// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// dark-matter-data
// Copyright (c) 2011 dark-matter-data committers
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
// option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
// with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html>.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
package org.dmd.dmc;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.dmd.dmc.rules.DmcRuleExceptionSet;
import org.dmd.dmc.rules.RuleTracerIF;
import org.dmd.dmc.types.DmcTypeDmcObjectName;
import org.dmd.dmc.types.Modifier;
import org.dmd.dms.generated.dmo.MetaDMSAG;
import org.dmd.dms.generated.types.DmcTypeModifierMV;
* The DmcOmni (short for omnipresent) provides a single point of access to information
* and settings that is useful in the operational environment of Dark Matter Objects.
public class DmcOmni implements DmcNameResolverIF {
// Our singleton handle
protected static DmcOmni omni;
// Indicates if we want to track back references at the DMO level
boolean trackBackRefs;
// Indicates if we're supported lazy resolution of object references
boolean lazyResolution;
// Indicates if we're supported automatic resolution of object references
// based on the application of modifiers
boolean autoResolution;
// While doing lazy resolution, if we are unable to find an object, this
// option tells us what to do. If it's true, we will toast the object
// reference, thus "healing" the broken link. If you've provided a logger,
// the dead reference will be logged.
boolean cleanUpDeadRefs;
// Normally, we don't track schema references because we don't always
// have the schema objects available. However, for certain tools/utilities,
// such as the documentation tools, we want to turn this tracking on.
boolean trackSchemaReferences;
// The logger through which various log messages can be sent
DmcLoggerIF logger;
// Indicates if we want to tracker the execution of rules
boolean traceRules;
// You can specify a component to handle rule tracing information
RuleTracerIF ruleTracer;
// The set of things that can resolve object names for us. This allows for
// lazy resolution of object references at the DMO level.
ArrayList<DmcNameResolverIF> resolvers;
// The map where we store dmdID to DmcClassInfo for all Dark Matter Schema
// (DMSAGs) that have been loaded
TreeMap<Integer,DmcClassInfo> idToClass;
TreeMap<String,DmcClassInfo> stringToClass;
// The map where we store dmdID to DmcAttributeInfo for all Dark Matter Schema
// (DMSAGs) that have been loaded
TreeMap<Integer,DmcAttributeInfo> idToAttr;
TreeMap<String,DmcAttributeInfo> stringToAttribute;
// A map of the name builders for each naming type. The key is the name of
// of the type e.g. StringName, DotName etc. For any DmcObjectName instance,
// we can getNameClass() which should be in this map. From there, we can
// ask the name builder to create an appropriate DmcTypeDmcObjectName to
// to wrap the type i.e. associate its designatedNameAttribute with it.
TreeMap<String,DmcNameBuilderIF> nameBuilders;
// A map of the filter builders for each naming type. The key is the name of
// of the type e.g. ClassFilter, NameFilter etc. For any DmcFilter instance,
// we can getFilterClass() which should be in this map. From there, we can
// ask the filter builder to create an appropriate DmcTypeDmcFilter to
// to wrap the type i.e. associate its designatedFilterAttribute with it.
TreeMap<String,DmcFilterBuilderIF> filterBuilders;
// The cache that will be notified of required reference modifications
// when an object with backrefs is deleted. This is only used if backref
// tracking is enabled.
DmcCacheIF cache;
// Named "slices" that can be used to retrieve a subset of attributes from
// an object.
TreeMap<String,DmcSliceInfo> slices;
// The set of recoginized types, either directly defined via type definitions
// of internally created.
