JADE - Java Agent DEvelopment Framework is a framework to develop
multi-agent systems in compliance with the FIPA specifications.
Copyright (C) 2000 CSELT S.p.A.
GNU Lesser General Public License
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
version 2.1 of the License.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package jade.lang.acl;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Date;
import jade.util.leap.Serializable;
import jade.util.leap.Iterator;
import jade.util.leap.List;
import jade.util.leap.LinkedList;
import jade.util.leap.ArrayList;
import jade.core.AID;
import jade.core.CaseInsensitiveString;
import jade.core.messaging.TopicManagementHelper;
import jade.core.messaging.TopicUtility;
A pattern for matching incoming ACL messages. This class allows to
build complex slot patterns to select ACL messages. These patterns
can then be used in <code>receive()</code> operations.
This class provide one method for each attribute of an ACLMessage,
that can be combined using the logic operators to create more complex
A user can also create an application-specific pattern.
In this case he has to implement the MatchExpression interface,
writing the application specific <code>match()</code> method.
Then an instance of that class can be used as parameter of the MessageTemplate
constructor to define the application specific MessageTemaplate.
@see jade.core.Agent#receive(MessageTemplate mt)
@author Giovanni Rimassa - Universita' di Parma
@author Tiziana Trucco - Telecom Italia Lab S.p.A.
@version $Date: 2008-10-09 14:07:18 +0200 (gio, 09 ott 2008) $ $Revision: 6052 $
public class MessageTemplate implements Serializable {
// Names of the various fields of an ACL messages.
private static final int CONVERSATION_ID = 0;
private static final int ENCODING = 1;
private static final int IN_REPLY_TO = 2;
private static final int LANGUAGE = 3;
private static final int ONTOLOGY = 4;
private static final int PROTOCOL = 5;
private static final int REPLY_BY = 6;
private static final int REPLY_WITH = 7;
private static final int RECEIVER = 9;
private static final int REPLY_TO = 10;
private static final int PERFORMATIVE = 11;
private static final int CONTENT = 12;
private static final int SENDER = 13;
private static final int REPLY_BY_DATE = 14;
This interface must be overriden in order to define an application
specific MessageTemplate.
In particular in the method <code> match()</code> the programmer
should realize the necessary checks on the ACLMessage in order
to return <b>true</b> if the message match with the application
specific requirements <b>false</b> otherwise.
public static interface MatchExpression extends Serializable{
Check whether a given ACL message matches this
template. Concrete implementations of this interface will
have this method called to accept or refuse an ACL message.
@param msg The ACL message to match against this message
@return A compliant implementation will return
<code>true</code> if the parameter ACL message matches the
template, and <code>false</code> otherwise.
boolean match(ACLMessage msg);
private static class AndExpression implements MatchExpression {
private MatchExpression op1;
private MatchExpression op2;
public AndExpression(MatchExpression e1, MatchExpression e2) {
op1 = e1;
op2 = e2;
public boolean match(ACLMessage msg) {
return op1.match(msg) && op2.match(msg);
public String toString(){
return "("+op1.toString()+ " AND " + op2.toString()+")";
} // End of AndExpression class
private static class OrExpression implements MatchExpression{
private MatchExpression op1;
private MatchExpression op2;
public OrExpression(MatchExpression e1, MatchExpression e2) {
op1 = e1;
op2 = e2;
public boolean match(ACLMessage msg) {
return op1.match(msg) || op2.match(msg);
//only for debug
public String toString(){
return "("+op1.toString()+ " OR " + op2.toString()+")";
} // End of OrExpression class
private static class NotExpression implements MatchExpression{
private MatchExpression op;
public NotExpression(MatchExpression e) {
op = e;
public boolean match(ACLMessage msg) {
return ! op.match(msg);
//only for debug
public String toString(){
return "(NOT " + op.toString()+")";
} // End of NotExpression class
private static class Literal implements MatchExpression{
Object matchValue;
int perfValue;
int slotName;
//Literal for all the string value to match: language, ontology,encoding...
