* ***************************************************************
* JADE - Java Agent DEvelopment Framework is a framework to develop
* multi-agent systems in compliance with the FIPA specifications.
* Copyright (C) 2000 CSELT S.p.A.
* GNU Lesser General Public License
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
* version 2.1 of the License.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* **************************************************************
package jade.content.lang.leap;
import jade.content.lang.*;
import jade.content.onto.*;
import jade.content.abs.*;
import jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema;
import jade.util.leap.*;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Date;
import java.io.*;
* Content language codec for the LEAP language
* @author Federico Bergenti - Universita` di Parma
public class LEAPCodec extends ByteArrayCodec {
public static final String NAME = "LEAP";
private transient ByteArrayOutputStream outBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
private transient DataOutputStream outStream = new DataOutputStream(outBuffer);
private transient Vector stringReferences = new Vector();
private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream oin) throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
outBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
outStream = new DataOutputStream(outBuffer);
stringReferences = new Vector();
// Types
private static final byte PRIMITIVE = 0;
private static final byte AGGREGATE = 1;
private static final byte CONTENT_ELEMENT_LIST = 2;
private static final byte OBJECT = 3;
// Markers for structured types
private static final byte ELEMENT = 4;
private static final byte END = 5;
// Primitive types
private static final byte STRING = 6;
private static final byte BOOLEAN = 7;
private static final byte INTEGER = 8;
private static final byte LONG = 9;
private static final byte FLOAT = 10;
private static final byte DOUBLE = 11;
private static final byte DATE = 12;
private static final byte BYTE_SEQUENCE = 13;
// Modifiers
private static final byte MODIFIER = (byte) 0x10; // Only bit five set to 1
private static final byte UNMODIFIER = (byte) 0xEF; // Only bit five cleared to 1
/* LEAP Language operators
public static final String INSTANCEOF = "INSTANCEOF";
public static final String INSTANCEOF_ENTITY = "entity";
public static final String INSTANCEOF_TYPE = "type";
public static final String IOTA = "IOTA";
* Construct a LEAPCodec object i.e. a Codec for the LEAP language
public LEAPCodec() {
* Encodes an abstract descriptor holding a content element
* into a byte array.
* @param content the content as an abstract descriptor.
* @return the content as a byte array.
* @throws CodecException
public synchronized byte[] encode(AbsContentElement content) throws CodecException {
try {
write(outStream, content);
return outBuffer.toByteArray();
catch (Throwable t) {
throw new CodecException("Error encoding content", t);
* Encodes a content into a byte array.
* @param ontology the ontology
* @param content the content as an abstract descriptor.
* @return the content as a byte array.
* @throws CodecException
public byte[] encode(Ontology ontology, AbsContentElement content) throws CodecException {
return encode(content);
* Decodes the content to an abstract descriptor.
* @param content the content as a byte array.
* @return the content as an abstract description.
* @throws CodecException
public AbsContentElement decode(byte[] content) throws CodecException {
throw new CodecException("Not supported");
* Decodes the content to an abstract description.
* @param ontology the ontology.
* @param content the content as a byte array.
* @return the content as an abstract description.
