// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// dark-matter-data
// Copyright (c) 2010 dark-matter-data committers
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
// option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
// with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html>.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
package org.dmd.dms;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.dmd.dmc.DmcAttribute;
import org.dmd.dmc.DmcAttributeInfo;
import org.dmd.dmc.DmcClassInfo;
import org.dmd.dmc.DmcObject;
import org.dmd.dmc.DmcValueException;
import org.dmd.dmc.types.StringName;
import org.dmd.dmc.util.DmcUncheckedObject;
import org.dmd.dms.generated.dmo.ClassDefinitionDMO;
import org.dmd.dms.generated.dmo.MetaDMSAG;
import org.dmd.dms.generated.dmo.RuleDataDMO;
import org.dmd.dms.generated.dmw.ClassDefinitionDMW;
import org.dmd.dms.generated.enums.ClassTypeEnum;
import org.dmd.dms.generated.enums.WrapperTypeEnum;
import org.dmd.dms.generated.types.DmwTypeToWrapperType;
import org.dmd.dmw.DmwWrapper;
import org.dmd.util.codegen.ImportManager;
import org.dmd.util.exceptions.DebugInfo;
import org.dmd.util.exceptions.Result;
import org.dmd.util.exceptions.ResultException;
public class ClassDefinition extends ClassDefinitionDMW {
// The shortest name for this class
String shortest;
* This Class is set to contain an instance of the correct DmcObject
* subclass to store data associated with this class definition.
Class<?> genobjclass;
Class<?> dmoClass;
* Maintains a hash of all attributes supported by this class. It is
* only initialized if the hasAttribute() function is called.
* Key: String - attribute name
* Value: AttributeDefinition
TreeMap<StringName,AttributeDefinition> attrMap;
// The fullAttrMap maintains the complete set of attributes supported by this
// clas and any of it parent classes.
// Key: attribute name
TreeMap<StringName,AttributeDefinition> fullAttrMap;
* Stores the definitions of required attributes whose dataType is PERSISTENT,
* just for this class.
ArrayList<AttributeDefinition> persistentMust;
* Stores the definitions of required attributes whose dataType is PERSISTENT,
* for this class and all its base classes.
ArrayList<AttributeDefinition> allPersistentMust;
* Stores the definitions of optional attributes whose dataType is PERSISTENT,
* for this class and all its base classes.
ArrayList<AttributeDefinition> persistentMay;
* Stores the definitions of optional attributes whose dataType is PERSISTENT,
* just for this class.
ArrayList<AttributeDefinition> allPersistentMay;
* Stores the definitions of attributes whose dataType is CACHED.
ArrayList<AttributeDefinition> cached;
* Stores the definitions of attributes whose dataType is ONDEMAND for
* this class and the classes from which it is derived.
ArrayList<AttributeDefinition> allOnDemand;
* Stores the definitions of attributes whose dataType is TRANSIENTREPLICATED
* for this class and the classes from which it is derived.
ArrayList<AttributeDefinition> allTransReplicated;
* Stores the definitions of attributes whose dataType is TRANSIENT or CACHED
* for this class and the classes from which it is derived.
ArrayList<AttributeDefinition> allTransientAndCached;
* Stores the definitions of all mustHave attributes for this class and
* the classes from which it is derived.
TreeMap<StringName,AttributeDefinition> allMust;
* Stores the definitions of all mayHave attributes for this class and
* the classes from which it is derived.
TreeMap<StringName,AttributeDefinition> allMay;
* The complete list of the classes from which this class is derived.
ArrayList<ClassDefinition> baseClasses;
* All classes that are derived from this class, either immediately derived
* or any number of levels down the inheritance hierarchy. The derivedClasses
* attribute maintains a list of the immediate derivatives of a class.
TreeMap<StringName,ClassDefinition> allDerived;
* The classes of objects that may be contained by this class of object if
* the class is involved in a hierarchic structure.
* Key: String (class name)
* Value: ClassDefinition
TreeMap<StringName,ClassDefinition> allowedSubcomps;
* These are actions that have been attached from other schemas.
