
Source Code of$LazyQueueEntry

* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Oracle.  All rights reserved.


import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;

import java.nio.BufferOverflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;


* The LogManager supports reading and writing to the JE log.
public abstract class LogManager {

    /* No-op loggable object. */
    private static final String DEBUG_NAME = LogManager.class.getName();

    protected LogBufferPool logBufferPool; // log buffers
    protected Latch logWriteLatch;           // synchronizes log writes
    private final boolean doChecksumOnRead;      // if true, do checksum on read
    private final FileManager fileManager;       // access to files
    protected EnvironmentImpl envImpl;
    private final boolean readOnly;

    /* How many bytes to read when faulting in. */
    private final int readBufferSize;

    /* The last LSN in the log during recovery. */
    private long lastLsnAtRecovery = DbLsn.NULL_LSN;

    /* Stats */
    private final StatGroup stats;

     * Number of times we have to repeat a read when we fault in an object
     * because the initial read was too small.
    private final LongStat nRepeatFaultReads;

     * Number of times we have to use the temporary marshalling buffer to
     * write to the log.
    private final LongStat nTempBufferWrites;

    /* The location of the next entry to be written to the log. */
    private final LSNStat endOfLog;

    /* For unit tests */
    private TestHook readHook; // used for generating exceptions on log reads

    /* A queue to hold log entries which are to be logged lazily. */
    private final Queue<LazyQueueEntry> lazyLogQueue =
        new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<LazyQueueEntry>();

     * An entry in the lazyLogQueue. A struct to hold the entry and repContext.
    private static class LazyQueueEntry {
        private final LogEntry entry;
        private final ReplicationContext repContext;

        private LazyQueueEntry(LogEntry entry, ReplicationContext repContext) {
            this.entry = entry;
            this.repContext = repContext;

     * There is a single log manager per database environment.
    public LogManager(EnvironmentImpl envImpl,
                      boolean readOnly)
        throws DatabaseException {

        /* Set up log buffers. */
        this.envImpl = envImpl;
        this.fileManager = envImpl.getFileManager();
        DbConfigManager configManager = envImpl.getConfigManager();
        this.readOnly = readOnly;
        logBufferPool = new LogBufferPool(fileManager, envImpl);

        /* See if we're configured to do a checksum when reading in objects. */
        doChecksumOnRead =

        logWriteLatch = new Latch(DEBUG_NAME);
        readBufferSize =

        /* Do the stats definitions. */
        stats = new StatGroup(GROUP_NAME, GROUP_DESC);
        nRepeatFaultReads = new LongStat(stats, LOGMGR_REPEAT_FAULT_READS);
        nTempBufferWrites = new LongStat(stats, LOGMGR_TEMP_BUFFER_WRITES);
        endOfLog = new LSNStat(stats, LOGMGR_END_OF_LOG);

    public boolean getChecksumOnRead() {
        return doChecksumOnRead;

    public long getLastLsnAtRecovery() {
        return lastLsnAtRecovery;

    public void setLastLsnAtRecovery(long lastLsnAtRecovery) {
        this.lastLsnAtRecovery = lastLsnAtRecovery;

     * Reset the pool when the cache is resized.  This method is called after
     * the memory budget has been calculated.
    public void resetPool(DbConfigManager configManager)
        throws DatabaseException {


     * Writing to the log

     * Log this single object and force a write of the log files.
     * @param entry object to be logged
     * @param fsyncRequired if true, log files should also be fsynced.
     * @return LSN of the new log entry
    public long logForceFlush(LogEntry entry,
                              boolean fsyncRequired,
                              ReplicationContext repContext)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return log(entry,
                   true,           // flush required
                   false,          // forceNewLogFile
                   false,          // backgroundIO
                   DbLsn.NULL_LSN, // old lsn
                   null,           // nodeDb
                   repContext);    // repContext

     * Log this single object and force a flip of the log files.
     * @param entry object to be logged
     * @return LSN of the new log entry
    public long logForceFlip(LogEntry entry)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return log(entry,
                   true,           // flush required
                   false,          // fsync required
                   true,           // forceNewLogFile
                   false,          // backgroundIO
                   DbLsn.NULL_LSN, // old lsn
                   null,           // nodeDb

