
Source Code of$CheckpointReference

* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Oracle.  All rights reserved.


import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;


* The Checkpointer looks through the tree for internal nodes that must be
* flushed to the log. Checkpoint flushes must be done in ascending order from
* the bottom of the tree up.
public class Checkpointer extends DaemonThread implements EnvConfigObserver {

     * We currently use multi-logging whenever practical, but we're keeping an
     * option open to disable it, perhaps via a config param.
    private static final boolean MULTI_LOG = true;

     * For unit testing only.  Called before we flush the max level.  This
     * field is static because it is called from the static flushIN method.
    public static TestHook maxFlushLevelHook = null;

    public static TestHook beforeFlushHook = null;

    private EnvironmentImpl envImpl;

    /* Checkpoint sequence, initialized at recovery. */
    private long checkpointId;

     * How much the log should grow between checkpoints. If 0, we're using time
     * based checkpointing.
    private final long logSizeBytesInterval;
    private final long logFileMax;
    private final long timeInterval;
    private long lastCheckpointMillis;

    /* Configured to true to minimize checkpoint duration. */
    private boolean highPriority;

    private volatile Map<DatabaseImpl, Integer> highestFlushLevels;

    private long nCheckpoints;
    private long lastCheckpointStart;
    private long lastCheckpointEnd;
    private final FlushStats flushStats;

    public Checkpointer(EnvironmentImpl envImpl,
                        long waitTime,
                        String name) {
        super(waitTime, name, envImpl);
        this.envImpl = envImpl;
        logSizeBytesInterval =
        logFileMax =
        timeInterval = waitTime;
        lastCheckpointMillis = 0;

        nCheckpoints = 0;
        flushStats = new FlushStats();

        highestFlushLevels = Collections.emptyMap();

        /* Initialize mutable properties and register for notifications. */
        envConfigUpdate(envImpl.getConfigManager(), null);

     * Process notifications of mutable property changes.
    public void envConfigUpdate(DbConfigManager cm,
                                EnvironmentMutableConfig ignore) {
        highPriority = cm.getBoolean

     * Initializes the checkpoint intervals when no checkpoint is performed
     * while opening the environment.
    public void initIntervals(long lastCheckpointEnd,
                              long lastCheckpointMillis) {
        this.lastCheckpointEnd = lastCheckpointEnd;
        this.lastCheckpointMillis = lastCheckpointMillis;

     * Returns the highest flush level for a database that is part of a
     * checkpoint currently in progress.  Used by the evictor to determine
     * whether to log INs provisionally.  If an IN's level is less than the
     * level returned, it should be logged provisionally by the evictor.
     * IN.MIN_LEVEL is returned if no checkpoint is in progress or the given
     * database is not part of the checkpoint.
    public int getHighestFlushLevel(DatabaseImpl db) {
        return getHighestFlushLevelInternal(db, highestFlushLevels);

    private static int
        getHighestFlushLevelInternal(DatabaseImpl db,
                                     highestFlushLevels) {

        Integer val = highestFlushLevels.get(db);
        return (val != null) ? val.intValue() : IN.MIN_LEVEL;

     * Figure out the wakeup period. Supplied through this static method
     * because we need to pass wakeup period to the superclass and need to do
     * the calcuation outside this constructor.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException via Environment ctor and
     * setMutableConfig.
    public static long getWakeupPeriod(DbConfigManager configManager)
        throws IllegalArgumentException {

        long wakeupPeriod = configManager.getDuration
        long bytePeriod = configManager.getLong

        /* Checkpointing period must be set either by time or by log size. */
        if ((wakeupPeriod == 0) && (bytePeriod == 0)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException
                (EnvironmentParams.CHECKPOINTER_BYTES_INTERVAL.getName() +
                 " and " +
                 EnvironmentParams.CHECKPOINTER_WAKEUP_INTERVAL.getName() +
                 " cannot both be 0. ");

         * Checkpointing by log size takes precendence over time based period.
        if (bytePeriod == 0) {
            return wakeupPeriod;
        } else {
            return 0;

     * Set checkpoint id -- can only be done after recovery.
    public synchronized void setCheckpointId(long lastCheckpointId) {
        checkpointId = lastCheckpointId;

     * Load stats.
    public StatGroup loadStats(StatsConfig config) {
        StatGroup stats = new StatGroup(GROUP_NAME, GROUP_DESC);
        new LongStat(stats, CKPT_LAST_CKPTID, checkpointId);
        new LongStat(stats, CKPT_CHECKPOINTS, nCheckpoints);
        new LSNStat(stats, CKPT_LAST_CKPT_START, lastCheckpointStart);
        new LSNStat(stats, CKPT_LAST_CKPT_END, lastCheckpointEnd);
        new LongStat(stats, CKPT_FULL_IN_FLUSH, flushStats.nFullINFlush);
        new LongStat(stats, CKPT_FULL_BIN_FLUSH, flushStats.nFullBINFlush);
        new LongStat(stats, CKPT_DELTA_IN_FLUSH, flushStats.nDeltaINFlush);

        if (config.getClear()) {
            nCheckpoints = 0;
            flushStats.nFullINFlush = 0;
            flushStats.nFullBINFlush = 0;
            flushStats.nDeltaINFlush = 0;

        return stats;

    public synchronized void clearEnv() {
        envImpl = null;

