JADE - Java Agent DEvelopment Framework is a framework to develop
multi-agent systems in compliance with the FIPA specifications.
Copyright (C) 2000 CSELT S.p.A.
GNU Lesser General Public License
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
version 2.1 of the License.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package jade.lang.acl;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.lang.ClassNotFoundException;
import java.util.Date;
import jade.util.leap.Serializable;
import jade.util.leap.ArrayList;
import jade.util.leap.Iterator;
import jade.util.leap.Properties;
import jade.util.leap.EmptyIterator;
import jade.util.leap.EnumIterator;
import java.util.Vector;
import jade.core.AID;
import jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope;
* The class ACLMessage implements an ACL message compliant to the <b>FIPA 2000</b> "FIPA ACL Message Structure Specification" (fipa000061) specifications.
* All parameters are couples <em>keyword: value</em>.
* All keywords are <code>private final String</code>.
* All values can be set by using the methods <em>set</em> and can be read by using
* the methods <em>get</em>.
* <p> <b>Warning: </b> since JADE 3.1 an exception might be thrown
* during the serialization of the ACLMessage parameters (with
* exception of the content of the ACLMessage) because of a limitation
* to 65535 in the total number of bytes needed to represent all the
* characters of a String (see also java.io.DataOutput#writeUTF(String)).
* <p> The methods <code> setByteSequenceContent() </code> and
* <code> getByteSequenceContent() </code> allow to send arbitrary
* sequence of bytes
* over the content of an ACLMessage.
* <p> The couple of methods
* <code> setContentObject() </code> and
* <code> getContentObject() </code> allow to send
* serialized Java objects over the content of an ACLMessage.
* These method are not strictly
* FIPA compliant so their usage is not encouraged.
* @author Fabio Bellifemine - CSELT
* @version $Date: 2010-06-11 15:32:31 +0200 (ven, 11 giu 2010) $ $Revision: 6352 $
* @see <a href=http://www.fipa.org/specs/fipa00061/XC00061D.html>FIPA Spec</a>
public class ACLMessage implements Cloneable, Serializable {
public class ACLMessage implements Serializable {
// Explicitly set for compatibility between standard and micro version
private static final long serialVersionUID=3945353187608998130L;
/** constant identifying the FIPA performative **/
public static final int ACCEPT_PROPOSAL = 0;
/** constant identifying the FIPA performative **/
public static final int AGREE = 1;
/** constant identifying the FIPA performative **/
public static final int CANCEL = 2;
/** constant identifying the FIPA performative **/
public static final int CFP = 3;
/** constant identifying the FIPA performative **/
public static final int CONFIRM = 4;
/** constant identifying the FIPA performative **/
public static final int DISCONFIRM = 5;
/** constant identifying the FIPA performative **/
public static final int FAILURE = 6;
/** constant identifying the FIPA performative **/
public static final int INFORM = 7;
/** constant identifying the FIPA performative **/
public static final int INFORM_IF = 8;
/** constant identifying the FIPA performative **/
public static final int INFORM_REF = 9;
/** constant identifying the FIPA performative **/
public static final int NOT_UNDERSTOOD = 10;
/** constant identifying the FIPA performative **/
public static final int PROPOSE = 11;
/** constant identifying the FIPA performative **/
public static final int QUERY_IF = 12;
/** constant identifying the FIPA performative **/
public static final int QUERY_REF = 13;
/** constant identifying the FIPA performative **/
public static final int REFUSE = 14;
/** constant identifying the FIPA performative **/
public static final int REJECT_PROPOSAL = 15;
/** constant identifying the FIPA performative **/
public static final int REQUEST = 16;
/** constant identifying the FIPA performative **/
public static final int REQUEST_WHEN = 17;
/** constant identifying the FIPA performative **/
public static final int REQUEST_WHENEVER = 18;
/** constant identifying the FIPA performative **/
public static final int SUBSCRIBE = 19;
/** constant identifying the FIPA performative **/
public static final int PROXY = 20;
/** constant identifying the FIPA performative **/
public static final int PROPAGATE = 21;
/** constant identifying an unknown performative **/
public static final int UNKNOWN = -1;
private int performative; // keeps the performative type of this object
/** This array of Strings keeps the names of the performatives **/
private static final String[] performatives = new String[22];
static { // initialization of the Vector of performatives
* User defined parameter key specifying, when set to "true", that if the delivery of a
* message fails, no FAILURE notification has to be sent back to the sender.