     * Write a log entry.
     * @param entry object to be logged
     * @return LSN of the new log entry
    public long log(LogEntry entry, ReplicationContext repContext)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return log(entry,
                   false,           // flush required
                   false,           // fsync required
                   false,           // forceNewLogFile
                   false,           // backgroundIO
                   DbLsn.NULL_LSN,  // old lsn
                   null,            // nodeDb

     * Write a log entry lazily.
     * @param entry object to be logged
    public void logLazily(LogEntry entry, ReplicationContext repContext) {

        lazyLogQueue.add(new LazyQueueEntry(entry, repContext));

     * Write a log entry.
     * @param entry object to be logged
     * @param isProvisional true if this entry should not be read during
     * recovery.
     * @param backgroundIO if true, sleep when the backgroundIOLimit is
     * exceeded.
     * @param oldNodeLsn is the previous version of the node to be counted as
     * obsolete, or NULL_LSN if the entry is not a node or has no old LSN.
     * @param nodeDb database of the node, or null if entry is not a node.
     * @return LSN of the new log entry
    public long log(LogEntry entry,
                    boolean isProvisional,
                    boolean backgroundIO,
                    long oldNodeLsn,
                    DatabaseImpl nodeDb,
                    ReplicationContext repContext)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return log(entry,
                   isProvisional ? Provisional.YES : Provisional.NO,
                   false,          // flush required
                   false,          // fsync required
                   false,          // forceNewLogFile

     * Write a log entry.
     * @param entry object to be logged
     * @param provisional whether this entry should be processed during
     * recovery.
     * @param backgroundIO if true, sleep when the backgroundIOLimit is
     * exceeded.
     * @param oldNodeLsn is the previous version of the node to be counted as
     * obsolete, or NULL_LSN if the entry is not a node or has no old LSN.
     * @param nodeDb database of the node, or null if entry is not a node.
     * @return LSN of the new log entry
    public long log(LogEntry entry,
                    Provisional provisional,
                    boolean backgroundIO,
                    long oldNodeLsn,
                    DatabaseImpl nodeDb,
                    ReplicationContext repContext)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return log(entry,
                   false,          // flush required
                   false,          // fsync required
                   false,          // forceNewLogFile

     * Translates individual log params to LogItem and LogContext fields.
    private long log(LogEntry entry,
                     Provisional provisional,
                     boolean flushRequired,
                     boolean fsyncRequired,
                     boolean forceNewLogFile,
                     boolean backgroundIO,
                     long oldNodeLsn,
                     DatabaseImpl nodeDb,
                     ReplicationContext repContext)
        throws DatabaseException {

        LogItem item = new LogItem();
        item.entry = entry;
        item.provisional = provisional;
        item.oldLsn = oldNodeLsn;
        item.repContext = repContext;

        LogContext context = new LogContext();
        context.flushRequired = flushRequired;
        context.fsyncRequired = fsyncRequired;
        context.forceNewLogFile = forceNewLogFile;
        context.backgroundIO = backgroundIO;
        context.nodeDb = nodeDb;

        log(item, context);

        return item.newLsn;

     * Convenience method for logging a single entry.
    public void log(LogItem item, LogContext context)
        throws DatabaseException {

        multiLog(new LogItem[] { item }, context);

    public void multiLog(LogItem[] itemArray, LogContext context)
        throws DatabaseException {

        if (readOnly || itemArray.length == 0) {

        try {
            /* Flush any pending lazy entries. */
            LazyQueueEntry lqe = lazyLogQueue.poll();
            while (lqe != null) {
                LogItem item = new LogItem();
                item.entry = lqe.entry;
                item.provisional = Provisional.NO;
                item.oldLsn = DbLsn.NULL_LSN;
                item.repContext = lqe.repContext;

