JADE - Java Agent DEvelopment Framework is a framework to develop
multi-agent systems in compliance with the FIPA specifications.
Copyright (C) 2000 CSELT S.p.A.
GNU Lesser General Public License
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
version 2.1 of the License.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package jade.core;
import jade.util.leap.Iterator;
import jade.util.leap.List;
import jade.util.leap.ArrayList;
import jade.util.leap.Properties;
import jade.util.Logger;
import jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage;
import jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour;
import jade.core.messaging.GenericMessage;
import jade.core.management.AgentManagementSlice;
import jade.domain.AMSEventQueueFeeder;
import jade.domain.FIPANames;
import jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.InternalError;
import jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementOntology;
import jade.mtp.MTPDescriptor;
import jade.mtp.TransportAddress;
import jade.security.JADESecurityException;
import jade.security.CredentialsHelper;
import jade.security.JADEPrincipal;
import jade.security.Credentials;
This class is a concrete implementation of the JADE agent
container, providing runtime support to JADE agents.
This class cannot be instantiated from applications. Instead, the
<code>Runtime.createAgentContainer(Profile p)</code> method must be called.
@see Runtime#createAgentContainer(Profile)
@author Giovanni Rimassa - Universita' di Parma
@author Jerome Picault - Motorola Labs
@author Giovanni Caire - TILAB
@version $Date: 2011-03-21 14:10:30 +0100(lun, 21 mar 2011) $ $Revision: 6395 $
class AgentContainerImpl implements AgentContainer, AgentToolkit {
public static final String ENABLE_MONITOR = "jade_core_AgentContainerImpl_enablemonitor";
public static final String MONITOR_AGENT_NAME = "monitor-%C";
public static final String MONITOR_AGENT_CLASS = "jade.core.ContainerMonitorAgent";
private Logger myLogger = Logger.getMyLogger(this.getClass().getName());
// Local agents, indexed by agent name
protected LADT localAgents;
// The Profile defining the configuration of this Container
protected Profile myProfile;
// The Command Processor through which all the vertical commands in this container will pass
protected CommandProcessor myCommandProcessor;
// The agent platform this container belongs to
protected MainContainerImpl myMainContainer; // FIXME: It should go away
// The listener for multicast main detecton
private MulticastMainDetectionListener mainDetectionListener;
// The IMTP manager, used to access IMTP-dependent functionalities
protected IMTPManager myIMTPManager;
// The platform Service Manager
private ServiceManager myServiceManager;
// The platform Service Finder
private ServiceFinder myServiceFinder;
// The Object managing Thread resources in this container
private ResourceManager myResourceManager;
protected ContainerID myID;
protected NodeDescriptor myNodeDescriptor;
// These are only used at bootstrap-time to initialize the local
// NodeDescriptor. Further modifications take no effect
protected JADEPrincipal ownerPrincipal;
protected Credentials ownerCredentials;
private AID theAMS;
private AID theDefaultDF;
// This is used to avoid killing this container just after its creation and
// possibly before the monitoring PING is received. In that case in fact the Main Container does
// not deregister it.
private long creationTime = -1;
private boolean joined;
// Default constructor
AgentContainerImpl() {
// Package scoped constructor, so that only the Runtime
// class can actually create a new Agent Container.
AgentContainerImpl(Profile p) {
myProfile = p;
localAgents = new LADT(16);
// Support for the in-process interface section
jade.wrapper.AgentContainer getContainerController() {
return getContainerController(myNodeDescriptor.getOwnerPrincipal(), myNodeDescriptor.getOwnerCredentials());
public jade.wrapper.AgentContainer getContainerController(JADEPrincipal principal, Credentials credentials) {
return new jade.wrapper.AgentContainer(getContainerProxy(principal, credentials), this, getPlatformID());
Return a proxy that allows making requests to the local container
as if they were received from the main. This allows dealing
uniformly with local and remote requests.
