JADE - Java Agent DEvelopment Framework is a framework to develop
multi-agent systems in compliance with the FIPA specifications.
Copyright (C) 2000 CSELT S.p.A.
GNU Lesser General Public License
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
version 2.1 of the License.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package jade.core.messaging;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import jade.core.HorizontalCommand;
import jade.core.VerticalCommand;
import jade.core.GenericCommand;
import jade.core.Service;
import jade.core.BaseService;
import jade.core.ServiceException;
import jade.core.Sink;
import jade.core.Filter;
import jade.core.Node;
import jade.core.AgentContainer;
import jade.core.MainContainer;
import jade.core.CaseInsensitiveString;
import jade.core.Agent;
import jade.core.AID;
import jade.core.ContainerID;
import jade.core.Profile;
import jade.core.ServiceHelper;
import jade.core.ServiceNotActiveException;
import jade.core.Specifier;
import jade.core.ProfileException;
import jade.core.IMTPException;
import jade.core.NotFoundException;
import jade.core.replication.MainReplicationHandle;
import jade.core.sam.AverageMeasureProviderImpl;
import jade.core.sam.SAMHelper;
import jade.core.sam.CounterValueProvider;
import jade.domain.FIPANames;
import jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.InternalError;
import jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope;
import jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Property;
import jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ReceivedObject;
import jade.security.JADESecurityException;
import jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage;
import jade.lang.acl.ACLCodec;
import jade.lang.acl.LEAPACLCodec;
import jade.lang.acl.StringACLCodec;
import jade.mtp.MTP;
import jade.mtp.MTPDescriptor;
import jade.mtp.MTPException;
import jade.mtp.InChannel;
import jade.mtp.TransportAddress;
import jade.util.leap.ArrayList;
import jade.util.leap.Iterator;
import jade.util.leap.Map;
import jade.util.leap.HashMap;
import jade.util.leap.List;
import jade.util.Logger;
import jade.util.HashCache;
* The JADE service to manage the message passing subsystem installed
* on the platform.
* @author Giovanni Rimassa - FRAMeTech s.r.l.
* @author Nicolas Lhuillier - Motorola Labs
* @author Jerome Picault - Motorola Labs
public class MessagingService extends BaseService implements MessageManager.Channel {
public static final String NAME = MessagingSlice.NAME;
public static final String CACHE_SIZE = "jade_core_messaging_MessagingService_cachesize";
public static final int CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT = 100;
public static final String ATTACH_PLATFORM_INFO = "jade_core_messaging_MessagingService_attachplatforminfo";
public static final String PLATFORM_IDENTIFIER = "x-sender-platform-identifer";
public static final String MTP_IDENTIFIER = "x-sender-mtp-identifer";
// SAM related configurations
public static final String DELIVERY_TIME_MEASUREMENT_RATE = "jade_core_messaging_MessagingService_deliverytimemeasurementrate";
public static final int DELIVERY_TIME_MEASUREMENT_RATE_DEFAULT = -1; // Delivery time measurement disabled by default. Set it to N to measure delivery time 1 out of N delivered messages
public static final String ENABLE_POSTED_MESSAGE_COUNT = "jade_core_messaging_MessagingService_enablepostedmessagecount";
// The profile passed to this object
private Profile myProfile;
// A flag indicating whether or not we must accept foreign agents
private boolean acceptForeignAgents = false;
// The ID of the Platform this service belongs to
private String platformID;
// The concrete agent container, providing access to LADT, etc.
private AgentContainer myContainer;
// The local slice for this service
private final ServiceComponent localSlice = new ServiceComponent();
// The command sink, source side
private final CommandSourceSink senderSink = new CommandSourceSink();
// The command sink, target side
private final CommandTargetSink receiverSink = new CommandTargetSink();
// The filter for incoming commands related to ACL encoding
private OutgoingEncodingFilter encOutFilter;
// The filter for outgoing commands related to ACL encoding
private IncomingEncodingFilter encInFilter;
// The cached AID -> MessagingSlice associations
private Map cachedSlices;
// The routing table mapping MTP addresses to their hosting slice
private RoutingTable routes;
// The map of local and global (used in the Main Container) aliases
private Hashtable localAliases = new Hashtable();
private Hashtable globalAliases;
private List aliasListeners;
// The handle to the MainReplicationService to keep global aliases info in synch
MainReplicationHandle replicationHandle;
private final static int EXPECTED_ACLENCODINGS_SIZE = 3;
// The table of the locally installed ACL message encodings
private final Map messageEncodings = new HashMap(EXPECTED_ACLENCODINGS_SIZE);
// The platform ID, to be used in inter-platform dispatching
private String accID;
// The component managing asynchronous message delivery and retries
private MessageManager myMessageManager;
// SAM related variables
private boolean samActive;
private int msgCounter = 0;
private int deliveryTimeMeasurementRate;
private AverageMeasureProviderImpl deliveryTimeMeasureProvider;
private long postedMessageCounter;
public static class UnknownACLEncodingException extends NotFoundException {
UnknownACLEncodingException(String msg) {
} // End of UnknownACLEncodingException class
private static final String[] OWNED_COMMANDS = new String[] {
public MessagingService() {
* Performs the passive initialization step of the service. This
* method is called <b>before</b> activating the service. Its role
* should be simply the one of a constructor, setting up the
* internal data as needed.
* Service implementations should not use the Service Manager and
* Service Finder facilities from within this method. A
* distributed initialization protocol, if needed, should be
* exectuted within the <code>boot()</code> method.
* @param ac The agent container this service is activated on.
* @param p The configuration profile for this service.
* @throws ProfileException If the given profile is not valid.
public void init(AgentContainer ac, Profile p) throws ProfileException {
super.init(ac, p);
myProfile = p;
myContainer = ac;
try {
size = Integer.parseInt(myProfile.getParameter(CACHE_SIZE, null));
catch (Exception e) {
// Keep default
cachedSlices = new HashCache(size);
routes = new RoutingTable(myProfile.getBooleanProperty(ATTACH_PLATFORM_INFO, false));
if (myContainer.getMain() != null) {
globalAliases = new Hashtable();
aliasListeners = new ArrayList();
// Look in the profile and check whether we must accept foreign agents
acceptForeignAgents = myProfile.getBooleanProperty(Profile.ACCEPT_FOREIGN_AGENTS, false);
// Initialize its own ID
platformID = myContainer.getPlatformID();
accID = "fipa-mts://" + platformID + "/acc";
// create the command filters related to the encoding of ACL messages
encOutFilter = new OutgoingEncodingFilter(messageEncodings, myContainer, this);
encInFilter = new IncomingEncodingFilter(messageEncodings, this);
myMessageManager = MessageManager.instance(p);
* Performs the active initialization step of a kernel-level
* service: Activates the ACL codecs and MTPs as specified in the given
* <code>Profile</code> instance.
* @param myProfile The <code>Profile</code> instance containing
* the list of ACL codecs and MTPs to activate on this node.