     * Return the number of retries when a deadlock exception occurs.
    protected long nDeadlockRetries() {
        return envImpl.getConfigManager().getInt

     * Called whenever the DaemonThread wakes up from a sleep.
    protected void onWakeup()
        throws DatabaseException {

        if (envImpl.isClosed()) {

                     false, // flushAll

     * Wakes up the checkpointer if a checkpoint log interval is configured and
     * the number of bytes written since the last checkpoint exeeds the size
     * of the interval.
    public void wakeupAfterWrite() {
        if (logSizeBytesInterval != 0) {
            long nextLsn = envImpl.getFileManager().getNextLsn();
            if (DbLsn.getNoCleaningDistance
                    (nextLsn, lastCheckpointEnd, logFileMax) >=
                    logSizeBytesInterval) {

     * Determine whether a checkpoint should be run.
     * 1. If the force parameter is specified, always checkpoint.
     * 2. If the config object specifies time or log size, use that.
     * 3. If the environment is configured to use log size based checkpointing,
     * check the log.
     * 4. Lastly, use time based checking.
    private boolean isRunnable(CheckpointConfig config) {
        /* Figure out if we're using log size or time to determine interval.*/
        long useBytesInterval = 0;
        long useTimeInterval = 0;
        long nextLsn = DbLsn.NULL_LSN;
        boolean runnable = false;
        try {
            if (config.getForce()) {
                runnable = true;
                return runnable;
            } else if (config.getKBytes() != 0) {
                useBytesInterval = config.getKBytes() << 10;
            } else if (config.getMinutes() != 0) {
                // convert to millis
                useTimeInterval = config.getMinutes() * 60 * 1000;
            } else if (logSizeBytesInterval != 0) {
                useBytesInterval = logSizeBytesInterval;
            } else {
                useTimeInterval = timeInterval;

             * If our checkpoint interval is defined by log size, check on how
             * much log has grown since the last checkpoint.
            if (useBytesInterval != 0) {
                nextLsn = envImpl.getFileManager().getNextLsn();
                if (DbLsn.getNoCleaningDistance(nextLsn, lastCheckpointEnd,
                                                logFileMax) >=
                    useBytesInterval) {
                    runnable = true;
            } else if (useTimeInterval != 0) {

                 * Our checkpoint is determined by time.  If enough time has
                 * passed and some log data has been written, do a checkpoint.
                long lastUsedLsn = envImpl.getFileManager().getLastUsedLsn();
                if (((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCheckpointMillis) >=
                     useTimeInterval) &&
                    (DbLsn.compareTo(lastUsedLsn, lastCheckpointEnd) != 0)) {
                    runnable = true;
            return runnable;
        } finally {
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            sb.append("size interval=").append(useBytesInterval);
            if (nextLsn != DbLsn.NULL_LSN) {
                sb.append(" nextLsn=").
            if (lastCheckpointEnd != DbLsn.NULL_LSN) {
                sb.append(" lastCkpt=");
            sb.append(" time interval=").append(useTimeInterval);
            sb.append(" force=").append(config.getForce());
            sb.append(" runnable=").append(runnable);

            LoggerUtils.finest(logger, envImpl, sb.toString());

     * The real work to do a checkpoint. This may be called by the checkpoint
     * thread when waking up, or it may be invoked programatically through the
     * api.
     * @param flushAll if true, this checkpoint must flush all the way to
     *       the top of the dbtree, instead of stopping at the highest level
     *       last modified.
     * @param invokingSource a debug aid, to indicate who invoked this
     *       checkpoint. (i.e. recovery, the checkpointer daemon, the cleaner,
     *       programatically)
    public synchronized void doCheckpoint(CheckpointConfig config,
                                          boolean flushAll,
                                          String invokingSource)
        throws DatabaseException {

        if (envImpl.isReadOnly()) {

        if (!isRunnable(config)) {

         * If there are cleaned files to be deleted, flush an extra level to
         * write out the parents of cleaned nodes.  This ensures that the node
         * will contain the LSN of a cleaned files.
        boolean flushExtraLevel = false;
        Cleaner cleaner = envImpl.getCleaner();
        CheckpointStartCleanerState cleanerState =
        if (!cleanerState.isEmpty()) {
            flushExtraLevel = true;

        lastCheckpointMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();

        /* Get the next checkpoint id. */

        boolean success = false;
        boolean traced = false;

        LogManager logManager = envImpl.getLogManager();

        /* dirtyMap keeps track of the INs to be written out by the ckpt. */
        DirtyINMap dirtyMap = new DirtyINMap(envImpl);
        try {