public static final String IGNORE_FAILURE = "JADE-ignore-failure";
* User defined parameter key specifying that the corresponding value must be replaced by the JADE runtime
* by an ISO8601 encoded time-stamp at posting time.
public static final String POST_TIME_STAMP = "JADE-post-ts";
* User defined parameter key specifying that the JADE tracing mechanism should be activated for this message.
public static final String TRACE = "JADE-trace";
* User defined parameter key specifying that this message does not need to be cloned by the message delivery service.
* This should be used ONLY when the message object will not be modified after being sent
public static final String NO_CLONE = "JADE-no-clone";
* User defined parameter key specifying that this message must be delivered synchronously. It should
* be noticed that when using synchronous delivery message order is not guaranteed.
public static final String SYNCH_DELIVERY = "JADE-synch-delivery";
* User defined parameter key specifying the AID of the real sender of a message. This is automatically
* set by the MessagingService when posting a message where the sender field is different than the real
* sender.
public static final String REAL_SENDER = "JADE-real-sender";
* AMS failure reasons
public static final String AMS_FAILURE_AGENT_NOT_FOUND = "Agent not found";
public static final String AMS_FAILURE_AGENT_UNREACHABLE = "Agent unreachable";
public static final String AMS_FAILURE_SERVICE_ERROR = "Service error";
public static final String AMS_FAILURE_UNAUTHORIZED = "Not authorized";
public static final String AMS_FAILURE_FOREIGN_AGENT_UNREACHABLE = "Foreign agent unreachable";
public static final String AMS_FAILURE_FOREIGN_AGENT_NO_ADDRESS = "Foreign agent with no address";
public static final String AMS_FAILURE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR = "Unexpected error";
private AID source = null;
/** These constants represent the expected size of the 2 array lists
* used by this class **/
private static final int RECEIVERS_EXPECTED_SIZE = 1;
private static final int REPLYTO_EXPECTED_SIZE = 1;
private ArrayList dests = new ArrayList(RECEIVERS_EXPECTED_SIZE);
private ArrayList reply_to = null;
private Vector dests = new Vector(RECEIVERS_EXPECTED_SIZE);
private Vector reply_to = null;
// At a given time or content or byteSequenceContent are != null,
// it is not allowed that both are != null
private StringBuffer content = null;
private byte[] byteSequenceContent = null;
private String reply_with = null;
private String in_reply_to = null;
private String encoding = null;
private String language = null;
private String ontology = null;
private long reply_byInMillisec = 0;
private String protocol = null;
private String conversation_id = null;
private Properties userDefProps = null;
private Envelope messageEnvelope;
Returns the list of the communicative acts as an array of <code>String</code>.
public static String[] getAllPerformativeNames()
return performatives;
@deprecated Since every ACL Message must have a message type, you
should use the new constructor which gets a message type as a
parameter. To avoid problems, now this constructor silently sets
the message type to <code>not-understood</code>.
@see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#ACLMessage(int)
public ACLMessage() { // Used by persistence service: do not remove it, but make it private
performative = NOT_UNDERSTOOD;
* This constructor creates an ACL message object with the specified
* performative. If the passed integer does not correspond to any of
* the known performatives, it silently initializes the message to
* <code>not-understood</code>.
public ACLMessage(int perf) {
performative = perf;
Writes the <code>:sender</code> slot. <em><b>Warning:</b> no
checks are made to validate the slot value.</em>
@param source The new value for the slot.
