Package de.FeatureModellingTool.DupHelper

Source Code of de.FeatureModellingTool.DupHelper.ConstraintTransformHelper

package de.FeatureModellingTool.DupHelper;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import research.DrawingView;
import research.Figure;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.Customize.Customization;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.Customize.CustomizationVersion;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.DupHelper.ConstraintTransform.Predicate;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.DupHelper.ConstraintTransform.PredicateHelper;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.FeatureModel.CFRModifier;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.FeatureModel.CFRelation;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.FeatureModel.CompositeConstraint;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.FeatureModel.CompositeConstraintEditor;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.FeatureModel.CompositeConstraintPortType;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.FeatureModel.CompositeConstraintType;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.FeatureModel.Constraint;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.FeatureModel.ConstraintModel;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.FeatureModel.ConstraintModelEditor;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.FeatureModel.Feature;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.FeatureModel.FeatureEditor;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.FeatureModel.FeatureModel;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.FeatureModel.FeatureModelEditor;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.FeatureModel.FeatureProperties;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.FeatureModel.FeatureRelation;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.FeatureModel.GroupConstraint;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.FeatureModel.GroupConstraintEditor;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.FeatureModel.GroupConstraintType;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.FeatureModel.Variability;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.GraphicalEditor.GroupConstraintFigure;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.GraphicalEditor.PLConnection;
import de.FeatureModellingTool.GraphicalEditor.PLFigure;

public class ConstraintTransformHelper {
  public enum CheckResult {crNone , crRemove , crTransform , crFlood , crError}

  public static void updateCFRelation_Revert(CFRelation r , ConstraintModelEditor cme , Figure f) {
    if (r.getModifier().equals(CFRModifier.Affirmation)) {
      r = cme.addCFRelation(r.getID() , r.getFeature() , r.getConstraint() , r.isSource() , CFRModifier.Negation);
    } else {
      r = cme.addCFRelation(r.getID() , r.getFeature() , r.getConstraint() , r.isSource() , CFRModifier.Affirmation);
    f.setAttribute("CFRModifier" , r.getModifier().getName());
  public static void changePredicate(
      Collection<Feature> fsSrc , boolean undecidedOnly , CustomizationVersion cvSrc , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure
      , boolean revertCFRelation , Constraint cSrc , ConstraintModel cmSrc
      , Figure fSrc
      , GroupConstraintType gctDest
      , ConstraintModelEditor cmeDest , GroupConstraintEditor gceDest , DrawingView dvDest) {
    GroupConstraint gcDest = cmeDest.addGroupConstraint();
    gceDest.setType(gcDest , gctDest);
    GroupConstraintFigure gcfDest = new GroupConstraintFigure();
    gcfDest.setAttribute("id" , gcDest.getID());
    gcfDest.setAttribute("GroupType" , gcDest.getType().getName());
//    gcfDest.setAttribute("PortPosition" , gcfSrc.getAttribute("PortPosition"));
    gcfDest.setAttribute("bounds" , fSrc.getAttribute("bounds"));
    gcfDest.setAttribute("frameColor" , fSrc.getAttribute("frameColor"));
    gcfDest.moveBy(fSrc.getDisplayBox().x , fSrc.getDisplayBox().y);
    for (Iterator<Feature> itFeature=fsSrc.iterator() ; itFeature.hasNext() ; ) {
      Feature f =;
      if (undecidedOnly && !cvSrc.getFinalCustomizationById(f.getID()).equals(Customization.Undecided)) {
      gceDest.addFeature(gcDest , f);
      CFRelation cfrSrc = cmSrc.getCFRelation(f , cSrc , true);
      if (cfrSrc==null) {
        cfrSrc = cmSrc.getCFRelation(f , cSrc , false);
      CFRModifier modifier = cfrSrc.getModifier();
      if (revertCFRelation) {
        if (modifier.equals(CFRModifier.Affirmation)) {
          modifier = CFRModifier.Negation;
        } else {
          modifier = CFRModifier.Affirmation;
      CFRelation cfrDest = cmeDest.addCFRelation(f , gcDest , false , modifier);
      PLConnection plc = new PLConnection();
      plc.setAttribute("id" , cfrDest.getID());
//      result.setAttribute("frameColor" , cfSrc.getAttribute("frameColor"));
//      plc.setAttribute("type" , cfSrc.getAttribute("type"));
      plc.setAttribute("CFRModifier" , modifier.getName());
      plc.startPoint(gcfDest.getDisplayBox().x , gcfDest.getDisplayBox().y);
      Figure figureSrc = mFigure.get(f.getID());
      plc.endPoint(figureSrc.getDisplayBox().x , figureSrc.getDisplayBox().y);

  public static void removeFeatureRelation(String frID , FeatureModelEditor fme
      , Figure f , DrawingView dv) {