Local requests occurs at bootstrap and following calls to the
in-process interface.
private jade.wrapper.ContainerProxy getContainerProxy(final JADEPrincipal principal, final Credentials credentials) {
return new jade.wrapper.ContainerProxy() {
GenericCommand dummyCmd = new GenericCommand(null, null, null);
public void createAgent(AID id, String className, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
// Do as if it was a remote call from the main to allow
// security checks to take place if needed
AgentManagementSlice target = (AgentManagementSlice) getProxyToLocalSlice(AgentManagementSlice.NAME);
target.createAgent(id, className, args, principal, null, AgentManagementSlice.CREATE_ONLY, dummyCmd);
public void killContainer() throws Throwable {
// Do as if it was a remote call from the main to allow
// security checks to take place if needed
AgentManagementSlice target = (AgentManagementSlice) getProxyToLocalSlice(AgentManagementSlice.NAME);
// FIXME: set Principal and Credentials
public MTPDescriptor installMTP(String address, String className) throws Throwable {
// Do as if it was a remote call from the main to allow
// security checks to take place if needed
jade.core.messaging.MessagingSlice target = (jade.core.messaging.MessagingSlice) getProxyToLocalSlice(jade.core.messaging.MessagingSlice.NAME);
// FIXME: set Principal and Credentials
return target.installMTP(address, className);
public void uninstallMTP(String address) throws Throwable {
// Do as if it was a remote call from the main to allow
// security checks to take place if needed
jade.core.messaging.MessagingSlice target = (jade.core.messaging.MessagingSlice) getProxyToLocalSlice(jade.core.messaging.MessagingSlice.NAME);
// FIXME: set Principal and Credentials
public void suspendAgent(AID id) throws Throwable {
// Do as if it was a remote call from the main to allow
// security checks to take place if needed
jade.core.management.AgentManagementSlice target = (jade.core.management.AgentManagementSlice) getProxyToLocalSlice(jade.core.management.AgentManagementSlice.NAME);
// FIXME: set Principal and Credentials
target.changeAgentState(id, Agent.AP_SUSPENDED);
public void activateAgent(AID id) throws Throwable {
// Do as if it was a remote call from the main to allow
// security checks to take place if needed
jade.core.management.AgentManagementSlice target = (jade.core.management.AgentManagementSlice) getProxyToLocalSlice(jade.core.management.AgentManagementSlice.NAME);
// FIXME: set Principal and Credentials
target.changeAgentState(id, Agent.AP_ACTIVE);
public void killAgent(AID id) throws Throwable {
// Do as if it was a remote call from the main to allow
// security checks to take place if needed
jade.core.management.AgentManagementSlice target = (jade.core.management.AgentManagementSlice) getProxyToLocalSlice(jade.core.management.AgentManagementSlice.NAME);
target.killAgent(id, dummyCmd);
public void moveAgent(AID id, Location where) throws Throwable {
// Do as if it was a remote call from the main to allow
// security checks to take place if needed
jade.core.mobility.AgentMobilitySlice target = (jade.core.mobility.AgentMobilitySlice) getProxyToLocalSlice(jade.core.mobility.AgentMobilitySlice.NAME);
// FIXME: set Principal and Credentials
target.moveAgent(id, where);
public void cloneAgent(AID id, Location where, String newName) throws Throwable {
// Do as if it was a remote call from the main to allow
// security checks to take place if needed
jade.core.mobility.AgentMobilitySlice target = (jade.core.mobility.AgentMobilitySlice) getProxyToLocalSlice(jade.core.mobility.AgentMobilitySlice.NAME);
// FIXME: set Principal and Credentials
target.copyAgent(id, where, newName);
private SliceProxy getProxyToLocalSlice(String serviceName) throws Throwable {
Service svc = myServiceFinder.findService(serviceName);
return (SliceProxy) myIMTPManager.createSliceProxy(serviceName, svc.getHorizontalInterface(), myIMTPManager.getLocalNode());
// END of support for the in-process interface section
Issue an INFORM_CREATED vertical command.
Note that the Principal, if any, is that of the
owner of the newly born agent, while the Credentials, if any, are a set
additional initial credentials to be attached to the newly born agent.
The SecurityService, if active,
will create a new Principal for the newly born agent and will initialize its
credentials as the union of the initial credential and the ownership
public void initAgent(AID agentID, Agent instance,
JADEPrincipal ownerPrincipal, Credentials initialCredentials)
throws NameClashException, IMTPException, NotFoundException, JADESecurityException {
// Replaces wildcards
agentID.setName(JADEManagementOntology.adjustAgentName(agentID.getName(), new String[] {myID.getName()}));
// Setting the AID and toolkit here is redundant, but
// allows services to retrieve their agent helper correctly
// when processing the INFORM_CREATED command.
