + " extends DmcAttribute<" + cn + ">"
        + " implements Serializable {\n\n");

    out.write("    /**\n");
    out.write("     * Default constructor.\n");
    out.write("     */\n");
    out.write("    public DmcType" + cn + "(){\n");
    out.write("    }\n\n");

    out.write("    /**\n");
    out.write("     * Default constructor.\n");
    out.write("     */\n");
    out.write("    public DmcType" + cn + "(DmcAttributeInfo ai){\n");
    out.write("        super(ai);\n");
    out.write("    }\n\n");

    out.write("    protected " + cn
        + " typeCheck(Object value) throws DmcValueException {\n");
    out.write("        " + cn + " rc = null;\n\n");

    out.write("        if (value instanceof " + cn + "){\n");
    out.write("            rc = (" + cn + ")value;\n");
    out.write("        }\n");

    if (supportsString) {
      out.write("        else if (value instanceof String){\n");
      out.write("            rc = " + cn + ".get((String)value);\n");
      out.write("            if (rc == null){\n");
      out.write("                throw(new DmcValueException(\"Value: \" + value.toString() + \" is not a valid "
          + cn + " value.\"));\n");
      out.write("            }\n");
      out.write("        }\n");
      out.write("        else if (value instanceof Integer){\n");
      out.write("            rc = " + cn + ".get((Integer)value);\n");
      out.write("            if (rc == null){\n");
      out.write("                throw(new DmcValueException(\"Value: \" + value.toString() + \" is not a valid "
          + cn + " value.\"));\n");
      out.write("            }\n");
      out.write("        }\n");

    out.write("        else{\n");
    out.write("            throw(new DmcValueException(\"Object of class: \" + value.getClass().getName() + \" passed where object compatible with "
        + cn + " expected.\"));\n");
    out.write("        }\n");

    out.write("        return(rc);\n");
    out.write("    }\n");


    out.write("    /**\n");
    out.write("     * Returns a clone of a value associated with this type.\n");
    out.write("     */\n");
    out.write("    public " + cn + " cloneValue(" + cn + " val){\n");
    out.write("        " + cn + " rc = val;\n");
    out.write("        return(rc);\n");
    out.write("    }\n\n");

    out.write("    /**\n");
    out.write("     * Writes a " + cn + ".\n");
    out.write("     */\n");
    out.write("    @Override\n");
    out.write("    public void serializeValue(DmcOutputStreamIF dos, " + cn
        + " value) throws Exception {\n");
    out.write("        dos.writeShort(value.intValue());\n");
    out.write("    }\n\n");

    out.write("    /**\n");
    out.write("     * Reads a " + cn + ".\n");
    out.write("     */\n");
    out.write("    @Override\n");
    out.write("    public "
        + cn
        + " deserializeValue(DmcInputStreamIF dis) throws Exception {\n");
    out.write("        return(" + cn + ".get(dis.readShort()));\n");
    out.write("    }\n\n");





  void dumpComplexType(String od, DmcUncheckedObject ct) throws IOException,
      ResultException {
    String ctn = ct.getSV("name");
    String fieldSeparator = ct.getSV("fieldSeparator");
    boolean  whiteSpaceSeparator = false;

    if (fieldSeparator == null){
      whiteSpaceSeparator = true;
      fieldSeparator = " ";

    // BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(od + "/" + ctn
    // + ".java"));
    BufferedWriter out = FileUpdateManager.instance().getWriter(od,
        ctn + ".java");

    DebugInfo.debug("Generating: " + od + File.separator + ctn + ".java");

    ArrayList<Field> fields = getComplexTypeFields(ct);

    // Determine if we have any reference fields
    boolean hasRefs = false;
    ArrayList<String> refFields = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (Field field : fields) {
      DmcUncheckedObject type = typeDefs.get(field.type);
      if (type == null) {
        type = enumDefs.get(field.type);
        if (type == null) {
          DebugInfo.debug("Unknown type in ComplexTypeDefinition: "
              + field.type);
      String isRefType = type.getSV("isRefType");
      if (isRefType != null) {
        hasRefs = true;

    out.write("package org.dmd.dms.generated.types;\n\n");

    out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcInputStreamIF;\n");
    out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcOutputStreamIF;\n");
    out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.types.IntegerVar;\n");

    if (hasRefs) {
      out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcNameResolverIF;\n");
      out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcNamedObjectIF;\n");
      out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcNamedObjectREF;\n");
      out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcContainerIF;\n");