                LogContext lqeContext = new LogContext();
                lqeContext.flushRequired = false;
                lqeContext.fsyncRequired = false;
                lqeContext.forceNewLogFile = false;
                lqeContext.backgroundIO = false;
                lqeContext.nodeDb = null;

                serialLog(new LogItem[] { item }, lqeContext);
                lqe = lazyLogQueue.poll();

            for (LogItem item : itemArray) {
                LogEntry logEntry = item.entry;

                 * Get the old size before marshaling, which updates it.
                 * Holding the log write latch is not necessary, because the
                 * parent IN latch prevents other threads from logging this
                 * node.
                item.oldSize = logEntry.getLastLoggedSize();

                 * If possible, marshall this entry outside the log write latch
                 * to allow greater concurrency by shortening the write
                 * critical section.  Note that the header may only be created
                 * during marshalling because it calls entry.getSize().
                if (logEntry.getLogType().marshallOutsideLatch()) {
                    item.header = new LogEntryHeader
                        (logEntry, item.provisional, item.repContext);
                    item.buffer = marshallIntoBuffer(item.header, logEntry);

             * Perform the serial portion of the log operation, including
             * appending to the log buffer.
            serialLog(itemArray, context);

        } catch (BufferOverflowException e) {

             * A BufferOverflowException may be seen when a thread is
             * interrupted in the middle of the log and the nio direct buffer
             * is mangled is some way by the NIO libraries. JE applications
             * should refrain from using thread interrupt as a thread
             * communications mechanism because nio behavior in the face of
             * interrupts is uncertain. See SR [#10463].
             * One way or another, this type of io exception leaves us in an
             * unworkable state, so throw a run recovery exception.
            throw new ThreadInterruptedException(envImpl, e);
        } catch (IOException e) {

             * IOExceptions from true file I/O should not occur here, since
             * they are converted to DatabaseException by FileManager.
            throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedException(e);

         * Finish up business outside of the log write latch critical section.

         * If this logged object needs to be fsynced, do so now using the group
         * commit mechanism.
        if (context.fsyncRequired) {

        for (LogItem item : itemArray) {

             * We've logged this log entry from the replication stream. Let
             * the Replicator know, so this node can create a VLSN->LSN
             * mapping.  Do this before the ckpt so we have a better chance
             * of writing this mapping to disk.
            if (item.repContext.inReplicationStream()) {
                assert (item.header.getVLSN() != null) :
                    "Unexpected null vlsn: " + item.header + " " +

         * Periodically, as a function of how much data is written, ask the
         * checkpointer or the cleaner to wake up.
        if (context.wakeupCleaner) {

        /* Update background writes. */
        if (context.backgroundIO) {
                (context.totalNewSize, logBufferPool.getLogBufferSize());

     * Log one or more items while latched or synchronized in order to
     * serialize log output.  Implementations of this method call
     * serialLogInternal.
    abstract void serialLog(LogItem[] itemArray, LogContext context)
        throws IOException, DatabaseException;

     * Called within the log write critical section.
    void serialLogInternal(LogItem[] itemArray, LogContext context)
        throws IOException, DatabaseException {

        UtilizationTracker tracker = envImpl.getUtilizationTracker();
        LogItem firstItem = itemArray[0];
        LogItem lastItem = itemArray[itemArray.length - 1];

        for (LogItem item : itemArray) {
            boolean marshallOutsideLatch = (item.buffer != null);
            boolean isFirstItem = (item == firstItem);
            boolean isLastItem = (item == lastItem);

             * Do obsolete tracking before marshalling a FileSummaryLN into the
             * log buffer so that a FileSummaryLN counts itself.
             * countObsoleteNode must be called before computing the entry
             * size, since it can change the size of a FileSummaryLN entry that
             * we're logging
            LogEntryType entryType = item.entry.getLogType();
            if (item.oldLsn != DbLsn.NULL_LSN) {
                if (context.obsoleteDupsAllowed) {
                        (item.oldLsn, entryType, item.oldSize, context.nodeDb);
                } else {
                        (item.oldLsn, entryType, item.oldSize, context.nodeDb);