* @throws ServiceException If a problem occurs during service
* initialization.
public void boot(Profile myProfile) throws ServiceException {
this.myProfile = myProfile;
try {
// Initialize the MainReplicationHandle
replicationHandle = new MainReplicationHandle(this, myContainer.getServiceFinder());
// Initialize messaging-related System Activity Monitoring
// Activate the default ACL String codec anyway
ACLCodec stringCodec = new StringACLCodec();
messageEncodings.put(stringCodec.getName().toLowerCase(), stringCodec);
// Activate the efficient encoding for intra-platform encoding
ACLCodec efficientCodec = new LEAPACLCodec();
messageEncodings.put(efficientCodec.getName().toLowerCase(), efficientCodec);
// Codecs
List l = myProfile.getSpecifiers(Profile.ACLCODECS);
Iterator codecs = l.iterator();
while (codecs.hasNext()) {
Specifier spec = (Specifier) codecs.next();
String className = spec.getClassName();
Class c = Class.forName(className);
ACLCodec codec = (ACLCodec)c.newInstance();
messageEncodings.put(codec.getName().toLowerCase(), codec);
if (myLogger.isLoggable(Logger.CONFIG))
myLogger.log(Logger.CONFIG,"Installed "+ codec.getName()+ " ACLCodec implemented by " + className + "\n");
// FIXME: notify the AMS of the new Codec to update the APDescritption.
catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe){
throw new jade.lang.acl.ACLCodec.CodecException("ERROR: The class " +className +" for the ACLCodec not found.", cnfe);
catch(InstantiationException ie) {
throw new jade.lang.acl.ACLCodec.CodecException("The class " + className + " raised InstantiationException (see NestedException)", ie);
catch(IllegalAccessException iae) {
throw new jade.lang.acl.ACLCodec.CodecException("The class " + className + " raised IllegalAccessException (see nested exception)", iae);
// MTPs
l = myProfile.getSpecifiers(Profile.MTPS);
PrintWriter f = null;
StringBuffer sb = null;
Iterator mtps = l.iterator();
while (mtps.hasNext()) {
Specifier spec = (Specifier) mtps.next();
String className = spec.getClassName();
String addressURL = null;
Object[] args = spec.getArgs();
if (args != null && args.length > 0) {
addressURL = args[0].toString();
if(addressURL.equals("")) {
addressURL = null;
MessagingSlice s = (MessagingSlice)getSlice(getLocalNode().getName());
MTPDescriptor mtp = s.installMTP(addressURL, className);
String[] mtpAddrs = mtp.getAddresses();
if (f == null) {
String fileName = myProfile.getParameter(Profile.FILE_DIR, "") + "MTPs-" + myContainer.getID().getName() + ".txt";
f = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(fileName));
sb = new StringBuffer("MTP addresses:");
if (f != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, sb.toString());
catch (ProfileException pe1) {
myLogger.log(Logger.SEVERE,"Error reading MTPs/Codecs", pe1);
catch(ServiceException se) {
myLogger.log(Logger.SEVERE,"Error installing local MTPs", se);
catch(jade.lang.acl.ACLCodec.CodecException ce) {
myLogger.log(Logger.SEVERE,"Error installing ACL Codec", ce);
catch(MTPException me) {
myLogger.log(Logger.SEVERE,"Error installing MTP", me);
catch(IOException ioe) {
myLogger.log(Logger.SEVERE,"Error writing platform address", ioe);
catch(IMTPException imtpe) {
// Should never happen as this is a local call
private void initializeSAM() {
try {
Service sam = myContainer.getServiceFinder().findService(SAMHelper.SERVICE_NAME);
if (sam != null) {
SAMHelper samHelper = (SAMHelper) sam.getHelper(null);
samActive = true;
try {
deliveryTimeMeasurementRate = Integer.parseInt(myProfile.getParameter(DELIVERY_TIME_MEASUREMENT_RATE, null));
catch (Exception e) {
// Keep default
if (deliveryTimeMeasurementRate > 0) {
deliveryTimeMeasureProvider = new AverageMeasureProviderImpl();
samHelper.addEntityMeasureProvider("Message-Delivery-Time", deliveryTimeMeasureProvider);
boolean enablePostedMessageCount = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(myProfile.getParameter(ENABLE_POSTED_MESSAGE_COUNT, "false"));
if (enablePostedMessageCount) {
samHelper.addCounterValueProvider("Posted-Message-Count", new CounterValueProvider() {
public long getValue() {
return postedMessageCounter;
public boolean isDifferential() {
return false;
catch (ServiceNotActiveException snae) {
// SAMService not active --> just do nothing
catch (Exception e) {
// Should never happen
myLogger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Error accessing the local SAMService.", e);
// kindly provided by David Bernstein, 15/6/2005
public void shutdown() {
// clone addresses (externally because leap list doesn't
// implement Cloneable) so don't get concurrent modification
// exception on the list as the MTPs are being uninstalled
List platformAddresses = new jade.util.leap.ArrayList();
Iterator routeIterator = routes.getAddresses();
while ( routeIterator.hasNext() ) {
platformAddresses.add( routeIterator.next() );
// make an uninstall-mtp command to re-use for each MTP installed
GenericCommand cmd = new GenericCommand( MessagingSlice.UNINSTALL_MTP, getName(), null );
// for each platform address, uninstall the MTP it represents
routeIterator = platformAddresses.iterator();
while ( routeIterator.hasNext() ) {
String route = (String)routeIterator.next();
try {
cmd.addParam( route );
receiverSink.consume( cmd );
cmd.removeParam( route );
if ( myLogger.isLoggable( Logger.FINER ) ) {
myLogger.log( Logger.FINER,"uninstalled MTP "+route );
catch ( Exception e ) {
if ( myLogger.isLoggable( Logger.SEVERE ) ) {
myLogger.log( Logger.SEVERE,"Exception uninstalling MTP "+route+". "+e);
* Retrieve the name of this service, that can be used to look up
* its slices in the Service Finder.
* @return The name of this service.
* @see jade.core.ServiceFinder
public String getName() {
return MessagingSlice.NAME;
* Retrieve the interface through which the different service
* slices will communicate, that is, the service <i>Horizontal
* Interface</i>.
* @return A <code>Class</code> object, representing the interface
* that is implemented by the slices of this service.
public Class getHorizontalInterface() {
try {
return Class.forName(MessagingSlice.NAME + "Slice");
catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
return null;
public ServiceHelper getHelper(Agent a) throws ServiceException {
return new MessagingHelper() {
private Agent myAgent;
public void init(Agent a) {
myAgent = a;
public void createAlias(String alias) throws IMTPException, ServiceException {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, "Creating Alias "+alias+"-->"+myAgent.getLocalName());
AID aliasAID = new AID(alias, AID.ISLOCALNAME);
AID id = myAgent.getAID();
localAliases.put(aliasAID, id);
notifyNewAlias(aliasAID, id);
public void deleteAlias(String alias) throws IMTPException, ServiceException {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, "Deleting Alias "+alias+"-->"+myAgent.getLocalName());
AID aliasAID = new AID(alias, AID.ISLOCALNAME);
AID id = (AID) localAliases.remove(aliasAID);
if (id != null) {
if (id.equals(myAgent.getAID())) {
// Alias actually removed --> notify the Main
else {
// An agent can delete its aliases only --> restore the alias
localAliases.put(aliasAID, id);
public void registerAliasListener(AliasListener l) throws ServiceException {
if (myContainer.getMain() != null) {
synchronized (aliasListeners) {
if (!aliasListeners.contains(l)) {
else {
throw new ServiceException("Cannot register AliasListener on a non-Main container");
public void deregisterAliasListener(AliasListener l) throws ServiceException {
if (myContainer.getMain() != null) {
synchronized (aliasListeners) {
else {
throw new ServiceException("Cannot register AliasListener on a non-Main container");
// Notify the Main Container about a new alias
private void notifyNewAlias(AID alias, AID agent) throws ServiceException, IMTPException {
MessagingSlice mainSlice = (MessagingSlice) getSlice(MAIN_SLICE);
try {
mainSlice.newAlias(alias, agent);
catch (IMTPException imtpe) {
// Try to get a newer slice and repeat...