  public static boolean checkFeatureRelation(FeatureRelation fr , FeatureModelEditor fme , Figure figure , DrawingView dv , CustomizationVersion cv) {
    if (!fr.getName().equals(FeatureRelation.REQUIRE) && !fr.getName().equals(FeatureRelation.EXCLUDE)) {
      return true;
    Feature fStart = fr.getStartFeature();
    Feature fEnd = fr.getEndFeature();
    Customization cStart = cv.getFinalCustomizationById(fStart.getID());
    Customization cEnd = cv.getFinalCustomizationById(fEnd.getID());
    if (fr.getName().equals(FeatureRelation.REQUIRE)) {
      if (Customization.Selected.equals(cStart)) {
        if (Customization.Selected.equals(cEnd)) {
          removeFeatureRelation(fr.getID() , fme , figure , dv);
          return true;
        } else if (Customization.Unselected.equals(cEnd)) {
          return true;
        } else {
          return false; //CheckResult.crFlood;
      } else if (Customization.Unselected.equals(cStart)) {
        if (Customization.Selected.equals(cEnd)) {
          removeFeatureRelation(fr.getID() , fme , figure , dv);
          return false; //CheckResult.crError;
        } else if (Customization.Unselected.equals(cEnd)) {
          removeFeatureRelation(fr.getID() , fme , figure , dv);
          return true;
        } else {
          removeFeatureRelation(fr.getID() , fme , figure , dv);
          return true;
      } else {
        if (Customization.Selected.equals(cEnd)) {
          removeFeatureRelation(fr.getID() , fme , figure , dv);
          return true;
        } else if (Customization.Unselected.equals(cEnd)) {
          return false; //CheckResult.crFlood;
        } else {
          return false; //CheckResult.crNone;
    } else if (fr.getName().equals(FeatureRelation.EXCLUDE)) {
      if (Customization.Selected.equals(cStart)) {
        if (Customization.Selected.equals(cEnd)) {
          return false; //CheckResult.crError;
        } else if (Customization.Unselected.equals(cEnd)) {
          removeFeatureRelation(fr.getID() , fme , figure , dv);
          return true;
        } else {
          return false; //CheckResult.crFlood;
      } else if (Customization.Unselected.equals(cStart)) {
        if (Customization.Selected.equals(cEnd)) {
          removeFeatureRelation(fr.getID() , fme , figure , dv);
          return true;
        } else if (Customization.Unselected.equals(cEnd)) {
          removeFeatureRelation(fr.getID() , fme , figure , dv);
          return true;
        } else {
          removeFeatureRelation(fr.getID() , fme , figure , dv);
          return true;
      } else {
        if (Customization.Selected.equals(cEnd)) {
          return false; //CheckResult.crFlood;
        } else if (Customization.Unselected.equals(cEnd)) {
          removeFeatureRelation(fr.getID() , fme , figure , dv);
          return true;
        } else {
          return true;
    return true;
  public static boolean createGroupConstraint(Constraint c
      , Collection<Feature> features , boolean revertCFRelation  , GroupConstraintType gct
      , ConstraintModel cm , ConstraintModelEditor cme , GroupConstraintEditor gce
      , DrawingView dv , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure) {
    Figure constraintFigure = mFigure.get(c.getID());
    GroupConstraint gcDest = cme.addGroupConstraint();
    gce.setType(gcDest , gct);
    GroupConstraintFigure gcf = new GroupConstraintFigure();
    gcf.setAttribute("id" , gcDest.getID());
    if (GroupConstraintType.SingleGroup.equals(gct)) {
      gcf.setAttribute("GroupType" , GroupConstraintFigure.Single);
    } else if (GroupConstraintType.MultiGroup.equals(gct)) {
      gcf.setAttribute("GroupType" , GroupConstraintFigure.Multi);
    } else {
      gcf.setAttribute("GroupType" , GroupConstraintFigure.All);
//    gcfDest.setAttribute("PortPosition" , gcfSrc.getAttribute("PortPosition"));
    gcf.setAttribute("bounds" , constraintFigure.getAttribute("bounds"));
    gcf.setAttribute("frameColor" , constraintFigure.getAttribute("frameColor"));
    for (Iterator<Feature> itFeature=features.iterator() ; itFeature.hasNext() ; ) {
      Feature f =;
      gce.addFeature(gcDest , f);
      CFRelation cfrSrc = cm.getCFRelation(f , c , true);
      if (cfrSrc==null) {
        cfrSrc = cm.getCFRelation(f , c , false);
      CFRModifier modifier = cfrSrc.getModifier();
      if (revertCFRelation) {
        if (modifier.equals(CFRModifier.Affirmation)) {
          modifier = CFRModifier.Negation;
        } else {
          modifier = CFRModifier.Affirmation;
      CFRelation cfrDest = cme.addCFRelation(f , gcDest , false , modifier);
      PLConnection plcOld = (PLConnection)mFigure.get(cfrSrc.getID());
      PLConnection plcNew = new PLConnection();
      plcNew.setAttribute("id" , cfrDest.getID());
      plcNew.setAttribute("frameColor" , plcOld.getAttribute("frameColor"));
      plcNew.setAttribute("type" , plcOld.getAttribute("type"));
      plcNew.setAttribute("CFRModifier" , modifier.getName());
      for (int i=0 ; i<plcOld.pointCount() ; i++) {
        plcNew.addPoint(plcOld.pointAt(i).x , plcOld.pointAt(i).y);
      plcNew.startPoint(gcf.getConnectors()[0].getDisplayBox().x , gcf.getConnectors()[0].getDisplayBox().y);
      Figure featureFigure = mFigure.get(f.getID());
      plcNew.endPoint(featureFigure.getConnectors()[3].getDisplayBox().x , featureFigure.getConnectors()[3].getDisplayBox().y);
    return true;
  public static void removeGroupConstraint(GroupConstraint gc , ConstraintModel cm , ConstraintModelEditor cme
      , DrawingView dv , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure) {
    List<CFRelation> relations = new ArrayList<CFRelation>();
    List<Figure> figures = new ArrayList<Figure>();
    for (Iterator<Feature> itFeature=gc.getFeatureSet().iterator() ; itFeature.hasNext() ; ) {
      Feature f =;
      CFRelation relation = cm.getCFRelation(f , gc , true);
      if (relation==null) {
        relation = cm.getCFRelation(f , gc , false);
    for (int i=0 ; i<relations.size() ; i++) {
      CFRelation relation = relations.get(i);
      Figure figure = figures.get(i);

