package data;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.dom4j.Attribute;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.DocumentException;
import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper;
import org.dom4j.Element;
* Handles generating and reading XML schemas for the business classes
* that interact with the database.
* @author Rick Varella
* @version 12.13.2009
public class SchemaBuilder {
private DBDriver driver;
public static final String SCHEMA_PATH = "resources/schema/";
public SchemaBuilder( DBDriver driver ) {
this.driver = driver;
public SchemaData getSchema( String className, Field[] fields ) {
SchemaData schema = null;
HashMap<String, SchemaColumn> columns = new HashMap<String, SchemaColumn>();
ClassLoader loader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
SchemaColumn column;
InputStream schemaFile;
Document xmlDocument;
Element xmlRoot;
Element columnRoot;
Iterator<Element> columnIterator;
String tableName = null;
ArrayList<String> primaryKeys = new ArrayList<String>();
try {
//System.out.println( "FILENAME: " + SCHEMA_PATH + className.toLowerCase() + ".schema.xml" );
schemaFile = loader.getResourceAsStream( SCHEMA_PATH + className.toLowerCase() + ".schema.xml" );
/*if( schemaFile == null ) {
throw new FileNotFoundException();
xmlDocument = parseSchema( schemaFile );
xmlRoot = xmlDocument.getRootElement();
columnIterator = xmlRoot.elementIterator();
tableName = xmlRoot.attributeValue( "name" ) == null ? classToTableName( className ) : xmlRoot.attributeValue( "name" );
//buildSchema( getMetaData( tableName ), schemaFile, className, tableName, fields );
while( columnIterator.hasNext() ) {
columnRoot =;
column = readSchemaColumn( columnRoot );
columns.put( column.getName(), column );
if( column.getIndex() != null && column.getIndex().equals( "pk" ) ) {
primaryKeys.add( column.getName() );
} /*catch( FileNotFoundException e ) {
throw new RuntimeException();
}*/ catch( DocumentException e ) {
throw new RuntimeException();
schema = new SchemaData( columns, tableName, primaryKeys.toArray( new String[ primaryKeys.size() ] ) );
return schema;
public Document parseSchema( InputStream file ) throws DocumentException {
SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
Document document = file );
return document;
private SchemaColumn readSchemaColumn( Element container ) {
int columnId = 0;
int dbType = 0;
String javaType = null;
String columnName = null;
String index = null;
Iterator<Attribute> attrIterator = container.attributeIterator();
Attribute attribute;
while( attrIterator.hasNext() ) {
attribute = ( Attribute );
if( attribute.getName().equals( "dbType" ) ) {
dbType = Integer.parseInt( attribute.getText() );
else if( attribute.getName().equals( "name" ) ) {
columnName = attribute.getText();
else if( attribute.getName().equals( "javaType" ) ) {
javaType = attribute.getText();
else if( attribute.getName().equals( "index" ) ) {
index = attribute.getText();
return new SchemaColumn( columnId, columnName, dbType, javaType, index );
private void buildSchema( ResultSet columns, InputStream schemaFile, String className, String tableName, Field[] fields ) {
Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
Element root = document.addElement( "table" );
root.addAttribute( "name", tableName );
root.addAttribute( "className", className );
XMLWriter writer;
Element field;
HashMap<String, Field> fieldMap = new HashMap<String, Field>();
int i;
for( i = 0; i < fields.length; i++ ) {
fieldMap.put( fields[ i ].getName(), fields[ i ] );
try {
i = 0;
while( ) {System.out.println( columns.getString( "COLUMN_NAME" ) );
field = root.addElement( "field" );
field.addAttribute( "id", Integer.toString( i++ ) );
field.addAttribute( "name", columns.getString( "COLUMN_NAME" ) );
field.addAttribute( "dbType", columns.getString( "DATA_TYPE" ) );
field.addAttribute( "javaType", fieldMap.get( columns.getString( "COLUMN_NAME" ) ).getType().toString() );
OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint();
writer = new XMLWriter( System.out, format );
//writer.write( document );
} catch( SQLException e ) {
} catch( IOException e ) {
/*writer = new XMLWriter( new FileOutputStream( schemaFile ) );
writer.write( document );
private ResultSet getMetaData( String tableName ) {
DatabaseMetaData metaData;
ResultSet schemas = null;
try {
metaData = driver.getConnection().getConnection().getMetaData();
schemas = metaData.getColumns( driver.getConnection().getConfig().getDatabase(), null, tableName, null );
} catch( SQLException e ) {
throw new RuntimeException();
return schemas;
private String classToTableName( String className ) {
return className.replace( "business.", "" ).replace( ".schema.xml", "" );