GenericCommand cmd = new GenericCommand(jade.core.management.AgentManagementSlice.INFORM_CREATED, jade.core.management.AgentManagementSlice.NAME, null);
cmd.addParam( ownerPrincipal );
cmd.addParam( initialCredentials );
Object ret = myCommandProcessor.processOutgoing(cmd);
if (ret != null) {
if (ret instanceof NameClashException) {
throw ((NameClashException) ret);
else if (ret instanceof IMTPException) {
throw ((IMTPException) ret);
else if (ret instanceof NotFoundException) {
throw ((NotFoundException) ret);
else if (ret instanceof JADESecurityException) {
throw ((JADESecurityException) ret);
else if (ret instanceof Throwable) {
((Throwable) ret).printStackTrace();
throw new IMTPException("Unexpected error initializing agent "+agentID.getName(), (Throwable) ret);
public NodeDescriptor getNodeDescriptor() {
return myNodeDescriptor;
protected void init() throws IMTPException, ProfileException {
myCommandProcessor = myProfile.getCommandProcessor();
// main-host option takes precendence over dectect-main
if (myProfile.getBooleanProperty(Profile.DETECT_MAIN, false) && !myProfile.getBooleanProperty(Profile.MAIN_HOST, false)) {
// FIXME check correctness of cast to ProfileImpl
try {
// Create and initialize the IMTPManager
myIMTPManager = myProfile.getIMTPManager();
mainDetectionListener = null;
if (myProfile.getBooleanProperty(Profile.DETECT_MAIN, true) && ((ProfileImpl)myProfile).isMain()) {
try {
mainDetectionListener = MainDetectionManager.createListener((ProfileImpl)myProfile, myIMTPManager);
catch (ProfileException pe) {
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(myProfile.getBootProperties().getProperty(Profile.DETECT_MAIN))) {
// The detect-main option was explicitly set to true in the boot properties --> let the exception through
throw pe;
else {
// The detect-main option was NOT explicitly specified in the boot properties --> just print a warning
myLogger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Automatic main-detection mechanism initialization failed ("+pe.getMessage()+"). Mechanism disabled!");
finally {
if (myProfile.getBooleanProperty(Profile.DUMP_OPTIONS, false)) {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, "Startup options dump:\n"+myProfile);
// Get the Service Manager and the Service Finder
myServiceManager = myProfile.getServiceManager();
myServiceFinder = myProfile.getServiceFinder();
// Attach CommandProcessor and ServiceManager to the local node
BaseNode localNode = (BaseNode) myIMTPManager.getLocalNode();
myMainContainer = myProfile.getMain();
// This string will be used to build the GUID for every agent on
// this platform.
// Build the Agent IDs for the AMS and for the Default DF.
// Create the ResourceManager
myResourceManager = myProfile.getResourceManager();
// Initialize the Container ID
TransportAddress addr = (TransportAddress) myIMTPManager.getLocalAddresses().get(0);
myID = new ContainerID(myProfile.getParameter(Profile.CONTAINER_NAME, PlatformManager.NO_NAME), addr);
myNodeDescriptor = new NodeDescriptor(myID, myIMTPManager.getLocalNode());
Add the node to the platform with the basic services
protected void startNode() throws IMTPException, ProfileException, ServiceException, JADESecurityException, NotFoundException {
// Initialize all services (without activating them)
List services = new ArrayList();
List l = myProfile.getSpecifiers(Profile.SERVICES);
myProfile.setSpecifiers(Profile.SERVICES, l); // Avoid parsing services twice
initAdditionalServices(l.iterator(), services);
// Register with the platform (pass only global services to the Main)
ServiceDescriptor[] descriptors = new ServiceDescriptor[services.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.length; ++i) {
descriptors[i] = (ServiceDescriptor) services.get(i);
// This call performs the real connection to the platform and can modify the
// name of this container
myServiceManager.addNode(myNodeDescriptor, descriptors);
creationTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// If we are the master main container --> initialize the AMS and DF. Do that before booting all services
// since during service boot some messages may be directed to the AMS or DF
if(myProfile.isMasterMain()) {
myMainContainer.initSystemAgents(this, false);
// Once we are connected, boot all services
// If we are the master main container --> start the AMS and DF.