ArrayList<ActionDefinition> attachedActions;
* All actions defined for this class, either directly or via the
* attachment mechanism.
HashMap<StringName,ActionDefinition> allActions;
HashMap<String,DmwTypeToWrapperType> wrapperTypeMap;
* Contains a list of all implemented interfaces from the most generic to the most
* specific ones
private ArrayList<ClassDefinition> allImplemented;
private ArrayList<ClassDefinition> allImplementors;
StringName nameKey;
// This is initialized in the SchemaAG for a class so that we can easily access it
DmcClassInfo classInfo;
// Rules applied to this attribute within the scope of a particular class
ArrayList<RuleDataDMO> classRules;
* Default constructor.
public ClassDefinition(){
super(new ClassDefinitionDMO(),MetaSchemaAG._ClassDefinition);
classInfo = null;
public ClassDefinition(ClassDefinitionDMO obj){
classInfo = null;
public ClassDefinition(ClassDefinitionDMO obj, DmcClassInfo dci){
classInfo = dci;
* @return the DmcClassInfo that was associated with this definition when it was constructed as
* part of the SchemaAG.
public DmcClassInfo getClassInfo(){
* @return the DmcClassInfo that was associated with this definition when it was constructed as
* part of the SchemaAG.
public DmcClassInfo getDynamicClassInfo(){
if (classInfo == null){
DmcAttributeInfo na = null;
if (this.getIsNamedBy() != null){
na = this.getIsNamedBy().getAttributeInfo();
if (getDerivedFrom() == null)
classInfo = new DmcClassInfo(getName().getNameString(), getDmoImport(), getDmdID(), getClassType(), getDataType(), null, na);
classInfo = new DmcClassInfo(getName().getNameString(), getDmoImport(), getDmdID(), getClassType(), getDataType(), getDerivedFrom().getDynamicClassInfo(), na);
if (getMaySize() > 0){
for(AttributeDefinition ad: getMay())
if (getMustSize() > 0){
for(AttributeDefinition ad: getMust())
* Checks if the specified class of object is a valid parent for this class of object.
* @param parent The parent class.
* @return true if it's an allowed parent.
public boolean allowsParent(ClassDefinition parent){
boolean rc = false;
if (getAllowedParentsSize() > 0){
for(ClassDefinition cd: getAllowedParents()){
if (cd == parent){
rc = true;
* Default constructor used in creating the meta schema.
* @param mn The meta name of the definition.
* @throws DmcValueException
protected ClassDefinition(String mn) throws DmcValueException{
private void init(){
attrMap = null;
persistentMust = null;
persistentMay = null;
cached = null;
allOnDemand = null;
allMust = null;
allMay = null;
baseClasses = null;
allDerived = null;
allowedSubcomps = null;
attachedActions = null;
allActions = null;
nameKey = new StringName();
public AttributeDefinition hasAttribute(String name){
try {
} catch (DmcValueException e) {
* @param name the name of an attribute.
* @return true if the attribute is a must have attribute in this class and false otherwise.
public boolean isMust(StringName name){
if (fullAttrMap == null)
if (allMust.get(name) == null)
public boolean isAllowedAttribute(StringName name){
if (fullAttrMap == null)
if (fullAttrMap.get(name) == null)
private void initAttrMap(){
if (attrMap == null){
Iterator<AttributeDefinition> it;
AttributeDefinition ad;
attrMap = new TreeMap<StringName, AttributeDefinition>();
if ( (it = this.getMust()) != null){
ad = (AttributeDefinition)it.next();
if ( (it = this.getMay()) != null){
ad = (AttributeDefinition)it.next();
* Returns the attribute definition is this class uses the specified attribute.
* @param attrName The attribute name.