             * If an entry must be protected within the log write latch for
             * marshalling, take care to also calculate its size in the
             * protected section. Note that we have to get the size *before*
             * marshalling so that the currentLsn and size are correct for
             * utilization tracking.
            int entrySize;
            if (marshallOutsideLatch) {
                entrySize = item.buffer.limit();
                assert item.header != null;
            } else {
                assert item.header == null;
                item.header = new LogEntryHeader
                    (item.entry, item.provisional, item.repContext);
                entrySize = item.header.getSize() + item.header.getItemSize();

             * Get the next free slot in the log, under the log write latch.
             * Bump the LSN values, which gives us a valid previous pointer,
             * which is part of the log entry header. That's why doing the
             * checksum must be in the log write latch -- we need to bump the
             * LSN first, and bumping the LSN must be done within the log write
             * latch.
            if (isFirstItem && context.forceNewLogFile) {

            boolean flippedFile = fileManager.bumpLsn(entrySize);
            long currentLsn = DbLsn.NULL_LSN;
            boolean usedTemporaryBuffer = false;
            boolean success = false;
            try {
                currentLsn = fileManager.getLastUsedLsn();

                 * countNewLogEntry and countObsoleteNodeInexact cannot change
                 * a FileSummaryLN size, so they are safe to call after
                 * getSizeForWrite.
                if (tracker.countNewLogEntry
                    (currentLsn, entryType, entrySize, context.nodeDb)) {
                    context.wakeupCleaner = true;

                 * LN deletions are obsolete immediately.  Inexact counting is
                 * used to save resources because the cleaner knows that all
                 * deleted LNs are obsolete.
                if (item.entry.isDeleted()) {
                        (currentLsn, entryType, entrySize, context.nodeDb);

                 * This entry must be marshalled within the log write latch.
                if (!marshallOutsideLatch) {
                    assert item.buffer == null;
                    item.buffer = marshallIntoBuffer(item.header, item.entry);

                /* Sanity check */
                if (entrySize != item.buffer.limit()) {
                    throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedState
                        ("Logged entry entrySize= " + entrySize +
                         " but marshalledSize=" + item.buffer.limit() +
                         " type=" + entryType + " currentLsn=" +

                 * Ask for a log buffer suitable for holding this new entry.
                 * If the current log buffer is full, or if we flipped into a
                 * new file, write it to disk and get a new, empty log buffer
                 * to use. The returned buffer will be latched for write.
                LogBuffer useLogBuffer =
                    logBufferPool.getWriteBuffer(entrySize, flippedFile);

                /* Add checksum, prev offset, and VLSN to the entry. */
                item.buffer = item.header.addPostMarshallingInfo
                    (envImpl, item.buffer, fileManager.getPrevEntryOffset(),

                 * If the LogBufferPool buffer (useBuffer) doesn't have
                 * sufficient space (since they're fixed size), just use the
                 * temporary buffer and throw it away when we're done.  That
                 * way we don't grow the LogBuffers in the pool permanently.
                 * We risk an OOME on this temporary usage, but we'll risk it.
                 * [#12674]
                try {
                    ByteBuffer useBuffer = useLogBuffer.getDataBuffer();
                    if (useBuffer.capacity() - useBuffer.position() <
                        entrySize) {
                            (new LogBuffer(item.buffer, currentLsn),
                             false /* flushRequired */);
                        usedTemporaryBuffer = true;
                        assert useBuffer.position() == 0;
                    } else {
                        /* Copy marshalled object into write buffer. */
                } finally {

                success = true;
            } finally {
                if (!success) {

                     * The LSN pointer, log buffer position, and corresponding
                     * file position march in lockstep.
                     * 1. We bump the LSN.
                     * 2. We copy loggable entry into the log buffer.
                     * 3. We may try to write the log buffer.
                     * If we've failed to put the entry into the log buffer
                     * (2), we need to restore old LSN state so that the log
                     * buffer doesn't have a hole. [SR #12638] If we fail after
                     * (2), we don't need to restore state, because log buffers
                     * will still match file positions.
                     * This assumes that the last possible activity was the
                     * write of the log buffers.