@see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#getSender()
public void setSender(AID s) {
source = s;
Adds a value to <code>:receiver</code> slot. <em><b>Warning:</b>
no checks are made to validate the slot value.</em>
@param r The value to add to the slot value set.
public void addReceiver(AID r) {
if(r != null) {
Removes a value from <code>:receiver</code>
slot. <em><b>Warning:</b> no checks are made to validate the slot
@param r The value to remove from the slot value set.
@return true if the AID has been found and removed, false otherwise
public boolean removeReceiver(AID r) {
if (r != null) {
return dests.remove(r);
return dests.removeElement(r);
else {
return false;
Removes all values from <code>:receiver</code>
slot. <em><b>Warning:</b> no checks are made to validate the slot
public void clearAllReceiver() {
Adds a value to <code>:reply-to</code> slot. <em><b>Warning:</b>
no checks are made to validate the slot value.</em>
@param dest The value to add to the slot value set.
public void addReplyTo(AID dest) {
if (dest != null) {
reply_to = (reply_to == null ? new ArrayList(REPLYTO_EXPECTED_SIZE) : reply_to);
reply_to = (reply_to == null ? new Vector(REPLYTO_EXPECTED_SIZE) : reply_to);
Removes a value from <code>:reply_to</code>
slot. <em><b>Warning:</b> no checks are made to validate the slot
@param dest The value to remove from the slot value set.
@return true if the AID has been found and removed, false otherwise
public boolean removeReplyTo(AID dest) {
if ((dest != null) && (reply_to != null) ) {
return reply_to.remove(dest);
return reply_to.removeElement(dest);
else {
return false;
Removes all values from <code>:reply_to</code>
slot. <em><b>Warning:</b> no checks are made to validate the slot
public void clearAllReplyTo() {
if (reply_to != null) {
* set the performative of this ACL message object to the passed constant.
* Remind to
* use the set of constants (i.e. <code> INFORM, REQUEST, ... </code>)
* defined in this class
public void setPerformative(int perf) {
performative = perf;
* Writes the <code>:content</code> slot. <em><b>Warning:</b> no
* checks are made to validate the slot value.</em> <p>
* <p>Notice that, in general, setting a String content and getting
* back a byte sequence content - or viceversa - does not return
* the same value, i.e. the following relation does not hold
* <code>
* getByteSequenceContent(setByteSequenceContent(getContent().getBytes()))
* is equal to getByteSequenceContent()
* </code>
* @param content The new value for the slot.
* @see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#getContent()
* @see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#setByteSequenceContent(byte[])
* @see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#setContentObject(Serializable s)
public void setContent(String content) {
byteSequenceContent = null;
if (content != null) {
this.content = new StringBuffer(content);
else {
this.content = null;
* Writes the <code>:content</code> slot. <em><b>Warning:</b> no
* checks are made to validate the slot value.</em> <p>
* <p>Notice that, in general, setting a String content and getting
* back a byte sequence content - or viceversa - does not return
* the same value, i.e. the following relation does not hold
* <code>
* getByteSequenceContent(setByteSequenceContent(getContent().getBytes()))
* is equal to getByteSequenceContent()
* </code>
* @param byteSequenceContent The new value for the slot.
* @see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#setContent(String s)
* @see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#getByteSequenceContent()
* @see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#setContentObject(Serializable s)
public void setByteSequenceContent(byte[] byteSequenceContent) {
content = null;
this.byteSequenceContent = byteSequenceContent;
* This method sets the content of this ACLMessage to a Java object.
* It is not FIPA compliant so its usage is not encouraged.
* For example:<br>
* <PRE>
* ACLMessage msg = new ACLMessage(ACLMessage.INFORM);
* Date d = new Date();
* try{
* msg.setContentObject(d);
* }catch(IOException e){}
* </PRE>
* @param s the object that will be used to set the content of the ACLMessage.