    // out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcAttribute;\n");
    // out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcAttributeInfo;\n");
    out.write("import org.dmd.dmc.DmcValueException;\n\n");



    out.write("/**\n * The " + ctn + " class.\n");
    out.write(" * This code was auto-generated by the createmeta utility and shouldn't be alterred\n");
    out.write(" * manually.\n");
    out.write(" * Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    out.write(" */\n");

    out.write("public class " + ctn + " implements Serializable {\n\n");


    out.write("    /**\n");
    out.write("     * Default constructor.\n");
    out.write("     */\n");
    out.write("    public " + ctn + "(){\n");
    out.write("    }\n\n");

    out.write("    /**\n");
    out.write("     * Copy constructor.\n");
    out.write("     */\n");
    out.write("    public " + ctn + "(" + ctn + " original){\n");
    for (Field field : fields) {
      out.write("        " + + " = original." +
          + ";\n");
    out.write("    }\n\n");

    out.write("    /**\n");
    out.write("     * All fields constructor.\n");
    out.write("     */\n");
    out.write("    public " + ctn + "(");
    int fnum = 1;
    for (Field field : fields) {
      out.write(field.type + " f" + fnum);
      if (fnum <= fields.size())
        out.write(", ");

    out.write(") throws DmcValueException {\n");
    fnum = 1;
    for (Field field : fields) {
      out.write("        " + + " = DmcType" + field.type
          + "STATIC.instance.typeCheck(f" + fnum + ");\n");
    out.write("    }\n\n");

    out.write("    /**\n");
    out.write("     * String based constructor.\n");
    out.write("     */\n");
    out.write("    public " + ctn
        + "(String initialInput) throws DmcValueException {\n");
    out.write("        IntegerVar seppos = new IntegerVar(-1);\n");
    if (whiteSpaceSeparator){
      out.write("        String input = initialInput.trim();\n");
      out.write("        input = input.replaceAll(\"(\\\\s)+\", \" \");\n");
      out.write("        String input = initialInput.trim();\n");
    fnum = 1;
    for (Field field : fields) {
      if (fnum == fields.size())
        out.write("        "
            + " = DmcType"
            + field.type
            + "STATIC.instance.typeCheck(getNextField(input,seppos,\""
            + + "\",true));\n");
        out.write("        "
            + " = DmcType"
            + field.type
            + "STATIC.instance.typeCheck(getNextField(input,seppos,\""
            + + "\",false));\n");
    out.write("    }\n\n");

    out.write("    /**\n");
    out.write("     * Serialization.\n");
    out.write("     */\n");
    out.write("    public void serializeIt(DmcOutputStreamIF dos) throws Exception {\n");
    for (Field field : fields) {
      out.write("        DmcType" + field.type
          + "STATIC.instance.serializeValue(dos, " +
          + ");\n");
    out.write("    }\n\n");

    out.write("    /**\n");
    out.write("     * Deserialization.\n");
    out.write("     */\n");
    out.write("    public void deserializeIt(DmcInputStreamIF dis) throws Exception {\n");
    for (Field field : fields) {
      out.write("        " + + " = DmcType" + field.type
          + "STATIC.instance.deserializeValue(dis);\n");
    out.write("    }\n\n");

    out.write("    /**\n");
    out.write("     * String form.\n");
    out.write("     */\n");
    out.write("    public String toString(){\n");
    fnum = 1;
    out.write("        return(");
    for (Field field : fields) {
      out.write( + ".toString()");
      if (fnum < fields.size())
        out.write(" + \"" + fieldSeparator + "\" + ");
    out.write("    }\n\n");