  public static void removeGroupConstraintRelations(GroupConstraint gc , ConstraintModel cm , ConstraintModelEditor cme
      , DrawingView dv , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure , CustomizationVersion cv) {
    List<Feature> features = new ArrayList<Feature>(gc.getFeatureSet());
    for (int i=0 ; i<features.size() ; i++) {
      Feature feature = features.get(i);
      if (!cv.getFinalCustomizationById(feature.getID()).equals(Customization.Undecided)) {
        CFRelation fr = cm.getCFRelation(feature , gc , false);
        Figure figure = mFigure.get(fr.getID());
  public static boolean checkGroupConstraint(GroupConstraint gc , ConstraintModel cm , ConstraintModelEditor cme , DrawingView dv
      , CustomizationVersion cv
      , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure) {
    Predicate pred = PredicateHelper.getPredicateByGroupConstraintType(gc.getType());
    PredicateHelper.fillPredicate(gc.getFeatureSet() , gc , cm, cv , pred);
    if (gc.getType().equals(GroupConstraintType.SingleGroup)) {
      if (pred.getSelectedCount()==0) {
        if (pred.getUndecidedCount()==0) {
          removeGroupConstraint(gc , cm , cme , dv , mFigure);
          return true;
        } else {
          removeGroupConstraintRelations(gc , cm , cme , dv , mFigure , cv);
          return true;
      } else if (pred.getSelectedCount()==1) {
        if (pred.getUndecidedCount()==0) {
          removeGroupConstraint(gc , cm , cme , dv , mFigure);
          return true;
        } else {
          return false; //CheckResult.crFlood;
      } else {
        return false; //CheckResult.crError;
    } else if (gc.getType().equals(GroupConstraintType.AllGroup)) {
      if (pred.getSelectedCount()==0) {
        if (pred.getUnselectedCount()==0) {
          removeGroupConstraintRelations(gc , cm , cme , dv , mFigure , cv);
          return true;
        } else {
          if (pred.getUndecidedCount()==0) {
            removeGroupConstraint(gc , cm , cme , dv , mFigure);
            return true;
          } else {
            return false; //CheckResult.crFlood;
      } else {
        if (pred.getUnselectedCount()==0) {
          if (pred.getUndecidedCount()==0) {
            removeGroupConstraint(gc , cm , cme , dv , mFigure);
            return true;
          } else {
            return false; //CheckResult.crFlood;
        } else {
          return false; //CheckResult.crError;
    } else {
      if (pred.getUndecidedCount()==0) {
        removeGroupConstraint(gc , cm , cme , dv , mFigure);
        return true;
      } else {
        removeGroupConstraintRelations(gc , cm , cme , dv , mFigure , cv);
        return true;

  public static void updateCompositeConstraint_RevertRelation(CompositeConstraint cc , Set<Feature> features
      , ConstraintModel cm , ConstraintModelEditor cme
      , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure) {
    for (Iterator<Feature> itFeature=features.iterator() ; itFeature.hasNext() ; ) {
      Feature feature =;
      boolean isSource = true;
      CFRelation rOld = cm.getCFRelation(feature , cc , true);
      if (rOld==null) {
        isSource = false;
        rOld = cm.getCFRelation(feature , cc , false);
      CFRelation rNew = cme.addCFRelation(rOld.getID() , feature , cc , isSource, CFRModifier.Affirmation.equals(rOld.getModifier()) ? CFRModifier.Negation : CFRModifier.Affirmation);
      PLConnection fOld = (PLConnection)mFigure.get(rOld.getID());
      fOld.setAttribute("CFRModifier" , rNew.getModifier().getName());