Literal(String matchValue, int slotName) {
this.matchValue = matchValue;
this.slotName = slotName;
//Literal for the sender value
Literal(AID matchValue){
this.matchValue = matchValue;
this.slotName = SENDER;
//Literal for the receiver and replyTo slot.
Literal(AID[] matchValue, int slotName){
this.matchValue = matchValue;
this.slotName = slotName;
//Literal for the performative slot
Literal(int matchValue){
this.perfValue = matchValue;
this.slotName = PERFORMATIVE;
//literal for the reply_by_date slot.
Literal(Date matchValue){
this.slotName = REPLY_BY_DATE;
public boolean match(ACLMessage msg) {
return CaseInsensitiveString.equalsIgnoreCase((String)matchValue,msg.getConversationId());
return CaseInsensitiveString.equalsIgnoreCase((String)matchValue,msg.getReplyWith());
return (perfValue == msg.getPerformative());
return CaseInsensitiveString.equalsIgnoreCase((String)matchValue,msg.getLanguage());
return CaseInsensitiveString.equalsIgnoreCase((String)matchValue,msg.getOntology());
return CaseInsensitiveString.equalsIgnoreCase((String)matchValue,msg.getProtocol());
return CaseInsensitiveString.equalsIgnoreCase((String)matchValue,msg.getEncoding());
return CaseInsensitiveString.equalsIgnoreCase((String)matchValue,msg.getInReplyTo());
// case(REPLY_BY):
// return CaseInsensitiveString.equalsIgnoreCase((String)matchValue,msg.getReplyBy());
return ((Date)matchValue).equals(msg.getReplyByDate());
if(matchValue != null){
AID[] receivers = (AID[])matchValue;
for(int i =0; i<receivers.length; i++){
AID recToMatch = receivers[i];
Iterator rec = msg.getAllReceiver();
boolean found = false;
found = true;
break; //out of the inner loop
}//end while
if (found == false)
return false;
}//end for
return true;
return false;
case REPLY_TO:
if(matchValue != null){
AID[] receivers = (AID[])matchValue;
for(int i =0; i<receivers.length; i++){
AID recToMatch = receivers[i];
Iterator rec = msg.getAllReplyTo();
boolean found = false;
found = true;
break; //out of the inner loop
}//end while
if (found == false)
return false;
}//end for
return true;
return false;
case CONTENT://FIXME: verificare il caso in cui il contenuto e'in byte.
return CaseInsensitiveString.equalsIgnoreCase((String)matchValue,msg.getContent());
case SENDER:
if(matchValue != null)
return ((AID)matchValue).equals(msg.getSender());
return false;
default:return false;
//only for debug purpose.
public String toString(){
return "(ConversationId: " + (String)matchValue + ")";
return "( Encoding: " +(String)matchValue + " )";
return "( InReplyTo: " + (String)matchValue + " )";
return "( Language: " + (String)matchValue + " )";
return "( Ontology: " + (String)matchValue + " )";
return "( Protocol: " + (String)matchValue+ " )";
// case(REPLY_BY):
// return CaseInsensitiveString.equalsIgnoreCase((String)matchValue,msg.getReplyBy());
return "( ReplyByDate: "+ (Date)matchValue + " )";
return "( ReplyWith: " + (String)matchValue + " )";
if(matchValue != null){
AID[] receivers = (AID[])matchValue;
String output = "( Receivers: ";
for(int i =0; i<receivers.length; i++){
AID recToMatch = receivers[i];
output += recToMatch.toString();
return output + ")" ;}
return "(Receivers: null)";
case REPLY_TO: //FIXME: da finire.
if(matchValue != null){
AID[] receivers = (AID[])matchValue;
String output = "( ReplyTo: ";
for(int i =0; i<receivers.length; i++){
AID recToMatch = receivers[i];
output += recToMatch.toString();
return output + " )" ;
return "(ReplyTo: null)" ;
return "( Perfomative: " + ACLMessage.getPerformative(perfValue) + " )" ;
return "( Content: " + (String)matchValue + ")";
case SENDER:
if(matchValue != null)
return "( Sender AID: " + ((AID)matchValue).toString()+ ")" ;
return "(Sender AID: null)" ;
default:return "No slot. This casa should never occur !!!" ;
} // End of Literal class
private static class MatchAllLiteral implements MatchExpression{
//use this literal for a MessageTemplate who matches all ACLMessages
public boolean match(ACLMessage msg){
return true;
public String toString(){
return "Match ALL Template";
}//end class MatchAllLiteral
private static class CustomMsgLiteral implements MatchExpression{
//use this literal for a messageTemplate matching the values of a given ACLMessage.