    for (Field field : fields) {
      out.write("    public " + field.type + " get"
          + GenUtility.capTheName( + "(){\n");
      out.write("        return(" + + ");\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");

    if (hasRefs) {
      out.write("    @SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"rawtypes\"})\n");
      out.write("    public void resolve(DmcNameResolverIF resolver, String attrName) throws DmcValueException {\n");
      out.write("        DmcNamedObjectIF  obj = null;\n\n");

      for (String fn : refFields) {
        out.write("        if (!" + fn + ".isResolved()){\n");
        out.write("            obj = resolver.findNamedObject(" + fn
            + ".getObjectName());\n");
        out.write("            if (obj == null)\n");
        out.write("                throw(new DmcValueException(\"Could not resolve reference to: \" + "
            + fn
            + ".getObjectName() + \" via attribute: \" + attrName));\n");
        out.write("        \n");
        out.write("            if (obj instanceof DmcContainerIF)\n");
        out.write("                ((DmcNamedObjectREF)"
            + fn
            + ").setObject((DmcNamedObjectIF) ((DmcContainerIF)obj).getDmcObject());\n");
        out.write("            else\n");
        out.write("                ((DmcNamedObjectREF)" + fn
            + ").setObject(obj);\n");
        out.write("        }\n");
        out.write("        \n");

      out.write("    }\n\n");

    if (whiteSpaceSeparator){
      out.write("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      out.write("    String getNextField(String input, IntegerVar seppos, String fn, boolean last) throws DmcValueException {\n");
      out.write("         String rc = null;\n");
      out.write("         int start = seppos.intValue();\n");
      out.write("         if ( (start+1) >= input.length())\n");
      out.write("           throw (new DmcValueException(\"Missing value for field: \" + fn + \" in complex type: "
          + ctn + "\"));\n");
      out.write("         if (last){\n");
      out.write("             rc = input.substring(start+1);\n");
      out.write("         }\n");
      out.write("         else{\n");
      out.write("             int pos = -1;\n");
      out.write("             if (start > 0)\n");
      out.write("               pos = input.indexOf(\"" + fieldSeparator
          + "\", start+1);\n");
      out.write("             else\n");
      out.write("               pos = input.indexOf(\"" + fieldSeparator
          + "\");\n");
      out.write("             if (pos == -1)\n");
      out.write("               throw (new DmcValueException(\"Missing value for field: \" + fn + \" in complex type: "
          + ctn + "\"));\n");
      out.write("           while(pos < (input.length()-1)){\n");
      out.write("               if ( input.charAt(pos+1) == '" + fieldSeparator
          + "')\n");
      out.write("                   pos++;\n");
      out.write("               else\n");
      out.write("                   break;\n");
      out.write("           }\n");
      out.write("             rc = input.substring(start+1, pos).trim();\n");
      out.write("             seppos.set(pos);\n");
      out.write("        }\n");
      out.write("        return(rc);\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");
      out.write("    String getNextField(String input, IntegerVar seppos, String fn, boolean last) throws DmcValueException {\n");
      out.write("         String rc = null;\n");
      out.write("         int start = seppos.intValue();\n");
      out.write("        \n");
      out.write("         if (last){\n");
      out.write("            if ( (start+1) >= input.length())\n");
      out.write("                rc = \"\";\n");
      out.write("            else\n");
      out.write("                rc = input.substring(start+1);\n");
      out.write("        }\n");
      out.write("         else{\n");
      out.write("             if ( (start+1) >= input.length())\n");
      out.write("               throw (new DmcValueException(\"Missing value for field: \" + fn + \" in complex type: RuleParam\"));\n");
      out.write("          \n");
      out.write("             int pos = -1;\n");
      out.write("             if (start > -1){\n");
      out.write("               start = start + 1;\n");
      out.write("               pos = input.indexOf(\"" + fieldSeparator + "\", start);\n");
      out.write("             }\n");
      out.write("             else{\n");
      out.write("               start = 0;\n");
      out.write("               pos = input.indexOf(\"" + fieldSeparator + "\");\n");
      out.write("             }\n");
      out.write("         \n");
      out.write("             if (pos == start){\n");
      out.write("               seppos.set(pos);\n");
      out.write("               return(\"\");\n");
      out.write("             }\n");
      out.write("         \n");
      out.write("             if (pos == -1)\n");
      out.write("               throw (new DmcValueException(\"Missing value for field: \" + fn + \" in complex type: RuleParam\"));\n");
      out.write("           \n");
      out.write("             rc = input.substring(start, pos).trim();\n");
      out.write("         \n");
      out.write("             seppos.set(pos);\n");
      out.write("        }\n");
      out.write("    \n");
      out.write("        return(rc);\n");
      out.write("    }\n");