  public static void updateCompositeConstraint_UpdatePredicate(CompositeConstraint cc , boolean isSource , CompositeConstraintPortType ccpt
      ,CompositeConstraintEditor cce
      , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure) {
    Figure figure = mFigure.get(cc.getID());
    if (isSource) {
      cce.setSourceType(cc , ccpt);
      figure.setAttribute("SourceType" , ccpt.getName());   
    } else {
      cce.setSinkType(cc , ccpt);
      figure.setAttribute("SinkType" , ccpt.getName());   
  public static void removeCompositeConstraint(CompositeConstraint cc , ConstraintModel cm , ConstraintModelEditor cme
      , DrawingView dv , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure) {
    List<Feature> features = new ArrayList<Feature>();
    List<CFRelation> relations = new ArrayList<CFRelation>();
    for (Iterator<Feature> itFeature=features.iterator() ; itFeature.hasNext() ; ) {
      Feature feature =;
      CFRelation relation = cm.getCFRelation(feature , cc , true);
      if (relation==null) {
        relation = cm.getCFRelation(feature , cc , false);
    for (int i=0 ; i<relations.size() ; i++) {
      CFRelation relation = relations.get(i);
      Figure figure = mFigure.get(relation.getID());
  public static void removeCompositeConstraintRelation(CompositeConstraint cc , ConstraintModel cm , ConstraintModelEditor cme
       , CustomizationVersion cv , DrawingView dv , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure) {
    List<Feature> features = new ArrayList<Feature>();
    for (int i=0 ; i<features.size() ; i++) {
      Feature feature = features.get(i);
      if (!Customization.Undecided.equals(cv.getFinalCustomizationById(feature.getID()))) {
        CFRelation relation = cm.getCFRelation(feature , cc , true);
        if (relation==null) {
          relation = cm.getCFRelation(feature , cc , false);

  public static boolean createCompositeConstraint(Constraint cOld
      , ConstraintModel cm , ConstraintModelEditor cme , CompositeConstraintEditor cce
      , DrawingView dv , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure
      , Collection<Feature> fSources , Collection<Feature> fSinks , CompositeConstraintType cct
      , CompositeConstraintPortType ccptSource , CompositeConstraintPortType ccptSink
      , boolean revertSourceRelation , boolean revertSinkRelation) {
    Figure fOld = mFigure.get(cOld.getID());
    CompositeConstraint ccNew = cme.addCompositeConstraint();
    cce.setPLType(ccNew , cct);
    cce.setSourceType(ccNew , ccptSource);
    cce.setSinkType(ccNew , ccptSink);
    PLFigure plfNew = new PLFigure();
    plfNew.setAttribute("id" , ccNew.getID());
    plfNew.setAttribute("bounds" , fOld.getAttribute("bounds"));
    plfNew.setAttribute("frameColor" , fOld.getAttribute("frameColor"));
    if (CompositeConstraintType.L2R_Implication.equals(cct)) {
      plfNew.setAttribute("PLType" , PLFigure.L2R_REQUIRE);
    } else if (CompositeConstraintType.R2L_Implication.equals(cct)) {
      plfNew.setAttribute("PLType" , PLFigure.R2L_REQUIRE);
    } else if (CompositeConstraintType.Equivalence.equals(cct)) {
      plfNew.setAttribute("PLType" , PLFigure.EQUIVALENCE);
    } else {
      plfNew.setAttribute("PLType" , PLFigure.MUTEX);
    plfNew.setAttribute("SourceType" , ccptSource.getName());
    plfNew.setAttribute("SinkType" , ccptSink.getName());
    for (Iterator<Feature> itFeature=fSources.iterator() ; itFeature.hasNext() ; ) {
      Feature fSource =;
      Figure figureSource = mFigure.get(fSource.getID());
      CFRelation rOld = cm.getCFRelation(fSource , cOld , true);
      if (rOld==null) {
        rOld = cm.getCFRelation(fSource , cOld , false);
      PLConnection plcOld = (PLConnection)mFigure.get(rOld.getID());
      CFRelation rNew = cme.addCFRelation(fSource , ccNew , true
          , rOld.getModifier().equals(CFRModifier.Affirmation) ? (revertSourceRelation ? CFRModifier.Negation : CFRModifier.Affirmation) : (revertSourceRelation ? CFRModifier.Affirmation : CFRModifier.Negation));
      PLConnection plcNew = new PLConnection();
      plcNew.setAttribute("id" , rNew.getID());
      plcNew.setAttribute("frameColor" , plcOld.getAttribute("frameColor"));
      plcNew.setAttribute("type" , plcOld.getAttribute("type"));
      plcNew.setAttribute("CFRModifier" , rNew.getModifier().getName());

      for (int i=0 ; i<plcOld.pointCount() ; i++) {
        plcNew.addPoint(plcOld.pointAt(i).x , plcOld.pointAt(i).y);
      plcNew.startPoint(plfNew.getConnectors()[0].getDisplayBox().x , plfNew.getConnectors()[0].getDisplayBox().y);
      plcNew.endPoint(figureSource.getConnectors()[4].getDisplayBox().x , figureSource.getConnectors()[4].getDisplayBox().y);
    for (Iterator<Feature> itFeature=fSinks.iterator() ; itFeature.hasNext() ; ) {
      Feature fSink =;
      Figure figureSink = mFigure.get(fSink.getID());
      CFRelation rOld = cm.getCFRelation(fSink , cOld , true);
      if (rOld==null) {
        rOld = cm.getCFRelation(fSink , cOld , false);
      CFRelation rNew = cme.addCFRelation(fSink , ccNew , true
          , rOld.getModifier().equals(CFRModifier.Affirmation) ? (revertSinkRelation ? CFRModifier.Negation : CFRModifier.Affirmation) : (revertSinkRelation ? CFRModifier.Affirmation : CFRModifier.Negation));
      PLConnection plcOld = (PLConnection)mFigure.get(rOld.getID());
      PLConnection plcNew = new PLConnection();
      plcNew.setAttribute("id" , rNew.getID());
      plcNew.setAttribute("frameColor" , plcOld.getAttribute("frameColor"));
      plcNew.setAttribute("type" , plcOld.getAttribute("type"));
      plcNew.setAttribute("CFRModifier" , rNew.getModifier().getName());