             * Eviction can run during checkpoint as long as it follows the
             * same rules for using provisional logging and for propagating
             * logging of the checkpoint dirty set up the tree. We have to lock
             * out the evictor after the logging of checkpoint start until
             * we've selected the dirty set and decided on the highest level to
             * be flushed. See SR 11163, 11349.
            long checkpointStart = DbLsn.NULL_LSN;
            long firstActiveLsn = DbLsn.NULL_LSN;

            synchronized (envImpl.getEvictor()) {

                /* Log the checkpoint start. */
                SingleItemEntry startEntry =
                    new SingleItemEntry(LogEntryType.LOG_CKPT_START,
                                        new CheckpointStart(checkpointId,
                checkpointStart =

                 * Note the first active LSN point. The definition of
                 * firstActiveLsn is that all log entries for active
                 * transactions are equal to or after that LSN.
                firstActiveLsn = envImpl.getTxnManager().getFirstActiveLsn();

                if (firstActiveLsn == DbLsn.NULL_LSN) {
                    firstActiveLsn = checkpointStart;
                } else {
                    if (DbLsn.compareTo(checkpointStart, firstActiveLsn) < 0) {
                        firstActiveLsn = checkpointStart;

                 * Find the set of dirty INs that must be logged.  Update the
                 * highestFlushLevels volatile field so it will be seen by the
                 * evictor, before starting to flush dirty nodes.
                highestFlushLevels = dirtyMap.selectDirtyINsForCheckpoint
                    (flushAll, flushExtraLevel);

             * Add the dirty map to the memory budget, outside the evictor
             * synchronization section.

            /* Call hook after dirty map creation and before flushing. */

            /* Flush IN nodes. */
            boolean allowDeltas = !config.getMinimizeRecoveryTime();
            flushDirtyNodes(envImpl, dirtyMap, highestFlushLevels, allowDeltas,
                            checkpointStart, highPriority, flushStats);

             * Flush MapLNs if not already done by flushDirtyNodes.  Only flush
             * a database if it has not already been flushed since checkpoint
             * start.  Lastly, flush the DB mapping tree root.

             * Flush replication information if necessary so that the VLSNIndex
             * cache is flushed and is recoverable.

             * Flush utilization info AFTER flushing IN nodes to reduce the
             * inaccuracies caused by the sequence FileSummaryLN-LN-BIN.

            DbTree dbTree = envImpl.getDbTree();
            boolean willDeleteFiles = !cleanerState.isEmpty();
            CheckpointEnd ckptEnd = new CheckpointEnd
                (invokingSource, checkpointStart, envImpl.getRootLsn(),
                 dbTree.getLastLocalDbId(), dbTree.getLastReplicatedDbId(),

            SingleItemEntry endEntry =
                new SingleItemEntry(LogEntryType.LOG_CKPT_END, ckptEnd);

             * Log checkpoint end and update state kept about the last
             * checkpoint location. Send a trace message *before* the
             * checkpoint end log entry. This is done so that the normal trace
             * message doesn't affect the time-based isRunnable() calculation,
             * which only issues a checkpoint if a log record has been written
             * since the last checkpoint.
            trace(envImpl, invokingSource, true);
            traced = true;

             * Always flush to ensure that cleaned files are not referenced,
             * and to ensure that this checkpoint is not wasted if we crash.
            lastCheckpointEnd =
                                         true /*fsyncRequired*/,

            lastCheckpointStart = checkpointStart;

            success = true;

        } catch (DatabaseException e) {
            LoggerUtils.traceAndLogException(envImpl, "Checkpointer",
                                             "doCheckpoint", "checkpointId=" +
                                             checkpointId, e);
            throw e;
        } finally {

             * Reset the highestFlushLevels so evictor activity knows there's
             * no further requirement for provisional logging. SR 11163.
            highestFlushLevels = Collections.emptyMap();

            if (!traced) {
                trace(envImpl, invokingSource, success);

    private void trace(EnvironmentImpl envImpl,
                       String invokingSource,
                       boolean success ) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        sb.append("Checkpoint ").append(checkpointId);
        sb.append(": source=" ).append(invokingSource);
        sb.append(" success=").append(success);
        sb.append(" nFullINFlushThisRun=");
        sb.append(" nDeltaINFlushThisRun=");
        LoggerUtils.logMsg(logger, envImpl, Level.CONFIG, sb.toString());

     * Flush a given database to disk. Like checkpoint, log from the bottom
     * up so that parents properly represent their children.
    public void syncDatabase(EnvironmentImpl envImpl,
                             DatabaseImpl dbImpl,
                             boolean flushLog)
        throws DatabaseException {

        if (envImpl.isReadOnly()) {

        DirtyINMap dirtyMap = new DirtyINMap(envImpl);
        FlushStats fstats = new FlushStats();
        try {

             * Lock out eviction and other checkpointing during the selection
             * of a dirty set.
            Map<DatabaseImpl,Integer> highestFlushLevels;
            synchronized (envImpl.getEvictor()) {
                /* Find the dirty set. */
                highestFlushLevels = dirtyMap.selectDirtyINsForDbSync(dbImpl);


            /* Write all dirtyINs out.*/
                            false, /*allowDeltas*/
                            0,     /*ckptStart, only needed for allowDeltas*/
                            false, /*highPriority*/