* @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
public void setContentObject(java.io.Serializable s) throws IOException
ByteArrayOutputStream c = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(c);
* This method returns the content of this ACLMessage when they have
* been written via the method <code>setContentObject</code>.
* It is not FIPA compliant so its usage is not encouraged.
* For example to read Java objects from the content
* <PRE>
* ACLMessage msg = blockingReceive();
* try{
* Date d = (Date)msg.getContentObject();
* }catch(UnreadableException e){}
* </PRE>
* @return the object read from the content of this ACLMessage
* @exception UnreadableException when an error occurs during the decoding.
public java.io.Serializable getContentObject() throws UnreadableException
byte[] data = getByteSequenceContent();
if (data == null)
return null;
ObjectInputStream oin = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data));
java.io.Serializable s = (java.io.Serializable)oin.readObject();
return s;
catch (java.lang.Error e) {
throw new UnreadableException(e.getMessage());
catch (IOException e1) {
throw new UnreadableException(e1.getMessage());
catch(ClassNotFoundException e2) {
throw new UnreadableException(e2.getMessage());
Writes the <code>:reply-with</code> slot. <em><b>Warning:</b> no
checks are made to validate the slot value.</em>
@param reply The new value for the slot.
@see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#getReplyWith()
public void setReplyWith(String reply) {
reply_with = reply;
Writes the <code>:in-reply-to</code> slot. <em><b>Warning:</b> no
checks are made to validate the slot value.</em>
@param reply The new value for the slot.
@see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#getInReplyTo()
public void setInReplyTo(String reply) {
in_reply_to = reply;
Writes the <code>:encoding</code> slot. <em><b>Warning:</b> no
checks are made to validate the slot value.</em>
@param str The new value for the slot.
@see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#getEncoding()
public void setEncoding(String str) {
encoding = str;
Writes the <code>:language</code> slot. <em><b>Warning:</b> no
checks are made to validate the slot value.</em>
@param str The new value for the slot.
@see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#getLanguage()
public void setLanguage(String str) {
language = str;
Writes the <code>:ontology</code> slot. <em><b>Warning:</b> no
checks are made to validate the slot value.</em>
@param str The new value for the slot.
@see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#getOntology()
public void setOntology(String str) {
ontology = str;
Writes the <code>:reply-by</code> slot. <em><b>Warning:</b> no
checks are made to validate the slot value.</em>
@param date The new value for the slot.
@see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#getReplyByDate()
public void setReplyByDate(Date date) {
reply_byInMillisec = (date==null?0:date.getTime());
Writes the <code>:protocol</code> slot. <em><b>Warning:</b> no
checks are made to validate the slot value.</em>
@param str The new value for the slot.
@see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#getProtocol()
public void setProtocol( String str ) {
protocol = str;
Writes the <code>:conversation-id</code> slot. <em><b>Warning:</b> no
checks are made to validate the slot value.</em>
@param str The new value for the slot.
@see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#getConversationId()
public void setConversationId( String str ) {
conversation_id = str;
Reads <code>:receiver</code> slot.
@return An <code>Iterator</code> containing the Agent IDs of the
receiver agents for this message.
public Iterator getAllReceiver() {
return dests.iterator();
return new EnumIterator(dests.elements());
Reads <code>:reply_to</code> slot.
@return An <code>Iterator</code> containing the Agent IDs of the
reply_to agents for this message.
public Iterator getAllReplyTo() {
if (reply_to == null) {
return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
else {
return reply_to.iterator();
return new EnumIterator(reply_to.elements());
Reads <code>:sender</code> slot.
@return The value of <code>:sender</code>slot.