                     * If the entry was not written to the log, it will not be
                     * part of the replication stream, and we should reuse the
                     * vlsn.
                    if (item.header.getVLSN() != null) {

             * Tell the log buffer pool that we finished the write.  Record the
             * LSN against this logbuffer, and write the buffer to disk if
             * needed.
            if (!usedTemporaryBuffer) {
                    (currentLsn, isLastItem && context.flushRequired,

             * If the txn is not null, the first entry is an LN. Update the txn
             * with info about the latest LSN. Note that this has to happen
             * within the log write latch.

            item.newLsn = currentLsn;
            context.totalNewSize += entrySize;

        /* Count other obsolete info under the log write latch. */
        if (context.packedObsoleteInfo != null) {
                (tracker, context.nodeDb);
        if (context.obsoleteWriteLockInfo != null) {
            for (WriteLockInfo info : context.obsoleteWriteLockInfo) {
                                          null /*type*/,

     * Serialize a loggable object into this buffer. (public for
     * unit tests.
    private ByteBuffer marshallIntoBuffer(LogEntryHeader header,
                                          LogEntry entry) {
        int entrySize = header.getSize() + header.getItemSize();

        ByteBuffer destBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(entrySize);

        /* Put the entry in. */
        entry.writeEntry(header, destBuffer);

        /* Set the limit so it can be used as the size of the entry. */

        return destBuffer;

     * Serialize a log entry into this buffer with proper entry header. Return
     * it ready for a copy.
    ByteBuffer putIntoBuffer(LogEntry entry,
                             long prevLogEntryOffset) {
        LogEntryHeader header = new LogEntryHeader
            (entry, Provisional.NO, ReplicationContext.NO_REPLICATE);

        /* Assert that we're not in a situation demanding Txn mutex. */
        assert entry.getLogType() != LogEntryType.LOG_LN_TRANSACTIONAL;

        ByteBuffer destBuffer = marshallIntoBuffer(header, entry);

        return header.addPostMarshallingInfo(envImpl,

     * Reading from the log.
     * Instantiate all the objects in the log entry at this LSN.
    public LogEntry getLogEntry(long lsn)
        throws FileNotFoundException {

        return getLogEntry(lsn, false /*invisibleReadAllowed*/).getEntry();

     * Instantiate all the objects in the log entry at this LSN. Allow the
     * fetch of invisible log entries if we are in recovery.
    public LogEntry getLogEntryAllowInvisibleAtRecovery(long lsn)
        throws FileNotFoundException {

        return getLogEntry(lsn, envImpl.isInInit() /*invisibleReadAllowed*/).

     * Instantiate all the objects in the log entry at this LSN. The entry
     * may be marked invisible.
    public WholeEntry getLogEntryAllowInvisible(long lsn)
        throws FileNotFoundException {

        return getLogEntry(lsn, true);

     * Instantiate all the objects in the log entry at this LSN.
     * @param lsn location of entry in log.
     * @param invisibleReadAllowed true if it's expected that the target log
     * entry might be invisible. Correct the known-to-be-bad checksum before
     * proceeding.
     * @return log entry that embodies all the objects in the log entry.
    private WholeEntry getLogEntry(long lsn, boolean invisibleReadAllowed)
        throws FileNotFoundException {

        /* Fail loudly if the environment is invalid. */

        try {

             * Get a log source for the log entry which provides an abstraction
             * that hides whether the entry is in a buffer or on disk. Will
             * register as a reader for the buffer or the file, which will take
             * a latch if necessary.
            LogSource logSource = getLogSource(lsn);

            /* Read the log entry from the log source. */
            return getLogEntryFromLogSource(lsn, logSource,
        } catch (ChecksumException e) {
            throw new EnvironmentFailureException
                (envImpl, EnvironmentFailureReason.LOG_CHECKSUM, e);

    public LogEntry getLogEntryHandleFileNotFound(long lsn)
        throws DatabaseException {

        try {
            return getLogEntry(lsn);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            throw new EnvironmentFailureException
                 EnvironmentFailureReason.LOG_FILE_NOT_FOUND, e);