TreeMap<String,DmcTypeInfo> types;
// TreeMap<String,DmcAttributeSchemaIF> loadedSchemas;
TreeMap<String,DmcCompactSchemaIF> loadedCompactSchemas;
* Protected constructor called when the omni singleton is required.
protected DmcOmni(){
* Resets the DmcOmni to its initial state.
public void reset(){
* Initializes our values.
void init(){
trackBackRefs = false;
lazyResolution = false;
autoResolution = false;
cleanUpDeadRefs = false;
trackSchemaReferences = false;
logger = null;
traceRules = false;
ruleTracer = null;
resolvers = null;
idToClass = new TreeMap<Integer, DmcClassInfo>();
stringToClass = new TreeMap<String, DmcClassInfo>();
idToAttr = new TreeMap<Integer, DmcAttributeInfo>();
stringToAttribute = new TreeMap<String, DmcAttributeInfo>();
nameBuilders = new TreeMap<String, DmcNameBuilderIF>();
filterBuilders = new TreeMap<String, DmcFilterBuilderIF>();
slices = new TreeMap<String, DmcSliceInfo>();
types = new TreeMap<String, DmcTypeInfo>();
cache = null;
// loadedSchemas = new TreeMap<String, DmcAttributeSchemaIF>();
loadedCompactSchemas = new TreeMap<String, DmcCompactSchemaIF>();
// addAttributeSchema(MetaASAG.instance());
static public synchronized DmcOmni instance(){
if (omni == null)
omni = new DmcOmni();
* This method should be used with caution! Generally, we don't attempt to perform
* back reference tracking on schema related references, but, in certain tools/utilities,
* we make use of this functionality.
* @param f Set to true if we want perform back reference tracking on schema related objects.
public void setTrackSchemaReferences(boolean f){
trackSchemaReferences = f;
* This method is called from the DmcObject to determine whether or not are
* particular attribute should have its reference tracked.
* @param attributeID
* @return true if we want to reference track the attribute.
public boolean trackThisAttribute(int attributeID){
// If trackSchemaReferences is turned on, we will track all attributes
if (trackSchemaReferences)
// If trackSchemaReferences is turned off (the default), we will only
// attempt back reference tracking if the attribute ID is beyond the
// maximum ID of the meta schema.
else if (attributeID > MetaDMSAG.instance().getSchemaMaxID())
* @return true if DMO back reference tracking should be performed.
public boolean backRefTracking(){
* Turns backref tracking on/off.
* @param f set to true to turn it on.
public void backRefTracking(boolean f){
trackBackRefs = f;
* @return true if lazy resolution is turned on.
public boolean lazyResolution(){
* Turns lazy resolution on/off.
* @param f set to true to turn it on.
public void lazyResolution(boolean f){
lazyResolution = f;
* @return true if auto resolution is turned on.
public boolean autoResolution(){
* Turns auto resolution on/off.
* @param f set to true to turn it on.
public void autoResolution(boolean f){
autoResolution = f;
* @return true if clean up of dead references is turned on.
public boolean cleanUpDeadRefs(){
* Turns clean up of dead references on/off.
* @param f set to true to turn it on.
public void cleanUpDeadRefs(boolean f){
cleanUpDeadRefs = f;
* @return the logger if it has been set.
public DmcLoggerIF logger(){
* Sets the logger.
* @param l the logger.
public void logger(DmcLoggerIF l){
logger = l;
* This method is called from DmcTypeNamedObjectREF when it is unable to resolve a reference.
* @param referrer The object that had the reference.
* @param viaAttribute The object reference attribute.
* @param referenceTo The name that couldn't be resolved.
public void logDeadReference(DmcObject referrer, DmcAttribute<?> viaAttribute, DmcObjectName referenceTo){
if (logger != null){
logger.logDeadReference(referrer, viaAttribute, referenceTo);
* Adds a name resolver. Any number of resolvers may be added. When resolving a name, the
* resolvers will be consulted in the order in which they were added. Name resolution stops
* after the first positive name resolution, meaning that your name resolvers should have
* mutually exclusive name spaces.