if(myProfile.isMasterMain()) {
myMainContainer.startSystemAgents(this, null);
void initMandatoryServices(List services) throws ServiceException {
ServiceDescriptor dsc = startService("jade.core.management.AgentManagementService", false);
dsc = startService("jade.core.messaging.MessagingService", false);
dsc = startService("jade.core.messaging.LightMessagingService", false);
dsc = startService("jade.core.resource.ResourceManagementService", false);
void initAdditionalServices(Iterator serviceSpecifiers, List services) throws ServiceException {
while(serviceSpecifiers.hasNext()) {
Specifier s = (Specifier) serviceSpecifiers.next();
String serviceClass = s.getClassName();
boolean isMandatory = false;
if ( s.getArgs() != null ) {
isMandatory = CaseInsensitiveString.equalsIgnoreCase( (String) s.getArgs()[0], "true" );
try {
ServiceDescriptor dsc = startService(serviceClass, false);
catch (ServiceException se) {
if (isMandatory) {
throw se;
else {
myLogger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Exception initializing service " + serviceClass , se);
void bootAllServices(List services) throws ServiceException {
Iterator it = services.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
ServiceDescriptor dsc = (ServiceDescriptor) it.next();
try {
catch(Throwable t) {
if ( dsc.isMandatory() ) {
throw new ServiceException("Error while booting mandatory service " + dsc.getName(), t);
else {
myLogger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Exception booting service " + dsc.getName(), t);
boolean joinPlatform() {
try {
// Perform the initial setup from the profile
// Connect the local node to the platform and activate all the services
catch (IMTPException imtpe) {
myLogger.log(Logger.SEVERE,"Communication failure while joining agent platform: " + imtpe.getMessage());
return false;
catch (JADESecurityException ae) {
myLogger.log(Logger.SEVERE,"Authentication or authorization failure while joining agent platform.");
return false;
catch (Exception e) {
myLogger.log(Logger.SEVERE,"Some problem occurred while joining agent platform.");
return false;
// Create and activate agents that must be launched at bootstrap
joined = true;
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, "--------------------------------------\nAgent container " + myID + " is ready.\n--------------------------------------------");
return true;
private void checkLocalHostAddress() {
String address = Profile.getDefaultNetworkName();
if (address.equals(Profile.LOCALHOST_CONSTANT) || address.equals(Profile.LOOPBACK_ADDRESS_CONSTANT)) {
myLogger.log(Logger.WARNING, "\n***************************************************************\nJAVA is not able to detect the local host address.\nIf this container is part of a distributed platform, use the\n-local-host option to explicitly specify it\n***************************************************************\n");
private void cleanIMTPManager() {
// In case container startup failed, we clean IMTPManager resources.
// This is important when the JVM is not killed on JADE termination.
if (myIMTPManager != null) {
private void startBootstrapAgents() {
try {
List l = myProfile.getSpecifiers(Profile.AGENTS);
Iterator agentSpecifiers = l.iterator();
while(agentSpecifiers.hasNext()) {
Specifier s = (Specifier) agentSpecifiers.next();
if (s.getName() != null) {
AID agentID = new AID(s.getName(), AID.ISLOCALNAME);
try {
getContainerProxy(myNodeDescriptor.getOwnerPrincipal(), myNodeDescriptor.getOwnerCredentials()).createAgent(agentID, s.getClassName(), s.getArgs());
String serviceName = jade.core.management.AgentManagementSlice.NAME;
Service svc = myServiceFinder.findService(serviceName);
jade.core.management.AgentManagementSlice target = (jade.core.management.AgentManagementSlice) myIMTPManager.createSliceProxy(serviceName, svc.getHorizontalInterface(), myIMTPManager.getLocalNode());
GenericCommand dummyCmd = new GenericCommand(null, null, null);
target.createAgent(agentID, s.getClassName(), s.getArgs(), myNodeDescriptor.getOwnerPrincipal(), null, target.CREATE_ONLY, dummyCmd);
catch (Throwable t) {
myLogger.log(Logger.SEVERE,"Cannot create agent "+s.getName()+": "+t.getMessage());
else {
myLogger.log(Logger.WARNING,"Cannot create an agent with no name. Class was "+s.getClassName());
// Now activate all agents (this call starts their embedded threads)
AID[] allLocalNames = localAgents.keys();
for (int i = 0; i < allLocalNames.length; i++) {
AID id = allLocalNames[i];
if(!id.equals(theAMS) && !id.equals(theDefaultDF)) {
try {
catch (NotFoundException nfe) {
// Should never happen