@see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#setSender(AID).
public AID getSender() {
return source;
Returns the string corresponding to the integer for the performative
@return the string corresponding to the integer for the performative;
"NOT-UNDERSTOOD" if the integer is out of range.
public static String getPerformative(int perf){
try {
return performatives[perf];
} catch (Exception e) {
return performatives[NOT_UNDERSTOOD];
Returns the integer corresponding to the performative
@returns the integer corresponding to the performative; -1 otherwise
public static int getInteger(String perf)
String tmp = perf.toUpperCase();
for (int i=0; i<performatives.length; i++)
if (performatives[i].equals(tmp))
return i;
return -1;
* return the integer representing the performative of this object
* @return an integer representing the performative of this object
public int getPerformative() {
return performative;
* This method allows to check if the content of this ACLMessage
* is a byteSequence or a String
* @return true if it is a byteSequence, false if it is a String
public boolean hasByteSequenceContent(){
return (byteSequenceContent != null);
* Reads <code>:content</code> slot. <p>
* <p>Notice that, in general, setting a String content and getting
* back a byte sequence content - or viceversa - does not return
* the same value, i.e. the following relation does not hold
* <code>
* getByteSequenceContent(setByteSequenceContent(getContent().getBytes()))
* is equal to getByteSequenceContent()
* </code>
* @return The value of <code>:content</code> slot.
* @see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#setContent(String)
* @see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#getByteSequenceContent()
* @see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#getContentObject()
public String getContent() {
if(content != null)
return new String(content);
else if (byteSequenceContent != null)
return new String(byteSequenceContent);
return null;
* Reads <code>:content</code> slot. <p>
* <p>Notice that, in general, setting a String content and getting
* back a byte sequence content - or viceversa - does not return
* the same value, i.e. the following relation does not hold
* <code>
* getByteSequenceContent(setByteSequenceContent(getContent().getBytes()))
* is equal to getByteSequenceContent()
* </code>
* @return The value of <code>:content</code> slot.
* @see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#getContent()
* @see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#setByteSequenceContent(byte[])
* @see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#getContentObject()
public byte[] getByteSequenceContent() {
if (content != null)
return content.toString().getBytes();
else if (byteSequenceContent != null)
return byteSequenceContent;
return null;
Reads <code>:reply-with</code> slot.
@return The value of <code>:reply-with</code>slot.
@see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#setReplyWith(String).
public String getReplyWith() {
return reply_with;
Reads <code>:reply-to</code> slot.
@return The value of <code>:reply-to</code>slot.
@see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#setInReplyTo(String).
public String getInReplyTo() {
return in_reply_to;
Reads <code>:encoding</code> slot.
@return The value of <code>:encoding</code>slot.
@see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#setEncoding(String).
public String getEncoding() {
return encoding;
Reads <code>:language</code> slot.
@return The value of <code>:language</code>slot.
@see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#setLanguage(String).
public String getLanguage() {
return language;
Reads <code>:ontology</code> slot.
@return The value of <code>:ontology</code>slot.
@see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#setOntology(String).
public String getOntology() {
return ontology;
Reads <code>:reply-by</code> slot.
@return The value of <code>:reply-by</code>slot, as a string.
@see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#getReplyByDate().
@deprecated Since the value of this slot is a Date by definition, then
the <code>getReplyByDate</code> should be used that returns a Date
public String getReplyBy() {
if(reply_byInMillisec != 0)
return ISO8601.toString(new Date(reply_byInMillisec));
return null;
Reads <code>:reply-by</code> slot.
@return The value of <code>:reply-by</code>slot, as a
<code>Date</code> object.
@see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#setReplyByDate(Date).
public Date getReplyByDate() {
if(reply_byInMillisec != 0)
return new Date(reply_byInMillisec);
return null;
Reads <code>:protocol</code> slot.
@return The value of <code>:protocol</code>slot.
@see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#setProtocol(String).
public String getProtocol() {
return protocol;
Reads <code>:conversation-id</code> slot.
@return The value of <code>:conversation-id</code>slot.
