* ***************************************************************
* JADE - Java Agent DEvelopment Framework is a framework to develop
* multi-agent systems in compliance with the FIPA specifications.
* Copyright (C) 2000 CSELT S.p.A.
* GNU Lesser General Public License
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
* version 2.1 of the License.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* **************************************************************
package jade.core;
import jade.util.leap.Properties;
import jade.util.leap.List;
import jade.util.leap.ArrayList;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Vector;
* This class allows the JADE core to retrieve configuration-dependent classes
* and boot parameters.
* <p>
* Take care of using different instances of this class when launching
* different containers/main-containers on the same JVM otherwise
* they would conflict!
* @author Federico Bergenti
* @author Giovanni Rimassa - Universita' di Parma
* @author Giovanni Caire - TILAB
* @version 1.0, 22/11/00
public class ProfileImpl extends Profile {
private Properties props = null;
protected Properties bootProps = null;
// Keys to retrieve the implementation classes for configurable
// functionalities among the bootstrap properties.
private static final String RESOURCE = "resource";
private MainContainerImpl myMain = null;
private PlatformManager myPlatformManager = null;
private ServiceManager myServiceManager = null;
private CommandProcessor myCommandProcessor = null;
private IMTPManager myIMTPManager = null;
private ResourceManager myResourceManager = null;
Creates a Profile implementation using the given properties to
configure the platform startup process.
@param aProp The names and values of the configuration properties
to use.
public ProfileImpl(Properties aProp) {
props = aProp;
* Creates a Profile implementation with the following default configuration:
* <br> if isMain is true, then the profile is configured to launch
* a main-container on the localhost,
* RMI internal Message Transport Protocol, port number 1099,
* <br> if isMain is false, then the profile is configured to launch
* a remote container on the localhost, connecting to the main-container
* on the localhost through
* RMI internal Message Transport Protocol, port number 1099.
public ProfileImpl(boolean isMain) {
props = new jade.util.ExtendedProperties();
props = new Properties();
props.setProperty(Profile.MAIN, (new Boolean(isMain)).toString()); // set to a main/non-main container
This is equivalent to <code>ProfileImpl(true)</code>
public ProfileImpl() {
* Create a Profile object initialized with the settings specified
* in a given property file
public ProfileImpl(String fileName) throws ProfileException {
props = new Properties();
if (fileName != null) {
try {
catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new ProfileException("Can't load properties: "+ioe.getMessage());
* This constructor creates a default Profile for launching a platform (<b>i.e. a main container!!</b>).
* @param host is the name of the host where the main-container should
* be listen to. A null value means use the default (i.e. localhost)
* @param port is the port number where the main-container should be
* listen
* for other containers. A negative value should be used for using
* the default port number.
* @param platformID is the symbolic name of the platform, if
* different from default. A null value means use the default
* (i.e. localhost)
public ProfileImpl(String host, int port, String platformID) {
this(host, port, platformID, true);
* This constructor creates a default Profile for launching a main (or non-main) container
* (depending on the value of <code>isMain</code>)
* @param host is the name of the host where the main-container should
* be listen to. A null value means use the default (i.e. localhost)
* @param port is the port number where the main-container should be
* listen
* for other containers. A negative value should be used for using
* the default port number.
* @param platformID is the symbolic name of the platform, if
* different from default. A null value means use the default
* (i.e. localhost)
* @param isMain if isMain is false, then the profile is configured to launch
* a remote container, if true a main-container
public ProfileImpl(String host, int port, String platformID, boolean isMain) {
// create the object props
props = new jade.util.ExtendedProperties();
props = new Properties();
// set the passed properties
props.setProperty(Profile.MAIN, (new Boolean(isMain)).toString()); // set to a main/non-main container
if(host != null)
props.setProperty(MAIN_HOST, host);
if(port > 0)
setIntProperty(MAIN_PORT, port);
if(platformID != null)
props.setProperty(PLATFORM_ID, platformID);
// calls the method init to adjust all the other parameters
private void init() {
bootProps = (Properties)props.clone();
// Set JVM parameter if not set
if(props.getProperty(JVM) == null) {
props.setProperty(JVM, J2SE);
props.setProperty(JVM, PJAVA);
props.setProperty(JVM, MIDP);
props.setProperty(MAIN, "false");
boolean containerProp = getBooleanProperty("container", false);
setPropertyIfNot(MAIN, String.valueOf(!containerProp));
String host = props.getProperty(MAIN_HOST);
if(host == null) {
host = getDefaultNetworkName();
props.setProperty(MAIN_HOST, host);
String p = props.getProperty(MAIN_PORT);
if(p == null) {
String localPort = props.getProperty(LOCAL_PORT);
// Default for a sole main container: use the local port, or
// the default port if also the local port is null.