mainSlice = (MessagingSlice) getFreshSlice(MAIN_SLICE);
mainSlice.newAlias(alias, agent);
// Notify the Main Container about a dead alias
private void notifyDeadAlias(AID alias) throws ServiceException, IMTPException {
MessagingSlice mainSlice = (MessagingSlice) getSlice(MAIN_SLICE);
try {
catch (IMTPException imtpe) {
// Try to get a newer slice and repeat...
mainSlice = (MessagingSlice) getFreshSlice(MAIN_SLICE);
// Add a new Global Alias entry
// Public since it is replicated by the MainReplicationService
public void newAlias(AID alias, AID agent) {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, "Adding global alias entry: "+alias.getLocalName()+"-->"+agent.getLocalName());
globalAliases.put(alias, agent);
// Notify listeners
notifyAliasListeners(alias, agent, true);
// Remove a dead Global Alias entry
// Public since it is replicated by the MainReplicationService
public void deadAlias(AID alias) {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, "Removing global alias entry: "+alias.getLocalName());
AID agent = (AID) globalAliases.remove(alias);
if (agent != null) {
// Notify listeners
notifyAliasListeners(alias, agent, false);
private void notifyAliasListeners(AID alias, AID agent, boolean added) {
synchronized (aliasListeners) {
Iterator it = aliasListeners.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
MessagingHelper.AliasListener listener = (MessagingHelper.AliasListener) it.next();
try {
if (added) {
// Alias added
listener.handleNewAlias(alias, agent);
else {
// Alias removed
listener.handleDeadAlias(alias, agent);
catch (Exception e) {
myLogger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Error notifying listener "+listener+" about dead alias "+alias.getLocalName()+"-->"+agent.getLocalName());
private AID resolveLocalAlias(AID id) {
AID mappedId = (AID) localAliases.get(id);
return mappedId != null ? mappedId : id;
private AID resolveGlobalAlias(AID id) {
AID mappedId = (AID) globalAliases.get(id);
return mappedId != null ? mappedId : id;
// Remove all local alias entries for a given agent
List removeLocalAliases(AID agent) {
myLogger.log(Logger.FINE, "Removing all local alias entries for agent "+agent.getLocalName());
return removeEntriesFor(localAliases, agent);
// Transfer all local alias entries for a given agent on a remote container
// This is executed when an agent moves
void transferLocalAliases(AID agent, ContainerID dest) {
myLogger.log(Logger.FINE, "Transferring all local alias entries for agent "+agent.getLocalName()+" to "+dest.getName());
List aliases = removeLocalAliases(agent);
if (aliases.size() > 0) {
try {
MessagingSlice destSlice = (MessagingSlice) getSlice(dest.getName());
destSlice.transferLocalAliases(agent, aliases);
catch (Exception e) {
myLogger.log(Logger.SEVERE, "Error transferring local aliases for migrated agent "+agent.getName()+" to new location "+dest.getName());
// Remove all global alias entries for a given agent
// Public since it is replicated by the MainReplicationService
public void removeGlobalAliases(AID agent) {
myLogger.log(Logger.FINE, "Removing all global alias entries for agent "+agent.getLocalName());
List removedAliases = removeEntriesFor(globalAliases, agent);
// Notify listeners
Iterator it = removedAliases.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
AID alias = (AID) it.next();
notifyAliasListeners(alias, agent, false);
// Inform the Main Container about all local aliases. This is called after a fault-&-recover
// of the Main Container when using the FaultRecoveryService
void notifyLocalAliases() {
// We do not scan the localAliases table directly since this would require a potentially long
// synchronized block
Hashtable cloned = (Hashtable) localAliases.clone();
java.util.Iterator it = cloned.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
java.util.Map.Entry entry = (java.util.Map.Entry) it.next();
AID alias = (AID) entry.getKey();
AID agent = (AID) entry.getValue();
try {
notifyNewAlias(alias, agent);
catch (Exception e) {
myLogger.log(Logger.SEVERE, "Error informing recovered Main Container about alias "+alias.getLocalName()+"-->"+agent.getLocalName(), e);
// Remove all entries that maps to a given target
private List removeEntriesFor(Hashtable table, Object target) {
List removedKeys = new ArrayList();
synchronized (table) {
java.util.Iterator it = table.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
java.util.Map.Entry entry = (java.util.Map.Entry) it.next();
if (entry.getValue().equals(target)) {
return removedKeys;
* Retrieve the locally installed slice of this service.
public Service.Slice getLocalSlice() {
return localSlice;
* Access the command filter this service needs to perform its
* tasks. This filter will be installed within the local command
* processing engine.
* @param direction One of the two constants
* <code>Filter.INCOMING</code> and <code>Filter.OUTGOING</code>,
* distinguishing between the two filter chains managed by the
* command processor.
* @return A <code>Filter</code> object, used by this service to
* intercept and process kernel-level commands.
public Filter getCommandFilter(boolean direction){
if (direction == Filter.OUTGOING){
return encOutFilter;
} else {
return encInFilter;
* Access the command sink this service uses to handle its own
* vertical commands.
public Sink getCommandSink(boolean side) {
if(side == Sink.COMMAND_SOURCE) {
return senderSink;
else {
return receiverSink;
* Access the names of the vertical commands this service wants to
* handle as their final destination. This set must not overlap
* with the owned commands set of any previously installed
* service, or an exception will be raised and service
* activation will fail.
* @see jade.core.Service#getCommandSink()
public String[] getOwnedCommands() {
void notifyLocalMTPs() {
Iterator it = routes.getLocalMTPs();
while (it.hasNext()) {
RoutingTable.MTPInfo info = (RoutingTable.MTPInfo) it.next();
MTPDescriptor mtp = info.getDescriptor();
ContainerID cid = myContainer.getID();
try {
MessagingSlice mainSlice = (MessagingSlice)getSlice(MAIN_SLICE);
try {
mainSlice.newMTP(mtp, cid);
catch(IMTPException imtpe) {
mainSlice = (MessagingSlice)getFreshSlice(MAIN_SLICE);
mainSlice.newMTP(mtp, cid);
catch (Exception e) {
myLogger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Error notifying local MTP "+mtp.getName()+" to Main Container.", e);
private ContainerID getAgentLocation(AID agentID) throws IMTPException, NotFoundException {
MainContainer impl = myContainer.getMain();
if(impl != null) {
agentID = resolveGlobalAlias(agentID);
return impl.getContainerID(agentID);
else {
// Should never happen
throw new NotFoundException("getAgentLocation() invoked on a non-main container");
* Inner class CommandSourceSink
* This inner class handles the messaging commands on the command
* issuer side, turning them into horizontal commands and
* forwarding them to remote slices when necessary.