* @param res The name resolver.
public void addResolver(DmcNameResolverIF res){
if (res == null)
throw(new IllegalStateException("Name resolver is null! Did you forget to initialize it?"));
if (resolvers == null)
resolvers = new ArrayList<DmcNameResolverIF>();
* Dark Matter Schema Auto Generated (DMSAGs) are generated by the DMO Generator utility and
* placed in the generated/dmo folder. DMSAGs contain a mapping from Dark Matter Data IDs (dmdID)
* to the attributes/classes they identify). Since dmdIDs are the only things stored at the DmcAttribute
* level, we have to be able to access the DmcAttributeInfo when it is lost in whatever
* communication mechanism is being used between client/server, browser/servlet etc. The DmcOmni
* provides access to these mappings.
* @param schema
public void addCompactSchema(DmcCompactSchemaIF schema){
//DebugInfo.debug("Loading compact schema: " + schema.getSchemaName());
// If we already have the schema, return
if (loadedCompactSchemas.get(schema.getSchemaName()) != null)
Iterator<DmcAttributeInfo> info = schema.getAttributeInfo();
if (info != null){
DmcAttributeInfo ai = info.next();
DmcAttributeInfo existing = idToAttr.get(ai.id);
if (existing != null)
throw(new IllegalStateException("Clashing attribute IDs: " + existing + " <> " + ai));
idToAttr.put(ai.id, ai);
existing = stringToAttribute.get(ai.name);
if (existing != null)
throw(new IllegalStateException("Clashing attribute names: " + existing + " <> " + ai));
stringToAttribute.put(ai.name, ai);
Iterator<DmcClassInfo> cinfo = schema.getClassInfo();
if (cinfo != null){
DmcClassInfo ci = cinfo.next();
DmcClassInfo existing = idToClass.get(ci.id);
if (existing != null){
throw(new IllegalStateException("Clashing class IDs: " + existing + " <> " + ci));
idToClass.put(ci.id, ci);
existing = stringToClass.get(ci.name);
if (existing != null){
throw(new IllegalStateException("Clashing class names: " + existing + " <> " + ci));
stringToClass.put(ci.name, ci);
if (ci.derivedFrom != null){
Iterator<DmcNameBuilderIF> nbuilders = schema.getNameBuilders();
if (nbuilders != null){
DmcNameBuilderIF builder = nbuilders.next();
nameBuilders.put(builder.getNameClass(), builder);
Iterator<DmcFilterBuilderIF> fbuilders = schema.getFilterBuilders();
if (fbuilders != null){
DmcFilterBuilderIF builder = fbuilders.next();
filterBuilders.put(builder.getFilterClass(), builder);
Iterator<DmcSliceInfo> sliceIT = schema.getSliceInfo();
if (sliceIT != null){
DmcSliceInfo dsi = sliceIT.next();
slices.put(dsi.getName(), dsi);
Iterator<DmcTypeInfo> typeIT = schema.getTypeInfo();
if (typeIT != null){
DmcTypeInfo dti = typeIT.next();
types.put(dti.name, dti);
loadedCompactSchemas.put(schema.getSchemaName(), schema);
public DmcTypeDmcObjectName<?> buildName(DmcObjectName name){
DmcNameBuilderIF builder = nameBuilders.get(name.getNameClass());
if (builder == null){
throw(new IllegalStateException("No DmcNameBuilderIF available for name class: " + name.getNameClass() + " - ensure that you have loaded the appropriate ASAGs."));
DmcAttributeInfo ai = idToAttr.get(builder.getNameAttributeID());
* Sets the implementor of the DmcCacheIF that will be notified when objects with backrefs
* are deleted.
* @param c The cache.
public void setCacheIF(DmcCacheIF c){
cache = c;
public void removeReferences(DmcTypeModifierMV mods){
// NOTE: all of the backref modifiers are stored in modifier that gets passed in, however
// each Modifier is for a different object (potentially). We have to apply each Modifier
// as a single operation, thus we create a new DmcTypeModifierMV and add the single Modifier
// to it. We don;t attempt to reuse the same modifier because these may be used in events.