* @return The attribute definition or null if we don't have the attribute for this class.
public AttributeDefinition hasAttribute(StringName attrName){
AttributeDefinition rc = null;
// if (attrMap == null){
// Iterator<AttributeDefinition> it;
// AttributeDefinition ad;
// attrMap = new TreeMap<StringName, AttributeDefinition>();
// if ( (it = this.getMust()) != null){
// while(it.hasNext()){
// ad = (AttributeDefinition)it.next();
// attrMap.put(ad.getName(),ad);
// }
// }
// if ( (it = this.getMay()) != null){
// while(it.hasNext()){
// ad = (AttributeDefinition)it.next();
// attrMap.put(ad.getName(),ad);
// }
// }
// }
if ( (rc = (AttributeDefinition)attrMap.get(attrName)) == null){
// We couldn't find the attribute at this level. If we're
// derived from another class, see if it has it.
if (this.getDerivedFrom() != null){
rc = this.getDerivedFrom().hasAttribute(attrName);
// if (rc == null && this.getImplements() != null) {
// for (Iterator<ClassDefinition> iter = this.getImplements(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
// ClassDefinition id = iter.next();
// if ((rc = id.hasAttribute(attrName)) != null) {
// break;
// }
// }
// }
* This method will populate the specified maps with the attribute information for this
* class and any parent classes.
* @param map
void initFullAttrMap(TreeMap<StringName,AttributeDefinition> map, TreeMap<StringName,AttributeDefinition> must, TreeMap<StringName,AttributeDefinition> may){
Iterator<AttributeDefinition> it;
AttributeDefinition ad;
if ( (it = this.getMust()) != null){
ad = (AttributeDefinition)it.next();
must.put(ad.getName(), ad);
if ( (it = this.getMay()) != null){
ad = (AttributeDefinition)it.next();
may.put(ad.getName(), ad);
if (this.getDerivedFrom() != null){
public TreeMap<StringName,AttributeDefinition> getAllMust(){
public TreeMap<StringName,AttributeDefinition> getAllMay(){
* @return all must/may attributes just for this class
public TreeMap<StringName,AttributeDefinition> getAllAttributesAtThisLevel(){
* @return the complete set of attributes for this class and all of its parent classes.
public TreeMap<StringName,AttributeDefinition> getFullAttrMap(){
if (fullAttrMap == null){
fullAttrMap = new TreeMap<StringName, AttributeDefinition>();
if (allMust == null)
allMust = new TreeMap<StringName, AttributeDefinition>();
if (allMay == null)
allMay = new TreeMap<StringName, AttributeDefinition>();
* Updates the derivedClasses attribute and the allDerived map and, if
* this class is derived from another, calls its updateAllDerived() function.
* @throws DmcValueException
void updateDerived(ClassDefinition derived) throws ResultException, DmcValueException {
* Updates the complete set of derived classes and, if this class is derived,
* passes the class up the hierarchy.
void updateAllDerived(ClassDefinition derived){
if (allDerived == null)
allDerived = new TreeMap<StringName,ClassDefinition>();
if (this.getDerivedFrom() != null)
// /**
// * updateImplemented
// *
// * @param rs ResultSet
// */
// void updateImplemented() throws ResultException {
// if ( (allImplemented == null) && (getClassType() != ClassTypeEnum.INTERFACE) ) {
// ArrayList<ClassDefinition> m = new ArrayList<ClassDefinition>();
// updateImplemented(m);
// // we only want to store the map if it has something in it
// if (m.size() > 0) {
// allImplemented = m;
// }
// }
// // now update all implemented interfaces
// if (getImplements() != null) {
// for (Iterator<ClassDefinition> iter = getImplements(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
// ClassDefinition id = iter.next();
// id.updateImplementors(this);
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * updateImplementors
// *
// * @param rs ResultSet
// * @param cd DmdClassDef
// */
// private void updateImplementors(ClassDefinition cd) {
// if (allImplementors == null) {
// allImplementors = new ArrayList<ClassDefinition>();
// }
// if (!allImplementors.contains(cd)) {
// allImplementors.add(cd);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Updates the set of implemented interfaces.