private class CommandSourceSink implements Sink {
public void consume(VerticalCommand cmd) {
try {
String name = cmd.getName();
if(name.equals(MessagingSlice.SEND_MESSAGE)) {
else if(name.equals(MessagingSlice.NOTIFY_FAILURE)) {
else if(name.equals(MessagingSlice.INSTALL_MTP)) {
Object result = handleInstallMTP(cmd);
else if(name.equals(MessagingSlice.UNINSTALL_MTP)) {
else if(name.equals(MessagingSlice.NEW_MTP)) {
else if(name.equals(MessagingSlice.DEAD_MTP)) {
else if(name.equals(MessagingSlice.SET_PLATFORM_ADDRESSES)) {
catch(IMTPException imtpe) {
catch(NotFoundException nfe) {
catch(ServiceException se) {
catch(MTPException mtpe) {
catch(Throwable t) {
// Vertical command handler methods
private void handleSendMessage(VerticalCommand cmd) {
Object[] params = cmd.getParams();
AID sender = (AID)params[0];
GenericMessage msg = (GenericMessage)params[1];
AID dest = (AID)params[2];
// Since message delivery is asynchronous we use the GenericMessage
// as a temporary holder for the sender principal and credentials
if (msg.getTraceID() != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, "MessagingService source sink handling message "+MessageManager.stringify(msg)+" for receiver "+dest.getName()+". TraceID = "+msg.getTraceID());
if (needSynchDelivery(msg)) {
// Synchronous delivery: skip the MessageManager
deliverNow(msg, dest);
else {
// Normal (asynchronous) delivery
myMessageManager.deliver(msg, dest, MessagingService.this);
if (msg.getTraceID() != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, msg.getTraceID()+" - Message enqueued to MessageManager.");
private void handleNotifyFailure(VerticalCommand cmd) {
Object[] params = cmd.getParams();
GenericMessage msg = (GenericMessage)params[0];
AID receiver = (AID)params[1];
InternalError ie = (InternalError)params[2];
// The acl message contained inside the GenericMessage cannot be null; the notifyFailureToSender() method already checks that
ACLMessage aclmsg = msg.getACLMessage();
if((aclmsg.getSender()==null) || (aclmsg.getSender().equals(myContainer.getAMS()))) // sanity check to avoid infinite loops
// Send back a failure message
final ACLMessage failure = aclmsg.createReply();
final AID theAMS = myContainer.getAMS();
// FIXME: the content is not completely correct, but that should
// also avoid creating wrong content
String content = "( (action " + msg.getSender().toString();
content = content + " (ACLMessage) ) (MTS-error "+receiver+" "+ie.getMessage() + ") )";
try {
GenericCommand command = new GenericCommand(MessagingSlice.SEND_MESSAGE, MessagingSlice.NAME, null);
GenericMessage gm = new GenericMessage(failure);
// FIXME: We should set the AMS principal and credentials
catch(ServiceException se) {
// It should never happen
private MTPDescriptor handleInstallMTP(VerticalCommand cmd) throws IMTPException, ServiceException, NotFoundException, MTPException {
Object[] params = cmd.getParams();
String address = (String)params[0];
ContainerID cid = (ContainerID)params[1];
String className = (String)params[2];
MessagingSlice targetSlice = (MessagingSlice)getSlice(cid.getName());
try {
return targetSlice.installMTP(address, className);
catch(IMTPException imtpe) {
targetSlice = (MessagingSlice)getFreshSlice(cid.getName());
return targetSlice.installMTP(address, className);
private void handleUninstallMTP(VerticalCommand cmd) throws IMTPException, ServiceException, NotFoundException, MTPException {
Object[] params = cmd.getParams();
String address = (String)params[0];
ContainerID cid = (ContainerID)params[1];
MessagingSlice targetSlice = (MessagingSlice)getSlice(cid.getName());
try {
catch(IMTPException imtpe) {
targetSlice = (MessagingSlice)getFreshSlice(cid.getName());
private void handleNewMTP(VerticalCommand cmd) throws IMTPException, ServiceException {
Object[] params = cmd.getParams();
MTPDescriptor mtp = (MTPDescriptor)params[0];
ContainerID cid = (ContainerID)params[1];
MessagingSlice mainSlice = (MessagingSlice)getSlice(MAIN_SLICE);
try {
mainSlice.newMTP(mtp, cid);
catch(IMTPException imtpe) {
mainSlice = (MessagingSlice)getFreshSlice(MAIN_SLICE);
mainSlice.newMTP(mtp, cid);
private void handleDeadMTP(VerticalCommand cmd) throws IMTPException, ServiceException {
Object[] params = cmd.getParams();
MTPDescriptor mtp = (MTPDescriptor)params[0];
ContainerID cid = (ContainerID)params[1];
MessagingSlice mainSlice = (MessagingSlice)getSlice(MAIN_SLICE);
try {
mainSlice.deadMTP(mtp, cid);
catch(IMTPException imtpe) {
mainSlice = (MessagingSlice)getFreshSlice(MAIN_SLICE);
mainSlice.deadMTP(mtp, cid);
private void handleSetPlatformAddresses(VerticalCommand cmd) {
Object[] params = cmd.getParams();
AID id = (AID)params[0];
} // END of inner class CommandSourceSink
* Inner class CommandTargetSink
private class CommandTargetSink implements Sink {
public void consume(VerticalCommand cmd) {
try {
String name = cmd.getName();
if(name.equals(MessagingSlice.SEND_MESSAGE)) {
else if(name.equals(MessagingSlice.INSTALL_MTP)) {
Object result = handleInstallMTP(cmd);
else if(name.equals(MessagingSlice.UNINSTALL_MTP)) {
else if(name.equals(MessagingSlice.NEW_MTP)) {
else if(name.equals(MessagingSlice.DEAD_MTP)) {
else if(name.equals(MessagingSlice.SET_PLATFORM_ADDRESSES)) {
else if(name.equals(Service.NEW_SLICE)) {
catch(IMTPException imtpe) {
catch(NotFoundException nfe) {
catch(ServiceException se) {
catch(MTPException mtpe) {
private void handleSendMessage(VerticalCommand cmd) throws NotFoundException {
Object[] params = cmd.getParams();
AID senderID = (AID)params[0];
GenericMessage msg = (GenericMessage)params[1];
AID receiverID = (AID)params[2];
receiverID = resolveLocalAlias(receiverID);
if (msg.getTraceID() != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, msg.getTraceID()+" - MessagingService target sink posting message to receiver "+receiverID.getLocalName());
postMessage(senderID, msg.getACLMessage(), receiverID);
if (msg.getTraceID() != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, msg.getTraceID()+" - Message posted");
private MTPDescriptor handleInstallMTP(VerticalCommand cmd) throws IMTPException, ServiceException, MTPException {
Object[] params = cmd.getParams();
String address = (String)params[0];
String className = (String)params[1];
return installMTP(address, className);
private void handleUninstallMTP(VerticalCommand cmd) throws IMTPException, ServiceException, NotFoundException, MTPException {
Object[] params = cmd.getParams();
String address = (String)params[0];
private void handleNewMTP(VerticalCommand cmd) throws IMTPException, ServiceException {
Object[] params = cmd.getParams();
MTPDescriptor mtp = (MTPDescriptor)params[0];
ContainerID cid = (ContainerID)params[1];
newMTP(mtp, cid);