// If the Misc add-on is in the classpath and the -jade_core_AgentContainerImpl_enablemonitor option is not explicitly set to false, activate a ContainerMonitorAgent
if (myProfile.getBooleanProperty(ENABLE_MONITOR, true)) {
try {
getContainerProxy(myNodeDescriptor.getOwnerPrincipal(), myNodeDescriptor.getOwnerCredentials()).createAgent(monitorId, MONITOR_AGENT_CLASS, new Object[]{this, localAgents});
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO, "Container-Monitor agent activated");
catch (Throwable t) {
// The Misc add-on is not in the classpath --> Just do nothing
catch (ProfileException pe) {
myLogger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Error reading initial agents. "+pe);
public void shutDown() {
// Remove all non-system agents
Agent[] allLocalAgents = localAgents.values();
for(int i = 0; i < allLocalAgents.length; i++) {
// Kill agent and wait for its termination
Agent a = allLocalAgents[i];
// Skip the Default DF and the AMS
AID id = a.getAID();
if(id.equals(getAMS()) || id.equals(getDefaultDF()))
//System.out.println("Killing agent "+a.getLocalName());
//System.out.println("Done. Waiting for its termination...");
//System.out.println("Agent "+a.getLocalName()+" terminated");
try {
if (mainDetectionListener != null) {
catch(IMTPException imtpe) {
catch(ServiceException se) {
// Release Thread resources
// Notify the JADE Runtime that the container has terminated execution
joined = false;
private void checkCreationTime() {
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
if ((time - creationTime) < 3000) {
try {Thread.sleep(3000 - (time - creationTime));} catch (Exception e) {}
// Call Runtime.instance().endContainer()
// with the security priviledges of AgentContainerImpl
// no matter priviledges of who originaltely triggered this action
private void endContainer() {
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
// AgentToolkit interface implementation
public Location here() {
return myID;
Issue a SEND_MESSAGE VerticalCommand for each receiver
public void handleSend(ACLMessage msg, AID sender, boolean needClone) {
Iterator it = msg.getAllIntendedReceiver();
// If there are multiple receivers the message must always be cloned
// since the MessageManager will modify it. If there is a single
// receiver we clone it or not depending on the needClone parameter
boolean isFirst = true;
while (it.hasNext()) {
AID receiver = (AID)it.next();
if (isFirst) {
needClone = needClone || it.hasNext();
isFirst = false;
GenericCommand cmd = new GenericCommand(jade.core.messaging.MessagingSlice.SEND_MESSAGE, jade.core.messaging.MessagingSlice.NAME, null);
ACLMessage toBeSent = null;
if (needClone) {
toBeSent = (ACLMessage) msg.clone();
else {
toBeSent = msg;
GenericMessage gmsg = new GenericMessage(toBeSent);
// Set the credentials of the sender
initCredentials(cmd, sender);
Object ret = myCommandProcessor.processOutgoing(cmd);
if (ret != null) {
if (ret instanceof Throwable) {
// The SEND_MESSAGE VerticalCommand was blocked by some Filter
// before reaching the Messaging Souce Sink --> Issue
// a NOTIFY_FAILURE VerticalCommand to notify the sender
cmd = new GenericCommand(jade.core.messaging.MessagingSlice.NOTIFY_FAILURE, jade.core.messaging.MessagingSlice.NAME, null);
cmd.addParam(new InternalError("Message blocked: "+ret));
ret = myCommandProcessor.processOutgoing(cmd);
if (ret != null) {
if (ret instanceof Throwable) {
((Throwable) ret).printStackTrace();
// FIXME: to be removed
public void handlePosted(AID agentID, ACLMessage msg) {
GenericCommand cmd = new GenericCommand(jade.core.event.NotificationSlice.NOTIFY_POSTED, jade.core.event.NotificationSlice.NAME, null);
Object ret = myCommandProcessor.processOutgoing(cmd);
if (ret != null) {
if (ret instanceof Throwable) {
((Throwable) ret).printStackTrace();
Issue a NOTIFY_RECEIVED VerticalCommand
public void handleReceived(AID agentID, ACLMessage msg) {
GenericCommand cmd = new GenericCommand(jade.core.event.NotificationSlice.NOTIFY_RECEIVED, jade.core.event.NotificationSlice.NAME, null);
// No security check is meaningful on this action --> don't even set the Credentials
Object ret = myCommandProcessor.processOutgoing(cmd);
if (ret != null) {
if (ret instanceof Throwable) {
((Throwable) ret).printStackTrace();
public void handleBehaviourAdded(AID agentID, Behaviour b) {
GenericCommand cmd = new GenericCommand(jade.core.event.NotificationSlice.NOTIFY_BEHAVIOUR_ADDED, jade.core.event.NotificationSlice.NAME, null);
// No security check is meaningful on this action --> don't even set the Credentials
Object ret = myCommandProcessor.processOutgoing(cmd);
if (ret != null) {
if (ret instanceof Throwable) {
((Throwable) ret).printStackTrace();