// * @param col
// */
// private void updateImplemented(ArrayList<ClassDefinition> col) {
// // [yt] WARNING! the order of recursion is important as we want to create
// // the list of interfaces from the most generic ones to the most specific ones
// if (getClassType() == ClassTypeEnum.INTERFACE) {
// if (getDerivedFrom() != null) {
// getDerivedFrom().updateImplemented(col);
// }
// if (!col.contains(this))
// col.add(this);
// }
// else {
// if (getImplements() != null) {
// for (Iterator<ClassDefinition> iter = getImplements(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
// ClassDefinition id = iter.next();
// id.updateImplemented(col);
// }
// }
// if (getDerivedFrom() != null) {
// getDerivedFrom().updateImplemented(col);
// }
// }
// }
* Returns all implemented interfaces.
* @return A list of all implemented interfaces.
public ArrayList<ClassDefinition> getAllImplemented() {
return allImplemented;
* Updates the set of allowed subcomponents for this class.
void addSubcomp(ClassDefinition subcomp){
if (allowedSubcomps == null)
allowedSubcomps = new TreeMap<StringName,ClassDefinition>();
allowedSubcomps.put(subcomp.getObjectName(), subcomp);
* Returns the allderived variable which holds a Hashmap of all
* classes that derive from this class
public TreeMap<StringName,ClassDefinition> getAllDerived() {
if (allDerived == null)
return allDerived;
public ArrayList<ClassDefinition> getAllImplementors() {
return allImplementors;
* Returns the set of allowed subcomponents for this class.
public TreeMap<StringName,ClassDefinition> getAllowedSubcomps(){
* This function instantiates a new instance of the object type defined
* by this class definition.
* @throws ResultException
// public DmwWrapperBase newInstance() throws ResultException
public DmwWrapper newInstance() throws ResultException
// DmwWrapperBase rc = null;
DmwWrapper rc = null;
if (genobjclass == null){
// The first time we try to create an object this way, get our
// object class so we can call Class.newInstance()
genobjclass = Class.forName(this.getJavaClass());
// DebugInfo.debug(this.getJavaClass());
catch(Exception e){
ResultException ex = new ResultException(e);
ex.result.addResult(Result.FATAL,"Couldn't load Java class: " + this.getJavaClass());
if (genobjclass != null){
if (this.getClassType() == ClassTypeEnum.ABSTRACT){
ResultException ex = new ResultException();
ex.result.addResult(Result.ERROR,"Can't instantiate an ABSTRACT class: " + this.getObjectName());
// rc = (DmwWrapperBase) genobjclass.newInstance();
rc = (DmwWrapper) genobjclass.newInstance();
catch(Exception e){
ResultException ex = new ResultException(e);
ex.result.addResult(Result.FATAL,"Couldn't instantiate Java class: " + this.getJavaClass());
ex.result.lastResult().moreMessages("This may be because the class doesn't have a constructor that takes no arguments.");
* This function instantiates a new instance of the object type defined
* by this class definition.
* @throws ResultException
public DmcObject newDMOInstance() throws ResultException
DmcObject rc = null;
if (dmoClass == null){
// The first time we try to create an object this way, get our
// object class so we can call Class.newInstance()
synchronized (this) {
dmoClass = Class.forName(this.getDmoImport());
// DebugInfo.debug("DMO DMO DMO " + this.getDmoImport() + "\n\n");
// DebugInfo.debug(DebugInfo.getCurrentStack());
catch(Exception e){
ResultException ex = new ResultException();
ex.result.addResult(Result.FATAL,"Couldn't load Java class: " + this.getJavaClass());
if (dmoClass != null){
if (this.getClassType() == ClassTypeEnum.ABSTRACT){
ResultException ex = new ResultException();
ex.result.addResult(Result.ERROR,"Can't instantiate an ABSTRACT class: " + this.getObjectName());
rc = (DmcObject) dmoClass.newInstance();
catch(Exception e){
ResultException ex = new ResultException();
ex.result.addResult(Result.FATAL,"Couldn't instantiate Java class: " + this.getJavaClass());
ex.result.lastResult().moreMessages("This may be because the class doesn't have a constructor that takes no arguments.");
* @param cd the class against which we're testing
* @return true if we are the specific class or we're derived from it.
public boolean isInstanceOfThis(ClassDefinition cd){
boolean rc = false;
if (this.getObjectName().getNameString().equals(cd.getName().getNameString()))
rc = true;
ArrayList<ClassDefinition> classes = getBaseClasses();
if (classes != null){
for(ClassDefinition cdef: classes){
if (this.getObjectName().getNameString().equals(cdef.getName().getNameString())){
rc = true;
* Returns the complete set of base classes from which this class is derived.