private void handleDeadMTP(VerticalCommand cmd) throws IMTPException, ServiceException {
Object[] params = cmd.getParams();
MTPDescriptor mtp = (MTPDescriptor)params[0];
ContainerID cid = (ContainerID)params[1];
deadMTP(mtp, cid);
private void handleSetPlatformAddresses(VerticalCommand cmd) {
private void handleNewSlice(VerticalCommand cmd) {
MainContainer impl = myContainer.getMain();
if(impl != null) {
Object[] params = cmd.getParams();
String newSliceName = (String) params[0];
try {
// Be sure to get the new (fresh) slice --> Bypass the service cache
MessagingSlice newSlice = (MessagingSlice) getFreshSlice(newSliceName);
// Send all possible routes to the new slice
ContainerID[] cids = impl.containerIDs();
for(int i = 0; i < cids.length; i++) {
ContainerID cid = cids[i];
try {
List mtps = impl.containerMTPs(cid);
Iterator it = mtps.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
MTPDescriptor mtp = (MTPDescriptor)it.next();
newSlice.addRoute(mtp, cid.getName());
catch(NotFoundException nfe) {
// Should never happen
// If the new slice is on a replicated Main Container send it all current aliases
if (newSlice.getNode().hasPlatformManager()) {
catch (ServiceException se) {
// Should never happen since getSlice() should always work on the Main container
catch (IMTPException imtpe) {
myLogger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Error notifying current information to new Messaging-Slice "+newSliceName, imtpe);
private void postMessage(AID senderID, ACLMessage msg, AID receiverID) throws NotFoundException {
if (!msg.getSender().equals(senderID)) {
myLogger.log(Logger.FINE, "Attaching real-sender user defined parameter: "+senderID.getName());
// Sender indicated in the message different than the real sender --> store the latter in the REAL_SENDER user defined param
msg.addUserDefinedParameter(ACLMessage.REAL_SENDER, senderID.getName());
boolean found = myContainer.postMessageToLocalAgent(msg, receiverID);
if(!found) {
throw new NotFoundException("Messaging service slice failed to find " + receiverID);
private MTPDescriptor installMTP(String address, String className) throws IMTPException, ServiceException, MTPException {
try {
// Create the MTP
Class c = Class.forName(className);
MTP proto = (MTP)c.newInstance();
InChannel.Dispatcher dispatcher = new InChannel.Dispatcher() {
public void dispatchMessage(Envelope env, byte[] payload) {
//log("Message from remote platform received", 2);
if (myLogger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE))
myLogger.log(Logger.FINE,"Message from remote platform received");
// To avoid message loops, make sure that the ID of this ACC does
// not appear in a previous 'received' stamp
ReceivedObject[] stamps = env.getStamps();
for(int i = 0; i < stamps.length; i++) {
String id = stamps[i].getBy();
if(CaseInsensitiveString.equalsIgnoreCase(id, accID)) {
System.err.println("ERROR: Message loop detected !!!");
System.err.println("Route is: ");
for(int j = 0; j < stamps.length; j++)
System.err.println("[" + j + "]" + stamps[j].getBy());
System.err.println("Message dispatch aborted.");
// Put a 'received-object' stamp in the envelope
ReceivedObject ro = new ReceivedObject();
ro.setDate(new Date());
Iterator it = env.getAllIntendedReceiver();
// FIXME: There is a problem if no 'intended-receiver' is present,
// but this should not happen
while (it.hasNext()) {
AID rcv = (AID)it.next();
GenericMessage msg = new GenericMessage(env,payload);
String traceId = getTraceId(env);
if (traceId != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, "MTP In-Channel handling message from the outside for receiver "+rcv.getName()+". TraceID = "+traceId);
myMessageManager.deliver(msg, rcv, MessagingService.this);
if(address == null) {
// Let the MTP choose the address
TransportAddress ta = proto.activate(dispatcher, myProfile);
address = proto.addrToStr(ta);
else {
// Convert the given string into a TransportAddress object and use it
TransportAddress ta = proto.strToAddr(address);
proto.activate(dispatcher, ta, myProfile);
MTPDescriptor result = new MTPDescriptor(proto.getName(), className, new String[] {address}, proto.getSupportedProtocols());
routes.addLocalMTP(address, proto, result);
String[] pp = result.getSupportedProtocols();
for (int i = 0; i < pp.length; ++i) {
//log("Added Route-Via-MTP for protocol "+pp[i], 1);
if (myLogger.isLoggable(Logger.CONFIG))
myLogger.log(Logger.CONFIG,"Added Route-Via-MTP for protocol "+pp[i]);
String[] addresses = result.getAddresses();
for(int i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
GenericCommand gCmd = new GenericCommand(MessagingSlice.NEW_MTP, MessagingSlice.NAME, null);
return result;
catch(System.TypeLoadException tle)
ClassNotFoundException cnfe = new ClassNotFoundException(tle.get_Message());
throw new MTPException("The class " + className + " raised IllegalAccessException (see nested exception)", cnfe);
catch(System.TypeInitializationException tie)
InstantiationException ie = new InstantiationException(tie.get_Message());
throw new MTPException("The class " + className + " raised InstantiationException (see nested exception)", ie);
catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
throw new MTPException("ERROR: The class " + className + " for the " + address + " MTP was not found");
catch(InstantiationException ie) {
throw new MTPException("The class " + className + " raised InstantiationException (see nested exception)", ie);
catch(IllegalAccessException iae) {
throw new MTPException("The class " + className + " raised IllegalAccessException (see nested exception)", iae);
private void uninstallMTP(String address) throws IMTPException, ServiceException, NotFoundException, MTPException {
RoutingTable.MTPInfo info = routes.removeLocalMTP(address);
if(info != null) {
MTP proto = info.getMTP();
TransportAddress ta = proto.strToAddr(address);
MTPDescriptor desc = info.getDescriptor();
//MTPDescriptor desc = new MTPDescriptor(proto.getName(), proto.getClass().getName(), new String[] {address}, proto.getSupportedProtocols());
String[] addresses = desc.getAddresses();
for(int i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
GenericCommand gCmd = new GenericCommand(MessagingSlice.DEAD_MTP, MessagingSlice.NAME, null);
else {
throw new MTPException("No such address was found on this container: " + address);
private void newMTP(MTPDescriptor mtp, ContainerID cid) throws IMTPException, ServiceException {
MainContainer impl = myContainer.getMain();
if(impl != null) {
// Update the routing tables of all the other slices
Service.Slice[] slices = getAllSlices();
for(int i = 0; i < slices.length; i++) {
try {
MessagingSlice slice = (MessagingSlice)slices[i];