ACLMessage messageToMatch;
boolean matchPerformative;
CustomMsgLiteral(ACLMessage msg,boolean matchPerformative){
messageToMatch = msg;
this.matchPerformative = matchPerformative;
private static boolean compareByteArrays(byte[] a, byte[] a2) {
if (a==a2)
return true;
if (a==null || a2==null)
return false;
int length = a.length;
if (a2.length != length)
return false;
for (int i=0; i<length; i++)
if (a[i] != a2[i])
return false;
return true;
public boolean match(ACLMessage msg){
if(matchPerformative && (messageToMatch.getPerformative() != msg.getPerformative()))
return false;
if(messageToMatch.hasByteSequenceContent()) {
// we cannot use Array.equals() here because it is not available in MIDP
if (!compareByteArrays(messageToMatch.getByteSequenceContent(), msg.getByteSequenceContent()))
return false;
else if(!match(messageToMatch.getContent(),msg.getContent()))
return false;
return false;
return false;
return false;
return false;
return false;
return false;
return false;
return false;
Iterator it1 = messageToMatch.getAllReceiver();
boolean found = false;
AID rec = (AID)it1.next();
Iterator it2 = msg.getAllReceiver();
found = true;
}//end while
if(found == false)
return false; //when a receiver of the template is not into the receivers of the ACLMessage.
}//end while
Iterator it3 = messageToMatch.getAllReceiver();
boolean found = false;
AID rec = (AID)it3.next();
Iterator it2 = msg.getAllReceiver();
found = true;
}//end while
if(found == false)
return false; //when a receiver of the template is not into the receivers of the ACLMessage.
}//end while
if((messageToMatch.getSender() != null) &&!(messageToMatch.getSender().equals(msg.getSender())))
return false;
return true;
private boolean match(String template, String actualValue){
if(template == null)
return true;
return CaseInsensitiveString.equalsIgnoreCase(template,actualValue);
private boolean match(Date template,Date actualValue){
if(template == null)
return true;
return template.equals(actualValue);
//only for debug purpose.
public String toString(){
String output = (matchPerformative ? "match the performative " : "no match on performative " );
return (output + messageToMatch.toString());
}//end class CustomMsgLiteral
private static class MatchTopic implements MatchExpression {
private String topicName;
private boolean isTemplate;
private boolean matchAll = false;
MatchTopic(AID topic) {
String tmp = topic.getLocalName();
if (tmp.equals(TopicManagementHelper.TOPIC_TEMPLATE_WILDCARD)) {
matchAll = true;
else {
if (tmp.endsWith("."+TopicManagementHelper.TOPIC_TEMPLATE_WILDCARD)) {
topicName = tmp.substring(0, tmp.length()-2);
isTemplate = true;
else {
topicName = tmp;
isTemplate = false;
public boolean match(ACLMessage msg) {
Iterator it = msg.getAllReceiver();
while (it.hasNext()) {
AID receiver = (AID) it.next();
if (TopicUtility.isTopic(receiver)) {
if (matchAll) {
return true;
else {
String name = receiver.getLocalName();
if (name.equals(topicName)) {
return true;
else if (isTemplate && name.startsWith(topicName+'.')) {
return true;
return false;
public String toString() {
String name = (matchAll ? TopicManagementHelper.TOPIC_TEMPLATE_WILDCARD : (isTemplate ? topicName+'.'+TopicManagementHelper.TOPIC_TEMPLATE_WILDCARD : topicName));
return "( Topic: "+name+" )";
private MatchExpression toMatch;
/** Public constructor to use when the user needs to define
an application specific pattern.
public MessageTemplate(MatchExpression e) {
toMatch = e;
This <em>Factory Method</em> returns a message template that
matches any message.