* @return The array of base classes or null if this class isn't derived from
* any class.
public ArrayList<ClassDefinition> getBaseClasses(){
if (baseClasses == null){
if (this.getDerivedFrom() != null){
baseClasses = new ArrayList<ClassDefinition>();
ArrayList<ClassDefinition> b = this.getDerivedFrom().getBaseClasses();
if (b != null){
// Add in the base classes or our base class
for(int i=0; i<b.size(); i++)
// Add in our base class
* Complicated stuff to handle generation of wrapper classes in packages other than where
* the DMOs are generated. This should only be used on internally generated type ref classes.
* @throws DmcValueException
public void adjustJavaClass() {
String genPackage = getDMWPackage();
* Complicated stuff to handle generation of wrapper classes in packages other than where
* the DMOs are generated. This should only be used on internally generated type ref classes.
* @throws DmcValueException
private void adjustJavaClass(String genPackage, boolean instantiating) {
// If this is a schema related definition, don't fool with the class name
// if we're instantiating an object
if (instantiating && (getJavaClass().startsWith("org.dmd.dms")))
if (getUseWrapperType() == WrapperTypeEnum.BASE){
try {
setJavaClass(genPackage + ".generated.dmw." + getName() + "DMW");
} catch (DmcValueException e) {
else if (getUseWrapperType() == WrapperTypeEnum.EXTENDED){
try {
if (getSubpackage() != null){
setJavaClass(genPackage + ".extended." + getSubpackage() + "." + getName());
setJavaClass(genPackage + ".extended." + getName());
} catch (DmcValueException e) {
try {
} catch (DmcValueException e) {
* If the schema in which this class is defined has a dmwPackage attribute defined, this
* function returns that value.
* @return The dmwPackage or null is it isn't defined.
public String getDMWPackage(){
String rc = null;
rc = getDefinedIn().getDmwPackage();
* Complicated stuff to handle generation of wrapper classes in packages other than where
* the DMOs are generated for different generation contexts.
* @throws DmcValueException
public void adjustJavaClass(String genContext, String genSuffix){
String genPackage = getDmwPackage(genContext);
if (getDmwWrapperType(genContext) == WrapperTypeEnum.BASE){
try {
// setJavaClass(genPackage + ".generated." + context + "." + getName() + "DMW");
setJavaClass(genPackage + ".generated." + genContext + "." + getName() + genSuffix);
} catch (DmcValueException e) {
else if (getUseWrapperType() == WrapperTypeEnum.EXTENDED){
try {
if (getDefinedIn().getName().getNameString().equals(MetaDMSAG.instance().getSchemaName())){
setJavaClass(genPackage + "." + getName());
setDmeImport(genPackage + "." + getName());
else if (getSubpackage() != null){
setJavaClass(genPackage + ".extended." + getSubpackage() + "." + getName());
setDmeImport(genPackage + ".extended." + getSubpackage() + "." + getName());
setJavaClass(genPackage + ".extended." + getName());
setDmeImport(genPackage + ".extended." + getName());
} catch (DmcValueException e) {
try {
} catch (DmcValueException e) {
public String getDmwPackage(String context){
public WrapperTypeEnum getDmwWrapperType(String context){
if (wrapperTypeMap == null){
wrapperTypeMap = new HashMap<String, DmwTypeToWrapperType>();
Iterator<DmwTypeToWrapperType> it = getDmwWrapperType();
if (it != null){
DmwTypeToWrapperType curr = it.next();
DmwTypeToWrapperType existing = wrapperTypeMap.get(curr.getDmwType());
if (existing != null)
throw(new IllegalStateException("Multiple dmwWrapperType values with the same context on class " + getName()));
wrapperTypeMap.put(curr.getDmwType(), curr);
if (getUseWrapperType() == WrapperTypeEnum.EXTENDED){
try {
DmwTypeToWrapperType ttw = new DmwTypeToWrapperType("dmw", WrapperTypeEnum.EXTENDED);
wrapperTypeMap.put(ttw.getDmwType(), ttw);
} catch (DmcValueException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
DmwTypeToWrapperType existing = wrapperTypeMap.get(context);
if (existing == null)
* Determines whether or not we want to generate a wrapper for this class of object
* in the specified context. We ascend the class hierarchy and return false if any
* of our base classes are excluded.