if(isMasterMain()) {
if(localPort != null) {
p = localPort;
else {
p = Integer.toString(DEFAULT_PORT);
else {
// All other cases: use the default port.
p = Integer.toString(DEFAULT_PORT);
props.setProperty(MAIN_PORT, p);
String localHost = props.getProperty(LOCAL_HOST);
if(localHost == null) {
if(isMasterMain()) {
// Default for a sole main container: use the MAIN_HOST property
localHost = host;
else {
// Default for a peripheral container or an added main container: use the local host
localHost = getDefaultNetworkName();
props.setProperty(LOCAL_HOST, localHost);
String lp = props.getProperty(LOCAL_PORT);
if(lp == null) {
if(isMasterMain()) {
// Default for a sole main container: use the MAIN_PORT property
lp = p;
else {
// Default for a peripheral container or an added main container: use the default port
lp = Integer.toString(DEFAULT_PORT);
props.setProperty(LOCAL_PORT, lp);
// Set agents as a list to handle the "gui" option
try {
List agents = getSpecifiers(AGENTS);
String isGui = props.getProperty("gui");
if (isGui != null && CaseInsensitiveString.equalsIgnoreCase(isGui, "true")) {
Specifier s = new Specifier();
agents.add(0, s);
props.put(AGENTS, agents);
catch(ProfileException pe) {
// FIXME: Should throw?
// If this is a Main Container and the '-nomtp' option is not
// given, activate the default HTTP MTP (unless some MTPs have
// been directly provided).
if(isMain() && (!getBooleanProperty("nomtp", false)) && (props.getProperty(MTPS) == null)) {
Specifier s = new Specifier();
List l = new ArrayList(1);
props.put(MTPS, l);
* Return the underlying properties collection.
* @return Properties The properties collection.
public Properties getProperties() {
return props;
* Retrieve the configuration properties as they were passed to this Profile object, i.e. without
* internal initializations automatically performed by the Profile class.
public Properties getBootProperties() {
return bootProps;
* Assign the given value to the given property name.
* @param key is the property name
* @param value is the property value
public void setParameter(String key, String value) {
props.setProperty(key, value);
* Assign the given property value to the given property name
* @param key is the property name
* @param value is the property value
public void setSpecifiers(String key, List value) {
props.put(key, value);
* Retrieve a String value from the configuration properties.
* If no parameter corresponding to the specified key is found,
* <code>aDefault</code> is returned.
* @param key The key identifying the parameter to be retrieved
* among the configuration properties.
* @param aDefault The value that is returned if the specified
* key is not found
public String getParameter(String key, String aDefault) {
String v = props.getProperty(key);
if (v==null) {
String dottedKey = key.replace('_', '.');
v = props.getProperty( dottedKey );
if (v==null) {
String underscoredKey = key.replace('.', '_');
v = props.getProperty( underscoredKey );
return (v != null ? v.trim() : aDefault);
* Retrieve a list of Specifiers from the configuration properties.
* Agents, MTPs and other items are specified among the configuration
* properties in this way.
* If no list of Specifiers corresponding to the specified key is found,
* an empty list is returned.
* @param key The key identifying the list of Specifires to be retrieved
* among the configuration properties.
public List getSpecifiers(String key) throws ProfileException {
// Check if the list of specs is already in the properties as a list
Object o = props.get(key);
if (o instanceof List) { // null isn't an instance of anything
return (List) o;
// The list should be present as a string --> parse it
String specsLine = getParameter(key, null);
try {
Vector v = Specifier.parseSpecifierList(specsLine);
// convert the vector into an arraylist (notice that using the vector allows to avoid class loading of ArrayList)
List l1 = new ArrayList(v.size());
for (int i=0; i<v.size(); i++)
return l1;
catch (Exception e) {
throw new ProfileException("Error parsing specifier list "+specsLine+".", e);
* Retrieve a boolean value for a configuration property. If no
* corresponding property is found or if its string value cannot
* be converted to a boolean one, a default value is returned.