            /* Make changes durable. [#15254] */
            if (flushLog) {
        } catch (DatabaseException e) {
                (envImpl, "Checkpointer", "syncDatabase",
                 "of " + dbImpl.getDebugName(), e);
            throw e;
        } finally {

    /* For unit testing only. */
    public static void setMaxFlushLevelHook(TestHook hook) {
        maxFlushLevelHook = hook;

    /* For unit testing only. */
    public static void setBeforeFlushHook(TestHook hook) {
        beforeFlushHook = hook;

     * Flush the nodes in order, from the lowest level to highest level.  As a
     * flush dirties its parent, add it to the dirty map, thereby cascading the
     * writes up the tree. If flushAll wasn't specified, we need only cascade
     * up to the highest level set at the start of checkpointing.
     * Note that all but the top level INs and the BINDeltas are logged
     * provisionally. That's because we don't need to process lower INs during
     * recovery because the higher INs will end up pointing at them.
    private static void flushDirtyNodes(EnvironmentImpl envImpl,
                                        DirtyINMap dirtyMap,
                                        boolean allowDeltas,
                                        long checkpointStart,
                                        boolean highPriority,
                                        FlushStats fstats)
        throws DatabaseException {

        LogManager logManager = envImpl.getLogManager();
        DbTree dbTree = envImpl.getDbTree();

         * Use a tracker to count lazily compressed, deferred write, LNs as
         * obsolete.  A local tracker is used to accumulate tracked obsolete
         * info so it can be added in a single call under the log write latch.
         * [#15365]
        LocalUtilizationTracker localTracker =
            new LocalUtilizationTracker(envImpl);

        while (dirtyMap.getNumLevels() > 0) {

            /* Work on one level's worth of nodes in ascending level order. */
            Integer currentLevel = dirtyMap.getLowestLevelSet();
            int currentLevelVal = currentLevel.intValue();

             * Flush MapLNs just prior to flushing the first level of the
             * mapping tree.  Only flush a database if it has not already been
             * flushed since checkpoint start.
            if (currentLevelVal == IN.DBMAP_LEVEL) {

            /* Flush the nodes at the current level. */
            while (true) {
                CheckpointReference targetRef =
                if (targetRef == null) {

                 * Check to make sure the DB was not deleted after putting it
                 * in the dirty map, and prevent the DB from being deleted
                 * while we're working with it.
                DatabaseImpl db = null;
                try {
                    db = dbTree.getDb(targetRef.dbId);
                    if (db != null && !db.isDeleted()) {

                        /* Flush if we're below maxFlushLevel. */
                        int maxFlushLevel = getHighestFlushLevelInternal
                            (db, highestFlushLevels);
                        if (currentLevelVal <= maxFlushLevel) {

                            /* Evict before each operation. */
                            envImpl.criticalEviction(true /*backgroundIO*/);

                                (envImpl, db, logManager, targetRef, dirtyMap,
                                 currentLevelVal, maxFlushLevel, allowDeltas,
                                 checkpointStart, highPriority,
                                 fstats, localTracker,
                                 true /*allowLogSubtree*/);

                             * Sleep if background read/write limit was
                             * exceeded.
                } finally {

            /* We're done with this level. */

         * Count obsolete nodes tracked doing lazy compression.  All latches
         * must have been released. [#15365]
         * Do not flush FileSummaryLNs/MapLNs (do not call
         * UtilizationProfile.flushLocalTracker) here because that flushing is
         * already done by the checkpoint.

     * Flush the target IN.
     * Where applicable, also attempt to flush the subtree that houses this
     * target, which means we flush the siblings of this target to promote
     * better cleaning throughput. The problem lies in the fact that
     * provisionally logged nodes are not available for log cleaning until
     * their parent is logged non-provisionally.  On the other hand, we want to
     * log nodes in provisional mode as much as possible, both for recovery
     * performance, and for correctness to avoid fetches against cleaned log
     * files. (See [#16037].) These conflicting goals are reconciled by
     * flushing nodes in subtree grouping, because writing the non-provisional
     * parent of a set of provisionally written nodes frees the cleaner to work
     * on that set of provisional nodes as soon as possible. For example, if a
     * tree consists of:
     *             INa
     *       +------+-------+
     *      INb            INc
     * +-----+----+         +-----+
     * BINd BINe BINf      BINg BINh
     * It is more efficient for cleaning throughput to log in this order:
     *       BINd, BINe, BINf, INb, BINg, BINh, INc, INa
     * rather than:
     *       BINd, BINe, BINf, BINg, BINh, INb, INc, INa
     * Suppose the subtree in question is INb->{BINd, BINe, BINf}
     * Suppose we see BINd in the dirty map first, before BINe and BINf.
     *  - flushIN(BINd) is called
     *  - we fetch and latch its parent, INb
     * If this is a high priority checkpoint, we'll hold the INb latch across
     * the time it takes to flush all three children.  In flushIN(BINd), we
     * walk through INb, create a local map of all the siblings that can be
     * found in the dirty map, and then call logSiblings with that local map.
     * Then we'll write out INb.
     * If high priority is false, we will not hold the INb latch across
     * multiple IOs. Instead, we
     *  - write BINd out, using logSiblings
     *  - while still holding the INb latch, we create a local map of dirty
     *    siblings
     *  - release the INb latch
     *  - call flushIN() recursively on each entry in the local sibling map,
     *    which will result in a search and write of each sibling.  These
     *    recursive calls to flushIN are called with the allowLogSubtree
     *    parameter of false to halt the recursion and prevent a repeat of the
     *    sibling examination.
     *  - write INb
    private static void flushIN(EnvironmentImpl envImpl,
                                DatabaseImpl db,
                                LogManager logManager,
                                CheckpointReference targetRef,
                                DirtyINMap dirtyMap,
                                int currentLevel,
                                int maxFlushLevel,
                                boolean allowDeltas,
                                long checkpointStart,
                                boolean highPriority,
                                FlushStats fstats,
                                LocalUtilizationTracker localTracker,
                                boolean allowLogSubtree)
        throws DatabaseException {