      for (int i=0 ; i<plcOld.pointCount() ; i++) {
        plcNew.addPoint(plcOld.pointAt(i).x , plcOld.pointAt(i).y);
      plcNew.startPoint(plfNew.getConnectors()[1].getDisplayBox().x , plfNew.getConnectors()[1].getDisplayBox().y);
      plcNew.endPoint(figureSink.getConnectors()[3].getDisplayBox().x , figureSink.getConnectors()[3].getDisplayBox().y);
    return true;
  public static boolean checkCompositeConstraint_TransformSingle(Predicate predicate , Set<Feature> sFeatures , boolean isSource , CompositeConstraint cc
      , ConstraintModel cm , ConstraintModelEditor cme , CompositeConstraintEditor cce , GroupConstraintEditor gce
      , DrawingView dv , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure) {
    if (predicate.getUndecidedCount()==0) {
      return false; // it isn't changable
    if (predicate.getSelectedCount()==0) {
      return true; // do nothing
    } else if (predicate.getSelectedCount()==1) {
      // add all group and revert relation
      updateCompositeConstraint_UpdatePredicate(cc , isSource , CompositeConstraintPortType.All , cce , mFigure);
      updateCompositeConstraint_RevertRelation(cc , sFeatures , cm , cme , mFigure);
      return true;
    } else {
      return false; // more than 1 is selected, predicate state is unselected
  public static boolean checkCompositeConstraint_TransformMulti(Predicate predicate , Set<Feature> sFeatures , boolean isSource , CompositeConstraint cc
      , ConstraintModel cm , ConstraintModelEditor cme , CompositeConstraintEditor cce , GroupConstraintEditor gce
      , DrawingView dv , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure) {
    if (predicate.getUndecidedCount()==0) {
      return false; // it isn't changable
    if (predicate.getSelectedCount()==0) {
      return true; // do nothing
    } else {
      return false; // some one is selected, predicate state is unselected
  public static boolean checkCompositeConstraint_TransformAll(Predicate predicate , Set<Feature> sFeatures , boolean isSource , CompositeConstraint cc
      , ConstraintModel cm , ConstraintModelEditor cme , CompositeConstraintEditor cce , GroupConstraintEditor gce
      , DrawingView dv , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure) {
    if (predicate.getUndecidedCount()==0) {
      return false; // it isn't changable
    if (predicate.getSelectedCount()==0) {
      return true; // do nothing
    } else {
      return true; // some one is selected, keep the others in all predicate
  public static boolean checkCompositeConstraint_TransformDualSide(Predicate predicate , Set<Feature> sFeatures , boolean isSource , CompositeConstraint cc , CompositeConstraintPortType ccpt
      , ConstraintModel cm , ConstraintModelEditor cme , CompositeConstraintEditor cce , GroupConstraintEditor gce
      , DrawingView dv , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure) {
    if (CompositeConstraintPortType.Single.equals(ccpt)) {
      return checkCompositeConstraint_TransformSingle(predicate , sFeatures , isSource , cc , cm , cme , cce , gce , dv , mFigure);
    } else if (CompositeConstraintPortType.Multi.equals(ccpt)) {
      return checkCompositeConstraint_TransformMulti(predicate , sFeatures , isSource , cc , cm , cme , cce , gce , dv , mFigure);
    } else {
      return checkCompositeConstraint_TransformAll(predicate , sFeatures , isSource , cc , cm , cme , cce , gce , dv , mFigure);
  public static boolean checkCompositeConstraint_DualSide(Predicate pSource , Predicate pSink , CompositeConstraint cc
      , ConstraintModel cm , ConstraintModelEditor cme , CompositeConstraintEditor cce , GroupConstraintEditor gce
      , CustomizationVersion cv , DrawingView dv , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure) {
    Set<Feature> sourceFeatures = new HashSet<Feature>(cc.getSourceFeatureSet());
    Set<Feature> sinkFeatures = new HashSet<Feature>(cc.getSinkFeatureSet());
    for (Iterator<Feature> itFeature=cc.getSourceFeatureSet().iterator() ; itFeature.hasNext() ; ) {
      Feature f =;
      if (!Customization.Undecided.equals(cv.getFinalCustomizationById(f.getID()))) {
    for (Iterator<Feature> itFeature=cc.getSinkFeatureSet().iterator() ; itFeature.hasNext() ; ) {
      Feature f =;
      if (!Customization.Undecided.equals(cv.getFinalCustomizationById(f.getID()))) {
    return checkCompositeConstraint_TransformDualSide(pSource , sourceFeatures , true , cc , cc.getSourceType() , cm , cme , cce , gce , dv , mFigure)
      && checkCompositeConstraint_TransformDualSide(pSink , sinkFeatures , false , cc , cc.getSinkType() , cm , cme , cce , gce , dv , mFigure);
  public static boolean addCompositeconstraint_NotOne(Set<Feature> sFeatures , Constraint c
      , ConstraintModel cm , ConstraintModelEditor cme , CompositeConstraintEditor cce
      , DrawingView dv , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure) {
    if (sFeatures.size()<=1) {
      return false;
    List<Feature> fSource = new ArrayList<Feature>(sFeatures);
    List<Feature> fSink = new ArrayList<Feature>();
    boolean result = createCompositeConstraint(c , cm , cme , cce , dv , mFigure