Iterator<Modifier> it = mods.getMV();
DmcTypeModifierMV single = new DmcTypeModifierMV();
Modifier mod = it.next();
try {
// Add the Modifier to our temporary
if (cache == null)
cache.applyModification(mod.getReferringObject(), single);
} catch (DmcValueException e) {
throw(new IllegalStateException("Adding a prebuilt Modifier to a DmcTypeModifierMV shouldn't thrown an exception."));
} catch (DmcValueExceptionSet e) {
throw(new IllegalStateException("Removing a back reference shouldn't thrown an exception."));
* Tries to find the specified class by its name.
* @param cn The class name.
* @return The class info if it's available.
public DmcClassInfo getClassInfo(String cn){
* Tries to find the specified class by its id.
* @param id The class id.
* @return The class info if it's available.
public DmcClassInfo getClassInfo(Integer id){
* @param tn the type name
* @return the type info.
public DmcTypeInfo getTypeInfo(String tn){
* Returns the DmcAttributeInfo associate with the ID or complains bitterly that you've
* forgotten to prime the DmcOmni with the generated <schema>DMSchemaAG related
* to the identifier in question. This method is usually called by base classes like
* DmcAttribute when it's trying to dump things in OIF format.
* @param id The attribute's ID.
* @return the attribute info for the specified ID.
public DmcAttributeInfo getInfo(Integer id){
DmcAttributeInfo ai = idToAttr.get(id);
if (ai == null)
// if (ai == null)
// System.out.println("DmcOmni.getInfo() - can't find: " + id);
// throw(new IllegalStateException(" Failed to get DmcAttributeInfo for id: " + id + " - ensure that you have loaded the attribute schema in DmcOmni."));
* Tries to find the specified attribute by its name.
* @param an The attribute name.
* @return The attribute info if it's available.
public DmcAttributeInfo getAttributeInfo(String an){
* The DmcOmni can act as a global name resolver. This method will attempt to
* find the named object in any name resolvers that have been registered.
public DmcObject findNamedDMO(DmcObjectName name) {
DmcObject rc = null;
for(DmcNameResolverIF res: resolvers){
if ( (rc = res.findNamedDMO(name)) != null)
* The DmcOmni can act as a global name resolver. This method will attempt to
* find the named object in any name resolvers that have been registered.
public DmcNamedObjectIF findNamedObject(DmcObjectName name) {
DmcNamedObjectIF rc = null;
for(DmcNameResolverIF res: resolvers){
DmcObject obj = res.findNamedDMO(name);
if ( obj != null){
rc = (DmcNamedObjectIF) obj;
public DmcNamedObjectIF findNamedObject(DmcObjectName name, int attributeID) {
DmcNamedObjectIF rc = null;
for(DmcNameResolverIF res: resolvers){
rc = res.findNamedObject(name,attributeID);
if ( rc != null)
* This method displays the currently loaded attribute schemas in dmdID order.
public void dumpASAG(){
for(DmcAttributeInfo ai : idToAttr.values()){
* Returns the slice information if it's available. Slice information is generated for SliceDefinitions
* specified as part of your schema and indicate a subset of attributes to be returned in a GetResponse.
* @param name the name of the slice.
* @return The slice information if it's available.
public DmcSliceInfo getSliceInfo(String name){
DmcSliceInfo rc = slices.get(name);
if (rc == null)
throw(new IllegalStateException("Unknown slice requested: " + name));
public boolean ruleTracing(){
public void ruleTracing(boolean f){
traceRules = f;
public void ruleTracer(RuleTracerIF t){
ruleTracer = t;
public void ruleExecuted(String info){
if (traceRules){
if (ruleTracer != null)
public void ruleAdded(String info){
if (traceRules){
if (ruleTracer != null)
public void ruleFailed(DmcRuleExceptionSet errors){
if (traceRules){
if (ruleTracer != null)