        /* Call test hook when we reach the max level. */
        assert (currentLevel < maxFlushLevel) ||

        Tree tree = db.getTree();
        boolean targetWasRoot = false;
        if (targetRef.isDbRoot) {

            /* We're trying to flush the root. */
            RootFlusher flusher =
                new RootFlusher(db, logManager, targetRef.nodeId);
            boolean flushed = flusher.getFlushed();

             * If this target isn't the root anymore, we'll have to handle it
             * like a regular node.
            targetWasRoot = flusher.stillRoot();

             * Update the tree's owner, whether it's the env root or the
             * dbmapping tree.
            if (flushed) {
                DbTree dbTree = envImpl.getDbTree();

         * The following attempt to flush applies to two cases:
         * (1) the target was not ever the root
         * (2) the target was the root, when the checkpoint dirty set was
         * assembled but is not the root now.
        if (!targetWasRoot) {

             * The "isRoot" param is used to stop a search in
             * BIN.descendOnParentSearch and is passed as false (never stop).
            SearchResult result =
                                           false,  // isRoot
                                           false,  // requireExactMatch
                                           -1,     // targetLevel
                                           null,   // trackingList
                                           false); // doFetch

             * We must make sure that every IN that was selected for the
             * checkpointer's dirty IN set at the beginning of checkpoint is
             * written into the log and can be properly accessed from
             * ancestors. However, we have to take care for cases where the
             * evictor has written out a member of this dirty set before the
             * checkpointer got to it. See SR 10249.
             * If no possible parent is found, the compressor may have deleted
             * this item before we got to processing it.
            if (result.parent != null) {
                IN parent = result.parent;
                int parentLevel = parent.getLevel();
                boolean mustLogParent = false;

                 * If bottomLevelTarget is true, the parent IN contains bottom
                 * level BINs -- either DBINs or BINs depending on whether dups
                 * are configured or not.  If dups are configured we cannot
                 * mask the level, since we do not want to select the parent of
                 * a BIN in the upper part of the tree.  The masking is used to
                 * normalize the level for ordinary non-dup DBs and the mapping
                 * tree DB.
                boolean bottomLevelTarget = db.getSortedDuplicates() ?
                    (parentLevel == 2) :
                    ((parentLevel & IN.LEVEL_MASK) == 2);

                 * INs at the max flush level are always non-provisional and
                 * INs at the bottom level (when this is not also the max flush
                 * level) are always provisional.  In between INs are
                 * provisional BEFORE_CKPT_END (see Provisional).
                 * Note that to determine whether this IN is at the
                 * maxFlushLevel, we check (parentLevel > maxFlushLevel)
                 * instead of (currentLevel >= maxFlushLevel).  This handles
                 * the case where this IN is a DIN root, and the parent is a
                 * BIN that will not be flushed because the maxFlushLevel is
                 * less than IN.MAIN_LEVEL (0x10000).  For example, this IN is
                 * a DIN root at level 2 and the maxFlushLevel is 3.  [#16712]
                Provisional provisional;
                if (parentLevel > maxFlushLevel) {
                    provisional = Provisional.NO;
                } else if (bottomLevelTarget) {
                    provisional = Provisional.YES;
                } else {
                    provisional = Provisional.BEFORE_CKPT_END;

                 * Log a sub-tree when the target is at the bottom level and
                 * this is not a recursive call to flushIN during sub-tree
                 * logging.
                boolean logSubtree = bottomLevelTarget && allowLogSubtree;

                 * Log sub-tree siblings with the latch held when highPriority
                 * is configured and this is not a DW DB.  For a DW DB, dirty
                 * LNs are logged for each BIN.  If we were to log a DW
                 * sub-tree with the parent latch held, the amount of logging
                 * may cause the latch to be held for too long a period.
                boolean logSiblingsWithParentLatchHeld =
                    logSubtree &&
                    highPriority &&