        , fSource , fSink , CompositeConstraintType.L2R_Implication
        , CompositeConstraintPortType.Single , CompositeConstraintPortType.Multi
        , false , false);
    result &= createCompositeConstraint(c , cm , cme , cce , dv , mFigure
        , fSink , fSink , CompositeConstraintType.R2L_Implication
        , CompositeConstraintPortType.Multi , CompositeConstraintPortType.Single
        , false , false);
    return result;
  public static boolean addCompositeconstraint_AtLeastOne(Set<Feature> sFeatures , Constraint c , boolean needRevert
      , ConstraintModel cm , ConstraintModelEditor cme , CompositeConstraintEditor cce
      , DrawingView dv , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure) {
    if (sFeatures.size()<=1) {
      return false;
    List<Feature> fSource = new ArrayList<Feature>(sFeatures);
    List<Feature> fSink = new ArrayList<Feature>();
    if (needRevert) {
      return createCompositeConstraint(c , cm , cme , cce , dv , mFigure
        , fSource , fSink , CompositeConstraintType.L2R_Implication
        , CompositeConstraintPortType.All , CompositeConstraintPortType.Multi
        , false , true);
    } else {
      return createCompositeConstraint(c , cm , cme , cce , dv , mFigure
          , fSource , fSink , CompositeConstraintType.L2R_Implication
          , CompositeConstraintPortType.All , CompositeConstraintPortType.Multi
          , true , false);
  public static boolean checkCompositeConstraint_AddConstraintToSingle(Predicate p
      , Set<Feature> sFeatures , Constraint c , boolean constraint
      , ConstraintModel cm , ConstraintModelEditor cme , CompositeConstraintEditor cce , GroupConstraintEditor gce
      , DrawingView dv , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure) {
    if (p.getUndecidedCount()==0) {
      return false; // error, cuz it is unchangable
    if (p.getSelectedCount()==0) {
      if (p.getUndecidedCount()==1) {
        return false; // flood
      } else {
        if (constraint) {
          return createGroupConstraint(c , sFeatures , false , GroupConstraintType.SingleGroup , cm , cme , gce , dv , mFigure)
            && addCompositeconstraint_AtLeastOne(sFeatures , c , false , cm , cme , cce , dv , mFigure);
        } else {
          return addCompositeconstraint_NotOne(sFeatures , c , cm , cme , cce , dv , mFigure);
    } else if (p.getSelectedCount()==1) {
      if (constraint) {
        return false; // flood
      } else {
        if (p.getUndecidedCount()==1) {
          return false; // flood
        } else {
          return addCompositeconstraint_AtLeastOne(sFeatures , c , false , cm , cme , cce , dv , mFigure);
    } else {
      return false; // error
  public static boolean checkCompositeConstraint_AddConstraintToMulti(Predicate p
      , Set<Feature> sFeatures , Constraint c , boolean constraint
      , ConstraintModel cm , ConstraintModelEditor cme , CompositeConstraintEditor cce
      , DrawingView dv , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure) {
    if (p.getUndecidedCount()==0) {
      return false; // error, it isn't changable
    if (p.getSelectedCount()==0) {
      if (constraint) {
        return addCompositeconstraint_AtLeastOne(sFeatures , c , false , cm , cme , cce , dv , mFigure);
      } else {
        return false; //flood
    } else {
      if (constraint) {
        return true; // permantly true
      } else {
        return false; // error
  public static boolean checkCompositeConstraint_AddConstraintToAll(Predicate p
      , Set<Feature> sFeatures , Constraint c , boolean constraint
      , ConstraintModel cm , ConstraintModelEditor cme , CompositeConstraintEditor cce
      , DrawingView dv , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure) {
    if (p.getUndecidedCount()==0) {
      return false; // error, it isn't changable
    if (p.getSelectedCount()==0) {
      if (constraint) {
        if (p.getUnselectedCount()==0) {
          return false; // flood
        } else {
          return false; // error
      } else {
        if (p.getUnselectedCount()==0) {
          return addCompositeconstraint_AtLeastOne(sFeatures , c , true , cm , cme , cce , dv , mFigure);
        } else {
          return false; // permantly true
    } else {
      if (constraint) {
        if (p.getUnselectedCount()==0) {
          return false; // flood
        } else {
          return false; // error
      } else {
        if (p.getUnselectedCount()==0) {
          return false; // flood
        } else {
          return addCompositeconstraint_AtLeastOne(sFeatures , c , true , cm , cme , cce , dv , mFigure);
  public static boolean checkCompositeConstraint_AddConstraintToOneSide(Predicate p
      , Set<Feature> sFeatures , Constraint c , boolean constraint
      , ConstraintModel cm , ConstraintModelEditor cme
      , CompositeConstraintEditor cce , GroupConstraintEditor gce
      , DrawingView dv , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure) {
    if (CompositeConstraintPortType.Single.equals(p.getCCType())) {
      return checkCompositeConstraint_AddConstraintToSingle(p , sFeatures , c , constraint , cm , cme , cce , gce , dv , mFigure);