@see jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage#setConversationId(String).
public String getConversationId() {
return conversation_id;
* Add a new user defined parameter to this ACLMessage.
* Notice that according to the FIPA specifications, the keyword of a
* user-defined parameter must not contain space inside.
* Note that the user does not need to (and shall not) add the prefix "X-" to the keyword.
* This is automatically added by the StringACLCodec.
* @param key the property key.
* @param value the property value
public void addUserDefinedParameter(String key, String value) {
userDefProps = (userDefProps == null ? new Properties() : userDefProps);
* Searches for the user defined parameter with the specified key.
* The method returns
* <code>null</code> if the parameter is not found.
* @param key the parameter key.
* @return the value in this ACLMessage with the specified key value.
public String getUserDefinedParameter(String key){
if (userDefProps == null)
return null;
return userDefProps.getProperty(key);
* Return all user defined parameters of this ACLMessage in form of a Properties object
public Properties getAllUserDefinedParameters() {
userDefProps = (userDefProps == null ? new Properties() : userDefProps);
return userDefProps;
* Replace all user defined parameters of this ACLMessage with the specified Properties object.
public void setAllUserDefinedParameters(Properties userDefProps) {
this.userDefProps = userDefProps;
* Removes the key and its corresponding value from the list of user
* defined parameters in this ACLMessage.
* @param key the key that needs to be removed
@return true if the property has been found and removed, false otherwise
public boolean removeUserDefinedParameter(String key) {
return (clearUserDefinedParameter(key) != null);
* Removes the key and its corresponding value from the list of user
* defined parameters in this ACLMessage.
* @param key the key that needs to be removed
* @return the value to which the key had been mapped or null if the key was not present
public Object clearUserDefinedParameter(String key) {
if (userDefProps == null)
return null;
return userDefProps.remove(key);
Attaches an envelope to this message. The envelope is used by the
<b><it>ACC</it></b> for inter-platform messaging.
@param e The <code>Envelope</code> object to attach to this
@see jade.lang.acl#getEnvelope()
@see jade.lang.acl#setDefaultEnvelope()
public void setEnvelope(Envelope e) {
messageEnvelope = e;
Writes the message envelope for this message, using the
<code>:sender</code> and <code>:receiver</code> message slots to
fill in the envelope.
@see jade.lang.acl#setEnvelope(Envelope e)
@see jade.lang.acl#getEnvelope()
public void setDefaultEnvelope() {
messageEnvelope = new Envelope();
Iterator it = dests.iterator();
Iterator it = new EnumIterator(dests.elements());
messageEnvelope.setDate(new Date());
Reads the envelope attached to this message, if any.
@return The envelope for this message.
@see jade.lang.acl#setEnvelope(Envelope e)
@see jade.lang.acl#setDefaultEnvelope()
public Envelope getEnvelope() {
return messageEnvelope;
Convert an ACL message to its string representation. This method
writes a representation of this <code>ACLMessage</code> into a
character string.
If the content is a bytesequence, then it is automatically converted
into Base64 encoding.
@return A <code>String</code> representing this message.
public String toString(){
return StringACLCodec.toString(this);
Clone an <code>ACLMessage</code> object.