                 * If we log siblings with the parent latch held, we log the
                 * target along with other siblings so we can perform a single
                 * multi-log call for all siblings.
                boolean logTargetWithOtherSiblings = false;

                 * Map of node ID to parent index for each sibling to log.  We
                 * must process the siblings in node ID order during multi-log,
                 * so that latching order is deterministic and only in one
                 * direction.
                SortedMap<Long,Integer> siblingsToLog = null;

                try {
                    if (result.exactParentFound) {

                         * If the child has already been evicted, don't
                         * refetch it.
                        IN renewedTarget = (IN) parent.getTarget(result.index);

                        if (renewedTarget == null) {
                            /* nAlreadyEvictedThisRun++;  -- for future */
                            mustLogParent |= true;
                        } else {
                            if (logSiblingsWithParentLatchHeld) {
                                logTargetWithOtherSiblings = true;
                            } else {
                                mustLogParent |= logSiblings
                                    (envImpl, dirtyMap, parent,
                                     allowDeltas, checkpointStart,
                                     highPriority, provisional, fstats,
                    } else {
                        /* result.exactParentFound was false. */

                        /* Do not flush children of the inexact parent. */
                        logSubtree = false;

                        if (result.childNotResident) {

                             * But it was because the child wasn't resident.
                             * To be on the safe side, we'll put the parent
                             * into the dirty set to be logged when that level
                             * is processed.
                             * Only do this if the parent we found is at a
                             * higher level than the child.  This ensures that
                             * the non-exact search does not find a sibling
                             * rather than a parent. [#11555]
                            if (parentLevel > currentLevel) {
                                mustLogParent |= true;
                            /* nAlreadyEvictedThisRun++; -- for future. */

                    if (logSubtree) {

                         * Create a map of node ID to parent index for each
                         * sibling we intend to log.  Note that the dirty map
                         * does not contain targetRef (the sibling we're
                         * processing) because it was removed before calling
                         * this method, but it is added to the map below.
                         * A TreeMap (sorted map) is used so that siblings are
                         * latched in node ID order.  A deterministic order is
                         * needed to avoid deadlocks, if siblings are latched
                         * in multiple threads in the future.
                        siblingsToLog = new TreeMap<Long,Integer>();
                        for (int index = 0;
                             index < parent.getNEntries();
                             index += 1) {
                            Node child = parent.getTarget(index);
                            if (child != null) {
                                Long childId = child.getNodeId();
                                if ((logTargetWithOtherSiblings &&
                                     targetRef.nodeId ==
                                     childId.longValue()) ||
                                        (child.getLevel(), childId)) {
                                    siblingsToLog.put(childId, index);

                        if (logSiblingsWithParentLatchHeld) {
                            if (MULTI_LOG) {
                                mustLogParent |= logSiblings
                                    (envImpl, dirtyMap, parent,
                                     siblingsToLog.values(), allowDeltas,
                                     checkpointStart, highPriority,
                                     provisional, fstats, localTracker);
                            } else {
                                for (int index : siblingsToLog.values()) {
                                    IN child = (IN) parent.getTarget(index);
                                    CheckpointReference childRef =
                                        (targetRef.nodeId ==
                                         child.getNodeId()) ? targetRef :
                                    assert childRef != null;
                                    mustLogParent |= logSiblings
                                        (envImpl, dirtyMap, parent,
                                         allowDeltas, checkpointStart,
                                         highPriority, provisional, fstats,
                            /* Siblings have been logged, do not log below. */
                            siblingsToLog = null;

                    if (mustLogParent) {
                        assert checkParentChildRelationship(result,
                                                            currentLevel) :
                               dumpParentChildInfo(result, parent,
                                                   currentLevel, tree);
                         * Add the parent IN to the dirty map unconditionally,
                         * even if not dirty, to cause changes to propogate
                         * upward even when a node has been evicted and
                         * refetched and is no longer dirty. [#16523]
                        dirtyMap.addIN(parent, true /*updateMemoryBudget*/);
                } finally {

                 * If highPriority is false, we don't hold the latch while
                 * logging the bottom level siblings.  We log them here with
                 * flushIN, performing a separate search for each one, after
                 * releasing the parent latch above.
                if (siblingsToLog != null) {
                    assert logSubtree;
                    assert !logSiblingsWithParentLatchHeld;
                    for (long childId : siblingsToLog.keySet()) {
                        assert targetRef.nodeId != childId;
                        CheckpointReference childRef =
                            dirtyMap.removeNode(currentLevel, childId);
                        if (childRef != null) {
                                (envImpl, db, logManager, childRef,
                                 dirtyMap, currentLevel, maxFlushLevel,
                                 allowDeltas, checkpointStart,
                                 highPriority, fstats, localTracker,
                                 false /*allowLogSubtree*/);