    } else if (CompositeConstraintPortType.Multi.equals(p.getCCType())) {
      return checkCompositeConstraint_AddConstraintToMulti(p , sFeatures , c , constraint , cm , cme , cce , dv , mFigure);
    } else {
      return checkCompositeConstraint_AddConstraintToAll(p , sFeatures , c , constraint , cm , cme , cce , dv , mFigure);
  public static boolean checkCompositeConstraint_OneSide(CompositeConstraint cc
      , Predicate pSource , Predicate pSink , ConstraintModel cm
      , ConstraintModelEditor cme , CompositeConstraintEditor cce
      , GroupConstraintEditor gce , CustomizationVersion cv
      , DrawingView dv , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure) {
    Set<Feature> sourceFeatures = new HashSet<Feature>(cc.getSourceFeatureSet());
    Set<Feature> sinkFeatures = new HashSet<Feature>(cc.getSinkFeatureSet());
    for (Iterator<Feature> itFeature=cc.getSourceFeatureSet().iterator() ; itFeature.hasNext() ; ) {
      Feature f =;
      if (!Customization.Undecided.equals(cv.getFinalCustomizationById(f.getID()))) {
    for (Iterator<Feature> itFeature=cc.getSinkFeatureSet().iterator() ; itFeature.hasNext() ; ) {
      Feature f =;
      if (!Customization.Undecided.equals(cv.getFinalCustomizationById(f.getID()))) {
    if (CompositeConstraintType.L2R_Implication.equals(cc.getPLType())) {
      if (pSource.isChangable()) {
        if (Customization.Selected.equals(pSink.getValue())) {
          return true; // permantly true
        } else {
          // add false constraint to left
          return checkCompositeConstraint_AddConstraintToOneSide(pSource , sourceFeatures , cc , false , cm , cme , cce , gce , dv , mFigure);
      } else {
        if (Customization.Selected.equals(pSource.getValue())) {
          // add true constraint to right
          return checkCompositeConstraint_AddConstraintToOneSide(pSink , sinkFeatures , cc , true , cm , cme , cce , gce , dv , mFigure);
        } else {
          return true; // permantly true
    } else if (CompositeConstraintType.R2L_Implication.equals(cc.getPLType())) {
      if (pSource.isChangable()) {
        if (Customization.Selected.equals(pSink.getValue())) {
          // add true constraint to left
          return checkCompositeConstraint_AddConstraintToOneSide(pSource , sourceFeatures , cc , true , cm , cme , cce , gce , dv , mFigure);
        } else {
          return true; // permantly true
      } else {
        if (Customization.Selected.equals(pSource.getValue())) {
          return true; // permantly true
        } else {
          // add true constraint to right
          return checkCompositeConstraint_AddConstraintToOneSide(pSink , sinkFeatures , cc , true , cm , cme , cce , gce , dv , mFigure);
    } else if (CompositeConstraintType.Equivalence.equals(cc.getPLType())) {
      if (pSource.isChangable()) {
        if (Customization.Selected.equals(pSink.getValue())) {
          // add true constraint to left
          return checkCompositeConstraint_AddConstraintToOneSide(pSource , sourceFeatures , cc , true , cm , cme , cce , gce , dv , mFigure);
        } else {
          // add false constraint to left
          return checkCompositeConstraint_AddConstraintToOneSide(pSource , sourceFeatures , cc , false , cm , cme , cce , gce , dv , mFigure);
      } else {
        if (Customization.Selected.equals(pSource.getValue())) {
          // add true constraint to right
          return checkCompositeConstraint_AddConstraintToOneSide(pSink , sinkFeatures , cc , true , cm , cme , cce , gce , dv , mFigure);
        } else {
          // add false constraint to right
          return checkCompositeConstraint_AddConstraintToOneSide(pSink , sinkFeatures , cc , false , cm , cme , cce , gce , dv , mFigure);
    } else {
      if (pSource.isChangable()) {
        if (Customization.Selected.equals(pSink.getValue())) {
          // add false constraint to left
          return checkCompositeConstraint_AddConstraintToOneSide(pSource , sourceFeatures , cc , false , cm , cme , cce , gce , dv , mFigure);
        } else {
          return true; // permantly true
      } else {
        if (Customization.Selected.equals(pSource.getValue())) {
          // add false constraint to right
          return checkCompositeConstraint_AddConstraintToOneSide(pSink , sinkFeatures , cc , false , cm , cme , cce , gce , dv , mFigure);
        } else {
          return true; // permantly true
  public static boolean checkCompositeConstraint(CompositeConstraint cc  , ConstraintModel cm , ConstraintModelEditor cme , CompositeConstraintEditor cce , GroupConstraintEditor gce , DrawingView dv
      , CustomizationVersion cv
      , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure)  {
    Predicate pSource = PredicateHelper.getPredicateByCompositeConstraintPortType(cc.getSourceType());
    PredicateHelper.fillPredicate(cc.getSourceFeatureSet() , cc , cm, cv , pSource);
    Predicate pSink = PredicateHelper.getPredicateByCompositeConstraintPortType(cc.getSinkType());
    PredicateHelper.fillPredicate(cc.getSinkFeatureSet() , cc , cm, cv , pSink);