@return A new <code>MessageTemplate</code> matching any given
public static MessageTemplate MatchAll() {
return new MessageTemplate(new MatchAllLiteral());
This <em>Factory Method</em> returns a message template that
matches any message with a given <code>:sender</code> slot.
@param value The value the message slot will be matched against.
@return A new <code>MessageTemplate</code> matching the given
public static MessageTemplate MatchSender(AID value) {
return new MessageTemplate(new Literal(value));
This <em>Factory Method</em> returns a message template that
matches any message with a given <code>:receiver</code> slot.
@param values An array of Agent IDs against which the
value of the message slot will be matched.
@return A new <code>MessageTemplate</code> matching the given
public static MessageTemplate MatchReceiver(AID[] values) {
return new MessageTemplate(new Literal(values,RECEIVER));
This <em>Factory Method</em> returns a message template that
matches any message about a given topic.
@param topic An AID representing the topic to be matched
@return A new <code>MessageTemplate</code> matching messages about the given topic
public static MessageTemplate MatchTopic(AID topic) {
return new MessageTemplate(new MatchTopic(topic));
This <em>Factory Method</em> returns a message template that
matches any message with a given <code>:content</code> slot.
@param value The value the message slot will be matched against.
@return A new <code>MessageTemplate</code> matching the given
public static MessageTemplate MatchContent(String value) {
return new MessageTemplate(new Literal(value,CONTENT));
This <em>Factory Method</em> returns a message template that
matches any message with a given <code>:reply-with</code> slot.
@param value The value the message slot will be matched against.
@return A new <code>MessageTemplate</code> matching the given
public static MessageTemplate MatchReplyWith(String value) {
return new MessageTemplate(new Literal(value, REPLY_WITH));
This <em>Factory Method</em> returns a message template that
matches any message with a given <code>:in-reply-to</code> slot.
@param value The value the message slot will be matched against.
@return A new <code>MessageTemplate</code> matching the given
public static MessageTemplate MatchInReplyTo(String value) {
return new MessageTemplate(new Literal(value,IN_REPLY_TO));
This <em>Factory Method</em> returns a message template that
matches any message with a given <code>:reply-to</code> slot.
@param values An array of Agent IDs against which the
value of the message slot will be matched.
@return A new <code>MessageTemplate</code> matching the given
public static MessageTemplate MatchReplyTo(AID[] values) {
return new MessageTemplate(new Literal(values,REPLY_TO));
This <em>Factory Method</em> returns a message template that
matches any message with a given <code>:language</code> slot.
@param value The value the message slot will be matched against.
@return A new <code>MessageTemplate</code> matching the given
public static MessageTemplate MatchLanguage(String value) {
return new MessageTemplate(new Literal(value,LANGUAGE));
This <em>Factory Method</em> returns a message template that
matches any message with a given <code>:encoding</code> slot.
@param value The value the message slot will be matched against.
@return A new <code>MessageTemplate</code> matching the given
public static MessageTemplate MatchEncoding(String value) {
return new MessageTemplate(new Literal(value,ENCODING));
This <em>Factory Method</em> returns a message template that
matches any message with a given <code>:ontology</code> slot.
@param value The value the message slot will be matched against.
@return A new <code>MessageTemplate</code> matching the given
public static MessageTemplate MatchOntology(String value) {
return new MessageTemplate(new Literal(value,ONTOLOGY));
This <em>Factory Method</em> returns a message template that
matches any message with a given <code>:reply-by</code> slot.
@param value The <code>Date</code> the message slot will be matched against.
@return A new <code>MessageTemplate</code> matching the given
public static MessageTemplate MatchReplyByDate(Date value){
return new MessageTemplate(new Literal(value));
This <em>Factory Method</em> returns a message template that
matches any message with a given <code>:protocol</code> slot.