     * Throws ChecksumException rather than translating it to
     * EnvironmentFailureException and invalidating the environment.  Used
     * instead of getLogEntry when a ChecksumException is handled specially.
    LogEntry getLogEntryAllowChecksumException(long lsn)
        throws ChecksumException, FileNotFoundException, DatabaseException {

        return getLogEntryFromLogSource
             false /*invisibleReadAllowed*/).getEntry();

    LogEntry getLogEntryAllowChecksumException(long lsn,
                                               RandomAccessFile file,
                                               int logVersion)
        throws ChecksumException, DatabaseException {

        return getLogEntryFromLogSource
             new FileSource(file, readBufferSize, fileManager,
                            DbLsn.getFileNumber(lsn), logVersion),
             false /*invisibleReadAllowed*/).getEntry();

     * Instantiate all the objects in the log entry at this LSN. This will
     * release the log source at the first opportunity.
     * @param lsn location of entry in log
     * @param invisibleReadAllowed if true, we will permit the read of invisible
     * log entries, and we will adjust the invisible bit so that the checksum
     * will validate
     * @return log entry that embodies all the objects in the log entry
    private WholeEntry getLogEntryFromLogSource(long lsn,
                                                LogSource logSource,
                                                boolean invisibleReadAllowed)
        throws ChecksumException, DatabaseException {

        try {

             * Read the log entry header into a byte buffer. This assumes
             * that the minimum size of this byte buffer (determined by
             * je.log.faultReadSize) is always >= the maximum log entry header.
            long fileOffset = DbLsn.getFileOffset(lsn);
            ByteBuffer entryBuffer = logSource.getBytes(fileOffset);
            if (entryBuffer.remaining() < LogEntryHeader.MIN_HEADER_SIZE) {
                throw new ChecksumException
                    ("Incomplete log entry header, size=" +
                     entryBuffer.remaining() + " lsn=" +

            /* Read the header. */
            LogEntryHeader header =
                new LogEntryHeader(entryBuffer, logSource.getLogVersion());
            if (header.isVariableLength()) {
                if (entryBuffer.remaining() <
                    header.getVariablePortionSize()) {
                    throw new ChecksumException
                        ("Incomplete log entry header, size=" +
                         entryBuffer.remaining() + " varSize=" +
                         header.getVariablePortionSize() + " lsn=" +

             * If invisibleReadAllowed == false, we should not be fetching
             * an invisible log entry.
            if (header.isInvisible() && !invisibleReadAllowed) {
                throw new EnvironmentFailureException
                    (envImpl, EnvironmentFailureReason.LOG_INTEGRITY,
                     "Read invisible log entry at " +
                     DbLsn.getNoFormatString(lsn) + " " + header);

            ChecksumValidator validator = null;
            if (doChecksumOnRead) {
                int itemStart = entryBuffer.position();

                 * We're about to read an invisible log entry, which has
                 * knowingly been left on disk with a bad checksum. Flip the
                 * invisible bit in the backing byte buffer now, so the
                 * checksum will be valid. The LogEntryHeader object itself
                 * still has the invisible bit set, which is useful for
                 * debugging.
                if (header.isInvisible() && invisibleReadAllowed) {
                        (entryBuffer, itemStart - header.getSize());

                /* Add header to checksum bytes */
                validator = new ChecksumValidator();
                int headerSizeMinusChecksum = header.getSizeMinusChecksum();
                entryBuffer.position(itemStart -
                validator.update(entryBuffer, headerSizeMinusChecksum);

             * Now that we know the size, read the rest of the entry
             * if the first read didn't get enough.
            int itemSize = header.getItemSize();
            if (entryBuffer.remaining() < itemSize) {
                entryBuffer = logSource.getBytes(fileOffset + header.getSize(),

             * Do entry validation. Run checksum before checking the entry
             * type, it will be the more encompassing error.
            if (doChecksumOnRead) {
                /* Check the checksum first. */
                validator.update(entryBuffer, itemSize);
                validator.validate(header.getChecksum(), lsn);

            assert LogEntryType.isValidType(header.getType()):
                "Read non-valid log entry type: " + header.getType();

            /* Read the entry. */
            LogEntry logEntry =
                               true)// readFullItem