String sliceName = slice.getNode().getName();
if(!sliceName.equals(cid.getName())) {
slice.addRoute(mtp, cid.getName());
catch(Throwable t) {
// Re-throw allowed exceptions
if(t instanceof IMTPException) {
throw (IMTPException)t;
if(t instanceof ServiceException) {
throw (ServiceException)t;
//System.err.println("### addRoute() threw " + t.getClass().getName() + " ###");
myLogger.log(Logger.WARNING,"### addRoute() threw " + t + " ###");
impl.newMTP(mtp, cid);
else {
// Do nothing for now, but could also route the command to the main slice, thus enabling e.g. AMS replication
private void deadMTP(MTPDescriptor mtp, ContainerID cid) throws IMTPException, ServiceException {
MainContainer impl = myContainer.getMain();
if(impl != null) {
// Update the routing tables of all the other slices
Service.Slice[] slices = getAllSlices();
for(int i = 0; i < slices.length; i++) {
try {
MessagingSlice slice = (MessagingSlice)slices[i];
String sliceName = slice.getNode().getName();
if(!sliceName.equals(cid.getName())) {
slice.removeRoute(mtp, cid.getName());
catch(Throwable t) {
// Re-throw allowed exceptions
if(t instanceof IMTPException) {
throw (IMTPException)t;
if(t instanceof ServiceException) {
throw (ServiceException)t;
myLogger.log(Logger.WARNING,"### removeRoute() threw " + t + " ###");
impl.deadMTP(mtp, cid);
else {
// Do nothing for now, but could also route the command to the main slice, thus enabling e.g. AMS replication
} // END of inner class CommandTargetSink
Inner class for this service: this class receives commands from
service <code>Sink</code> and serves them, coordinating with
remote parts of this service through the <code>Slice</code>
interface (that extends the <code>Service.Slice</code>
private class ServiceComponent implements Service.Slice {
// Implementation of the Service.Slice interface
public Service getService() {
return MessagingService.this;
public Node getNode() throws ServiceException {
try {
return MessagingService.this.getLocalNode();
catch(IMTPException imtpe) {
throw new ServiceException("Problem in contacting the IMTP Manager", imtpe);
public VerticalCommand serve(HorizontalCommand cmd) {
VerticalCommand result = null;
try {
String cmdName = cmd.getName();
Object[] params = cmd.getParams();
if(cmdName.equals(MessagingSlice.H_DISPATCHLOCALLY)) {
GenericCommand gCmd = new GenericCommand(MessagingSlice.SEND_MESSAGE, MessagingSlice.NAME, null);
AID senderAID = (AID)params[0];
GenericMessage msg = (GenericMessage)params[1];
AID receiverID = (AID)params[2];
if (params.length == 4) {
msg.setTimeStamp(((Long) params[3]).longValue());
if (msg.getTraceID() != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, "MessagingService slice received message "+MessageManager.stringify(msg)+" for receiver "+receiverID.getLocalName()+". Trace ID = "+msg.getTraceID());
result = gCmd;
else if(cmdName.equals(MessagingSlice.H_GETAGENTLOCATION)) {
AID agentID = (AID)params[0];
else if(cmdName.equals(MessagingSlice.H_ROUTEOUT)) {
Envelope env = (Envelope)params[0];
byte[] payload = (byte[])params[1];
AID receiverID = (AID)params[2];
String address = (String)params[3];
routeOut(env, payload, receiverID, address);
else if(cmdName.equals(MessagingSlice.H_INSTALLMTP)) {
GenericCommand gCmd = new GenericCommand(MessagingSlice.INSTALL_MTP, MessagingSlice.NAME, null);
String address = (String)params[0];
String className = (String)params[1];
result = gCmd;
else if(cmdName.equals(MessagingSlice.H_UNINSTALLMTP)) {
GenericCommand gCmd = new GenericCommand(MessagingSlice.UNINSTALL_MTP, MessagingSlice.NAME, null);
String address = (String)params[0];
result = gCmd;
else if(cmdName.equals(MessagingSlice.H_NEWMTP)) {
MTPDescriptor mtp = (MTPDescriptor)params[0];
ContainerID cid = (ContainerID)params[1];
GenericCommand gCmd = new GenericCommand(MessagingSlice.NEW_MTP, MessagingSlice.NAME, null);
result = gCmd;
else if(cmdName.equals(MessagingSlice.H_DEADMTP)) {
MTPDescriptor mtp = (MTPDescriptor)params[0];
ContainerID cid = (ContainerID)params[1];
GenericCommand gCmd = new GenericCommand(MessagingSlice.DEAD_MTP, MessagingSlice.NAME, null);
result = gCmd;
else if(cmdName.equals(MessagingSlice.H_ADDROUTE)) {
MTPDescriptor mtp = (MTPDescriptor)params[0];
String sliceName = (String)params[1];
addRoute(mtp, sliceName);
else if(cmdName.equals(MessagingSlice.H_REMOVEROUTE)) {
MTPDescriptor mtp = (MTPDescriptor)params[0];
String sliceName = (String)params[1];
removeRoute(mtp, sliceName);
else if (cmdName.equals(MessagingSlice.H_NEWALIAS)) {
AID alias = (AID) params[0];
AID name = (AID) params[1];
newAlias(alias, name);
replicationHandle.invokeReplicatedMethod("newAlias", params);
else if (cmdName.equals(MessagingSlice.H_DEADALIAS)) {
AID alias = (AID) params[0];
replicationHandle.invokeReplicatedMethod("deadAlias", params);
else if (cmdName.equals(MessagingSlice.H_CURRENTALIASES)) {
globalAliases = (Hashtable) params[0];
else if (cmdName.equals(MessagingSlice.H_TRANSFERLOCALALIASES)) {
AID agent = (AID) params[0];
List aliases = (List) params[1];
Iterator it = aliases.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
localAliases.put((AID) it.next(), agent);
catch(Throwable t) {
return result;
// Private methods
private void routeOut(Envelope env, byte[] payload, AID receiverID, String address) throws IMTPException, MTPException {
RoutingTable.OutPort out = routes.lookup(address);
//log("Routing message to "+receiverID.getName()+" towards port "+out, 2);
if (myLogger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE))
myLogger.log(Logger.FINE,"Routing message to "+receiverID.getName()+" towards port "+out);
if(out != null)
out.route(env, payload, receiverID, address);
throw new MTPException("No suitable route found for address " + address + ".");
private void addRoute(MTPDescriptor mtp, String sliceName) throws IMTPException, ServiceException {
// Be sure the slice is fresh --> bypass the service cache
MessagingSlice slice = (MessagingSlice)getFreshSlice(sliceName);
if (routes.addRemoteMTP(mtp, sliceName, slice)) {
// This is actually a new MTP --> Add the new address to all local agents.
// NOTE that a notification about a remote MTP can be received more than once in case of fault and successive recovery of the Main Container
String[] pp = mtp.getSupportedProtocols();
for (int i = 0; i < pp.length; ++i) {
if (myLogger.isLoggable(Logger.CONFIG))
myLogger.log(Logger.CONFIG,"Added Route-Via-Slice("+sliceName+") for protocol "+pp[i]);
String[] addresses = mtp.getAddresses();
for(int i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
private void removeRoute(MTPDescriptor mtp, String sliceName) throws IMTPException, ServiceException {
// Don't care about whether or not the slice is fresh. Only the name matters.
