package controleur;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import org.jdom2.Element;
import org.jdom2.JDOMException;
import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder;
import org.jdom2.output.Format;
import org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter;
import tool.Language;
import vue.MotherFrame;
* <p>
* Application to calculate your SQ.</br>
* Use <b>whatthefat</b>'s formula : sq=35*(0.00137*I-ln(U))+240</br>
* @author Patrick-Edouard
* </p>
public class SQCalculator {
private final static double var1=35;
private final static double var2=0.00137;
private final static double var3=240;
private final static String xmlPath="listSQ.xml";
private double sq;
private Element root;
public SQCalculator()
* @param unspend The average unspent ressources in the game
* @param income The average income in the game
* @return The SQ of this game
public double calculSQ(double unspend, double income)
return this.sq;
public void saveSQ(double sq)
Element thisSQ = new Element("sq");
* <p>
* <b>Method : saveXML</b></br>
* Save the XML language file at his path (defined in Language.xmlPath)
* <p>
private void saveXML()
XMLOutputter sortie = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
sortie.output(this.root, new FileOutputStream(SQCalculator.xmlPath));
catch (java.io.IOException e){}
public double[] getSQ()
List<Element> list = this.root.getChildren();
double[] result = new double[list.size()];
int i=0;
for(Element tmp : list)
result[i] = Double.parseDouble(tmp.getText());
return result;
private void openSQList()
SAXBuilder sxb = new SAXBuilder();
try {
this.root = sxb.build(new File(SQCalculator.xmlPath)).getRootElement();
} catch (JDOMException | IOException e) {
* <p>
* The main function, just build a new SQCalculator instance or launch the translator tool with "lang" argument.
* @param args use "lang" to launch the translator tool.
* </p>
public static void main(String[] args) {
if(args.length == 1)
Language la = new Language();
new MotherFrame();