@param value The value the message slot will be matched against.
@return A new <code>MessageTemplate</code> matching the given
public static MessageTemplate MatchProtocol(String value) {
return new MessageTemplate(new Literal(value, PROTOCOL));
This <em>Factory Method</em> returns a message template that
matches any message with a given <code>:conversation-id</code> slot.
@param value The value the message slot will be matched against.
@return A new <code>MessageTemplate</code> matching the given
public static MessageTemplate MatchConversationId(String value) {
return new MessageTemplate(new Literal(value,CONVERSATION_ID));
This <em>Factory Method</em> returns a message template that
matches any message with a given performative.
@param value The value the message slot will be matched against.
@return A new <code>MessageTenplate</code>matching the given
public static MessageTemplate MatchPerformative(int value){
return new MessageTemplate(new Literal(value));
This <em>Factory Method</em> returns a message template that
matches ACL messages against a given one, passed as
parameter. The following algorithm is used:
When the given <code>ACLMessage</code> has a non
<code>null</code> slot, subsequent messages must have the same
slot value in that slot to have a match.
When the given <code>ACLMessage</code> has a <code>null</code>
slot, subsequent messages can have any value for that slot and
still match the template.
In short, a <code>null</code> value for a slot means <em>don't
@param msg The <code>ACLMessage</code> used to build a custom
message template.
@param matchPerformative a <code>bool</code> value. When
<code>true</code>, the performative of the <code>msg</code> will
be considered as a part of the template (i.e. the message
template will match only ACL messages with the same performativa
as <code>msg</code>).
When <false>, the performative of <code>msg</code> is ignored and
the resulting message template will not consider it when matching
@return A new <code>MessageTemplate</code>, matching the given
message according to the above algorithm.
public static MessageTemplate MatchCustom(ACLMessage msg, boolean matchPerformative) {
ACLMessage message = (ACLMessage)msg.clone();
return new MessageTemplate(new CustomMsgLiteral(message, matchPerformative));
Logical <b>and</b> between two <code>MessageTemplate</code>
objects. This method creates a new message template that is
matched by those ACL messages matching <b><em>both</b></em>
message templates given as operands.
@param op1 The first <em>and</em> operand.
@param op2 The second <em>and</em> operand.
@return A new <code>MessageTemplate</code> object.
@see jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate#or(MessageTemplate op1, MessageTemplate op2)
public static MessageTemplate and(MessageTemplate op1, MessageTemplate op2) {
AndExpression e = new AndExpression(op1.toMatch, op2.toMatch);
MessageTemplate result = new MessageTemplate(e);
return result;
Logical <b>or</b> between two <code>MessageTemplate</code>
objects. This method creates a new message template that is
matched by those ACL messages matching <b><em>any</b></em> of the
two message templates given as operands.
@param op1 The first <em>or</em> operand.
@param op2 The second <em>or</em> operand.
@return A new <code>MessageTemplate</code> object.
@see jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate#and(MessageTemplate op1, MessageTemplate op2)
public static MessageTemplate or(MessageTemplate op1, MessageTemplate op2) {
OrExpression e = new OrExpression(op1.toMatch, op2.toMatch);
MessageTemplate result = new MessageTemplate(e);
return result;
Logical <b>not</b> of a <code>MessageTemplate</code> object. This
method creates a new message template that is matched by those
ACL messages <b><em>not</em></b> matching the message template
given as operand.
@param op The <em>not</em> operand.
@return A new <code>MessageTemplate</code> object.
public static MessageTemplate not(MessageTemplate op) {
NotExpression e = new NotExpression(op.toMatch);
MessageTemplate result = new MessageTemplate(e);
return result;
Matches an ACL message against this <code>MessageTemplate</code>
@param msg The <code>ACLMessage</code> to check for matching.
@return <code>true</code> if the ACL message matches this
template, <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean match(ACLMessage msg) {
return toMatch.match(msg);
Retrieve a string representation of this message template.
@return A string describing the syntactic structure of this
message template.
public String toString(){
return toMatch.toString();