MessagingSlice slice = (MessagingSlice)getSlice(sliceName);
routes.removeRemoteMTP(mtp, sliceName, slice);
String[] pp = mtp.getSupportedProtocols();
for (int i = 0; i < pp.length; ++i) {
if (myLogger.isLoggable(Logger.CONFIG))
myLogger.log(Logger.CONFIG,"Removed Route-Via-Slice("+sliceName+") for protocol "+pp[i]);
String[] addresses = mtp.getAddresses();
for(int i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
} // End of ServiceComponent class
void stamp(GenericMessage gmsg) {
if (samActive) {
synchronized (this) {
if (msgCounter == deliveryTimeMeasurementRate) {
msgCounter = 0;
private void updateDeliveryTimeMeasurement(GenericMessage gmsg) {
if (samActive) {
long timeStamp = gmsg.getTimeStamp();
if (timeStamp > 0 && deliveryTimeMeasureProvider != null) {
long deliveryTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeStamp;
System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Delivery time = "+deliveryTime);
// Message delivery
// Entry point for the ACL message delivery
public void deliverNow(GenericMessage msg, AID receiverID) {
if (msg.getTraceID() != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, msg.getTraceID()+" - Serving message delivery");
try {
if (!msg.hasForeignReceiver()) {
deliverInLocalPlatfrom(msg, receiverID);
else {
// Dispatch it through the ACC
if (msg.getTraceID() != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, msg.getTraceID() + " - Activating ACC delivery");
Iterator addresses = receiverID.getAllAddresses();
if (addresses.hasNext()) {
while (addresses.hasNext()) {
String address = (String) addresses.next();
try {
forwardMessage(msg, receiverID, address);
catch (MTPException mtpe) {
if (myLogger.isLoggable(Logger.WARNING) && !isPersistentDeliveryRetry(msg))
myLogger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Cannot deliver message to address: " + address + " [" + mtpe.toString() + "]. Trying the next one...");
notifyFailureToSender(msg, receiverID, new InternalError(ACLMessage.AMS_FAILURE_FOREIGN_AGENT_UNREACHABLE + ": " + "No valid address contained within the AID " + receiverID.getName()));
else {
notifyFailureToSender(msg, receiverID, new InternalError(ACLMessage.AMS_FAILURE_FOREIGN_AGENT_NO_ADDRESS));
catch (NotFoundException nfe) {
// The receiver does not exist --> Send a FAILURE message
if (msg.getTraceID() != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.WARNING, msg.getTraceID()+" - Receiver does not exist.", nfe);
notifyFailureToSender(msg, receiverID, new InternalError(ACLMessage.AMS_FAILURE_AGENT_NOT_FOUND + ": " + nfe.getMessage()));
catch (IMTPException imtpe) {
// Can't reach the destination container --> Send a FAILURE message
String id = (msg.getTraceID() != null ? msg.getTraceID() : MessageManager.stringify(msg));
myLogger.log(Logger.WARNING, id+" - Receiver unreachable.", imtpe);
notifyFailureToSender(msg, receiverID, new InternalError(ACLMessage.AMS_FAILURE_AGENT_UNREACHABLE + ": " + imtpe.getMessage()));
catch (ServiceException se) {
// Service error during delivery --> Send a FAILURE message
String id = (msg.getTraceID() != null ? msg.getTraceID() : MessageManager.stringify(msg));
myLogger.log(Logger.WARNING, id+" - Service error delivering message.", se);
notifyFailureToSender(msg, receiverID, new InternalError(ACLMessage.AMS_FAILURE_SERVICE_ERROR + ": " + se.getMessage()));
catch (JADESecurityException jse) {
// Delivery not authorized--> Send a FAILURE message
if (msg.getTraceID() != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.WARNING, msg.getTraceID()+" - Not authorized.", jse);
notifyFailureToSender(msg, receiverID, new InternalError(ACLMessage.AMS_FAILURE_UNAUTHORIZED + ": " + jse.getMessage()));
private boolean isPersistentDeliveryRetry(GenericMessage msg) {
boolean ret = false;
ACLMessage acl = msg.getACLMessage();
if (acl != null) {
ret = acl.getAllUserDefinedParameters().containsKey(PersistentDeliveryService.ACL_USERDEF_DUE_DATE);
return ret;
void deliverInLocalPlatfrom(GenericMessage msg, AID receiverID) throws IMTPException, ServiceException, NotFoundException, JADESecurityException {
if (msg.getTraceID() != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, msg.getTraceID() + " - Activating local-platform delivery");
MainContainer impl = myContainer.getMain();
if (impl != null) {
// Directly use the GADT on the main container
while (true) {
ContainerID cid = getAgentLocation(receiverID);
MessagingSlice targetSlice = oneShotDeliver(cid, msg, receiverID);
if (targetSlice != null) {
} else {
// Try first with the cached <AgentID;MessagingSlice> pairs
MessagingSlice cachedSlice = (MessagingSlice) cachedSlices.get(receiverID);
if (cachedSlice != null) { // Cache hit :-)
try {
if (msg.getTraceID() != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, msg.getTraceID() + " - Delivering message to cached slice "+cachedSlice.getNode().getName());
cachedSlice.dispatchLocally(msg.getSender(), msg, receiverID);
if (msg.getTraceID() != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, msg.getTraceID() + " - Delivery OK.");
} catch (IMTPException imtpe) {
if (msg.getTraceID() != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, msg.getTraceID() + " - Cached slice for receiver " + receiverID.getName() + " unreachable.");
} catch (NotFoundException nfe) {
if (msg.getTraceID() != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, msg.getTraceID() + " - Receiver " + receiverID.getName() + " not found on cached slice container.");
// Eliminate stale cache entry
// Either the receiver was not found in cache or the cache entry was no longer valid
deliverUntilOK(msg, receiverID);
private void deliverUntilOK(GenericMessage msg, AID receiverID) throws IMTPException, NotFoundException, ServiceException, JADESecurityException {
while (true) {
ContainerID cid = null;
try {
MessagingSlice mainSlice = (MessagingSlice) getSlice(MAIN_SLICE);
try {
cid = mainSlice.getAgentLocation(receiverID);
catch (IMTPException imtpe) {
// Try to get a newer slice and repeat...
mainSlice = (MessagingSlice) getFreshSlice(MAIN_SLICE);
cid = mainSlice.getAgentLocation(receiverID);
catch (ServiceException se) {
// This container is no longer able to access the Main --> before propagating the exception
// try to see if the receiver lives locally
if (myContainer.isLocalAgent(receiverID)) {
MessagingSlice localSlice = (MessagingSlice)getIMTPManager().createSliceProxy(getName(), getHorizontalInterface(), getLocalNode());
localSlice.dispatchLocally(msg.getSender(), msg, receiverID);
else {
throw se;
MessagingSlice targetSlice = oneShotDeliver(cid, msg, receiverID);
if (targetSlice != null) {
// On successful message dispatch, put the slice into the slice cache
cachedSlices.put(receiverID, targetSlice);
private MessagingSlice oneShotDeliver(ContainerID cid, GenericMessage msg, AID receiverID) throws IMTPException, ServiceException, JADESecurityException {
if (msg.getTraceID() != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.FINER, msg.getTraceID()+" - Receiver "+receiverID.getLocalName()+" lives on container "+cid.getName());
MessagingSlice targetSlice = (MessagingSlice) getSlice(cid.getName());
try {
try {
if (msg.getTraceID() != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, msg.getTraceID()+" - Delivering message to slice "+targetSlice.getNode().getName());
targetSlice.dispatchLocally(msg.getSender(), msg, receiverID);
catch (IMTPException imtpe) {
// Try to get a newer slice and repeat...