    GenUtility.dumpComplexTypeDmcType(LGPL.toString(), "org.dmd.dms", od, ctn, hasRefs);


  String getComplexTypeImports(ArrayList<Field> fields)
      throws ResultException {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    TreeMap<String, String> uniqueImports = new TreeMap<String, String>();

    for (Field field : fields) {
      // DebugInfo.debug("field type = " + field.type);

      DmcUncheckedObject typeDef = typeDefs.get(field.type);

      if (typeDef == null) {
        typeDef = enumDefs.get(field.type);
        if (typeDef != null) {
          String imp = "org.dmd.dms.generated.enums." + field.type;
          uniqueImports.put(imp, imp);
        } else {
          typeDef = typeDefs.get(field.type + "REF");
          String primitiveType = typeDef.getSV("primitiveType");

          if (primitiveType != null)
            uniqueImports.put(primitiveType, primitiveType);


    for (String importStr : uniqueImports.values()) {
      sb.append("import " + importStr + ";\n");

    return (sb.toString());

  String getComplexTypeFieldInstances(ArrayList<Field> fields) {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

    for (Field field : fields) {
      sb.append("    // " + field.descr + "\n");
      sb.append("    " + field.type + " " + + ";\n\n");

    return (sb.toString());

  ArrayList<Field> getComplexTypeFields(DmcUncheckedObject ct) {
    ArrayList<Field> rc = new ArrayList<Field>();

    NamedStringArray fields = ct.get("field");
    for (String field : fields) {
      field = field.trim();
      field = field.replaceAll("(\\s)+", " ");
      int c1pos = field.indexOf(" ");
      int c2pos = field.indexOf(" ", c1pos + 1);
      String type = field.substring(0, c1pos).trim();
      String name = field.substring(c1pos + 1, c2pos).trim();
      String descr = field.substring(c2pos + 1).trim();

      DmcUncheckedObject typeDef = typeDefs.get(type);
      if (typeDef == null) {
        if (enumDefs.get(type) == null)
          type = type + "REF";

      rc.add(new Field(type, name, descr));

    return (rc);

  class Field {
    String type;
    String name;
    String descr;

    Field(String t, String n, String d) {
      type = t;
      name = n;
      descr = d;


   * Determines if the class definition has any enum attributes.
   * @param classdef
   *            the class def to be checked
   * @return true is there are any enums and false otherwise.
   * @throws ResultException
  boolean hasAnyEnumAttributes(DmcUncheckedObject classdef)
      throws ResultException {
    boolean rc = false;
    NamedStringArray must = classdef.get("must");
    NamedStringArray may = classdef.get("may");
    ArrayList<String> atlist = new ArrayList<String>();

    if (must != null) {
      for (String attrName : must)

    if (may != null) {
      for (String attrName : may)

    // Write the attribute access functions
    for (String attrname : atlist) {
      DmcUncheckedObject attrdef = attributeDefs.get(attrname);
      if (attrdef == null) {
        ResultException ex = new ResultException();
        ex.addError("Unknown attribute: " + attrname);
        throw (ex);
      if (isEnumAttribute(attrdef)) {
        rc = true;

    return (rc);

   * @return true if the object is an enum attribute and false otherwise.
  boolean isEnumAttribute(DmcUncheckedObject uco) throws ResultException {
    String typeName = uco.getSV("type");
    if (enumDefs.get(typeName) == null)
      return (false);
    return (true);


Related Classes of org.dmd.dms.meta.MetaGenerator

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