public void handleBehaviourRemoved(AID agentID, Behaviour b) {
GenericCommand cmd = new GenericCommand(jade.core.event.NotificationSlice.NOTIFY_BEHAVIOUR_REMOVED, jade.core.event.NotificationSlice.NAME, null);
// No security check is meaningful on this action --> don't even set the Credentials
Object ret = myCommandProcessor.processOutgoing(cmd);
if (ret != null) {
if (ret instanceof Throwable) {
((Throwable) ret).printStackTrace();
public void handleChangeBehaviourState(AID agentID, Behaviour b, String from, String to) {
GenericCommand cmd = new GenericCommand(jade.core.event.NotificationSlice.NOTIFY_CHANGED_BEHAVIOUR_STATE, jade.core.event.NotificationSlice.NAME, null);
// No security check is meaningful on this action --> don't even set the Credentials
Object ret = myCommandProcessor.processOutgoing(cmd);
if (ret != null) {
if (ret instanceof Throwable) {
((Throwable) ret).printStackTrace();
// FIXME: to be removed
public void handleChangedAgentPrincipal(AID agentID, JADEPrincipal oldPrincipal, Credentials creds) {
new Object[]{agentID, oldPrincipal, (AgentPrincipal)certs.getIdentityCertificate().getSubject()});
try {
myPlatform.changedAgentPrincipal(agentID, certs);
catch (IMTPException re) {
catch (NotFoundException nfe) {
public void handleChangedAgentState(AID agentID, int oldState, int newState) {
AgentState from = AgentState.getInstance(oldState);
AgentState to = AgentState.getInstance(newState);
GenericCommand cmd = new GenericCommand(jade.core.management.AgentManagementSlice.INFORM_STATE_CHANGED, jade.core.management.AgentManagementSlice.NAME, null);
// No security check is meaningful on this action --> don't even set the Credentials
Object ret = myCommandProcessor.processOutgoing(cmd);
if (ret != null) {
if (ret instanceof Throwable) {
((Throwable) ret).printStackTrace();
public void handleEnd(AID agentID) {
GenericCommand cmd = new GenericCommand(jade.core.management.AgentManagementSlice.INFORM_KILLED, jade.core.management.AgentManagementSlice.NAME, null);
// Set the credentials of the terminating agent
initCredentials(cmd, agentID);
Object ret = myCommandProcessor.processOutgoing(cmd);
if (ret != null) {
if (ret instanceof Throwable) {
((Throwable) ret).printStackTrace();
public void setPlatformAddresses(AID id) {
GenericCommand cmd = new GenericCommand(jade.core.messaging.MessagingSlice.SET_PLATFORM_ADDRESSES, jade.core.messaging.MessagingSlice.NAME, null);
// No security check is meaningful on this action --> don't even set the Credentials
Object ret = myCommandProcessor.processOutgoing(cmd);
if (ret != null) {
if (ret instanceof Throwable) {
((Throwable) ret).printStackTrace();
public AID getAMS() {
return (AID)theAMS.clone();
public AID getDefaultDF() {
return (AID)theDefaultDF.clone();
public String getProperty(String key, String aDefault) {
return myProfile.getParameter(key, aDefault);
public Properties getBootProperties(){
return myProfile.getBootProperties();
public ServiceHelper getHelper(Agent a, String serviceName) throws ServiceException {
try {
// Retrieve the service
Service s = myServiceFinder.findService(serviceName);
if(s == null) {
throw new ServiceNotActiveException(serviceName);
return s.getHelper( a );
catch (IMTPException imtpe) {
throw new ServiceException(" ServiceHelper could not be created for: " + serviceName, imtpe);
// Private and package scoped methods
public String getPlatformID() {
return AID.getPlatformID();
public Agent addLocalAgent(AID id, Agent a) {
// Initialize the agent message queue after the toolkit is set and before the agent is inserted in the LADT
return localAgents.put(id, a);
public void powerUpLocalAgent(AID agentID) throws NotFoundException {
Agent instance = localAgents.acquire(agentID);
if (instance == null) {
throw new NotFoundException("powerUpLocalAgent() failed to find agent "+agentID.getName());
int type = (agentID.equals(theAMS) || agentID.equals(theDefaultDF) ? ResourceManager.SYSTEM_AGENTS : ResourceManager.USER_AGENTS);
Thread t = myResourceManager.getThread(type, agentID.getLocalName(), instance);
instance.powerUp(agentID, t);
public void removeLocalAgent(AID id) {
public Agent acquireLocalAgent(AID id) {
return localAgents.acquire(id);
public void releaseLocalAgent(AID id) {
public boolean isLocalAgent(AID id) {
return localAgents.contains(id);
public AID[] agentNames() {
return localAgents.keys();
public void fillListFromMessageQueue(List messages, Agent a) {
MessageQueue mq = a.getMessageQueue();
synchronized(mq) {
public void fillListFromReadyBehaviours(List behaviours, Agent a) {
Scheduler s = a.getScheduler();
// (Mutual exclusion with Scheduler.add(), remove()...)