            /* For testing only; generate a read io exception. */
            if (readHook != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    /* Simulate what the FileManager would do. */
                    throw new EnvironmentFailureException
                        (envImpl, EnvironmentFailureReason.LOG_READ, e);

             * Done with the log source, release in the finally clause.  Note
             * that the buffer we get back from logSource is just a duplicated
             * buffer, where the position and state are copied but not the
             * actual data. So we must not release the logSource until we are
             * done marshalling the data from the buffer into the object
             * itself.
            return new WholeEntry(header, logEntry);
        } finally {
            if (logSource != null) {

     * Return a ByteBuffer holding the log entry at this LSN. The log entry
     * must begin at position 0, to mimic the marshalledBuffer used in
     * logInternal().
     * @param lsn location of entry in log
     * @return log entry that embodies all the objects in the log entry
    public ByteBuffer getByteBufferFromLog(long lsn)
        throws DatabaseException {

        /* Fail loudly if the environment is invalid. */

         * Get a log source for the log entry which provides an abstraction
         * that hides whether the entry is in a buffer or on disk. Will
         * register as a reader for the buffer or the file, which will take a
         * latch if necessary.
        LogSource logSource = null;
        try {
            logSource = getLogSource(lsn);

             * Read the log entry header into a byte buffer. This assumes
             * that the minimum size of this byte buffer (determined by
             * je.log.faultReadSize) is always >= the maximum log entry header.
            long fileOffset = DbLsn.getFileOffset(lsn);
            ByteBuffer entryBuffer = logSource.getBytes(fileOffset);
            int startingPosition = entryBuffer.position();
            int amountRemaining = entryBuffer.remaining();
            assert (amountRemaining >= LogEntryHeader.MAX_HEADER_SIZE);

            /* Read the header, find out how large this buffer needs to be */
            LogEntryHeader header =
                new LogEntryHeader(entryBuffer, logSource.getLogVersion());
            int totalSize = header.getSize() + header.getItemSize();

             * Now that we know the size, read in the rest of the entry
             * if the first read didn't get enough.
            if (amountRemaining < totalSize) {
                entryBuffer = logSource.getBytes(fileOffset, totalSize);

             * The log entry must be positioned at the start of the returned
             * buffer, to mimic the normal logging path.
            ByteBuffer singleEntryBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(totalSize);
            entryBuffer.limit(startingPosition + totalSize);
            return singleEntryBuffer;
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            throw new EnvironmentFailureException
                 EnvironmentFailureReason.LOG_FILE_NOT_FOUND, e);
        } catch (ChecksumException e) {
            throw new EnvironmentFailureException
                (envImpl, EnvironmentFailureReason.LOG_CHECKSUM, e);
        } finally {

     * Fault in the first object in the log entry log entry at this LSN.
     * @param lsn location of object in log
     * @return the object in the log
    public Object getEntry(long lsn)
        throws FileNotFoundException, DatabaseException {

        LogEntry entry = getLogEntry(lsn);
        return entry.getMainItem();

    public Object getEntryHandleFileNotFound(long lsn) {
        LogEntry entry = getLogEntryHandleFileNotFound(lsn);
        return entry.getMainItem();

     * Find the LSN, whether in a file or still in the log buffers.
     * Is public for unit testing.
    public LogSource getLogSource(long lsn)
        throws FileNotFoundException, ChecksumException, DatabaseException {

         * First look in log to see if this LSN is still in memory.
        LogBuffer logBuffer = logBufferPool.getReadBufferByLsn(lsn);

        if (logBuffer == null) {
            try {
                /* Not in the in-memory log -- read it off disk. */
                long fileNum = DbLsn.getFileNumber(lsn);
                return new FileHandleSource
                     readBufferSize, fileManager);
            } catch (DatabaseException e) {
                /* Add LSN to exception message. */
                e.addErrorMessage("lsn= " + DbLsn.getNoFormatString(lsn));
                throw e;
        return logBuffer;