@return A copy of this <code>ACLMessage</code> object. The copy
must be casted back to <code>ACLMessage</code> type before being
public synchronized Object clone() {
ACLMessage result;
try {
result = (ACLMessage)super.clone();
result.persistentID = null;
if(source != null) {
result.source = (AID)source.clone();
// Deep clone receivers
if(dests != null) {
result.dests = new ArrayList(dests.size());
Iterator it = dests.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
AID id = (AID)it.next();
// Deep clone reply_to
if(reply_to != null) {
result.reply_to = new ArrayList(reply_to.size());
Iterator it = reply_to.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
AID id = (AID)it.next();
// Deep clone user-def-properties if present
if (userDefProps != null)
result.userDefProps = (Properties)userDefProps.clone();
// Deep clone envelope if present
if(messageEnvelope != null)
result.messageEnvelope = (Envelope)messageEnvelope.clone();
catch(CloneNotSupportedException cnse) {
throw new InternalError(); // This should never happen
return result;
public synchronized Object clone() {
ACLMessage result = new ACLMessage(NOT_UNDERSTOOD);
result.performative = performative;
result.source = source;
result.content = content;
result.byteSequenceContent = byteSequenceContent;
result.reply_with = reply_with;
result.in_reply_to = in_reply_to;
result.encoding = encoding;
result.language = language;
result.ontology = ontology;
result.reply_byInMillisec = reply_byInMillisec;
result.protocol = protocol;
result.conversation_id = conversation_id;
result.userDefProps = userDefProps;
if(messageEnvelope != null) {
result.messageEnvelope = (Envelope)messageEnvelope.clone();
result.dests = new Vector(dests.size());
for (int i=0; i<dests.size(); i++)
if (reply_to != null) {
result.reply_to = new Vector(reply_to.size());
for (int i=0; i<reply_to.size(); i++)
return result;
* Resets all the message slots.
public void reset() {
source = null;
if (reply_to != null)
if (reply_to != null)
performative = NOT_UNDERSTOOD;
content = null;
byteSequenceContent = null;
reply_with = null;
in_reply_to = null;
encoding = null;
language = null;
ontology = null;
reply_byInMillisec = 0;
protocol = null;
conversation_id = null;
if (userDefProps != null) {
* create a new ACLMessage that is a reply to this message.
* In particular, it sets the following parameters of the new message:
* receiver, language, ontology, protocol, conversation-id,
* in-reply-to, reply-with.
* The programmer needs to set the communicative-act and the content.
* Of course, if he wishes to do that, he can reset any of the fields.
* @return the ACLMessage to send as a reply
public ACLMessage createReply() {
ACLMessage m = new ACLMessage(getPerformative());
Iterator it = getAllReplyTo();
while (it.hasNext())
if ((reply_to == null) || reply_to.isEmpty())
if (source != null)
m.setReplyWith(source.getName() + java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis());
// Copy only well defined user-def-params
String trace = getUserDefinedParameter(TRACE);
if (trace != null) {
m.addUserDefinedParameter(TRACE, trace);
//Set the Aclrepresentation of the reply message to the aclrepresentation of the sent message
if (messageEnvelope != null) {
String aclCodec= messageEnvelope.getAclRepresentation();
if (aclCodec != null)
return m;
retrieve the whole list of intended receivers for this message.
@return An Iterator over all the intended receivers of this
message taking into account the Envelope ":intended-receiver"
first, the Envelope ":to" second and the message ":receiver"
public Iterator getAllIntendedReceiver() {
Iterator it = null;
Envelope env = getEnvelope();
if (env != null) {
it = env.getAllIntendedReceiver();
if (!it.hasNext()) {
// The ":intended-receiver" field is empty --> try with the ":to" field
it = env.getAllTo();
if (it == null || !it.hasNext()) {
// Both the ":intended-receiver" and the ":to" fields are empty -->
// Use the ACLMessage receivers
it = getAllReceiver();
return it;
// For persistence service
private Long persistentID;
// For persistence service
private Long getPersistentID() {
return persistentID;
// For persistence service
private void setPersistentID(Long l) {
persistentID = l;
// For persistence service
private void setReceivers(ArrayList al) {
dests = al;
// For persistence service
private ArrayList getReceivers() {
return dests;
// For persistence service
private void setReplyTo(ArrayList al) {
reply_to = al;
// For persistence service
private ArrayList getReplyTo() {
return reply_to;
// For persistence service
private void setUserDefinedProperties(Serializable p) {
userDefProps = (Properties)p;
// For persistence service
private Serializable getUserDefinedProperties() {
return userDefProps;