                 * Log the sub-tree parent, which will be logged
                 * non-provisionally, in order to update cleaner utilization.
                 * This must be done with flushIN after releasing the parent
                 * latch above, since we must search and acquire the
                 * grandparent latch.
                if (logSubtree && parentLevel <= maxFlushLevel) {
                    CheckpointReference parentRef = dirtyMap.removeNode
                        (parentLevel, parent.getNodeId());
                    if (parentRef != null) {
                            (envImpl, db, logManager, parentRef, dirtyMap,
                             parentLevel, maxFlushLevel, allowDeltas,
                             checkpointStart, highPriority, fstats,
                             localTracker, false /*allowLogSubtree*/);

     * @return true if this parent is appropriately 1 level above the child.
    private static boolean checkParentChildRelationship(SearchResult result,
                                                        int childLevel) {

        if (result.childNotResident && !result.exactParentFound) {

             * This might be coming from the #11555 clause, in which case we
             * are logging over-cautiously, but intentionally, and the levels
             * might not pass the test below.
            return true;

         * In the main tree or mapping tree, your parent must be in the same
         * number space, and must be 1 more than the child.  In the dup tree,
         * the parent might be a BIN from the main tree.
        int parentLevel = result.parent.getLevel();
        boolean isMapTree = (childLevel & IN.DBMAP_LEVEL) != 0;
        boolean isMainTree = (childLevel & IN.MAIN_LEVEL) != 0;

        boolean checkOk = false;
        if (isMapTree || isMainTree) {
            /* The parent must be child level + 1 */
            if (parentLevel == (childLevel + 1)) {
                checkOk = true;
        } else {
            if (childLevel == 1) {
                /* A DBIN must have a level 2 DIN parent. */
                if (parentLevel == 2) {
                    checkOk = true;
            } else {
                /* A DIN must have either a BIN or DIN parent. */
                if ((parentLevel == IN.BIN_LEVEL||
                    (parentLevel == childLevel + 1)) {
                    checkOk = true;
        return checkOk;

    private static String dumpParentChildInfo(SearchResult result,
                                       IN parent,
                                       long childNodeId,
                                       int currentLevel,
                                       Tree tree) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        /*        sb.append("ckptId=").append(checkpointId); */
        sb.append(" result=").append(result);
        sb.append(" parent node=").append(parent.getNodeId());
        sb.append(" level=").append(parent.getLevel());
        sb.append(" child node=").append(childNodeId);
        sb.append(" level=").append(currentLevel);
        return sb.toString();

    private static boolean logSiblings(EnvironmentImpl envImpl,
                                       DirtyINMap dirtyMap,
                                       IN parent,
                                       Collection<Integer> indicesToLog,
                                       boolean allowDeltas,
                                       long checkpointStart,
                                       boolean highPriority,
                                       Provisional provisional,
                                       FlushStats fstats,
                                       LocalUtilizationTracker localTracker)
        throws DatabaseException {

        LogManager logManager = envImpl.getLogManager();

        INLogContext context = new INLogContext();
        context.nodeDb = parent.getDatabase();
        context.backgroundIO = true;
        context.allowDeltas = allowDeltas;

        boolean mustLogParent = false;
        List<INLogItem> itemList = new ArrayList<INLogItem>();

        try {
            for (int index : indicesToLog) {
                IN child = (IN) parent.getTarget(index);

                /* Remove it from dirty map if it is present. */
                dirtyMap.removeNode(child.getLevel(), child.getNodeId());

                 * Latch and add item with valid parentIndex, so we will
                 * release the latch in the finally statement.
                INLogItem item = new INLogItem();
                item.parentIndex = index;

                 * Compress this node if necessary. Note that this may dirty
                 * the node.
                envImpl.lazyCompress(child, localTracker);

                if (child.getDirty()) {

                    if (child.getDatabase().isDurableDeferredWrite()) {

                         * Find dirty descendants to avoid logging nodes with
                         * never-logged children. See [#13936] and
                         * IN.logDirtyChildren for description of the case.
                         * Note that we must log both dirty and never-logged
                         * descendants to be sure to have a consistent view of
                         * the split. If we didn't, we could end up with the
                         * post-split version of a new sibling and the
                         * pre-split version of an split sibling in the log,
                         * which could result in a recovery where descendants
                         * are incorrectly duplicated, because they are in both
                         * the pre-split split sibling, and the post-split
                         * version of the new sibling.

                    /* Set default params. */
                    item.provisional = provisional;
                    item.repContext = ReplicationContext.NO_REPLICATE;
                    item.parent = parent;

                     * Allow child to perform "before log" processing.  Note
                     * that child decides whether to log a delta. Only BINs
                     * that fall into the required percentages and have not
                     * been cleaned will be logged with a delta.
                    child.beforeLog(logManager, item, context);
                } else {
                    /* Do not process if not dirty.  Unlatch now. */
                    itemList.remove(itemList.size() - 1);

                    /* Log parent if child has already been flushed. */
                    mustLogParent = true;

             * Log all siblings at once.  Limitations of Java generics prevent
             * conversion from List<INLogItem> to List<LogItem> even by
             * casting, so we convert to an array instead.
            LogItem[] itemArray = new LogItem[itemList.size()];
            logManager.multiLog(itemList.toArray(itemArray), context);

            for (INLogItem item : itemList) {
                IN child = (IN) parent.getTarget(item.parentIndex);