* @throws CodecException
public synchronized AbsContentElement decode(Ontology ontology, byte[] content) throws CodecException {
if (content.length == 0) {
return null;
try {
ByteArrayInputStream inpBuffer = new ByteArrayInputStream(content);
DataInputStream inpStream = new DataInputStream(inpBuffer);
AbsObject obj = read(inpStream, ontology);
return (AbsContentElement) obj;
catch (Throwable t) {
throw new CodecException("Error decoding content", t);
* Synchronized so that it can possibly be executed by different threads
private void write(DataOutputStream stream, AbsObject abs) throws Throwable {
if (abs instanceof AbsPrimitive) {
Object obj = ((AbsPrimitive) abs).getObject();
if (obj instanceof String) {
writeString(stream, STRING, (String) obj);
else if (obj instanceof Boolean) {
stream.writeBoolean(((Boolean) obj).booleanValue());
else if (obj instanceof Integer) {
stream.writeInt(((Integer) obj).intValue());
else if (obj instanceof Long) {
stream.writeLong(((Long) obj).longValue());
else if (obj instanceof Float) {
stream.writeFloat(((Float) obj).floatValue());
else if (obj instanceof Double) {
stream.writeDouble(((Double) obj).doubleValue());
else if (obj instanceof Date) {
stream.writeLong(((Date) obj).getTime());
else if (obj instanceof byte[]) {
byte[] b = (byte[]) obj;
stream.write(b, 0, b.length);
if (abs instanceof AbsAggregate) {
writeString(stream, AGGREGATE, abs.getTypeName());
AbsAggregate aggregate = (AbsAggregate) abs;
for (int i = 0; i < aggregate.size(); i++) {
write(stream, aggregate.get(i));
if (abs instanceof AbsContentElementList) {
AbsContentElementList acel = (AbsContentElementList) abs;
for (int i = 0; i < acel.size(); i++) {
write(stream, acel.get(i));
// If we get here it must be a complex OBJECT
writeString(stream, OBJECT, abs.getTypeName());
String[] names = abs.getNames();
for (int i = 0; i < abs.getCount(); i++) {
writeString(stream, ELEMENT, names[i]);
AbsObject child = abs.getAbsObject(names[i]);
write(stream, child);
* Synchronized so that it can possibly be executed by different threads
private synchronized AbsObject read(DataInputStream stream,
Ontology ontology) throws Throwable {
byte type = stream.readByte();
//if (type == PRIMITIVE) {
// byte primitiveType = stream.readByte();
// AbsPrimitive abs = null;
if ((type&UNMODIFIER) == STRING) {
return AbsPrimitive.wrap(readString(stream, type));
if (type == BOOLEAN) {
boolean value = stream.readBoolean();
return AbsPrimitive.wrap(value);
if (type == INTEGER) {
int value = stream.readInt();
return AbsPrimitive.wrap(value);
if (type == LONG) {
long value = stream.readLong();
return AbsPrimitive.wrap(value);
if (type == FLOAT) {
float value = stream.readFloat();
return AbsPrimitive.wrap(value);
if (type == DOUBLE) {
double value = stream.readDouble();
return AbsPrimitive.wrap(value);
if (type == DATE) {
long value = stream.readLong();
return AbsPrimitive.wrap(new Date(value));
if (type == BYTE_SEQUENCE) {
byte[] value = new byte[stream.readInt()];
stream.read(value, 0, value.length);
return AbsPrimitive.wrap(value);
//return abs;
String typeName = readString(stream, type);
AbsAggregate abs = new AbsAggregate(typeName);
byte marker = stream.readByte();
do {
if (marker == ELEMENT) {
AbsObject elementValue = read(stream, ontology);
if (elementValue != null) {
try {
abs.add((AbsTerm) elementValue);
catch (ClassCastException cce) {
throw new CodecException("Non term element in aggregate");
marker = stream.readByte();
while (marker != END);
return abs;
AbsContentElementList abs = new AbsContentElementList();
byte marker = stream.readByte();
do {
if (marker == ELEMENT) {
AbsObject elementValue = read(stream, ontology);
if (elementValue != null) {
try {
abs.add((AbsContentElement) elementValue);
catch (ClassCastException cce) {
throw new CodecException("Non content-element element in content-element-list");
marker = stream.readByte();
while (marker != END);
return abs;
// If we get here it must be a complex OBJECT
String typeName = readString(stream, type);
// DEBUG System.out.println("Type is "+typeName);
ObjectSchema schema = ontology.getSchema(typeName);
// DEBUG System.out.println("Schema is "+schema);
AbsObject abs = schema.newInstance();
byte marker = stream.readByte();
do {
if ((marker&UNMODIFIER) == ELEMENT) {
String attributeName = readString(stream, marker);
AbsObject attributeValue = read(stream, ontology);
if (attributeValue != null) {
AbsHelper.setAttribute(abs, attributeName, attributeValue);
marker = stream.readByte();
while (marker != END);
return abs;
private final void writeString(DataOutputStream stream, byte tag, String s) throws Throwable {
int index = stringReferences.indexOf(s);
if (index >= 0) {
// Write the tag modified and just put the index
//System.out.println("String "+s+" already encoded");
else {
if ((s.length() > 1) && (stringReferences.size() < 256)) {
private final String readString(DataInputStream stream, byte tag) throws Throwable {
String s = null;
if ((tag&MODIFIER) != 0) {
int index = stream.readUnsignedByte();
if (index < stringReferences.size()) {
s= (String) stringReferences.elementAt(index);
else {
s = stream.readUTF();
if ((s.length() > 1) && (stringReferences.size() < 256)) {
return s;