     * Return a log buffer locked for reading, or null if no log buffer
     * holds this LSN location.
    public LogBuffer getReadBufferByLsn(long lsn) {

        assert DbLsn.getFileOffset(lsn) != 0 :
             "Read of lsn " + DbLsn.getNoFormatString(lsn+
            " is illegal because file header entry is not in the log buffer";

        return logBufferPool.getReadBufferByLsn(lsn);

     * Flush all log entries, fsync the log file.
    public void flush()
        throws DatabaseException {

        if (!readOnly) {

     * May be used to avoid sync, for unit tests and for rep syncup.
    public void flushNoSync()
        throws DatabaseException {

        if (!readOnly) {

    abstract void flushInternal()
        throws DatabaseException;

    public StatGroup loadStats(StatsConfig config)
        throws DatabaseException {

        if (!config.getFast()) {

        StatGroup copyStats = stats.cloneGroup(config.getClear());
        /* Add all the LogBufferPool's stats to the LogManager's stat group. */
        /* Add all the FileManager's stats to the LogManager's stat group. */

        return copyStats;

     * Returns a tracked summary for the given file which will not be flushed.
     * Used for watching changes that occur while a file is being cleaned.
    public abstract TrackedFileSummary getUnflushableTrackedSummary(long file)
        throws DatabaseException;

    TrackedFileSummary getUnflushableTrackedSummaryInternal(long file) {
        return envImpl.getUtilizationTracker().

     * Removes the tracked summary for the given file.
    abstract public void removeTrackedFile(TrackedFileSummary tfs)
        throws DatabaseException;

    protected void removeTrackedFileInternal(TrackedFileSummary tfs) {

     * Count node as obsolete under the log write latch.  This is done here
     * because the log write latch is managed here, and all utilization
     * counting must be performed under the log write latch.
    public abstract void countObsoleteNode(long lsn,
                                           LogEntryType type,
                                           int size,
                                           DatabaseImpl nodeDb,
                                           boolean countExact)
        throws DatabaseException;

    void countObsoleteNodeInternal(long lsn,
                                   LogEntryType type,
                                   int size,
                                   DatabaseImpl nodeDb,
                                   boolean countExact) {
        UtilizationTracker tracker = envImpl.getUtilizationTracker();
        if (countExact) {
            tracker.countObsoleteNode(lsn, type, size, nodeDb);
        } else {
            tracker.countObsoleteNodeInexact(lsn, type, size, nodeDb);

     * A flavor of countObsoleteNode which does not fire an assert if the
     * offset has already been counted. Called through the LogManager so that
     * this incidence of all utilization counting can be performed under the
     * log write latch.
    public abstract void countObsoleteNodeDupsAllowed(long lsn,
                                                      LogEntryType type,
                                                      int size,
                                                      DatabaseImpl nodeDb)
        throws DatabaseException;

    void countObsoleteNodeDupsAllowedInternal(long lsn,
                                              LogEntryType type,
                                              int size,
                                              DatabaseImpl nodeDb) {
        UtilizationTracker tracker = envImpl.getUtilizationTracker();
        tracker.countObsoleteNodeDupsAllowed(lsn, type, size, nodeDb);

     * @see LocalUtilizationTracker#transferToUtilizationTracker
    public abstract void transferToUtilizationTracker(LocalUtilizationTracker
        throws DatabaseException;

    void transferToUtilizationTrackerInternal(LocalUtilizationTracker
        throws DatabaseException {

        UtilizationTracker tracker = envImpl.getUtilizationTracker();

     * @see DatabaseImpl#countObsoleteDb
    public abstract void countObsoleteDb(DatabaseImpl db)
        throws DatabaseException;

    void countObsoleteDbInternal(DatabaseImpl db) {
                           DbLsn.NULL_LSN /*mapLnLsn*/);

    public abstract boolean removeDbFileSummary(DatabaseImpl db, Long fileNum)
        throws DatabaseException;

    boolean removeDbFileSummaryInternal(DatabaseImpl db, Long fileNum) {
        return db.removeDbFileSummary(fileNum);

    public abstract void loadEndOfLogStat()
        throws DatabaseException;

    void loadEndOfLogStatInternal() {

    /* For unit testing only. */
    public void setReadHook(TestHook hook) {
        readHook = hook;

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