                /* Allow child to perform "after log" processing. */
                child.afterLog(logManager, item, context);

                 * When logging a delta, if the BIN was already logged after
                 * checkpoint start and before this point (i.e. by an
                 * eviction), we must make sure that the last full version is
                 * accessible from ancestors. We can skip logging parents only
                 * if the last full version was not logged in this checkpoint
                 * interval.
                boolean logThisParent = true;
                if (allowDeltas && (item.newLsn == DbLsn.NULL_LSN)) {
                    if (DbLsn.compareTo(child.getLastFullVersion(),
                                        checkpointStart) < 0) {
                        logThisParent = false;
                if (logThisParent) {
                    mustLogParent = true;

                /* Update the parent if a full version was logged. */
                if (item.newLsn != DbLsn.NULL_LSN) {
                    if (child instanceof BIN) {
                    parent.updateEntry(item.parentIndex, item.newLsn);
            return mustLogParent;
        } finally {
            for (INLogItem item : itemList) {
                IN child = (IN) parent.getTarget(item.parentIndex);

     * RootFlusher lets us write out the root IN within the root latch.
    private static class RootFlusher implements WithRootLatched {
        private final DatabaseImpl db;
        private boolean flushed;
        private boolean stillRoot;
        private final LogManager logManager;
        private final long targetNodeId;

        RootFlusher(DatabaseImpl db,
                    LogManager logManager,
                    long targetNodeId) {
            this.db = db;
            flushed = false;
            this.logManager = logManager;
            this.targetNodeId = targetNodeId;
            stillRoot = false;

         * Flush the rootIN if dirty.
        public IN doWork(ChildReference root)
            throws DatabaseException {

            if (root == null) {
                return null;
            IN rootIN = (IN) root.fetchTarget(db, null);
            try {
                if (rootIN.getNodeId() == targetNodeId) {

                     * Find dirty descendants to avoid logging nodes with
                     * never-logged children. See [#13936]
                    if (rootIN.getDatabase().isDurableDeferredWrite()) {

                     * stillRoot handles the situation where the root was split
                     * after it was placed in the checkpointer's dirty set.
                    stillRoot = true;
                    if (rootIN.getDirty()) {
                        long newLsn = rootIN.log(logManager);
                        flushed = true;
            } finally {
            return null;

        boolean getFlushed() {
            return flushed;

        boolean stillRoot() {
            return stillRoot;

     * CheckpointReferences are used to identify nodes that must be flushed as
     * part of the checkpoint. We don't keep an actual reference to the node
     * because that prevents nodes from being GC'ed during checkpoint.
     * Using a checkpointReference introduces a window between the point when
     * the checkpoint dirty set is created and when the node is flushed. Some
     * of the fields saved in the reference are immutable: db, nodeId,
     * containsDuplicates. The others are not and we have to handle potential
     * change:
     * isDbRoot: it's possible for isDbRoot to go from true->false, but not
     *         false->true. True->false is handled by the flushIN method
     *         by finding the root and checking if it is the target.
     * mainTreeKey, dupTreeKey: These can change only in the event of a
     *         split. If they do, there is the chance that the checkpointer
     *         will find the wrong node to flush, but that's okay because
     *         the split guarantees flushing to the root, so the target will
     *         be properly logged within the checkpoint period.
     * The class and ctor are public for the Sizeof program.
    public static class CheckpointReference {
        DatabaseId dbId;
        long nodeId;
        boolean containsDuplicates;
        boolean isDbRoot;
        byte[] mainTreeKey;
        byte[] dupTreeKey;

        public CheckpointReference(DatabaseId dbId,
                                   long nodeId,
                                   boolean containsDuplicates,
                                   boolean isDbRoot,
                                   byte[] mainTreeKey,
                                   byte[] dupTreeKey) {
            this.dbId = dbId;
            this.nodeId = nodeId;
            this.containsDuplicates = containsDuplicates;
            this.isDbRoot = isDbRoot;
            this.mainTreeKey = mainTreeKey;
            this.dupTreeKey = dupTreeKey;

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (!(o instanceof CheckpointReference)) {
                return false;

            CheckpointReference other = (CheckpointReference) o;
            return nodeId == other.nodeId;

        public int hashCode() {
            return (int) nodeId;

        public String toString() {
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            sb.append(" nodeId=").append(nodeId);
            return sb.toString();

     * A struct to hold log flushing stats for checkpoint and database sync.
    public static class FlushStats {

        public long nFullINFlush;
        public long nFullBINFlush;
        public long nDeltaINFlush;
        public long nFullINFlushThisRun;
        public long nFullBINFlushThisRun;
        public long nDeltaINFlushThisRun;

        /* For future addition to stats:
           private int nAlreadyEvictedThisRun;

        /* Reset per-run counters. */
        void resetPerRunCounters() {
            nFullINFlushThisRun = 0;
            nFullBINFlushThisRun = 0;
            nDeltaINFlushThisRun = 0;
            /* nAlreadyEvictedThisRun = 0; -- for future */

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