* @param context The context
* @return true if we want to generate and false otherwise.
public boolean generateWrapper(String context){
boolean rc = true;
if (getExcludeFromContextSize() > 0){
DmcAttribute<?> exclude = getDMO().get(MetaDMSAG.__excludeFromContext);
if (exclude.contains(context))
rc = false;
if (rc && (getDerivedFrom() != null)){
rc = getDerivedFrom().generateWrapper(context);
* Returns the shortest possible name for this class definition.
public String getShortestName(){
if (shortest == null){
shortest = getName().getNameString();
if (getAbbrev() != null){
// This might seem nuts, but we'll actually check which is shortest,
// the name or the abbreviation. I've seen examples where the
// abbreviation was longer.
if (getAbbrev().length() < getName().getNameString().length())
shortest = getAbbrev();
* This method is used in conjunction with the rule instantiation mechanisms.
* It will determine whether or not additional type imports are required for
* an extensible rule class, for example, the InitRule. These imports are
* required because we have to use the basic DmcObject mechanisms to add the
* values for the attributes to the extensible object.
* <p/>
* This method also provides basic must/may checking of the specified attributes
* and will throw an exception for unknown attributes on a structural class.
* @param imports where we'll add the required imports.
* @param uco the rule data object.
* @throws ResultException
public void addImportsForAdditionalAttributes(SchemaManager sm, ImportManager imports, DmcUncheckedObject uco) throws ResultException{
ResultException ex = null;
Iterator<String> attrNames = uco.getAttributeNames();
if (attrNames != null){
String name = attrNames.next();
StringName attr = new StringName(name);
if (!isAllowedAttribute(attr)){
if (getClassType() == ClassTypeEnum.EXTENSIBLE){
// Add the appropriate import for the attribute's type
AttributeDefinition ad = sm.isAttribute(name);
if (ad == null){
if (ex == null)
ex = new ResultException();
ex.addError("The " + attr + " attribute is not defined, but used in " + uco.getConstructionClass());
imports.addImport(ad.getTypeImport(), "Support for addition of " + name + " values to the extensible " + uco.getConstructionClass() + " class");
if (ex == null)
ex = new ResultException();
ex.addError("The " + attr + " attribute is not valid for class " + uco.getConstructionClass());
if (ex != null)
void setExceptionLocation(ResultException ex, DmcUncheckedObject uco){
try {
int ln = Integer.parseInt(uco.getSV(MetaDMSAG.__lineNumber.name));
String file = uco.getSV(MetaDMSAG.__file.name);
ex.setLocationInfo(file, ln);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public boolean hasRules(){
if (classRules == null)
if (classRules.size() > 0)
public Iterator<RuleDataDMO> getClassRules(){
if (classRules == null){
classRules = new ArrayList<RuleDataDMO>();
// Get any objects that are referring to us via the applyToClass attribute
ArrayList<DmcObject> referring = getDMO().getReferringObjectsViaAttribute(MetaDMSAG.__applyToClass);
DebugInfo.debug("\n" +getDMO().getBackRefs());
if (this.getName().getNameString().equals("ValueLengthRuleData")){
if (referring != null){
for(DmcObject obj: referring){
if (obj instanceof RuleDataDMO){
RuleDataDMO rd = (RuleDataDMO) obj;
if (rd.get(MetaDMSAG.__applyToAttribute) == null)