synchronized (s) {
Iterator it = s.readyBehaviours.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Behaviour b = (Behaviour) it.next();
behaviours.add(new BehaviourID(b));
public void fillListFromBlockedBehaviours(List behaviours, Agent a) {
Scheduler s = a.getScheduler();
// (Mutual exclusion with Scheduler.add(), remove()...)
synchronized (s) {
Iterator it = s.blockedBehaviours.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Behaviour b = (Behaviour) it.next();
behaviours.add(new BehaviourID(b));
/*public void commitMigration(Agent instance) {
/*public void abortMigration(Agent instance) {
public void addAddressToLocalAgents(String address) {
Agent[] allLocalAgents = localAgents.values();
// Add the address to the AIDs of all local agents
for(int j = 0; j < allLocalAgents.length; j++) {
// Add the new addresses to the AMS and Default DF AIDs
public void removeAddressFromLocalAgents(String address) {
Agent[] allLocalAgents = localAgents.values();
// Remove the address from the AIDs of all local agents
for(int j = 0; j < allLocalAgents.length; j++) {
// Remove the address from the AIDs of the AMS and the Default DF
public boolean postMessageToLocalAgent(ACLMessage msg, AID receiverID) {
Agent receiver = localAgents.acquire(receiverID);
if(receiver == null) {
return false;
return true;
public ContainerID getID() {
return myID;
public MainContainer getMain() {
return myMainContainer;
return null;
public ServiceManager getServiceManager() {
return myServiceManager;
public ServiceFinder getServiceFinder() {
return myServiceFinder;
// Utility method to start a kernel service
protected ServiceDescriptor startService(String name, boolean activateIt) throws ServiceException {
try {
Class svcClass = Class.forName(name);
Service svc = (Service)svcClass.newInstance();
svc.init(this, myProfile);
ServiceDescriptor dsc = new ServiceDescriptor(svc.getName(), svc);
if (activateIt) {
return dsc;
catch(ServiceException se) {
// Let it through
throw se;
catch(Throwable t) {
throw new ServiceException("An error occurred during service activation", t);
protected void stopService(String name) throws ServiceException {
try {
catch(ServiceException se) {
// Let it through
throw se;
catch(Throwable t) {
throw new ServiceException("An error occurred during service deactivation", t);
public void becomeLeader(AMSEventQueueFeeder feeder) {
try {
myMainContainer.initSystemAgents(this, true);
myMainContainer.startSystemAgents(this, feeder);
myProfile.setParameter(Profile.LOCAL_SERVICE_MANAGER, "false");
catch(Exception e) {
//FIXME: These methods have been added to support
// PlatformListener registration from the In-process-interface
// with minimum effort. They will possibly be removed in a
// future (more general) implementation
public void addPlatformListener(AgentManager.Listener l) throws ClassCastException {
AgentManager m = (AgentManager) myMainContainer;
public void removePlatformListener(AgentManager.Listener l) throws ClassCastException {
AgentManager m = (AgentManager) myMainContainer;
private void initCredentials(Command cmd, AID id) {
Agent agent = localAgents.acquire(id);
if (agent != null) {
try {
CredentialsHelper ch = (CredentialsHelper) agent.getHelper("jade.core.security.Security");
catch (ServiceException se) {
// The security plug-in is not there. Just ignore it
public boolean isJoined() {
return joined;