if (msg.getTraceID() != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.FINER, msg.getTraceID()+" - Messaging slice on container "+cid.getName()+" unreachable. Try to get a fresh one.");
targetSlice = (MessagingSlice) getFreshSlice(cid.getName());
if (msg.getTraceID() != null && (targetSlice != null)) {
myLogger.log(Logger.FINER, msg.getTraceID()+" - Fresh slice for container "+cid.getName()+" found.");
targetSlice.dispatchLocally(msg.getSender(), msg, receiverID);
if (msg.getTraceID() != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, msg.getTraceID()+" - Delivery OK");
return targetSlice;
catch (NotFoundException nfe) {
// The agent was found in the GADT, but not on the container where it is supposed to
// be. Possibly it moved elsewhere in the meanwhile. ==> Try again.
if (msg.getTraceID() != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.FINER, msg.getTraceID()+" - Receiver "+receiverID.getLocalName()+" not found on container "+cid.getName()+". Possibly he moved elsewhere --> Retry");
catch (NullPointerException npe) {
// This is thrown if targetSlice is null: The agent was found in the GADT,
// but his container does not exist anymore. Possibly the agent moved elsewhere in
// the meanwhile ==> Try again.
if (msg.getTraceID() != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.FINER, msg.getTraceID()+" - Container "+cid.getName()+" for receiver "+receiverID.getLocalName()+" does not exist anymore. Possibly the receiver moved elsewhere --> Retry");
// Wait a bit before enabling next delivery attempt
try {Thread.sleep(200);} catch (InterruptedException ie) {}
return null;
private void forwardMessage(GenericMessage msg, AID receiver, String address) throws MTPException {
// FIXME what if there is no envelope?
AID aid = msg.getEnvelope().getFrom();
if (aid == null) {
//System.err.println("ERROR: null message sender. Aborting message dispatch...");
if (myLogger.isLoggable(Logger.SEVERE))
myLogger.log(Logger.SEVERE,"ERROR: null message sender. Aborting message dispatch...");
// FIXME The message can no longer be updated
// if has no address set, then adds the addresses of this platform
try {
if (msg.getTraceID() != null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, msg.getTraceID() + " - Routing message out to address "+address);
msg.getEnvelope().addProperties(new Property(ACLMessage.TRACE, msg.getTraceID()));
localSlice.routeOut(msg.getEnvelope(),msg.getPayload(), receiver, address);
catch(IMTPException imtpe) {
throw new MTPException("Error during message routing", imtpe);
* This method is used internally by the platform in order
* to notify the sender of a message that a failure was reported by
* the Message Transport Service.
public void notifyFailureToSender(GenericMessage msg, AID receiver, InternalError ie) {
ACLMessage acl = msg.getACLMessage();
if (acl == null) {
// ACLMessage can be null in case we get a failure delivering a message coming from an external platform (received by a local MTP).
// In this case in fact the message is encoded. Try to decode it so that a suitable FAILURE response can be sent back.
// If the payload is mangled in some way (e.g. encrypted) decoding will fail and no suitable FAILURE response will be sent
try {
acl = ((IncomingEncodingFilter) encInFilter).decodeMessage(msg.getEnvelope(), msg.getPayload());
catch (Exception e) {
// Just do nothing
if (acl == null) {
myLogger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Cannot notify failure to sender: GenericMessage contains no ACLMessage");
if ("true".equals(acl.getUserDefinedParameter(ACLMessage.IGNORE_FAILURE))) {
// Ignore the failure
GenericCommand cmd = new GenericCommand(MessagingSlice.NOTIFY_FAILURE, MessagingSlice.NAME, null);
try {
catch(ServiceException se) {
// It should never happen
* This method is called before preparing the Envelope of an outgoing message.
* It checks for all the AIDs present in the message and adds the addresses, if not present
private void addPlatformAddresses(AID id) {
Iterator it = routes.getAddresses();
while(it.hasNext()) {
String addr = (String)it.next();
// Package scoped since it is accessed by the OutgoingEncoding filter
final boolean livesHere(AID id) {
if (!acceptForeignAgents) {
// All agents in the platform must have a name with the form
// <local-name>@<platform-name>
String hap = id.getHap();
return CaseInsensitiveString.equalsIgnoreCase(hap, platformID);
else {
String[] addresses = id.getAddressesArray();
if (addresses.length == 0) {
return true;
else {
boolean allLocalAddresses = true;
for (int i = 0; i < addresses.length; ++i) {
if (!isPlatformAddress(addresses[i])) {
allLocalAddresses = false;
if (allLocalAddresses) {
return true;
else {
// Check in the GADT
try {
MainContainer impl = myContainer.getMain();
if(impl != null) {
// Directly use the GADT on the main container
else {
// Use the main slice
MessagingSlice mainSlice = (MessagingSlice)getSlice(MAIN_SLICE);
try {
catch(IMTPException imtpe) {
// Try to get a newer slice and repeat...
mainSlice = (MessagingSlice)getFreshSlice(MAIN_SLICE);
return true;
catch (NotFoundException nfe) {
// The agent does not live in the platform
return false;
catch (Exception e) {
// Intra-platform delivery would fail, so try inter-platform
return false;
private final boolean isPlatformAddress(String addr) {
Iterator it = routes.getAddresses();
while(it.hasNext()) {
String ad = (String)it.next();
if (CaseInsensitiveString.equalsIgnoreCase(ad, addr)) {
return true;
return false;
// Work-around for PJAVA compilation
protected Service.Slice getFreshSlice(String name) throws ServiceException {
return super.getFreshSlice(name);
private final boolean needSynchDelivery(GenericMessage gMsg) {
ACLMessage acl = gMsg.getACLMessage();
if (acl != null) {
return "true".equals(acl.clearUserDefinedParameter(ACLMessage.SYNCH_DELIVERY));
return false;
// Only for debugging:
private volatile int traceCnt = 0;
private void checkTracing(GenericMessage msg) {
ACLMessage acl = msg.getACLMessage();
if (acl != null) {
if (myLogger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE) || "true".equals(acl.getUserDefinedParameter(ACLMessage.TRACE))) {
private String getTraceId(Envelope env) {
Iterator it = env.getAllProperties();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Property p = (Property) it.next();
if (p.getName().equals(ACLMessage.TRACE)) {
return (String) p.getValue();
return null;
// For debugging purpose
public String[] getMessageManagerQueueStatus() {
return myMessageManager.getQueueStatus();
// For debugging purpose
public String[] getMessageManagerThreadPoolStatus() {
return myMessageManager.getThreadPoolStatus();
// For debugging purpose
public String getMessageManagerGlobalInfo() {
return myMessageManager.getGlobalInfo();
// For debugging purpose
public Thread[] getMessageManagerThreadPool() {
return myMessageManager.getThreadPool();
protected void clearCachedSlice(String name) {
if (cachedSlices != null){
myLogger.log(Logger.CONFIG, "Clearing cache");
public String dump(String key) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("LOCAL ALIASES:\n");
if (localAliases.size() > 0) {
else {
if (globalAliases != null) {
sb.append("GLOBAL ALIASES:\n");
if (globalAliases.size() > 0) {
else {
return sb.toString();
private String stringifyAliasesMap(Hashtable aliases) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
java.util.Iterator it = aliases.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
AID alias = (AID) it.next();
AID agent = (AID) aliases.get(alias);
sb.append("- "+alias.getLocalName()+" --> "+agent.getLocalName()+"\n");
return sb.toString();