    if (pSource.isChangable()) {
      if (pSink.isChangable()) {
        if (checkCompositeConstraint_DualSide(pSource , pSink , cc , cm , cme , cce , gce , cv , dv , mFigure)) {
          removeCompositeConstraintRelation(cc , cm , cme , cv , dv , mFigure);
      } else {
        if (checkCompositeConstraint_OneSide(cc , pSource , pSink , cm , cme , cce , gce , cv , dv , mFigure)) {
          removeCompositeConstraint(cc , cm , cme , dv , mFigure);
    } else {
      if (pSink.isChangable()) {
        if (checkCompositeConstraint_OneSide(cc , pSource , pSink , cm , cme , cce , gce , cv , dv , mFigure)) {
          removeCompositeConstraint(cc , cm , cme , dv , mFigure);
      } else {
        // both side is unchangable, remove it directly
        removeCompositeConstraint(cc , cm , cme , dv , mFigure);

    return true;

  public static boolean removeUnselectedFeature(FeatureModel fm , FeatureModelEditor fme , CustomizationVersion cv
      , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure , HashMap<Figure,DrawingView> mDrawingView) {
    List<Feature> features = new ArrayList<Feature>(fm.getAllFeature().values());
    HashSet<Feature> removeFeatures = new HashSet<Feature>();
    for (int i=0 ; i<features.size() ; i++) {
      Feature feature = features.get(i);
      if (Customization.Unselected.equals(cv.getFinalCustomizationById(feature.getID()))) {
    if (fm.getAllFeatureRelation()!=null) {
      List<FeatureRelation> relations = new ArrayList<FeatureRelation>(fm.getAllFeatureRelation().values());
      for (int i=relations.size()-1 ; i>=0 ; i--) {
        FeatureRelation relation = relations.get(i);
        if (removeFeatures.contains(relation.getStartFeature()) || removeFeatures.contains(relation.getEndFeature())) {
          Figure f = mFigure.get(relation.getID());
          DrawingView dv = mDrawingView.get(f);
    for (int i=0 ; i<features.size() ; i++) {
      Feature feature = features.get(i);
      if (removeFeatures.contains(feature)) {
        Figure f = mFigure.get(feature.getID());
        DrawingView dv = mDrawingView.get(f);
    return true;
  public static boolean updateSelectedFeature(FeatureModel fm , FeatureEditor fe , CustomizationVersion cv
      , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure) {
    List<Feature> features = new ArrayList<Feature>(fm.getAllFeature().values());
    for (int i=0 ; i<features.size() ; i++) {
      Feature feature = features.get(i);
      if (Customization.Selected.equals(cv.getFinalCustomizationById(feature.getID()))) {
        fe.setVariability(feature , Variability.Mandatory);
        Figure figure = mFigure.get(feature.getID());
        figure.setAttribute(FeatureProperties.VARIABILITY , feature.getVariability().getName());
    return true;
  public static boolean transformConstraint(FeatureModel fm , FeatureEditor fe , FeatureModelEditor fme , ConstraintModel cm , ConstraintModelEditor cme , CompositeConstraintEditor cce , GroupConstraintEditor gce
      , DrawingView[] dvs , CustomizationVersion cv
      , HashMap<String,Figure> mFigure , HashMap<Figure,DrawingView> mDrawingView) {
    if (fm.getAllFeatureRelation()!=null) {
      List<FeatureRelation> frs = new ArrayList<FeatureRelation>();
      for (int i=0 ; i<frs.size() ; i++) {
        FeatureRelation fr = frs.get(i);
        if (FeatureRelation.REQUIRE.equals(fr.getName()) || FeatureRelation.EXCLUDE.equals(fr.getName())) {
          Figure f = mFigure.get(fr.getID());
          DrawingView dv = mDrawingView.get(f);
          if (!checkFeatureRelation(fr , fme , f , dv , cv)) {
//            return false;
    if (cm.getAllGroupConstraint()!=null) {
      List<GroupConstraint> gcs = new ArrayList<GroupConstraint>();
      for (int i=0 ; i<gcs.size() ; i++) {
        GroupConstraint gc = gcs.get(i);
        Figure f = mFigure.get(gc.getID());
        DrawingView dv = mDrawingView.get(f);
        if (!checkGroupConstraint(gc , cm , cme , dv , cv , mFigure)) {
//          return false;
    if (cm.getAllCompositeConstraint()!=null) {
      List<CompositeConstraint> ccs = new ArrayList<CompositeConstraint>();
      for (int i=0 ; i<ccs.size() ; i++) {
        CompositeConstraint cc = ccs.get(i);
        Figure f = mFigure.get(cc.getID());
        DrawingView dv = mDrawingView.get(f);
        if (!checkCompositeConstraint(cc , cm , cme , cce , gce , dv , cv , mFigure)) {
//          return false;
    removeUnselectedFeature(fm , fme , cv , mFigure , mDrawingView);
    updateSelectedFeature(fm , fe , cv , mFigure);
    return true;

Related Classes of de.FeatureModellingTool.DupHelper.ConstraintTransformHelper

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