* @param key The key identifying the parameter to be retrieved
* among the configuration properties.
* @param aDefault The value to return when there is no property
* set for the given key, or its value cannot be converted to a
* boolean value.
public boolean getBooleanProperty(String aKey, boolean aDefault) {
String v = props.getProperty(aKey);
if(v == null) {
return aDefault;
else {
if(CaseInsensitiveString.equalsIgnoreCase(v, "true")) {
return true;
else if(CaseInsensitiveString.equalsIgnoreCase(v, "false")) {
return false;
else {
return aDefault;
Creates a string representation of this profile. The returned
string has the format
<p><code>(profile name1=value1 name2=value2 ... )</code></p>
@return A string containing a readable representation of this
profile object.
public String toString() {
return props.toString();
protected PlatformManager getPlatformManager() throws ProfileException {
if (myPlatformManager == null) {
return myPlatformManager;
Access the platform service manager.
@return The platform service manager, either the real
implementation or a remote proxy object.
@throws ProfileException If some needed information is wrong or
missing from the profile.
protected ServiceManager getServiceManager() throws ProfileException {
if(myServiceManager == null) {
myServiceManager = new ServiceManagerImpl(this, getPlatformManager());
return myServiceManager;
Access the platform service finder.
@return The platform service finder, either the real
implementation or a remote proxy object.
@throws ProfileException If some needed information is wrong or
missing from the profile.
protected ServiceFinder getServiceFinder() throws ProfileException {
return (ServiceFinder) getServiceManager();
protected CommandProcessor getCommandProcessor() throws ProfileException {
if(myCommandProcessor == null) {
myCommandProcessor = new CommandProcessor();
return myCommandProcessor;
protected MainContainerImpl getMain() throws ProfileException {
return myMain;
protected IMTPManager getIMTPManager() throws ProfileException {
if (myIMTPManager == null) {
return myIMTPManager;
public ResourceManager getResourceManager() throws ProfileException {
if (myResourceManager == null) {
return myResourceManager;
private void createPlatformManager() throws ProfileException {
try {
myIMTPManager = getIMTPManager();
if(isMain()) {
// This is a main container: create a real PlatformManager,
// export it and get the MainContainer.
PlatformManagerImpl pm = new PlatformManagerImpl(this);
myMain = pm.getMain();
myPlatformManager = pm;
// This is a peripheral container: create a proxy to the PlatformManager
myPlatformManager = myIMTPManager.getPlatformManagerProxy();
catch(IMTPException imtpe) {
throw new ProfileException("Can't get a proxy to the Platform Manager", imtpe);
private void createIMTPManager() throws ProfileException {
String imtp = getParameter(IMTP, LEAP_IMTP);
String imtpClass = imtp;
if (imtp.equals(LEAP_IMTP)) {
imtpClass = "jade.imtp.leap.LEAPIMTPManager";
else if (imtp.equals(RMI_IMTP)) {
imtpClass = "jade.imtp.rmi.RMIIMTPManager";
try {
myIMTPManager = (IMTPManager) Class.forName(imtpClass).newInstance();
catch (Exception e) {
throw new ProfileException("Error loading IMTPManager class "+imtpClass);
private void createResourceManager() throws ProfileException {
String className = getParameter(RESOURCE, "jade.core.FullResourceManager");
String className = getParameter(RESOURCE, "jade.core.LightResourceManager");
try {
myResourceManager = (ResourceManager) Class.forName(className).newInstance();
catch (Exception e) {
throw new ProfileException("Error loading ResourceManager class "+className);
private void setPropertyIfNot(String key, String value) {
Object old = props.get(key);
if(old == null) {
props.put(key, value);
private void setIntProperty(String aKey, int aValue) {
props.setProperty(aKey, Integer.toString(aValue));